calls for papers, job opportunities, monthly mailing, new titles, news, SFPS Mailing, SFPS monthly mailing

SFPS Mailing: September 2023

29th September 2023
  1. Calls for Papers/Contributions.

1.1 CFP (ACLA): The Caribbean and The American South: Interrogating Contemporary Literary, Artistic, and Cultural Relations.

1.2 Call for Papers: WiF UK-Ireland Postgraduate & Early Career Showcase.

1.3 Call for papers – NCSA 2024 Conference in Louisville, KY.

1.4 Decolonising the World Republic of Letters: Translation, Circulation, and Intellectual Networks across the Global South (Paris)

1.5 CFP (rappel): Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones, McGill (Montréal), avril 2024

1.6 New Regions Symposium CFP: Naomi Fontaine and Gisèle Pineau.

1.7 2024 Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium: CFP.

1.8 48th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society (FCHS) – May 2024.

1.9 From Biopolitics to Ecoaesthetics: Legacies of Encroachment(s) in French and Francophone literatures, arts, and medias (Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, MA)

1.10 CfP: Remembering Spaces of Internment, March 2024, Tucson (Arizona)

1.11 CFP (Boston) – Classica Francophonia.

1.12 The Critical Muslim: France – Call for Essays.

1.13 Diversity, Decolonization and the French Curriculum Call for Proposals: Open Conversations.

1.14 The Sacred, the Spiritual and the Religious in Contemporary Global Societies :: International online study day, December 14, 2023.

1.15 Extended deadline to 1 November: CFP French Historical Studies Conference: Long Island, March 14-16, 2024.

1.16 New Deadline: Seminar Series on ‘Women and/on Waves’ organised by WIF Australia.

1.17 CfP SFS 65th Annual Conference Stirling 2024.

1.18 Guillaume Oyono-Mbia: Beyond the Stage / Guillaume Oyono-Mbia: au-delà de la scène.

  1. Job and Scholarship Opportunities.

2.1 Assistant Professor, Francophone Postcolonial Studies, University of Cambridge.

2.2 Poste de Professeur assistant avec pré titularisation conditionnelle en littérature française du XIXe s. (Genève)

2.3 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships at the University of Aberdeen.

2.4 Vacancy: senior lecturer (Grade 9, permanent) in French, Univ of Dundee.

2.5 Job Opportunity – Weiner Distinguished Professor of Humanities.

2.6 Irish Research Council (IRC) Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2024.

2.7 Assistant Professor of French, Cornell University.

2.8 3 Academic Research Assistants (m/f/x) “Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation” (Saarland University)

2.9 Assistant Professor of French Literature at Boston College.

2.10 TT Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Notre Dame.

2.11 Assistant Professor of Global French Studies, University of Michigan.

2.12 Associate Lecturer in French (Education and Scholarship), University of Exeter

2.13 Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies – Tenure-Track (University of San Diego, California)

2.14 Assistant professor of Francophone literature (Columbia University)

2.15 Assistant Professor in Decolonial Pedagogy (Emory Univ.)

2.16 Call for papers: 2024 author fellowship in residence, Migration Politics.

2.17 $28K Graduate Assistantships for Fall 2024 French Studies PhD enrollees (LSU)

2.18 Annonce de poste — Littérature francophone des Caraïbes, Université de Montréal


2.20 Job: Ohio State University, Asst Prof. Film and Media Studies.

2.21 Assistant Professor, French and Italian TE, University of Arizona.

  1. Announcements.

3.1 Vincent Brown Lecture – Queen Mary University of London, 17th October 2023.

3.2 Concours d’écriture créative, Institut Polytechnique.

3.3 French, but not (Q)White: Expanding Frenchness for the 21st Century (University of Edinburgh Centre for African Studies Research Seminar)

3.4 Visions of the Haitian Revolution’s Rebel Women and Men.

3.5 Caribbean Studies Seminar Series (autumn term, online)

3.6 CfN – Western Society for French History Governing Council

3.7 New co-editor sought for the journal French History – applications open until 1 October 2023.

3.8 The Haiti Seminar

3.9 Le 25ème anniversaire du colloque annuel de l’ADEFFI

3.10 IHR Modern French History Seminar – Autumn 2023-24.

3.11 Women and Islam: Agency in Francophone and Italophone Autobiography (27 Oct 2023)

3.12 ASMCF Brian Darling and Douglas Johnson Memorial Prizes: OPEN.

3.13 ASMCF Initiative Fund: October 2023.

3.14 A new French Presse Oct 1.

3.15 SAS Research Training Programme 2023/24 – Term 1.

3.16 Reading Decoloniality Next Sessions.

3.17 Francophone islands discussion group – call for expressions of interest

3.18 TROUBLING WATERS — BOOK LAUNCH October 13, 2023 @ Reference Point

3.19 Caribbean International Film Fest

  1. New Publications.

4.1 Julia Prest (ed.), Colonial-Era Caribbean Theatre: Issues in Research, Writing and Methodology (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023)

4.2 Contemporary French Civilization, 48.3 (2023)

4.3 Oliver Gloag, Oublier Camus (Paris: La Fabrique, 2023)

4.4 Pierre Singaravélou (ed.), Colonisations. Notre histoire (Paris: La Fabrique, 2023)

4.5 Jeffrey Ahlman, Ghana: A Political and Social History.

3.6 Julie d’Andurain and Guillaume Vial (eds.), « Histoire coloniale et impériale de l’Afrique. Capes et Agrégation d’histoire 2022-2025 ». « Hors-Série Concours » d’Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire coloniale et impériale.

3.7 Fabio Rossinelli, Géographie et impérialisme: De la Suisse au Congo entre exploration géographique et conquête coloniale (Neuchâtel : Editions Alphil, 2023)

3.8 Dominique Barjot and Jean-François Klein (eds), Rencontres impériales : l’Asie et la France. Le « moment Second Empire » (Paris : Hémisphères, 2023)

3.9 Elizabeth M. Perego, Humor and Power in Algeria, 1920 to 2021 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2023)

3.10 Jennifer J. Davis, Bad Subjects: Libertine Lives in the French Atlantic, 1619–1814 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023)

3.11 Matt Reeck, Ethics of Description: The Anthropological Dispositif and French Modern Travel Writing (London: Routledge, 2024)

3.12 Louis Joseph-Janvier, Haiti for the Haitians. Translated by Nadève Ménard and edited by Chelsea Stieber and Brandon R. Byrd (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023 [1884])

3.13 Marlene L. Daut, Awakening the Ashes: an Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023)

3.14 Études creoles, 40.1-2 (2023): René Maran, un écrivain pareil aux autres.

3.15 Paperback Edition of Kawtar Najib, Spatialized Islamophobia (London: Routledge, 2022)

1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 CFP (ACLA): The Caribbean and The American South: Interrogating Contemporary Literary, Artistic, and Cultural Relations

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider applying to the ACAL 2024 panel “The Caribbean and The American South: Interrogating Contemporary Literary, Artistic, and Cultural Relations” (papers presented in Montreal will be included in the collective volume of the same name to be published in 2025). Click here to submit a paper.

Organizer: Emily O’Dell & Jeanne Jégousso

Connected by the shared experience of the “plantation system” (in the words of Martinican author Édouard Glissant), the relationship between the Caribbean and the American South has been studied from a historical perspective [1], and the literary influences and connections have been analyzed in the context of 19th and 20th century literature [2]. While some of these studies have expanded their temporal boundaries, they have been limited by linguistic barriers including the collective volumes of American Creoles: the Francophone Caribbean and the American South edited by Celia Britton or La Louisiane et les Antilles, une nouvelle région du monde edited by Alexandre Leupin and Dominique Aurélia. In the case of these examples, the discussions of some of the more modern literary and cultural connections between the Caribbean and the American South are limited to the context of a French speaking network.

Our goal with this panel is to expand on the existing ideas of the “circumCaribbean” by welcoming presentations analyzing the literary, artistic, and cultural connections between the American South and the Caribbean from the late 20th/21st centuries, regardless of linguistic boundaries. Some questions to consider: Since the late 20th century, how do authors from the Spanish, Dutch, English, French, Kreyol speaking Caribbean write about their relationships with their American neighbors? Alternatively, how do authors from the southern United States understand and represent the Caribbean in their literary works? How do American or Caribbean literatures continue to illustrate the famous motto that New Orleans is “the northmost city of the Caribbean”? How are the contemporary relationships between the Caribbean the American South studied in the classroom? What cross-cultural connections can we see emerging in works of literature by authors from the southern U.S. and the Caribbean? Presentations from cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology, arts, and history are also welcomed.

We welcome the submission of 300-word abstracts that address the questions listed here as well as any others that pertain to the topic of this pertain to the topic of this panel.

[1] Caribbean New Orleans: Empire, Race, and the Making of a Slave Society by Cécile ViVidal, From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans: Migration and Influences by Nathalie Dessens, Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after Slavery by Rebecca J. Scott, and Spanish New Orleans and the Caribbean by Alfred E. Lemmon, to name a few

[2] Calypso Magnolia: The Crosscurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature by John Wharton Lowe, Just Below South: Intercultural Performance in the Caribbean and the U.S. South edited by Jessica Adams, Michael P. Bibler, and Cécile Accilien, Postslavery Literatures in the Americas: Family Portraits in Black and White by George B. Handley

1.2 Call for Papers: WiF UK-Ireland Postgraduate & Early Career Showcase

Call for Papers

Women in French UK-Ireland Postgraduate & Early Career Showcase:

Feminist Futures

Friday 1st December 2023, online

Women in French UK-Ireland invites postgraduate and early career researchers working on any aspect of ​​Francophone women’s cultural production to present their work at a one-day showcase. This event will be an opportunity for postgraduates and ECRs to discuss their work-in-progress in a supportive and collegial environment, and to build up a community of scholars in the field.

‘Feminist Futures’ is intended as a broad title that captures the diversity and promise of the research projects currently being carried out by postgraduates and ECRs in the field of Francophone women’s cultural production. As such, whether you have not yet begun your PhD or whether you have recently finished it, we invite you to share with us any aspect of your work. For example, you might like to present:

  • A brief overview of your PhD thesis
  • One of your chapters
  • One aspect of your argument
  • Your methodology or theoretical framework
  • An idea for a new or future research project

Through this showcase, we hope to provide postgraduate and early career researchers with a useful forum for feedback and encouragement; to develop generative connections across our scholarly community; and to build up a picture of the future of feminist research in the field of French studies.

We welcome proposals from postgraduate and early career researchers whose work falls into any discipline, including but not limited to literature, film, theatre, music, queer studies, trans studies, postcolonial studies, history, philosophy, and translation. Speakers will have 10-15 minutes to present.

To apply, please send the following to Ally Pugh ( and Emma Flynn ( by 5pm on Friday 20th October:

  • An outline of your proposed presentation (max. 300 words)
  • Your name, institution, and level of study

You do not have to be a member of Women in French UK-Ireland to present, although membership is warmly encouraged (you can sign up here). Colleagues at all career stages will be welcome to join us on the day. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Emma and Ally on the email addresses provided above.

1.3 Call for papers – NCSA 2024 Conference in Louisville, KY

45th Annual Conference
Nineteenth-Century Studies Association
Louisville, Kentucky
March 14 – 16, 2024

From its early history as an important trading hub along the Ohio River, Louisville, Kentucky stood as an important gateway between the south and the north as well as between the east and west. As the city grew rapidly throughout the nineteenth century due to its favorable geography, it served as a threshold to nearby Indiana enslaved people longing for freedom and simultaneously as one of the largest centers for the trade and trafficking of enslaved individuals. Despite Kentucky remaining within the Union, many in the state sympathized with the Confederacy, and the political clout of Confederate soldiers returning after the Civil War earned Louisville its reputation as the city that joined the Confederacy after the war was over. During reconstruction and into the twentieth century, the city continued to wrestle with its history while also creating opportunities for those newly freed. Thus, the image of Louisville as a threshold offers fruitful ground for considering the individuals, institutions, conditions, and movements that shape the nineteenth century.


As an interdisciplinary organization, we welcome (15-20 minute) papers and submissions that explore thresholds from a broad range of perspectives, especially diverse national and international frameworks. In discussing physical manifestations of thresholds, papers may explore thresholds in nineteenth-century art, architecture, geography, history, literature, and material culture. Papers may address temporal thresholds into and from the long nineteenth century, including events, figures, and perspectives from the eighteenth through the twentieth centuries. Since thresholds also imply the midpoint from one state of existence to another or from one social status to another, we also welcome broader interpretations of the conference theme such as: thresholds between wilderness and civilization, ecological thresholds, threshold states (e.g. vampirism), visual thresholds, economic thresholds, musical thresholds, and ontological thresholds. Submissions may also address the abundant scientific and technological thresholds in the nineteenth century and the ways they shaped our modes of existence and understanding, e.g. electricity, the phonograph, atomic particles, and the standardization of time. While thresholds often imply advancing through a transition, papers may also conceptualize them as limits that are not transgressed. Topics on the state of nineteenth-century studies might also include thresholds of teaching and scholarship, academic labor practices, or innovative approaches to humanities education.

Please send 250-word abstracts with one-page CVs to by September 30, 2023.
Abstracts should include the author’s name, institutional affiliation, and paper title in the heading. The organizers welcome individual proposals, panel proposals with four presenters and a moderator, or larger roundtable sessions. Note that submission of a proposal constitutes a commitment to attend if accepted. Presenters will be notified in November 2023. The organizers encourage submissions from graduate students, and those whose proposals have been accepted may submit complete papers to apply for a travel grant to help cover transportation and lodging expenses. See the sidebar at right for more information about conference grants. 

You will find all the details about the conference here :

1.4 Decolonising the World Republic of Letters: Translation, Circulation, and Intellectual Networks across the Global South (Paris)

Date de tombée (deadline) : 31 Octobre 2023

À : Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris, France)

This other Paris was just one node in a much larger network of translation, circulation, and intellectual exchange that extended across what was known as the first, second, and third worlds in the second half of the twentieth century. The Bandung conference of 1955, as well as the emergence of Afro-Asian, Tricontinental, and Third World solidarity movements, marked not only a geopolitical shift, but also a philosophical and symbolic one, further displacing the European city as the centre of knowledge production and political organization.

Taking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Pascale Casanova’s field-defining La République mondiale des lettres (The World Republic of Letters, 1999) as its point of departure, and with the many debates that followed in mind (see, for instance, Apter, Cheah, and Mufti, as well as recent monographs published in the “Cambridge Studies in World Literature” series edited by Debjani Ganguly and Francesca Orsini), this conference seeks to further decentralize the praxis of cultural reading and literary critique that the notion of Paris as the world capital of literature represents. Drawing inspiration from a host of decolonial projects that seek to renegotiate the terms in which we understand the world—a process that Walter Mignolo terms “epistemic delinking”—we seek to examine trans-peripheral and counter-hegemonic cultural infrastructures that flourished despite, in resistance to, and in the aftermath of colonial domination. This project is historical, but also oriented toward the present and, crucially, dedicated to rethinking the epistemic assumptions that undergird the study of literature and associated forms of cultural production in the present. 

While dominant models of world literature have largely focused on canonical works and formats established by the cultural industry and institutions of the Global North, these rarely account for the oral, indigenous, clandestine, digital, or pirated circulations which constitute key disseminations channels in the Global South. Focus on the book format, sales indicators, awards, and the influence of major publishing houses, moreover, reinforces the centrality of western (or, northern) expression as the measure against which other forms of production are read. Hence, decolonizing the World Republic of Letters requires expanding the epistemic borders against which we conceptualize categories such as “literature.” Here, we understand the concept of “border” both in a political and metaphorical sense: as the borders between nation-states, which impose visible confines on a “free” territory as well as metaphorical borders, which, as Ngugi wa Thiong’o has argued, constitute cultural “cages” that sustain the imperial order and have an impact on narrative processes, distribution, and visibility. Against this backdrop, a new conception of literature can be inscribed: one increasingly understood as something that can go beyond the “literate” dimension and which benefits from new technological spaces and perceptual hybridizations.

Our aim is, on the one hand, to identify and examine the infrastructure of textual production in and across the Global South, including independent publishing initiatives, journals, magazines, blogs, “cartoneras,” performance and oral traditions, translations, and festivals, to name a few examples.  And, on the other hand, the conference seeks to critically discuss the very definition of literature coined and disseminated from the production centres of western knowledge and aesthetics so that subterranean, anomalous, and counter-hegemonic transactions between different regions of the Global South can be illuminated. 

Submission details 

Proposals should include the author’s name, affiliation, email, title, and a 500 word abstract and must be submitted by 31 October 2023 to:

The conference welcomes researchers at all levels and on all regions of the Global South. While we encourage papers that engage with material in a range of languages, including languages not of European origin, presentations themselves should be in English.

Participation guidelines 

Participation in the conference is free of charge. Lunch during the conference days and one dinner at a restaurant will be covered by the organization. Travel and accommodation must be individually organized by the participants.

Keynote speakers 

To be announced 


  • Independent publishing networks, including journals, newspaper, and little magazines. 
  • Translation and circulation across minor and/or languages of non-European origin
  • Translation programmes between cultures of the Global South, particularly beyond English and other imperial languages
  • Literary congresses and festivals in/from the Global South
  • Orature, performance, and transmedia
  • South-south literary influences and exchange
  • Competing literary systems and network-building in the Cold War and beyond
  • Literary and artistic representations of other cultures and regions of the Global South, including South-South travel narratives
  • Integration programmes and strategic alliances within the Global South
  • Narratives of shared belonging among different cultures of the Global South
  • South-south comparative literature
  • Epistemologies and literary theory from the South(s)
  • The untranslatable, the vernacular, the idiomatic

Suggested readings

Apter, Emily. Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability. New York: Verso, 2013.

Bhattacharya, Baidik. Postcolonial Writing in the Era of World Literature: Texts, Territories, Globalizations. London: Routledge, 2020.

Cheah, Peng. What is a World? Durham: Duke UP, 2016.

Fyfe, Alexander & Madhu Krishnan, eds. African Literatures as World Literature. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.

Garland Mahler, Anne. From the Tricontinental to the Global South: Race, Radicalism, and Transnational Solidarity. Durham: Duke UP, 2018.

Helgesson, Stefan. Decolonisations of Literature: Critical Practice in Africa and Brazil after 1945. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2022.

Kalliney, Peter J. The Aesthetic Cold War: Decolonization and Global Literature. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2022.

Mufti, Amir. Forget English! Orientalisms and World Literatures. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2016.

Müller, Gesine, Jorge J. Locane & Benjamin Loy, eds. Re-Mapping World Literature: Writing, Book Markets and Epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2018.

Phaf-Rheinberger, Ineke & Koichi Hagimoto, eds. Geografía caleidoscópicas. América Latina y sus imaginarios intercontinentales. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2022.

Phạm, Quỳnh N. & Robbie Shilliam, eds. Meanings of Bandung: Postcolonial Orders and Decolonial Visions. London/New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016. 


Jorge J. Locane, Estefanía Bournot, Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra, Azucena G. Blanco, Rubén Almendros, and Coordinator: Ana María Ramírez Gómez

1.5 CFP (rappel): Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones, McGill (Montréal), avril 2024

Appel à communication

2e colloque international  

Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones

Université McGill 18-19 avril 2024


« La géocritique permet d’abord de cerner la dimension littéraire des lieux, de dresser une cartographie fictionnelle des espaces humains ». Partant de cette définition westphalienne de l’approche géocritique (2000, 34), on ne peut plus ignorer la relation substantielle qui unit texte littéraire et territoire habité. C’est donc le moment de porter un nouveau regard sur la représentation de l’espace réel dans les littératures et les arts francophones, et sur ses conséquences politiques, touristiques, imaginaires ou médiatiques sur telle ville d’Afrique subsaharienne, tel village maghrébin, telle morne antillaise ou telle île des Mascareignes. Malgré l’important travail des monarques, des géographes, des historiens et autres architectes, il semble qu’une bonne partie du mythe, de l’attractivité ou de la « réputation » bonne ou mauvaise de ces villes et campagnes est l’œuvre des écrivains et des artistes, notamment francophones.              

Il s’agit pour ce 2e colloque international « géocritique francophone » d’interroger avec un regard neuf les spatialités littéraires et artistiques francophones considérées dans leur généricité – du roman au film, en passant par la photographie, la musique et la peinture – et dans leur intermédialité, c’est-à-dire les procédés de représentation topographique qui les relient ou les distinguent. Il s’agit ensuite de montrer comment un véritable imaginaire cartographique détaille, déforme ou redessine les topographies réelles des capitales africaines, des quartiers côtiers maghrébins, des vallées habitées océaniennes ou des campagnes caribéennes. C’est ce rapport alternatif du texte ou de l’image à l’espace connu qui actionne le véritable processus créatif et discursif des productions francophones, fonde des narrativités postcoloniales jusqu’à la déconfiguration générique, découvre des techniques descriptives jusqu’à l’ekphrasis, instaure des relations intertextuelles jusqu’au collage et crée des langages spatiaux souvent connotés, personnalisés ou débridés.       

