1.1 After the Empires – reflections of European colonialism in a globalized world. Roskilde University.
1.2 Panel: Words, Arts and Migration in Africa : Narrative Exploration. ECAS. Lisbon.
1.3 Teaching Africa and International Studies. Cambridge and Cape Town.
1.4 14th Annual Researching Africa Day Workshop. Oxford.
1.5 Women in Bondage: Local and Transnational Histories. Washington DC.
1.6 Negotiating Independence: new directions in the histories of
decolonisation and the Cold War. Cambridge.
1.7 ASMCF Annual Conference, 2013. Renegotiating social divisions in France and the Francophone world. Leicester.
1.8 Marie NDiaye’s Tales of Power: Being at the End of One’s Rope. A one-day workshop. Paris.
New titles:
2.1 Couleurs de l’esclavage sur les deux rives de la Méditerranée/ The Colours of Slavery on the Shores of the Mediterranean
2.2 Repères-Dorif. ‘Les francophonies et francographies africaines face à la référence culturelle française’
2.3 International Journal of Francophone Studies. ‘Contemporary Women’s Representations of Wounded Bodies and Minds’
2.4 Algerian National Cinema
2.5 Francosphères. Volume 1, Number 2 / 2012
2.6 Relire Mayotte Capécia
Other events/news:
3.1 Black Portraiture[s]: The Black Body in the West. Paris.
3.2 Caribbean Research Seminar in the North. Preston.
3.3 Leeds Centre for French and Francophone Cultural Studies Upcoming Events.
3.4 UCL French Research Seminar. London.
Calls for papers
1.1 After the Empires – reflections of European colonialism in a globalized world. Roskilde University.
May 29‐31, 2013
Extended deadline for abstracts, January 24, 2013!!
Confirmed keynotes: Kwame Nimako, University of Amsterdam, Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool, Alberto Moreiras, Texas A&M University
European colonialism has been a major force shaping the development of the cultural, social and
national orders we know today through enduring patterns of migration, political structures, and
economic relations. The colonial order was a complex of different and violently interwoven cultures
both in Europe and throughout the world, and it had momentous effects on the geopolitical ordering
of the world.
This conference seeks to address the question of colonialism’s aftermath in Europe in two
interrelated ways. On the one hand, through perspectives that highlight the transnational nature of
the problem of colonialism through an emphasis on coloniality, and, on the other hand, through
approaches that explore the different colonial, postcolonial and decolonial strategies. Both
approaches involve a theoretical and a contextual level of engagement:
On the theoretical level, the conference addresses the question of how the study of repercussions of
colonialism/coloniality has developed as a practice in and across the various vernacular postcolonial
histories (Spanish/Hispanic, Francophone, Lusophone, Scandinavian, German etc.). This entails
discussions of (a) the translation and transformation of postcolonial/decolonial studies as the fields
are put into practice within different language areas and academic traditions and (b) coloniality in
Europe, specifically in relation to processes of research and knowledge construction, and the ways
in which these are inserted in wider colonial political practices, for instance in immigration policies
and the development and rescue industry. In both cases, we would like to discuss to what extent
these different approaches enter into certain power relations and patterns when viewed in a
comparative perspective.
On the contextual level the conference is concerned with how the postcolonial problem/coloniality
manifests itself in various national, regional or transnational contexts. These contexts will be
highlighted through reflection on a series of themes, including, but not limited to:
- Imperial exceptionalism/the local ‘benevolent’ exception to the concept of empire
- The idea of postcolonial inclusion
- The relationship between the idea of European nations, citizenship and racism – past and present
- Mediatized and artistic images of colonialism and postcolonial migration
- Decolonial art – including poetry, music, plastic arts, visual art
- Literary strategies of ‘writing back’ vs. World Literature/Literature monde etc.
- European postcolonial experiences and coloniality in Europe
- The subalternity and silencing of migrants from postcolonial settings
- European colonial subjects (including migrants), racism and resistance
- Regional, national and transnational structures of colonial and postcolonial power, commerce and migration.
The conference aims to put into focus the plurality and variation of the histories of colonialism and
the resulting variations in the reflections of the postcolonial world. But the aim is not solely to point
to this variation, but also to encourage reflections that take the variations in the field as the vantage
point for a comparative practice that goes across national and linguistic boundaries and traditions in
the attempt to draw a comprehensive and nuanced picture of the colonial/postcolonial realities and
decolonial projects of the contemporary world. Hence we encourage proposals in other languages
than English. Please send your abstract (250 words) to by January 24, 2013.
Additional information:
We aim to subsidise to a limited extent a limited number of people’s travel costs.
Conference attendance is free.
A Ph.D.-seminar will be held in connection with the conference.
A publication based on selected papers from the conference is being planned.
