SFPS Monthly Mailing: May 2011
SFPS NEWSLETTER MAY 2011 SFPS annual conference 2011 CFP SFPS summer postgraduate workshop programme CFP 1.1 Autour de l’édition et…
2nd May 2011SFPS NEWSLETTER MAY 2011 SFPS annual conference 2011 CFP SFPS summer postgraduate workshop programme CFP 1.1 Autour de l’édition et…
2nd May 2011CALLS FOR PAPERS Remembering Slavery, Forgetting Indenture? 9 – 10 September 2011 Bangor University, UK, in conjunction with the…
3rd April 2011CALLS FOR PAPERS Africas, Ours and Theirs Crossed looks and identitary images Literary Constructions of African Identities 50 years…
4th March 2011Calls for papers L’Afrique francophone dans le jeu littéraire mondial Modalités et enjeux des stratégies de la norme et…
1st February 2011Calls for papers Afromodernisms 2 What’s really new? Blackness and Atlantic Modernism, 1907–61. Symposium: University of Liverpool, UK. Confirmed…
27th December 2010The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe, 1492-1700 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, October 7-8, 2011 In early modern…
27th October 2010New Publications by SFPS Members Charlotte Baker, Study Guide to Sassine: ‘Saint Monsieur Baly’ (University of Glasgow French and…
31st July 2010