calls for papers, job opportunities, monthly mailing, news

SFPS Monthly Mailing: January 2018

25th January 2018

Calls for Papers

1.1 Commemoration and Creativity Postgraduate Forum (Abstract Deadline: 29 January)

1.2 SFPS Postgraduate Workshop: Transnational Francophone Postcolonial Studies (Abstract Deadline: 15 February)

1.3 Repenser le refuge: Nouvelles perspectives pour l’étude du protestantisme francophone
 aux Provinces-Unies à l’époque moderne (Abstract Deadline: 15 February)

1.4 Language, Translation, and Migration: Conference and Public Summit 2018 (Abstract Deadline: 15 February)

1.5 Journée des doctorants de l’ADEFFI 2018 ADEFFI Postgraduate Symposium 2018 (Abstract Deadline: 16 February)


  1. Job Opportunities

2.1 Postdoctoral Research Associate, AHRC ‘Translating Cultures’ Theme Grade 7 (University of Liverpool)

2.2 Lecturer 20th Century European History (University of Melbourne)

2.3 Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies (Kalamazoo College, Michigan)


  1. Announcements

3.1 The 2018 George Steiner Lecture in Comparative Literature (6 February 2018)


  1. New Titles

4.1 Guerre d’Algérie: L’impossible commémoration (Armand Colin, 2018)

4.2 French Feminisms: 1975 and After (Peter Lang, 2017)

4.3 Littératures et langues africaines: Production et diffusion (Karthala, 2017)

4.4 Traces of War: Interpreting Ethics and Trauma in Twentieth-Century French Writing(Liverpool University Press, 2017)


  1. Calls for Papers/Contributions


1.1 Commemoration and Creativity (Postgraduate Forum)

Saturday 10 March 2018, 9am-5pm

Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus, Headington Road, OX3 0BP

This exciting Postgraduate Creative Forum explores and compares the ways in which commemorative practices across cultures both contribute to and challenge post-war reconstruction and reconciliation. The one-day event is aimed at postgraduate students across the Humanities and Social Sciences. You are invited to showcase your work in short presentations (max. 5 minutes) and there will also be discussion and activities exploring how creative and sensorial thinking might illuminate and enrich your research.

This is an opportunity for you to experiment with innovative ways of presenting your research in a short format. You might, for example, focus on a question such as: What is the keystone of my argument? Can I summarise my thesis in a sentence? What is my most important finding so far? The rationale is that distilling and presenting the essence of your research will help you to think about it in a new way and thereby produce fresh insights.

We invite submissions on any aspect of post-war commemoration. Please send an abstract of 250 words and a short biography (max. 150 words) in a single Word document to by Monday 29 January 2018. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in early February.

Possible topics for presentations include, but are not limited to:

–       The modes and genres of post-war commemoration

–       The beneficiaries of post-war commemoration

–       The ways in which post-war commemoration contributes to reconstruction and reconciliation

–       The future of post-war commemoration, including digital commemoration

–       The politics of post-war commemoration

–       Post-war commemorative monuments and/or museums

–       Post-war commemoration and place/space, ecology and the environment

–       Post-war memory

–       Post-war commemoration and trauma

–       Commemoration in relation to post-war displacement, migration, settlement and belonging

–       Diasporic / exilic post-war commemoration

–       Post-war commemoration and the body

–       Comparative post-war commemoration

‘Post-war’ can relate to any conflict and we welcome submissions addressing commemoration across cultures and time periods. AV equipment will be available and you are welcome to use PowerPoint.

In addition to the presentations, the day will offer two sessions designed to explore how creative and practical activities can extend and transform academic thinking:

  • Three of our Series poets-in-residence, Susie Campbell, Mariah Whelan and Sue Zatland, will lead a Poetry Workshop, in which they will read their own poems and invite you to think about how the cognitive processes involved in creating poetry might be applied to academic research and writing.
  • Dr Justine Shaw (University of Oxford) will lead a Candle-Pouring, in which you will create your own memory candle scented with ‘rosemary for remembrance’ (Hamlet). As you do so, you will be invited to explore ways in which an understanding of the senses and the body might contribute to your own academic practice.

The day is FREE to attend and will include lunch and refreshments.