Organising committee:
Christian Groes-Green, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University
Julia Suárez-Krabbe, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University
Lars Jensen, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University
Mads Anders Baggesgaard, Comparative Literature, Aarhus University
Zoran Pecic, Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University
1.2 Panel: Words, Arts and Migration in Africa : Narrative Exploration. ECAS. Lisbon.
ECAS 2013: 5th European Conference on African Studies
June 26 – 28 2013
“This panel discusses the conditions of elaboration, circulation as well as contextualization of artistic forms (cinema, theatre, literature, media…) of local narratives of South-South-migration by the migrants themselves and their relatives.”
Lien vers le texte d’appel du panel : <>
L’appel sera clos à la mi janvier, aussi ne tardez pas à nous soumettre vos propositions et à nous contacter pour toutes vos questions.
The call for papers is now open and will close on 16th January 2013.
Please browse the list of <>accepted panels and make your proposal to an appropriate panel.
Carola Mick et Marina Lafay, animatrices du panel, CEPED, Université Paris Descartes
mail :
1.3 Teaching Africa and International Studies. Cambridge and Cape Town.
Three workshops in 2013
Cambridge, 19 April, London, 17 June and Cape Town, 5-6/26-7 September
These workshops will explore aspects of teaching Africa and International Studies, including curricula, pedagogy, and ethical and political issues. The workshops are organised through the BISA ‘Africa and International Studies’ working group in conjunction with the Politics Departments of Cambridge University, Royal Holloway, University of London and University of Cape Town. They are funded by the Higher Education Academy.
Teaching Africa in IS can help combat cultural stereotypes and address issues of global inequality and justice. Whilst there is high student interest in such courses, they are often under-provided by universities. In part this arises from a historic neglect by the discipline, albeit one that new research is reversing. For teachers, it can reflect the lack of an obvious curriculum or the challenge of drawing together different strands of research, often from various disciplines.
At the same time, teaching IS in Africa offers particular challenges, since the field has been dominated by western-centric accounts that have treated Africa as peripheral or irrelevant. Many of the resources available to African teachers and scholars reflect this bias, and help propagate the continent’s marginalisation. However, there are teachers who are producing excellent and innovative pedagogical materials and methods that seek to overcome these challenges. Others are keen to do so. These workshops will provide a space for both to share different aspects of practice.
We welcome papers on any aspect of teaching Africa and international studies, including those exploring:
- The state of teaching Africa in IS, and IS in Africa
- Course designs and content
- Interdisciplinarity and internationalisation
- Student-led and research-led teaching in Africa and IS
- The use of media and visual arts in learning
- Promoting global understanding through pedagogy
Broad themes that might be addressed include: Undergraduate dissertations; Masters teaching; PhD supervision; Race; Gender; Ethics and responsibility; Conflict and trauma; Literature and arts; Religion; Africa and IR theory; Students and fieldwork; Preconceptions of Africa
We plan to publish an edited volume based on outputs, and to make the presentations and reflections available on a collaborative and open access ‘wiki’, which could serve as a collective open access resource for teachers in the field.
We particularly welcome contributions from teachers and scholars from African institutions. Some funding is available to cover travel and accommodation.
Please send your proposal, which should include a title and 200-word abstract, as well as your name, affiliation, and which workshop(s) you would be able to attend, to:
Meera Sabaratnam, Department of Politics, University of Cambridge,
Julia Gallagher, Department of Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway, University of London,
Karen Smith, Department of Political Studies, University of Cape Town,
Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2013
1.4 14th Annual Researching Africa Day Workshop. Oxford.
Saturday, 23rd February 2013
St Antony’s College, Oxford
Researching Africa Day provides graduate students with the opportunity to network with fellow researchers, exchange information, discuss research strategies and develop ideas in a constructive, stimulating and engaging environment. The workshop is open to all graduates working on Africa within the disciplines of history, politics, economics, development studies, literature, anthropology, social policy, geography, public health and the natural sciences.
The title of this year’s workshop is:
Researching Africa: The Flow of Research?
This year’s workshop interrogates the process of researching Africa. We hope to explore how research progresses, as well as examine the issues and obstacles that confront researchers at various stages. We aim to question the idea that research always follows a sequence that begins in the library and ends on the word processor. We have divided the workshop into four panels that follow the accepted chronology of research, and we invite papers that either investigate these stages (from the acquisition of material to its presentation), or challenge their relationship to one another, in order to understand the ‘flow’ of research as it actually is.
The four panels are outlined as follows:
1) Accessing
How do we access material? From gaining ethical clearance, to finding our ‘field sites’ and negotiating ‘gatekeepers’, what issues and difficulties do we experience as researchers in
2) Acquiring
How do we acquire material? From archives and life histories, to images and data-sets, what choices does the researcher make in the process of collection?
3) Interrogating
How do we interrogate our material? From grounding personal experience to the application of theory, how do we make sense of what we have gathered during fieldwork?
4) Presenting
How do we present our material?
From the format to the content, what dilemmas are faced and what impact do we
make as researchers?