Et si une bonne partie du « retentissement international » de Dakar procédait d’abord de ses représentations romanesques, cinématographiques, photographiques et musicales qui signalent une convergence géofocale entre un récit de Bacary Diallo (1926), un film de Sembène Ousmane (1968), un livre d’images de Péretier Olivier (1987) et un album de Youssou Ndour (2019) ? Et si Texaco de Patrick Chamoiseau représentait la « cellule germinale » à partir de laquelle émergent et résonnent toutes les Antilles « irréelles et accidentées », du Fort-de-France de Pierre Benoît (1933) au Cahier d’un retour au pays natal de Césaire (1939), de Mamzelle Libellule de Raphaël Confiant (2000) aux Villes assassines d’Alfred Alexandre (2011) ? Plus qu’une nostalgie romantique d’Alger-la-blanche, Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud (2013) n’est-il pas davantage une variation intertextuelle sur la « ville indomptable » qui, au-delà de L’étranger d’Albert Camus, dévie ce roman vers Les hauteurs de la ville d’Emmanuel Roblès (1948), vers Nedjma de Kateb Yacine (1956) ou encore L’amour, la fantasia d’Assia Djebar (1985) ?             

Ces questions ne confirment pas seulement l’interdisciplinarité et l’intersartialité qui fondent l’étude géocritique, elles montrent aussi la centralité de l’énonciation spatiale dans les fictions et les arts francophones. L’objectif de ce 2e colloque international « Géocritique francophone » à l’Université McGill en avril 2024 est d’étudier les potentialités géocritiques des littératures et des arts francophones en mettant l’accent non pas sur une supposée « fidélité » du roman, du film, du catalogue photographique ou de l’album musical au référent géographique, mais sur la spatialité urbaine ou rurale comme poétique et comme esthétique, donc doublement comme recréation et réanimation d’un lieu connu. Seront considérées en particulier les propositions de communication qui privilégient des corpus diversifiés de textes, de films ou d’autres arts et portant sur un même territoire référentiel, qu’il soit rural, urbain ou maritime. Sans être exhaustifs, les propositions pourront s’inscrire dans les axes suivants :

–       géocritique narrative de l’urbanité francophone : subjectivités descriptives et savoirs romanesques   

–       de la géocritique francophone aux théories postcoloniales : écarts et complémentarités  

–       espaces écotones et espaces frontaliers : entre lieux et non-lieux   

–       géocritique francophone et narrations iconographiques : plans cinématographiques et perspectives photographiques

–       l’espace en chanson : géofictions ou autofictions ?           

–       approche géocritique et autres approches de l’espace fictionnel : ruptures et prolongements

Les propositions de communication doivent être envoyées par courriel en français avant le 30 octobre 2023 à  et

La longueur des propositions est de 25 lignes maximum (Time 12, sans interligne) suivies d’une notice biobibliographique de 10 lignes maximum comportant votre nom, institution d’attache, domaines de recherche et publications récentes. Le Comité scientifique évaluera toutes les propositions reçues et les auteur.e.s seront avisé.e.s le 15 novembre 2023.

1.6 New Regions Symposium CFP: Naomi Fontaine and Gisèle Pineau

Florida State University

28-29 March, 2024

As part of the Winthrop-King Writers in Residence week (24-31 March 2024), we will be hosting a New Regions Symposium on 28-29 March 2024. In accordance with the aims of the New Regions initiative, we invite paper and panel proposals that examine the work of Naomi Fontaine and Gisèle Pineau, and especially the potential resonances between the two authors, and between communities, cultures, and histories in Quebec, Guadeloupe and the broader Caribbean.

Paper proposals (250 words maximum, along with a brief bio-bibliography) or proposals for complete panels (3-4 speakers), or creative, artistic, or pedagogical interventions, should be submitted before October 31, 2023.

Please submit your abstract here: 

Naomi Fontaine was born in Uashat, an Innu community surrounded by the Sept-Îles Bay. She is a French teacher and writer in her home community. Her first novel, Kuessipan (Mémoire d’encrier, 2011)won the Prix des Cinq Continents de la Francophonie and was adapted into a feature-length film. In her second novel, Manikanetish (Mémoire d’encrier, 2017), Fontaine writes about education, return, and the effects of history on her students and community. She was named one of the “Women of the Year” by Elle Québec in 2011. Fontaine’s work is profoundly anticolonial and deeply engaged with the effects of history on the Innu community.

Gisèle Pineau has written about exile, intolerance, violence, poverty, solitude, and love, over the course of her prolific writing career. She has won eleven literary prizes, most recently the Prix du roman historique (2021) for her novel from the same year, Ady, soleil noir. The work reconstructs the life of Adrienne Fidelin, a Guadeloupean woman who became the muse and model for the American surrealist Man Ray. In addition to being a writer, Gisèle Pineau spent close to twenty years as a psychiatric nurse. She has recently returned to Guadeloupe and lives on the island of Marie-Galante.

The Winthrop-King Writers in Residence brings together these two women writers who give voice to communities and people who have historically been underrepresented. As part of the New Regions initiative, our aim is to create a space where two writers from two different communities can come together to generate new understandings and new relations. The authors will be in residence at Florida State University from 24-31 March 2024. During that time, the communities of Florida State University and Tallahassee will have the opportunity to meet and engage with them through a writing workshop, public readings, and the symposium. 


A Winthrop-King Initiative 

We shall meet where the oceans join 

we are all now entering into a new region of the world, which designates its sites on all the given and imaginable expanses, and of which only a few had been able to foresee in the distance its wanderings and obscurities. We believe that these foreshadowing wanderings, these foretelling obscurities, if they present themselves still today in overly apocalyptic contexts, would be no less propitious for a renewed energy of the matter of the world, or for a means of regeneration, as all the inaugural catastrophes appear to be, memories of a dizzying creation and whose varieties are difficult to foretell. (Édouard Glissant, A New Region of the World)

1.7 2024 Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium: CFP


The University of Florida, the University of North Florida, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito will host their second Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium at Universidad San Francisco Quito in Quito, Ecuador from Thursday, July 4 – Saturday July 6, 2024. 

We seek proposals for papers, posters, and lightning rounds, on any topic related to Digital Humanities focusing on Latin America and Caribbean Studies. We welcome proposals not only from those in higher education, including students, faculty, and staff, but also from cultural institutions and other organizations doing work in the digital humanities. 

Proposals of no more than 250 words may be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French by October 16, 2023. We encourage people to submit proposals for projects at any stage of completion. You can submit your proposal using our submission form.


L’Université de Floride, l’Université de Floride du Nord, et l’Université San Francisco de Quito organisent ensemble leur deuxième symposium dédié aux projets numériques se focalisant sur l’Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes. Ce symposium se déroulera à l’Université San Francisco de Quito, Equateur, du Jeudi 4 juillet au Samedi 6 juillet 2024.

Nous recherchons des propositions de présentations (longues de 15 mn ou courtes de 5 mn) et de posters sur n’importe quel sujet touchant aux humanités numériques et se focalisant sur l’Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes. Nous acceptons non seulement les propositions de toute personne de l’enseignement supérieur, y compris les étudiant·e·s, les professeur·e·s, ou autres membres du staff, mais aussi les propositions de toute personne venant d’institutions culturelles ou autres organisations travaillant dans les humanités numériques.

Les propositions ne doivent pas faire plus de 250 mots et peuvent être soumises en anglais, espagnol, portugais ou français jusqu’au 16 octobre 2023. Nous encourageons les soumissions pour des projets à n’importe quel stade de création. Vous pouvez soumettre votre proposition en utilisant notre formulaire.

1.8 48th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society (FCHS) – May 2024

The 48th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society (FCHS) will
take place May 23-25, 2024 in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia.
Proposals on any topic related to French colonial history and its legacies are
welcome. We especially invite papers related to this year’s theme, “The
Intimacies of Empire,” which reflects on the ways that the domains of the
intimate and relationships of intimacy shaped the workings of colonial power
and its consequences across the French empire and Francophone worlds.

The deadline for submissions is October 15, 2023.

We hope to see you there!

Please visit for the full CFP,
submission instructions, workshop information, housing opportunities, and
travel awards.


Le 48e congrès annuel de la Société historique coloniale française (SHCF) se
déroulera à Charlottesville (aux États-Unis) au campus de l’Université de
Virginie le 23-25 mai, 2024.

Les communications sur tout sujet lié à l’histoire coloniale française et ses
héritages sont les bienvenues. Nous invitons particulièrement les
interventions liées au thème de cette année, “Les intimités de l’empire”, qui
réfléchit sur la manière dont les domaines de l’intime et les relations
d’intimité ont façonné le fonctionnement du pouvoir colonial et ses
conséquences à travers l’Empire français et les mondes francophones.

La date limite de soumission est le 15 octobre 2023.

Nous espérons de vous voir en Virginie!

Veuillez visiter pour
l’appel de propositions détaillé, les instructions de soumission, les
informations sur les ateliers, les logements, et les bourses pour les

1.9 From Biopolitics to Ecoaesthetics: Legacies of Encroachment(s) in French and Francophone literatures, arts, and medias (Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston, MA)

Du 7 Mars 2024 au 10 Mars 2024

“Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins,” is a popular ( Zechariah Chafee, 1919) is a popular aphorism in legal imaginaries that theoretically synthesizes the scope of concepts such as freedom, power, and sovereignty. The reality of globalization, and its inherent movements and interactions of bodies, challenges the radical frame and geographies of the aforementioned concepts. The inevitability of the relation, in its materialisations as contact, conflict, and integration, highlights the thin lines between acknowledging, understanding, and trespassing boundaries in human relations to each other and to the systems that govern their lives. Boundaries being perceived either as divine or man-made laws, their existence and legacies are sustained by internalized knowledge of codes and conventions, values and principles, traditions and modus operandi. The idea of encroachment in thinking of the experiences of boundaries in human relations captures the inevitable obsession for trespassing. Regardless of its motivation, trespassing has an impact on the body that is transformative. Therefore, the effects of encroachment pervade the body in its relation to itself and its environment(s). In thinking about legacies of encroachments in French and Francophone literatures, we think of the legacies of this concept in literary practices, in thematic choices across geographies, and its transmedial expressions within and beyond the literary canon(s). 

















Proposals can be sent to ( and ( or on NEMLA portal (

1.10 CfP: Remembering Spaces of Internment, March 2024, Tucson (Arizona)

Call for Papers:  15 October 2023

Symposium: 7–8 March 2024

Remembering Spaces of Internment (ReSI) invites broad and interdisciplinary reflections on spaces of internment and on their erasure of which they are often the object. Internment, as ReSI examines it, is distinct from imprisonment; it concerns the deprivation of liberties due to administrative or military decisions, not judicial ones. Places of internment are a contemporary phenomenon linked to the emergence of and consolidation of public administrations. Such places have been present since the 19th century and on all inhabited continents. Even if designated as places of “exception,” their presence is structural. In this respect, places of internment contradict principles of the rule of law. Additionally, if the phenomenon of internment overlaps with that of the camp, it is not completely superimposed: internment can take place in other spaces, and the camp is not always synonymous with internment. Nevertheless, spaces of internment have rarely been the subject of a transversal study that accounts for the extent of the phenomenon. ReSI’s aim is to establish a research network in order to collectively reflect on the subject. (See

Building upon ReSI’s first symposium (Paris, 9-10 March 2023), ReSI’s second gathering in North America will continue this reflection on spaces of internment and to expand the research network. This call for contributions welcomes proposals addressing all genre of research concerning places of internment across geographic areas, disciplinary methods and perspectives: social sciences, humanities, architecture, arts, and so on. This symposium, while open to all types of contributions, encourages proposals on three specific areas:

Institutions and the logics that preside over their establishment, management and dissolution.

The materiality of buildings, their uses and traces.

Memory and re-membering of these places and the practices related to them.

Proposals for contributions (in English, Spanish and French, one page maximum) should be sent to, before September 15, 2023. For any other questions, please write to The symposium will take place in Tucson, Arizona on March 7 and 8, 2024. In-person participation will be prioritized.

ReSI’s 2023-5 series of symposia and conference is funded by the Transatlantic Research Partnership, a program of the FACE Foundation and the French Embassy, with the participation of the University of Arizona and local partners.

1.11 CFP (Boston) – Classica Francophonia

Call for Papers
Classica Francophonia: Contemporary Artists and Writers Engaging with the Classics

Organizers: Yassine Ait Ali (Princeton University) and Sandrine Rajaonarivony (UPenn)

Northeast Modern Languages Association – Boston, USA (March 7-10, 2023)

In 1996, following Meyer Reinhold‘s influential publication of Classica Americana. The Greek and Roman Heritage in the United States (1984), Classicist Michele Valerie Ronnick coined the (later challenged) term ‘Classica Africana‘ to refer to a “subfield of the classical tradition [examining] the undeniable impact, both positive and negative, that the Graeco-Roman heritage has had on people of African descent in their creative […] endeavors”. In French studies, the construction of a “classical tradition” restricted to certain authors and centuries has similarly had an “undeniable impact”. Hitherto the distinction between “French” and “Francophone” literature is paralleled by a separation between the canon and the marginalized surplus, at times deemed as inferior, at times seen as pale copies. The French word classique itself, whether referring to the Graeco-Roman heritage or more broadly to canonical works taught in class, has historically impacted the reception of Francophone writers in various ways, including school curricula (agrégation de lettres), publishing houses (with collections like La Pléiade and Classiques Garnier) and institutional awards (the Académie Française and Goncourt prizes). In this context, an increasing number of contemporary artists — including Aimé Césaire’s Shakespeare-inspired Une Tempête (1968), Assia Djebar’s Delacroix-based Femmes d’Alger (1980), Sophie Deraspe’s reinvention (2019) of Sophocles‘ and Jean Anouilh‘s respective Antigone in today’s Canada, Alice Diop’s Medea-related movie Saint Omer (2022) and many others — are purposefully engaging in a direct discussion with the classics, the canon, and their legacy.

This panel welcomes papers (in French and English) on various forms of literature and media in French that address the rich ways in which contemporary writers and artists navigate as well as comment or reflect on the closed space of the French and European literary canon, often in relation to factors such as disability, gender, race, and sexuality. As recently theorized by Felisa Vergara Reynolds in The Author as Cannibal. Rewriting in Francophone Literature as a Postcolonial Genre (2022), areas of inquiry may include any aspects related to intertextuality and classical reception studies: How do Francophone artists engage with the French and European canon to make it their own? How do they situate themselves vis-à-vis their predecessors? Ultimately, how do such works challenge the established literary and artistic hierarchy? 

Please upload a short abstract and biography here by September 30th, 2023, and address any questions to

1.12 The Critical Muslim: France – Call for Essays

This Call for Essays is posted on behalf of Robin Yassin-Kassab – – (of The Critical Muslim):

The Critical Muslim‘s France issue is coming up. We still have plenty of time – essays should be sent to me by email by December 2024 – but there’s nothing wrong with lining up contributions earlier. We’re looking for essays of between 4000 and 6000 words (sometimes longer, if it can be justified). They should be written for an educated audience but not in an academic style or tone. We don’t include footnotes. We don’t pay salaried academics, I’m afraid (!) – but we can pay full-time writers and ‘struggling individuals’ £250 for an essay. We send a copy of the book to every contributor – each issue is a journal that looks like a book, and it’s published by Hurst.

The focus of the issue will be on France’s relations with its Muslim population and with Islam in general, as well as with Muslim societies beyond France. So we are looking for essays on such topics as the fact that the large majority of inmates in French prisons are of Muslim origin; the political arguments around laicite and the veil/burkini/ etc.; conditions in the banlieues; police racism and brutality; the incident in which hundreds of Algerians were murdered in Paris; hangovers from the Algerian war; Islamic terrorism in France and its effects on society; the burgeoning far right; France and Lebanon; France’s backing of Haftar in Libya; Rai music in France; French hip hop; something about cous cous!… And any other good suggestions covering literature, the arts, politics, society, etc. We’re looking for personal essays as well. And not every essay needs to focus on an Islamic or Muslim theme. In the Scotland issue, for instance, we’re publishing essays on Scotland’s role in slavery and on the Gaelic-speaking minority, because these topics have interesting echoes or parallels in Muslim-majority countries.

One of the functions of the CM is to showcase / provide a platform for Muslim voices, so we’re particularly interested in finding Muslim writers (religious Muslim, or cultural, or ‘of Muslim origin’, doesn’t matter). But we want non-Muslim writers too!

Other issues coming up before France are Scotland (essays to me by December this year), Desire (March 2024), Halal (June 2024), and Water (September 2024).

1.13 Diversity, Decolonization and the French Curriculum Call for Proposals: Open Conversations

Exchanging ideas to drive positive change!

We welcome a wide range of topics, including but not limited to reflections on a pedagogical tool, brainstorming sessions to develop a specific teaching module, or discussions on broader social justice issues related to language education.

Open Call for 2023-2024

How to submit a proposal?

Contact with a topic

We will work together to develop your idea and plan the Open Conversation event.

1.14 The Sacred, the Spiritual and the Religious in Contemporary Global Societies :: International online study day, December 14, 2023

The Sacred, the Spiritual and the Religious in Contemporary Global Societies 

 International online study day, December 14, 2023


Universalized, secular and democratic post-modern societies, under the aegis of unbridled freedom and limitless growth, are leading us today, more than ever, to reinterrogate man’s relationship with his beliefs in his biocenosis. Thinking of the sacred, the spiritual, the religious, from an absolute point of view, involves a semantic, semiotic and implex mental hierarchy understood in a dichotomous relationship focused on paradigmatic dyads:

  • city / countryside
  • nature / culture
  • civilization / barbarism
  • deep country / imaginary country
  • dream country / real country
  • autochthony / universality
  • universal / diversel (pluriversal)
  • emic point of view (from within the social group) / etic point of view (from the

observer’s point of view)

The relationship between these terms depends on one’s perspective. We must recognize that there is a differentiation between the terms sacred/spiritual/religious, but also that it is difficult to establish a boundary between these notions.

We know that the sacred is a particular status linked to myths that refers to the subject, to essence, to ontological depth and its relationship to the divine sphere, to the notion of interiority, of nature, of innateness; it is characterized by the active power of divinity, that feeling of absolute presence, of divine presence. It is both mystery and terror. It is the being of nature, living in the present moment, whereas religion, inseparable from society, brings us back to the concept of culture, of what has been acquired, keeping us in the past and projecting us into the future. It is thought of as a human experience, an external construct, it becomes an object of knowledge, part of collective worship, and in the light of historical evolution, it leads to a cosmetic approach to the world (colonialist, transhumanist…), a dispossession of the characteristics of the human being, or even a projection of the human ideal into an imaginary world. 

Spirituality, the preferred domain of the human sciences, also concerns all those who survey the territory of the mind, and is approached with circumspection, with the difficult neutrality that falls to rational, Cartesian minds. In such matters, any system of thought, any attempt at conceptualization is confronted with the irreducible complexity of a protean reality that transcends the field of discourse. 

As for religion, it can be understood as any specific system of belief, worship, etc., often implying a moral code, whereas spirituality – which is not exclusive of religion, since atheistic, secular or pagan spiritualities can be found – focuses on things and the immaterial world, the world of spirits. It implies a quest, a questioning, a path, a reason. That said, this belief system is rarely unanimous, and in the history of mankind has regularly been involved in conflicts whose intensity demonstrates that the sharing of the sacred does not always overlap with the “sharing of the sensible”. In regions of the world where various cultural practices come into contact, exchanges and new creations resulting from appropriations and re-appropriations offer a most interesting subject for study, and invite us to rethink the paradigms of syncretism and super-syncretism (Benítez-Rojo, 2010).

Conceptually, these notions – sacred, spiritual, religious – are associated with a diversity of representations which, in the collective imagination, rarely carry the same semantic, semiological or even gnostic weight in literature, science, the arts and cultural practices. Do they refer to the same meanings in terms of the scholarly observer’s reception of the cult communities and cultural ethopoeias, of the theocratic ecosystems he is targeting? From a civilizational point of view, what cultural shocks, or relational ecologies, do they provide access to?

The worlds of literary and artistic creation in the South are precisely scriptural, oracular, sonic, hermetic or heterogeneous worlds where language, the Word, resonance, cosmic energy… are created, and where we tend to reconfigure these terminologies. What, then, of literature and the arts? How do novelists, poets and artists reintegrate or reappropriate these lost frequential spaces of the Republic of Human Sciences? Are aesthetic strategies, however minimal, perceptible, conceivable or tangible?

