1.1 Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies 2023 Conference: Travel, Writing and In/exclusion.
1.2 SAMLA Call for Proposals: (In)Stability of Being In the In-between.
1.4 Call: Poster Competition (ADEFFI PG Symposium 1st September).
1.5 CFP: Universités et étudiant.e.s en Afrique : dynamiques, discours et représentations.
1.6 Call For Applications_Atelier d’écriture de la revue Genèses.
1.8 Call for Chapters: Dante Beyond Western Culture.
2.3 USF International Fellowships (call open!).
2.4 Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies, UCL.
2.5 Research residencies at the Paris IAS in 2024-2025.
2.6 Doctoral Funding Opportunity, University of Kent.
2.8 Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies (M-level), University of Liverpool DEADLINE EXTENDED.
2.10 Teaching Fellow (French), University of Edinburgh Centre for Open Learning/Languages for All.
2.11 One 23K Graduate Assistantship open for PhD in French Studies (LSU).
2.12 Teaching Assistant in French – 10 month fixed term contract, University of Limerick.
3.2 SAS Research Training Programme, Term 3.
3.3 SSFH 2023: Registration now open.
3.4 Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies Research Training Programme, May-July 2023.
3.5 Forum ‘Ensemble vers l’avenir du français’.
3.6 ASMCF-SSFH’s Schools Liaison and Outreach Fund.
3.7 UCML Post-PhD Careers Event.
3.8 Stephen Spender Poetry in Translation Prize.
3.11 Bloomsbury Academic – Global French Histories (series) – call for proposals.
3.12 SFS R. Gapper UG Essay Prize 2023: call for submissions.
3.13 Postgraduate Bursaries at UCML.
3.14 UCML Early Career Academic Mentoring Scheme.
3.15 French Realism Seminar with Prof Jean-Pol Madou on Thursday 1st June at 14.00.
1. Calls for Papers/Contributions
1.1 Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies 2023 Conference: Travel, Writing and In/exclusion
Call for Papers
Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies
Annual Conference 2023
In association with Liverpool University Press
Travel, Writing and In/exclusion
Friday 17–Saturday 18 November 2023
Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London,
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Dr. Sophie Fuggle, Nottingham Trent University, Dr. Amina Zarzi, University of Oxford.
2023 marks the 150th anniversary of Jules Verne’s Le Tour du monde en 80 jours (Around the World in 80 Days), first published in book form in 1873. While Verne’s text remains celebrated for its depiction of swashbuckling adventure (as evidenced in a recent adaptation for British television), the Western, colonial and racist bias of this work appear obvious in hindsight. Verne’s 19th century depiction of travel, participation and agency depended on various processes of inclusion and exclusion both within and beyond the métropole which took place in a context of racialised colonisation in these realms. Such considerations provide a springboard for the theme of this year’s conference, which focuses on questions encompassing travel writing, inclusion and exclusion in voluntary, forced, temporary and permanent migration as expressed in Francophone texts across a variety of time periods. How have depictions of travel mutated since the period in which Verne was writing? Which legacies of inclusion and exclusion from colonial periods remain, or have reversed, in 21st century postcolonial writing? How has the writing of travel contributed to the formation of discourses of knowledge, such as those now being explored under the banner of the medical humanities?
This is an interdisciplinary call for papers, inviting contributions from researchers working across all fields of languages, cultures and societies. We welcome proposals for papers and panels on topics including, but not limited to:
Travel writing and transport
Disability and travel
Travel and time
Bodily inclusion/exclusion in travel
Travel and medical considerations/health
Travel and trauma
Geographical inclusion/exclusion
Travel, writing, and genre
Transnational discovery
Travel and language
Please send abstracts of 250-300 words plus 50-100 words of biography to Conference Secretary, Dr. Christopher Hogarth (SFPS2023@yahoo.com). Papers can be in English or French.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is: 16 July 2023. This year’s conference will be held in person
The Society is committed to providing support for Early Career Researchers and will hold a dedicated ECR event in the conference programme, details of which will be available at a later stage.
1.2 SAMLA Call for Proposals: (In)Stability of Being In the In-between
(In)Security: The Future of Literature and Language Studies
Thursday, November 9 to Saturday, November 11, 2023
Atlanta Marriot Buckhead Hotel & Conference Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Due to the enthusiastic response to our session, we are adding a second panel to our session below. Please submit proposals by June 1st, 2023. We will get back to you shortly after.
(In)Stability of Being In the In-between
Increasing violence, changing and / or crossing borders, and general insecurity impact all aspects of “normal” life in the French-speaking world. Fluctuating between multiple identities, languages, and homelands, French and Francophone texts mirror plural ways of being, through moving boundaries of language, identity, genre, gender and forms of narration. We welcome papers that explore aspects of the in-between in multiple forms of creation in French, including but not limited to autofiction, autobiography, film, graphic novels, novels, poems, music, podcasts, etc. Please submit in either in French or in English by June 1, 2023, 250-300 word abstracts, a brief bio, and any A/V requests to both E. Nicole Meyer, Ph.D. nimeyer@augusta.edu and Azza Ben Youssef, azzaby@live.unc.edu
1.3 Deadline Extended: Works-in-Progress Symposium for Research Students in French and Francophone Studies (DRAFT and the ASFS)
Works-in-Progress Symposium for
Research Students in French and Francophone Studies
Jointly Organised by DRAFT and the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS)
DRAFT and the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS) invite proposals from research students for a works-in-progress symposium to be held online Friday 28th July, 2023. The event is designed to offer a supportive space for research students, working on a topic related to French and Francophone Studies, to share their current work with their peers as well as other scholars whose current research activities relate to the presentations.
Who: The event is open to students enrolled in a research degree (Honours, MPhil, PhD, or equivalent), in Australia, New Zealand or abroad. Students can be enrolled in French Studies, French and Francophone Studies, or in a different discipline but working on topics related to the field.
What: The event will host online works-in-progress presentations, in French or English, in two different formats:
1) 10-minute presentation + 5 minutes of discussion/questions
- this option is designed for projects that are still in the early stages of development.
- all proposals from eligible students will be accepted.
- proposals should include a 100-word summary of the presentation.
2) 20-minute presentation + 10 minutes of discussion/questions
- this option is better suited to a more developed project.
- proposals will pass through a selection committee, though we endeavour to be as inclusive as possible.
- proposals should include a 250-word summary of the presentation.
- Revised deadline is 31st May, 2023.
- Event to be held on Friday 28th July (time TBD).
Where: Online, with possible hybrid mode.
How: Submission via Google Forms.
Please contact Beth Kearney (b.kearney@uq.edu.au) for all inquiries.
Bien cordialement,
The DRAFT and ASFS committees
1.4 Call: Poster Competition (ADEFFI PG Symposium 1st September)
Journée des doctorant·e·s de l’ADEFFI 2023
ADEFFI Postgraduate Symposium 2023
Vendredi 1e septembre / Friday 1st September
University College Cork & en ligne/online (hybride)
Modifications à la session d’affiches / Amendments to the poster session
À la suite de l’appel à communications pour la Journée des doctorants·e·s de l’ADEFFI, l’association souhaite valoriser les soumissions sous format d’affiche. L’association a ainsi mis en place un prix, d’une valeur de 100€, qui sera remis à la meilleure communication de la session d’affiches.
Les affiches sont une excellente façon de présenter ses recherches de manière visuelle et créative. Par ailleurs, la session d’affiches permet aux étudiant·e·s de master/ aux doctorant·e·s de pratiquer leurs techniques de présentation dans un contexte informel. Le but de ce travail sera d’attirer l’intérêt du public (les affiches resteront affichées pendant toute la Journée), de synthétiser une recherche et de stimuler la discussion.
Le jury évaluera plusieurs facettes d’une communication sous cette forme : l’organisation des informations visuelles et textuelles ainsi que la discussion avec l’intervenant·e de la recherche présentée. Pour cette raison, malheureusement, la session d’affiches se déroulera uniquement en présentiel. Le reste de la Journée se fera sous format hybride.
Pour ceux·elles qui envisageaient une soumission digitale à la session d’affiches : nous vous invitons, à la place d’une affiche digitale, à soumettre une proposition à la session « travail en cours », qui vous permettra de participer à distance.
Nous vous invitons à soumettre vos propositions, portant sur tout sujet dans le domaine des études françaises et francophones. Elles seront accompagnées d’un résumé de l’affiche (200 mots), de l’affiliation de l’intervenant·e et d’une note bibliographique.
Consignes générales pour les affiches :
– Format A1
– Limite de nombre de mots : 750
– Tout texte devra être lisible à une distance (environ 1 mètre)
Veuillez envoyer les propositions d’affiche, en français ou en anglais, à adeffipostgrad@gmail.com, au plus tard le 12 juin 2023.
Following the release of the call for papers for ADEFFI’s Postgraduate Symposium, we are excited to announce that the association will be offering a €100 cash prize for the best poster submission.
Posters are an excellent form of presenting our research in a visual and creative manner. Moreover, the poster session allows MA students/ PhDs to put their research communication skills into practice in an informal context. The aim of the poster would be to garner interest from the public (the posters will be on display throughout the day), to summarise a piece of research and to stimulate discussion around it.
The judges will be evaluating several aspects of this particular type of submission: the organisation of the visual and textual information, as well as the discussion of the research presented with the creator of the poster. For this reason, unfortunately, the poster session will be in person. The rest of the symposium, however, will still be hybrid.
For those who were seeking to contribute to the poster session virtually, we invite you to consider sending a proposal for the work-in-progress session as that would enable you to participate online.
We invite proposals regarding all areas of French and Francophone Studies. The proposal would include a summary of the poster (200 words), as well as the presenter’s institutional affiliation and a bio note.
Poster requirements :
– Size A1
– Word limit : 750
– All text must be readable from a distance of approx. 1 metre
Poster proposals, in French or English, should be sent to adeffipostgrad@gmail.com by the end of the 12th June 2023.
Any queries can be directed to me at the above email address, and please do share widely with those who may be interested!
Very best wishes,
Maika Nguyen (ADEFFI PG representative)
1.5 CFP: Universités et étudiant.e.s en Afrique : dynamiques, discours et représentations
Please below the CFP for this conference which will take place in Benin, 11-13 January 2024. This is part of the AFRIUNI ‘Creative Lives of African Universities’ project which explores cultural representations and lived experiences of university life in four cities (Dakar, Abidjan, Abomey-Calavi, Yaoundé). You can find out more about the project here and please do get in touch if you have any questions.
Papers in French or English are very welcome. The deadline for abstracts is 10 July 2023.
Universités et étudiant.e.s en Afrique : dynamiques, discours et représentations
11 – 13 janvier 2024, Université d’Abomey-Calavi – Bénin
Veuillez noter que le projet AFRIUNI prend en charge les frais d’inscription au colloque
L’université d’Al Quaraouiyine (au Maroc actuel) est l’un des ancêtres les plus reculés des universités du monde, avec ses premières constructions qui datent du IXème siècle. En Afrique au sud du Sahara, l’histoire de Sankoré, important centre d’éducation à la religion et à l’art de vivre de la ville de Tombouctou, situe au XIVème siècle les expériences lointaines de ce que la modernité désigne aujourd’hui par université dans le monde et, donc, en Afrique. Sur le continent, progressivement ouvert aux influences des autres mondes, les universités sont apparues, sous le modèle occidental, bien plus tard, au XIXème siècle, dans les années 1940 pour certaines, 1960 ou 1970 (ou plus tard) pour d’autres.
Même si la majorité de ces établissements n’ont pas encore un siècle d’âge, les universités africaines sont bien présentes au rendez-vous de la production du savoir et de la diffusion du discours scientifique. Et si elles sont le sujet du discours savant, les institutions africaines d’enseignement supérieur en sont aussi l’objet. Des études sur l’université s’attachent à mettre en exergue l’influence que les mouvements et positionnements des acteurs des milieux universitaires, enseignants et étudiants notamment, ont pu exercer sur la construction de l’identité nationale des états indépendants comme le Dahomey-Bénin (Hounzandji, 2021), la Côte d’Ivoire (Zinsou, 2009) ou le Nigeria (Livsey, 2017); sur des notions d’émancipation radicale à l’ére de la guerre froide (Monaville, 2022); et sur l’africanisation et/ou la décolonisation de ces espaces et leurs cursus (Mbembe, 2016; Nziem, 2018; Nyamnjoh, 2019; Aidi, 2020). D’autres se sont penchés sur les inégalités genrées reproduites au sein de ces institutions – et donc des visions de l’Afrique qu’elles perpétuent (Mama 2003; Diaw 2007; Assié-Lumumba 2013). Les mutations institutionnelles et pédagogiques récentes liées à l’adoption du système Licence-Master-Doctorat (LMD) en région historiquement francophone du continent ont également inspiré des études qui se sont penchées sur les problèmes concrets que soulève la mise en œuvre du LMD dans les universités africaines francophones ainsi que les réformes qu’elle a induites (Charlier, Croché & Ndoye, 2009). D’un autre point de vue plus théorique et dans le sillage de V.Y. Mudimbe (1982), Felwine Sarr pointe l’aliénation dont demeurent victimes les universités (publiques) africaines transformées en instruments de « reproduction et de perpétuation d’une vision de l’Afrique fabriquée ailleurs » (2016 : 119).
Quelles que soient les orientations de ces études, il reste que l’université africaine, au regard de ses règles de fonctionnement et des corps constitués qui la font mouvoir, s’appréhende comme une organisation (Crozier et Friedberg, 1977) et un champ (Bourdieu, 1984). D’où l’urgence, dans notre appel, de réfléchir sur des exemples précis du vécu quotidien, débrouillard, et plurilingue dans ces espaces, et les contradictions manifestes des efforts à y « décoloniser l’esprit » (Thiong’o, 2011).
