Calls for papers
1.1 Haiti in a Globalized Frame: International Conference
1.2 International French-Language Comics Conference
Calls for contributions
2.1 Edited volume on Visualizing Violence in Francophone Cultures
2.2 Edited Volume: Postcolonial Comics: Texts, Events, Identities
2.3 Francosphères: Un nouveau Maroc?
2.4 Counter-Cultures in Contemporary Africa
New titles
3.1 Traits chinois / lignes francophones
3.2 Maryse Condé and the Space of Literature
3.3 Words Without Borders, May 2012: Writing from the Indian Ocean
3.4 Women’s Voices from West Africa: An Anthology of Songs from the Sahel
3.5 Ecrivains francophones en exil à Paris. Entre cosmopolitisme et marginalité
Other News
4.1 Registration open for ASMCF Annual Conference : ‘Republican Values’
1.1 Haiti in a Globalized Frame: International Conference
Winthrop-King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Florida State University, 14-16 February 2013
Confirmed speakers: Arnold Antonin, J. Michael Dash, David Geggus, Dany Laferrière, Kettly Mars, Rodney Saint-Eloi
Conference artist: Édouard Duval Carrié
Special closing event: Dany Laferrière at 60, a celebration
Despite its long periods of economic and political isolation, Haiti has always been an important global center, and a particularly modern entity. Born out of the anticolonial struggles of displaced peoples, an amalgam of diverse languages and cultures, it is quintessentially and irrevocably a creation of global modernity. In the earliest days of the nation, Haiti was not considered by its leaders as an anomalous state or an accident of history, but as an integral part of the Americas and of the broader world. Haiti was the center of a new energy that upset established orders across the globe, throwing up a set of challenges, changes, and paradoxes, the effects of which can still be felt to this day. In Haiti’s subsequent history, it has remained a global center, and its triumphs and struggles and their implications and meanings have always overflowed their immediate temporal and spatial contexts. Refusing to be seen as an aberration, a freak of history, Haiti and its meanings still exceed and go beyond its Caribbean borders, and have shaped the history and culture of the broader Americas and the world in significant, if often hidden and obscured ways. Moreover, contemporary globalization continues to have a significant impact on Haiti as it adjusts and responds to the political and social upheaval of the past decade.
This conference develops questions explored in the events organized by the Leverhulme Trust-funded Oxford Caribbean Globalizations project. Its aim is to bring to light Haiti’s role in shaping history, culture, politics and thought beyond its borders and throughout its history. Importantly, too, we aim to understand how the broader developments in global history and associated processes of globalization have impacted on Haiti. The global frame incorporates other frames, including the Caribbean, the Americas, and the Atlantic World; and we also invite proposals that consider Haiti’s position in any of these other geographical, continental and regional frames. Most generally, we welcome proposals for papers that offer new understandings of Haiti’s place in the world, and the world’s place in Haiti. The conference is interdisciplinary, and we encourage proposals for single papers and panels that offer innovative new approaches that relate to the following, non-exhaustive list of possible themes:
- The Revolution as a global event
- Haiti’s natural history and environmentalism
- Aristide and the Global Left
- Haitian music in the diaspora
- Haitian religion in the diaspora
- Global religious movements in Haiti
- Haitian visual art and its global presence
- Global commerce and its effects on Haiti
- Haiti in global literature
- Haiti in travel writing
- Haiti in film
- Global aid organizations and Haiti
- Global responses to disasters in Haiti
- The 2010 earthquake and its after-effects
To submit a proposal for a paper or a panel , please visit the following page:
Deadline for submissions: September 14, 2012. For further information, please contact Martin Munro, or Charles Forsdick,
1.2 International French-Language Comics Conference
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio, U.S.A.)
2–3 November 2012
Critical and theoretical presentations in all areas of French-language comics are invited. The conference will help consolidate recent gains in English-language scholarship on French-language comics and will showcase new avenues of research. Publication of revised versions of a selection of the conference papers is planned in the peer-reviewed journal European Comic Art(
Please send the following material in a Word document (doc or docx) to Mark McKinney ( by 25 July 2012: a 150-word abstract and a 100-word bio-bibliography. All presentations will be in English.