How to contribute

As these lines of inquiry are not intended to be exhaustive, contributors are encouraged to explore other aspects of the issue along the conceptual lines indicated. Interdisciplinary and comparative approaches to this theme are strongly encouraged.  Contributions at the intersection of literature, the arts and anthropology (among others) will also be particularly appreciated.  With this in mind, proposals may be drawn from related disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary fields. To this end, contributors may draw inspiration from the following areas:

  • literary studies;
  • visual and performing arts: painting, sculpture, graphic arts, performance art, etc. ;
  • philosophy, psychology and theology;
  • human and social sciences: history, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, political science;
  • the study of life, pharmacopoeia and the resurgence of ancestral practices;
  • a diversity of related and diasporic fields: cultural studies, migration studies, etc.

Proposals for contributions should include a title and an abstract of no more than 400 words, accompanied by 5 keywords. They should be accompanied by a brief biobibliographical note, not exceeding 150 words.

  • Proposals for contributions, in English, French or Spanish, accompanied by a short biobibliographical note, must be sent by October 30, 2023 at the latest. For further information, please send an email to the same address. Please send your abstract (300 words maximum) + 5 keywords to nakanJE1contributions@gmail.comand, together with a brief biobibliographical note specifying your institutional affiliation. Contributions will take the form of a 20-minute academic paper followed by a 10-minute discussion. 

Selection and programming process

  • Until October 30, 2023: submission of abstracts and biobibliographical notes
  • November 1 to November 9, 2023: selection of proposals.
  • November 10, 2023: notification of authors.
  • December 1, 2023: distribution and publication of the study day program.


Please note that the study day will take place online. Contributions likely to be recorded on video may be uploaded – with the panelists’ explicit agreement – to AMC’s Canal-U channel. A recording and broadcast authorization will be sent to all contributors whose proposals have been selected. Following the event, they will be invited to submit an article proposal to NaKaN, a Journal of Cultural Studies. 


NaKaN Learned Society

Timetable and terms of participation

Please send your abstract (300 words maximum) + 5 keywords to and, together with a brief biobibliographical note specifying your institutional affiliation. Contributions to this multidisciplinary study day may take the form of a 20-minute academic paper followed by a 10-minute discussion.


– Deadline for proposals: October 1, 2023

– Scientific Committee response: October 5, 2023

– Program submission: October 15, 2023

Organizing Committee

Dr. Gérald Désert, Université des Antilles

Dr. Nathalie Bouchaut-Kancel, Université des Antilles

Dr. Frédéric Lefrançois, University of the West Indies

Prof. Buata Malela, CUFR de Mayotte

Scientific Committee

Pr. John Ayotunde Isola Bewaji (University of the West Indies)

Dr. Anny-Dominique Curtius (University of Iowa, USA)

Dr. D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson (Rutgers University, Bowling Green State University)

Dr. Max Belaise (University of the West Indies)

Pr. Frederick Ochieng’-Odhiambon (University of the West Indies)

Prof. Marc Duby (University of South Africa)

Dr. Christina Oikonomopoulou (University of Peloponnese, Greece)

Dr. Christophe Premat (University of Stockholm, Sweden)

Prof. Jean Bessière (University of Paris III Sorbonne, France)

Prof. Laurence Rosier (Free University of Brussels, Belgium)

Dr. Linda Rasoamanana (University of Mayotte, France)

Prof. Madhura Joshi (Toulouse – Jean Jaurès University, France)

Dr. Yoporeka Somet (Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya)

Dr. Yves Chemla (Université Paris Descartes, France)

Bibliographical references 

Anzaldúa, G., Light in the Dark/Luz en lo Oscuro: Rewriting Identity, Spirituality, Reality. Duke University Press, 2015

Aristote. Métaphysique, E, 1026020, trad. J. Tricot, Vrin, Paris, 1953

Bataille, Georges. La part maudite, Minuit, 1985

Benítez Rojo, Antonio. La Isla Que Se Repite: El Caribe y Perspectiva Posmoderna. Editorial Plaza Mayor, 2010.

Bergson, Henri. Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion, PUF, Paris, 1995

Besnier, Jean-Michel. Histoire de la Philosophie moderne et contemporaine, Figures et Œuvres, Le Collège de Philosophie, Grasset, 1993

Blay, Michel. Grand dictionnaire de la Philosophie, Larousse, CNRS Éditions, 2012, [2003]

Caillois, Roger. L’Homme et le Sacré, Folio-essais, Gallimard, 1983

Carrette, J. R.  & King, R. Selling spirituality: The silent takeover of religion. Psychology Press, 2015

Chateaubriand, François-René (de). Génie du Christianisme, Garnier-Flammarion, 1990. 

Durand, Gilbert. Les Structures anthropologiques de l’imaginaire, Armand Colin, 2020 [1969]

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Leçons sur la philosophie de la religion, Trd. J. Gibelin, Vrin, Paris, 1975

Durkheim, Emile. Les formes élémentaires de la vie religieuse, Livre de poche 1912, rééd. CNRS Éditions, 2008

Eliade, Mircea. Le Sacré et le Profane, Folio-essais, Gallimard, 1957

Eliade, Mircea. Le Mythe de l’éternel retour, Folio-essais, Gallimard, 1969

Eliade, Mircea. Aspects du Mythe, Folio-essais, Gallimard, 1963

Girard, René. La Violence et le Sacré, Hachette, 1994

Grosfoguel, Ramon. « The structure of knowledge in Westernized universities: Epistemic racism/sexism and the four genocides/epistemicides of the long 16th century ». Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge,11(1), 8, 2013.

Hutchison, E. D. , « Spirituality, Religion, and Progressive Social Movements: Resources and Motivation for Social Change »,  Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 31(1-2), 105-127, 2012.

Lam, Eskil, D. Tonneau-Ryckelynck & D. Dolega-Ritter, Lam : Catalogue raisonné de l’œuvre gravé, H.C. Editions, 2016.

L’Étang Gerry & J.-Pierre Arsaye, La Peinture en Martinique, Paris, H.C. Éditions, 2007.

Marx, Karl. Contribution à la critique de la philosophie du droit de Hegel, Ellipses, Paris, 2000.

Ochieng’-Odhiambo, Frederick. African Philosophy: An Introduction, Consolata Institute of Philosophy Press, Nairobi, 1995.

Otto, Rudolph. Le Sacré, Payot, 2001

Owen, S. The appropriation of native American spirituality. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2008.

Somé, M. P. The healing wisdom of Africa: Finding life purpose through nature, ritual, and community, JP Tarcher, 1999

Spinoza, Baruch. Traité théologico-politique, Garnier-Flammarion, 1965.

Toumson, Roger (dir.), Anthologie de la peinture en Guadeloupe. Des origines à nos jours, Paris, Hervé Chopin,  2009.

Yung-Hing, Renée-Paule (dir.), Art contemporain de la Caraïbe, Mythes, croyances, religions et imaginaire, Editions Hervé Chopin, 2012.

Whitehead, Alfred North. Le Concept de Nature, Vrin, 1998 [1920].

1.15 Extended deadline to 1 November: CFP French Historical Studies Conference: Long Island, March 14-16, 2024

Call for Papers:

Society for French Historical Studies

Annual Conference

March 14-16, 2024


Hofstra University, Hempstead Long Island
A short train ride from New York City

From the Interstices: Geographies, Identities, Solidarities, and Institutions in France, the Francophone World, and Beyond

We understand interstices (noun) to mean: a small opening or space between things or events, especially adjacent objects or objects set closely together: as between atoms in a crystal.

The March 2024 meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies will explore the complex considerations of and methodologies for examining the intersections of historical inquiry. For example, how do we lift up and make visible the spaces between geographies, intersectional identities, social solidarities, and/or the relationships between institutions and their constituents? As always, our program committee welcomes submissions on any aspect of French History, but we particularly encourage submissions that explore our theme of “From the Interstices: Geographies, Identities, Solidarities, and Institutions in France, the Francophone World, and Beyond” which we conceive as broadly as possible. We are also committed to creating a welcoming, antiracist, and diverse conference that embraces our Society’s anti-discriminatory mission of inclusiveness, political education, and equitable empowerment. 

We seek a wide range of presentations, in English or French, including traditional panels (discussants optional – we are encouraging commentary from the audience), roundtables, 

or lightning sessions that reflect the variety of recent scholarship, pedagogical concerns, and contemporary issues. Innovative sessions, such as Critical Karaokés / Choreographies / Performances, Pecha Kucha or poster displays, are especially welcome. While Hofstra University and its partners are underwriting many of the conference costs, we are still seeking funding to support the human and technological resources for teleconferencing a limited number of virtual sessions during the annual meeting without raising costs for members. We will also accommodate as many colleagues as possible using resources in place, including pre-conference Zoom panels on French Presse. Finally, we are committed to providing subsidies for graduate students and underemployed scholars to expand participation in this largely in-person conference, a sustaining feature of the Society’s identity. 

To submit a panel, lightning session, roundtable or other format, submit a cover letter that briefly describes the panel and lists all panel participants, relevant affiliations, and their contact information. Panels typically consist of three paper presenters, a chair, and an optional discussant. Reminder: each presenter should also include a single-page paper proposal and an equally short CV.

Please submit proposals (preferably in Word or PDF) by November 1, 2023 to: We cannot accept proposals for material that has already been presented or published, or that has been submitted for presentation in another forum.

Participants must be members of the Society for French Historical Studies in good standing at the time of the conference and must pay conference fees.  Membership dues should be paid directly to Duke University Press:  The Long Island Marriot Hotel will be the conference hotel; we will post and distribute information about rates as soon as they become available.  Questions?  Concerns?  Please contact Sally Charnow and Jeff Horn at

Topics might include: 

  • migrations     • borderland geographies/histories      • trans/ non-binary / queer gender histories
  • networks            • art and politics / political art makers         • alternative and imagined spaces
  • geographies of dissent, and/or resistance, and/or reconciliation         • affinities
  • geographies of innovations and technologies/technological change  • legal frameworks
  • visual culture including museums/exhibitions; cartoons, photographs, images, ephemera
  • religious communities and/or apostates, defectors, critics       • media and politics                                    • social movements and their constituents       • leadership authority/authorship

teaching history/interdisciplinary studies at the intersections     • human cyborg / monsters

  • inter-empire histories and/or histories that go between empire and metropole (or former colonies/former metropole)  • interdisciplinary artistic expressions

Version française

Appel à communications :

Société des études historiques françaises

Conférence annuelle

14-16 mars 2024

Hofstra University, Hempstead Long Island

A quelques minutes en train de la ville de New York

Thématique :

Sur des interstices dans le cadre des géographies, des identités, des solidarités et des institutions dans le monde francophone et au-delà

Nous entendons par le terme de interstice la possibilité ou l’existence d’une petite ouverture ou espace entre des choses ou des événements. C’est le cas, par exemple, lors de l’observation d’un cristal où apparaît l’existence d’un espace entre ses atomes.

La réunion de mars 2024 de la Société des études historiques françaises explorera les enjeux complexes et les méthodologies adéquates pour examiner les intersections dans le cas des enquêtes historiques en posant la problématique suivante : comment mettre en relief et rendre visibles les espaces entre les géographies existantes, les identités intersectionnelles, les solidarités sociales, ou encore les relations entre les institutions et leurs constituants ? Comme toujours, notre comité de programme accepte des soumissions sur tous les aspects de l’histoire française, mais nous encourageons particulièrement les soumissions qui explorent notre thème “Des interstices” : Géographies, identités, solidarités et institutions dans le monde francophone”, que nous concevons de la manière la plus large possible. Nous nous engageons également à créer une atmosphère de conférence accueillante, antiraciste et diversifiée, qui s’inscrit dans la mission antidiscriminatoire de notre Société, à savoir, l’inclusion, l’éducation politique et l’autonomisation équitable. 

Bien que Hofstra University et ses partenaires subventionnent la majorité des frais de la conférence, nous sommes encore à la recherche de fonds pour financer les ressources humaines pour qu’un certain nombre de participants puissent participer virtuellement à quelques sessions pendant la conférence annuelle sans augmenter la contribution de ses membres. De plus nous accueillerons autant de collègues que possible grâce aux ressources déjà disponibles, y compris des réunions virtuelles qui auront lieu dans les semaines qui précèdent le week-end new yorkais en utilisant la plateforme « French Presse ». Enfin, nous nous engageons à subvenir autant que possible aux frais de conférence et de voyage des chercheurs étudiantes et de nos collègues sous-employés pour élargir la participation à cette conférence principalement en personne, une caractéristique essentielle de l’identité de la société.

Pour proposer un panel, une séance éclair, une table ronde ou un autre format, il convient de soumettre une lettre d’accompagnement décrivant brièvement le panel et énumérant tous les participants au panel, leurs affiliations et leurs coordonnées. Les panels sont généralement composés de trois présentateurs, d’un président et d’un discutant facultatif. Rappel : chaque présentateur doit également inclure une proposition de communication d’une page et un CV tout aussi court. Veuillez soumettre vos propositions (de préférence en format Word ou PDF) avant le 1er novembre 2023 à l’adresse suivante : Nous ne pouvons pas accepter de propositions pour des documents qui ont déjà été présentés ou publiés, ni pour ceux qui ont été soumis pour présentation dans un autre forum.

Les participants doivent être membres en règle de la Society for French Historical Studies au moment de la conférence et doivent payer les frais de conférence.  Les cotisations doivent être payées directement à Duke University Press :  L’hôtel Long Island Marriot sera l’hôtel de la conférence ; nous afficherons et distribuerons des informations sur les tarifs dès qu’ils seront disponibles. Des questions ?  

Veuillez contacter Sally Charnow et Jeff Horn à l’adresse

Les thèmes abordés pourraient être les suivants  

– les migrations – les géographies/histoires des pays frontaliers – les histoires de genre trans/non-binaires/queer 

– les réseaux – l’art et la politique / les créateurs d’art politique – les espaces alternatifs et imaginaires

– géographies de la dissidence, et/ou de la résistance, et/ou de la réconciliation – affinités

– géographies des innovations et des technologies/changements technologiques – cadres juridiques

– la culture visuelle, y compris les musées/expositions, les bandes dessinées, les photographies, les images, les documents éphémères

communautés religieuses et/ou apostats, transfuges, critiques – médias et politique – mouvements sociaux et leurs composantes – autorité des dirigeants/auteurs enseignement de l’histoire/études interdisciplinaires aux intersections – humain cyborg / monstres

histoires inter-empires et/ou histoires entre empire et métropole (ou anciennes colonies/anciennes métropoles) – expressions artistiques interdisciplinaires

1.16 New Deadline: Seminar Series on ‘Women and/on Waves’ organised by WIF Australia

Please note the new deadline for the Seminar Series ‘Women and/on Waves’.

Proposals (250-300 words) for 20-minute presentations and any questions are to be sent to the primary organiser Tamzin Elliott ( by 17th November 2023, including in CC members of the WiF executive committee Beth Kearney ( and Dominique Carlini Versini ( We particularly welcome and encourage proposals from postgraduates and early-career researchers.

For more information, please visit the WIF Australia site:

1.17 CfP SFS 65th Annual Conference Stirling 2024

 Please send abstracts (by e-mail) by 6th October 2023

Society for French Studies

65th Annual Conference

University of Stirling

1st–3rd July 2024



We are very pleased to be able to extend our deadline for proposals for papers (in English or French; duration: 20 minutes) for panel sessions on the following topics: 

  • Afrofeminism 
  • Autotheory and its pre-history 
  • Death and dying 
  • Early-modern tensions
  • Eco-criticism 
  • Experimental communities 
  • France and Scotland: Le Bon Accord/Auld Alliance 
  • Gender across the history of thought 
  • Home
  • Imposture
  • Learning to read and write
  • Literature and social media 
  • Literature and law 
  • Material culture
  • Performance and violence 
  • Queer bodies, queer time 
  • Sartre Studies now: 80th Anniversary of Jean-Paul Sartre’s L’Être et le néant(1943).
  • Surrealism today: the centenary of the publication of André Breton’s Manifeste du surréalisme
  • Trauma

The suggested topics may be interpreted widely and are intended to encompass as broad an historical range as may be applicable. Please provide a short abstract (250-300 words), outlining the argument of the proposed paper and indicating the topic you have chosen. Abstracts should be framed with a view to addressing an audience made up of both specialists and non-specialists, and should include the proposer’s contact details. 

The Society encourages proposals for complete panels (of 3 or 4 speakers) on either the suggested topics, or from any area of French studies, and it is hoped that approximately half of the parallel sessions at the conference will emerge from complete-panel proposals.  These should include the names and e-mails of all speakers, and those of the proposed session chair, who should not be one of the speakers. As well as a 250-300-word abstract for each speaker, proposals should contain a brief outline of the rationale and motivation of the proposed panel (no more than one printed page). One individual involved should be clearly designated as the proposer with overall responsibility for the proposed session. The Society is also keen to encourage other formats than 3 to 4 traditional 20-minute papers for complete panels, which might include (but are not limited to): pre-circulated materials, performance or creative practices, project-based sessions, pedagogical workshops, non-academic partnerships.

Papers and panels are selected through peer review: you should know by mid-November 2023 whether it has been possible to include your paper/panel. We especially invite applications from postgraduate students. NB. In order to encourage as wide a participation as possible, we have revoked the rule that no individual may present a paper at two successive annual conferences. Please send abstracts (by e-mail) by 6th October 2023 to the Conference Officer, Dr Kate Foster, at the following address For further information on the conference, please see



65e Congrès annuel

University of Stirling

1–3 juillet 2024



Nous vous invitons à nous faire part de vos propositions de communication (en français ou en anglais; durée: 20 minutes) pour des sessions consacrées aux sujets suivants :

  • Afroféminisme 
  • L’autothéorie et ses précurseurs 
  • Mort et agonie 
  • Tensions de la première modernité
  • Écocritique 
  • Communautés expérimentales 
  • La France et l’Écosse: Le Bon Accord/Auld Alliance
  • Le genre à travers l’histoire de la pensée 
  • Chez soi, l’espace du foyer 
  • L’imposture
  • Apprendre à lire et à écrire
  • La littérature et les réseaux sociaux 
  • La littérature et la loi 
  • Culture matérielle 
  • Performance et violence 
  • Corps queer, temporalités queer 
  • Les études sartriennes aujourd’hui: le 80ème anniversaire de la publication de L’Être et le néantde Jean-Paul Sartre  
  • Le surréalisme aujourd’hui: le centenaire de la publication du Manifeste du surréalismed’André Breton  
  • Traumatisme

Ces sujets se prêtent aux approches disciplinaires et aux contextes historiques les plus divers. Veuillez fournir un court résumé (250-300 mots) de votre proposition de communication, indiquer le sujet dans lequel il s’inscrit, ainsi que vos coordonnées (nom, institution, adresse électronique). Nous rappelons que les propositions de communication doivent s’adresser à un public de spécialistes comme de non-spécialistes. 

Le Comité scientifique examinera également des propositions de sessions complètes portant soit sur les thèmes ci-dessus, soit sur les différents domaines des études françaises et francophones. Les organisateurs encouragent vivement ce type de propositions qui devraient constituer la moitié des sessions du congrès. Les propositions devront être accompagnées des noms et des coordonnées (institution, adresse électronique) de tous les intervenant·es (3 ou 4) et du président de la session ainsi que des résumés des interventions (250-300 mots par communication) et d’une page résumant les objectifs de la session proposée. Le président de séance ne figurera pas parmi les intervenant·es. Le nom de la personne responsable de la session doit être clairement indiqué. Le Comité scientifique prendra également en considération d’autres formats de session que le format traditionnel (3 ou 4 communications de 20 minutes) qui pourraient inclure (mais sans s’y limiter) : des matériaux pré-distribués; des performances/des pratiques créatives; des sessions liées à des projets particuliers; des ateliers pédagogiques; des partenariats non-académiques. 

Toutes les propositions seront étudiées par le Comité scientifique et les décisions seront communiquées vers le milieu du mois de novembre 2023. Les doctorant·es sont vivement encouragé·es à participer. Veuillez noter qu’afin d’encourager une participation aussi large que possible, il est possible de donner une communication lors de deux congrès consécutifs. Les propositions de communication et de sessions sont à envoyer par courriel avant le 6 octobre 2023 à l’organisateur du congrès, Dr Kate Foster, au courriel suivant : Pour plus de renseignements sur le congrès, veuillez consulter

1.18 Guillaume Oyono-Mbia: Beyond the Stage / Guillaume Oyono-Mbia: au-delà de la scène 

We invite chapter proposals for a bilingual edited volume on Guillaume Oyono Mbia (1939-2021), one of the founding fathers of contemporary Cameroonian drama, whose influence on the African literary landscape is profound and far-reaching.  

