SFPS Monthly Mailing: June 2012
Calls for papers 1.1 Haiti in a Globalized Frame: International Conference 1.2 International French-Language Comics Conference Calls for contributions…
11th June 2012Calls for papers 1.1 Haiti in a Globalized Frame: International Conference 1.2 International French-Language Comics Conference Calls for contributions…
11th June 2012Calls for papers 1.1 Haiti in a Globalized Frame: International Conference 1.2 International French-Language Comics Conference Calls for contributions…
11th June 2012CFP 1.1 SFPS Postgraduate Workshop “Francophone Postcolonial Visual Cultures” 1.2 Les traumatismes de l’Empire. 1.3 Rencontre nationale des jeunes…
9th May 2012CFP 1.1 African Popular Culture in the 21st Century 1.2 Travel Ideals: Engaging with Spaces of Mobility 1.3 ‘Imagining…
3rd April 2012CFP 1.1 “’Narratives of Difference’ in the Global Marketplace” 1.2 Francophone Literature of Africa and the Caribbean 1.3 Contested…
8th February 2012CFP 1.1 Narrating the Caribbean Nation: A Celebration of Literature and Orature 1.2 XIVE COLLOQUE ANNUEL DE L’ADEFFI: DÉCÉLÉRATION…
5th December 2011CFP 1.1 The Power of Caribbean Poetry – Word and Sound 1.2 Futures Postgraduate Study Day 1.3 Genre, ethnicité…
3rd November 2011Calls for papers 1.1 Eighth Black Diaspora Conference (Formerly the Black Atlantic Conference) 1.2 Algerian and Arab Revolutions: an…
3rd October 2011CFP 1.1 Crime and its fictions in Africa: a conversation across disciplines 1.2 ‘Re-evaluating the Postcolonial City: Production, Reconstruction,…
12th September 2011CFP 1.1 Colloque international, septembre 2012. Saint-John Perse, Césaire, Glissant : Regards croisés 1.2 SCOLMA: The UK Libraries and Archives…
4th August 2011CFP 1.1 Algeria Revisited: Contested Identities in the Colonial and Postcolonial Periods 1.2 20th and 21st Century French and…
10th June 2011SFPS NEWSLETTER MAY 2011 SFPS annual conference 2011 CFP SFPS summer postgraduate workshop programme CFP 1.1 Autour de l’édition et…
2nd May 2011CALLS FOR PAPERS Africas, Ours and Theirs Crossed looks and identitary images Literary Constructions of African Identities 50 years…
4th March 2011Calls for papers L’Afrique francophone dans le jeu littéraire mondial Modalités et enjeux des stratégies de la norme et…
1st February 2011Calls for papers Afromodernisms 2 What’s really new? Blackness and Atlantic Modernism, 1907–61. Symposium: University of Liverpool, UK. Confirmed…
27th December 2010