conference, monthly mailing, new titles, news

SFPS Monthly Mailing: August 2010

31st July 2010

New Publications by SFPS Members

Charlotte Baker, Study Guide to Sassine: ‘Saint Monsieur Baly’ (University of Glasgow French and German Publications, 2010)

 Charlotte Baker’s study Guide to Sassine: ‘Saint Monsieur Baly’ is number 56 in the Glasgow Guides series, ISBN 978-0-85261-839-4, iv + 52 pp., £6 post paid from


Martin Munro, Different Drummers: Rhythm and Race in the Americas (University of California Press, 2010)


Long a taboo subject among critics, rhythm finally takes center stage in this book’s dazzling, wide-ranging examination of diverse black cultures across the New World. Martin Munro’s groundbreaking work traces the central—and contested—role of music in shaping identities, politics, social history, and artistic expression. Starting with enslaved African musicians, Munro takes us to Haiti, Trinidad, the French Caribbean, and to the civil rights era in the United States. Along the way, he highlights such figures as Toussaint Louverture, Jacques Roumain, Jean Price-Mars, The Mighty Sparrow, Aimé Césaire, Edouard Glissant, Joseph Zobel, Daniel Maximin, James Brown, and Amiri Baraka. Bringing to light new connections among black cultures, Munro shows how rhythm has been both a persistent marker of race as well as a dynamic force for change at virtually every major turning point in black New World history.

Paperback, 296 pages

ISBN: 9780520262836

July 2010

$27.50, £19.95

 Hardcover, 296 pages

ISBN: 9780520262829

July 2010

$65.00, £44.95


G. V. Banks Memorial Lecture & Mireille Best Memorial Lecture
Thursday 30th September 2010, 2.30pm
University of Birmingham, UK


Guadeloupean Author Maryse Condé and her Translator Richard Philcox

An afternoon celebrating the work of Maryse Condé, followed by a translation workshop by Richard Philcox on Condé and Fanon.

All welcome; there is no attendance fee for any part of the event.

Details of the event are also available on the Birmingham French Studies FRANCOPOCO pages at:

Thursday 30th September 2.30pm – 6pm

Room TBC – on main Edgbaston Campus. The University of Birmingham has its own train station and easy road access. For directions see:
2.30 pm           An Introduction to Maryse Condé, grande dame of Caribbean literature
Dr Louise Hardwick, University of Birmingham
2.45 pm           G. V. Banks Memorial Lecture (in French)
Maryse Condé, ‘Itinéraire d’un écrivain caribéen’
3.45 pm           Light Refreshments

4pm – 5.30 pm Mireille Best Memorial Lecture (in English)
Richard Philcox, ‘Translation Workshop: Translating Maryse Condé and Frantz Fanon’

5.30 – 6pm       Questions, Comments and General Discussion
6pm                 Close

Sponsored by the G. V. Banks Memorial Fund, the Mireille Best Memorial Fund, the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, and the University of Birmingham Research and Knowledge Transfer Fund.

This event is organised through the University of Birmingham FRANCOPOCO (Francophone Colonial and Postcolonial) Network. This event also forms part of the Postcolonial Birmingham initiative, a programme of interdisciplinary events supported by the University of Birmingham Conflict & Security Studies Network.

Founded in 1900, the University of Birmingham is England’s first civic university; FRANCOPOCO events continue this spirit of innovation and inclusion and are open to all members of the University and members of the local community – and beyond – with an interest in contemporary France and the wider French-speaking world.

Visit the FRANCOPOCO Homepage for details of this and other events at Birmingham:


 New Francophonies and Colonial Languages in a Global World

April 7-9, 2011

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of French

Keynote speakers:
Professor Emeritus Albert Valdman, Indiana University
Professor Sylvie Dubois, Louisiana State University
Professor Françoise Lionnet, University of California Los Angeles

Languages: French and English

This interdisciplinary conference on francophonies grows out of an interest in borders,
boundaries, points of interface and mixing—between languages, communities and
networks (political and social), as well as genres, disciplines, and paradigms. It will
consider the ways in which French and other former colonial language communities
imagine themselves through culture, where we understand culture as a means of
expressing identity in and through spoken and written discourse, literature, drama,
speech, and music.

Among the key questions and themes for possible panels and presentations are the
How many francophonies are there?n In what ways do they articulate themselves in
different places?
To whatn extent are there, or will there be world Frenches?
Are there competingn models or visions of globality or globalization, and how might
they impact the study of languages, regions, and disciplines?
To what extent are theren geographical and historical links between spaces of writing
and those of representation, and how (if at all) do the former impact the latter?
Whatn is the importance of such (related?) subjects as langues véhiculaires, code-
switching, linguistic in-betweens and cultural hybridity, and the existence of self-contained

language communities for French in a global context?
What importance should be accorded to France’s colonial presencen and continuing
influence in many of these locations?
What are then benefits and limitations of holding an official policy towards language,
and does actual usage test the boundaries of such official policies over time?
n What are the benefits and limitations of academic standards, practices and policies
with regard to language divisions and language use? How will these issues shape the
future of graduate studies in the field?