Oyono-Mbia belongs to the “first generation of African dramatists who demonstrably embodied the innovative robustness of the modernist spirit” (Okoye, 2015). Though he is mostly known for his famous play Three Suitors… One Husband, the Cameroonian writer authored several (radio and stage) plays and three volumes of short stories about life in Mvoutessi, his native village. In April 2023, his last play, Les choses vont changer! Suivi de Le discours was published posthumously.    

Oyono-Mbia was a dramatist, a stage director, and a storyteller. His ability to translate his work in English or French earned him a wide audience at home and abroad. Furthermore, although his stories are primarily rooted in the Cameroonian (and African) experience, the topics he explores call for a transcultural and transnational reading and interpretation of his literary production.  

We invite proposals for chapters in English or French on topic including, but not limited to: 

  • Guillaume Oyono Mbia: writer and translator 
  • Drama and political / socio-cultural activism 
  • Satire and humor 
  • Music on stage 
  • Short-story and/vs. drama 
  • Culture(s) and Tradition(s) 
  • Westernization  
  • Freedom & Education 
  • Gender Boundaries  
  • Writing in several languages 
  • Teaching Oyono-Mbia’s plays  

Submit abstracts of 250-350 words and a short bio (150-200words) to Michele Kenfack and Sandra Mefoude-Obiono at by December 15, 2023. 


Nous vous invitons à soumettre vos propositions de chapitres pour un volume bilingue sur Guillaume Oyono Mbia (1939-2021), l’un des père fondateurs du théâtre camerounais contemporain, dont l’influence s’étend bien au-delà du paysage littéraire africain.  

Oyono-Mbia appartient à la “première génération de dramaturges africain qui symbolisent clairement la solide dynamique d’innovation de l’esprit moderne.” (Okoye, 201) Bien qu’il soit surtout connu pour sa célèbre pièce de théâtre, Trois prétendants…un mari, l’écrivain camerounais est l’auteur de plusieurs autres pièces, ainsi que de trois volumes de nouvelles centrées sur la vie à Mvoutessi, son village natal. En avril 2023, sa dernière pièce, Les choses vont changer! Suivi de Le discours a été publiée a titre posthume.  

Oyono-Mbia fut à la fois dramaturge, metteur en scène, et conteur. En traduisant ses textes en anglais ou en français, il a ouvert son univers littéraire à une vaste audience à l’échelle nationale et internationale. Bien plus, même si ses œuvres mettent principalement en relief l’expérience camerounaise (et africaine), les sujets que l’écrivain aborde permettent d’inscrire ses textes dans une perspective transculturelle et transnationale.   

Nous invitons des propositions de chapitres en anglais ou en français portant sur les sujets non exhaustifs suivants : 

  • Guillaume Oyono Mbia: écrivain et traducteur 
  • Théâtre et activisme politique / socio-culturel 
  • Satire et humour 
  • La musique sur/en scène  
  • Nouvelle et/vs. théâtre   
  • Culture(s) et Tradition(s) 
  • Occidentalisation  
  • Education et liberté
  • Frontières de genre(s)  
  • Ecrire en plusieurs langues  
  • Enseigner les pièces théâtrales de Guillaume Oyono-Mbia   

Bien vouloir soumettre vos propositions de 250-350 mots ainsi qu’une brève note bio-bibliographique (150-200 mots) à Michele Kenfack et Sandra Mefoude-Obiono à au plus tard le 15 décembre 2023. 

2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 Assistant Professor, Francophone Postcolonial Studies, University of Cambridge

The Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics at the University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint a full-time University Assistant Professor in Francophone Postcolonial Studies from 1 September 2024.

The Assistant Professor will contribute to the teaching and examining of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, and to the teaching and examining of the French language.

Candidates will have a record of, or clear potential for, outstanding research in Postcolonial Studies, along with a broad-based knowledge of Francophone literary and cultural studies. Expertise will be required in one or more of the following areas: literature, film and visual culture, and history; and in relation to research fields such as Francophone histories of colonialism and enslavement and their global legacies, Postcolonial/Decolonial Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Migration Studies.

Full details:

Further particulars:

The closing date for applications is midnight (BST) on 15 October 2023. We plan to hold interviews and selection activities in person during late November 2023, subject to change.

Prospective candidates are welcome to seek more information beyond the Further Particulars by contacting Professor Emma Gilby, Director of French, at On questions of procedure, please contact the School HR team on

2.2 Poste de Professeur assistant avec pré titularisation conditionnelle en littérature française du XIXe s. (Genève)

Entité organisationnelle

Faculté des lettres

Section / Division

Département de langue et de littérature françaises modernes


Professeur-e assistant-e avec prétitularisation conditionnelle

Code fonction


Classe maximum



Personnel enseignant

Taux d’activité


Délai d’inscription




Pièce(s) jointe(s)

Description du poste

La Faculté des lettres met au concours un poste de professeur-e assistant-e avec prétitularisation conditionnelle en littérature française du XIXème siècle.


– Enseignement au niveau Bachelor cours et séminaires

– Enseignement au niveau Maîtrise

– Encadrement de mémoires de Maîtrise

– Direction de thèses de doctorat


– Publications au niveau national et international dans le domaine de spécialité, littérature française du XIXème siècle

– Obtention de financements pour des projets de recherche

– Organisation de journées d’études et de colloques

Charges administratives:

– Participation à la vie du département (organisation des examens, participations aux diverses commissions et jurys)

– Participation aux commissions au niveau facultaire

Titre et compétences exigés

Doctorat ès lettres ou titre jugé équivalent.

Expérience de direction de recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur.

Publications dans des revues internationales.

Entrée en fonction



Nadège Berdoz:

L’Université de Genève offre des conditions d’engagement motivantes dans un cadre de travail stimulant. En nous rejoignant, vous aurez l’occasion de mettre en valeur vos compétences ainsi que votre personnalité et contribuer activement au rayonnement d’une Institution fondée en 1559.

Dans une perspective de parité, l’Université encourage les candidatures du sexe sous-représenté.

2.3 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships at the University of Aberdeen

French and Francophone Studies at Aberdeen welcomes expressions of interest from candidates interested in applying to the Leverhulme Trust’s Early Career Fellowship scheme with us. We have research expertise across French and Francophone Studies, including:

Literary and cultural history of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

History and memory of World War II

Urban space and the cultural history of French modernity

Politics and culture of identity and migration in the Francophone world

Post-war critical theory, philosophy and thought

Contemporary fiction, prose and poetry

Literary translation, including bilingual writing and self-translation

Visual culture, film and photography, including bande dessinée

Details of individual staff research interests can be found here: 

As part of the School of Language, Literature, Music & Visual Culture, we can offer co-supervision in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural projects in areas including film, photography and visual culture; comparative literature and culture; early modern literature and thought; and critical theory. Many of these projects are located within our Research Centres, including the Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS), the Centre for Modern Languages Research (CMLR), the Washington Wilson Centre for Visual Culture (GWW) and the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law (CISRUL).

The School will be operating an internal selection process before the Leverhulme scheme opens for applications in January. Candidates interested in applying must first check that they meet the Leverhulme Trust’s eligibility criteria, which can be found here:

If you meet the scheme’s eligibility criteria and would like to apply to hold a Fellowship with us, you should submit an outline proposal (Intention proforma, Abstract, and CV) for consideration by Thursday 26 October 2023. Further details on the scheme and proformas can be found on the School’s website here:

Informal enquiries can be made to Edward Welch, Carnegie Professor of French at the University of Aberdeen (

2.4 Vacancy: senior lecturer (Grade 9, permanent) in French, Univ of Dundee

The University of Dundee invites applications for a Senior Lecturer (Grade 9, permanent) in French. Modern and / or contemporary specialty is required. A focus in translation, dialectology, pedagogy, and / or another aspect of language studies per se is highly desirable. The successful candidate will have demonstrable experience of teaching all levels of modules / courses through the medium of French. 

This is a full-time, in-person, on-campus role in Dundee, Scotland, UK. Please refer to the following link on for full details: 

Closing date: 3 Oct 2023.  

2.5 Job Opportunity – Weiner Distinguished Professor of Humanities

Job Description

Missouri University of Science and Technology invites applications for the Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities.  We seek candidates with exceptional scholarly credentials in any humanistic field with a demonstrated commitment to public humanities. 

Qualifications: Applicants must be active scholars and outstanding teachers at the rank of associate or full professor. 

Responsibilities:  In addition to supporting the research, teaching, and service mission of the University, the successful candidate will present annual public lectures, provide professional development opportunities for faculty in the humanities on our campus, and engage in outreach activities. The successful candidate will contribute to interdisciplinary research and education and support existing campus initiatives including the Center for Science, Technology, and Society ( and the Collaboratory (

The Weiner Professor will be tenured in one of the three humanities departments at Missouri S&T: Arts, Languages, and Philosophy; English & Technical Communication; or History & Political Science. We seek a colleague with expertise in cross-disciplinary fields that support one or more strategic campus growth areas, including but not limited to: digital humanities, medical humanities, theatre/performance technology, film studies, cultural studies, graphic design, and public humanities.

About the Position: The Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities was established with a gift from the estate of Maxwell C. Weiner in 1999 as part of the Missouri Endowed Chair and Professorship program. Designed to attract distinguished faculty and to support academic excellence, the professorship is a permanent, tenured position with generous endowed funds that may be used to support professional activities such as travel, research, fellowship costs, student support, and guest speakers. The successful candidate will have a reduced teaching load of 2-1 to allow ample time for research, service, mentoring, and outreach activities.

The College of Arts, Sciences, and Education is committed to the values of inclusion, equity, and diversity, and strongly encourages applications from underrepresented or marginalized communities. Inclusivity is a priority during the application and hiring process as well as during employment at Missouri S&T. Resources such as on-site childcare, access to a lactation room, regular breaks, inclusive meals, gender neutral restrooms, and other needs as indicated by the candidate will be available during the on-campus interview phase.

Questions should be directed to Dr. Shannon Fogg at, although applications must be submitted directly to our Human Resource Office.

Interested candidates should electronically submit an application consisting of a cover letter and curriculum vitae with names and contact information of three references as well as a research statement and a teaching statement to Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Human Resource Office at In your application materials, please discuss your experiences and expertise that support the values of diverse perspectives, interdisciplinary work, and public humanities that would enrich our mission of teaching, research and engagement.

All submitted application materials must have the position reference number 47568 in order to be processed. Acceptable electronic formats that can be used for email attachments include PDF and Word; hardcopy application materials will not be accepted.

Missouri S&T is one of the nation’s leading research universities. Located about 100 miles west of St. Louis in the community of Rolla, Missouri S&T is an accessible, safe, and friendly campus surrounded by Ozarks scenery. Missouri S&T offers degrees in engineering, the sciences, liberal arts, humanities and business, with master’s and Ph.D. programs available in many of the science and engineering programs and master’s degrees in biological sciences, business administration and technical communication. With nearly 9,000 students enrolled online and on campus, Missouri S&T is big enough to accommodate a diverse population but small enough for individuals to stand out.  Additional information about the university is available at

Minimum Qualifications

Ph.D. or appropriate terminal degree in any humanities area; rank of associate or full professor.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Highly accomplished record of research and teaching
  • Experience related to public and/or digital humanities
  • Ability to diversify the existing strengths on our campus and support strategic initiatives


We value the uniqueness of every individual and strive to ensure each person’s success. Contributions from individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives promote intellectual pluralism and enable us to achieve the excellence that we seek in learning, research and engagement. This commitment makes our university a better place to work, learn and innovate. 

In your application materials, please discuss your experiences and expertise that support these values and enrich our missions of teaching, research and engagement.

The final candidate is required to provide copies of official transcript(s) for any college degree(s) listed in application materials submitted. Copies of transcript(s) should be provided prior to the start of employment. In addition, the final candidate may be required to verify other credentials listed in application materials.
Failure to provide official transcript(s) or other required verification may result in the withdrawal of the job offer.

All job offers are contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check.

Equal Opportunity is and shall be provided for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without unlawful discrimination on the basis of their race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, protected veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable state or federal law. This policy shall not be interpreted in such a manner as to violate the legal rights of religious organizations or the recruiting rights of military organizations associated with the Armed Forces or the Department of Homeland Security of the United States of America.

The University’s nondiscrimination policy applies to any phase of its employment process, any phase of its admission or financial aid programs, or other aspects of its educational programs or activities.  Further, this policy applies to sexual violence or sexual harassment, both forms of sex discrimination, occurring within the educational program and instances occurring outside of the educational program if the conduct negatively affects the victim’s educational experience or the overall campus environment. 

Any person having inquiries concerning the application of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or other civil rights laws should contact the Title IX Coordinator.

2.6 Irish Research Council (IRC) Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2024

The call for the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is now open, and the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Department of French welcome expressions of interest from candidates wishing to apply at University College Cork

The Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is an established national initiative, funded by Ireland’s Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and managed by the Irish Research Council.

The programme aims to support suitably qualified applicants to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at an eligible higher education institution in Ireland for either one or two years. Among its features are:

  • individual, prestigious awards for excellent research in the name of the applicant;
  • an objective selection process using international, independent expert peer review;
  • funding across all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology; and
  • awards for bottom-up, non-directed research.

Pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative, innovative approaches are welcomed. Proposals of an interdisciplinary nature are also encouraged as it is recognised that advancing fundamental understanding is achieved by integrating information, techniques, tools and perspectives from two or more disciplines.

The Fellowship awarded comes with:

  • a salary of €42,783 in the first year of the award and €43,371 in the second year of the award*;
  • employer’s PRSI contribution; and
  • eligible direct research expenses of €5,000 per annum.

UCC’s French Department is looking to support and mentor potential candidates looking to apply for this Programme. The Department  has research expertise across French and Francophone studies, including: 

  • Colonial and post-colonial history of the Francophone world 
  • Colonial and post-colonial Francophone literature
  • Contemporary French and Francophone literature and film 
  • Holocaust and genocide studies
  • Medical humanities
  • Memory and trauma studies
  • Gender studies 
  • Slavery studies 
  • Translation studies, including audiovisual translation
  • French language and linguistics

Details of individual French staff research profiles can be found here: 

As part of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, we can offer mentorship in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural projects in areas including those covered by the research clusters within the School’s Centre for Advanced Studies in Languages and Cultures (CASiLaC): 

  • Language: Cognition, Practice, Policy and Ideology
  • Memory, Commemoration and Uses of the Past
  • Rethinking Spatial Humanities
  • The Life Writing Cluster
  • Translation as Creative Practice
  • Violence, Conflict and Gender

Interested candidates should contact the relevant French Department staff member to enquire about potential mentorship. Alternatively, you can contact the Department’s Research Officer ( with an overview of the research project to help identify a potential Mentor.


The deadline for the Programme is 12 October 2023 but, if applying, you must also notify the UCC Research Office of your intent to apply for this call by 2PM, Wednesday 27th September at absolute latest, by emailing*. This will ensure UCC endorsement of your application and grant you access to all applicant supports, including a detailed Help-Pack.

2.7 Assistant Professor of French, Cornell University

The Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University is searching for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies, field of specialization open. We seek a theoretically grounded scholar with a strong record of research and publication (appropriate to career stage) whose work crosses disciplinary and/or historical boundaries while remaining rooted in the literatures and cultures of the French-speaking world.

Please note the deadline to submit an application is October 2nd, 2023

This is the link to the full application: 

2.8 3 Academic Research Assistants (m/f/x) “Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation” (Saarland University)

The Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE) is inviting applications for the following three positions: research programme directors (m/f/x), to begin 1 April 2024

Academic research assistant (m/f/x) 

Reference number W2362, salary in accordance with the German TV-L salary scale [1], pay grade: E13 TV- L, duration of employment: initially limited to 4 years with the possibility of a permanent contract thereafter, volume of employment: 100 % of standard working time. 


In April 2024, the newly founded Käte Hamburger Research Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE) will begin its work at Saarland University. The centre is a thematically focused institute for advanced study funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The central pillar of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre is its visiting scholars programme, which will bring up to 12 international scholars to Saarland University each year as fellows. Working together with the centre’s academic directors and academic staff, the fellows will study how reparations are culturally negotiated and how cultural processes of reparation change perceptions of the world, designs of the self, and ways of living. The goal of the centre is to develop a transmedial theory of practices and processes of cultural reparation from a historical and transcultural perspective, thus helping to formulate a sociopolitical understanding of cultural reparations as a field of action. Our focus will be on memory cultures and historical-political discourses; individual experiences of harm, humiliation, and loss; and cultural-ecological questions. We are seeking to hire three research programme directors—one for each of the centre’s three thematic fields of ‘history’, ‘experience’, and ‘nature’. 

Job requirements and responsibilities: 

  • Independently design and lead a thematic research programme 
  • Conceptualize and realize the centre’s research in close cooperation with the academic directors and other thematic research fields 
  • Independently plan and execute academic events in an international context (working groups, workshops, conferences) 
  • Actively contribute to participatory transfer measures as part of the centre’s third mission activities 
  • Conduct an independent research project in one of the three relevant thematic fields  

Your academic qualifications: 

  • Completed university studies in state examination (Staatsexamen), diploma (Diplom), Magister, or master’s degree or an internationally comparable degree in a discipline relevant to the centre’s research 
  • very good completed doctorate 
  • Language skills (according to GER): very good English and/or French  

The successful candidate will also be expected to: 

  • Work independently, with a meticulous and well-organized approach 
  • Show enthusiasm and capability for interdisciplinary cooperation 
  • Have a track record in conceptualizing and executing international academic events 
  • Demonstrate expertise in gender and diversity matters 
  • Be willing to travel 
  • Employ interdisciplinary and collaborative expertise and communication skills 
  • Excel in both written and spoken communication 
  • Language skills (according to CEFR): in addition to English and/or French (working languages of the center), a good knowledge of German is desirable.  

What we can offer you: 

  • A flexible work schedule allowing you to balance work and family, among other things the possibility of teleworking 
  • Secure and future-oriented employment with attractive conditions 
  • A broad range of further education and professional development programmes (for example language courses) 
  • An occupational health management model with numerous attractive options, such as our university sports programme 
  • Supplementary pension scheme (RZVK) 
  • Discounted tickets on local public transport services (‘Job-Ticket Plus‘ of the saarVV) 

We look forward to receiving your meaningful online application (in a PDF file) by 31 October 2023 to Please include the reference number W2362 in the subject line of your e-mail. The following documents should be enclosed with your application: a letter of motivation specifying the thematic research area to which you are applying, including a concise proposal outlining the programme design for the thematic research field (max. 2 pages); a tabular curriculum vitae, list of publications, and proof of relevant degrees; and an exposé detailing the independent research project on cultural practices of reparation that you intend to undertake as part of your work at the centre (max. 5 pages).

For questions about the centre’s research programme, please contact one of its academic directors: 

Prof. Dr Markus Messling ( or Prof. Dr Christiane Solte-Gresser ( 

For administrative questions, please contact:

Pay grade classification is based on the particular details of the position held and the extent to which the applicant meets the requirements of the pay grade within the TV-L salary scale. Part-time employment is generally possible. 

If you have obtained a foreign university degree, a proof of the equivalence of this degree with a German degree by the Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen (ZAB) is needed before hiring. If necessary, please apply for this in time. You can find more information at

Unfortunately, neither costs for attending an interview at Saarland University nor costs for any certificate evaluation by the ZAB can be reimbursed in principle. 

We welcome applications regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation and identity. In accordance with its policy of increasing the proportion of women, the University actively encourages applications from women. Applications from severely disabled persons will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal suitability. 

When you submit a job application to Saarland University you will be transmitting personal data. Please refer to our privacy notice for information on how we collect and process personal data in accordance with Art. 13 of the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung. By submitting your application you confirm that you have taken note of the information in the Saarland University privacy notice.

[1] TV-L = collective agreement on remuneration of public sector employees in the German Länder 

The pay grade assigned to an employee depends on their professional qualifications and the number of years of service. Each pay grade is further subdivided into levels. Entry-level employees with no previous experience will initially be assigned a level 1 rating. After one year at level 1 of the E10 pay grade, an employee will move up to level 2. After a further two years, the employee will move to level 3, etc. 

2.9 Assistant Professor of French Literature at Boston College

The Department of Romance Studies and Literatures at Boston College is searching for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in French Literature. The field of specialization is open. We are interested in literary scholarship that complements without duplicating the areas of specialization of current faculty. The link to the full application is here.

The deadline to submit an application is November 1, 2023.