A number of small travel bursaries (up to £50) will be available. If you wish to apply for a travel bursary, please include a short paragraph (max. 300 words) in your application, detailing how your work fits with the themes of the Series and how your research will benefit from attending the Postgraduate Forum.

Click here to view the event listing.

For more information, see


1.2 SFPS Postgraduate Workshop: Transnational Francophone Postcolonial Studies

Transnational Francophone Postcolonial Studies

(University of California, Los Angeles)

SFPS Postgraduate Workshop; 3-4 May 2018


Special Panel: Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool), Kate Marsh (University of

Liverpool), and Dominic Thomas (UCLA)

A hallmark of postcolonial studies is the interrogation of the entanglements and zones of contact between different groups of people. Transcending borders to engage in meaningful dialogue holds true for academics working on these questions, as well. To celebrate the first postgraduate workshop of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies held in the United States, we invite scholars to consider the theme of Transnational Francophone Postcolonial Studies to discuss not only the texts and media that we study, but also the varying methods we use to elucidate fundamental questions of the discipline. How are we adapting our methodologies and approaches in reaction to the ever-evolving field? As scholars often working at the intersection with other fields—such as memory studies, genocide studies, spatial studies, the digital humanities—how might we envision the future for francophone postcolonial studies?

The workshop seeks to examine the state of the discipline through the work of students working on their dissertations.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to: littérature-monde, francophonies, universalism, cosmopolitanism; terminologies, interdisciplinarity, Human Zoos; translation, plurilingualism, creolization; migration and migrants; as well as space and the spatial shift.

Please send an abstract (300 words) and a biography (50-100 words) to Nanar Khamo at by February 15, 2018. Notification of acceptance by February 28, 2018. Papers can be either in French or English.

*Please note: to participate in the workshop, you must become a member of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies. Please visit to learn of the numerous benefits that come with membership.

Sponsored by: UCLA French & Francophone Studies

For more information, see


1.3 Repenser le refuge: Nouvelles perspectives pour l’étude du protestantisme francophone aux Provinces-Unies à l’époque moderne

Colloque international, 25-26 octobre 2018

Université de Leyde, Pays-Bas

Organisé par Chrystel Bernat (Montpellier) et  David van der Linden (Groningue)

L’exil des protestants français aux Provinces-Unies a connu de multiples représentations au cours des siècles. Jusqu’à une époque récente, l’historiographie du Refuge présentait ces réfugiés soit comme des martyrs de la foi, soit comme des migrants aux contributions majeures, en particulier dans la République des Lettres. Au cours des trois dernières décennies, l’histoire du Refuge a pourtant été profondément réévaluée. Les réfugiés des Provinces-Unies ne sont plus présentés comme des hérauts de la pensée moderne ou des victimes de l’intransigeance religieuse, mais appréhendés dans les aléas et vicissitudes multiples de la diaspora, en qualité de migrants qui ont eu du mal à reconstruire leur vie loin de leur patrie, dans un pays qui leur était inconnu.

On peut cependant regretter que l’histoire du Refuge se lise encore trop souvent comme une histoire close, qui isole les réfugiés du monde qui les entoure, et qui ne déborde pas le cadre de la grande histoire protestante. Souhaitant rompre avec cette approche segmentée, ce colloque invite à repenser le Refuge de manière systémique, c’est-à-dire non plus de façon sectorisée mais au contact de tierces communautés, de milieux dissociés, et de ses préoccupations disparates. Il importe d’interroger les liens et la façon dont les migrants protestants dialoguent avec d’autres acteurs du Refuge, et de les saisir hors du seul monde des exilés. Il se fixe de mieux comprendre leur relation avec la société qui les reçoit, en comparant leur quotidien à celui d’autres groupes d’expatriés et d’autres centres du Refuge, en examinant l’effet de cette vie nouvelle dans leur relation avec leurs coreligionnaires restés dans le royaume. En d’autres termes, il s’agit d’extraire l’histoire du Refuge huguenot du monde franco-français et d’une lecture protestanto-centrée.

