calls for papers, monthly mailing, news

SFPS Monthly Mailing: August 2012

10th August 2012

1.1 Society for French Studies 54th Annual Conference
1.2 “Migration” British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA) Triennial Conference
1.3 Colonial Education in Africa: Connecting Histories of Education Through Text, Image,Voice, Memory and Word.
1.4 Subjectivity vs. Objectivity in Postcolonial Studies
1.5 NeMLA Roundtable: Haiti after the Earthquake: the Shape, Role and Power of Writing

Calls for contribution
2.1 A New Anthology of Poems from Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Africans

New titles
3.1 Between Republic and Market Globalization and Identity in Contemporary France

Other news
4.1 SPFS Postgraduate Workshop “Francophone Postcolonial Visual Cultures”
4.2 International Workshop “Imagining Contemporary Algerias: Communities, Nation-State, the Maghreb and the Mediterranean”


Society for French Studies 54th Annual Conference

University of Nottingham

1 – 3 July 2013

We are pleased to invite proposals for papers (in English or French; duration: 20 minutes) for panel sessions on the following topics:

Bestsellers: popular reading practices in French and francophone literature

Ghosts and Demons

Textual afterlives

Du côté de chez Swann at 100

France and Africa

Undergrounds and underworlds

Stardom and celebrity in French and francophone culture

French theory and visual culture


Two cultures? French and Latin in the early modern period

The suggested topics may be interpreted widely and are intended to encompass as broad an historical range as may be applicable. Please provide a short abstract (250-300 words per paper), outlining the argument of the proposed paper. Abstracts should be framed with a view to addressing an audience made up of both specialists and non-specialists and should include the contact details (electronic and regular mail) of the proposer.

The Society encourages proposals for complete panels (of 3 or 4 speakers) on any area of French studies and it is hoped that approximately half of the sixteen parallel sessions at the conference will emerge from complete-panel proposals.  These should include the names, e-mail and postal addresses of all speakers, and those of the proposed session chair, who should not be one of the speakers. As well as a 250-300-word abstract for each speaker, proposals should contain a brief outline of the rationale and motivation of the proposed panel (no more than one printed page). One individual involved should be clearly designated as the proposer with overall responsibility for the proposed session.

Papers and panels are selected on the basis of peer review: you should know by late October 2012 whether it has been possible to include your paper/panel. NB In order to allow as many people the opportunity to speak as possible, no individual may present a paper at two successive annual conferences.

Please send abstracts (by e-mail) by 14 September 2012 to the Conference Officer, Dr David Evans. E-mail: For further information on the conference, please see our website

1.2 MIGRATION British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA) Triennial Conference

July 8-11 2013, University of Essex, United Kingdom

The BCLA invites conference papers on the theme of migration, understood as the migration of texts, stories, and myths across cultures and time, media, genres and species, as well as the migration of peoples across lands, seas, and worlds. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

• borders, boundaries, crossings

• exile, displacement, Diaspora

• nomads, refugees, sailors, pirates, argonauts,

• odysseys, expeditions, quests, transits

• departures, destinations, arrivals, Heimat

• worlding, world-litting

• globetrotting, globalectics

• glossolalia, polyphonies, palimpsests

• re-telling, re-inscription, re-visioning

• transmedia, cross-genre, adaptation

• metamorphosis, mutation, metempsychosis

Deadline for submission of proposals (for individual papers or panels): 1st November 2012. Please send proposals, no longer than 250 words, and a brief biographical statement to:


Rosi Braidotti, University of Utrecht

Michael Cronin, Dublin City University

Abdelfattah Kilito, University of Rabat, Morocco – TBC

Maria Tatar, Harvard University

Marina Warner, University of Essex (Presidential Address)

In collaboration with the British School of Rome and the School for Libyan Studies, the BCLA Migration conference will include a dedicated strand of panels, readings, and performances entitled “Through Dido’s Eyes: The Arab Spring in Literature and the Arts”. Dido, an exile, woman, ruler, builder, symbol of the complexity of northern Africa, and the interconnectedness of the Mediterranean, presides over the collaboration between the Society for Libyan Studies, the British School at Rome, the BCLA and the University of Essex. The aim is to create new links between BASIS institutions and the Arab world, and to explore with colleagues from the areas affected by the Arab Spring some of the cultural resonance of this remarkable historical moment.

For more information please contact

1.3 Colonial Education in Africa: Connecting Histories of Education Through Text, Image,Voice, Memory and Word.

July 4-5,  2013 at The School of Education, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

This workshop is designed to invite a research conversation on the history of African colonial education and its legacies through the application of innovative historical methods and approaches (oral history, photographic analysis, media, memory work, representation etc.).  Proposals are invited that address the travel, reception and adaptation of educational ideas and practices in the colonial and post-colonial educational experience in Africa.