Aux côtés des autres groupes sociaux (enseignant.e.s, personnel administratif, prestataires de services…), les étudiant.e.s constituent une composante toute singulière, non seulement à cause de leur importance numérique écrasante, mais aussi parce que leur statut d’apprenants se double, paradoxalement, d’un énorme potentiel d’initiatives et d’actions craint ou, tout au moins, reconnu et respecté par les autres. Enserrée dans les limites de la scène pédagogique, située en marge d’elle voire parfois carrément dégagée de son emprise, l’activité impliquant la composante estudiantine devient un éminent lieu d’expression de sa créativité. Pour les jeunes en formation, le campus réunit à une période de vitalité un espace d’expression de leur potentiel créatif. Les objets et secteurs auxquels s’appliquent ces composantes de la créativité touchent tant à l’activité pédagogique, qu’à des activités récréatives ou de survie quotidienne, dans un environnement où, en règle générale, (dé)passer une journée relève bien souvent d’une véritable épreuve de vie. De ce point de vue, chaque campus universitaire devient un fécond champ de vie créative déployé en plusieurs espaces d’expression pour des étudiants qui interagissent entre eux mais aussi avec les autres protagonistes de la vie universitaire ou, depuis l’université, avec les acteurs de la vie sociopolitique. Ainsi, la vie créative sur les campus rassemble des activités par lesquelles les étudiants, mis en relation (in)formelle avec les formateurs, responsables académiques, personnel administratif et technique, prestataires de services marchands, partis politiques, associations sans ou à but lucratif, milieux entrepreneuriaux, se débrouillent pour trouver, aux problèmes concrets structurels qui se posent, des réponses et solutions inhabituelles voire originales d’autant qu’elles abolissent parfois même les frontières entre le pédagogique, le social, le culturel et l’artistique pour créer une perméabilité de ces secteurs. La vie créative apparaît à la réalité comme tout un microcosme de temporalités, de formes créatives portées et encadrées tantôt par des organisations d´étudiant.e.s ou par des structures intégrées aux dispositifs pédagogiques ; tantôt issues de la spontanéité du quotidien de la vie estudiantine.
Devenant dans tous les cas des acteurs stratégiques entrant en relation avec les autres composantes du champ universitaire sous des formes de coopération où les collaborations tout comme les conflits ont leur place, les étudiant.e.s sont organisés en de puissantes fédérations et associations syndicales plus ou moins rivales (FECI1 en Côte d’Ivoire ; FNEB2, UNSEEB3 et UNEB4 au Bénin ; ADDEC5 au Cameroun, Amicales des étudiants au Sénégal), en associations artistiques et culturelles, en associations de développement local ou communal, en entités ethnico-linguistiques…. Ce foisonnement et ce dynamisme associatif forment le terreau qui génère et sustente des foyers polyvalents de vies créatives en syndicalisme et militantisme politique (création et animation de cellules de partis politiques), en sécurité et en gardiennage (corps des étudiants agents de sécurité), en artisanat (ateliers de couture, de coiffure, de photographie…), en littérature (rédaction de recueil de poèmes ou de nouvelles, de romans, de pièces théâtrales, performance de slam), en communication (création et animation sur les campus de journaux, de stations radiophoniques, de médias sociaux…), en activités sportives (handball, football, basket-ball…), en micro-services d’entraide sociale (tontines, distribution de vivres à l’instar de l’Association des Délayeurs Nocturnes sur le campus de l’Université d’Abomey-Calavi), en arts (théâtre, danses et chorégraphies, musique, cinéma…), etc. A l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop au Sénégal par exemple, le club estudiantin « Ciné-UCAD » s’est illustré dans la première décennie des années 2000 par des productions vidéo tels que La Fac de lettres ou la lumière à l’épreuve de la violence et La cité Claudel. Pour regarder plus loin, il est d’ailleurs arrivé que certaines formes artistiques issues de la vie créative s’exportent du micro-espace du campus pour acquérir une notoriété transnationale. On peut penser à l’explosion du zouglou à la fin des années 1980, mouvement philosophique s’exprimant à travers la poésie, la musique et la danse, qui a mis en lumière la vie créative dans les cités universitaires d’Abidjan mais qui a fini par avoir une audience désormais continentale (Adom, 2018). Inversement, la vitalité des vies créatives estudiantines nourrit l’inspiration des écrivains et créateurs, comme on le voit au Cameroun avec le roman Le cimetière des bacheliers (1999) de François Nkeme, et la série de courts métrages Cite U Ngoa réalisée entre 2019 et 2021 par Vladimir Ken, ainsi qu’un corpus foisonnant de romans et de films émanant des pays anglophones (Gulick 2023). Evoqués entre autres, ces cas de figure apparaissent comme des prétextes tout trouvés pour réfléchir, dans le cadre de ce colloque, à comment de telles initiatives peuvent contribuer à (re)penser l’université.
Parallèlement à ces activités para-académiques des apprenants, les formations officielles reçues dans les écoles, facultés et instituts sont aussi des sources d’initiatives, certes moins diversifiées, mais parfois similaires (création théâtrales) ou souvent spécifiques (expositions d’œuvres plastiques, ateliers d’écriture…) quand elles ne font pas des apprenants d’astucieux « génies en herbe » capables de réflexions scientifiques (production de mémoires et thèses) et d’inventions originales (machine à dépolluer les eaux sales ; dispositifs de lavage de mains approvisionnés en énergie solaire ; recyclage de sachets plastiques…). D’envergure micro, ces activités –ou certaines d’entre elles –s’étendent au niveau méso (participations à des festivals estudiantins sous-régionaux comme ceux des Clubs Unesco) ou macro (participations à des festivals ou à des concours d’art oratoire à l’échelle internationale). Elles lèvent un coin du voile sur les passerelles entre les universités africaines et les sociétés globales, où se posent des problématiques plus vastes telles que l’adéquation entre les formations reçues et le marché de l’emploi, les réponses possibles aux questions environnementales, etc..
En choisissant de susciter des réflexions sur « Universités et étudiant.e.s en Afrique : dynamiques, discours et représentations », le colloque provoque quelques questions : quelles sont les contributions significatives des « vies créatives » estudiantines aux configurations originelles et successives des universités africaines ? En quoi les modalités d’élaboration et le contenu des politiques et stratégies de construction/diffusion du savoir dans les universités africaines portent-elles leurs empreintes ? Sous quelles formes artistiques ou discursives s’expriment les aspects variés constitutifs de la vie sur les campus africains et des dynamiques interrelationnelles dont ils sont les points de départs ou de déploiement ?
Avec l’ambition d’organiser des échanges interdisciplinaires autour de ces questions, le colloque appelle toutes propositions de communication (en français ou en anglais) pouvant nourrir l’un des axes suivants :
Axe 1 : Constructions des savoirs : politiques et stratégies
Ici, sur un plan plus synchronique, en ce qu’il touche au présent des activités, seraient abordées les questions des contenus de formation et politiques d’élaboration des savoirs et savoir-faire et leurs perceptions par les apprenants; la diversité épistémique et l’intégration des savoirs endogènes (la Boologie au Bénin, par exemple); celle des répercussions visibles/possibles à l’heure du LMD (exemple : pédagogie, fonctionnement des universités) ; les modalités des études (y compris l’accès aux matériaux d’apprentissage; les cultures du livre et de la lecture parmi les étudiant.e.s); l’influence cognitive des enseignements et l’influence normative de la vie des campus; la relation au politique pourrait être envisagée sous l’angle de la colonialité/ décolonialité et de ses expressions, et les expériences de cette relation université-politique (nationale/régionale/globale) vécues par des étudiant.e.s.
Axe 2 : Activités estudiantines et développement durable
Sur la base du volontariat, du mouvement associatif ou sur effet d’entraînement vers des travaux pratiques réalisés par leurs camarades de filières professionnelles, certains étudiants, démunis de gros moyens sans l’être d’ingéniosité et de détermination, initient des activités qui postulent l’amélioration du rapport à la nature et à l’environnement (recyclage de sachet plastique, maraîchage écologique, etc.). Cet axe du colloque permettra de passer au crible de l’analyse comment, tant par leur concept, leur mode opératoire que par leurs résultats, certaines activités estudiantines offrent des perspectives de réponses adéquates à la question urgente de l’écologie et du changement climatique.
Axe 3 : Discours du réel et de la fiction
A ce niveau, la thématique des vies créatives serait déclinée sous diverses formes possibles dont : quêtes/questions identitaires, mémoires (des événements de la vie des universités et de leurs acteurs, de la traite négrière…), fictions et leurs critiques, expressions artistiques (littérature, musique, poésie, danse, théâtre, arts plastiques, cinéma, espaces numériques, même internet etc.) et leurs réceptions sur les campus, tranches de vies, presse estudiantine (journaux, radio, télévision), jeux. Il sera question de la forme et du rôle social de ces œuvres, leur production et réception, et leurs dimensions esthétiques. Cet axe ne négligera pas non plus la question des rapports de l’université avec le monde politique et l’économie ; la question des liens avec les organisations syndicales, la question de la censure, celle des tentatives d’instrumentalisation ou de manipulation des responsables d’organisations estudiantines.
Axe 4 : Le plurilinguisme et la traduction sur le campus universitaire
Ici seront abordés des exemples et des études du plurilinguisme sur les campus et dans les représentations littéraires/cinématographique/artistiques de cet espace ; la présence de la traduction (formalisée ou informelle) dans ces espaces ; les cultures du texte imprimé/écrit et de l’oralité; les liens potentiels entre le plurilinguisme et la diversité épistémique pourraient être creusés, tout en prenant en compte la diversité méthodologique que tous ces axes nécessitent.
Cet événement fait partie du projet ‘AFRIUNI: Creative Lives of African Universities’ (2021–2026), financé par le Conseil de recherche européen (ERC). Ce projet en équipe prend pour objet les représentations culturelles de l’université en Afrique et l’expérience vécue des étudiant.e.s. Les quatre cas d’étude sont : l’Université Cheikh-Anta-Diop (Sénégal), l’Université Félix-Houphouët-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire), l’Université Abomey-Calavi (Bénin) et l’Université Yaoundé I (Cameroon).
Calendrier et modalités de soumission des communications
Les propositions de communication en français ou en anglais devront être adressées, jusqu’au 10 juillet 2023, à l’adresse suivante : afriunicolloque2024@gmail.com. Le résumé à soumettre ne dépassera pas 1500 caractères, espaces non compris. Il doit porter un titre lisible et les précisions de prénom(s), nom et institution de rattachement de l’auteur. Chaque résumé doit être suivi d’une note biobibliographique d’au plus 1000 caractères, espaces non compris. Les contributions feront l’objet d’une double évaluation anonyme par le comité scientifique. Veuillez noter que des propositions de communication venant des étudiant.e.s sont encouragé.e.s et qu’il y aura également la possibilité des discussions en format table-ronde. Les réponses aux propositions seront communiquées le 10 août 2023.
Frais d’inscription
L’inscription à ce colloque est sans frais. Le déplacement et l’hébergement sont à la charge des participant.e.s. Nous disposons de quelques bourses qui peuvent aider à prendre en charge les frais de déplacement et de l’hébergement : merci de nous indiquer au moment d’envoyer votre proposition de communication si vous êtes intéressé.e.s par ce soutien financier.
Comité scientifique:
Professeur Marie-Clémence Adom (Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d’Ivoire)
Dr Blandine Agbaka (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Dr Alain Serge Agnessan (Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni)
Dr Ruth Bush (Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni)
Dr Finagnon André Gaga (Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni)
Dr Romain Dédjinnaki Hounzandji (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Dr Roger Fopa Kuete (Université de Maroua, Cameroun)
Dr Albert Jiatsa Jokeng (Université de Maroua, Cameroun)
Dr Monique Kwachou (Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni)
Dr Fernand Nouwligbèto (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Benin)
Dr Bacary Sarr (Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Sénégal)
Professeur Valentine Ubanako (Université Yaoundé I, Cameroun)
Comité d’organisation:
Dr Blandine Agbaka (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Dr Ruth Bush (Université de Bristol, Royaume-Uni)
Dr Romain Dédjinnaki Hounzandji (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Dr Fernand Nouwligbèto (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Professeur Brice Tente (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Professeur Mensah Wekenon-Tokponto (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
Dr Vincent Atabavikpo (Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin)
27 avril 2023 : lancement de l’appel à communications
10 juillet 2023 : date limite pour l’envoi des propositions de communication
10 août 2023 : envoi des notifications d’acceptation et de distribution des bourses
31 septembre 2023 : diffusion du programme du colloque
11, 12 et 13 janvier 2024: déroulement du colloque
1.6 Call For Applications_Atelier d’écriture de la revue Genèses
Chères et chers collègues,
La revue Genèses. Histoire et Sciences sociales cherche à renforcer ses liens avec ses auteur·rices potentiel·les en proposant un atelier d’écriture pour l’année universitaire 2023-2024 à destination des doctorant·es, post-doctorant·es et docteur·es sans poste.
Il s’agit d’aider de nouveaux·elles auteur·rices à rédiger le type d’article que nous souhaitons publier dans la revue : des textes construits à partir d’un objet de recherche original et circonscrit, théoriquement charpentés, et s’appuyant sur un matériau empirique utilisé de façon précise et réflexive. L’idée de l’atelier est que la rédaction de textes de cette nature s’apprend, et que les revues peuvent à leur façon soutenir cet apprentissage. Toutes les disciplines relevant des sciences sociales sont concernées. Nous privilégierons des articles de fond, plutôt que des articles d’ordre méthodologique. La revue a choisi de ne pas spécifier de thématique particulière.
L’atelier consistera en un suivi d’un petit groupe d’auteur·rices, sur l’ensemble de l’année, à raison de trois séances plénières minimum (avec tout le groupe), et d’un accompagnement personnalisé. Le transport et l’hébergement, s’ils sont nécessaires, devront être pris en charge par l’institution à laquelle les auteur·rices appartiennent.
L’atelier sera animé par trois membres du Comité de rédaction: Wilfried Lignier (sociologie), Clyde Plumauzille (histoire) et Aël Théry (anthropologie). Les animateur·rices n’interviendront pas dans l’évaluation finale des articles, et la participation à l’atelier ne présume pas de la publication dans la revue.
Pour participer à l’atelier, le processus est le suivant :
– Les candidat·es sont invité·es à soumettre leur proposition d’article (Français obligatoire) sous la forme d’un texte de 4 000 signes maximum (espaces compris), précisant la question de recherche posée, les méthodes utilisées pour y répondre, et sur cette base, les résultats qui seront exposés. Nous encourageons les auteur·rices à prêter attention à la forme de la rédaction, qui sera prise en compte pour la sélection des participant·es à l’atelier.
– Les propositions seront envoyées, accompagnées d’un court CV (1 page), avant le 15 juin 2023 (inclus) à l’adresse ateliergeneses@gmail.com.