* * * * *
We invite papers on the panels outlined above. Presentations should be between 12 and 15 minutes, followed by a discussion between the panelists and the audience. Please send a title and abstract of your paper of 200 words by 25th January 2013.
We welcome participation from students beyond Oxford. While the cost of travel is not normally reimbursed, appeals for assistance with travel expenses will be considered in exceptional circumstances. We have limited funding and encourage speakers to pursue funding opportunities at their home institutions first. Accommodation for those who wish to stay the night may be available at certain colleges at your own expense.
1.5 Women in Bondage: Local and Transnational Histories. Washington DC.
28th American Historical Association Meeting
Washington DC
January 2 – 5, 2014
Multi-session Workshop
Women in Bondage: Local and Transnational Histories
Despite the growing number of scholarly works focusing on gender and slavery in the Caribbean and the United States, the history of enslaved women remains underexplored in various periods and geographical areas, including Brazil and parts of Latin America. This workshop aims to fill out this gap by proposing not only to examine the history of enslaved women in the Americas during the period of the Atlantic slave trade, but also in other periods of time and regions of the globe, including Africa, Asia, and the Muslim world. This comparative approach aims to explore the similarities and differences among the various kinds of individual and collective experiences lived by women in bondage in the past and the present. Paper proposals examining primary sources and exploring forms of enslavement, cultural resistance, rebellion, paths to freedom, sexuality, motherhood, health, marriage, and religious practices are particularly welcome.
Convened by
Ana Lucia Araujo
Department of History
Howard University
Washington, DC
Please send your paper proposal no later than February 1st 2012 to: or
Paper proposals, please send:
– Paper’s title
– Abstract (maximum 300 words)
– Biographical paragraph (up to 250 words, no curriculum vitae, please)
– Correct mailing and e-mail address
– Audiovisual needs, if any
Chairs and commentators, please send:
– Biographical paragraph (up to 250 words, no curriculum vitae, please)
– Correct mailing and e-mail addresses
– Abstracts of proposals accepted by the AHA committee will be posted on the AHA program website.
– Papers must be submitted on December 1st 2013
1.6 Negotiating Independence: new directions in the histories of
decolonisation and the Cold War. Cambridge.
3-4 May 2013
University of Cambridge
The advent of decolonisation shares more than a chronological partnership with the Cold War. While the general economic, political, social, and ideological connections between decolonisation and the Cold War have been acknowledged, a more detailed interrogation of the confluence of these two phenomena is now beginning to emerge. The ideological battle between communism and capitalism encompassed not only political systems of power but also contentious ideas about states’ social structures and economies.
Both decolonisation and the Cold War were also imaginative projects. This conference will interrogate what role differing ideas about political, economic and social organizations played in how individuals involved in decolonisation negotiated the bid for independence. The aim is to draw together Cold War and imperial historians in a scholarly discussion that his too often isolated into separate fields of study. It will bring together the latest research from young scholars and established academics who are leading the way in this new approach to twentieth century history that sees the Cold War and the end of empire not only as diplomatic phenomena but as ideologically driven political, economic and social projects as well.
This conference reassesses the impact of the Cold War on colonial administrators and anti-colonialists while further considering how Cold War leaders also were forced to wrestle with decolonisation’s outcomes. Anti-colonial nationalists negotiated a complex system of international relations complicated by distinct ideological binaries: their rhetoric and policies consequently assumed Cold War overtones as they struggled to define their place in the postcolonial world. Political leaders in the Soviet Union, the United States, and their allies also sometimes framed early Cold War tensions in terms of arguments for or against the continuation of Europe’s empires. Some questions the conference hopes to address include: To what extent did Cold War rhetoric dictate bids for independence? How did the politics of anti-racism and colonial solidarity fit into international relations dominated by an ideological battle between communism and capitalism? How did those involved in decolonisation decipher ways to employ the new world power alliances to their advantage? How did Cold War binaries influence postcolonial social and economic development and nation-building? In what ways did anti-colonial leaders attempt to resist the Cold War environment and develop independent identities for themselves and their countries? And how did decolonisation force the Soviets, Americans, and their allies to revise their own global strategies?
In particular, the conference aims to identify new themes and directions in scope, as well as different methodological approaches to studying decolonisation and the Cold War. A keynote address on methodology will be given by Matthew Connelly (Columbia University)and Caroline Elkins (Harvard University).
The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 4 February 2013.
Proposals should include a title and an abstract of no more than 400 words, as well as the author’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliation, and should be emailed to and
1.7 ASMCF Annual Conference, 2013. Leicester.
Renegotiating social divisions in France and the Francophone world.
Les divisions sociales en France et dans le monde francophone en renégociation ?
