Annual Conference 2021 (Re)thinking (Post)Colonial Landscapes in the Francophone World (Re)penser les paysages (post)coloniaux dans le monde francophone

Friday 12th& Saturday 13th November 2021 – online conference   

Alix Le Juge, ‘Island in the City, La Place des Armes’, 2017


Confirmed Keynote speaker: Dr. Jason Allen-Paisant (University of Leeds).

Roundtable with Carl de Souza (novelist), Alix Le Juge (artist) and David Constantin (film director).

To register email providing your email address, name and institution.



Day 1 – Friday 12th of November 


09:15 – 09:30 





09:30– 10:40 


Kate Marsh Memorial Lecture  

Chair Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool. 

Jason Allen-Paisant, University of Leeds. ‘Landscape and gestic imagination: On the aesthetic as existence/on existence as an aesthetic in Port-au-Prince’ 


10:40 – 11:00 

Coffee break 



11:00 – 12:30 


Panel 1: Evolving landscapes 

Chair Kate Hodgson, University College Cork 


Panel 2: Colonial representations of landscape 

Chair Sarah Arens, University of Saint Andrews 


Orane Onyekpe-Touzet, University of Warwick. ‘The Evolution of the Representation of Nature in Patrick Chamoiseau’s works from the Creole Garden to the Unthinkable Island’. 

Finola O’Kane, University College Dublin. ‘Structuring the Colonial Picturesque; Comparing the Representation of Jamaica and Saint-Domingue (Haiti) in the Long Eighteenth Century’. 

Sura Qadiri, University of Cambridge. ‘Plants and the Postsecular: Looking at Landscapes in Marie NDiaye’s Autoprotrait en vert and Sofiane Hadjadj’s Un si parfait jardin’. 


Emily Lord Fransee, University of Mississippi. ‘Dead Moons and New Suns: Imagined Environments of Cosmic Conquest in French Science Fiction’. 


Abigail Fields, Yale University.
‘Listening for the Olive
Trees’ Jazz: For an
Animist Ecopoetics in the Work of
Samira Negrouche’

Mary Gallagher, University College Dublin. ‘The Landscape as Plantation or ‘Habitation’? Homes and Gardens in Settled French/Francophone Caribbean Writing’. 


12:30 – 14:00 




14:00 – 15:30 


Panel 3: (Neo)colonial urban landscape 

Chair Giulia Champion, University of Essex

Panel 4: Environmentalism and territory 

Chair Claire Griffiths, University of Chester 

Matthieu Duperrex, ENSA Marseille. ‘Un transect du colonialisme environnemental, l’oued Bouskoura à Casablanca’. 

Fraser McQueen, University of Stirling. ‘The Threat of Eco-Fascism in Literary Grands Remplacements in French’.  

Messan Tossa, Université de Lomé. ‘Survivances architecturales de la colonisation allemande sur le littoral togolais’. 

Jackqueline Frost, CNRS/ENS de Paris. ‘Maquisard Terrestrialities: Irregular Ecologies in Anticolonial and Antifascist Struggle’. 

Sarah Buekens, Université de Gand. ‘Déchets et injustice sociale : la géographie urbaine dans la littérature des îles de l’océan Indien’. 

Manfa Sanogo, University College Dublin. ‘Mort aux ancêtres ! : art, jeunesse et la réappropriation de l’espace publique à Antananarivo’. 



15:30 – 15:45 

Coffee Break 



15:45 – 17:15 


Panel 5: Colonising the landscape 

Chair Rebecca Glasberg, UCLA

Panel 6: Human and non-human ecologies 

Chair Jemima Hodgkinson, University of Liverpool 


Meghan O’Donoghue, University of Virginia. ‘Classroom or Farm? Lessons on the Land in Colonial French West African Schools, 1919-1940’.  

Jane Hiddleston, University of Oxford. ‘Transculturalism and Ecology in Francophone North African Poetry: Human/Nonhuman and Global/Local Communities’. 


Fabiola Obame and Melissa Mengue, Université de Bretagne Occidentale. ‘Réflexion sur les parcs coloniaux en Afrique centrale’. 

Hanane Essaydi, Faculté de Lettres de Marrakech. ‘L’« horizontale plénitude du vivant » Pour une poétique du vivant dans l’œuvre de Patrick Chamoiseau’. 


Juliana Coelho, University of São Paulo. ‘Mise en Scène et pouvoir colonial : Les paysages lointains de l’Exposition Coloniale de 1931’. 