Or, on constate que l’histoire du Refuge néerlandais bénéficie déjà d’un souffle nouveau grâce à des recherches connexes. Car loin de n’être qu’aux mains des historiens du protestantisme français, le Refuge néerlandais se trouve exploré par nombre de chercheurs, historiens et historiens de l’art, musicologues et littéraires, qui en fouillent la richesse à partir de perspectives autres que religieuses. S’intéressant aux Français expatriés aux Provinces-Unies sans exclusivité confessionnelle, ces derniers se sont aperçus que les huguenots ont occupé une place de choix dans les phénomènes socio-culturels qu’ils étudient, en l’occurrence la circulation de la musique, la diffusion de la langue française hors du royaume de France, la parution des Mercures politiques et le déploiement de l’information, le développement de l’iconographie pamphlétaire, l’essor de la littérature et la manifestation des phénomènes enthousiastes qui gagnent les milieux orthodoxes du Refuge. À ce titre, il leur a fallu dialoguer avec l’historiographie du protestantisme français pour mieux comprendre le lien qui les relie aux phénomènes et milieux qu’ils étudient.

Ces travaux récents nous engagent à repenser l’histoire du protestantisme français hors de France. Quelle autre histoire émerge de ces nouvelles perspectives ? Comment ces nouvelles études et ces disciplines rencontrent et renseignent l’histoire du protestantisme francophone ? Ce décentrement suggère aussi de repenser les sources du Refuge. Parce que les récentes enquêtes sont parties d’autres questionnements, elles ont eu recours à d’autres documents pour saisir leur objet. Quelles ressources documentaires néerlandaises sont actuellement mobilisables ? Pour quelle histoire ? Et quelles perspectives historiques lèvent ces sources pour l’histoire du protestantisme français et celle du monde francophone aux Provinces-Unies ?

À l’appui de trois principes – méthodologique, documentaire et thématique –, ce colloque encourage les chercheurs à considérer une histoire du Refuge néerlandais hors les murs, fondée sur des sources inédites, et privilégiant des domaines peu explorés dans l’optique d’une histoire résolument transnationale.

Les propositions sont à adresser à Chrystel Bernat ( et David van der Linden (, assorties d’un résumé de 300 mots (en français ou en anglais) et d’un curriculum vitae signalant les principales publications avant le 15 février 2018. Le Comité scientifique communiquera sa décision le 15 mars 2018. Les frais de transport, de restauration et d’hébergement à Leyde seront pris en charge. Les communications sont d’une durée de 30 minutes associées à des temps d’échanges de 15 minutes.

Comité scientifique
Chrystel Bernat (Institut protestant de théologie, Montpellier)
Willem Frijhoff (émérite, Université de Rotterdam)
Geerth Janssen (Université d’Amsterdam)
Lionel Laborie (Université de Leyde)
Anton van der Lem (Bibliothèque de Leyde)
David van der Linden (Université de Groningue)
Judith Pollmann (Université de Leyde)
Bertrand van Ruymbeke (Université Paris-8)
Catherine Secretan (émérite, CNRS et ENS Lyon)


1.4 Language, Translation, and Migration: Conference and Public Summit 2018

University of Warwick, 24-26 May 2018

The modern world is interconnected, mobile, multilingual and diverse. Linguistic diversity however does not indicate linguistic equality. On the contrary, the linguistically diverse nature of contemporary societies has implications for social justice, with potentially differential access to resources and the public sphere. In this context the politics of language are a significant factor for the promotion of social cohesion. Research has repeatedly shown that linguistic and ethnic minorities are disadvantaged in interaction with institutions. This two-day conference brings together scholars and practitioners from different professional and disciplinary backgrounds to discuss the role of language as a key factor in globalized societies.

Conference Aims:

  • To investigate the diversity of language practices and their consequences in different social spaces, including (but not limited to) educational systems, professional environments, health, the law.


  • To address the complexity of migration discourses through the lens of language and linguistic interaction, with special attention to the role, presence and understanding of translation, self-translation and other multilingual practices.

The conference will be followed by a public summit focusing on the relationship between language, translation, social mobility and social cohesion.

We invite contributions which encourage interdisciplinary dialogue between scholars and practitioners in sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, translation studies, modern languages, sociology, health, legal studies and other areas in which language behaviour and language politics play a key role both as research objects and professional practices.