The conference proposes to engage a debate by addressing the issues from
linguistic, historical and literary/cultural perspectives. This is appropriate since the
term francophonie implies both language and literature produced in historical times
and places. Our goal will be to encourage the participants to bridge disciplinary
boundaries in order to find fresh entries into the questions raised and to propose
entirely new questions.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: OCTOBER 15, 2010

Submissions in French or in English should be sent electronically both as text (in the
body of the email) and as MSWord attachment to the following e-mail address:

Papers may be given in French or in English. Presentations selected for the conference

will be considered for subsequent publication in one or more edited volumes and/or journal

special issues. All submissions must contain the following information:
E-mail address:
Mailing address, phone and fax number:
Title of proposed paper or panel:
Brief description of same (250-500 words):

Contact: Adlai Murdoch and Zsuzsanna Fagyal,


Post-slavery, post-imperial, post-colonial? Contesting historical divides in francophone Africa
An interdisciplinary research colloquium marking the 50th anniversary of political independence in francophone West Africa

University of Chester

10 September 2010

10.00 – 10.20                      Registration and coffee

10.20 – 10.30                      Welcome and introduction

Theme 1    Contesting historiographies of francophone Africa

10.30 – 11.00                     Jonathan Derrick  Looking back to France of 100 million inhabitants: roots of the present in colonial French Africa

11.00 – 11.30                     Martin Evans & David Perfect  Trouble with the neighbours? Contemporary constructions and colonial legacies in relations between Senegal and The Gambia

11.35 – 12.05                     Simon Massey  Ties that bind and ties that don’t: Frances role in bringing together and pulling apart the people of the Comoros archipelago

12.05 – 12.25                     Discussion
12.30-1.30                         Sandwich lunch*

Theme 2     Mapping the colonial imprint on francophone African social policy and education

1.30 – 2.00                         Claire Griffiths   Shifting centres and static peripheries: geographies of power in francophone African gender and development

2.00 – 2.30                         Brenda  Garvey   Re-locating the traditional: the role of story-telling in the Senegalese classroom

2.35 – 3.05                         Edith Esch  [title to be confirmed] Legacies of French and English pedagogical cultures in Cameroon

3.05 – 3.20                          Discussion
3.20 – 3.35                         Refreshments

Theme 3     Re-imagining the past and re-thinking the present: postcoloniality and cultural production
3.35-5.15                         «Productions culturelles africaines et leur réception dans les réseaux transnationaux entre fixation identitaire et transgression: Un regard depuis la France»
Postgraduate panel:
Alice Burgin (University of Melbourne & Université de Paris X – Nanterre)
Charlotte Arndt (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Sarah Burnautzki (EHESS Paris & Heidelberg University).

5.20-6.00                         Filming francophone Africa (a selection of recent shorts from Cinémathèque Afrique, Paris)

 6.00                                Round table discussion: New directions in research on francophone Africa

The colloquium is located on the ground floor of the Best Building, University of Chester, Parkgate Road, Chester CH1 4BJ.

 For further information contact:
Prof Claire Griffiths, Modern Languages/Francophone Africa research group
Dr Brenda Garvey, Modern Languages/ Francophone Africa research group
Dr Martin Evans, International Development Studies/ Francophone Africa research group

* A sandwich lunch and refreshments will be provided during the day. For the purposes of catering please send an email to Brenda at by 1 September 2010 if you are planning to attend and notify us of any dietary restrictions.
We will book a table for dinner in a local restaurant on Friday evening, if you would like to join us please let us know well in advance (10-11 September are race days in Chester and local restaurants and hotels get very booked up).

Supported by the African Studies Association of the UK.


Appel à contribution


(In)visibles cités coloniales : Stratégies de domination et de résistance de la fin du XIXe siècle à nos jours. 

Colloque international et pluridisciplinaire

24 et 25 mars 2011 – Strasbourg

Date limite : 1 septembre 2010


 Le colloque se propose de mettre en lumière les relations entre processus de colonisation et d’urbanisation à travers les notions de visibilité / invisibilité. La colonisation fait intervenir systématiquement des rapports de pouvoir et la substitution d’un ordre par un autre de façon plus ou moins violente ou radicale. Il s’agira non seulement d’étudier les pratiques urbanistiques qui se caractérisent par une forme de domination, de cécité, d’incompréhension par rapport à un territoire urbain, mais également les résistances à cette domination et leurs manifestations culturelles (usages, événements, …) et objectales (spatiales et architecturales).