University of Leicester, 5-7 September 2013
Second/Final Call for Papers
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Research Director CNRS, CERI-Sciences-Po)
François Bon (Author and Lecturer in Creative Writing, Sciences-Po)
Guy Austin (Research Centre in Film and Digital Media, Newcastle University)
In recent decades profound socio-political and cultural changes in French and Francophone societies have acted to shape and reshape notions of citizenship, individual rights and social classifications. Within this context, are social divisions and class identifications still relevant constructs? What does it mean in actual fact to participate in the public sphere? This interdisciplinary conference aims to examine how social boundaries and hierarchies are produced, reproduced and renegotiated over time. It will explore the complex ways in which social groups, classes and identities in French and Francophone cultures are maintained and (re)configured through various modes of mobilisation and cultural representation.
Proposals for 20-minute papers are invited on the following, non-exhaustive topics:
· Social identity and (self)representations in France and the Francophone world
· Ideals and ideologies of social equality
· Diverging discourses on gender and ethnicity
· Visibility/ Invisibility of social hierarchies
· Power relationships in and between ‘communities’
· Migration and social belonging
· Political constructions and re-appropriations of social divisions
· Emergence of new social groups and shifting social boundaries
· Visual, literary and cultural representations of hierarchies and social divisions
· Social heritage and renegotiations of the past
· Renegotiation of language boundaries in Francophone cultures
The conference organisers welcome proposals from individuals or ready-formed panels of two or three speakers, and from the range of disciplines to be found within the ASMCF (history, politics, sociology, media, culture and gender studies, postcolonial studies, migration studies, linguistics, translation studies, cinema and literature), taking either an historical or a contemporary approach.
Postgraduate students are strongly encouraged to present papers. Papers may be delivered in English or in French.
A publication connected with the theme of the Conference is planned.
Proposals for papers, featuring abstracts of up to 250 words in either English or French, should be sent in word format (doc. or .docx) to by 28 February 2013. Please put ASMCF 2013 proposal in the subject line of your e-mail.
Further information about the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France and membership information can be found here:
The Conference is grateful to the Cultural Service of the French Embassy and to Liverpool University Press for their support.
Au cours des dernières décennies nombre de transformations culturelles et sociopolitiques au sein des sociétés françaises et francophones ont affecté les notions de citoyenneté, de droits de l’individu et de classifications sociales. Dans ce contexte, quel sens donner aux concepts de divisions sociales et d’identifications de classes ? Quels sont les modes de participation à la sphère publique ? Le colloque de l’ASMCF 2013 se propose d’explorer de quelle manière les frontières et hiérarchies sociales sont produites, reproduites et négociées dans la durée. Il aura pour but d’explorer les stratégies complexes selon lesquelles groupes sociaux, classes sociales et identités se maintiennent et se transforment au sein des cultures francophones, à travers divers modes de mobilisation et de représentations culturelles.
Ouvert à plusieurs disciplines, ce colloque accueillera des contributions (en anglais ou en français) d’une durée de 20 minutes maximum, axées sur les thèmes de réflexion suivants (non exhaustifs) :
· Identité sociale et (auto)représentations en France et dans le monde francophone
· Idéaux et idéologies d’égalité sociale
· Discours divergents sur les rapports sociaux de sexe (‘genre’) et sur l’ethnicité
· Visibilité/ Invisibilité des hiérarchies sociales
· Rapports de pouvoir intra- et intercommunautaires?
· Migration et appartenance sociale
· Constructions politiques et réappropriations des divisions sociales
· Emergence de nouveaux groupes sociaux et frontières sociales en mouvement
· Représentations visuelles, littéraires et culturelles des hiérarchies et divisions sociales
· Patrimoine social et renégociations du passé
· Renégociation des frontières linguistiques au sein des cultures francophones
Les organisateurs du colloque vous invitent à soumettre des propositions de communication individuelle ou des panels de deux ou trois communications articulées autour d’une problématique commune. Les communicants sont invités à s’inspirer de la gamme de disciplines reflétant les intérêts de l’ASMCF (histoire, sciences politiques, sociologie, études postcoloniales, culturelles, médiatiques et de genre, linguistique, traduction, cinéma, littérature) dans une approche historique ou contemporaine. Les propositions seront évaluées par le comité scientifique.
Nous accepterons avec plaisir les propositions venant d’étudiants de troisième cycle. Les propositions peuvent être rédigées en français ou en anglais.
Les propositions de contribution comprendront un résumé court (250 mots maximum) en français ou en anglais, seront rédigées dans un fichier au format .doc, .docx et envoyées à avant le 28 février 2013. Veuillez préciser ASMCF 2013 proposal en sujet de votre courriel.
Le colloque donnera lieu à une publication avec comité de lecture.
Pour toute information sur l’ASMCF (Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France) et pour devenir membre, cliquez sur ce lien:
Le colloque remercie le Service culturel de l’Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni et les Presses Universitaires de Liverpool pour leur aimable soutien.