Of particular interest is the use of different forms of educational media, textbooks, museums, memorials, films, photographs, oral traditions and others, and their representation of society and of the process of learning and teaching in and under colonial societies. Simultaneously, the workshop seeks to attract scholars who use such media as a historical method in further expanding theunderstanding of colonial education in Africa.

The African colonial and post- colonial context provides fertile ground for this workshop, given the multiple challenges of colonial and post-colonial education systems in the area, the opportunity for exploring new historical methods, and the need to develop networks between scholars in the area across the continent. The proposed workshop is particularly interested in
attracting scholars from a range of perspectives across Africa, including Francophone and Lusophone Africa, and regions across the continent.

Co-sponsored by the Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES), the International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research.

Proposal deadline:  October 31, 2012.  CFP in English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish available at:

Peter Kallaway
Eckhardt Fuchs
Kate Rousmaniere

1.4 Subjectivity vs. Objectivity in Postcolonial Studies


3 & 4 December 2012
Research Laboratory: Langues, Littérature et Civilisation/Histoire en Afrique University of Oran, Algeria

Post-colonial studies have become incontestably interwoven into the trends of social and human sciences since their inception in Anglo-Saxon universities in the late 1970s. Some of these studies culminated in giving birth to a trend instead of a discipline. Correspondingly, despite the works and publications that arose after Edward Said’s founding text Orientalism, no coherent methodology has been established; and this very fact has to do with the questionings related to the ongoing evolution of this aforementioned trend.

In truth, the very interdisciplinary nature of post-colonial studies was initially geared towards general and comparative literature to bring under review, through literary production, notably the novelistic type, the mechanism of colonialism. Then post-colonial studies were to rest on other disciplines including: sociology, history, anthropology and linguistics. In any event, this de facto context was also due to the lack of interest developed towards these studies by those “southern countries” which suffered from colonization and other ex-colonies.

Paradoxically, while those manifesting their interest in such studies and themes were primarily based at Anglo-Saxon universities, especially US universities, those countries concerned with these themes continue to be ‘frozen’ in a historiography that is disconnected from contemporary issues of topical interest. Indeed, the major interest of post-colonial studies lies in the junction made between the colonial and post-colonial periods in former colonies. Being interested mainly in the colonial discourse, post-colonial studies seek to portray how former colonies were and are perceived and represented during and after colonization. Hence, these studies distinguish themselves from militant intellectualism whose concern is mainly centered on politico-economic considerations while denouncing

Having suffered from colonialism for more than a century, Algeria, like many other southern countries, is a case study. In this context, post-colonial studies remain a new field of study for a number of scholars who see how history deals with events without taking into account the very discourse that accompanied colonization until the post-colonial era. This symposium is, on the one hand, an opportunity to raise questions relevant to post-colonial studies, and, on the other hand, a contribution to the study of colonial discourse in former African as well as Asian colonies, including Algeria and India.

Various themes and issues can be tackled within the context of this symposium, including the following examples:
1- What are the methods and objects of post-colonial studies?
2- How were independence struggles led by the colonized portrayed in
literary productions? And how were the colonized depicted?
3- What is the connection between history and post-colonial studies as
taught in history school books?
4- How are the colonial discourses and their ramifications handled in
the mass media?

Abstracts and a short bio notice should be sent by 10 September 2012 to:

Our research team (Laboratoire de Langues, Littérature, Civilisation & Histoire en Afrique) offers full accommodation for 3 nights to all participants. Travel expenses will, however, be at the charge of the participants. Participants are kindly advised to check with the Algerian Embassy in the country of their residence whether they are required to have a visa to get to Algeria.

From: Dennis H Laumann, The University of Memphis         <<>

1.5 NeMLA Roundtable: Haiti after the Earthquake: the Shape, Role and Power of Writing

44th Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)

March 21-24, 2013

Boston, Massachusetts

Host Institution:  Tufts University

In parallel with the historical construction of Haiti as an independent country, Haitian literature has been vibrant for over two centuries. Writers, poets, artists create and note the cultural vivacity of Haiti. The literature reaches different countries, is translated in several languages. Writers are internationally recognized and many receive famous literary prices. Then, on January 12, 2010, the earthquake shakes the earth, the ground of Haiti, shakes the bodies and the souls of people in Haiti and elsewhere. Immediately following the catastrophe, writers continue to write, start writing again, begin to create new works around the earthquake and its aftermath. Several articles, fictions, collective volumes are published. The strength and life of Haitian literature continues to engage readers, awakens new ones. Misery, pain, sadness and death populate the lines, but beauty, courage, vision and hope are also present. Words try to encompass the complexity of the new face of Haiti. Words try to capture the absence. But how is witnessing possible when the event is a catastrophe, when the event took the lives of so many, when the event is about destruction and death? What can writing, what can literature, do to capture death, the death of other people, to transcribe the memory, the loss. And how can literature capture the hope, the necessary survival?