– La sélection des propositions aura lieu avant l’été, et l’atelier débutera à la rentrée 2023. Le processus de sélection se fera dans le respect de la diversité des disciplines, de l’origine géographique des institutions de rattachement, et de l’équilibre des profils retenus – notamment de genre, de formation, et d’avancement dans la carrière.
Au plaisir de lire vos propositions, que nous espérons nombreuses !
Clyde Plumauzille pour le comité de rédaction de Genèses. Histoire, sciences sociales
Dear colleagues,
The journal Genèses. Histoire et Sciences sociales seeks to strengthen its links with its potential authors by proposing a writing workshop for the academic year 2023-2024 for doctoral students, post-doctoral students and PhDs without a position.
The aim is to help new authors to write the type of article that we would like to publish in the journal: texts built from an original and circumscribed research object, theoretically structured, and based on empirical material used in a precise and reflexive way. The idea of the workshop is that writing of this nature can be learned, and that journals can in their own way support this learning. All disciplines within the social sciences are included. We will focus on substantive articles, rather than methodological ones. The journal has chosen not to specify a particular theme.
The workshop will consist of a follow-up with a small group of authors over the course of the year, with a minimum of three plenary sessions (with the whole group), and personalized accompaniment. Transportation and accommodation, if necessary, will be provided by the author’s institution.
The workshop will be conducted by three members of the Editorial Board: Wilfried Lignier (sociology), Clyde Plumauzille (history) and Aël Théry (anthropology). They will not be involved in the final evaluation of the articles, and participation in the workshop does not presume publication in the journal.
The process for participating in the workshop is as follows:
– Applicants are invited to submit their paper proposal (French is mandatory) in the form of a text of no more than 4,000 characters (including spaces), specifying the research question posed, the methods used to answer it, and on this basis, the results to be presented. We encourage authors to pay attention to the form of the essay, which will be taken into account for the selection of workshop participants.
– Proposals should be sent, along with a short CV (1 page), by June 15, 2023 to ateliergeneses@gmail.com.
– The selection of proposals will take place before the summer, and the workshop will begin in the fall of 2023. The selection process will respect the diversity of disciplines, the geographic origin of the institutions, and the balance of profiles – including gender, education, and career progression.
We look forward to reading your proposals, which we hope will be many!
Clyde Plumauzille for the editorial board of Genèses. Histoire, Sciences sociales
1.7 Appel à contributions : dossier “Capitalisme racial !?” (Revue Marronnages: Les questions raciales au crible des sciences sociales)
Guillaume Johnson (CNRS), Madeline Woker (Cambridge University) et Lionel Zevounou (Université Paris Nanterre)
Le concept de « capitalisme racial » (racial capitalism) suscite depuis quelques années un intérêt grandissant parmi les universitaires et militant·e·s. À la faveur de mouvements sociaux tels que Black Lives Matter aux États-Unis (puis au-delà) et #FeesMustFall en Afrique du Sud, ce concept a été progressivement saisi comme l’outil théorique idéal permettant d’affirmer une relation quasi-symbiotique, voire fonctionnelle, entre racisme et capitalisme. Cependant, au-delà des dispositifs médiatiques et sociaux qui peuvent contribuer à en faire un credo, la question de sa pertinence au sein des sciences sociales (notamment francophones) reste peu explorée. Ce dossier de la revue Marronnages entend donc interroger les apports théoriques, méthodologiques, mais aussi politiques de la critique du « capitalisme racial » en sciences sociales : comment et dans quel contexte cette critique est-elle ou peut-elle être mobilisée (ou évitée) par différentes disciplines (droit, économie, histoire, sociologie, anthropologie, science politique, gestion, etc.) ?
La paternité du concept « racial capitalism » est fréquemment attribuée au politiste états-unien Cedric J. Robinson (2000 [1983]). Dans son monumental Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition (ci-après Black Marxism), il rejette la doxa du matérialisme historique marxiste selon laquelle le racisme serait un phénomène se développant en marge du capitalisme. Revisitant l’histoire européenne, Robinson montre comment les hiérarchies raciales préexistent au capitalisme et à la colonisation/esclavage des peuples non-européens. Ce faisant, il soutient que si le prolétariat émerge avec la naissance du capitalisme durant la révolution industrielle, sa structure sociale n’est pas homogène et reste imprégnée des hiérarchies raciales héritées de l’époque féodale (voir Ibid., 2).
Initialement publié en 1983 dans une indifférence générale, Black Marxism bénéficie d’une reconnaissance croissante ces dernières années. Robinson n’est pourtant pas à l’origine du concept (Hudson 2018). Des marxistes sud-africains ont été les premiers à le débattre dans les années 1970 (Wolpe 1972 ; Legassick et Hemson 1976 ; Alexander 1979). Ils s’opposaient alors à la thèse libérale selon laquelle l’idéologie raciste du régime d’apartheid était en contradiction avec les logiques capitalistes de croissance économique. À travers la critique du « capitalisme racial », ils soutenaient que le racisme de l’apartheid et les discriminations raciales afférentes constituaient au contraire une conséquence du capitalisme (Clarno et Vally 2022).
Paradoxalement, alors que les marxistes sud-africains avancent l’idée (non sans critique : voir Ikwezi 1979 ; Posel 1983) d’une antériorité du capitalisme sur le racisme, Robinson se saisit de « leur » concept dans le contexte européen pour théoriser l’inverse. Malgré cette contradiction, la critique « robinsonienne » du capitalisme racial tend à être utilisée dans un nombre croissant de recherches internationales (Bhattacharyya 2018 ; Jenkins et Leroy 2021), dans de nombreuses disciplines et domaines (urbanisme [Melgaço et Pinto Coelho 2022], environnement [Pulido 2016], santé publique [Laster Pirtle 2020], médias numériques [McMillan Cottom 2020], philosophie [Kofi Bright et al. 2022], etc.), et ceci jusqu’en Afrique du Sud (voir Levenson et Parret 2022).
Les sciences sociales francophones mobilisent quant à elles encore très peu la notion de « capitalisme racial ». Chose étonnante, le terme apparaît cependant « en français dans le texte » avant même les débats sud-africains (Tazerout, 1958, 255 ; Zajączkowski 1965). En particulier, l’africaniste polonais Andrzej Zajączkowski (1965, 66) utilise le terme lorsqu’il décrit le colonialisme comme « un capitalisme enchevêtré dans le problème racial » où « la classe des exploités, ce sont les Noirs, la classe des exploiteurs – les Blancs ». Selon Zajączkowski (Ibid.), ce « capitalisme racial englobe non seulement l’Afrique », mais aussi les expériences historiques d’autres continents. Il énonce donc dès les années 1960 ce qui deviendra les trois piliers de la critique du « capitalisme racial », à savoir l’affirmation d’une imbrication historique entre racisme et capitalisme, la dimension globale de cette imbrication et la nécessité d’en tirer des implications politiques (Go 2021). Malgré cette précocité, la conceptualisation de Zajączkowski n’est pas entrée dans la postérité. Et ce n’est que récemment que certains travaux offrent de riches pistes quant à la pertinence de la critique du « capitalisme racial » dans le cadre colonial et postcolonial francophone (Malton 2018 ; Michel 2018 ; Obregón 2018 ; Woker 2020 ; Freitas-Ekué 2021 ; Davis 2022 ; Bernard 2023).
La traduction française tardive de l’ouvrage de Robinson (2023 [1983]) est révélatrice du faible intérêt pour ce débat dans les espaces francophones. Pourtant, un nombre croissant de recherches contemporaines francophones soutiennent, à l’instar de Robinson, que le concept de race préexiste au capitalisme et à la colonisation des peuples non-européens (voir Schaub 2015 ; Doron 2018). Par ailleurs, au-delà du concept de « capitalisme racial », la question de la relation entre racisme et capitalisme a historiquement occupé une place importante dans les débats sur la race du monde francophone (Firmin 1885 ; Roumain 1934 ; Césaire 1956 ; Memmi 1985 [1957] ; Fanon 1961). Par exemple, dès le XIXe siècle, l’anthropologue haïtien Anténor Firmin (1885, 569) affirmait que c’est « l’exploitation de l’homme par l’homme » orchestrée par la colonisation qui crée la race et le racisme. Plus tard, d’autres avanceront que la race n’est qu’un outil aux mains des détenteurs des moyens de production afin de diviser la classe ouvrière (voir Roumain 1934), tandis que d’autres refuseront de réduire le racisme au capitalisme (voir Césaire 1956) ou affirmeront leur imbrication (voir Memmi 1985 [1957]). Enfin, la relation entre capitalisme et racisme reste en toile de fond de nombreux travaux en sciences sociales francophones. Alors que des juristes tiers-mondistes font la lumière sur la racialisation de l’ordre économique international (Bedjaoui 1979 ; Grovogui 1996), des sociologues analysent les dynamiques migratoires agraires et/ou industrielles à l’aune des rapports de dépendance entre racisme et capitalisme (Bourdieu et Sayad 1964 ; Depelchin 1992 ; Sayad 2000 ; Dieng 2019), tandis que des économistes et historien·ne·s révèlent le poids des inégalités de revenus et de patrimoine en situation coloniale pour les populations colonisées (Amin 1971 ; Heath 2012 ; Huillery 2014 ; Cogneau 2023). Ce dossier entend donc interroger ce qu’une critique plus explicite du « capitalisme racial » apporterait à la compréhension de ce genre de réalités sociales.
Plus généralement, ce dossier thématique a pour objectif d’offrir une analyse critique du concept de « capitalisme racial » dans le contexte francophone en privilégiant deux dimensions : d’abord, une analyse historique des relations entre racialisation, racisme et capitalisme en situation coloniale et postcoloniale francophone ; ensuite, une discussion sur les réceptions du concept en sciences sociales et sa valeur heuristique pour la compréhension du capitalisme contemporain.
1) Une analyse critique des relations historiques entre racialisation et capitalisme
De nombreuses recherches ont pensé l’interaction entre le racisme et le capitalisme sans utiliser le concept de « capitalisme racial ». Ainsi, Robinson (2000 [1983]) se réclamait des travaux du sociologue trinidadien Oliver Cox (1948) qui considérait déjà que le système d’exploitation capitaliste ne peut se perpétuer sans le racisme (Mann 2022). Avant Cox, W.E.B. Du Bois (1935) faisait également état des modalités de division raciale au sein de la classe ouvrière états-unienne. Plus tard, de nombreuses penseuses et penseurs ont également réalisé un travail important de théorisation critique de la relation entre le capitalisme, l’impérialisme, le colonialisme, le mouvement pour les droits civiques et le racisme (Elias 1965 ; Carmichael et Hamilton 1967 ; Rodney 1982 [1972] ; Sales 1978 ; Hall 2019 [1980] ; Klare 1982 ; hooks 1992 ; Wynter 1994 ; Patnaik et Patnaik, 2021 ; Prebisch 2022). En particulier, Hall (2019 [1980]) prend ses distances avec l’idée d’un capitalisme a priori raciste. Il note que le « racisme n’est pas présent dans toutes les formations capitalistes sous la même forme et au même degré » et qu’il est donc important de montrer pourquoi et comment « le racisme s’est vu surdéterminé par – et articulé à – certains capitalismes à différents stades de leur développement » (Hall 2019 [1980]). C’est dans cet esprit que s’inscrit la première dimension de ce dossier en ce qu’il invite à historiciser le capitalisme et montrer comment le racisme joue un rôle plus ou moins important selon la nature du régime capitaliste en question. Ce premier sous-thème invite donc à enrichir l’histoire du capitalisme francophone (Yates et Vause 2020 ; François et Lemercier 2021) jusqu’à présent peu encline à traiter les ressorts raciaux du capitalisme et ne s’intéressant encore que peu à la spécificité du capitalisme dans ses dimensions coloniales.
En quoi la race, comprise comme régime de domination, permet-elle sinon l’avènement, du moins la mise en place durable d’un système capitaliste ? Assure-t-elle la stabilité d’un tel système ? Peut-il y avoir capitalisme sans racisme ? Comment repenser l’histoire du racisme à travers l’histoire du capitalisme et vice versa ? Que pourrait apporter un dialogue plus fourni entre ces deux historiographies ? Alors que les liens entre capitalisme et esclavage sont mieux connus (voir Williams 1944 ; Balguy 2020 ; Piketty 2020), qu’en est-il des liens entre capitalisme et colonisation de peuplement ou d’exploitation ? En quoi et dans quelle mesure le capitalisme colonial, compris comme régime d’accumulation et comme système social, serait-il « racial », c’est-à-dire sous-tendu par les hiérarchies raciales ? Le concept de capitalisme racial est-il utile pour comprendre les rapports de classe et la division du travail en situation coloniale ? Quelles furent les stratégies de résistance à cet ordre économique ? Quid des capitalistes non-blancs en situation coloniale : leur existence contribue-t-elle à valider ou à invalider la notion de capitalisme racial ?
Certaines contributions à ce numéro pourront par exemple explorer le lien historique entre racisme et capitalisme, mais aussi la pertinence théorique et/ou empirique du concept pour comprendre l’histoire sociale, environnementale et économique des colonisations et décolonisations à l’échelle globale, dans, mais aussi au-delà des mondes atlantiques et/ou du contexte sud-africain (Ince 2022 ; Davis 2022).
2) Une discussion sur les réceptions du concept en sciences sociales et sa valeur heuristique pour la compréhension du capitalisme contemporain
Cette seconde dimension invite à discuter l’utilité épistémique et heuristique du concept de capitalisme racial dans le monde contemporain « au crible des sciences sociales ». Ce débat se nourrit des nombreux travaux et expériences capitalistiques au sein du Sud global, mais la question se pose, plus généralement, à l’échelle globale. Ainsi, dans quelle mesure la critique du capitalisme racial permet-elle de revisiter celui d’impérialisme, ou encore d’aborder sous un angle différent les théories de la dépendance (Prebisch, 2022) ou les travaux sur l’« échange inégal » (Amin 1973) ? En quoi le concept de capitalisme racial permet-il de renouveler les études migratoires et, plus largement, les rapports capitalistes Nord/Sud ?