1.8 Marie NDiaye’s Tales of Power: Being at the End of One’s Rope. Paris.
A one-day workshop at the University of Kent, Paris – (Reid Hall)
5 April 2013
Keynote Speaker: Dr Andrew Asibong (London)
Marie NDiaye (1967- ) is one of France’s most well-known contemporary writers and is a recent winner of the Prix Goncourt (2009). Her varied literary works: novels, plays, screen-plays or stories for children are not what one expects to see at the top of the best seller lists and yet her works are extremely popular. Her texts both thematically and stylistically overwhelm her readers who endure narratives which are bleak in content as well as dense, complex and tortuous in form.
In one of her latest interviews, NDiaye speaks of what many critics consider her signature textual trait, her peculiar recourse to magic, as being no longer a means of escape in her writing ̶ ‘je ne veux plus que la magie soit une ficelle’. Indeed, the supernatural element in Trois femmes puissantes (2009), cannot be used as an Ariadne’s thread. From a mere ‘ficelle’, it is transformed into the sturdiest of ropes, hauling one deep into her convoluted tales. Her authorial power restrains whilst at the same time enveloping the reader in a protective cocoon. This literary labour grounds itself and appeals to what NDiaye names the ‘noyau indestructible’ ̶ the ‘puissance’ at the heart of each human being.
It is in this light that we propose to revisit NDiaye’s thematic and stylistic approach considering what could be deemed to be the magic kernel of the perceived negativity of her literary œuvre. It is vital to question whether her writing, paradoxically, aims to revive one’s very own compulsion for being, offering thus itself as a lifeline of a peculiar kind. This workshop aims to approach NDiaye’s œuvre from the perspective of power, particularly power as ‘puissance’, exploring the subjective, ethical and textual implications in both its positive and negative connotations.
Topics may include:
The Family (parental figures and relations; the family as a symbol of the wider, social community; self-identity from the perspective of ethnicity and race)
The Body (the wounded open body and its abjection; body resilience; the skin; bodily metamorphosis)
Inter-textuality (the supernatural and fairy tale elements; use of various media; blending of genres)
Trauma and Madness (anxiety, hysteria and psychosis; the split self and the identitary quest; transference, accountability and healing)
Please send proposals in English or French of up to 350 words by 15/02/2013 to the organizers – Edlira Mandis and Ana de Medeiros at:
New titles
The Colours of Slavery on the Shores of the Mediterranean
Paris, Éditions Karthala, 396 p.If the enslavement of black people has undeniably unique characteristics, it is also equally obvious that the institution of slavery is as complex and nuanced as the polychromy of human phenotypes.
Without going back to the Greco-Roman times, the Mediterranean space has represented a site of choice to observe the production of slaves, before, during and after the transatlantic slave- trade. From one shore to the other of the Mediterranean, one could observe the co-existence of slaves of different colours, origins and religions.
Together with Africans that had come through the trans-Saharan and Atlantic slave routes, slave markets were fed by Slaves, Caucasians and other Orientals. Religious cleavages nourished and justified the enslavement of Muslims as much as that of Christians and pagans. The same slave status was applied to individuals who, although they shared the same slave status, were destined to very different tasks on the basis of their ethnic origin, sex, age, physical appearance and supposed qualities.
From Byzantium to the Ottoman world, from Christian Europe to the lands of Islam, the designation of slaves represented a large palette of nuances, in which colour was revealed by what it is: a subjective vision of contrasts. It is this multifaceted slavery that the articles of this edited volume try to depict.Si l’esclavage des Noirs présente une indéniable spécificité, il est tout aussi évident que l’institution esclavagiste a été aussi complexe et variée que la polychromie des phénotypes humains.
Sans remonter à l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, l’espace méditerranéen, avant, pendant et après la traite transatlantique des Africains est un observatoire de choix sur la fabrique d’esclaves. D’une rive à l’autre de la Méditerranée, nous pouvons observer la coexistence d’esclaves de différentes couleurs, origines, religions.
À côté d’Africains arrivés par les traites transsaharienne et atlantique, les marchés d’esclaves se nourrissaient de Slaves, Caucasiens et autres Orientaux, pendant que les clivages religieux alimentaient et justifiaient la capture et la mise en esclavage aussi bien de musulmans que de chrétiens et de païens. Le même statut d’esclave était appliqué à des individus qui, tout en partageant la domination servile, était souvent, de par leur origine ethnique, leur sexe, leur âge, leur apparence physique et leurs supposées qualités, destinés à des tâches diverses.
De Byzance au monde ottoman, de l’Europe chrétienne aux terres d’islam, la désignation des esclaves empruntait une large palette de nuances, la couleur se révélant pour ce qu’elle est : une vision subjective du contraste. C’est cet esclavage multiforme que tentent de dépeindre les textes ici réunis.