Keynote speakers
Clément Baloup, a cartoonist of Vietnamese and French heritage, has published several graphic narratives devoted to Vietnamese and other groups in France and elsewhere from the colonial period to the present. These include two historical fictions, both with Mathieu Jiro: Le chemin de Tuan [Tuan’s Way] (Seuil, 2005) and Le choix de Hai [Hai’s Choice] (Seuil, 2007). He has authored two biographical works, Quitter Saigon: Mémoires de Viet Kieu [Leaving Saigon: Memories of Viet Kieu] (La Boîte à Bulles, 2006, 2010) and Little Saigon: Mémoires de Viet Kieu (La Boîte à Bulles, 2012), which respectively tell the stories of Vietnamese emigrants to France and the United States. Baloup has also published Un automne à Hànôi [An Autumn in Hanoi] (La Boîte à Bulles, 2004), about his time at the fine arts school of Hanoi. He earned degrees in art at the École Européenne Supérieure de l’Image in Angoulême, France, and at the École des Beaux-Arts de Hanoï, in Vietnam.
Thierry Smolderen is professor at the Ecole Européenne Supérieure de l’Image in Angoulême, where he has been teaching since 1994, and where he coordinates a Masters degree program in comics, together with the University of Poitiers. Among his many publications are Hergé, portrait biographique [Hergé, A Biographical Portrait] (with Pierre Sterckx; Casterman, 1988), and the recent Naissances de la bande dessinée, de William Hogarth à Winsor McCay [The Birth of Comics: From William Hogarth to Winsor McCay] (Les Impressions nouvelles, 2009), which explores the beginnings of the art form from the eighteenth through the early twentieth centuries, and is forthcoming in English translation with the University Press of Mississippi. He was a frequent contributor to Les Cahiers de la bande dessinée and Neuvième art. Professor Smolderen has curated numerous comics exhibitions in France and Belgium. He is also an accomplished script-writer of comics.
Presenters who do not have an up-to-date subscription to European Comic Art will be asked to subscribe with Berghahn. There will also be a reasonable registration fee to pay for conference meals. Information about these fees and about lodging options will be forthcoming.
Sponsors at Miami University include the L.P. Irvin Fund of the Department of French and Italian, the Miami University Special Events Fund, the Humanities Center, the International Visiting Scholar Exchange Fund (from the Office of International Education), Honors and Scholars Program, the International Studies Program, the Department of GREAL, and the Center for American and World Cultures.
Calls for contribution
2.1 Edited volume on Visualizing Violence in Francophone Cultures
Edited by Robert St. Clair and Magali Compan
The intention is to bring together a range of critical perspectives and approaches on visual arts and violence in cultures of French expression. The editors would welcome papers examining the following fields of research: Graphic novels, Films, Caricatures, Sculptures, Paintings, Photography, Computer animation, Fashion, Public performance.
Potential topics for papers may include but are not limited to:
Rhetoric of the Image
Visual Rhetoric of Violence
The Limits/Thresholds of Visual Representation
Counter/Discourses of (Collective) Memory
The Figure/Discourse of the Witness/Witnessing
Spaces of Display and Performance
Landscapes of Violence
(Dis)Figuring Trauma, Traumatic Figures
Performance of Identity
Articles in French or in English will be considered. If you would like to participate in the project, please send a 250-300 word abstract of your article by Friday August 10, 2012 to the following address:
2.2 Edited Volume: Postcolonial Comics: Texts, Events, Identities
This edited volume will examine drawn comic strips (bandes dessinées) as they relate to postcolonialism in contemporary Anglophone and Francophone diasporic cultures. The “comics exceptionalism” (Petersen) of current scholarship in Anglo-American, Japanese, or European traditions miss how contemporary “ninth art” production in postcolonial contexts record historical critique, political action, or emergent transnational narratives of trauma, gender, revolution, and global trafficking. Some helpful critical frames: Comics and the production of postmodern identities, the place of comics within global political communities, transnational comics and new visual technologies.