Conference Themes:

  • Mono- and multi-lingual models of the nation: contemporary and historical perspectives
  • Language, translation and the refugee agenda: approaches and models
  • Language and settlement: policies and practices
  • Language contact and language change
  • Hidden multilingualism
  • Language and social justice
  • Language diversity and the social role of translation and interpretation
  • Translation, migration and professional ethics
  • Linguistic and cultural barriers to social cohesion
  • Transcultural creative practices
  • Multilingual practices in the creative industries

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

  • Sandra Bermann, Princeton University
  • Hilary Footitt, University of Reading
  • Anne-Marie Fortier, Lancaster University
  • Adam Jaworski, The University of Hong Kong
  • Peter Patrick, University of Essex
  • Alison Phipps, University of Glasgow

Deadline for abstract submission: 15th February 2018


Abstracts of no more than 350 words (max and including references, if absolutely necessary) are invited.

For abstract submission please click here

To submit your abstract please create an ‘EasyChair’ account



From the 19th Feb 2018. Information will be made available here

Organising Committte:

Jo Angouri, University of Warwick

Loredana Polezzi, University of Cardiff

Rita Wilson, Monash University


For further details:

For more information, see


1.5 Journée des doctorants de l’ADEFFI 2018 ADEFFI Postgraduate Symposium 2018

samedi 14 avril 2018/Saturday 14 April 2018

National University of Ireland, Galway

L’Association des études françaises et francophones d’Irlande (ADEFFI) invite les jeunes chercheurs en études françaises et francophones à venir participer à la Journée des doctorants qui se tiendra à NUI Galway, le 14 avril 2018. Cette année nous avons le plaisir d’organiser cet événement en partenariat avec l’Institute for Modern Languages Research (IMLR). La Journée se veut l’occasion pour les doctorants à la fois de présenter leurs recherches et d’en faire l’état des lieux dans un contexte universitaire. Elle sera également l’occasion pour eux de rencontrer leurs pairs ainsi que des chercheurs en poste dans le domaine des études françaises et francophones venus de l’Irlande, du Royaume-Uni et de plus loin. Afin que cet échange soit aussi ouvert et varié que possible, aucun thème n’a été retenu. Les propositions de communication d’une longueur de 200 mots (correspondant à une présentation de vingt minutes environ) peuvent être rédigées soit en français, soit en anglais, et doivent être envoyées à avant le 16 février 2018 au plus tard. Merci de bien vouloir joindre cinq mots clés ainsi que votre rattachement universitaire à votre proposition.

The Association for French and Francophone Studies in Ireland (ADEFFI) invites contributions from postgraduate students in all areas of French and Francophone studies for a postgraduate symposium to be held at NUI Galway on Saturday 14 April 2018. We are pleased to be organising this year’s event in partnership with the Institute for Modern Languages Research (IMLR). This event will provide a supportive scholarly forum for postgraduates to present both work in progress and new research and will allow participants to meet established researchers and fellow postgraduates in French and Francophone Studies from Ireland, the UK and beyond. In order to ensure that this forum for exchange is as open and diverse as possible, no central theme is specified. Abstracts of 200 words for 20-minute presentations in French or English should be sent to by 16 February 2018. Students are asked to provide five keywords in addition to their abstract and to give details of their institutional affiliation.

For more information, see


  1. Job Opportunities

2.1 Postdoctoral Research Associate, AHRC ‘Translating Cultures’ Theme Grade 7

University of Liverpool – School of Histories, Languages and Cultures

Salary: £33,518 to £38,833 p.a.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Closes: 19th February 2018

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

You will assist Professor Charles Forsdick in delivering a number of research outputs relating to the AHRC ‘Translating Cultures’ theme leadership fellowship he has held since 2012. You will focus on the development of specific research outputs and activities within the broad field of ’Translating Cultures’, and also explore its intersections with other AHRC themes and RCUK cross-council programmes. Duties include preparing publications and other outputs, relating to the final phase of the ‘Translating Cultures’ theme; co-ordinating other collaborative activities relating to the theme; offering editorial support; supporting and participating in the ongoing development of the ’Translating Cultures’ theme through co-ordination and facilitation of, and contributions to, conferences, workshops and other events; undertaking literature reviews and surveys of publications relating to the theme; contributing to external communications and other public engagement activities relating to the theme; helping foster closer links between existing ‘Translating Cultures’ projects and across AHRC themes; presenting a positive image of the ‘Translating Cultures’ theme to those involved in activities relating to it, establishing and maintaining an extensive network of contacts internally and externally. You should have a PhD in Modern Languages, Translation Studies or another discipline with direct relevance to the ‘Translating Cultures’ Theme. The post is available until 28 February 2019.