Contact information:

Kevin Newmark, Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Romance  Languages and Literatures

2.10 TT Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Notre Dame

Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies (TT)
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556
Department of Romance Languages & Literatures

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Notre Dame invites applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in any period or field of French and Francophone literature and culture to begin August 2024. The successful candidate will demonstrate scholarly excellence as evidenced by a strong publication record, and a commitment to both graduate and undergraduate teaching. Research and teaching in the program in French and Francophone Studies at Notre Dame range from the Middle Ages to the present and colleagues are expected to contribute across the curriculum. Original approaches to traditional understandings of French and Francophone Studies, including approaches across disciplines and fields, are particularly welcome.

Notre Dame offers highly competitive salary and benefits, generous research support, and excellent opportunities for professional development. Please submit the following documents: a letter of application, CV, representative publication or writing sample (approximately 20 pages), teaching dossier and/or teaching evaluations, a statement describing intentions to contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and three letters of recommendation by October 27, 2023 to this link:

The University of Notre Dame seeks to attract, develop, and retain the highest quality faculty, staff and administration. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and is committed to building a culturally diverse workplace. We strongly encourage applications from female and minority candidates and those candidates attracted to a university with a Catholic identity. Moreover, Notre Dame prohibits discrimination against veterans or disabled qualified individuals, and requires affirmative action by covered contractors to employ and advance veterans and qualified individuals with disabilities in compliance with 41 CFR 60-741.5(a) and 41 CFR 60-300.5(a).

2.11 Assistant Professor of Global French Studies, University of Michigan

The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures (RLL) at the University of Michigan invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Global French Studies to begin August 26, 2024. We seek a colleague whose research and teaching focus on the transnational dynamics that have shaped the historically French-speaking world. Information about the department can be found on our website:

The appointment will be at the Assistant Professor level. We seek a scholar with interdisciplinary interests, exceptional promise, and a strong commitment to research, teaching and service. We would especially welcome applicants whose expertise includes Francophone Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, trans-Pacific studies and Asia Pacific studies, the greater Mediterranean, and the French of the Americas.

Application materials will be accepted through Interfolio:

Complete applications are due by 11:59 pm EST on October 31, 2023. For any questions about this position, please email

2.12 Associate Lecturer in French (Education and Scholarship), University of Exeter

Location: Exeter
Salary: The starting salary will be from £32,332 per annum pro-rata on Grade E, depending on qualifications and experience.
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 12th September 2023
Closes: 26th September 2023
Job Ref: R57258

This post is part-time (0.85FTE) and is available on a fixed-term basis from 23rd October 2023 to 31st March 2024.

The Faculty wishes to recruit one part-time (0.85 FTE), Associate Lecturer in French (Education and Scholarship) to work with other academics in support of the delivery of French credit-rated modules that form part of the Language Centre provision in Penryn (Cornwall).

The role

The role of Associate Lecturer (Education and Scholarship) will include supporting the student learning experience using a range of approaches and modes of delivery appropriate to French language teaching from beginner to advanced level and the standard departmental allocation of administration. The post requires up to 13 hours teaching per week in term-time. Details of the language modules can be found at:

The successful applicants will have native or near native competence in French with excellent command of English, experience of teaching French language classes, and experience of designing, setting and marking appropriate assessment components. They will be familiar with a variety of strategies to promote and assess language learning. The applicants will work collaboratively as part of a team.

About you

For a Lecturer post you will:

  • Possess a depth or breadth of specialist knowledge demonstrated by an appropriate qualification in HE teaching and/or foreign-language teaching or appropriate recognised training in foreign language teaching (French), in order to teach and support learning on French modules.
  • Staff at this level are expected to achieve Associate Fellow of the HEA within two years of appointment (if not already achieved) and to attend formal CPD relating to this.

Please ensure you read the Job Description and Person Specification for full details of this role by clicking on the attachment.

What we can offer you:

  • Freedom (and the support) to pursue your intellectual interests and to work creatively across disciplines;
  • Support teams that understand the University wide teaching goals and partner with our academics accordingly;
  • An Innovation, Impact and Business directorate that works closely with our academics providing specialist support for external engagement and development;
  • Our Exeter Academic initiative supports high performing academics to achieve their potential and develop their career;
  • A multitude of staff benefits including sector leading benefits around maternity, adoption and shared parental leave (up to 26 weeks full pay), Paternity leave (up to 6 weeks full pay), and a Fertility Treatment Policy;
  • A beautiful campus set in the heart of stunning Cornwall  

For further information please contact Dr Juan García-Precedo, or e-mail

The closing date for applications is 26/09/2023. Interviews are expected to take place shortly after.

2.13 Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies – Tenure-Track (University of San Diego, California)

University of San Diego – Department of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures

The Department of Languages, Cultures, and Literatures invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of French, with a research or teaching focus on Arabic Studies, North African, and/or Middle Eastern Studies to begin in the Fall 2024 semester. We are especially interested in scholars with expertise in medieval and/or early modern French literature and culture. In addition, applicants who can collaborate across academic departments and interdisciplinary programs at USD, such as Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Interdisciplinary Humanities, Africana Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies. The selected candidate will teach all levels of undergraduate courses from basic language to advanced literature and culture. 

Generalists with interdisciplinary or transnational approaches or theoretical interests in one or more of the following three cluster themes in the College of Arts and Sciences. (link to cluster hire here: clusters will include new faculty from multiple academic disciplines who have research or teaching interests in one of the following substantive themes: Borders and Social Justice, Technology and the Human Experience, and Climate Change and Environmental Justice. The goal of these themed clusters is to facilitate collaborative research, provide opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching, and build community among faculty and students throughout the University. Candidates are encouraged to interpret these themes broadly and creatively to indicate how their teaching and research in the department may be understood to intersect with one or more of the three themes. There will be robust possibilities for interdisciplinary collaboration and a college-wide mentoring program to support new faculty throughout the tenure process.

The successful candidates will: Hold an advanced degree, preferably a doctorate or other terminal degree. ABD candidates will be considered on a case by case basis.
Have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and research, mentoring undergraduates, and fostering a climate of inclusion and diversity.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. and native or near-native fluency in both French and English. They should also demonstrate an active research agenda, and a record of successful teaching at multiple levels.

Click Apply Now to complete our online application.  

Candidates are asked to submit the following materials by October 15, 2023. 

Letter of application, include reference to the cluster(s) of interest
Curriculum vitae
Teaching Statement and a sample syllabus
Research Statement and a sample of scholarly or creative work
Diversity statement, in which you address A) your values with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion; B) your experience working with minoritized populations and/or on issues that disproportionately affect diverse populations, and C) your plans related to diversity and inclusion in your teaching and research.
Contact information for three references who will be sent a link to upload letters.

For questions, please contact Dr. Sylvie Ngilla

If you have any technical questions or difficulties please contact the Employment Services Team at 619-260-6806, or email us at

2.14 Assistant professor of Francophone literature (Columbia University)

The Department of French seeks to appoint an Assistant professor in the field of Caribbean and/or African francophone literature and culture. The successful candidate will have deep knowledge of the literature, thought and culture associated with one or both regions. A research focus on the twentieth and/or twenty-first centuries is preferred. Expertise in subfields including ecocriticism, film, new media, digital humanities, theater and performance, critical theory/philosophy or gender and sexuality studies is highly desirable.

The search committee will consider candidates with a PhD in disciplines other than French literature, but fluency in French is required.

The PhD must be conferred by July 1, 2024.

The tenure-track professor will usually teach four courses a year at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including courses required for Columbia’s Core Curriculum. Demonstrated excellence in teaching and a strong commitment to student advising and participation in departmental initiatives are crucial.

 All applications must be made through Columbia University’s Academic Search and Recruiting (ASR) system. Please upload the following required materials:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Teaching statement (describing teaching philosophy, experience, and practices)
  4. Research statement
  5. Statement describing past, current, and future contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion.
  6. Names and contact information of 3 referees, who will be asked by a system-generated email to upload a letter of recommendation once the candidate’s application has been submitted.

Applications received by Sunday, October 15th will receive full consideration.

Contact information:

Madeleine Dobie, Chair of the Search Committee:

Julie Stevens, Department Administrator:

Columbia is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or any other characteristic protected by law.

2.15 Assistant Professor in Decolonial Pedagogy (Emory Univ.)

The Department of French and Italian at Emory University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Decolonial Pedagogy with expertise in African Studies (including Literature, Linguistics, and/or Media) at the level of Assistant Professor, starting August 1, 2024. Teaching load: 2 courses per semester. A PhD in French, Francophone Studies, Second Language Acquisition, or a related field is required by the time of employment.


We seek candidates who are passionate about, and committed to, teaching French from the beginning to the advanced levels; as well as Francophone Studies courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels (desirable areas include Decolonial Pedagogy, French Language Pedagogy, African Studies, and/or Black Studies). We are also looking for candidates who will make substantive and innovative contributions to the curriculum. Preference will be given to applicants whose work puts Decolonial Pedagogies into a dynamic engagement with several fields and disciplines, and whose research and teaching complement the existing strengths of our department. Proficiency in an African language (from any part of the continent or its diaspora) is strongly preferred. Emory University is committed to building a strong and diverse professoriate and our department hopes to recruit a scholar who actively contributes to the diversity of our workplace through the excellence of their research, teaching and service. Distinguished (ACTFL) abilities in French and English are required.

Application Instructions

Applications should be submitted through Interfolio. A preliminary dossier must include a letter of application, a CV, a representative writing sample (approximately 20 pages), a teaching portfolio (course evaluations, teaching statement, sample syllabi), a diversity statement, and the names of three recommenders who will be able to provide letters upon request. Emory University is an EEO/AA employer. Women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. 

Submit your application on by November 19, 2023.

2.16 Call for papers: 2024 author fellowship in residence, Migration Politics

The editorial team of the journal Migration Politics warmly welcome paper proposals for our authors’ fellowship in residence programme. We are seeking submissions from scholars conducting innovative and inspiring research on the politics involved in representing, controlling, and managing migration. We want to promote work that dares to bring in new theoretical or conceptual angles to Migration Studies by engaging with wider theories and debates in political science, sociology, law and other disciplines. We encourage submissions that provide primarily conceptual or philosophical contributions. In empirically oriented work, we seek to promote high standards of methodological transparency and rigour (including through appendices and  data deposits).

Successful applicants will spend a one week intensive fellowship in residence period to develop their ideas into a manuscript ready for submission. Scholars taking part in the author fellowship residency programme are expected to submit their papers for review to the Migration Politics journal that offers rigorous, single-blind peer review and full open access without article processing charges (platinum open access).

For the 2024 residencies we are particularly – though by no means exclusively – interested in papers in the field of migration diplomacy, migration and foreign policy, as well as work focusing on the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America, Asia or sub-Saharan Africa.

The Spring (April/May 2024) residency will take place at the University of Glasgow and is hosted by Gerasimos Tsourapas. Spring residents will interact with the International Politics of Mobility Sanctions (MOBSANCT) project team, which works on migration diplomacy in Europe and the Global South. The Fall (October/November 2024) residency will take place in Amsterdam and is hosted by Saskia Bonjour, Evelyn Ersanilli and Darshan Vigneswaran. Fall residents will interact with members of the Amsterdam Research Centre for Migration (ARC-M).

Next paper proposal deadline: 15 November 2023, 16:59 CET

The author residency programme is open to scholars with a PhD at all career stages as well as to PhD candidates.

For more information read our FAQ, or watch the webinar with advice on how to structure a proposal + Q&A from Monday October 31, 9-10 am CET. 

You are warmly invited to submit your paper proposal no later than 15 November 2023 16:59 CET through this form

The proposal (1,000-1,500 words) should contain:

  • The core question/thesis of the paper
  • The expected contribution to ongoing scholarly debates (explain which debates the paper connects to, citing relevant work and explain how it connects to these debates
  • The methodological approach
  • The empirical material. Please note: data collection should be completed before submitting a paper proposal to Migration Politics residency programme
  • Preliminary findings
  • References (these do not count towards the word limit)

In the submission form you’ll be asked to list:

  1. Your name, institutional affiliation, position, and contact email
  2. A brief description of data used for the paper (in case of an empirical paper)
  3. Confirm that your contribution is original and not under review at another journal or academic publisher and confirm that it won’t be submitted to another journal or publisher until either the proposal was rejected for the residency or, in case you are offered a residency fellowship, after rejection by Migration Politics.
  4. Your preference for either the Spring (April/May 2024) and Fall (October 2024) residency, as well as your availability during the months of your preference.

2.17 $28K Graduate Assistantships for Fall 2024 French Studies PhD enrollees (LSU)

$28K Graduate Assistantships for Fall 2024 French Studies PhD enrollees  (LSU)

The PhD program of the Department of French Studies at Louisiana State University is accepting applicants for Fall semester 2024. The application deadline is February 15, 2024. Official applications must be submitted to the LSU Graduate School: Department requirements can be found here: For further information, and to obtain an application fee waiver if needed, contact John Protevi, Director of Graduate Studies, at

We offer graduate assistant stipends up to $28,000 for superior applicants, with our baseline offer being $23,000 per academic year (a 9-month appointment). These all include a waiver of tuition fees, the non-resident fee, and the Student Excellence fee. Some university-imposed fees remain, totaling @ $2000 per academic year. There are plans to remove them for Fall 2024 but they have not yet been finalized. Gold-standard health insurance is available for $700 per year (obligatory for international students). Graduate assistantships are guaranteed for four years, provided the student remains in good standing, which means maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA (an average grade of B in courses completed) and making good progress toward completion of the PhD. We commonly extend assistantships for a fifth year, since we recognize that students need to be funded while completing their dissertation.

Our department enjoys a large private endowment which enables us to provide substantial monetary awards to our graduate students. For example, we awarded all of our graduate assistants a $5000 bonus award this fall. We are also fortunate to be able to fund special opportunities for our graduate students. For example, this summer we fully funded a graduate student to attend the Caribbean Philosophical Association Summer School at the University of Rochester, June 25-July 2. We also fully funded a graduate student to attend the advanced French immersion program at Middlebury College. Also, we always send two of our graduate students (fully funded) to the Dartmouth French Cultural Studies Summer School, a prestigious month-long program held every other summer. (It will be held in Summer 2024.) We encourage our graduate students to seek out special summer opportunities relevant to their studies. In addition, we provide $1500 annually for each graduate student’s travel to conferences, etc. (the same amount that is provided to faculty members).

Faculty interests and graduate student profiles can be found here under the “people” tab: We intend to hire an advanced associate professor who will join our faculty in Fall 2024, with specializations in Francophone Sub-Saharan African Literature and Music, Contemporary Immigration, African Diaspora, and

20th and 21st century France. Current graduate students come from Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Benin, Vietnam, Iran, and the United States. Past students have been from Canada, France, Côte d’Ivoire, India, and still other countries.

Our department houses LSU’s Center for French and Francophone Studies, designated as a Center of Excellence by the French Embassy in New York. For information on the CFFS (including upcoming events), please click on this link: Center for French and Francophone Studies at LSU

2.18 Annonce de poste — Littérature francophone des Caraïbes, Université de Montréal

Description du poste

Le Département des littératures de langue française sollicite les candidatures pour un poste de professeure ou de professeur à temps plein régulier au rang d’adjoint en littérature francophone des Caraïbes. 


La personne retenue sera appelée à enseigner aux trois cycles, à encadrer des étudiants aux études supérieures, à poursuivre des activités de recherche, de publication et de rayonnement ainsi qu’à contribuer aux activités de l’institution.


>  Doctorat en littérature francophone des Caraïbes; 

>  Excellent dossier de publication dans le domaine; 

>  Aptitude démontrée pour un enseignement universitaire de qualité; 

>  Recherches et publications dans un autre domaine des littératures francophones seraient un atout; 

>  Excellente maîtrise de la langue française 

Comment soumettre votre candidature

Le dossier de candidature transmis à la direction du Département doit être constitué des documents suivants : 

>  Une lettre de motivation; 

>  Pour nous conformer aux exigences du gouvernement du Canada, nous vous prions d’inclure dans votre 
lettre de présentation l’une ou l’autre des mentions suivantes : « je suis citoyen/résident permanent du 
Canada » ou « je ne suis pas citoyen/résident permanent du Canada »; 

>  Un curriculum vitæ; 

>  Un exemplaire des publications ou des travaux de recherche récents; 

>  Un exposé sur la philosophie d’enseignement (au plus une page); 

>  Un exposé sur le programme de recherche (au plus deux pages); 

>  Le dossier doit également comporter trois lettres de recommandation. 

Le dossier de candidature et les lettres de recommandation doivent être transmis par courrier électronique avant le 31 octobre 2023 à : 

Marie-Pascale Huglo, directrice

Département des littératures de langue française

Faculté des arts et des sciences

Université de Montréal

Courriel :

Téléphone: 514 343 6111, poste 6213

Site Web :

Renseignements supplémentaires :


The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University at Buffalo, a flagship institution of the State University of New York, invites applications for a position in French or Francophone literature, culture, and criticism.

The research area and period are open, but scholars with a transdisciplinary approach, who work in creoles, the African diaspora or indigenous studies, as well as those who work across more than one language are particularly encouraged to apply. 

Candidates should have a record of research, publication, and professional engagement appropriate for their stage of career. The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures seeks a colleague with skills for program building, and who is eager join a department in a growth phase at UB and interested in building strong connections in our strategic strengths such as media study and the arts, film, critical theory, psychoanalysis, global health, ecocriticism and sustainability, creoles and creolization, indigenous studies, comparative literature, global gender studies, etc. This position is located within an energetic, collegial, and diverse department that has been formally identified as an area of expansion and investment by the university leadership. 

Outstanding Benefits Package

Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed salary alone. There are personal rewards including comprehensive health and retirement plan options. We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy mix of work, personal and academic pursuit – all in an effort to support your work-life effectiveness. Visit our benefits website to learn about our benefit packages.

About The University at Buffalo
The University at Buffalo (UB) #ubuffalo is one of America’s leading public research universities and a flagship of the State University of New York system, recognized for our excellence and our impact. UB is a premier, research-intensive public university dedicated to academic excellence. Our research, creative activity and people positively impact the world. Like the city we call home, UB is distinguished by a culture of resilient optimism, resourceful thinking and pragmatic dreaming that enables us to reach others every day. Visit our website to learn more about the University at Buffalo.

University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and, in keeping with our commitment, welcomes all to apply including veterans and individuals with disabilities.

Minimum Qualifications · A PhD in a related discipline

· A record of achievement in scholarship appropriate for the rank at the time of appointment

· An established reputation in the field of French, Francophone or Caribbean studies

· Native or Near-Native fluency in French and English

Preferred Qualifications Commensurate with rank:

· High-profile research program

· Strong record of research funding, fellowships, and professional recognition

· A second working language in the field

Salary Range Competitive
Additional Salary Information
Type Full-Time
Campus North Campus
Posting Alerts
Special Instructions Summary In the letter of interest, please emphasize your qualifications and suitability for the position including relevant information on your research program and future plans. Please also address how your research, teaching, and/or service demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion through scholarship, educating and mentoring diverse students, or by improving equity and access to higher education for underrepresented individuals or groups.

Applications received by September 29, 2023, will be given priority review.

All application materials should be submitted via UB Jobs. Application materials submitted directly to the posting contact will not be acknowledged and cannot be considered.

Additional Information Pursuant to Executive Order 161, no State entity, as defined by the Executive Order, is permitted to ask, or mandate, in any form, that an applicant for employment provide his or her current compensation, or any prior compensation history, until such time as the applicant is extended a conditional offer of employment with compensation. If such information has been requested from you before such time, please contact the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations at (518) 474-6988 or via email at
Contact’s Name Fernanda Negrete
Contact’s Title Associate Professor of French
Contact’s Email
Contact’s Phone 716-645-2191
Deadline for Applicants Open Until Filled
Date to be filled 08/19/2024
Number of References Required 3

2.20 Job: Ohio State University, Asst Prof. Film and Media Studies

Film and Media Studies

Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts

College of Arts and Sciences


Position Overview 

The Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts is seeking to hire a scholar in Film and Media Studies for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. Scholars are encouraged to apply whose research on the history of film and moving image media focuses on one or more of the following areas: ecology & climate change, disability, indigeneity, migration, diaspora, decolonization, or the global south.    

This successful applicant will play a role in supporting a thriving Film Studies major, which has recently been incorporated into the newly formed Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts, situated in a new building that anchors a vibrant Arts District. The facilities include state-of-the-art performance spaces, two sound stages, editing suites, a sound lab, and a screening room. The Film Studies program draws from course offerings across the arts and humanities and serves students in Moving Image Production (MIP).

Duties include curriculum development; instruction of Film Studies undergraduate courses from introductory to advanced levels; instruction of graduate courses serving students in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization (GIS) in Film Studies; mentoring of undergraduates; and advising graduate students in related programs.