Please send abstracts in English of 300-400 words by June 15, 2012 to Pia Mukherji, or Binita Mehta at
2.3 Francosphères: Un nouveau Maroc?
Francosphères, the new journal of the University of London Institute in Paris, seeks to define and question the presence of French language and culture across frontiers and borders, as defined by the Franco postcolonial presence, contact with French culture, and the ‘France of the mind’. To this extent, Francosphères is intended as a journal of transcultural and intercultural French Studies. It is therefore a journal that is about liminal spaces rather than operating within the hierarchy of ‘French’ or ‘Francophone’ culture.
Taking its cue from recent advances in postcolonial theory and gender theory, it will also investigate the legitimacy of these issues within France itself as well as in post-colonial territories or territories which have never been under French control. The overall aim is to set in motion a dialogue about what it means to work in ‘French’ Studies in the 21st Century – this fact necessarily also opens up the possibility of Medieval and Early Modern perspectives on the ‘Francosphere’.
Francosphères will thus offer an opportunity to reflect critically on ‘concentrations’ of creative and counter-hegemonic endeavours in which the French language, French culture or an ‘idea’ of Frenchness have played a determining role, thereby contributing to the development of new critical paradigms for our ‘post-national’ era.
Un nouveau Maroc?
In the past decade, Morocco has apparently been at the cutting edge of a cultural renaissance in the Maghreb. This special issue of Francosphères will investigate the parameters of this movement in relation to the following suggestions:
- New Moroccan cinema in Arabic and English
- Moroccan writing in French (fiction and non-fiction)
- The French language press
- The complex relationship between the Spanish-speaking North and French-speaking South
- The politics of gender in French-language writing
- Migration and immigration
- The Arab Spring and the Francosphere
The deadline for submissions is 1st October 2012. To submit a paper please contact:
Sophie Nellis
Editorial Assistant
For further information please visit the Francosphères page of the ULIP website:ères
2.4 Counter-Cultures in Contemporary Africa
UCT’s Centre for African Studies and its interdisciplinary postgraduate, peer-reviewed journal, postamble, invite you to submit papers, photographic essays and book reviews that address the formations and expressions of counter- cultures in Africa.
We understand ‘counter-cultures’ as zones of emergent response, constituting a range of practices, representations and performances, produced by varying narratives and realities. We see counter-cultures as movements that may begin in the fringes of normative society and politics, but that gather momentum and begin to rival the status quo in visible and powerful ways. We think of counter-cultures as the catalysts for social, political and cultural action and change.
postamble welcomes graduate submissions that raise questions about counter-cultures in contemporary Africa. We are interested, but not limited to, submissions that engage with the following fields of enquiry:
- Visual and literary cultures and new medias that seek to challenge traditional or inherited forms, themes, approaches and expectations to art, culture and/ or society
- Revolutionary movements: violent and non-violent responses to state power
- The philosophy of change and the idea of the ‘zeitgeist’
- Everyday practices that undermine, subvert and/or challenge existing power structures and discourses
- Patterns of social response that act as catalysts for change
- Visible and invisible forms of protest
- Shifting forms and modes of social habitation, especially in urban areas
- The use (or misuse) of the public archive
- Post-colonial queer culture, rights and spaces
- Changes within religious models, practices and approaches to worship
- Civil and grass-roots movements
- Musical forms and representations
- Advances in alternative sciences and technologies
postamble publishes original graduate research of a high standard. Long papers should be between 5000 and 8000 words, short submissions between1500 and 3000 words; photographic essays –min 5, and maximum 10 photographs and 1000- 1200 words. Emailed submission should be addressed to ‘The Managing Editor’, and sent to or Please ensure all submissions contain a short abstract (200 words), biography (50 words), with relevant contact details. For correct formatting, please see Submissions on our website:
New titles
3.1 Traits chinois / lignes francophones
Sous la direction de Rosalind Silvester et Guillaume Thouroude (Les Presses de l’université de Montréal)
La fin du XXe siècle a vu l’émergence de la Chine comme puissance économique, mais le monde francophone connaît l’influence culturelle de la Chine depuis bien plus longtemps. Depuis 1880, des auteurs chinois utilisent la langue française pour s’exprimer et pour élaborer des oeuvres variées, souvent polymorphes et transdisciplinaires. Cet ouvrage veut faire le point sur la francophonie chinoise et son histoire.
