SFPS Monthly Mailing: June 2018
SFPS Monthly Mailing: June 2018 Calls for Papers 1.1 Memory, Migration & Movement (Conference) 1.2 Réinventer la nature :…
29th June 2018SFPS Monthly Mailing: June 2018 Calls for Papers 1.1 Memory, Migration & Movement (Conference) 1.2 Réinventer la nature :…
29th June 2018SFPS Monthly Mailing: May 2018 Calls for Papers 1.1 “Betrayal” (Graduate Conference, NYU Institute of French Studies) 1.2 Environment…
29th May 2018SFPS Monthly Mailing: April 2018 Calls for Papers 1.1 États présents, états futurs: French and Francophone Studies in…
28th April 2018SFPS Monthly Mailing: March 2018 Calls for Papers 1.1 Midwest Modern Languages Association Conference 2018 1.2 The Paris…
28th March 2018Calls for Papers 1.1 Commemoration and Creativity Postgraduate Forum (Abstract Deadline: 29 January) 1.2 SFPS Postgraduate Workshop: Transnational Francophone…
25th January 2018Calls for Papers 1.1 Call for Proposals: Teaching French Neoclassical Tragedy: MLA Options for Teaching Series (Deadline: 5 January)…
21st December 2017Francophone Postcolonial Studies in the 21st Century Journal of Romance Studies, Volume 17, Issue 2 (July 2017) Published in…
5th December 2017Calls for Papers 1.1 Colonial Tourism: Sites, Resistances and Performances 1.2 The Society for the Study of French History…
16th November 2017SFPS Monthly Mailing: July 2017 Calls for Papers 1.1 Postgrads Against Slavery: The Workshop (Deadline: 3 August) 1.2 ‘Travel,…
18th July 2017Calls for Papers 1.1 Memory Studies Association Second Annual Conference (Deadline: 1 July) 1.2 Australian Society of French Studies…
30th May 2017Calls for Papers 1.1 ADEFFI Annual Conference 2017: Writing Mobility/Écritures des mobilités 1.2 Rupture, Repression, Repetition? The Algerian War…
27th April 20171. Calls for Papers 1.1 Shaking Up the World? Global Effects of Haitian Tremors: 1791, 2010 1.2 Appel à communication…
9th September 20161. Calls for Papers 1.1 Le sens et les sens / Sense and the Senses 1.2 Reminder: Women Behaving Badly(?): Women’s Pleasures…
9th August 20161. Calls for Papers 1.1 Cinquantenaire du 1er Festival mondial des Arts nègres 1.2 Women Behaving Badly(?): Women’s Pleasures and their…
9th July 20161. Calls for Papers 1.1 Unsettling Communities: Minor, Minority and Small Literatures in Europe 1.2 Teaching Haiti Beyond Literature: Intersectionalities of…
9th June 2016