S’inspirant de travaux récents sur la fiscalité internationale (Dean 2023) ou l’incarcération de masse (Wilson Gilmore 2023), les contributions pourront s’attacher à analyser d’autres dynamiques contemporaines telles que l’avènement de l’anthropocène / capitalocène / plantationocène et la crise climatique (Ferdinand, 2019), la marchandisation néolibérale, le traitement réservé aux exilé·e·s (Prem Kumar Rajaram, 2018), les violences policières ou la montée des idéologies d’extrême-droite à travers le prisme du capitalisme racial. Des contributions en sociologie ou histoire des sciences sociales pourront également offrir des explications à la faible réception des travaux de Robinson dans l’espace francophone.
Enfin, d’autres contributions pourront porter un regard plus critique sur le concept (voir Go 2021). À quoi bon accoler l’épithète « racial » au « capitalisme » si l’on admet que celui-ci s’est toujours construit et perpétué sur la base de structures inégalitaires notamment raciales ? Le capitalisme « racial » serait-il un mode de production distinct du capitalisme tout court ? Très tôt dans l’histoire de l’antiracisme, la question s’est posée de savoir si les travailleurs·euses non-blanche·s étaient exploité·e·s selon des modalités spécifiques, et certains en sont venus à affirmer l’existence de plusieurs prolétariats séparés par la ligne de couleur (voir Du Bois 1921) ou, plus tard, à théoriser une underclass non-blanche (voir Rex et Tomlinson 1979) – ce que d’autres nient catégoriquement (voir Miles 1982). À la lumière de ces débats historiques, on peut alors se demander non seulement ce qu’une analyse de la race « fait » à la critique du capitalisme, mais aussi, à l’inverse, ce que différentes conceptions du capitalisme – marxistes ou wéberiennes, par exemple – « font » à la critique des rapports sociaux de race (voir Hall 2019 [1980] ; Buris 1987). Sur un plan plus directement stratégique, le cadre d’analyse du capitalisme racial n’invisibilise-t-il pas d’autres dynamiques toutes aussi importantes dans la critique du capitalisme : les dynamiques de classe bien évidemment, mais également la question du genre (Gollac et Bessière 2022) ? En quoi consisterait une critique intersectionnelle du capitalisme (Bohrer 2023), et dans quelle mesure l’intersectionnalité fournit-elle les outils adéquats à une telle critique du capitalisme en termes de race, de classe et de genre (Galerand et Kergoat 2014 ; Michel 2018) ? Une approche originale consisterait enfin à analyser les récents débats académico-médiatiques sur la notion même de capitalisme racial (Walzer vs. Taiwo et Kofi Bright ; Post vs. Virdee) ou sur la relation entre classe et race (Beaud & Noiriel vs. Ajari) survenus dans le sillon de Black Lives Matter et d’autres mouvements de contestation de la domination raciale. Que révèlent-ils des débats qui traversent la « gauche » contemporaine ?
Modalités de contribution
Les auteur·e·s sont invité·e·s à soumettre leur article (entre 60 000 et 80 000 signes) directement sur le site de la revue (https://marronnages.org) pour le 15 septembre 2023 au plus tard pour être expertisé (double évaluation) et discuté en comité de rédaction.
Les consignes aux auteur·e·s de la revue, à respecter pour tous les articles soumis, sont disponibles sur le site de la revue :
Les auteur·e·s sont prié·e·s d’expliciter avec soin le sens donné aux concepts de race, racisme, capitalisme, « capitalisme racial » et aux concepts connexes.
Les auteur·e·s sont également prié·e·s à faire particulièrement attention aux « politiques de citation » (voir Zevounou 2020).
Pour toute question, contacter la coordination du dossier, à savoir Guillaume Johnson (guillaume.johnson@cnrs.fr), Madeline Woker (mw612@cam.ac.uk) et Lionel Zevounou (lionel.zevounou@parisnanterre.fr).
- 15 septembre 2023 : soumission des articles (V1) et envoi en expertise
- Décembre 2023 : réponse sur les premières soumissions (V1)
- Mars 2024 : soumission des V2
- Mai 2024 : réponse sur les V2
- Juillet 2024 : soumission des V3
- Septembre 2024 : Acceptation
- Automne 2024 : secrétariat de rédaction et maquettage
- Décembre 2024 : parution du numéro
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François, Pierre, et Claire Lemercier. 2021. Sociologie historique du capitalisme. Paris : La Découverte.
Freitas Ekué, Franck. 2021. Corps Black : Généalogie d’une production et d’une valorisation marchande du corps noir sous l’industrialisation capitaliste. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris 8.
Galerand, Elsa, et Danièle Kergoat. 2014. « Consubstantialité vs intersectionnalité ? À propos de l’imbrication des rapports sociaux ». Nouvelles pratiques sociales 26 (2) : 44-61.
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Leroy, Justin, et Destin Jenkins. 2021. Histories of racial capitalism. New York : Columbia University Press.
Levenson, Zachary, et Paret, Marcel. 2022. « The three dialectics of racial capitalism: From South Africa to the US and back again ». Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race: 1-19.
Mann, Thomas J. 2022. « Oliver C. Cox and the political economy of racial capitalism ». Dialectical Anthropology: 1-18.
Matlon, Jordanna 2016. « Racial capitalism and the crisis of black masculinity ». American Sociological Review 81 (5) : 1014-1038.
McMillan Cottom, Tressie. 2020. « Where platform capitalism and racial capitalism meet: The sociology of race and racism in the digital society ». Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 6 (4): 441-449.
Melgaço, Lorena, et Luana Xavier Pinto Coelho 2022. « Race and Space in the Postcolony: A Relational Study on Urban Planning Under Racial Capitalism in Brazil and South Africa ». City & Community 21 (3) : 214-237.
Memmi, Albert. 1985 [1957]. « Préface de l’auteur à l’édition de 1966 », Dans Portrait du colonisé, Portrait du colonisateur Albert Memmi. Paris : Gallimard.
Michel, Noémi. 2018. « Black feminist thoughts: From intersectionality to the engendering of racial capital ». Keynote delivrée à la 10th European Feminist Research Conference, Universität Göttingen. Allemagne.
Miles, Robert. 1982. Racism and migrant labour. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul Books.
Obregón, Liliana. 2018. « Empire, Racial Capitalism, and International Law: The Case of Manumitted Haiti and the Recognition Debt ». Leiden Journal of International Law 31: 597–615.
Patnaik, Utsa et Prabhat Patnaik. 2021. Capitalism and Imperialism: Theory, History and the Present, New York : Monthly Review Press.
Piketty, Thomas. 2019. Capital et idéologie. Paris : Seuil.
Posel, Deborah. 1983. « Rethinking the ‘race‐class debate’ in South African historiography ». Social Dynamics: A journal of African studies 9 (1) : 50-66.
Prebisch, Raúl. 2022. « La periferia latinoamericana en el sistema global del capitalismo ». El Trimestre Económico LXXXIX (353) : 371-385.
Pulido, Laura 2016. « Flint, environmental racism, and racial capitalism ». Capitalism Nature Socialism 27 (3) : 1-16.
Rodney, Walter 1982 [1972]. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Washington, D.C. : Howard University Press.
Sales Jr, William 1978. « Capitalism without racism: Science or fantasy ». The Black Scholar 9 (6) : 23-34.
Rajaram, Prem Kumar. 2017. « Refugees as Surplus Population: Race, Migration and Capitalist Value Regimes ». New Political Economy 23 (5) : 627-639.
Rex, John, et Sally Tomlinson. 1979. Colonial Immigrants in a British City. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Robinson, Cedric J. 2000 [1983]. Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press.
Robinson, Cedric J. 2023 [1983]. Marxisme Noir : La Genèse de La Tradition Nationale Noire. Traduit par Selim Nadi et Sophie Coudray. Genève : Entremonde.
Roumain, Jacques. 1934. Analyse schématique 1932-1934 et autres textes scientifiques. Port-au-Prince, Haïti : Les Éditions Fardin.
Sayad, Abdelmalek. 2000. « Colonisation, viticulture et émigration en Algérie », Dans Mutations, identités en Méditerranée. Moyen Âge et époque contemporaine dirigé par Henri Bresc. Saint-Denis : Éditions Bouchène.
Schaub, Jean-Frédéric. 2015. Pour une histoire politique de la race. Paris : Seuil.
Tazerout, Mohand. 1958. Le capitalisme mondial du XIV siècle à nos jours. Au congrès des civilisés ; tome IV. Rodez : Éditions Subervie.
Williams, Eric. 1994 [1944]. Capitalism and Slavery. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
Wilson Gilmore, Ruth. 2023. Change Everything. Racial Capitalism and the Case for Abolition. Chicago : Haymarket Books.
Woker, Madeline 2020. Empire of inequality: The politics of taxation in the French colonial empire, 1900-1950s. Thèse de doctorat, Columbia University.
Wolpe, Harold. 1972. « Capitalism and Cheap Labor Power in South Africa: From Segregation to Apartheid ». Economy and Society 1 (4) : 425–456.
Wynter, Sylvia. 1994. « No Humans Involved: An Open Letter to My Colleagues ». Forum NHI Knowledge for the 21st Century. Stanford, CA: Institute N.H.
Yates, Alexia, et Erika Vause (2020). « Beyond the dual revolution: Revisiting capitalism in modern France ». French History 34 (3), 281-293.
Zajaczkowski, Andrzej. 1965. « Jeune élite africaine. Une étude sur l’Afrique francophone ». Afričana Bulletin 2, 57-70.
Zevounou, Lionel 2020. « “Keep quiet. We are talking about you, not to you.” Richard Delgado et la doctrine étasunienne sur les droits civiques ». Carnet de recherche Racismes, 26/10/2020, https://racismes.hypotheses.org/180.
1.8 Call for Chapters: Dante Beyond Western Culture
Dante Without Borders: Translation, Transcultural Heritage, and Reception of the Dantean Works in non-Western Culture
Deadline for abstract proposals (300 words): August 31st, 2023
Publisher: Brill – Literary Reception & Art Reception series (TBC)
Dante is widely regarded as a prominent figure in the Italian language and culture, despite Italy not existing as a unified polity during his time. However, over the centuries the Florentine has also been a fundamental stylistic and existential model for numerous authors worldwide.
In his commentary on the relationship to the Commedia, T.S. Eliot ascribed Dante’s enduring success to his ability to convey universal concepts through his writings. This universality can nowadays be observed in numerous works inspired by his legacy such as Lao She’s Ghost Song, Hem Chunder Banerjee’s Chhayamoyi, Hovhannes Shiraz’s poem Armenian Dantesque, and Lu Yang’s video art installation Delusional Crime and Punishment, exhibited at the Asia Society of New York in 2023.
This project aims to explore and illustrate the transcultural reception of Dante’s works, particularly in non-Western cultures, to assess the potential universality of his literary production.
In this collected volume, we are seeking contributions analyzing the work of writers, poets, translators, painters, and visual artists who have incorporated Dantesque references in their own texts or artistic productions in order to address the following questions:
- How Dante’s literary archetypes have been reimagined by non-Western artists and authors?
- How do readers from non-Western cultures engage with his works?
- Is Dante primarily an Italian figure, or does the broad reception of his works within and beyond Western culture indicate his fundamental transcultural significance?
- Is his figure necessarily representative of Western culture or can it transcends it?
Contributions should cover one of the following areas:
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Africa and the Middle East
- Asia
- Deadline for abstract proposals: August 31st, 2023
- Response to proposals: September 30d, 2023
- Completed articles due: February 1st, 2024
The abstract should be sent to the editors’ email addresses: ccaputi@gradcenter.cuny.edu and bcutolo@gradcenter.cuny.edu.
2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities
2.1 GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS) International Excellence in the Humanities Programme CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Post-doctoral fellowships 2023-2024 (Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI) Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA))
April 30th, 2023 : Opening of the call
June 15th, 2023 : Submission deadline
June 30th, 2023 : Selection of candidates
September-December 2023: Start of fellowships
The Maison de la Création et de l’Innovation (MaCI), UGA’s Center for the Humanities, is launching its annual Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme funded by the France 2030 ANR project GATES (Grenoble ATtractiveness and ExcellenceS).
The MaCI is an on-campus research center for the arts, humanities and social sciences. It stands out as a 5,000 square metre cutting-edge laboratory for experiential and experimental research with state of the art facilities for the arts, performance studies, architecture, urban studies, multimedia (sound, video), cinema, design thinking, health and medical humanities, environmental humanities, mountain studies, digital humanities and creative writing. The MaCI along with its other cultural partners can support a wide range of research practices.
The Excellence in the Humanities Fellowship Programme promotes academic diversity and
interdisciplinarity and welcomes researchers with an international background to apply for postdoctoral fellowships at the MaCI.
This programme is built in association with the following international partners:
- University of Oxford
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- University of British Columbia (UBC)
- Stanford University
- Swansea University
We offer 3 two-year post-doctoral fellowships in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The postdoctoral felowships can start anytime between September 2023 and December 2023.
Application criteria
The Excellence in the Humanities Programme is part of UGA’s ambition to develop cutting-edge international research in the arts, the humanities and social sciences by funding innovative and original projects.
Post-doctoral candidates who, in their project, will make use of the MaCI’s facilities and interact with ongoing research programmes are particularly welcome.
Post-doctoral candidates from all disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences and from all countries can apply. They must:
- have successfully completed their doctorate (Ph.D., D.Phil, C.Sc. or equivalent)
- give proof of academic distinction by providing a list of peer-reviewed publications in
internationally referenced journals and/or media
- have an international background or research experience
Application procedure
Completed applications in English will consist of the following documents:
- The application form (please download by clicking on this link)
- A CV (5 pages maximum)
- A list of publications, articles, awards and prizes
- A description of the candidate’s research project (5 pages maximum)
- A timeline of the planned research activities
- A letter of support from an UGA academic member
Evaluation and selection
Applications will be evaluated and preselected applicants interviewed by an international scientific committee composed of 12 members including the director of the MaCI, the president of the Academic Board, the vice-president of international relations, two members in charge of the programme’s international relations, both directors of research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences and five representatives of the programme’s international partners.
Each project will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Academic excellence
- Quality and impact of the project
- International dimension
- Feasibility
The postdoctoral fellows will be hired on a fixed-term two-year contract. They will receive a gross salary of 2981 euros per month.
Please note that, if selected, the fellows are responsible for applying for the proper visa and will have to cover travel expenses to and from their country of residence.
The MaCI will support the fellows by providing :
- if required, the opportunity to apply for additional financial support for research activities or
short trips (for an approximate amount of 2000 euros per fellow).
