calls for papers, monthly mailing, new titles, news

SFPS Monthly Mailing: November 2011

3rd November 2011


1.1 The Power of Caribbean Poetry – Word and Sound

1.2 Futures Postgraduate Study Day

1.3 Genre, ethnicité et religions: le cas des migrations maghrébines comparées France-Québec de 1945 à nos jours

1.4 Doing research on and in Algeria: methodologies, research agendas, practical issues

1.5 Postcolonial Francophone Cinema and Contestation

1.6 Translating the Caribbean

Calls for contribution

2.1 La revue Etudes littéraires africaines

2.2  La Ligne d’écume: towards a new topography of the French beach

New titles

3.1 Mark McKinney. The Colonial Heritage of French Comics

3.2 Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales: 150 ans d’inventions de l’Autre (édition remaniée et remise à jour)

Other news


4.2 Programme: France Noire


1.1 The Power of Caribbean Poetry – Word and Sound

A conference on Caribbean poetry will be held at Homerton College/Cambridge Faculty of Education 20 – 22 Sept 2012

Speakers / performers include John Agard, Beverley Bryan, Kei Miller, Mervyn Morris, Grace Nichols, Velma Pollard, Olive Senior, Dorothea Smartt

The first two days of this international gathering will take the form of an academic conference, the final day having a more educational focus and therefore likely to appeal to teachers as well as scholars. Members of the Caribbean Poetry Project from Cambridge University Faculty of Education and the University of West Indies will be hosting the conference and disseminating its outcomes. Marilyn Brocklehurst’s bookshop will be available throughout the conference and some project partners, such as the online Poetry Archive and Peepal Tree Press, will be represented.


Caribbean poetry and the word

Origins and histories of Caribbean poetry

Particular poets e.g. appreciation of the work of Derek Walcott / Kamau Brathwaite

Re-reading Caribbean poetry

Caribbean poetry and music

Ecocritism and Caribbean poetry

Caribbean landscapes

Poetry as emancipation

Caribbean British poetry

Approaches to learning and teaching Caribbean poetry

Migration and location in Caribbean poetry

Gender in Caribbean poetry

Caribbean poetry and postcolonial theory

Caribbean poetry and the curriculum

Abstracts (300 words approx.) should be sent to Bryony Horsley Heather ( by the end of January 2012.

Conference fees including lunch, dinner, tea & coffee will be £200. Day rate £75 for 20th, £100 for 21st and £70 for 22nd for bookings before May 1st 2012. Accommodation available at Homerton College at £60 per night.

For further information, contact Morag Styles ( or Bryony Horsley Heather ( or visit



1.2 Futures: Postgraduate Study Day

Saturday 3rd March 2012, University of Sheffield

Association des études françaises et francophones d’Irlande, Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France and Society for the Study of French History

Where once a PhD was an opportunity to put off entering the real world and run off to Paris for three years (at least!), postgraduate researchers in the field of French Studies are now acutely aware, in this age of austerity and cuts, of their future careers and research paths.

Taking the current climate of uncertainty in academia as our starting point, this study day will explore the multiple futures available to postgraduate students, through a series of professional development workshops, with both well-established academics and researchers in the early stages of their careers. These panels will consider all the different aspects of postgraduate research, from that first research trip to the preparation for the dreaded Viva, whilst also looking forward to what lies ahead after the PhD.

In addition, we invite postgraduates to submit proposals for 20 minute research papers (in either English or French) on any aspect of French or Francophone studies that explore this highly relevant theme of futures. Where does the concept of futures fit into your own research, as well as the wider discipline of French and Francophone Studies? How have those in the past and the present conceived of what lies ahead, and how have these perceptions influenced action? What is the connection between the past and the future, and how does this interaction, if it exists, shape the course of events? If you are in the early stages of your PhD, take this opportunity to reflect on the hypotheses and potential outcomes of your research. To those nearing completion, how has looking forward shaped your research trajectory? More broadly, as the importance of impact grows within universities, to what use could your research be put in the future?

Our theme is not exclusive to subject and we welcome proposals from a wide variety of disciplines including international relations, history, geography, politics, economics, sociology and religious, gender, literary, cultural, film and media studies. Paper contributions can properly reflect the broad diversity of the discipline of French and Francophone Studies.

Proposals for papers should be no longer than 250 words and sent to by Friday 25th November 2011.

For and on behalf of the Conference Organisers: Linda Briggs (University of Warwick), Elizabeth Geary Keohane (Trinity College, Dublin), Laura Kottos (University of Reading), Jack Rhoden (University of Sheffield), Andrew Smith (Queen Mary, University of London) and Joanna Warson (University of Portsmouth)




1.3 Genre, ethnicité et religions: le cas des migrations maghrébines comparées France-Québec de 1945 à nos jours


Colloque à l’université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3


Les 17 et 18 avril 2012


Les migrations post-coloniales de l’immédiat après-guerre ont suscité  ces dernières années le renouvellement de l’historiographie, en ce qui  concerne les interprétations sur les formes et sur les destinations de  ces migrations. À la suite d’un premier colloque, tenu à Montréal en  2011[1], le présent colloque a pour but de poursuivre le dialogue qui  s’y était engagé entre chercheur-es de différentes disciplines et  horizons. L’idée de ces rendez-vous est partie d’un constat : les  migrations des populations des anciennes colonies françaises vers la  métropole et au Québec ont suscité peu d’analyses comparées. La  perspective comparée doit permettre d’apprécier le rôle des acteurs,  associations privées, organes gouvernementaux ou organisations internationales qui favorisent la migration au Québec et en France. Elle  permettra, par ailleurs, d’analyser la manière dont les migrants ont  justifié leur départ dans l’un ou l’autre pays. L’étude des  représentations qu’ont les migrants de la France et du Québec permettra  également d’enrichir l’étude de l’action des États et des organisations  privées.