 1)Villes-strates : superpositions spatiales et temporelles

 La ville visible se présente comme une surface reposant sur diverses couches ou strates temporelles. Elle n’est jamais une dans l’instant, « synchrone avec elle-même » (Marcel Roncayolo, La Ville et ses territoires, 1990), car l’espace « se verticalise » dans le temps. Le lieu urbain étant « un feuilleté d’Histoire » (Henri Lefebvre, La production de l’espace, Paris, 1974), l’identité d’une ville réside dans la profondeur, dans la diachronie qui s’exprime dans les strates historiques, réelles, imaginaires ou symboliques, qui fondent les lieux. Or, les processus de colonisation dénient la présence de strates invisibles sous ou dans la ville visible : la ville coloniale se construit sur un lieu (ou non loin d’un lieu) déjà occupé précédemment, lui déniant toute épaisseur, profondeur historique et diversité sociale.

 2) La question du mimétisme colonial

 La construction d’une ville coloniale vise le plus souvent à reproduire, à « dupliquer » la ville métropolitaine, mettant en oeuvre un phénomène de « mimétisme » (Homi Bhabha, The Location of Culture, 1994) élevé au rang urbain. Cette colonisation urbanistique reste centrée sur la question de la reproduction, elle-même ancrée dans l’idée de modèle et de copie, d’authenticité et de pastiche, dont il conviendra de mettre en avant l’ambivalence en posant la question des limites de toute re-production architecturale. L’invisibilité se situe alors au sein d’un « espace-tiers », dans le décalage plus ou moins perceptible entre la copie et l’original.

 3) Laboratoires d’idées nouvelles et projections utopiques

 La ville coloniale peut également être abordée comme une projection utopique qui se prend dans le rêve de la cité idéale : les représentations de l’espace urbain se superposent alors à l’élaboration de modèles sociaux. Ainsi, les « fronts pionniers », compris comme un mouvement de colonisation d’une société à l’intérieur de ses propres frontières politiques, impliquent la conquête d’un espace tenu pour neuf et « vierge » et la négation des cultures existantes. Ces terres que l’on cherche à s’approprier servent de surface de projection à des villes imaginées/imaginaires, dont la réalisation effacera toute réalité antérieure. A l’invisibilité d’un espace perdu, se superpose l’invisibilité de la ville en devenir, bâtie parfois seulement dans le rêve des pionniers. Toutes ces villes en devenir ne sont pas promises au futur brillant qu’ambitionnent pour elles leurs bâtisseurs. Si certaines parviennent à se structurer et perdurer, d’autres végètent, voire tendent à devenir des « villes-fantômes », comme celles de l’Ouest américain.

 4) Stratégies de résistance

 Dans tous les cas, la colonisation cherche à transformer l’existant, à l’englober, à le recomposer selon l’ordre établi par les colons. Elle génère l’invisibilité dans la ville par la fusion ou par l’occultation, voire le camouflage des populations autochtones. L’on pourra s’interroger sur les rapports de domination et de résistance entre les colons et les autochtones, sur la place accordée à ces derniers au sein de l’espace physique, géographique et social : en périphérie, dans les interstices, hors des limites de la ville ? L’on pourra également questionner les stratégies de résistance à la mise en conformité coloniale élaborées par ces derniers, ainsi que les directions et les formes diverses qu’elles ont pu prendre.

 Ce colloque étant pluridisciplinaire, les contributions attendues pourront concerner aussi bien la littérature que la sociologie, l’ethnologie, la géographie, l’urbanisme, etc. et porter sur des supports divers (architecture, peinture, cinéma, romans, bande dessinée…).

 Contacts / Comité scientifique :

 Aurélie Choné, Mcf études germaniques, Responsable du programme MISHA « Villes invisibles et écritures de la modernité : vers une nouvelle géographie de l’identité », équipe d’accueil « Mémoires et frontières » (EA 1341) :

 Karine Dupré, Mcf architecture, Directrice du département Architecture INSA de Strasbourg :

 Laurence Granchamp Florentino, Mcf sociologie, Laboratoire « Cultures et Sociétés en Europe » (FRE 3229) :

 Catherine Repussard, Mcf études germaniques, équipe d’accueil « Mémoires et frontières » (EA 1341) :

 Frais d’inscription au colloque : 50 euros (tarif normal) ; 20 euros (doctorants).

