Annual Conference 2013

Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies

In association with Liverpool University Press

Francophone Postcolonial Studies and Book Culture

Friday 22 & Saturday 23 November 2013

Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London,

Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Friday, 22 November 2013

10.00-10.20     Registration

10.20-.10.30    Welcome

10.30-12.00     Panel 1: Literary Institutions

  • Madeline Bedecarré, ‘Le Rôle de la francophonie comme institution culturelle’
  • Claire Ducournau, ‘Du Débrouillard à “Continents Noirs’: les editions Gallimard et les auteurs issus de l’Afrique subsaharienne francophone’
  • Patrick Crowley, ‘Manifeste pour une Cité internationale de la littérature and the ghost of Bourdieu’

12.00-2.00       Lunch/AGM

2.00-3.30         Panel 2: Parallel Sessions

Panel 2a: (Mis)Translation

  • Marcella Frisani, ‘”A Literature with a New International Perspective”: Les Conditions sociales de circulation de la contemporary fiction “francophone” dans le marché britannique de la traduction’
  • Caroline Williamson, ‘Posttraumatic Growth at the International Level: The Obstructive Role of Translators and Editors’
  • Tobias Warner, ‘Mariama Bâ in Translation: World Literature and the Legibility of Feminist Critique in the English and Wolof Versions of Une si longue lettre’

Panel 2b : National Book cultures

  • Raphaël Thierry, ‘Situation de l’édition camerounaise au sein du marché global du livre’
  • Ursula Gonthier, ‘Print and Power from Persia to Paris : Djavann rewrites Montesquieu’
  • Faisal Sahbi and Mehdi Souiah, ‘La nouvelle littérature algérienne au miroir de la presse algérienne francophone : lectures dans les stratégies de subversion et de connivence’

3.30-4.00         Coffee/Tea

4.00-5.00         Panel 3: Parallel Sessions

Panel 3a: Books and the Internet

  • Roxanna Curto, ‘The Internet Poetics of Patrick Chamoiseau and Edouard Glissant’
  • Stella Cambrone-Lasnes, ‘La Re-présentation de l’espace francophone Caribéen à travers la promotion en ligne de romans antillais contemporains’

Panel 3b: Archives

  • Patrick Corcoran, ‘Genetic Criticism and the Archive(s): Rethinking Les Soleils des Indépendances
  • Lia Nicole Brozgal, ‘The October 17 Archives: Literary Scholarship, Historical Documents’

5.00-6.00         Plenary Session – Chair: Ruth Bush

Publishers’ Panel: Publishing Francophone African Literature in Translation

James Currey (James Currey Publishing)
Becky Nana Ayebia Clarke (Ayebia Clarke Publishing)
Pete Ayrton (Serpent’s Tail)

6.00-7.00         Vin d’Honneur

7.30                 Dinner



Saturday, 23 November 2013

10.30-11.30     Panel 4: Parallel Sessions

Panel 4a: Book Prizes

  • Megan MacDonald, ‘Death and Prizes: Moroccan Francophone Literary Cultures: Reading from the Outside In’
  • Alessandra Benedicty, ‘Fetishizing Poverty? Contemporary ‘Postcolonial’ Prize-Winning Fiction in French: Ananda Devi and Dany Laferrière’

Panel 4b: Manuscripts

  • Rachel Douglas, ‘Genetic Criticism à la postcoloniale?’
  • Paul R. Davis, ‘Alpha Yaya Diarra and Arts Fra-Den le Soudan’

11.30-12.00     Coffee/Tea

12.00-1.00       Panel 5: Parallel Sessions

Panel 5a:  Globalisation of the Book Industry

  • Ines Bugert, ‘Strategies of Globalizing Maghrebian Authorship: Kebir Ammi and his Work, Apulé, mon éditrice et moi’
  • Audrey Small, ‘“Works Written in French Should be Taken to be Published in Paris: Towards a Fair Trade in Francophone Literature’

Panel 5b: Languages and the Book

  • Eugène Tavares, ‘Littératures Africaines : Les anthologies en question’
  • Anne Ouallet and Soufian Al Karjousli : Lecture postcoloniale de l’islam et des confréries à partir et au-delà du « Livre »’

1.00-2.30         Lunch

2.30-3.30         Panel 6: Parallel Sessions

Panel 6a: Book Culture in Haiti

  • Justin Izzo, ‘The Nation as Ethnographic Public: Jean Price-Mars’s Haiti (in Book Form)’
  • Kate Hodgson, ‘The Cry of Freedom: Early Haitian Print Culture and Global Abolitionism’

Panel 6b: Paratexts

  • Catherine Gilbert, ‘(Mis)Leading Paratexts? Framing Rwandan Women’s Testimonial Literature’
  • Nicole Dunham, ‘A Book Within a Title; a Title Within a Book: Dany Laferrière’s Je suis un écrivain japonais

3.30-4.00         Tea/Coffee

4.00-5.00         Dorothy Blair Memorial Lecture- Chair: Nicki Hitchcott

Lydie Moudileno, ‘Inventaire de nos bibliothèques postcoloniales’



5.00                 Close of Conference

For registration details, please click here. The original call for papers is here.