- full access to all of the MaCI’s facilities (workspaces, studios, labs, conference rooms, computer rooms, resources and archive centre, Live Arts Lab, UX Lab, SonImage, Domus, etc…) For more details see: https://maisondelacreation.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/en/about/facilities/
- an office space with a computer, internet access, printing facilities and access to all the
university libraries
- assistance to establish contacts with UGA researchers before their arrival
- assistance to organize meetings, seminars, conferences and other research activities which will allow the fellows to fully participate in the life of the scientific community
- the necessary advice and guidelines to help the fellows and their family organize their stay in Grenoble (housing, transportation, cultural and sporting activities…)
- a programme of visits and events
Throughout the year, a variety of research activities will be organized by the MaCI. Post-doctoral fellows will be invited and strongly encouraged to participate.
Contact and submission details
The candidates should send their completed application in one single pdf file to the following email address:
Submission deadline: 15 June 2023
For any inquiries or assistance regarding the application process, please contact us at this same email address.
2.2 Early Career Fellowships: Inclusion, Participation and Engagement (School of Advanced Study, University of London)
The School of Advanced Study has been awarded funding to scope a programme of activities embedding inclusion, participation and engagement in research in the Humanities. As a result, the Institutes of Classical Studies, English Studies, and Languages, Cultures and Societies are able to offer five early career fellowships in the field of languages, literatures, and cultures. Fellows are expected to pursue their own research during the five months of the Fellowship and to contribute to the School’s scoping mission.
The Fellows will be based in the Institutes of Classical Studies, English Studies, and Languages, Cultures and Societies, as appropriate. We invite applications from individuals, pairs or groups of early career scholars who have active research interests in these areas.
Applicants are invited to submit a research proposal on a topic of their choice, either individually or as part of a group. This should specify as an objective a defined outcome for the research carried out during the period of the fellowship, such as a grant proposal, an article, chapter in a book and/or detailed proposal for a book.
In addition to pursuing their research programme, Fellows will be expected to contribute to the scoping of a programme of activities, hosted by the School of Advanced Study, to promote inclusion, participation and engagement in research. These might include making recommendations for training the School should develop for postgraduate research students and early career researchers and other activities that will help advance, promote and support research in the humanities nationally. These recommendations will be presented in a showcase of work at the end of the Fellowship period.
The Fellowships will last five months. Because of the nature of the funding, successful applicants must be available to take up the fellowship at the beginning of October 2023. Fellows will receive a stipend of £2,000 per month; this may be used as a contribution towards travel and/or accommodation costs during the Fellowship, though residence in London is not a requirement of these posts. Payment will be made in two instalments during the course of the Fellowship, at commencement and in month 3. The overall payment is £10,000 or pro rata if the fellowship is terminated early. Some additional funding will be available to support events and activities.
The Fellowships are intended to support early career researchers without a permanent academic post. In order to be eligible for the scheme, early career scholars (i.e. scholars within eight years of PhD award, not including any period of career break) must have been awarded their PhD by the start of the fellowship. Independent researchers without a PhD would not normally be eligible.
Method of Application
Applicants must submit the online application form by the deadline of 6 June 2023 together with:
- A Research Proposal detailing the research project to be carried out during the Fellowship (maximum: 500 words)
- A statement outlining how the applicant would promote inclusion, participation and engagement within their research (maximum: 250 words)
- A short CV (not usually longer than four pages including Publications
- Two references specific to the Fellowship, to be uploaded directly by the referees to the online application form by the closing date.
Please check exact requirements in the Call for Applications
Closing Date
The deadline for applications is midnight (UK time) on 06 June 2023
2.3 USF International Fellowships (call open!)
USF International Fellowships <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/>
Applications are invited to the USF’s International Fellowships <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/> for urban scholars from the Global South. Each award will cover the cost of a sabbatical period at a university of the candidate’s choice, worldwide, for the purpose of writing-up the candidate’s existing research findings in the form of publishable articles and/or a book. The proposed work should be completed under the guidance of a chosen mentor in the candidate’s field of study. Funding is available for a period ranging between 3-9 months, and eligible research may cover any theme pertinent to a better understanding of urban realities in the Global South.
Deadline: 20th June 2023.
Information about current and previous International Fellows can be found on the USF website <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/about/who-we-are/#parentVerticalTab1>.
Applicants must be early-to-mid career urban scholars with a PhD awarded within the preceding 10 years (by the submission deadline) who currently work in a university or other research institution within the Global South. Candidates must also be nationals of a country in the Global South, defined as any country on the present OECD list of ODA recipients (see terms <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/>).
The applicant must make suitable arrangements to be mentored by a senior urban scholar at their chosen research institution. Eligible research institutions may be anywhere worldwide, and Fellowships based in Global South regions are equally encouraged. Further Particulars are available to download on the USF website <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/> and must be consulted before applying to the scheme. Frequently asked questions and guidelines for prospective mentors are also available.
Other terms
The financial support attached to the fellowship will meet accommodation and subsistence needs while staying at the host university, return travel, and assistance towards some research costs. There is also a small budget available for the mentor to assist the Fellow to meet their intended research aims should this be appropriate. Short-listed candidates may also apply for a small supplemental grant if they have extra-ordinary costs arising during the fellowship that result from either: (a) caring responsibilities for dependent persons (e.g. childcare), or (b) disability. Fellowships must begin no later than one year after the application deadline (i.e. by 20th June 2024). Candidates are normally expected to be notified of an outcome within eight-to-twelve weeks of the application deadline.
How to apply
Candidates must complete the online application form on the USF website <https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/> no later than 20th June 2023 (23:59 GMT, UK time).
For more information please visit the Urban Studies Foundation’s website.<https://www.urbanstudiesfoundation.org/funding/international-fellowships/>
2.4 Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies, UCL
Ref Number B03-01567
Professional Expertise Academic
Department UCL SLASH (B03)
Location London
Working Pattern Full time
Salary £48,614 – £57,041
Contract Type Permanent
Working Type Hybrid (20% – 80% on site)
Available For Secondment No
Closing Date 07-Jun-2023
About us
SELCS-CMII is a world-leading centre for teaching, research and public engagement, focusing on the literature, linguistic traditions, history, sociology, philosophy, art, film and other aspects of the cultures associated with the languages we teach (Danish, Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Old Norse, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish). Our taught programmes are innovative, challenging and interdisciplinary; academic colleagues and students engage with many urgent concerns facing the world today by understanding Europe’s languages, cultures and histories and their global impact. Alongside programmes based in modern languages or comparative literature, SELCS-CMII is home to UCL’s graduate programmes in Comparative Literature; Translation Studies (CenTraS); Film Studies; Gender, Society and Representation; Race, Ethnicity and Postcolonial Studies; Health Humanities; European Studies; and Early Modern Studies. These attract large cohorts of Masters students every year, as well as a thriving community of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. Staff are actively involved in interdisciplinary teaching and research within SELCS-CMII and UCL more widely, including the Institute of Education and UCL East, and in collaborations with various institutions in London (including the London Arts and Humanities Doctoral Partnership, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK) and internationally.
About the role
The post-holder will be encouraged to develop individual research interests and will contribute to our research profile through publications. They will lead or participate in collaborative research projects and public engagement. They will participate in departmental activities and events and contribute to the intellectual life of the department. The post holder will contribute to teaching and to curriculum review and development at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, to be determined in consultation with the Head of the School of European Languages, Culture and Society and the Director of French Studies. They will also contribute to the running of the department and UCL. The post-holder will be required to set, mark and assess work completed for the modules they teach, and to assist in the examination of related and other modules at the discretion of the Head of School and Director of French Studies. They will be required to hold regular tutorial hours.
About you
The successful candidate will have a PhD or equivalent in an appropriate subject area. They will have experience of teaching at a higher educational institution or at an equivalent level and proven track record of research publications. It is essential to have research and teaching interests in any area of French and/or Francophone Studies as well as experience of teaching undergraduate or postgraduate courses in French and/or Francophone Studies. The successful candidate should be able to teach French and/or Francophone Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate level, they would need to be fluent in oral and written French and English. An ability to supervise academic work by undergraduate and graduate students and to be committed to the pastoral care of students, including international students is also essential. A detailed list of the person specification for this role, can be find in the Job description.
What we offer
As well as the exciting opportunities this role presents, we also offer some great benefits some of which are : • 41 Days holiday (27 days annual leave 8 bank holiday and 6 closure days) • Additional 5 days’ annual leave purchase scheme • Defined benefit career average revalued earnings pension scheme (CARE) • Cycle to work scheme and season ticket loan • Immigration loan • Relocation scheme for certain posts • On-Site nursery • On-site gym • Enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption pay • Employee assistance programme: Staff Support Service • Discounted medical insurance Visit https://www.ucl.ac.uk/work-at-ucl/reward-and-benefits to find out more.
Our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
As London’s Global University, we know diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We want our community to represent the diversity of the world’s academic talent, from local to global. We are committed to equality of opportunity, to being fair and inclusive, and to being a place where we all belong. We therefore particularly encourage applications from candidates currently underrepresented in UCL’s academic, research and teaching workforce. These include: people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds; disabled people; LGBTQ+ people; and women. Our department is working towards an Athena SWAN award. We are committed to advancing gender equality within our department. You can read more about our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion here : https://www.ucl.ac.uk/european-languages-culture/equality-diversity-inclusion-edi
2.5 Research residencies at the Paris IAS in 2024-2025
The French Institutes for Advanced Study (FIAS) Fellowship Programme offers 10-month research fellowships in the six Institutes of Aix-Marseille, Loire Valley (Orléans-Tours), Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes and Paris. In Paris, fellowships will start on September 1st, 2024, and end on June 30th, 2025.
The programme welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists to develop their innovative research project in France. The call is open to all disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and all research fields. Research projects in other sciences and in arts that propose a strong interaction and dialogue with the SSH are also eligible.
FIAS fellowships at the Paris IAS are meant to provide high-level international researchers with outstanding research conditions and unfragmented time to develop an innovative, trans-disciplinary, and field-changing research project of their choice. With Paris being the largest grouping of scientists in Europe, fellows will be in the midst of this scientific hive, with easy access and opportunities to interact closely with local colleagues and other fellows.
The Paris IAS looking for projects that do not simply add another brick to the wall of conventional knowledge. We fund groundbreaking, far reaching interdisciplinary research that helps inform the big scientific and social questions of our times.
Accordingly, the different selection instances of the fellowship place a strong emphasis on the following 4 criteria:
- Scientific excellence and innovation of the research project and the candidate.
- A strong interdisciplinary focus of the proposed project, with clear capacity to have an impact beyond their discipline, their field, and beyond academia. Projects that do not respond explicitly and convincingly to such criterion need not apply.
- Research questions that clearly and convincingly seek to address societal challenges or that offer innovative insights into the functioning of humans and societies.
- Solid plans for collaboration with host institutions, other fellows, and the Greater Paris research community. For this reason, a collaboration letter from a local research institution is requested of all applicants (collaborations with the member institutions of the Paris IAS listed above have a priority).
The Paris IAS values collective intelligence and interdisciplinarity. Fellows are expected to contribute generously to discussions and to the communal life of the Institute, during the compulsory weekly internal seminar, lunches together, and beyond. They will also be requested to give at least one public lecture.
In addition to these criteria, fellows can choose to participate in our two thematic programs. This is not mandatory, but it can provide selected fellows with additional opportunities for collaboration and outreach:
- For projects at the interface between SSH and the cognitive and neuro-sciences, the “Brain, culture and society” program will pay attention to research in society-body-mind-brain interactions having a potential impact on major societal challenges, such as physical and mental health and bioengineering, education and learning, group conflicts and violence, and adaptation to changing natural, industrial and urban environments.
- For projects focusing or with repercussions on urban challenges, the “City of Paris” program will promote connections and activities with the local administration, notably on topics around urban environmental transition and in the inequalities of education systems.
The Paris IAS is an independent research entity created in 2011 that regroups 11 major universities and research institutions in the Ile-de-France Region (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle; Université Paris Cité; Université Paris-Nanterre; Sorbonne Université; Université Paris-Saclay; Université Gustave Eiffel; École pratique des hautes études; École des hautes études en sciences sociales; École normale supérieure; Inalco-Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales; Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme). It benefits from the strong support of two founding members, the City of Paris and the Ile-de- France Region, which have provided the IAS with first-class facilities for work and for residents’ accommodation, as well as of the French Ministry for Education, Research and Innovation through the Labex RFIEA+, for invitations and research projects.
The fellowship provides fully equipped accomodation in Paris, a living allowance (2,700€ per month), social security coverage, a research and training budget, and coverage of travel expenses from the fellows home institutions.
The Paris IAS is located in the Hôtel de Lauzun, a 17th century mansion in the very heart of Paris, on the Île Saint-Louis. Fellows benefit from an office and meeting spaces at the IAS, as well as access to IT infrastructure, in-house research facilities and other relevant resources (including special access to a network of university libraries in Paris and a document delivery service at the institute), and logistical and financial support for the organization of scientific events or for other initiatives related to their work (intersectoral collaborations, doctoral training, publications).
FIAS awards fellowships to outstanding researchers of all career levels, from postdoctoral researchers to senior scientists. The minimum requirement is a PhD + 2 years of research experience at the time of the application. Exceptions will be made for scholars with a Master + 6 years of full-time research experience after the degree (PhD training will not be considered in the calculation of experience).
Researchers from all countries are eligible to the FIAS Fellowship Programme but they must have spent no more than 12 months in France during the three years prior to the application deadline.
Applicants to the Paris Institute must provide a letter of collaboration with member(s) of a university or research institution based in France, signed by a member of the institution. Preference will be given to projects conducted in cooperation with the partners of the IAS.
The planned collaborations may include for instance the organization of conferences and series of lectures or the preparation of a joint research project (of special interest to the Paris IAS is the submission of a project with French researchers to an international funding agency, such as the ERC or the EU Horizon Europe program).
The contacts with local collaborators must be made by the applicants themselves, the Paris IAS will not provide lists of contacts to the applicants.
Applications are submitted online via www.fias-fp.eu where you will find detailed information regarding the content of the application, eligibility criteria and selection procedure.