17:15 – 17:30 

Close day 1 





Day 2 – Saturday 13th November 


09:30 – 11:00 


Panel 7: Reinventing the feminised landscape 

Chair Fraser McQueen, University of Stirling


Panel 8: Traumatic landscapes 

Chair Rebecca Infield, University of Warwick 

Giulia Champion, University of Essex. ‘La terre mère: Decolonising Motherscapes in Postcolonial Francophone Works’. 

Clare Finburgh Delijani, Goldsmiths, University of London. ‘(Post)Colonial Seascapes: The Middle Passage in Recent Francophone Theatre’. 


Josephine Goldman, University of Sydney. ‘Water holding women, women holding rising water: Guy Gabon’s “artivism” and reclaiming feminised island space’. 

Clíona Hensey, National University of Ireland Galway. ‘Le paradis perdu n’est pas un mythe”: Witnessing the (post)colonial landscape in Zahia Rahmani’s literary trilogy’. 


Yvette Gracia Essongue, Université Omar Bongo de Libreville. ‘L’écoféminisme comme outil d’engagement dans les romans d’Honorine Ngou et de Léonora Miano’. 

Margaret Cunningham, Queen’s University Belfast. ‘Landscape and/as female memory in French Caribbean Disaster Narratives’. 



11:00 – 11:20 

Coffee break 



11:20 – 12:50 


Roundtable: Creative responses to landscape change in post-colonial Mauritius  

Chair Julia Waters, University of Reading 

in conversation with Alix Le Juge (artist); Carl de Souza (novelist); David Constantin (film director) 



12:50 – 13:50 




13:50 – 15:20 


Panel 9: Haunted landscapes 

Chair Chris Hogarth, University of South Australia 

13:50 – 15: 40 


Panel 10: Human destruction of the landscape 

Chair Natalie Edwards, University of Adelaïde 

John Patrick Walsh III, University of Pittsburgh. ‘Suleiman’s Ghost: Specters of ‘Emerging Senegal’ in Mati Diop’s Atlantique’. 

Alice Desquilbet, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle. ‘Les profonds contre les paysages : Des terres et des hommes au cœur de l’extractivisme aurifère (Mali et Guyane)’. 

Benjamin Hiramatsu Ireland, Texan Christian University. ‘Anti-Nuclear Writing and Hauntological Islands: Francophone Asia-Pacific Literatures of Jimmy Ly, Ra’i Chaze, and Henri Hiro’ 

Marie Bouchereau, Université Jean Monnet, St-Etienne/UQAM. ‘Emprise et empreinte : étude écocritique de la métaphore de l’empreinte humaine dans L’Empreinte à Crusoé de Chamoiseau et Petroleum de Bessora’. 

Ari J. Blatt, University of Virginia. ‘Ruined Landscapes: On Thomas Jorion’s Vestiges d’empire’ 

Freya Davies-Ardill, University of Adelaide. ‘‘Archipelagic
aesthetics of disaster in a
rapidly changing climate’’.


Subha Xavier, Emory University. ‘Climate Migrants on a Boat’. 


15:30 – 15:45 


Coffee break 


15: 45 – 17:15 


Panel 11: Alternative epistemologies of landscape 

Chair Rebekah Vince, Queen Mary, University of London


Panel 12: Landscape and belonging 

Chair Antonia Wimbush, University of Liverpool

Juliette Papadopoulos, Tulane University. ‘“Justice by Nature” and the relationship with the landscape in Samuel Mvolo’s Les fiancés du Grand Fleuve (1973) and J. Fame Ndongo’s L’A-Fric (2008)’. 

Anna-Leena Toivanen, University of Eastern Finland. ‘Mobilities and urban landscapes in Francophone African narratives of diasporic return’.  

Olubunmi O. Ashaolu, Obafemi Awolowo University. ‘Motherist and Ecocritical Consciousness in Sembène Ousmane’s O pays! mon beau peuple’. 

Sheila Petty, University of Regina. ‘Landscape and Cultural Heritage in Recent Moroccan Amazigh Documentary Films’.  

Deborah Leter, City University of New York. ‘Rethinking Epistemic Landscapes Through Utopian Essays: An Examination of Léonora Miano’s Afropea and Felwine Sarr’s Afrotopia’. 




17:15 – 17:45 


Closing remarks and vin d’honneur