Table des matières/Table of contents
Roger Botte et Alessandro Stella
1. Commerce et esclavage dans le Maghreb oriental (viie-xe siècle)
1. Trade and slavery in eastern Maghreb (7th to 10th century)
Salah Trabelsi
2. Esclaves noirs et esclaves blancs en al-Andalus umayyade et en Ifrîqiya fâtimide. Couleurs, origines et statuts des élites sûdân, et saqâliba
2. Black slaves and white slaves in the Umayyad al-Andalus and in the Fatimid Ifrīqiya. Colours, origins and status of sūdān and saqāliba elites
Mohamed Meouak
3. Esclaves noirs et esclaves blancs en Sicile (vers 1300-vers 1450). Entre déshumanisation et socialisation
3. Black slaves and white slaves in Sicily (1300-1450 circa). Between dehumanization and socialization
Henri Bresc
4. Être esclave à Venise à la fin du Moyen Âge
4. Being slave in Venice at the end of the Middle Ages
Philippe Braunstein
5. Captifs et esclaves dans le royaume de Grenade (xiiie-xvie siècles)
5. Captives and slaves in the Grenade kingdom (13th to 16th century)
Raúl González Arévalo
6. « Negre e de terra de negres infels… » : Servitude de la couleur (Valence, 1479-1516)
6. « Negre e de terra de negres infels… » : Slavery of colour (Valence, 1479-1516)
Fabienne Plazolles Guillén
7. Les « Portugais noirs » de Guinée : destins mêlés (xve-xviie siècles)
7. The “black Portuguese” of Guinea: mixed destinies (15th to 17th century)
António de Almeida mendes
8. Selon l’arrivage sur le marché. La multiplicité ethnique des esclaves en Italie (xvie-xixe siècles)
8. Following the arrival to the market. Ethnic multiplicity of slaves in Italy (16th to 19th century)
Salvatore Bono
9. Le fondu des couleurs ? Expérience croisées de captivité dans le Maroc de l’armée noire
9. Fusing colours? Mixed experiences of captivity in Black Army Morocco
Jocelyne Dakhlia
10. « Bouc noir » contre « Bélier blanc ». L’armée des ‘Abîd al-Bukhârî du sultan Mawlây Ismâ’îl (1672-1727)
10. “Black goat” against “White ram.” The army of the ‘Abīd al-Bukhārī of the Sultan Mawlāy Ismā’il (1672-1727)
Roger Botte
11. L’esclavage en territoire ottoman à l’époque moderne
11. Slavery in Ottoman lands in modern times
Frédéric Hitzel
12. Liens de parenté et liens sociaux chez les esclaves tsiganes de Valachie. Le salas au xviie siècle
12. Kinship ties and social ties among Gipsy slaves of Wallachia. The salas of 17th century
Florina Manuela Constantin
13. Destins d’affranchis noirs et blancs en Andalousie à l’époque moderne
13. Destinies of black and white manumitted slaves in Andalusia in the modern times
Alessandro Stella
14. Des Noirs dans les troupes des beys de Tunis. Deux expériences d’enrôlement d’esclaves et d’affranchis au milieu du xviiie siècle et en 1837
14. Blacks among Beys’ armies in Tunis. Two experiences of recruitments of slaves and manumitted from mid-18th century to 1837
M’hamed Oualdi
15. Problématique du phénotype. Approche comparative des esclavages dans la Tunisie du xixe siècle
15. The problem of phenotype. Comparative approaches of slavery in 19th century Tunis
Inès Mrad Dali
16. Travail et liberté en Algérie
16. Work and freedom in Algeria
Judith Scheele
2.2 Repères-Dorif. ‘Les francophonies et francographies africaines face à la référence culturelle française’
N. 2 – volet n.1 – novembre 2012
coordonné par Cristina Schiavone
La revue est en libre accès à l’adresse
2.3 International Journal of Francophone Studies. ‘Contemporary Women’s Representations of Wounded Bodies and Minds’
Volume 15 Number 2 2012
A themed issue guest edited by Ana de Medeiros (University of Kent) and Carine Fréville (Université Paris VIII)
This is an interdisciplinary, critical analysis of French and Francophone literature and film by women, resulting in an in-depth examination of how wounds have become inherent in contemporary creative works; a gesture towards a personal and collective trauma which challenges silence.
Introduction: Carine Fréville and Ana de Medeiros
Articles: “Blessures des frontières (Nadia Setti); “Gendered Spaces and Wounded Bodies: Yamina Benguigui’s Inch’Allah dimanche” (Isabel Hollis); “Wounded Women: Marina de Van’s Subjective Cinema” (Adrienne Angelo); “‘L’écriture qui saigne’: Exile and Wounding in the Narratives of Nina Bouraoui and Linda Lê” (Sara Elizabeth Leek); “Avortement et violences maternelles dans les œuvres de Lorette Nobécourt” (Carine Fréville).