Application deadline: June 6, 2023 – 6:00 pm (Paris, France time)
The IEA is organizing virtual Q&A sessions between May 15th and 17th for Parisian researchers who wish to invite their colleagues, and for international researchers who wish to send their applications. Please register by clicking on the following links:
- For Paris-region researchers (in French): https://iea-paris.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIlcOCprT8rGNxZP5Nfx_2kU8yh-KbC4NWV
- For international applicants (in English): https://iea-paris.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtceiorz0rH9Tl7n9oY2-wubtd53n_dDHp
The scientific selection is highly competitive, merit-based and conducted through an international independent peer review.
- June 2023: eligibility check
- July-October 2023: double peer review
- November 2023: preselection by the FIAS Selection Committee (communication of preselection results, December 2023)
- January – February 2024: selection of fellows by IAS Scientific Advisory Boards and communication of results
This program has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 94540
For more general information on the FIAS Fellowship Programme : www.fias-fp.eu
For more detailed information on the IAS specific environment and scientific priorities: https://www.fias-fp.eu/about-us/the-institutes
Paulius Yamin : paulius.yamin@paris-iea.fr
2.6 Doctoral Funding Opportunity, University of Kent
Susan Cohen Doctoral Scholarship in Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
Division of Arts and Humanities, University of Kent
Applications are invited for the Susan Cohen Doctoral Scholarship in Modern Languages and Comparative Literature at the University of Kent. The award is open to UK-domiciled candidates undertaking doctoral research in any area of the four Modern Languages taught at degree level at Kent (French, German, Italian and Spanish) or in Comparative Literature, and will cover full home fees and UK maintenance costs as determined by the UKRI benchmark, for a period of up to 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory progress as determined by formal annual review. The award will be offered from 1st September 2023.
Applications should be sent to Dr David Hornsby (D.C.Hornsby@kent.ac.uk), Director of Graduate Studies, School of Cultures and Languages, by midnight on the closing date of 16th June 2023: shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in the week beginning 26th June 2023. Applicants should provide a full CV with the names of two academic referees, together with an outline research proposal, setting out the significance of the project, the fit with a potential Kent supervisor or supervisors, and a time-line for completion over 3 years.
2.7 Assistant Professor in Film and Television Studies (permanent, full time), University of Warwick
The University of Warwick seeks to appoint a full-time, permanent Assistant Professor in Film and Television Studies with effect from 1st September 2023. N.B. Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick is an entry-level post and equivalent to ‘Lecturer’ elsewhere. You will develop and teach undergraduate and/or postgraduate modules within the Department’s BA Film Studies, BA Film and Literature and MA Film and Television Studies programmes; cover duties convening one or more of the core modules (with the support of a mentor); supervise students’ work for assessment; develop excellent research that will contribute to our submission for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF); participate in wider tutoring, assessment and admissions processes within the Department; attend Department meetings; and contribute as a fully-integrated member of the team.
We are seeking an engaged scholar to contribute to the teaching, research, and academic culture of Film and Television Studies at Warwick. We are particularly keen to appoint early career applicants with one or more of the following research specialisms:
– Asian film and/or television
– African film and/or television
– Race and representation in film and/or television
– Black/diasporic film and/or programme making
– Indigenous media
The successful applicant will play an active role in sustaining and shaping our disciplines through leadership and participation in national and international subject associations and organisations and be keen to develop research grant applications. You will teach on our core undergraduate and postgraduate modules and develop your own research-informed specialist modules; you will offer dynamic teaching and modes of assessment that demonstrate your commitment to pedagogic innovation, anti-exclusion, curricula decolonisation, and developing the future of the discipline. You will participate in the administration of the degree and the unit, and help shape the atmosphere of the working environment. You will also be interested in becoming a leading voice in the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures and helping to establish new courses and research initiatives.
We particularly welcome applicants for this post from those who are significantly underrepresented in our sector, including people with disabilities and Global Majority academics. The University of Warwick provides an inclusive working and learning environment, recognising and respecting every individual’s differences. We welcome applications from individuals who identify with any of the protected characteristics defined by the Equality Act 2010.
Informal inquiries may be addressed to Professor Helen Wheatley (Helen.Wheatley@warwick.ac.uk<mailto:Helen.Wheatley@warwick.ac.uk>), Director of Film and Television Studies.
All candidates will be informed as to the outcomes of their application.
Interviews will take place on 7 July 2023 (in-person where possible for the candidate). The panel will be comprised of Professor Helen Wheatley (Director of Film and Television Studies), Professor Stuart Hampton-Reeves (Head of School) and 4 others. The recruitment process will involve a short research presentation, and an interview. Interview questions will be circulated in advance and shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit a module outline for a specialist option and writing sample of a recent piece of academic writing.
You can find the further particulars and an application form here: https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?owner=5062452&ownertype=fair&jcode=1890955&vt_template=1457&adminview=1
2.8 Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies (M-level), University of Liverpool DEADLINE EXTENDED
This bursary is named after Sarah Ann Barrow, who endowed the James Barrow Chair of French at the University of Liverpool in memory of her husband. The chair was established in 1905 and was among the first endowed positions in French in English Higher Education.
Applications are invited for the Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies, to begin in September 2023. The Bursary of £6,000 is intended to provide full fees at the Home student rate (approx. £4,600), plus a payment of the remainder to contribute towards maintenance costs. Applicants to the one-year MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures (French studies pathway) are eligible to apply for the full bursary; applicants to the two-year part-time MRes are eligible to apply for the same amount, but spread over two years. All applicants should be eligible for the UK (Home) fee status.
Subject Areas
Teaching and research in French studies have been central to the University’s mission since its foundation in 1881. Research interests in French cover broad areas of French literature, culture and history, including Medieval and Early Modern studies, French cinema, travel literature, comics, francophone postcolonial studies, modern and contemporary France, and sociolinguistics. Staff and students are committed to exploring French in a global frame, and specialisms on metropolitan France are complemented by interests in the broader Francosphere (including the Francophone Caribbean and Pacific, and the French in India). Colleagues in the department work closely with Liverpool University Press to support their internationally renowned lists in the French studies field. They also collaborate regularly with external partners, including FACT, Tate Liverpool and National Museums Liverpool.
Application and Selection Process
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, with preference given to candidates who otherwise would not be able to finance an MRes. Applicants are required to make contact with a potential supervisor for assistance in formulating a research proposal; for a list of potential supervisors and their specialist areas, and an “expression of interest” form (please see online). Completed expressions of interest should reach the department through the contact below by 30 June 2023. Applicants for Sarah Barrow Bursary must also make a formal application for admittance to the MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures (French studies pathway) at the University of Liverpool by that same date.
More information
For more information about the scheme or an informal discussion, please contact Dr Rebecca Dixon (rjdixon@liverpool.ac.uk).
For more information about the MRes programme, please consult: MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures. For more information about the Department of Languages, Cultures and Film, please visit: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/languages-cultures-and-film/. For more information about Postgraduate study at the University of Liverpool, please visit: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/.
2.9 Associate Tutor in Languages (French, German & Korean), Edge Hill University – The Language Centre
Location: | Ormskirk | |
Salary: | £37,386 to £41,931 (£48.58 – £54.48 per hour) | |
Hours: | Part Time | |
Contract Type: | Permanent | |
Placed On: | 17th May 2023 | |
Closes: | 6th June 2023 | |
Job Ref: | EHAT3970-0523 |
We’re here to create and harness knowledge, to deliver opportunity for everyone.
About the role
Due to growth in the language centre, we are looking to recruit three Associate Tutors who specialise in at least one of the following Korean, French and German. This is an exciting opportunity to teach on our language modules, and on our evening courses. You must be available on a Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 6pm as this is when our language modules take place. This is non-negotiable. Evening classes, which currently include Korean, take place from 6-8pm. Availability on a Thursday evening is desirable, but this is negotiable if you are available on an alternative evening. All teaching will take place at our Ormskirk campus.
Please note, you will be added to the Associate Tutor Bank and allocated hours based on student enrolments. Although we aim to provide hours, we cannot guarantee this as the delivery of the foreign language classes are based on student enrolment.
For informal enquiries about this vacancy, you may wish to contact: Alicia Moreno, Foreign Language Programme Coordinator and Language Tutor at morenoa@edgehill.ac.uk
About you
As an Associate Tutor in Languages (French, German & Korean), you will:
- Have a good relevant honours degree or equivalent qualification and experience of Higher Education learning,
- Have successful teaching experience in Higher Education or other evidence of the ability to be an effective teacher at this level,
- Have relevant subject knowledge as evidenced through qualifications, prior teaching experience or research,
- Be competent or proficient in either French, German or Korean with knowledge and understanding of Common European Framework Reference for Languages,
- Have an effective communications style and interpersonal skills,
- Be able to assess language learning in the four elements of: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
It is important to note that the successful applicant may be required to undertake an enhanced disclosure for you from the Disclosure and Barring Service and that this will form part of the conditions of offer of employment.
At Edge Hill University we value the benefits a rich and diverse workforce brings to our community and therefore welcome applications from all sections of society.
Rewards & Benefits
We want you to feel happy when you come to work and proud when you go home.
From the moment you join us, you have the opportunity to enhance your skills. We offer a range of specialist development sessions and academic development opportunities along with an award winning and comprehensive staff health & wellbeing programme (HR Excellence Awards 2017).
This is just a taste of what we are able to offer you at Edge Hill University.
About us
At Edge Hill University we believe in the life changing opportunities knowledge can create. Since 1885, we’ve been creating access to knowledge for those who may not have had the opportunity to before.
Today, the effect we have has a far-reaching impact, not just for those who come to study here but for those who work, invest in, and live in our local communities too. So, if you’ve ever wondered if one person can make a difference, simply speak to our alumni, students, and award-winning staff.
2.10 Teaching Fellow (French), University of Edinburgh Centre for Open Learning/Languages for All
Location: | Edinburgh | |
Salary: | £36,333 to £43,155 per annum pro-rata (Grade 7) | |
Hours: | Full Time | |
Contract Type: | Permanent | |
Placed On: | 24th May 2023 | |
Closes: | 21st June 2023 | |
Job Ref: | 7497 |
Centre for Open Learning (COL) / Languages for All (LfA)
Open Ended Contract – Permanent: Guaranteed Hours
The Centre for Open Learning is pleased to invite applications for the position of Teaching Fellow (French). We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated French language-teaching practitioner for our non-credit evening short courses.
This post is open-ended on a Guaranteed Hours basis (over 300 hours for the Academic year 2023-2024). The appointee will teach between 4 and 5 evening French courses each week during terms 1, 2 and 3, subject to meeting the enrolments threshold. We expect to deliver our 2023-24 short courses on campus in Edinburgh.
The Opportunity:
You will be joining an experienced and very supportive teaching and professional services team at this leading Russell Group university. You will find Edinburgh to be an exciting, positive, creative, challenging and rewarding place to work. Drawing on research and professional knowledge, you will facilitate student learning through the planning and delivery of effective teaching across the Centre’s non-credit provision. We offer a competitive salary within the UE07 grade in recognition of your demonstrated experience and teaching practice.
Your skills and attributes for success:
- First Degree in relevant subject and/or significant experience and standing in French language education
- Up-to-date knowledge of current theory and practice in teaching, learning, course/materials design and assessment in French language education
- Innovative and creative approach to teaching, course development and assessment
- Demonstrable experience of learning, teaching and scholarship in Higher Education, Continuing Education and/or Widening Participation
- Fluency in French.
2.11 One 23K Graduate Assistantship open for PhD in French Studies (LSU)
The doctoral program in French Studies at LSU has one remaining open graduate assistantship available for a student entering in 2023-2024. The assistantship stipend for Academic Year 2023-24 is $23,000 and includes a full tuition waiver. Assistantships are renewable for four years (with extensions frequently granted to students nearing completion of the degree). Domestic students must apply before June 30, 2023 to enter the program in Fall 2023. International students may apply by October 1, 2023 to enter the program in Spring 2024. To apply, visit this link: Apply (lsu.edu). For further information and assistance, please email Dr. Gregory Stone, Chair of the LSU Department of French Studies (stone@lsu.edu). Prospective applicants should apply as soon as possible, since this assistantship will be awarded to the first qualified candidate who completes the application.
2.12 Teaching Assistant in French – 10 month fixed term contract, University of Limerick
With over 18,000 students and 2,000 members of staff, the University of Limerick (UL) is an energetic, research led and enterprising institution with a proud record in innovation and excellence in education, research and scholarship. The dynamic, entrepreneurial and pioneering values which drive UL’s mission and strategy ensure that we capitalise on local, national and international engagement and connectivity. We are renowned for providing an outstanding student experience and conducting leading-edge research. Our commitment is to make a difference by shaping the future through educating and empowering our students.
With the River Shannon as a unifying focal point, UL is situated on a superb riverside campus of over 130 hectares. Outstanding recreational, cultural and sporting facilities further enhance the campus’s exceptional learning and research environment.
Applications are invited for the following position:
Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
School of Modern Languages & Applied Linguistics
Teaching Assistant in French – 10 month fixed term contract
Salary: €34,273 p.a. pro rata
Further information for applicants and application material is available online from: www.ul.ie/hrvacancies
“A Teaching Assistant post in the University of Limerick operates as a training contract. Applications will only be considered from individuals who have not already received two Teaching Assistant contracts.”
The closing date for receipt of applications is Tuesday, 13th June 2023.
Applications must be completed online before 12 noon, Irish Standard Time on the closing date.
The University of Limerick supports blended working
Please confirm that you are currently eligible to work in Ireland. Applications by candidates who are not eligible to work in Ireland will not be processed.
Please email erecruitment@ul.ie if you experience any difficulties
Applications are welcome from suitably qualified candidates.
The University of Limerick holds a Silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our commitment to advancing equality in higher education. The University is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to selection on merit welcoming applicants from all sections of the community. The University has a range of initiatives to support a family friendly working environment, including flexible working.
“The University of Limerick has implemented a “Smoke and Vape Free Campus Policy”. Smoking and vaping in all forms is prohibited.”
3. Announcements
3.1 Using Social Media to Explore Haitian History – Rendering Revolution (FLDH Webinar Series, 16/06/23)
The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium invites you to the second webinar of its 2023 Webinar Series: Latin America & Caribbean Edition.
Using Social Media to Explore Haitian History – Rendering Revolution
Friday, June 16, 2 p.m EDT
Dr. Siobhan Meï, Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst & Dr. Jonathan Square, Assistant Professor, The New School
“Rendering Revolution: Sartorial Approaches to Haitian History” is a queer, bilingual, feminist experiment in digital interdisciplinary scholarship that uses the lens of fashion and material culture to trace the aesthetic, social, and political reverberations of the Haitian Revolution as a world-historical moment.