This roundtable is devoted to works written after the earthquake, to the role and power of literature, to the necessity of writing that follows such a traumatic event. How can fiction, poetry, writing in general transcribe the memory, the witnessing? What is the role of literature, what is the role of the writer, when survival becomes central?

Please submit 250-300 word abstracts in English or French to Emmanuelle Vanborre:

Deadline:  September 30, 2012

Please include with your abstract:

Name and Affiliation

Email address

Postal address

Telephone number

A/V requirements (if any; $10 handling fee with registration)

Calls for contribution

2.1 A New Anthology of Poems from Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Africans

Many African countries consider homosexuality immoral. In some, homosexuals are subjected to corporal punishment, imprisonment, or death, simply because of their sexual orientation. These hateful acts are further galvanized by such slogans as “to be homosexual is un-African.”

With this anthology, we reject this slogan and all acts of aggression against members of LGBT communities in Africa. “We maintain that to be homosexual is African.”

We are calling for poems by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals living in Africa and in the Diaspora. The poems may focus on loss, childhood, violence, food, discrimination, love, fruits, disease, migration, strife, etc. In other words, poems on any topic are welcome – and in any form. The only requirement is that each poem must be of high

We prefer unpublished poems. Poems can be in any language; however, translations have to be provided in English. If original poems are accepted, they will be published alongside the translations. If a translator is used, the author should indicate how credit should be acknowledged. Please submit no more than five poems.

Send email submissions to Abayomi Animashaun (<>)
by January 20, 2013. Please include “Poetry Submission” in the subject line.

Abayomi Animashaun
English Department
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
800 Algoma Boulevard
Oshkosh, WI 54901


New titles

3.1 Between Republic and Market Globalization and Identity in Contemporary France

by Sarah Waters

The rise of neo-liberal globalisation has posed major challenges for all European countries, identifying itself as the key political tension of the coming era. Yet, it is in France that globalisation has produced the deepest tensions, and it is here that it has generated its greatest political resistance.

The author pursues two separate lines of enquiry. First, she considers the influence of French political tradition and an enduring legacy of republicanism in shaping contemporary opposition. If globalisation poses a greater ideological threat in France than elsewhere, this is because it comes into conflict with the foundational values and symbols of the French Republic. Secondly, she examines contemporary French opposition as a site for political and ideological renewal. Many critics now agree that it is within this emergent movement, rather than within traditional parties, that new forms of political practice and ideology are being invented.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: Republic against Market
2. Globalisation and French Identity
3. Political Leaders: A New Civilising Mission?
4. French Intellectuals: A War of Worlds
5. A l’Attac. A New Political Identity for the Left
6. Agriculture and Identity: the Confédération paysanne
7. Conclusion

Sarah Waters is currently Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Leeds. She publishes widely on the theory and practice of French social movements and has received rave reviews for her recent Social Movements in France: Towards a New Citizenship, Palgrave, 2003.

Other news

4.1 Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies Postgraduate Workshop

“Francophone Postcolonial Visual Cultures”

Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies, London

26 September 2012


9:30 – 10:15  Registration and welcome tea/coffee

10:15 – 11:15  Keynote 1: Guy Austin (University of Newcastle), Title TBC

11:15 – 11:30  Break

11:30 – 13:00  Panel 1:

Mani Sharpe, ‘Framing as Political Praxis in Alain Resnais Muriel ou le temps d’un retour

Jamal Bahmad, ‘Can the Suburban Speak? Francophone Cinema and the Ethics of Representation in Laila Marrakchi’s Marock (2005)’

Maria Flood, ‘Algerian Film: Postcoloniality, Historicization and Representation’

13:00 – 14:00  Lunch

14:00 – 15:30  Panel 2:

Matt Rushton, ‘Visual Ethnography: Michel Leiris’ L’Afrique fantôme

Tamsin Graves, ‘Marginality, the Musical, and Jazz Manouche: Musical Performance as an Expression of Identity in Tony Gatlif’s Swing

Charlotte Hammond, ‘Re-viewing Cross-Gender Performances in the French Caribbean’

15:30 – 15:45  Break

15:45 – 16:45  Panel 3:

Gareth McAreavey, ‘On Whose Authority? Milgram in Algeria’

Claire McLeod Peters, Title TBC

16:45 – 17:45  Keynote 2: Will Higbee (University of Exeter), Title TBC

17:45 – 18:00  Close

There will be a small charge of £10 for participation in the Study Day. Please contact Catherine Gilbert at the following email address for a registration form:

4.2 International Workshop “Imagining Contemporary Algerias: Communities, Nation-State, the Maghreb and the Mediterranean”

Imagining Contemporary Algerias: Communities, Nation-State, the Maghreb and the Mediterranean