Education and Experience Requirements

Required: Ph.D. in Film Studies or a related field by August 15, 2024. ABDs welcome to apply. Academic achievement and promise of continued scholarly excellence in candidate’s field of study is expected, as well as a commitment to teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to working with a diverse student body and community.

Desired: Candidates should demonstrate attentiveness to building a diverse intellectual community in alignment with Ohio State’s shared values (see below).


How to Apply

Apply to the Careers at Ohio State website at–Film-and-Media-Studies_R89526-1. A competitive application consists of the following required elements: a cover letter, curriculum vitae, separate research and teaching statements, and a writing sample. 

You will be presented with the opportunity to attach up to FIVE documents in the Application Documents section. Please include the following:

  • Attachment 1: Cover Letter: 1-2 page letter, which should include a brief summary of your academic background and why you are interested in this opportunity.
  • Attachment 2: CV (Curriculum Vitae): Detailed overview of your scholarly experience, including your research experience, teaching and mentoring experience, service, funding, and publications.
  • Attachment 3: Research Statement: Summary of your past research accomplishments, current work/research, and proposal for your future research plan as a faculty member.
  • Attachment 4: Teaching Statement: A statement of your approaches, experience and philosophy regarding your teaching, learning, and mentoring.
  • Attachement 5: A writing sample of no longer than 25 pages.

You will be asked for names and contact information for three reference letters at a later date. 

Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. Inquiries may be directed to Associate Professor Erica Levin, Director of Film Studies,

The College 

With more than 80 majors and 100 minors, the College of Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of the university. The Arts and Sciences provides extraordinary opportunities to collaborate across disciplines, blending creativity and analysis to truly be at the forefront of thought. The breadth and depth of knowledge in the college gives students and researchers the critical thinking and adaptability essential for a lifetime of success. 


Department Information 

The Department of Theatre, Film and Media Arts is a vibrant, active department dedicated to the education and training of filmmakers, theatre artists, scholars, and teachers in an atmosphere conducive to creative scholarship, production and performance. The department conducts research and creative projects which contribute to the enrichment of the university and to the fields of theatre, film and media arts at large.

The University 

Ohio State is a top-20 public university, and its Ohio State Wexner Medical Center is one of America’s leading academic health centers and recently ranked No. 4 on Forbes’ list of best U.S. employers for diversity. Eligible Ohio State employees receive comprehensive benefits packages, including medical, dental and vision insurance, tuition assistance for employees and their dependents, and state or alternative retirement options with competitive employer contributions.

The Ohio State University’s Shared Values include Excellence and Impact, Diversity and Innovation, Inclusion and Equity, Care and Compassion, and Integrity and Respect. Our university community welcomes differences, encourages open-minded exploration and courageous thinking, and upholds freedom of expression.

Ohio State is a dynamic community where opportunity thrives, and individuals transform themselves and their world. Positions are available in countless fields and specialties. Become a Buckeye and contribute to an incredible legacy that serves to guide our future and shape a better tomorrow.

The Ohio State University is committed to enhancing academic excellence. Recruiting, supporting, and retaining faculty of the highest caliber is a core component of this commitment. The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) has established Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation (DCFR) to focus on supporting new and prospective faculty and their loved ones. Service offerings include dual careers partner consultations, identifying potential employers and/or employment opportunities, consultation and resources related to relocation, as well as identifying opportunities to engage on campus and in the surrounding community. While employment opportunities are not guaranteed, resources and consultation are provided to support the partners of new and prospective faculty as they are considering or transitioning to The Ohio State University.  

In addition to being responsive to dual-career opportunities, we strongly promote work-life balance to support our community members through a suite of institutionalized policies.  Ohio State is an NSF ADVANCE institution and a member of the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC).

Located in Ohio’s capital city, Ohio State’s Columbus campus is near the center of a rapidly growing and diverse metropolitan area with a population of over 1.5 million. The area offers a wide range of affordable housing, many cultural and recreational opportunities, excellent schools, and a strong economy based on government as well as service, transportation, and technology industries. Additional information about the Columbus area is available here. In addition to  its Columbus campus, Ohio State has four regional campuses including Ohio State Lima, Ohio State Mansfield, Ohio State Marion, and Ohio State Newark, in addition to Ohio State ATI in Wooster.  

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.


Final candidates are subject to successful completion of a background check. A drug screen or physical may be required during the post offer process.

2.21 Assistant Professor, French and Italian TE, University of Arizona

The Department of French and Italian in the School of International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Arizona invites applications for a tenure eligible position beginning in August 2024 at the rank of Assistant Professor in the field of French Cultural Studies with an emphasis on the contemporary period (from WWII through the present).  Area of specialization is open, but we are looking for someone who will bring a new dimension and expertise to our program, as well as help us recruit and increase our number of undergraduate French majors. Areas of particular interest include but are not limited to: France and/in Europe, fashion, food studies, Bandes dessinées, French for professional purposes, social justice, music, experimental humanities (digital, environmental, urban, or public humanities), political history, social movements, media theory and media studies, film and visual culture, minority studies, (applied) linguacultural studies.  

The successful candidate will teach undergraduate (upper-division undergraduate language, literature, and cultural studies) and graduate-level courses in French and general-education courses in English in face-to-face, hybrid, and online formats. The new hire will also have the ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students from a variety of diverse backgrounds. We seek candidates with a strong publication record or potential, demonstrated excellence in teaching, willingness to develop and teach courses in the University´s General Education curriculum, and to actively recruit undergraduate French majors and graduate students. Candidates should provide evidence of scholarly achievement or significant scholarly potential, and evidence of teaching excellence, including in French language classes. Native or Near-native proficiency in English and French is required. Ph.D. in French or French/Francophone Studies or a related field must be in hand by the time of the appointment.

In order to foster active and meaningful in-person engagement with our students and build community within the department and college, we require tenure eligible faculty members to establish their primary residence within the Tucson, Arizona area, as this is an in-person position.

Review of candidates will begin on December 1, 2023. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2023.

3. Announcements

3.1 Vincent Brown Lecture – Queen Mary University of London, 17th October 2023

Register here for this event<>

Wars Within Wars: Black History’s Warning to the World

The past several years have witnessed transatlantic efforts to deny and disparage Black perspectives on our common history. This is a denial of our right to critically analyse all of our history from points of view that emerge from a history of enslavement, impoverishment, and racial violence, and that question the customary disavowal that these things constitute fundamental features of the Atlantic experience. Reframing narratives of the Age of Revolution, this lecture highlights the ways in which Black history is world history, and as such it has lessons – and warnings – for the world.

Vincent Brown is Charles Warren Professor of American History and Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. He is the author of The Reaper’s Garden: Death and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery (2008) and Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War (2020). He is also the producer of Herskovits at the Heart of Blackness (2009), an audiovisual documentary broadcast on the PBS series Independent Lens, and the short video series The Bigger Picture (2022) for PBS Digital Studios.

This lecture will not be broadcast online.

3.2 Concours d’écriture créative, Institut Polytechnique

Le Centre de français de l’Institut polytechnique de Paris organise annuellement un concours d’écriture créative qui a pour vocation de mettre en relation les Lettres et les Sciences. A titre d’exemple, voici les thèmes des années précédentes :

– 2017 : “Atomes crochus : vers l’infiniment petit”, président du jury : Albert Fert, prix Nobel de physique

– 2018 : “Météorites : attention, chute de pierres” en partenariat avec le muséum d’histoire naturelle qui organisait une grande exposition sur ce sujet

– 2019 : “Alchimie des parfums, le mystère des fragrances”, année de la chimie dans le Secondaire, partenariat avec l’Osmothèque, conservatoire des parfums

– 2020 : “Le hasard fait bien les choses ! Aléas, probabilités, ordre et désordre” : année des Mathématiques, président du jury : Étienne Ghys, mathématicien et secrétaire perpétuel de l’académie des sciences

– 2021 : “Demain, la ville”, une réflexion autour de la vie future dans un monde urbain improbable…

– 2022 : “Lumière !”, jury co-présidé par Anne Szymczak, Inspectrice générale de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche

– 2023 : “Les éléments” : les quatre éléments, mais aussi ceux d’Euclide, de Mendeleïev ou tout simplement ceux qui se déchainent… Jury présidé par Renaud Ferreira de Oliveira, Inspecteur général de l’éducation, du sport et de la recherche

Cette année, notre thème est le suivant : “Faut-il prendre le temps au sérieux ? D’Aristote à Einstein”

Voici le lien vers la page institutionnelle où vous pourrez trouver toutes les informations nécessaires, en particulier l’argumentaire ainsi qu’une bibliographie / sitographie / filmographie relative au thème choisi :

Les quatre catégories sont les suivantes :

– étudiants du Supérieur (toutes disciplines confondues; universitaires, grandes écoles, classes préparatoires, etc.)

 élèves du Secondaire (de la 6e à la Terminale, travail en groupe avec les professeurs de lettres et de sciences)

– Francophonies (pour les personnes dont le français n’est pas la langue maternelle)

– Grand public (donc ouvert à tous !)

Les lots sont d’une valeur de 1500 euros pour les 1er prix, de 1000 euros pour les 2e prix et de 500 euros pour les 3e prix (pour chaque catégorie, voir le règlement du concours).

Il existe également deux prix spéciaux que le jury sélectionne parmi l’ensemble des nouvelles  : le Prix “Arts, Sciences & Citoyens” et le Prix de la “Nouvelle scientifique”.

Les dates du concours sont les suivantes :

– 01/09/2023 : lancement du concours

– 01/02/2024 : date limite de dépôt des nouvelles sur le site Internet

– 15/03/2024 : date de proclamation des finalistes

– 25/04/2024 : cérémonie de remise des prix au Panthéon (Paris)

Voici les vidéos des dernières cérémonies de remise des prix au Panthéon :

Vidéo sur le concours 2022:  (en bas de la page)
Vidéo sur le concours 2023:

Les nouvelles lauréates sont publiées aux Presses de l’Ensta Paris.

Vous le constatez, ce concours s’adresse à toutes celles et tous ceux qui souhaitent écrire. Il est l’occasion de s’essayer à l’écriture, à l’inventivité, à la créativité ! C’est aussi un merveilleux moment de rencontres ! Les nouvelles peuvent être individuelles ou collectives (dans le cadre d’un enseignement d’écriture créative par exemple). N’hésitez pas à diffuser ce message aussi largement que possible auprès de vos collègues et étudiants ! Nous vous en remercions vivement et restons à votre disposition pour répondre à toute question à l’adresse suivante : 

3.3 French, but not (Q)White: Expanding Frenchness for the 21st Century (University of Edinburgh Centre for African Studies Research Seminar)

11 October 2023

15:30 – 17:00


Hugh Robson Building, Lecture Theatre G.04

Speaker: Professor Mame-Fatou Niang, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg

Discussant: Dr Fraser McQueen, Lecturer in French Studies and Comparative Literature, University of Bristol

Chair: Dr Katucha Bento, Lecturer in Race and Decolonial Studies, Co-Director of RACE.ED, University of Edinburgh

Co-badged by RACE.ED, University of Edinburgh

Race and racism do not exist in contemporary France where they supposedly lie lifeless, slain by the Republican sword that felled them in 1789. This talk will analyze France’s refusal to consider race as a valid category of analysis, when it functions precisely as an instantaneous element of natural belonging to the national group for whites (irrespective of their citizenship status), and an indelible mark of foreignness, probationary acceptance, or impossible inclusion in the case of non-whites. More specifically, this talk weights on what the refusal to “see” race has meant for France’s engagement with African countries and African citizens.Ultimately, by confronting the silences around race, racism and colonial memory, this lecture will propose keys to mend the Republic’s broken promise of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité .

When: Wednesday 11th October 2023

Where: Hugh Robson Building, Lecture  Theatre G.04

To attend this event: Please register on Eventbrite

Speaker Biography:

Professor Mame-Fatou Niang is the Director and Founder, CBESA – Center for Black European Studies at the Atlantic at Carnegie Mellon University.

Mame-Fatou Niang is the Director of the Center for Black European Studies at the Atlantic at Carnegie Mellon University. She is an Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies in CMU’s Department of Modern Languages, the author of Identités Françaises (Brill, 2019) and the co-author of Universalisme (Anamosa, 2022). She conducts research on economies of the living/living economy, Blackness in Contemporary France, and French Universalism.

Niang is an Artist-in-Residence at the Ateliers Médicis in Paris, working on a project entitled “Échoïques” (Sounds of Silence).

In 2015, Niang co-directed “Mariannes Noires: Mosaïques Afropéennes” with Kaytie Nielsen, a sophomore in her French class. The film follows seven Afro-French women as they investigate the pieces of their mosaic identities, and unravel what it means to be Black and French, Black in France. In 2021, she served as the Melodia Jones Distinguished Chair of French Studies at University at Buffalo.

Niang has collaborated with Slate, Jacobin, and several news outlets in France. She is currently working on a manuscript tentatively titled Mosaica Nigra: Blackness in 21st-century France.

Discussant Biography:

Dr Fraser McQueen is a lecturer in French Studies and Comparative Literature at the University of Bristol, having previously held positions as a lecturer and postdoctoral research fellow at the Universities of Stirling and Edinburgh respectively. He completed his PhD, entitled ‘Race, Religion, and Communities of Friendship: Contemporary French Islamophobia in Literature and Film‘ in November 2021, with cross-institutional supervision from the Universities of Stirling and Aberdeen. His thesis, which explores Islamophobia and community in contemporary France through a corpus of twelve literary and filmic texts, is currently under contract as a monograph with Liverpool University Press. His current research interests retain the interdisciplinary focus of his earlier work, drawing on scholarship from literary theory, history, film studies, sociology, anthropology, and political science. He has interests in the cultural production of the French far right; the mainstreaming of far-right conspiracy theories; the work of Michel Houellebecq (on which he has published two articles in peer-reviewed journals); representations of jihadi women in media and cultural production; the role of utopianism in both propagating and opposing racism; and the national variations (or lack thereof) in the so-called ‘culture wars’ that have underpinned politics in recent years. A common thread in all of these apparently diverse interests is an interest in postcolonial and decolonial studies, and in the difficulties both have had in being recognised as legitimate fields of research in France (whether in the academy or public discourse). This interest has led Fraser to be an active member in, and, since 2019, communications officer of, the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies.

Key speakers

  • Professor Mame-Fatou Niang, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg

Partner institutions





Please register your attendance on Eventbrite


Hugh Robson Building
Lecture Theatre G.04
15 George Square

3.4 Visions of the Haitian Revolution’s Rebel Women and Men

In this talk, acclaimed Haitian artist François Cauvin and University of Glasgow researcher Dr Rachel Douglas will be in conversation.

They will discuss the iconic portraiture of Haiti’s rebel women and men and the visual aftershocks of the Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) in contemporary Haitian art particularly during the current moment of “ensekirite” political and social violence. Cauvin will explore how his family history intersects with Haitian history and sites of memory including some of the Haitian Revolution’s main battlefields. Cauvin will discuss his and other Haitian families’ migration to Montreal, Canada during the dictatorship of François “Papa Doc” and Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier (1957-1986) and its long aftermath.

François Cauvin is an acclaimed Haitian artist based in Montreal. His iconic portrait of Toussaint Louverture with a guinea fowl forming his hat is the cover image of Sudhir Hazareesingh’s Black Spartacus: The Epic Life of Toussaint Louverture. The famous portrait has now travelled far and wide as this book won the Wolfson Prize, the UK’s most prestigious history prize. Recently he has completed portraits of Haiti’s revolutionary women, including Sanite Belair and Marie-Jeanne Lamartinière. With funding from the Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund, Cauvin will speak with Rachel Douglas at UK museums and the Houses of Parliament on the topic “Visual Aftershocks of the Haitian Revolution.”

Rachel Douglas is Reader in French and Comparative Literature at the University of Glasgow. She is the author of two books: Making The Black Jacobins: C. L. R. James and the Drama of History (Duke University Press, 2019) and Frankétienne and Rewriting: A Work in Progress (Lexington Books, 2009). Her research is on Caribbean literature, history, film, visual art, and archives with a focus on Haiti. She has been awarded Research Fellowships from the Leverhulme Trust, Royal Society of Edinburgh and Arts and Humanities Research Council and grants from the British Library Endangered Archives Programme and the Prince Claus Fund.

Event supported with funding from the Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund.

2-4pm, 1/10/23 Glasgow:

2.45-1.30pm, 3/10/23, Edinburgh:

6-8pm, 5/10/23, London:

3.5 Caribbean Studies Seminar Series (autumn term, online)

Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies


School of Advanced Study * University of London

CLACS Caribbean Studies Seminar Series<> actively promotes intellectual engagement and knowledge exchange by providing scholars – including postgraduate students and early career researchers – with the opportunity to present their interdisciplinary, comparative and integrated research on the Caribbean.

Caribbean Collection for the Future?

10 October 2023, 4:00-5.30 pm BST

Online via zoom

Speaker: Amara Thornton (Institute of Classical Studies, SAS)

Over the late 19th and early 20th centuries the number of artefacts in the British Museum from the Caribbean increased. By the early 20th century they were on display in the Museum’s “American Room”.  Today, the majority of these artefacts are not on display. Historic documentation of archaeological collecting in the Caribbean offers valuable insights for the (re)interpretation of Caribbean artefacts now held in museums in the UK.  How can these insights be made accessible to Caribbean diaspora communities in Britain today? This presentation will present some Caribbean collecting histories and discuss two projects that have used historic documentation to generate new ideas for contextualising, interpreting and displaying museum holdings of Caribbean artefacts.

Dr Amara Thornton is a historian of archaeology. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute of Classical Studies and a Co-Investigator on the 3-year AHRC funded project “Beyond Notability: Re-Evaluating Women’s Work in Archaeology, History and Heritage 1870-1950”. Recently, she led a Knowledge Exchange project, “Animating Caribbean Collections at the British Museum”, working with two creative practitioners and British Museum staff.


7 November 2023, 4:00-5:30 pm GMT

Online via zoom

Speaker: Joanne Norcup (Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies, University of Warwick)

Details tbc


Writing, Reading, Sounding, Painting: Humans and Nonhumans in Caribbean Neo-slave Narratives

5 December 2023, 4:00-5:30 pm GMT

Online via zoom

Speaker: Renée Landell (ILCS Practitioner in Residence, SAS)

Thinking across species in the context of slavery in the Caribbean can help to engage the historically embodied reality of being Black in a shared, oppressive world. The talk begins with a summary of my PhD research, which explores how anglophone Caribbean neo-slave narratives rewrite Black humanity and the nonhuman world against controlling anti-Black images. It will examine how this decolonial ecocritical reading has revealed hidden histories of interspecies violence and resistance during slavery in a distinctly Caribbean context. Reflecting on the ways I have sought to deepen and disrupt my own typical methods of engaging with neo-slave narratives, this talk examines how my thesis has evolved into visual and auditory art within my current role as a creative practitioner in residence at ILCS. I will reflect on my process and progress in creating two large-scale visual art pieces and soundscapes as ways of animating my own literary analysis of two Caribbean neo-slave poems. In doing so, I seek to highlight how a multi-sensory experience of Caribbean neo-slave narratives can provide a powerful tool for examining the limitations and possibilities of written literature in re-presenting the intimacies and enigmas of embodied contact with our complicated world.

Renée Landell is a Creative Practitioner at ILCS, School of Advanced Study. She has recently finished writing up her PhD thesis which undertakes decolonial ecocritical approaches to Anglophone Caribbean neo-slave narratives. Alongside her research, Renée works as the founding director of Beyond Margins UK, a racial justice and equity movement, and as co-founder of Black in Arts and Humanities, a global online network of Black scholars and practitioners. She is also a writer represented by the leading international literary agency, Andrew Nurnberg Associates, and has appeared on Al Jazeera News, BBC News and CBS (Canada) as a commentator, and more recently in the BBC 2 documentary ‘David Harewood on Blackface’ as an on-screen historian.


Eve Hayes de Kalaf (IHR) and Jack Webb (Manchester)

The Caribbean Studies Seminar Series is organised by the Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) in collaboration with Race, Roots and Resistance<> (University of Manchester)

Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies (formerly IMLR)

School of Advanced Study | University of London
Senate House | Malet Street | London WC1E 7HU | UK

3.6 CfN – Western Society for French History Governing Council

The Western Society for French History (WSFH) is seeking nominations for its Governing Council. Joining WSFH’s leadership represents a unique opportunity to shape our field and drive forward innovation in an organization whose mission is to combat all forms of oppression and discrimination while uplifting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the study of Francophone histories and cultures. We invite nominations (including self-nominations) from those specializing in all disciplines, geographies, chronologies, methodologies, and perspectives in scholarship on Francophone histories and cultures. We welcome individuals of all backgrounds and academic ranks, including independent scholars and those in part-time, contingent, or other types of academic positions such as librarians, archivists, and others. This year, we are seeking seven new members. We are eager to receive nominations for/from dix-huitièmistes and early modernists as well as specialists of the modern and contemporary eras.