François Cheng à l’Académie française, Gao Xingjian prix Nobel de littérature, Yan Ming-Pei au Musée du Louvre, Ying Chen célébrée en Amérique du Nord, la communauté chinoise présente tous les signes d’une réussite culturelle éclatante au sein du monde francophone.
En multipliant les approches, ce livre rend compte de la richesse des créateurs franco-chinois. Il s’intéresse aussi à des figures inconnues, comme un peintre oublié des années 1930 et une blogueuse audacieuse. Enfin, en s’aventurant sur des territoires inattendus, l’Afrique par exemple, où les Chinois communiquent souvent en français, les auteurs explorent un champ de recherche qui montre déjà des potentialités esthétiques insoupçonnées.
Ont contribué à cet ouvrage :
Nathalie Bittinger, Cao « Neige » Dong Xue, Roland Carrée,
Benoît Carrot, Ileana Daniela Chirila, Cécilia de Varine,
Jacqueline Estran, Gao Xingjian, Marie-Christine Lambert-Perreault,
Gabrielle Parker, Rosalind Silvester, Guillaume Thouroude, et
Yinde Zhang.
Vient de paraître – mai 2012
Collection « Sociétés et cultures de l’Asie »
ISBN 978-2-7606-2292-0
39,95 $ • 36 e • 320 pages
Couverture : © Gao Xingjian,
Également disponible en version électronique
sur le site Web des PUM
3.2 Maryse Condé and the Space of Literature
Eva Sansavior
Research Monographs in French Studies 32
Legenda: Oxford, May 2012
ISBN: 978-1-906540-94-4
The Guadeloupean writer and critic Maryse Condé has for the last twenty-five years divided her time between her native Guadeloupe and the United States. If the author’s work has attracted much critical attention in the United States, it is the fictional works that have been the focus of this attention with these predominantly read in the light of political themes such as identity and resistance. In these intelligent and sensitive readings, Eva Sansavior argues in favour of adopting a broader thematic and generic approach to the author’s work. Sansavior accounts for the multiple and oblique uses of literature in the Condé’s literary and critical work tracking its complex interactions with tradition, reception, politics and autobiography and also the singular possibilities that these interactions present for re-imagining the ideas of politics, literature, identity and, ultimately, the nature of critical practice itself.
Eva Sansavior is Career Development Fellow in French (Francophone Caribbean Studies) at Oriel College, Oxford.
3.3 Words Without Borders, May 2012: Writing from the Indian Ocean
Guest editor : Françoise Lionnet
This month we spotlight writing from the islands of Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, and Mayotte. Francophone writing in the region dates back to the eighteenth century; the coexistence of French with the area’s other languages (Creole, Malagasy, Arabic, and Hindi), and its relationship to French colonialism, inflect writers’ thematic, stylistic, and syntactic choices. See how J. William Cally, Ananda Devi, Nassuf Djailani, Michel Ducasse, Boris Gamaleya, Alain Gordon-Gentil, Carpanin Marimoutou and Françoise Vergès, Esther Nirina, Barlen Pyamootoo, Jean-Luc Raharimanana, and Umar Timol imaginatively engage with this complex heritage. And guest editor Francoise Lionnet provides an illuminating introduction. Elsewhere, Mauritian writer Nathacha Appanah joins Etgar Keret and Wojciech Jagielski in writing from cities not their own. And we deliver the third installment of Sakumi Tamaya’s “The Hole in the Garden.”