Closing Date: 19-Feb-2018 23:30

Interview Date: To be confirmed

Informal enquiries to Hannah Payne, email:

For full details and to apply online, please visit:


2.4 Lecturer 20th Century European History (University of Melbourne)

Work type: Continuing
Location: Parkville

School of Historical and Philosophical Studies
Faculty of Arts

Salary: $98,775 – $117,290 p.a. plus 17% superannuation

The School of Historical and Philosophical Studies (SHAPS), which is a part of the Faculty of Arts, was formed in 2011 comprising the programs of History, History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy, Classics and Archaeology, The Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation, and The Program in Jewish Culture & Society. SHAPS teaches a wide range of subjects across these disciplines and has a large Honours and Postgraduate cohort, and also receives a high level of nationally competitive research grants. This position resides within the History department and reports to the Head of School in SHAPS.

The Lecturer is required to be a History specialist in 20th-century Central or Western European history, with suitable research and teaching experience. The incumbent will work to develop new areas of research and training as well as support existing programs.

The Lecturer is responsible for teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and will assist in the development of new subjects and re-development of existing subjects as appropriate; supervision of Research Higher Degree students is also a requirement. The incumbent will undertake research resulting in publications with leading publishers in the field, and apply for competitive research grants, foster engagement links with external networks/partners nationally and internationally and will take on administrative tasks associated with the appointment.

Close date: 28 Feb 2018
Position Description and Selection Criteria


For information to assist you with compiling short statements to answer the selection criteria, please go to


2.3 Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies

Kalamazoo College, Michigan

Kalamazoo College invites applications for a two-year Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone studies, beginning September 2018. Ph.D. or evidence of imminent completion required by June 2018. Salary competitive and consistent with level of experience. The successful candidate will teach a full-time load of six courses per year, two per 10-week term, ranging from introductory French language to advanced studies in French. The successful candidate might eventually contribute to our college-wide, interdisciplinary seminar program. We seek a candidate with expertise and experience in modern/contemporary French &Francophone studies (literature, cultural and/or visual studies). Candidates are expected to have high aptitude and interest in undergraduate teaching of language, literature and culture.

Kalamazoo College is a highly selective nationally known liberal arts college offering an integrated undergraduate experience that weaves a traditional liberal arts curriculum into educational experiences in both domestic and international settings. The campus is located midway between Chicago and Detroit in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a metropolitan community of 225,000, which supports several college and university campuses along with numerous civic, arts and cultural associations. Thirty-five miles from Lake Michigan, the area offers many opportunities for outdoor activities.

Completed applications received by February 17, 2018 will receive full consideration. Upload cover letter, curriculum vitae, graduate transcript (unofficial acceptable), a detailed statement of teaching philosophy and goals, a statement on scholarship and three confidential letters of recommendation at Later in the process, candidates will be asked to provide a teaching demonstration video. If not using a dossier service, have three confidential letters of recommendation sent to Questions may be directed to the same email. Kalamazoo College encourages candidates who will contribute to the cultural diversity of the College to apply and to identify themselves if they wish. Equal Opportunity Employer.



Closing Date: 02/04/2018


  1. Announcements

3.1  The 2018 George Steiner Lecture in Comparative Literature

The Department of Comparative Literature in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film has pleasure in inviting you to the 2018 George Steiner Lecture in Comparative Literature supported by the AHRC Open World Research Initiative (OWRI) as part of the Cross-Language Dynamics Research Programme.

6 February, 6. 30 p.m., Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Mile End Campus, QMUL (to be followed by reception)

Professor Wiebke Denecke (Boston University)

“World Literature, Premodern Comparisons and Global Cultural Memory in Action”

As our world is getting more globally interconnected by the day, models for studying cultural phenomena in various places and periods on a global scale have rapidly multiplied and have over the past decade resulted in a wealth of new scholarship of ambitious scope. Yet, many of our global paradigms are still overwhelmingly parochial in disciplinary terms, off-shoots of particular disciplines such as “literature,” “history,” or “religious studies,” with largely streamlined research communities, audiences and institutional infrastructure that make ground-breaking interdisciplinarity challenging.

