SFPS Postgraduate Study Day 2015


30 May 2015 – Queen’s University Belfast



09.30 – 10.00 Registration and Welcome (Lanyon 0G/074)
10.00 – 10.40 Training Session: ‘Beyond the PhD: Applying for an academic post’ Dr Charlotte Baker
11.00 – 12.30 Panel A – Theorising Memory

Rebekah Vince: Multidirectional memory – in which direction? The Holocaust, colonialism and exile in Valérie Zenatti’s Jacob, Jacob

Edward Still: Rocked, Cradled and Shaken: Melancholic stances in Qui Se Souvient de la Mer

Agathe Zobenbuller: De Lazare à Lagarce: identité palimpseste and lazarean presence in the work of Jean-Luc Lagarce

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch
13.30 – 15.00 Panel B – Memory and Gender

Sarah Arens: Negotiating Space and Transnational Memories in Patrick François’ La dernière larme du lac Kivu

Laura McGinnis: Re-Membering Masculinity: The Role of Memory in Antillean Women Writers’ Constructions of Masculine Identity

Antonia Wimbush: Personal Memory and Exile in Nina Bouraoui’s Autobiographical Fiction

15.00 – 15.15 Tea and Coffee
15.15 – 16.45 Panel C – Algerian Memories

Hugh Hiscock: Recovering and Mapping Harki Memory Through Narrative

Barry Nevin: ‘C’est honteux, ce que nous avons fait…’:  Interrogating the Relationship between France and its Algérie in Jean Renoir’s Le Bled

Robin Holmes: Concrete Difference: Paul Landowski’s Algerian monument from WWI to decolonization

16.45 – 17.45 Keynote: ‘Palimpsestic encounters between colonial and Holocaust memories’, Professor Max Silverman
17.45 – 18.00 Close


For more information, visit https://sfpspostgrads2015.wordpress.com/