3.4 Women’s Voices from West Africa: An Anthology of Songs from the Sahel
Edited by Aissata G. Sidikou & Thomas A. Hale
“A valuable contribution to the corpus of literature on African women’s verbal art.” ―Fiona Mc Laughlin, University of Florida
“There is a very limited source literature of this kind in French and local African languages, but nothing comparable in English…. It will open doors.” ―Heather Maxwell, University of Virginia
Aissata G. Sidikou and Thomas A. Hale reveal the world of women’s songs and singing in West Africa. This anthology — collected from 17 ethnic traditions across West Africa — introduces the power and beauty of the intimate expressions of African women. The songs, many translated here for the first time, reflect all stages of the life cycle and all walks of life. They entertain, give comfort and encouragement, and empower other women to face the challenges imposed on them by their families, men, and society. Women’s Voices from West Africa opens a new window on women’s changing roles in contemporary Africa.
Aissata G. Sidikou is Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies in the Department of Languages and Cultures at the United States Naval Academy. She is author of Recreating Words, Reshaping Worlds: The Verbal Art of Women from Niger, Mali, and Senegal.
Thomas A. Hale is Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of African, French, and Comparative Literature in the Department of French and Francophone Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature at The Pennsylvania State University. He is author of Griots and Griottes: Masters of Words and Music (IUP, 1999) and editor (with John William Johnson and Stephen Belcher) ofOral Epics from Africa (IUP, 1997).
Indiana University Press
March 2012 128pp 9780253356703 HB £22.99 now only £16 when you quote CS0612WVWA when you order
3.5 Ecrivains francophones en exil à Paris. Entre cosmopolitisme et marginalité
Xavier Garnier et Jean-Philippe Warren (dir.)
Paris : Karthala, coll. “Lettres du Sud”, 2012.
156 p.
EAN 9782811106362
18,00 EUR
Présentation de l’éditeur :
Le présent recueil s’attache plus particulièrement à une dizaine d’auteurs, des plus anciens aux plus contemporains – Tewfik al-Hakim, Elian J. Finbert, A. Strindberg, J.-J. Rabearivelo, B. Dadié, O. Socé, les « retours d’Europe » canadiens, C.-F. Ramuz, E. Ionesco, C. H. Kane, A. Djebar… – qui, à un moment ou à un autre, ont fait de Paris leur lieu de vie, réelle ou rêvée.
Paris soigne son image de ville accueillante pour les artistes et les écrivains venus du monde entier. Ils sont de fait nombreux à avoir adopté cette destination comme une sorte de patrie cosmopolite de l’art et de la littérature. Parmi ceux-ci, les francophones sont dans une position particulière liée au statut de cette ville dans l’imaginaire de la langue française. La capitale de la France, cette ville impériale qui s’ignore, a pu générer chez eux des sentiments concurrents d’attachement et de déracinement plus aigus que chez des immigrants qui n’étaient pas de langue française. Attirés par la « Ville lumière », fuyant la persécution ou simplement l’exiguïté de leur patrie d’origine, ces « expatriés du dedans de la francophonie » se sont sentis à la fois accueillis et repoussés par une ville qui ne cessa de les fasciner.
Xavier Garnier est professeur de littératures francophones à l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 et Jean-Philippe Warren est titulaire de la Chaire d’études sur le Québec à l’Université Concordia (Montréal, Canada).
Other News
4.1 Registration open for ASMCF Annual Conference : ‘Republican Values’
Registration is now open for 2012 Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France on the theme of ‘Republican Values’ which will take place at the University of Bath from 6th-8th September 2012.
Keynote speakers: Dominique Kalifa; Mariette Sineau; Keith Reader.
Pending its posting on the Association’s website, the programme and booking form is available at:
For further information, please contact:
Dr Steve Wharton, FRSA
Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques
Honorary Secretary, ASM&CF
Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies
The University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Tel: + 44 1225 385195, Fax: + 44 1225 386099
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