Launched in 2020, Rendering Revolution focuses on stories of self-fashioning that rarely receive attention in colonial archives and explores the many ways in which modern identities (and concepts such as human rights) were formed in relation to the legacy of slavery in the Americas. The materials produced, curated, and translated for this project focus on the activities of occluded figures in history, including women and members of the LGBTQI+ community. Drawing on black feminist thought and transnational queer methodologies, Rendering Revolution generates a transhistorical, undisciplined digital archive that illustrates the importance of material culture in constructing diverse (and often competing) visions of freedom in the Atlantic world.
In this webinar, project founders Dr. Siobhan Meï and Dr. Jonathan Square will offer a brief overview of the project and will then focus on our approaches for publishing public-facing short-form content on proprietary social media platforms. While platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have allowed us to engage with a wide and diverse audience, there are also many concerns that arise when using a privately owned tool to curate a digital archive that explicitly addresses colonialism and its afterlives.
3.2 SAS Research Training Programme, Term 3
Registration is now open for the School of Advanced Study free research training programme for Term 3. These online sessions are open to researchers at all levels in the UK and beyond, but advance registration using the booking links below is essential.
Wednesday 3rd May 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Peer Review
Tuesday 9th May 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Crafting your Academic
Thursday 11th May 2023, 11:00 – 12:00: Managing your Time as a Researcher – Optimise the Summer https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/managing-your-time-a-researcher-optimise-summer
Monday 15th May 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Writing Conclusions
Monday 22nd May 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Revising Your Work
Tuesday 30th May 2023, 11:00 – 13:00: Teaching Skills for the PhD Student
Monday 5th June 2023, 11:00 – 12:00: Overview of Books Publishing https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/overview-books-publishing
Monday 12th June 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Research as Storytelling: Retelling your Research in Different Ways https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/research-storytelling-retelling-your-research-different-ways
Monday 19th June 2023, 13:00 – 14:00: Writing for Different Audiences: Academic Blogging and Other Formats https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/writing-different-audiences-academic-blogging-and-other-formats
Wednesday 28th June 2023, 13:00 – 14:30: Public Speaking
3.3 SSFH 2023: Registration now open
The Society for the Study of French History 35th Annual Conference
Thursday 29th June – Saturday 1st July 2023 | University of Liverpool
Freedom and Emancipation
Keynote speakers: Kate Astbury, Emmanuel Blanchard and Matthew J. Smith
*Registration now open*
We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History, Thursday 29th June – Saturday 1st July at the University of Liverpool. A provisional programme is available via the conference page on the SSFH website HERE. You can access online registration HERE.
We are offering registration for the full three-day conference and at a day rate for those wishing to attend on the Friday or Saturday only. Those eligible to pay the reduced rate include postgraduates, early career scholars or those in precarious employment, retired individuals, and delegates from institutions in low- and middle-income countries.
*Register now to secure Early Bird rates, ending Monday 22nd May 2023*
Please email SSFHconference2023@liverpool.ac.uk if you have any questions regarding registration, and we look forward to welcoming you to Liverpool in June.
The SSFH 2023 Organising Committee
3.4 Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies Research Training Programme, May-July 2023
The following ILCS training sessions will be delivered online on Wednesday afternoons. All sessions are free and open to researchers at any career stage, but advance registration at the booking link supplied for each session is essential (places are limited to facilitate discussion and interaction).
- Fieldwork with Indigenous communities*
Session leaders: Dr Kaya Davies Hayon (Open University) and Professor Fadma Aït Mous (Hassan II University of Casablanca)
Date and time: Wednesday 17 May 2023, 14:00-15:30 BST
Booking link: https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/fieldwork-indigenous-communities
- Se Ayisyen Nou Ye! We are Haitians!Using local cultural tools for long-lasting societal change* Session leaders: Dr Fiona de Hoog Cius (Sheffield Hallam University)
Date and time: Wednesday 24 May 2023, 14:00-15:30 BST
Booking link: https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/se-ayisyen-nou-ye-we-are-haitians-using-local-cultural-tools-long-lasting-societal-change
- Digital Culture and Languages, Cultures and Societies Research
Session leader: Dr Naomi Wells (ILCS)
Date and time: Wednesday 31 May 2023, 14:00-15:00 BST
Booking link: https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/digital-culture-and-languages-cultures-and-societies-research
- Environmental Humanities and Languages, Cultures and Societies Research
Session leader: Dr Jamille Pinheiro Dias (ILCS)
Date and time: Wednesday 21 June 2023, 14:00-15:00 BST
Booking link: https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/environmental-humanities-and-languages-cultures-and-societies-research
- Decolonial Theory and Languages, Cultures and Societies Research
Session leader: Dr Adi Saleem Bharat (Michigan) and Dr Joseph Ford (ILCS)
Date and time: Wednesday 5 July 2023, 15:00-16:30 BST
Booking link: https://www.sas.ac.uk/events/decolonial-theory-and-languages-cultures-and-societies-research
Please contact naomi.wells@sas.ac.uk if you have any questions about the programme.
* These sessions has been organised by the Institute’s Fieldwork in Languages, Cultures and Societies group,
chaired by Prof. Claire Griffiths: https://ilcs.sas.ac.uk/about-us/online-resources/fieldwork-languages-cultures-and-societies
3.5 Forum ‘Ensemble vers l’avenir du français’
Dear all,
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming prestigious event: ‘Ensemble vers l’avenir du français’.
This event is co-organised by the Higher Education, Research and Innovation Section of the French Embassy in the UK and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, in collaboration with the University of Leeds, the Association for Language Learning (ALL), and the Association of University Professors and Heads of French (AUPHF+).
This day of cross-sector discussions and workshops on the future of French in the UK will bring together experienced leaders and teachers, establish a network of support, develop collaboration on local or online projects, and build new bridges.
The speakers come from a variety of backgrounds including HE, secondary schooling, diplomacy, business, and the public sector. A roundtable session will look at the future of French in the UK. This will be followed by workshops to be co-led by secondary and university teachers. A final roundtable will discuss careers.
Date: 30th June 2023.
Location: University of Leeds.
For more information and to book your place:
3.6 ASMCF-SSFH’s Schools Liaison and Outreach Fund
Please find below details of the ASMCF (Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France)-SSFH’s Schools Liaison and Outreach Fund for French and French History . The deadline for applications is 31st May 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/
This prize is jointly funded by the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France and the Society for the Study of French History.
It aims to support outreach activities that promote the learning of French and the histories and cultures of the French-speaking world.
Funds from £500-£1500 are available for projects up to 36 months in duration. The fund aims to support projects that:
- Support outreach events in schools or connecting schools with universities
- Create learning resources that promote the learning of French and/or histories of the French-speaking world
- Assist teachers in secondary education
- Promote the learning of marginalised histories, cultures, and societies in the French-speaking world.
To apply, please visit the above link and website.
3.7 UCML Post-PhD Careers Event
Are you thinking about future careers?
The University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) is excited to announce an online careers event tailored specifically to early career academics in Languages and Linguistics. Whether you’re considering academic positions or seeking alternative career paths, this workshop will provide valuable application tips and insights about job markets in academia and beyond.
The event will cover topics including how to target your job search, tips for targeting your application to specific vacancies, and the diverse career possibilities available beyond traditional academic positions.
Our panel includes academics Dr Jonathan Ervine (Bangor University), Dr Benjamin Dalton (Lancaster University) and Dr Nicola Thomas (Lancaster University), and careers consultant Diane Caldwell (University of Cambridge).
12 June, 11am-1pm (UK time)
- Dr Jonathan Ervine – 10 Tips for job applications and interviews in academia
- Dr Benjamin Dalton & Dr Nicola Thomas – Securing a permanent job in academia
- Diane Caldwell – Rethinking your skills for alternative careers
- Interactive session – Reflecting on a live career consultation
- Q&A
Register for free below:
3.8 Stephen Spender Poetry in Translation Prize
Stephen Spender Prize 2023 – Call for entries from students and academics!
The Stephen Spender Prize is the UK’s leading annual prize for poetry in translation, with categories for all ages. The rules are simple: translate into English any poem from any language – from French to Farsi, from Spanish to Somali—and win publication and cash prizes!
For the first time, this year we are delighted to extend the Open (adult) category to entrants aged 19+ from all over the world, welcoming translations into all World Englishes.
As the original poem can be sourced from any language, the prize is ideally suited to staff and students of both ancient and modern languages, as well as English and Creative Writing departments. With individual and co-translations welcome, it is a great project for undergrads and postgrads to get their teeth into, as well as a chance for academics to showcase their poetry translation talents.
The prize can also offer an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful diversity of languages spoken beyond the classroom, by students and staff of all disciplines. Last year, we received translations from over 90 languages, and we hope to top this in 2023.
More details about entry guidelines can be found on the Stephen Spender Prize homepage, and on the Open Entry page of the Stephen Spender Trust website. You can also follow the latest Prize news on social media. Twitter: @StephenSpender #SSTPoetryPrize2023 | Facebook: @StephenSpenderTrust | Instagram: @stephenspendertrust. For additional questions about the prize or ways of getting involved, please feel free to get in touch at prize@stephen-spender.org.
The deadline for entries is midnight (BST) on Friday 14 July.
3.9 ASMCF Early Career Award
Please find below details of the ASMCF’s (Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France) Early Career Award. The deadline for applications is 14th July 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/
An award of £500 will be made to an Early Career Researcher to contribute towards travel costs incurred on a short trip to one or multiple French-speaking countries. Applicants must be members of the Association and may apply up to six years post viva. A subcommittee convened to adjudicate the prize will look for evidence that the trip has been well planned and that the researcher has attempted to maximize the benefits to be drawn from the time in France. The person to whom the prize has been awarded should provide a brief report on the trip, including details of expenses, no later than three months after return to the UK. Early Career Researchers – applying for the award should complete the online application form, outlining their research project, the aims of their research trip and the anticipated budget for the proposed trip. The winner of the prize will be announced at the ASMCF Annual Conference.
“We are currently welcoming applications for the ASMCF’s Early Career Award (an award of £500), designed to contribute towards travel trips to French-speaking countries for research. All info is available: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/, and the deadline is 15 July 2021.”
3.10 Reparation, Restitution and Restorative Justice: Countering Imperialism, University of Edinburgh, June 2nd: Registrations Open
Panel discussion and Q&A 11:00-13:00
Buffet lunch 13:00-14:00
This special event explores the role of reparation in acknowledging and redressing the harms caused by colonialism, the slave trade and slavery, and in building a pathway towards future justice. Voices from the Global South are under-represented in the UK context, and the academic field is no exception, as a North-South approach of guidance and interventionism still prevails. To counter this trend, the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities presents this public engagement event as part of our series on future justice. After all, reparations must be seen as a global project in which the North has much to amend by learning from the South.
In jurisprudence, reparation is the restitution to the victim of a loss previously inflicted by the offender. For example, financial compensation was provided to enslavers during the abolition process in the 19th century, as they had lost the legal right to human beings they considered property under the legal framework of the time. However, the post-abolition period has shown how these compensations deepened the inequalities once created by slavery, and led to domestic debt in the countries where slavery had enforced. In recent decades, the notion and practice of reparations have been reversed to redress gross and systematic violations of human rights, including the transatlantic slave trade, slavery and colonialism, by providing some form of compensation to restore balance. Reparations are debated not only by states and scholars, but also activists who participate in social movements to demand a restoration of rights.
In the scholarly field, Olúfemi O. Táíwò (2022) has recently argued that reparations based on a ‘hopeful future’ must prioritise the challenge of climate change, with distributive justice at their heart. William Darity Jr. and A. Kirsten Mullen (2022) estimate the cost of justice denied, proposing a substantial payment to every documented black descendant of slavery in the USA. Rodrigo Uprimny and María Paula Saffon (2009) note that reparations are an opportunity to pursue ‘distributively just’ societies and must therefore be proportional to the harm done. Hence, for future justice, reparations must go beyond a transitional policy of compensation to actively promote structural transformation of power relations – racist, patriarchal, neo-colonial, paternalist, etc. Reparations also encompass processes for the restitution of objects looted during colonialism, and affirmative action as a means of redressing the cultural and financial barriers that exclude certain populations from positions of leadership and scholarship.
Questions to be discussed by our panel of experts include:
- What is the role of reparation in tackling the legacies of the slave trade, slavery, colonialism and contemporary imperialism?
- How, if at all, is it possible to repair the harms done and what form should this take?
- How can we ensure equitable access to well-being for all?
Speakers will include:
Onyekachi Wambu, Co-Executive Director of the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD)
Esther Stanford-Xosei, reparations activist
Dr Katucha Bento, School of Social and Political Science
Dr Deval Desai, Edinburgh Law School
Dr Paola Vargas Arana, IASH Fellow
This event forms part of a new series of public engagement events from IASH on the theme of Future Justice. The aim of the series is to bring the research undertaken at IASH to a wider set of audiences beyond the academy. In doing so, the aim is to open up a conversation on the conditions and practical actions needed to create more just social orders – what is needed now and then what. The series is in recognition of the critical role that universities can play as places of convocation and debate, and in bringing knowledge from research to bear on some of the most difficult and contested issues which face societies across the world today. Find out more about IASH events here: www.iash.ed.ac.uk
This is a free event, which means we overbook to allow for no-shows and to avoid empty seats. Admission is on a first come, first served basis.
3.11 Bloomsbury Academic – Global French Histories (series) – call for proposals
The Global French Histories series is an open-ended series of books that address the histories of modern France and the Francophone World in terms of key global themes since the mid-seventeenth century. Carefully situating French histories within global history frameworks, the series will foreground connections and networks across time and space, comparisons with other contexts and interdisciplinary approaches.
We welcome proposals for new books in the series. If you have any comments on the series, or if you would like to discuss contributing, please get in touch with the series editors or the publisher.