 Soumission des propositions et des articles :

 Les titres et résumés de 1 500 mots, accompagnés des coordonnées, statut et adresse administrative des conférenciers, sont à envoyer pour le 1er septembre 2010 à l’adresse mail suivante :

 Les articles, d’un maximum de 40 000 signes (espaces non compris), mis aux normes comme indiqué sur le site à la rubrique « Publications », sont à retourner pour le 30 avril 2011 par voie postale à l’adresse suivante :

Aurélie Choné

 Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace (MISHA)

5 allée du Général Rouvillois – CS 50008 – 67083 Strasbourg cedex

 et par voie électronique à l’adresse suivante :

 Langues du colloque : allemand, anglais, français, avec une préférence pour la langue française, y compris pour les articles écrits.


 Society for French Studies

52nd Annual Conference

Queen Mary, University of London

  4 – 6 July 2011



** Keynote speakers include Richard Parish (University of Oxford) and Richard Terdiman (University of California, Santa Cruz)**

We are pleased to invite proposals for papers (in English or French; duration: 20 minutes) for panel sessions on the following topics:

Children’s fiction/children in fiction

France and Islam

Magic and fiction: medieval and early modern

After Merleau-Ponty: phenomenology and its transformation


French cultural reconfigurations of Algeria

Tense and time

Le français: pluriforme, protéïforme

Visualizing science and technology

Kin and community

The suggested topics may be interpreted widely and are intended to encompass as broad an historical range as may be applicable. Please provide a short abstract (250-300 words per paper), outlining the argument of the proposed paper. Abstracts should be framed with a view to addressing an audience made up of both specialists and non-specialists and should include the contact details (electronic and regular mail) of the proposer.

The Society is also encouraging proposals  for complete panels (of 3 or 4 speakers) on any area of French studies and it is hoped that approximately half of the sixteen parallel sessions at the conference will emerge from complete-panel proposals.  These should include the names, e-mail and postal addresses of all speakers, and those of the proposed session chair, who should not be one of the speakers. As well as a 250-300-word abstract for each speaker, proposals should contain a brief outline of the rationale and motivation of the proposed panel (no more than one printed page). One individual involved should be clearly designated as the proposer with overall responsibility for the proposed session.

Papers and panels are selected on the basis of peer review: you should know by late October 2010 whether it has been possible to include your paper/panel.

Please send abstracts (by e-mail) by 10 September 2010 to the Conference Officer, Dr Adam Watt. E-mail: For further information on the conference, please see our website


“CARIBBEAN UNBOUND V: Vodou and Créolité”

Franklin College Conference on Caribbean Literature & Culture

Keynote Speaker: Simone Schwarz-Bart, novelist and playwright

Thursday evening, April 7th – Saturday, April 9th, 2011


Location: Franklin College Switzerland

Via Ponte Tresa 29, 6924 Sorengo (Lugano), Switzerland


Possible panel topics:

Vodou and Gender / L’oeuvre de Simone Schwarz-Bart / Materialism and Folk Religion/ Zombies and ‘revenants’ in novels by André and Simone Schwarz-Bart/ Chamoiseau et l’oralité / Caribbean Cityscapes / Traumas / Diasporic Vodou / Representation of Caribbean Women/ Comparative Caribbean Fiction / Caribbean Literary Chronologies: Négritude, Antillianité, and Créolité (Negritud-Negrismo, Antillanidad e Hibridez)/ Caribbean Modernity/ Caribbean Cinema & Films about the Caribbean/ Literary Expressions of the Haitian Diaspora in Québec/ Caribbean Performance: Theater, Dance & Music/ Travel Writing / Migration to and from the Caribbean / Reunifying Hispaniola/ Women Voicing Caribbean Realities / Caribbean Autobiography/ Creole Religions of the Caribbean Cultural Zone: Santéria, Candomblé and Vodou/ Anglophone Caribbean Poetry/ Ambiguities of Race, Class and Gender/ Diaspora(s) / Indigenism, Spiralism and Magical Realism / Contemporary French West Indian Fiction/ Conflicting Nationalisms in Haiti and the Dominican Republic / Interplays of Voice, Place and Time/ Vodou and the Haitian Revolution/ The Blacksmiths of Croix-des-Bouquets (in conjunction with “Il Museo delle Culture Extraeuropee” in Lugano) / Caribbeans in Switzerland

DEADLINE for Proposals: submit panel and presentation titles along with a 100 word abstract (via WORD attachment ) by September 25, 2010.

Tel: +41 91 985 22 60 Fax: +41 91 994 41 17

Fees for Registration: 175 Swiss Francs (60 sfr. for graduate students), which include a Caribbean dinner prepared by Franklin College students and staff

For further information contact Prof. Robert H. McCormick, Jr. Email:

Tel. +41.91.986.36.31, website:

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