International Workshop, University College Cork, Ireland

September 7-8 2012

Keynote speakers: Salim Bachi (writer) and Jane Hiddleston (Exeter College, Oxford)

Workshop and Project supported by the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences

‘Algeria: Nation and Transnationalism’

Room G 27a, O’Rahilly Building, UCC

Also supported by:

Department of French, University College Cork; l’Ambassade de France en Irlande



9.00 Opening Address:Imagining Contemporary Algerias’

Patrick Crowley, IRCHSS Senior Research Fellow and Megan MacDonald, IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellow; (Department of French, UCC)

9. 30-11.00   Panel: Nostalgia Memory Madness

Elisabetta Bevilacqua (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) ‘Pieds noirs et Juifs d’Algérie: écritures nostalgiques de l’exil’

Kahina Bouanane (CRASC Université d’Oran, Algeria) ‘Folie, Nostalgie, no home land : des invariants structurants de la littérature maghrébine d’expression française’

Aoife Connolly (IRCHSS Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar, NUI, Galway) ‘Reimagining Colonial Algeria: Madness, Nostalgia and Homesickness Through the Eyes of Young Pied-Noir Narrators’

11. 00 Coffee

11.30-1.00    Panel: Nostalgia II

Florence Lhote (Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB, Belgium) ‘La Notion de « distance » dans la représentation fictionnelle algérienne contemporaine’

Lila Adrar (Laboratoire ICAR, CNRS/Université Lyon 2, France) ‘Entre Paris et Constantine : la reconstruction d’une mémoire dans l’œuvre « Mémoires de la Chair » d’Ahlam Mosteghanemi’


2.00 – 3.30   Panel: Mediterranean

Edwige Tamalet Talbayev (Yale University, USA) ‘Journeys of the Self and Others: Allegorical Undoings in Malika Mokeddem’s N’zid

Anna Cavness (Soka University of America, USA) ‘The Raft of Memory: Habib Tengour’s Poetics of Al Djazair’

Abdelkader Cheref (The University of Connecticut, USA) ‘The fight against fascism is also a fight for humanism”: History and ‘Mediterranean Humanism’ in the works of Gabriel Audisio, Albert Camus, Boualem Sansal and Amin Zaoui’


4.00 – 5.00   Panel: Cinema

Joseph McGonagle (The University of Manchester, UK) ‘On the road in contemporary Algeria in Tariq Teguia’s Rome rather than you (2006) andInland (2008)’

Walid Benkahled (School of Creative Arts, Film and Media, University of Portsmouth, UK) ‘Algerian’ Cinema Between Commercial and Political Pressures: The Double Distortion’

5.00 – 6.00 Keynote Speaker

Jane Hiddleston (Exeter College, Oxford University, UK)

‘Algerian Literary Encounters: Reading and Writing in Two Novels by Tahar Djaout’

Followed by a vin d’honneur


9.30 – 11.00          Panel: Youth and Popular Culture

Britta Elena Hecking (Institute for Oriental Studies, University of Leipzig, Germany) ‘Youth in Algiers – on the move in the city of (im)possibilities’

Fanny Gillet-Ouhenia (Centre d’histoire sociale de l’Islam méditerranéen, EHESS, France) ‘La création contemporaine algérienne (2002-2012): mémoire, résistance et redéfinition du local face à la mondialisation’


11. 30 – 13.00        Panel: Political Identity

Mélica Ouennoughi (Université Paris VIII, France) ‘Anthropologie du système coutumier algérien en 1871. Quels chemins coutumiers migratoires ont émergé depuis ces 25 et 30 dernières années (1988-2011)?’

Marisa Fois (Université de Cagliari, Italy) ‘Nation et identité. L’Algérie algérienne dans le discours berbère’

Corbin Treacy (University of Minnesota, USA) ‘Aesthetics and Politics in Contemporary Algeria: Kamel Daoud and the New Engagement


2.00 – 3.00   Keynote Speaker: Salim Bachi (writer, Algeria-France)

3.00 – 4.30   Panel: Literature and Identities

Lynda Chouiten (National University of Ireland, Galway) ‘Nomadism and the Postcolonial Condition in Malika Mokaddem’s Les Hommes qui marchent’ (1990)

Sura Qadiri (Cambridge University, UK) ‘Restructuring Algerian Political Identity in Boualem Sansal’s Le Village de l’allemand

Chantal Michel (Université Lyon 2, France) ‘Identité et fiction dans l’oeuvre de Zahia Rahmani’


4. 30 Guest Speaker

Hadrien Laroche (Writer, France) ‘Derrida. De la décision’

Round Table

Chairs: Patrick Crowley, IRCHSS Senior Research Fellow; Megan MacDonald, IRCHSS Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellow (Department of French, University College Cork)

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