Series Editors:
Dr Sarah Dunstan | University of Glasgow, UK | sarah.dunstan@glasgow.ac.uk
Professor Martin Evans | University of Sussex, UK | m.j.evans@sussex.ac.uk
Dr Annette Joseph-Gabriel | Duke University, USA| annette.josephgabriel@duke.edu
Dr Roxanne Panchasi | Simon Fraser University, Canada| panchasi@sfu.ca
Rhodri Mogford Senior Publisher, History| Rhodri.Mogford@bloomsbury.com
Editorial Board:
Dr Rabah Aissaoui, University of Leicester, UK Professor Robert Aldrich, University of Sydney, Australia Dr Belkacem Belmekki, University of Oran, Algeria Dr Gemma Betros, Australian National University, Australia Dr Ludivine Broch, University of Westminster, UK Professor Tony Chafer, University of Portsmouth, UK Professor Vinita Damodaran, University of Sussex, UK Dr Valerie Deacon, New York University, USA Professor Hannah Diamond, Cardiff University, UK Dr Claire Eldridge, Leeds University, UK Dr Angeline Escarfe-Dublat, University of Lyon, France Professor Alison Fell, Liverpool University, UK Professor Robert Gildea, University of Oxford, UK Professor Paul Goodwin, AUL, UK Dr David McCallam, University of Sheffield, UK Dr Julia Nicholls, Kings College, London, UK Dr Mairéad Ní Bhriain, University of Limerick, Ireland Dr Hanna Qugana, University of Sussex, UK Dr Mélanie Torrent, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France
Forthcoming books in the series:
A Political History of Immigration in France From Colonial to Global and Back Angéline Escafré-Dublet Publishing 2025
Roads out of French Empire Resisting Imperialism in the 20th Century Sarah C. Dunstan Publishing 2026
3.12 SFS R. Gapper UG Essay Prize 2023: call for submissions
The closing date for receipt of entries is 14 July 2023.
The Society for French Studies | R. Gapper undergraduate essay prize (sfs.ac.uk)
The Society for French Studies welcomes submissions for this year’s UG Gapper Prize. The prize is awarded annually for the best essay submitted by an undergraduate student at a university based in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland. The award includes:
- a cash prize of £250
- expenses-paid travel to the next annual conference of the Society for French Studies
- mention in the French Studies Bulletin and on the Society for French Studies website
The Society welcomes submissions from the broad multidisciplinary range of French Studies, across time periods and geographies, to include work on history and politics, cinema and media cultures, literary, cultural and post-colonial studies, and French linguistics. The Society actively encourages applications from historically under-represented groups for our prizes.
Conditions of entry
- To be eligible for submission the essay must be:
- entirely the student’s own work and submitted in unrevised form
- addressing a topic within the broad scope of the discipline of French studies
- written in either English or French, with any quotations from French supplied in the original language
- written in the past twelve months
- between 2000 and 5000 words (including notes but excluding bibliography)
- word-processed with numbered pages
- submitted without the name of the student, or institution, appearing in the essay
- submitted by the university, with the student’s agreement, as one of up to two annual submissions per university
- accompanied by a separate coversheet (which should be downloaded via the link below)
- submitted on the understanding that no correspondence will be entered into by the Society regarding individual essays.
Submissions (essay plus cover sheet) should come via the Head of French, Programme Director for French, or equivalent, and be emailed to Dr Steven Wilson: steven.wilson@qub.ac.uk. Further details, including on the judging process, can be found on our website: The Society for French Studies | R. Gapper undergraduate essay prize (sfs.ac.uk)
3.13 Postgraduate Bursaries at UCML
Applications are invited for our Postgraduate Bursary scheme, offering payments of £800 to projects by postgraduates within 6 months of submission of the PhD thesis.
Find further details on eligibility and how to apply below. The deadline is 01 July 2023. N.B., if you previously emailed an application for the 2023 March deadline, please try re-sending the email to contact@ucml.ac.uk
UCML Postgraduate Bursary
UCML now hosts a PG bursary scheme. The bursary supports postgraduate students in the period immediately following submission of the thesis, to enable them to produce engagement materials based on the thesis research. The bursary aims to:
- Provide support for postgraduate students as they build their profile after submission of the thesis
- Support the production of exciting materials that showcase the value of Modern Languages research.
Postgraduate students are the future of the discipline and as a Modern Languages community we seek to offer support to those who have completed their thesis and face what can be a challenging period in seeking employment. The production of research-based engagement materials can be developmental, helping to boost the students’ own profile and support their career trajectory. The materials will also help to promote the value of Modern Languages research and reinforce the intrinsic link between the study of languages, cultures, and societies.
The bursary is for £800, to be paid in one instalment. There will be two cycles per year.
Exceptionally in 2023, we are extending our March deadline to 01 July 2023.
Intended outputs of the funding
The funding enables students to produce engagement material based on their research. The forms this could take are varied and there is lots of scope for innovation. The main criteria is that the research engages a wider audience beyond the academy. The materials developed might be aimed at specific groups (such as schools or special-interest community groups) or at a more general public. These might be physical resources or activities, exhibitions, film screenings, or public displays, digital resources or activities shared with specific groups, digital resources disseminated to a broad public through social media platforms, or other appropriate engagement activities and resources.
Eligibility and selection criteria
Students who have recently submitted or are due to submit a PhD thesis at a UK HEI are eligible. Funding will ideally be taken up within 6 months of submission of the thesis.
Applicants should:
- Provide a brief outline of their research (500 words)
- Explain how they intend to develop this into public engagement materials, outlining the intended audience (e.g. schools, the general public, special interest groups, specific community groups), the form of the materials/activity (e.g. physical resources, digital resources to be shared with specific groups, online resources to be disseminated broadly through social media platforms), and how these will engage the intended audience (500 words)
- Provide a brief outline of future aspirations and research plans, explaining how this project supports this trajectory (300 words).
The applications will be assessed by a panel drawn from the UCML Steering Group. Selection will be based on:
- The excellence of the intended project
- The potential of the materials to engage the intended audience with the research
- The potential of the funding to support the applicant’s career development.
Completed applications for this cycle should be send to contact@ucml.ac.uk by 01 July 2023.
Applicants can send informal enquiries to the UCML Vice-Chair (Research) Liz Wren-Owens (wren-owensEA@cardiff.ac.uk ). Applicants may wish to be paired with a mentor through the UCML Early Career Academic Short-Term Mentoring Scheme whilst preparing an application and/or whilst carrying out a funded project.
N.B., if you previously emailed an application for the March deadline 2023, please try re-sending the email to contact@ucml.ac.uk
3.14 UCML Early Career Academic Mentoring Scheme
Could you be a mentor to an early career colleague?
We are currently seeking new mentors to add to our database in all disciplines covered by UCML.
The increasingly precarious nature of career paths in Higher Education, particularly in Modern Languages, means that many early-career academics find themselves adrift from mentors able to provide the guidance and feedback so essential for developing a professional profile and navigating the myriad experiences which characterize the initial years of an academic career. UCML’s ECA Support Network (ECASN) seeks to alleviate these obstacles through academic mentoring.
Colleagues with approximately 5 years of experience post-viva are encouraged to send their details to the list moderator Dr Kate Foster (ecasn.contact@gmail.com) to be added to a closed database of mentors. Mentors may be colleagues with a current institutional affiliation and on a stable academic career trajectory, as well as those navigating multiple temporary contracts.
Further information is available here: https://university-council-modern-languages.org/early-career-academics/eca-support-network/
3.15 French Realism Seminar with Prof Jean-Pol Madou on Thursday 1st June at 14.00
You are invited to the second French Realism Seminar this term with Prof Jean-Pol Madou, “The Imaginary and the Real in the thought of Édouard Glissant” on Thursday 1st June at 14.00 (UK time).
You are welcome to attend in person or online, with Zoom links sent on the morning of the talk.
Please register for Prof Madou’s seminar online via Eventbrite here. Further details about his talk can be found at the bottom of this message.
Speaker: Jean-Pol Madou
Title: “The Imaginary and the Real in the thought of Édouard Glissant” with a response from Dr Hugo Azérad
Date: Thursday 1st June at 14.00 until around 15.30
Location: the seminar will take place in room 142, Raised Faculty Building, Sidgwick Site, University of Cambridge, and online. Zoom details will be sent on the morning of the seminar.
Please register online via Eventbrite here.
Description: The opposition between the Imaginary and the Real generate a dialectical tension that Édouard Glissant draws from the thought of Victor Segalen, a dialectic that is closer to Heraclitus than to Hegel. Much like Segalen, the real is, for Glissant, diversity, the Diverse that will not allow itself to be reduced to some unity or totality closed upon itself. Whence arises the question, is the Imaginary disintegrated or reinforced when it confronts the Real? With Glissant, as with Heraclitus, the opposed terms are not fused together or dissolved, but rather reinforce one another in and through the crossing of their differences.
4. New Publications
4.1 Lucy Swanson, The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Fiction (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023)
Description: Believed to have emerged in the French Caribbean based on African spirit beliefs, the zombie represents not merely the walking dead, but also a walking embodiment of the region’s history and culture. In Haiti today, the zombie serves as an enduring memory of enslavement: it is defined as a reanimated body robbed of part of its soul, forced to work in sugarcane fields. In Martinique and Guadeloupe, the zombie takes the form of a shape-shifting evil spirit, and represents the dangers posed to the maroon or ‘freedom runner.’ The Zombie in Contemporary French Caribbean Fiction is the first book-length study of the literary zombie in recent fiction from the region. It examines how this symbol of the enslaved (and of the evil spirits that threaten them) is used to represent and critique new socio-political situations in the Caribbean. It also offers a comprehensive and focused examination of the ways contemporary authors from Haiti and the French Antilles contribute to the global zombie imaginary, identifying four ‘avatars’ of the zombie-the slave, the trauma victim, the horde, and the popular zombie-that appear frequently in fiction and anthropology, exploring how works by celebrated and popular authors reimagine these archetypes.
A 30% discount is being offered with the code LUP30 when purchased directly from the publisher.
4.2 Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Imaginer la libération: Des femmes noires face à l’empire (Sète: Éditions Ròt-Bò-Krik, 2023)
Au milieu du XXe siècle, tandis que se joue la fin de l’empire colonial français, des penseuses et militantes noires s’engagent au coeur des grands mouvements de décolonisation. Encore bien trop méconnues, Suzanne Césaire, Paulette Nardal, Eugénie Éboué-Tell, Jane Vialle, Andrée Blouin, Aoua Kéita et Eslanda Robeson sont pourtant des protagonistes majeures de la contestation de la domination impériale et raciste. Explorant leurs écrits et archives, Annette Joseph-Gabriel raconte leur parcours et la diversité de leur positionnement. Toutes ont en commun d’imaginer de nouvelles identités, tant panafricaines que pancaribéennes, et permettent de construire une histoire complexe du féminisme noir.
Lire le prologue d’Imaginer la libération ici: https://www.rot-bo-krik.com/prologue-d-imaginer-la-libération
Commander Imaginer la libération ici: https://www.rot-bo-krik.com/product-page/imaginer-la-libération
4.3 Ariella Aïsha Azoulay, La Résistance des bijoux: contre les géographies coloniales (Sète: Editions Ròt-Bò-Krik, 2023)
À la mort de son père, Juif d’Oran naturalisé français puis israélien, Ariella Azoulay découvre dans un document que sa grand-mère portait le prénom Aïcha. En deux récits mêlant autobiographie et théorie politique, l’autrice serpente entre les catalogues de bijoux, les photos trouvées et les collections d’objets pillés, pour déployer par fragments l’histoire de sa famille et mettre en parallèle les colonialismes français en Algérie et sioniste en Palestine. Entre ces projets impériaux, elle saisit bien des continuités, à commencer par la volonté obstinée de détruire l’enchevêtrement séculaire des mondes juifs, arabes et berbères, un entrelacs qu’elle revendique pour mieux le restaurer.
Ariella Aïsha Azoulay est écrivaine, chercheuse, cinéaste expérimentale et commissaire d’archives anticoloniales. Née en 1962 dans la colonie sioniste de Palestine, elle est professeure à l’université Brown où elle enseigne la théorie politique, la résistance aux formations impériales et les imaginaires anticoloniaux réclamant le retour, la restitution et le tikkoun olam, la réparation du monde. Autrice d’une dizaine de livres parus dans de nombreux pays, elle a publié entre autres Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism (Verso, 2019) et From Palestine to Israel: A Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation (Pluto Press, 2011). Inédit, La Résistance des bijoux est son premier livre traduit en français.
4.4 Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik, Maghreb Noir: The Militant-Artists of North Africa and the Struggle for a Pan-African, Postcolonial Future (Redwood: Stanford University Press, 2023)
Upon their independence, Moroccan, Algerian, and Tunisian governments turned to the Global South and offered military and financial aid to Black liberation struggles. Tangier and Algiers attracted Black American and Caribbean artists eager to escape American white supremacy; Tunis hosted African filmmakers for the Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage; and young freedom fighters from across the African continent established military training camps in Morocco. North Africa became a haven for militant-artists, and the region reshaped postcolonial cultural discourse through the 1960s and 1970s.
Maghreb Noir dives into the personal and political lives of these militant-artists, who collectively challenged the neo-colonialist structures and the authoritarianism of African states. Drawing on Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English sources, as well as interviews with the artists themselves, Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik expands our understanding of Pan-Africanism geographically, linguistically, and temporally. This network of militant-artists departed from the racial solidarity extolled by many of their nationalist forefathers, instead following in the footsteps of their intellectual mentor, Frantz Fanon. They argued for the creation of a new ideology of continued revolution—one that was transnational, trans-racial, and in defiance of the emerging nation-states. Maghreb Noir establishes the importance of North Africa in nurturing these global connections—and uncovers a lost history of grassroots collaboration among militant-artists from across the globe.
About the author
Paraska Tolan-Szkilnik is Assistant Professor of History at Suffolk University.
4.5 Michael Gott, Screen borders: From Calais to cinéma-monde (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2023)
Film and television offer important insights into social outlooks on borders in France and Europe more generally. This book undertakes a visual cultural history of contemporary borders through a film and television tour. It traces on-screen borders from the Gare du Nord train station in Paris to Calais, London, Lampedusa and Lapland. It contends that different types of mobilities and immobilities (refugees, urban commuters, workers in a post-industrial landscape) and vantage points (from borderland forests, ports, train stations, airports, refugee centers) are all part of a complex French and European border narrative. It covers a wide range of examples, from popular films and TV series to auteur fiction and documentaries by well-known directors from across Europe and beyond.
Michael Gott is Professor of French and Niehoff Professor of Film & Media Studies at the University of Cincinnati