Critical Review Article: “Writing as Wounding and Healing in Djebar’s Nulle part dans la maison de mon père” (Ana de Medeiros)
Forum: “Vierges blessées: Représentations de la virginité féminine dans les œuvres et témoignages d’écrivaines (franco)algériennes et (franco)marocaines depuis 2000” (Isabelle Charpentier)
2.4 Algerian National Cinema
Guy Austin
Manchester University Press. 2012. ISBN: 978-0-7190-7993-1
This topical and innovative study is the first book on Algerian cinema to be published in English since the 1970s. At a time when North African and Islamic cultures are of increasing political significance, Algerian National Cinema presents a dynamic, detailed and up to date analysis of how film has represented this often misunderstood nation. Algerian National Cinema explores key films from The Battle of Algiers (1966) to Mascarades (2007). Introductions to Algerian history and to the national film industry are followed by chapters on the essential genres and themes of filmmaking in Algeria, including films of anti-colonial struggle, representations of gender, Berber cinema, and filming the ‘black decade’ of the 1990s. This thoughtful and timely book will appeal to all interested in world cinemas, in North African and Islamic cultures, and in the role of cinema as a vehicle for the expression of contested identities. By the author of the critically-acclaimed Contemporary French Cinema.
Table of Contents:
List of illustrations
1. An introduction to modern Algerian history and politics
2. A brief history of Algerian cinema
3. The war of liberation on screen: trauma, history, myth
4. Representing gender: tradition and taboo
5. Berber cinema, historical and ahistorical
6. After ‘Black October’: mourning and melancholia
7. Screening the ‘invisible war’
8. Memory and identity: from lost sites to reclaimed images
9.Conclusion: Algerian national cinemas
2.5 Francosphères. Volume 1, Number 2 / 2012
Now available on the website at
This issue contains:
Editorial – Andrew Hussey. DOI: 10.3828/franc.2012.17
The genesis, reception, and aftermath of the créolité movement in the Francophone Caribbean: Creole identity and creolisation re-examined.
Sam Coombes
DOI: 10.3828/franc.2012.9
Gendering translation.
The ‘female voice’ in postcolonial Senegal.
Georgina Collins
Tendances transnationales: « Traduit de la Francophonie »
Alison Rice
The formal architecture of identity in Nancy Huston’s L’Empreinte de l’ange
Kate Averis
Les nuits de Strasbourg: Assia Djebar écrit la migration maghrébine et crée de nouvelles sphères pour la langue française
Touria Nakkouch
Trapped in the Metro
Jenny Mullen
2.6 Relire Mayotte Capécia
Une femme des Antilles dans l’espace colonial français (1916 – 1955)
Myriam Cottias and Madeleine Dobie
Je suis Martiniquaise et La Négresse blanche (textes intégraux)
Date de publication: 17 octobre 2012. Série: Armand Colin/Documents
· Une (re)lecture des deux romans de Mayotte Capécia, Je suis Martiniquaise et La Négresse blanche
· Une analyse socio-historique des questions identitaires liées à l’histoire coloniale
· Ce que voulait dire être femme et noire aux Antilles sous Vichy
272 pages – 22,90€
Les deux romans de Mayotte Capécia ont divisé le monde des lettres et la culture noire parisiens lors de leur parution en 1948 et 1950. Pour certains, Capécia était la « première femme de couleur à raconter sa vie », et ses oeuvres exprimaient l’authentique vision d’une femme antillaise. Pour d’autres, elle démentait l’effervescence politique de l’ère de la négritude, de la départementalisation et de la décolonisation, promouvant une vision nostalgique des Antilles et de l’Empire français. Ils ont surtout attiré la condamnation d’un jeune Frantz Fanon dans Peau noire, masques blancs.
Cette nouvelle édition avec introduction critique des romans de Mayotte Capécia permet d’analyser les racines historiques de l’émotion de Fanon : les enjeux de race, de classe et de genre issus de la société post-esclavagiste qui traversent sa lecture, ainsi que les deux livres de Capécia. Elle resitue les récits dans le contexte du régime de Vichy à la Martinique et dans la période de transformation des courants politiques antillais et coloniaux au seuil des années 1950. À partir des archives personnelles, la biographie de Mayotte Capécia est reconstituée afin d’aller au plus près du sujet colonial des Antilles.