WSFH has a unique history and mission. It was founded in 1974 to promote greater regional, professional, and methodological diversity in the study of French and Francophone history. Its international membership includes research and teaching faculty, graduate students, independent scholars, and historians in the general public from the United States, Canada, and around the world. The Society welcomes specialists of French and Francophone culture from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary perspectives. The Society takes pride in its longstanding support of graduate student research and conference participation, particularly through its scholarship program.

WSFH’s newly articulated mission states that “The Western Society for French History embraces a dynamic, diverse, and engaged scholarly community that is actively committed to achieving equity and inclusion in the production and transmission of knowledge about the Francophone world. To that end, the Society encourages its members to think critically about injustice in the academy and to develop tools and practices to combat structural inequalities in the profession and academic institutions. Convinced that academic excellence demands this kind of individual and collective engagement, the Society seeks to empower its members to work to eliminate oppression and discrimination in the field, as well as in their classrooms, home departments, and university administrations.”

The Governing Council is committed to realizing this mission in ever-evolving ways. At this time, we are actively engaged in intersectional antiracism work, including via our new Mission Prize and WSFH engag.é.e.s programs. Additionally, last year we launched the Bridges Project, an expansive initiative devoted to supporting our colleagues who are not on the tenure track, both within and outside academic. We also have a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to publishing cutting edge research. Governing Council members serve for three-year appointments, are encouraged to attend the annual conference, and participate in several (virtual) meetings a year. Our next in-person conference will be held in San Francisco in November 2024 and will mark the 50th anniversary of the Society. We are excited to celebrate that incredible milestone – please consider joining us!

Send all nominations and self-nominations to by Friday, October 13, 2023.

3.7 New co-editor sought for the journal French History – applications open until 1 October 2023

A reminder to colleagues that applications are still open for this position until 1 October 2023. If interested, please get in touch using the contact details at the end of this message.  

A new co-editor is sought for the journal French HistoryPublished quarterly by Oxford University Press, French History publishes research articles, review essays, fora, reviews, and special issues on all aspects of the history of France and the Francophone world from the early medieval period to the present.  French History is attentive to issues of equality, diversity and inclusion within the discipline and its editors are committed to ensuring that these concerns are reflected in the journal’s operations and outputs.  

The new editor will work alongside the current co-editor, Dr Claire Eldridge, and will take responsibility for content dealing with the medieval, early modern and Revolutionary periods. They must be a specialist in the history of France and/or the Francophone world in one of these periods and should be employed on an open-ended contract at an institute of Higher Education. Some experience of editorial board service or journal peer review is desirable.  The term of office is five years and will begin on 1 January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.  The role includes an annual honorarium, expenses budget and a 40% OUP book discount.   

Working with Oxford University Press and the journal’s editorial board, the co-editors oversee French History’s day-to-day operations, direction and development.  This involves the following responsibilities:  

  • The new editor will be responsible for processing article submissions dealing with the medieval, early modern and Revolutionary periods via the Scholar One website.  Training on this will be provided by the current editors and the OUP Production team. 
  • The editors assess each submission’s suitability for publication, select and invite appropriate referees to read and review and, based upon their recommendations, take the formal decision whether or not to accept submissions for publication (with or without revisions).  
  • The editors are responsible for communicating with prospective authors and will provide constructive feedback and guidance on any revisions required, determine whether resubmissions are satisfactory or require further work (sometimes consulting readers on this) and check final proofs.  
  • The editors actively seek out copy and ideas for the journal by maintaining regular contact with the editorial board and by approaching scholars at conferences and other fora.  
  • The editors are responsible for overseeing the work of the journal’s associate editors and reviews editor and for selecting members of the editorial board.  They also share responsibility for appointing a panel of editorial board members to judge the journal’s annual article prize.  
  • The editors liaise closely with the editorial and production team at OUP and attend online and in-person meetings and briefings organised by OUP as required.  
  • The editors are members of the committee of the Society for the Study of French History, regularly consult with its trustees and officers, and report to the Society’s twice-yearly committee meetings.  

This job description can also be found at:  

To apply, please submit a letter of application of no more than two sides of A4 outlining your suitability for the role by email to the journal’s co-editor Claire Eldridge ( by 1 October 2023. Informal enquiries should also be directed to Claire Eldridge at the above email address.   

3.8 The Haiti Seminar

We are excited to announce the launch of the Haiti Seminar, a three-year long initiative led by Marc Flandreau from the University of Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and the School of Social Sciences and Government of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Guadalajara.

The Haiti Seminar finds its motivation in the profound impact of the tragedy of Haiti’s debt on collective memory. While the original focus will be on Haiti’s debt (to which we will keep returning), the seminar intends to operate a broadening of the perspective, covering diverse historical experiences during the two centuries following the original settlement of Haiti’s double debt.

The Seminar runs monthly on Thursdays, from 12:00pm to 1:30pm Port-au-Prince time (18h-19h30 Paris time), on zoom.

The inaugural session will be on October 12th, 2023, we will welcome Malick Ghachem from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, presenting his paper “The Debt and the Indemnity: Reconstructing French and Haitian Finances, 1720-2025”, with François Velde (Federal Reserve, Chicago), Arnaud Orain (Université Paris 8) as discussants.

The initiative will also distribute a series of research grants, thanks to the generous support of the Crédit Mutuel, Paris. It will be concluded by an academic conference in the Summer of 2026.

To register, consult the program or learn more about the initiative, please visit our website: 

3.9 Le 25ème anniversaire du colloque annuel de l’ADEFFI

Cher.ères collègues, 

C’est avec plaisir que nous vous invitons à la 25ème édition de notre colloque annuel, qui portera cette année sur « Jeux ». Il aura lieu le 20 et 21 octobre à University College Dublin.

Ce sera une belle occasion de célébrer les études françaises et francophones en Irlande!

Séance plénière 

Conférencière d’honneur, Muriel Pic, EHESS et Université de Lausanne 

‘Le demain joueur. Petite histoire de la probabilité en littérature de Mallarmé à Perec’ 

Veuillez trouver le programme provisoire du colloque et un formulaire d’inscription sur notre site web: 

Pour toute question concernant la logistique du colloque (programmation / salles / logement / repas… ), veuillez désormais contacter Derval Conroy ( En revanche, veuillez envoyer le formulaire d’inscription même à

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de nous renvoyer votre formulaire d’inscription lundi le 2 octobre au plus tard.

Bien cordialement,

Le comité executif de l’ADEFFI

3.10 IHR Modern French History Seminar – Autumn 2023-24

We are delighted to introduce the new programme for the Modern French History seminar at the IHR! This semester will combine individual papers, book launches, and a panel celebrating the seminar’s centenary. We look forward to seeing you in person and/or online. If you have any questions or would like to be added to our mailing list please email or


Autumn Programme 2023-24

Seminars will be either online or in person. All in person seminars take place in the Wolfson Room at the IHR: Senate House, Malet St, London WC1E 7HU. All online seminars require registration via the IHR website.

2 October

Wolfson Room IHR, 17:30-19:00

Stéphane Gerson (NYU), ‘Family Stories, Gendered Silence: Nice 1942-Brussels 1994’

9 October

Wolfson Room IHR, 17:30-19:00

Celebrating a Centenary of Modern French History at the IHR: Professor Pamela Pilbeam (RHUL) ‘Reflection on the Modern French History Seminar’; Anthony Chapman-Joy (RHUL) ‘Caricatures of the Franco-Prussian War and Commune’; Atlanta Rae Neudorf (QMUL) ‘Nineteenth-century French political exiles in London’; David Klemperer (QMUL) ‘Interwar socialism in France’.

23 October

Online, 17:30-18:30

Book Launch: Chris MillingtonThe Invention of Terrorism in France, 1904-1939 (Stanford University Press, 2023). Respondents: Danielle Beaujon (University of Illinois Chicago)  and Julian Jackson (QMUL).

6 November

Wolfson Room IHR, 17:30-19:00

Julie Hardwick (UT Austin), ‘The view from the kitchen: enslaved and free women of color, an eighteenth-century French slave port city, and a grassroots metropolitan node of racial capitalism’. Note: This seminar is co-hosted between IHR Europe and the World 1500-1800 seminar and IHR Modern French History seminar.

20 November  

Online, 17:30-18:30

Book Launch: Karine Varley, Vichy’s Double Bind: French Collaboration between Hitler and Mussolini During the Second World War (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

4 December 2023

Wolfson Room IHR, 17:30-19:00

Martin Evans (Sussex), ‘Revolutionary Solidarities, Cold War Rivalries, South-South Othering: The 1963 Sands War in the History of Algerian-Moroccan Relations’

3.11 Women and Islam: Agency in Francophone and Italophone Autobiography (27 Oct 2023)


27 October 2023

12:00PM – 4:30PM

Online conference


Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing (CCWW)

Organizers: Maria Morelli (ILCS, London) & Oliver Brett (University of Nottingham) 

Author Conversation: Simone Brioni (Stony Brook University), in conversation with author Shirin Ramzanali Fazel: “Collaboration as a Decolonial Practice”
In the past few decades, different voices have emerged across Europe challenging the colonizing gaze that has traditionally been used to scrutinize Muslim women. Focusing on the Francophone and Italophone context, this one-day event looks at how such voices contribute to the debate on Muslim women’s identity and agency in contemporary Europe, and invite us to rethink traditional analyses that position the ‘non-Western’ as backwards and restrictive. The event features an Author Talk with Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (Lontano da Mogadiscio, 1994).


All times in BST

12:00 – 14:00Panel 1: Women and Islam: the Italophone Context

Francesca Calamita (University of Virginia): “Walking into a Minefield: The Hijab Controversy in 2023”
Maria Morelli (ILCS): “The Colour of My Skin. Negotiating Italianness in Shirin Ramzanali Fazel’s Lontano da Mogadiscio
Simone Brioni (Stony Brook University), in conversation with author Shirin Ramzanali Fazel: “Collaboration as a Decolonial Practice” (Moderator: Maria Morelli, ILCS)
Beatrice Basile (University of Pennsylvania): “Body, Identity and Symbols in Igiaba Scego’s La Linea del colore

14:00 – 14:30: Break

14.30 – 16:30Panel 2: Women and Islam: the Francophone Context

Oliver Brett (University of Nottingham): “Translating the Body: La Petite Dernière, Fatima Daas”
Hamoudi Abdellaoui (University of Algiers): “Feminism or Feminisms? Algerian Women Authors in Dialogue”
Mehrnoosh Arzaghi (Independent Scholar): “Assia Djebar’s Portrayal of Women in Les femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement and Femme sans sépulture: Navigating Paradoxes of Language, Identity, and Women’s Voices”
Farzaneh Mollazadeh Igdir (Independent Scholar): “The presence of the powerful feminine Other against the oppressed silent feminine Self, in Assia Djebar’s autobiographical work l’Amour, la Fantasia

Download programme pdf

All are welcome to attend this free conference, which will be held online via zoom. Please register in advance to receive the zoom joining link. To register go to:

3.12 ASMCF Brian Darling and Douglas Johnson Memorial Prizes: OPEN

Noting that many of our members were likely to have been participating in the UCU Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB) at the end of the last academic year, the ASMCF postponed its two Undergraduate essay prizes during the usual summer months. When the MAB commenced on the 20th April 2023, many of our members faced difficult decisions. This period affected the grading process for end-of-year assessments and semester two assessment items. On Wednesday 6th September 2023, the UCU suspended the MAB after consultation with members.  

As such, we would now like to invite all members to submit their Undergraduate work from last academic year (2022-23) to the Brian Darling Memorial Prize and the Douglas Johnson Memorial Prize. The deadline for both of these prizes for this year will be 31st October 2023. However, please do keep us posted if your internal deadlines are after this date, and we can then review the deadline to ensure that all excellent Undergraduate work can be considered. The details for the two prizes are below:  

Brian Darling Memorial Prize:  

The Brian Darling Memorial Prize was established in memory of the late Brian Darling, the founding Secretary of the Association. The prize, to the value of £250, is awarded for an undergraduate essay or dissertation of distinction, which explores any theme/s relevant to the Association’s remit (French history, politics, culture, society, literature, thought, film since 1789, as well as the relations between France and other countries, including those in the French-speaking world). The work may be written in either French or English and should not normally exceed five thousand words. 

Douglas Johnson Memorial Prize:  

The Douglas Johnson Memorial Essay Prize was established in memory of the late Douglas Johnson, the first Honorary President of the Association. 

The prize, to the value of £250, is awarded for an undergraduate essay or dissertation of distinction, which explores any theme/s relevant to the Association’s remit (French history, politics, culture, society, literature, thought, film since 1789, as well as the relations between France and other countries, including those in the French-speaking world). 

The work may be written in either French or English and should be over five thousand words, but not exceed ten thousand words

For more information, please see our website:

3.13 ASMCF Initiative Fund: October 2023

Please find below details of the ASMCF Initiative Fund. The deadline for applications is 31st October 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: 

The Association’s Initiative Fund provides small grants to individuals who are members of the Association to help defray the costs of research events intended to benefit a wide public, such as conferences, study days, workshops and support for postgraduate activities that engage with themes related to the field of French Studies. The Association is particularly keen to encourage and support regionally-based collaborative initiatives on the part of its members; again, these should be intended to benefit a wide public. The Initiative Fund does not support costs associated with individual travel, participation and registration for events or conferences. More details about the prize can be found on the ASMCF website: 

3.14 A new French Presse Oct 1

Dear colleagues,

C’est la rentrée!

French Presse is delighted to announce the inaugural talk and conversation in a series on policing and publics in contemporary France. Magda Boutros, from the Sociology department at Sciences Po will speak on “From Zyed & Bouna to Nahel: How racialized police violence became a public issue.” Community discussion will follow.

The event is Sunday, October 1, at 3pm (east coast time)

As always, the event is free, but you need to register at the Eventbrite page, link below.

Come one, come all, and let us know if you have questions. Let us anticipate one, and answer it: this conversation will NOT be recorded.

Judy Coffin and Sally Charnow.

Magda Boutros  is an Assistant Professor of sociology at Sciences Po in Paris. Her scholarship examines how policing and criminal justice institutions (re)produce inequalities of race, class, and gender, and how people act collectively to challenge them. She is currently writing a book on social movements against racialized policing in France. Based on an ethnographic study of three activist coalitions, the book shows that movement actors face an important obstacle: the police hold significant control over what is known – and what remains unknown (and sometimes, unknowable), about policing and inequalities. As a result, many activist groups produce their own knowledge. The analysis suggests that the way they design their knowledge projects shapes how they define the problem, and how they influence the public debate about policing, inequality, and injustice.

3.15 SAS Research Training Programme 2023/24 – Term 1

SAS Research Training Programme 2023/24  


Registration for the School of Advanced Study free research training programme for Term 1 is now open. These sessions are available to researchers at all levels in the UK and beyond, but advance registration using the booking links below is essential.  

Monday 2nd October 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: How to do your Research Project: Project Management and Study Skills 


Monday 9th October 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Starting Writing 

Wednesday 11th October 2023, 14:00 – 15:30: Learning Technologies in Higher Education 

Monday 16th October 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Notes on Note-taking 

Wednesday 18th October 2023, 14:00 – 16:30: Making (Quick) Maps for Your Thesis or Presentation 

Monday 23rd October 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Methodology, Theory, and Research Design Frames 


Monday 30th October 2023, 14:00 – 15:30: Introduction to Fieldwork 

Monday 6th November 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Academic Practice and Ethics 


Wednesday 8th November 2023, 14:00 – 16:00: Concepts of Digital Humanities 


Monday 13th November 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: What is Copyright? 

Wednesday 15th November 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Maintaining Momentum – The Highs & Lows of the Postgraduate Study Journey 

Monday 20th November 2023, 14:00 – 16:00: Getting Research Published 


Monday 27th November 2023, 14:00 – 15:00: Stepping up to a PhD: a Guide for Aspiring Doctoral Students 


Monday 4th December 2023, 14:00 – 15:30: Revising Your PhD Thesis for Publication 


Monday 11th December 2023, 14:00 – 17:00: Zotero (PRE-RECORDED SESSION) 

3.16 Reading Decoloniality Next Sessions

Please find below the link to our next 3 Reading Decoloniality Sessions:

– Wed, 4 Oct 2023 18:00 – 19:30 BST: The Relationship between Modernity and Capitalism? w. Ramón Grosfoguel
– Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:15 – 14:45 GMT: Afroscenology and British actors? w. Samuel Ravengai & Claire French
– Wed, 6 Dec 2023 15:00 – 16:30 GMT: ‘Postcolonial memory’ w. Sakiru Adebayo

All workshop take place remotely and everyone is warmly welcome.

Please find more details and how to register on our website here:

You can also join our newsletter on the website to be informed of future events.

Everyone is also welcome to join our group and suggest sessions, free to get in touch.

3.17 Francophone islands discussion group – call for expressions of interest

A small group of us have been talking about creating a Francophone Island Studies discussion group / network. We wanted to send out an initial call for interest as well as collect ideas about what might work in terms of reading groups, research collaborations, online and in-person events etc.

By islands we are thinking here in the broadest possible terms which include those islands which are nation-states, overseas departments and territories as well as the islands located off mainland France but also archipelagos, smaller islands, islets and presqu-îles. We are interested in exploring the research around island cultures, imaginaries, networks, topographies and environmental challenges faced by islands and their communities as well as how these are explored in literature, film and other forms of cultural expression. 

We’re keen to create a space (online initially) to share ideas, existing and new research, suggested readings, films, exhibitions, literature and other forms of inspiration! If you’re interested in being involved then it would be great if you could send us a brief bio, any ideas you might have for the group and details of the time zone you’re in. We’ll then start to plan a preliminary Teams meeting so everyone can get to know one another.

Sophie Fuggle (

Jonathan Lewis (

Antonia Wimbush (

3.18 TROUBLING WATERS — BOOK LAUNCH October 13, 2023 @ Reference Point

Join us at Reference Point for a night of music and performances to celebrate the launch of Memorializing and
Decolonizing Practices in the Francophone Caribbean and Other Spaces edited by Stephanie Melyon-Reinette.
The books collection gathers together self-portraits, analytical essays, and ethnographies to discuss
self-determination at a crossroads between intimacy and geopolitics throughout postcolonial France, the French Caribbean and other Francophone spaces.

The book editor Stéphanie Melyon-Reinette will be joined by Martinican artist Jean-François Boclé,
Guadeloupean DJ Nindo Tune, Independent curators Alinta Sara and Amina Lawal Agoro for a night of talk, music and performances,
Don’t miss this incredible event that brings together literature, music, and French-Caribbean food.

 October 13, 2023
Reference Point
2, Arundel Street
WC2R 3DA London

Please find attached the various promotional elements.

For registering for the event:

3.19 Caribbean International Film Fest

The Caribbean International Film Fest (CIFF <>) runs from September 30th – October 1st at Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham.

The dynamic work of twenty emerging and award-winning Caribbean filmmakers, representing the English, Dutch, Spanish and French-speaking Caribbean will be screened as part of this two-day Festival. View the full programme here:<>

CIFF2023 is being hosted by Caribbean Pop-Up Cinema (<>), a community cinema project which programmes Caribbean films, promotes Caribbean filmmakers, and produces Caribbean film events. For more information, email<>

4. New Publications

4.1 Julia Prest (ed.), Colonial-Era Caribbean Theatre: Issues in Research, Writing and Methodology (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023)

Cutting across academic boundaries, this volume brings together scholars from different disciplines who have explored together the richness and complexity of colonial-era Caribbean theatre. The volume offers a series of original essays that showcase individual expertise in light of broader group discussions. Asking how we can research effectively and write responsibly about colonial-era Caribbean theatre today, our primary concern is methodology. Key questions are examined via new research into individual case studies on topics ranging from Cuban blackface, commedia dell’arte in Suriname and Jamaican oratorio to travelling performers and the influence of the military and of enslaved people on theatre in Saint-Domingue. Specifically, we ask what particular methodological challenges we as scholars of colonial-era Caribbean theatre face and what methodological solutions we can find to meet those challenges. Areas addressed include our linguistic limitations in the face of Caribbean multilingualism; issues raised by national, geographical or imperial approaches to the field; the vexed relationship between metropole and colony; and, crucially, gaps in the archive. We also ask what implications our findings have for theatre performance today – a question that has led to the creation of a new work set in a colonial theatre and outlined in the volume’s concluding chapter.

The book is available with a 20% discount here.

4.2 Contemporary French Civilization, 48.3 (2023)

Liverpool University Press is pleased to inform you of the latest content in CONTEMPORARY FRENCH CIVILIZATION, a highly regarded publication that is essential reading for those working in and researching all aspects of civilization and cultural studies in France and the Francophone world.

