(Be)Longing in the Francophone World
Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies Postgraduate Study Day
University of Birmingham, 20 June 2016
9:30-10:00 Registration and Coffee/Tea
10:00-10:15 Welcome
10:15-11:45 (Non-)Belonging and Exile
- Antonia Wimbush (University of Birmingham) – Bumidom: Exploitation or Emancipation? Women, Migration and Belonging in French Caribbean Literature
- Hugh Hiscock (University of Liverpool) – Negotiating Nostalgia and Inheritance: Contemporary Narratives of Pied-noir Memory
- Beatrice Ivey (University of Leeds) – Malika Mokeddem’s Longing and Non-Belonging in the Mediterranean Sea
11:45-12:45 Dr. Helen Vassallo (University of Exeter) – Keynote: Exile and (Be)longing in Contemporary Francophone Women’s Writing
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Gender and (Be)longing
- Aleena Karim (University of Birmingham) – Unveiling Algeria: The Women’s Narrative in The Battle of Algiers (1966)
- Rebecca Rosenberg (University of Nantes) – Community and Communion through Writing: Unheard Voices in Maïssa Bey’s Cette fille-là (2011) and Hizya (2015)
- Foara Adhikari (University of Lancaster) – Belonging to a Literary Constellation Called Francophonie: The idea of ‘difference’ in Ananda Devi’s Moi, l’Interdite (2000)
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break
15:45-16:45 Dr. Catherine Gilbert (University of London) – Academic Careers: An Early Career Researcher’s Perspective
16:45-18:15 (Trans-)National Identity
- Monika Kukolova (University of Manchester) – Constructing Mande Ethnic Identity in Contemporary Francophone West African cinema
- Rebekah Vince (University of Warwick) – Intégration ou intégrisme? The Depiction of the Arab Israeli in Yasmina Khadra’s L’Attentat (2005)
- Dawn Ng (Université Paris-VIII) – “Exiliterature” or the Literature of Exile: The (Trans)frontier Work of Linda Lê
18:15-19:00 Drinks Reception
For more information see https://sfpspg2016.wordpress.com/