Other events
3.1 Black Portraiture[s]: The Black Body in the West. Paris.
International symposium, 17 – 20 January 2013
Saturday January 19 2013
9:30 – 6:30 pm
Théâtre Claude Lévi-Strauss & cinema room
Sunday 20 from 11:00 to 6:00, cinema room
Free entrance
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts
14, rue Bonaparte – 75006
Métro le plus proche : Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Mabillon, Rue du Bac
New York University Paris
56, rue de Passy – 75016
Métro le plus proche : La Muette, Passy, RER: Boulainvilliers, Ave du Pdt
Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
15, rue Hélène Brion – 75013
Métro ou RER le plus proche : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Musée du quai Branly
entrée Debilly – 37, quai Branly – 75007
entrée Université – 218, rue de l’Université
Métro le plus proche : Bir Hakeim, Iéna, Ecole Militaire
RER : Pont de l’Alma, Champ de mars
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African American Research, Harvard University
Deborah Willis
Department of Photography & Imaging, New York University
Manthia Diawara
Institute of African American Affairs
New York University
Jean-Paul Colleyn
Centre d’études africaines,
École des hautes études en sciences sociales
Institut de recherche pour le développement
Lydie Diakhaté
K’a Yéléma Productions
Awam Amkpa
Department of Social and Cultural Analysis
New York University
Cheryl Finley
Department of History of Art and Visual Studies
Cornell University
Anne-Christine Taylor-Descola
Anna Laban
Christine Barthe
Musée du quai Branly
Caroline Montel-Glénisson
Raïssa Lahcine
New York University – Paris
Thelma Golden
Studio Museum de Harlem
Nicolas Bourriaud
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts
The city of Paris, as an international cultural hub and a Western metropolis wielding considerable influence over the notions of art and modernity, was deemed the perfect setting for Black Portraiture[s]: The Black Body in the West, the fifth in a series of conferences that have been hosted by Harvard University and NYU since 2004. Black Portraiture[s] aims to explore the various means of manufacturing and promoting self-representation, as well as the notion of exchange, from the 19th century to the present day in fashion, film, art, and archives.
How are these – positive and negative – images displayed, and how do they define, replicate, and transform representations of the Black body? How and why did the black body become a tradable commodity in the global marketplace and what gives it its legitimacy? And just as importantly, what are the responses given and their implications? Can the representation of the Black body be truly liberating both for those who are identified with its image and for its beholders? Could a deracialisation of the black body take place, thus promoting cultural reunification and fostering reappropriation as well as various forms of expression beyond the limits of race?
The Black body, as imagined by the West, has always been fertile ground for observation and debate. Yet the representation and depiction of Black people has often been predicated upon prevailing attitudes on race and sexuality.
The conference draws on the ideas and works of both leading and emerging writers, photographers, scholars, artists, curators and filmmakers of our time, and will address the broader issue of Africa in the popular imagination. It is also significant that this project has benefitted from the widest possible collaboration.
Download the program (pdf):
3.2 Caribbean Research Seminar in the North. Preston.
1st February 2013
School of Language, Literature and International Studies (SOLLIS)
UCLAN, Preston, (Adelphi Conference Room)
Provisional programme (Timing TBC)
1.00 pm Registration
1.30 pm Jessica Moody (University of York)
Exceptional legacies: slavery, memory and the Liverpool Black Presence
2.30 pm Dr. Geoff Quilley (University of Sussex)
Landscapes of the Caribbean and slavery (tbc)
3.30 pm Refreshments
3.45 pm Dr. Hannah Durkin (University of Nottingham)
Screening the Divine: Maya Deren’s Haitian Film Project
4.45 pm Professor Jopi Nyman (University of Eastern Finland)
Transnational Spaces and Identities in Caryl Phillips’s Dancing in the Dark
Registration is free but please let us know in advance if you would like to attend (places will be limited). A reservation for dinner at a local restaurant will be made for 7pm so please also indicate if you would like to come along to eat. To register: contact Professor Alan Rice, English and American Studies, School of Language, Literature and International Studies, UCLAN, Preston, PR1 2HE.
Maps and travel directions are available at:
A few bursaries are available to cover the costs of travel within the UK for postgraduate students attending this event. To apply, please email Henrice Altink ( ) stating your topic, university and the name and address of your supervisor.
Travel directions and the final programme will be posted on The Society for Caribbean Studies website.
3.3 Leeds Centre for French and Francophone Cultural Studies.
Forthcoming events:
Annual Lecture: Pierre Bayard (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis) ‘For an interventionist criticism’, 23 January 2013 17h, Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre.
Celebrating the Césaire Centenary: Charles Forsdick (Liverpool) ‘Césaire and Haiti’, 6 February, 15h Roger Stevens LT 22.
Urban Palimpsests and the Archive Research Seminar Series
17 January 2013: Denis Provencher (University of Maryland/Nottingham Trent) in assoc. with CIGS: Queer Maghrebi –French men tell their sexual tales
31 January 2013: Dora Osborne (Edinburgh): Between the Private and the Public: The City as Archive in Recent German Memory Culture
21 February 2013: Matthew John (French/SMLC): The Cinematic Idler and the Politics of the Film-as-Archive
28 February 2013: Claire Launchbury (French/SMLC): Beirut and the urban machine de mémoire.
7 March 2013: Bruno Levasseur (Roehampton): Archive, banlieue et mémoire: vie et mort de Renoir ou les imaginaires culturels d’une barre de la Cité des Quatre Mille
14 March 2013: Claire Lozier (French/SMLC): Louis Ferdinand Céline’s London: reading the city
All seminars take place in the Michael Sadler Building, Rm 1.14 at 17h.
3.4 UCL French Research Seminar. London.
‘Fiction After 1994: Who has the Right to Write about the Genocide in Rwanda?’
Nicki Hitchcott (University of Nottingham)
Thursday January 10 at 5pm
Room 132 Foster Court, University College London.
All are most welcome.
For further details about the location, please contact Roland-François Lack (
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