The “world literature” paradigm has over the past decade opened an academic field to new players, new audiences, new questions, and new—literatures. This lecture situates world literature studies within the most recent global paradigms in various fields of the humanities, in particular the emerging movement of “comparative studies of the premodern world” (preceding the pervasive impact of Western colonisation and modernisation).

What kind of new methodologies and concepts does this comparative approach to the premodern world inspire; what ultimate purposes does it serve? This lecture demonstrates how the emerging field of comparative premodern studies can benefit from embracing the study of global human memory to help protect and utilise the historical experience of humanity in ethically responsible ways to face the challenges of today’s world, in particular those of inequality and fundamentalist nationalisms.

Biography: Wiebke Denecke is Professor of East Asian Literatures & Comparative Literature at Boston University. Her research encompasses the literary and intellectual history of premodern China, Japan and Korea, comparative studies of East Asia and the premodern world, and world literature. She is the author ofThe Dynamics of Masters Literature: Early Chinese Thought from Confucius to Han Feizi (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010), Classical World Literatures: Sino-Japanese and Greco-Roman Comparisons (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), and co-editor of The Norton Anthology of World Literature (2012, 2018), The Oxford Handbook of Classical Chinese Literature (New York: Oxford University Press, 2017) and a three-volume literary history of Japan from an East Asian perspective (Nihon “bun”gakushi. A New History of Japanese “Letterature”) (2015-). With Zhang Longxi she co-edits the book series East Asian Comparative Literature and Culture(Brill). She currently works on projects situating early Japanese literature in relationship to Korea, on theoretical comparative approaches to East Asia’s Sinographic Sphere, and on a book project on the global, comparative study of human memory.

For more information and to book at ticket, see


  1. New Titles

4.1 Guerre d’Algérie: L’impossible commémoration (Armand Colin, 2018)

By Rémi Dalisson

Depuis 1962 et la signature des accords d’Évian, pas une année ne passe sans que la mémoire de la guerre d’Algérie ne revienne dans le débat public, y compris lors des campagnes électorales ou chaque mois de mars, quand des maires refusent de la célébrer. Depuis 1962, pas une inauguration de rue « 19 mars, fin de la guerre d’Algérie » ne se passe sans qu’elle ne soit perturbée par des incidents ou que sa dénomination n’en soit changée lors de « contre-inaugurations ». Et les querelles rebondissent jusque dans le domaine éducatif où les élèves de terminale doivent étudier « les mémoires de la guerre d’Algérie ». La mémoire du conflit semble donc hanter la société française comme si, entre histoire et mémoire, rien n’avait été encore tranché.

Or, il n’est pas de meilleur indice de cette omniprésence et des enjeux de cette mémoire complexe, loin des simplifications et instrumentalisations dont elle est l’objet, que la question de la commémoration de la fin de la guerre. Dans un pays comme la France, friand de cérémonies publiques et de pédagogie civique par la fête, la question de la commémoration de la fin de la guerre synthétise tous les enjeux mémoriaux, identitaires et historiques de la question algérienne. En replaçant cette « impossible commémoration » dans son contexte national, en étudiant les divers groupes mémoriaux concernés, les nombreux héritages commémoratifs et les pratiques cérémonielles de terrain, Rémi Dalisson montre les stigmates de la guerre, le poids de sa mémoire et son enjeu pour une nation traversée par de multiples interrogations identitaires et un rapport complexe au passé, y compris colonial.

For more information, see


4.2 French Feminisms: 1975 and After (Peter Lang, 2017)

This volume explores contemporary French women’s writing through the prism of one of the defining moments of modern feminism: the writings of the 1970s that came to be known as «French feminism». With their exhilarating renewal of the rules of fiction, and a sophisticated theoretical approach to gender, representation and textuality, Hélène Cixous and others became internationally recognised for their work, at a time when the women’s movement was also a driving force for social change. Taking its cue from Les Femmes s’entêtent, a multi-authored analysis of the situation of women and a celebration of women’s creativity, this collection offers new readings of Monique Wittig, Emma Santos and Hélène Cixous, followed by essays on Nina Bouraoui, Michèle Perrein and Ying Chen, Marguerite Duras and Mireille Best, and Valentine Goby. A contextualising introduction establishes the theoretical and cultural framework of the volume with a critical re-evaluation of this key moment in the history of feminist thought and women’s writing, pursuing its various legacies and examining the ways theoretical and empirical developments in queer studies, postcolonial studies and postmodernist philosophies have extended, inflected and challenged feminist work. Available for purchase here.