Volume 48.3 includes articles on documentary films as counter-memory; a social media study on the reception of non-binary pronouns; the impact of the internet and new technologies on the current position of French language in Morocco; and how a famously semi-clandestine group, the College of ‘Pataphysics, became progressively more politicized in the 1960s and 1970s.

The issue also includes a Review Essay exploring the November 2015 Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris and Emmanuel Carrère’s book, V13.

Concluding with reviews of the latest books in the field.

Browse all articles >

Download a free issue >

To recommend a subscription to Contemporary French Civilization to your library, please use our email template to contact your librarian

Sign up to our mailing list Follow us on Twitter


Table of contents






















4.3 Oliver Gloag, Oublier Camus (Paris: La Fabrique, 2023)

Préface de Fredric Jameson

Des programmes scolaires aux discours politiques, dans les médias et les conversations mondaines, Camus est partout le parangon d’un humanisme abstrait qui a ceci de commode – et de suspect – qu’il plait à droite comme à gauche. Peu d’ouvrages se sont penchés sur les contradictions du personnage comme le fait ici Olivier Gloag à partir d’une relecture de Camus dans le texte – contradictions qui constituent pourtant la force motrice de l’œuvre camusienne, une clé de son « style », et expliquent sa popularité actuelle.

Olivier Gloag rappelle l’attachement viscéral de Camus au colonialisme et au mode de vie des colons qui traverse ses trois romans majeurs, L’ÉtrangerLa Peste et Le Premier Homme. Il examine ses engagements politiques à la lumière de sa brouille avec Sartre : la tension entre révolte et révolution, son recours à l’absurde comme refus du cours de l’Histoire, son anticommunisme et son déni de la lutte des peuples colonisés. Il se penche enfin sur les récupérations de Camus : l’auteur le plus populaire en France et le Français le plus lu dans le monde est devenu un enjeu politique et idéologique. L’invocation d’un Camus mythifié projette un reflet flatteur mais falsificateur de l’histoire coloniale. C’est ce Camus-là qu’il faut oublier pour reconnaître les déchirements d’un écrivain tout aussi passionnément attaché aux acquis sociaux du Front populaire qu’à la présence française en Algérie.

Olivier Gloag

Olivier Gloag est Associate Professor à l’université de Caroline du Nord (UNC) à Asheville. Ses recherches portent notamment sur les représentations coloniales dans la littérature hexagonale, l’histoire culturelle et littéraire de la France au xxe siècle. Il est l’auteur de Albert Camus, A Very Short introduction (Oxford university press, 2020).

4.4 Pierre Singaravélou (ed.), Colonisations. Notre histoire (Paris: La Fabrique, 2023)

Réunissant plus de deux cent cinquante chercheuses et chercheurs issus du monde entier, ce livre nous invite à regarder la colonisation française en face, avec les yeux des colonisés et des colonisateurs. Les meilleurs spécialistes mettent à notre disposition une connaissance profondément renouvelée de la domination coloniale, de ses formes parfois surprenantes, de ses effets dévastateurs, de ses limites longtemps ignorées, ainsi que de ses rémanences actuelles.
Dans une époque tout entière dominée par les questionnements identitaires et les affrontements mémoriels, ce livre collectif restitue de manière lucide, accessible et passionnante, la grande diversité et la complexité des situations coloniales en Afrique, en Asie, en Océanie et dans les Amériques.
De la colonisation est née une histoire à la fois riche et violente, tissée d’innombrables échanges, qui fait de nous ce que nous sommes. Colonisés et colonisateurs ont été à la fois liés et transformés à jamais par cette expérience qui retrouve ici toute sa place – à bien des égards centrale – dans l’histoire de France.
Pour déjouer les évidences et répondre aux interrogations contemporaines, cet ouvrage part du présent et remonte le fil du temps jusqu’aux sources méconnues du passé dit « précolonial ». En inscrivant le fait colonial français dans le temps long – du XXIe au XVe siècle – des relations entre la France et le reste du monde, cette histoire globale en appréhende les continuités, les ruptures et les singularités. Ainsi peut-être comprendrons-nous mieux qui nous sommes.

Direction : Pierre Singaravélou

Coordination : Arthur Asseraf, Guillaume Blanc, Yala Kisukidi, Mélanie Lamotte

4.5 Jeffrey Ahlman, Ghana: A Political and Social History


Few African countries have attracted the international attention that Ghana has. In the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the then-colonial Gold Coast emerged as a key political and intellectual hub for British West Africa. Half a century later, when Ghana became the first sub-Saharan state to emerge from European colonial rule, it became a key site for a burgeoning, transnational, African anticolonial politics that drew activists, freedom fighters, and intellectuals from around the world. As the twentieth century came to a close, Ghana also became an international symbol of the putative successes of post-Cold-War African liberalization and democratization projects.

Here Jeffrey Ahlman narrates this rich political history stretching from the beginnings of the very idea of the “Gold Coast” to the country’s 1992 democratization, which paved the way for the Fourth Republic. At the same time, he offers a rich social history stretching that examines the sometimes overlapping, sometimes divergent nature of what it means to be Ghanaian through discussions of marriage, ethnicity, and migration; of cocoa as a cultural system; of the multiple meanings of chieftaincy; and of other contemporary markers of identity. Throughout it all, Ahlman distills decades of work by other scholars while also drawing on a wide array of archival, oral, journalistic, and governmental sources in order to provide his own fresh insights.

For its clear, comprehensive coverage not only of Ghanaian history, but also of the major debates shaping nineteenth- and twentieth-century African politics and society more broadly, Ghana: A Political and Social History is a must-read for students and scholars of African Studies.

Table of Contents

Part I
Introduction: Belonging and Nation in Modern Ghana
Chapter 1. Making the Gold Coast: The Gold Coast to the Twentieth Century
Chapter 2. Colonial Networks: Making Nation and State in the Gold Coast
Chapter 3. Cocoa Futures: State, Society, and Commodity Production in the Gold Coast 106
Chapter 4. Conditions of Protest: War, Crises, and the Politics of Postwar Agitation 142
Chapter 5. States of Transition: Nation and the Politics of Independence in a Decolonizing Ghana

Part II
Chapter 6. The Development Dilemma: Decolonization and Debt during Ghana’s Sixties
Chapter 7. The Politics of Precarity: Dependence and Development during Ghana’s Seventies
Chapter 8. Sites of Upheaval: The Rawlings Revolution and the Coming Neoliberal Age
Conclusion: The Contingent Futures of Ghana’s Fourth Republic

3.6 Julie d’Andurain and Guillaume Vial (eds.), « Histoire coloniale et impériale de l’Afrique. Capes et Agrégation d’histoire 2022-2025 ». « Hors-Série Concours » d’Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire coloniale et impériale

“La revue Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire coloniale et impériale propose un numéro Hors-Série Concours portant sur l’histoire coloniale et impériale de l’Afrique pour répondre aux questions des concours du Capes et de l’Agrégation d’histoire 2022-2025.
Il s’agit de mettre en exergue les travaux des plus éminents historiens de l’association, la Sfhom, mais également de démontrer à quel point l’association et sa revue Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire coloniale et impériale sont en capacité d’offrir une large palette d’informations et de points de repères aux étudiants en histoire.
Ce numéro Hors-Série Concours est uniquement accessible sur le site de la Sfhom :“.

Agrégée et docteur en histoire de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, Julie d’Andurain est professeur en histoire contemporaine à l’université de Lorraine (Metz) et membre de l’Académie des sciences d’outre-mer. Spécialiste des questions coloniales et des phénomènes guerriers, elle a publié plusieurs ouvrages, notamment Colonialisme ou impérialisme ? Le parti colonial en pensée et en action, et en 2022 Le Général Gouraud. Un destin hors du commun, de l’Afrique au Levant (Perrin). Julie d’Andurain est trésorière de la Sfhom.
Professeur d’histoire-géographie de lycée à Troyes, Guillaume Vial est vice-président de la Sfhom. Il est responsable des comptes rendus de la revue Outre-Mers. Revue d’histoire coloniale et impériale et anime le site Internet Il a publié en 2019 : Femmes d’influence. Les signares de Saint-Louis du Sénégal et de Gorée, xviiie-xixe siècle. Étude critique d’une identité métisse (Maisonneuve & Larose – Hémisphères éditions). Ses recherches sur l’histoire de l’Afrique occidentale l’ont amené à développer notamment une inclination pour la culture lusophone et luso-africaine.

3.7 Fabio Rossinelli, Géographie et impérialisme: De la Suisse au Congo entre exploration géographique et conquête coloniale (Neuchâtel : Editions Alphil, 2023)

Gustave Moynier, cofondateur de la Croix-Rouge, a-t-il également cofondé l’État indépendant du Congo ? Ce régime brutal d’extraction du caoutchouc dirigé par Léopold II voit le jour en 1885 à la suite d’une décennie d’événements exploratoires et conquérants. La Suisse participe à ces événements par le biais des sociétés de géographie dont Moynier fait partie.
Loin de se limiter à dévoiler un aspect sombre de la vie de cet homme, l’ouvrage de Fabio Rossinelli montre l’intégration – économique, culturelle, voire politique – de la bourgeoisie helvétique à l’impérialisme colonial du xIxe siècle. Pour ce faire, l’histoire des associations géographiques en Suisse est analysée en perspective internationale. Jusqu’à la Grande Guerre, ces sociétés représentent, à côté d’autres milieux, des cénacles où se produit un discours raciste accompagné d’actions expansionnistes.

3.8 Dominique Barjot and Jean-François Klein (eds), Rencontres impériales : l’Asie et la France. Le « moment Second Empire » (Paris : Hémisphères, 2023)


Les travaux récents ont permis un profond renouvellement des perspectives de l’historiographie francophone du Second Empire dans ses rapports avec l’Extrême-Orient, l’Asie du Sud-Est et du Sud. Ainsi se trouve mise en lumière toute la complexité du projet impérial vis à vis de ces zones du monde, sous l’impulsion notamment de la Marine, des soyeux lyonnais, de diplomates plus ou moins habiles et inventifs et de missionnaires, souvent issus des Missions étrangères de Paris.

Le Second Empire constitue donc un moment clef du rapport que la France tisse avec ces régions du monde, alors que s’accélère le processus de mondialisation et l’un de ses corollaires, la poussée impériale ultramarine. Celle-ci permet à la France de se doter, en Indochine, d’un balcon sur le Pacifique. Cette position, les régimes suivants, républicains, la conforteront jusqu’en 1954, tout en continuant d’entretenir des liens étroits, et parfois complexes, avec l’ensemble des pays évoqués dans cet ouvrage.


Dominique Barjot est professeur émérite à Sorbonne Université, professeur invité Renmin University of China (Beijing, en 2017, 2018 et 2019), Président du Comité Français des Sciences Historiques (CFSH) et vice- président pour 2023 de l’Académie des Sciences d’Outre- Mer.

Jean-François Klein est professeur d’Histoire maritime, portuaire et coloniale à l’Université de Bretagne-Sud où il est titulaire de la Chaire Senghor de la Francophonie Maritime et chercheur à l’UMR 9016 TEMOS. Par ailleurs, il est, professeur invité à l’Académie militaire de Saint-Cyr-Coëtquidan et membre correspondant de l’Académie des Sciences d’Outre-Mer. Il a enseigné l’Histoire de l’Asie.

Préface par Nicolas Fiévé, directeur de l’EFEO

Avant-propos par Lyu Yimin, ASOM, Zhèjiāng University, Hángzhōu

Avec les contributions de :

Éric Anceau, Emmanuelle Papot-Chanteranne, Vincent Mariet, Augustin Mari, Jean-François Klein, Shi Xiaoxuan,

Delphine Boissarie, Marie-Françoise Berneron-Couvenhes, Cédric Coicaud, Caroline Piquet, Éric Guerassimoff , Christina Wu, Jiang Tianyue et Zhu Yan, Benoît Pouget,  Sunny Le Galloudec, Fleur Chabaille-Wang , Thierry Maloux (colonel),

Olivier de Bernon, Éric Gojosso, Philippe Le Failler, Jean Baffie, Aurore Candier, Jacques Weber, Pierre-Emmanuel Bachelet, Xavier Huetz de Lemps, François Drémeaux, Wen Wen, Thierry Claeys, Martine Raibaud, Pierre-Emmanuel Roux,

Eric Seizelet, Franck Michelin, Patrick Beillevaire, Guillaume Carré.

3.9 Elizabeth M. Perego, Humor and Power in Algeria, 1920 to 2021 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2023)

In times of peace as well as conflict, humor has served Algerians as a tool of both unification and division. Humor has also assisted Algerians of various backgrounds and ideological leanings with engaging critically in power struggles throughout the country’s contemporary history. By analyzing comedic discourse in various forms (including plays, jokes, and cartoons), Humor and Power in Algeria, 1920 to 2021 demonstrates the globally informed and creative ways that civilians have made sense of moments of victory and loss through humor. Using oral interviews and media archives in Arabic, French, and Tamazight, Elizabeth M. Perego expands on theoretical debates about humor as a tool of resistance and explores the importance of humor as an instrument of war, peace, and social memory, as well as a source for retracing volatile, contested pasts.
Humor and Power in Algeria, 1920 to 2021 reveals how Algerians have harnessed humor to express competing visions for unity in a divided colonial society, to channel and process emotions surrounding a brutal war of decolonization and the forging of a new nation, and to demonstrate resilience in the face of a terrifying civil conflict.


3.10 Jennifer J. Davis, Bad Subjects: Libertine Lives in the French Atlantic, 1619–1814 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2023)

Available in print and digital formats


Receive a 20% discount online*:


*Valid until 11:59 GMT, 31st December 2023. Discount only applies to the CAP website.


“A documented and strikingly original investigation of the shifting category of libertines which, far from being exclusively associated with nonstandard or abusive sexual practices, has for several centuries also been associated with the stigmatization of personal, individualist relationships to the law.”—Anne Verjus, director of research at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France


“A lively, ambitious, and provocative book. Bad Subjects raises a host of important questions through a wide geographic and long chronological exploration of libertinism as a plastic concept appropriated in many regions. In centering sexuality as a key subject for imperial politics writ large and small, Davis offers an innovative addition to our understanding of the first French empire.”—Julie Hardwick, author of Sex in an Old Regime City: Young Workers and Intimacy in France, 1660–1789

In a lively account that spans continents, Jennifer J. Davis considers what it meant to be called a libertine in early modern France and its colonies. Libertinage was a polysemous term in early modern Europe and the Atlantic World, generally translated as “debauchery” or “licentiousness” in English. Davis assesses the changing fortunes of the quasi-criminal category of libertinage in the French Atlantic, based on hundreds of cases drawn from the police and judicial archives of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century France and its Atlantic colonies alongside the literature inspired by those proceedings.

The libertine life was not merely a subject for fiction nor a topos against which to play out potential revolutions. It was a charge authorities imposed on a startlingly wide array of behaviors, including gambling, selling alcohol to Native Americans, and secret marriages. Once invoked by family and state authorities, the charge proved nearly impossible for the accused to contest, for a libertine need not have committed any crimes to be perceived as disregarding authority and thereby threatening families and social institutions. The research in Bad Subjects provides a framework for analysis of libertinage as a set of anti-authoritarian practices and discourses that circulated among the peoples of France and the Atlantic World, ultimately providing a compelling blueprint for alternative social and economic order in the Revolutionary period.

Jennifer J. Davis is an associate professor of early modern European history in the Department of History and an affiliate member of the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Oklahoma. She is the author of Defining Culinary Authority: The Transformation of Cooking in France, 1650–1830, and presently serves as an editor for the Journal of Women’s History.

3.11 Matt Reeck, Ethics of Description: The Anthropological Dispositif and French Modern Travel Writing (London: Routledge, 2024)

Since the middle of the nineteenth century, the anthropological dispositif has governed how writers, artists, and others in French society represent world peoples. As a dispositif, this governance is not over-determined, or pre-determined. Writers and artists can negotiate their subject positions and representations against the dispositif’s historical contingencies and demands. This book traces how four colonial-modern French metropolitan writers do so in the context of their writing outside of metropolitan France: Fromentin, Segalen, Gide, and Leiris. As the dispositif modulates with the modernization of anthropology and the increased demand for rubrics (and justifications) of objectivity, the focal points of the interface with the dispositif changes for each writer—and for the other writers and artists dealt with in this book. A final postcolonial chapter shows how French metropolitan minority writers write “out” of this representational pigeonhole, taking displacement within the metropole as a new locus and trajectory of travel, and adapt forms and expectations through methods of literary and visual auto-ethnography. With 40 images spanning the years 1861 to 2022, from a sculpture by Charles Cordier to photographs by Rachid Djaïdani. 

Purchasing on the Routledge site with the code below comes with a 20% discount.

3.12 Louis Joseph-Janvier, Haiti for the Haitians. Translated by Nadève Ménard and edited by Chelsea Stieber and Brandon R. Byrd (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023 [1884])

We are happy to announce the translation and critical edition of Louis-Joseph Janvier’s Haiti for the Haitians (Liverpool University Press, 2023)!

Louis-Joseph Janvier (1855-1911) is one of the foremost Haitian intellectuals and diplomats of the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Arguably his most powerful work, Haiti for the Haitians (1884) provides a searing critique of European and U.S. imperialism, predatory finance capitalism, and Haiti’s domestic politics. This volume is the first major English translation of Janvier. Accompanied by an introduction, annotations, and an interdisciplinary collection of critical essays, this volume offers unprecedented access to this vital Haitian thinker and an important contribution to the scholarship on Haiti’s nineteenth century.

In addition to the reduced hardcover price, we are thrilled to be able to offer the volume as an Open Access resource (available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library). 

On behalf of all of the contributors, thank you for your attention to this volume. We hope you enjoy and invite your questions, comments, and feedback.

3.13 Marlene L. Daut, Awakening the Ashes: an Intellectual History of the Haitian Revolution (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023)

The Haitian Revolution was a powerful blow against colonialism and slavery, and as its thinkers and fighters blazed the path to universal freedom, they forced anticolonial, antislavery, and antiracist ideals into modern political grammar. The first state in the Americas to permanently abolish slavery, outlaw color prejudice, and forbid colonialism, Haitians established their nation in a hostile Atlantic World. Slavery was ubiquitous throughout the rest of the Americas and foreign nations and empires repeatedly attacked Haitian sovereignty. Yet Haitian writers and politicians successfully defended their independence while planting the ideological roots of egalitarian statehood.

In Awakening the Ashes, Marlene L. Daut situates famous and lesser-known eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Haitian revolutionaries, pamphleteers, and political thinkers within the global history of ideas, showing how their systems of knowledge and interpretation took center stage in the Age of Revolutions. While modern understandings of freedom and equality are often linked to the French Declaration of the Rights of Man or the US Declaration of Independence, Daut argues that the more immediate reference should be to what she calls the 1804 Principle that no human being should ever again be colonized or enslaved, an idea promulgated by the Haitians who, against all odds, upended French empire.

Book Details

3.14 Études creoles, 40.1-2 (2023): René Maran, un écrivain pareil aux autres

L’équipe éditoriale d’Etudes Créoles a le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du dernier numéro de la revue  :

Etudes Créoles n° 40 I 1-2 I 2023
René Maran, un écrivain pareil aux autres

Sous la direction de Odile Hamot et Olivier-Serge Candau

Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture.

Bien cordialement,
L’équipe éditoriale

3.15 Paperback Edition of Kawtar Najib, Spatialized Islamophobia (London: Routledge, 2022)

This book demonstrates the spatialized and multi-scalar nature of Islamophobia. It provides ground-breaking insights in recognising the importance of space in the formation of anti-Muslim racism.

Through the exploration of complementary data, both from existing quantitative databases and directly from victims of Islamophobia, applied in two important European capitals – Paris and London – this book brings new materials to research on Islamophobia and argues that Islamophobia is also a spatialized process that occurs at various interrelated spatial scales: globe, nation, urban, neighbourhood and body (and mind). In so doing, this book establishes and advances the new concept of ‘Spatialized Islamophobia’ by exploring global, national, urban, infra-urban, embodied and emotional Islamophobias as well as their complex interrelationships. It also offer a critical discussion of the geographies of Islamophobia by pointing out the lack of geographical approaches to Islamophobia Studies. By using self-reflexivity, the author raises important questions that may have hampered the study of ‘Spatialized Islamophobia’, focusing in particular on the favoured methodologies which too often remain qualitative, as well as on the whiteness of the discipline of Geography which can disrupt the legitimacy of a certain knowledge.

The book will be an important reference for those in the fields of Human Geography, Sociology, Politics, Racial Studies, Religious Studies and Muslim studies.

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