Margaret Atack is Professor of French at the University of Leeds.

Alison Fell is Professor of French Cultural History at the University of Leeds

Diana Holmes is Professor of French at the University of Leeds

Imogen Long is Lecturer in French at the University of Hull.


4.3 Littératures et langues africaines: Production et diffusion (Karthala, 2017)

Ursula Baumgardt

Les littératures en langues africaines sont encore mal connues, alors qu’elles sont riches et très diversifiées, réunissant aussi bien des productions orales que des productions écrites en plusieurs graphies.

Ce volume présente des études sur les littératures de treize pays : Algérie, Cameroun, Comores, Djibouti, Gabon, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Nigéria, Rwanda, Sénégal, Tanzanie et Tchad. Les langues concernées sont le bulu, le hausa, l’igbo, le kabyle, le kinyarwanda, le malgache, le mandingue, l’orungo, le peul, le shikomori, le somali, le swahili, le tupuri et le wolof.

Les vingt-deux contributions s’organisent selon deux problématiques : la production d’abord et la diffusion ensuite des littératures en langues africaines, en distinguant pour chacune d’elles l’oralité et la scripturalité pour s’intéresser également à l’articulation entre les deux modalités de communication.

Dans son introduction, Ursula Baumgardt définit le cadre théorique et méthodologique du projet pilote ELLAF (Encyclopédie des littératures en langues africaines) qui est à la source de l’ouvrage. Elle contextualise ainsi la production de la littérature orale et de la néo-oralité, tout comme sa diffusion numérique et les manifestations de l’écriture littéraire dans toute sa richesse.

L’articulation étroite entre littératures orales et littératures écrites en langues africaines constitue la grande originalité de ces travaux. Elle permet une approche différenciée des textes et contribue à poser les bases d’une comparaison des littératures en fonction de la langue de production et du mode de communication utilisés.

En conclusion, il est proposé d’améliorer les structures d’édition et de diffusion de ces littératures, d’encourager leur transmission et leur enseignement.

Ursula Baumgardt est professeur de « Oralité et littératures africaines » à l’Institut National des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) à Paris et membre de l’équipe de recherche « Pluralité des Langues et des Identités » – Didactique – Acquisition (PLIDAM) – INALCO.

Ont également contribué à cet ouvrage : Marie-Rose Abomo-Maurin, Flavia Aiello, Amar Ameziane, Elara Bertho, Jean Derive, Abdoulaye Keïta Fatouma Mahamoud, Kelly Marlène Milebou Njave, Aliou Mohamadou, Louis Ndong, Solotiana Nirhy-Lanto Ramamonjisoa, Jean Chrysostome Nkejabhizi, Chaïbou Elhadji Oumarou Narivelo Rajaonarimana, Uta Reuster-Jahn, Moussa Sagna, Cheick Sakho, Amadou Sow, Mohand-Akli Salhi, Henry Tourneux, Françoise Ugochukwu, Ibrahim Yahaya, Théophile Yamo Kalbe, Souleymane Ali Yero.

En savoir plus:


4.4 Traces of War: Interpreting Ethics and Trauma in Twentieth-Century French Writing (Liverpool University Press, 2017)

By Colin Davis

The legacy of the Second World War remains unsettled; no consensus has been achieved about its meaning and its lasting impact. This is pre-eminently the case in France, where the experience of defeat and occupation created the grounds for a deeply ambiguous mixture of resistance and collaboration, pride and humiliation, heroism and abjection, which writers and politicians have been trying to disentangle ever since. This book develops a theoretical approach which draws on trauma studies and hermeneutics; and it then focuses on some of the intellectuals who lived through the war and on how their experience and troubled memories of it continue to echo through their later writing, even and especially when it is not the explicit topic. This was an astonishing generation of writers who would go on to play a pivotal role on a global scale in post-war aesthetic and philosophical endeavours. The book proposes close readings of works by some of the most brilliant amongst them: Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Charlotte Delbo, Paul Ricoeur, Emmanuel Levinas, Louis Althusser, Jorge Semprun, Elie Wiesel, and Sarah Kofman.

For more information, see

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