La question des migrations post-coloniales sera ici envisagée dans une  perspective résolument pluridisciplinaire (historique, médiations culturelles, études littérairesetc.).


Veuillez envoyer votre proposition (une page) à Élodie Vignon ( <>) avant le 15 décembre 2011.


Comité d’organisation :


Yolande Cohen, titulaire de la chaire d’études du Québec contemporain et  Groupe de recherche Histoire, Femmes, Genre et Migrations, UQAM :


Prof. Mireille Calle-Gruber et Prof. Xavier Garnier, Élodie Vignon,  doctorante, Centre de Recherches en Études Féminines & de Genres et Littératures francophones (CREF&G/LF), EA 4400 Écritures de la Modernité, Paris 3 :


Prof. Bruno Nassim Aboudrar, EA 185 Institut de recherche sur le cinéma  et l’audiovisuel (IRCAV), Paris 3 :


[1]Comparer les migrations juives et arabes en provenance du Maghreb  vers la France et le Québec, interroger les processus de dé-enracinement  et les perceptions des migrants eux-mêmes, telles étaient les  perspectives de ce colloque pluridisciplinaire organisé par le groupe de recherche Histoire, Femmes, Genre et Migrations du département d’histoire de l’UQAM (avec l’aide du Consulat de France et du département d’histoire) à Montréal les 12 et 13 avril.


1.4 Doing research on and in Algeria: methodologies, research agendas, practical issues


University of Portsmouth, Francophone Research Group

Centre for European and International Studies Research
Wednesday 2 May 2012
In a broad range of academic disciplines, from French Studies and Cultural Studies through to Politics, History and International Relations, Algeria has become a real focus of study at MA, DPhil and PhD level. Taking as our starting point this growing scholarly interest amongst postgraduate and professional researchers alike, this workshop will reflect upon the diverse methodologies that can be used to study Algerian history, politics, society and culture, as well as the practical issues involved in researching Algeria. Within a broad context, this workshop will also examine the numerous, often overlapping, research agendas which form the foundation for academic studies on Algeria.
The study day will begin with a keynote introduction by Dr Natalya Vince. Based on her extensive experience, Dr. Vince will discuss practical aspects of conducting fieldwork in Algeria, offering advice which will be equally valuable for postgraduates nearing the end of their studies, those somewhere in the middle, and those just embarking upon – or even considering doing – a PhD on Algeria. The study day will conclude with a roundtable discussion led by Professor Martin Evans, author of numerous works of Algerian history, including Algeria: France’s Undeclared War (forthcoming, OUP).
The workshop will also provide the opportunity for postgraduate researchers to consider their own research and receive feedback from fellow postgraduates and experts in the field. Therefore, we invite postgraduates at all stages of their research, from masters’ students considering doctoral research to final year PhD students preparing for their Viva, to submit proposals for 20 minute research papers on any aspect of Algerian history, politics, society and culture. Papers can reflect upon research findings as well as methodological approaches and practical questions associated with researching Algeria. Our theme is not exclusive to subject and we welcome proposals from a wide variety of disciplines including international relations, history, geography, politics, economics, sociology and religious, gender, literary, cultural, film and media studies.
Proposals for papers should be no longer than 250 words and sent to by Friday 6 January 2012.


1.5 Postcolonial Francophone Cinema and Contestation


The twelfth annual conference of Studies in French Cinema will be held at King’s College London on Thursday 14 June. The theme will be ‘Francophone postcolonial cinema and contestation’. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2011. Please find further details here; they are also pasted below in English and then in French.
Postcolonial Francophone Cinema and Contestation

Call for papers

The 12th annual Studies in French Cinema Studies conference will take place on 14th June 2012, at King’s College London.

Keynote speaker: filmmaker Nadia El Fani

The loose, inclusive term ‘postcolonial francophone cinema’ designates film production both in France’s former colonies and in postcolonial France (by its immigrant directors) overthe past fifty years, as well as immigrant cinema in Québec, Switzerland and Belgium. Born at a time of nation (re)building, postcolonial francophone cinema has in the past projected the master narrative of each newly independent country against the identity (or lack thereof) imposed by the former colonizer. This trend was exemplified by the Algeriancinema moudjahid of the late sixties.  Since then, however, the focus has tended to shift to the realities of the people in the newly minted states and their woes, in a neo-realist phase. For the past three decades, postcolonial francophone film has often presented a cinema of contestation, speaking truth to power to the authorities in each nation via woven tales that avoid the censor’s radar, as it developed strategies of filmic discourse such as Tunisian Nouri Bouzid’s ‘cinéma d’intervention’, or historical fables such as those of Cameroonian Fanta Nacro. In French-speaking western nations, its contestation and resistance are clear in both its narratives on social justice and its innovative cinematic language.

We are inviting papers addressing issues of contestation and resistance in recent francophone cinema, including but not limited to the following themes:

·         realism/neorealism in postcolonial francophone cinema

·         the language of francophone film as ‘cinéma d’intervention’

·         the “Arab spring”

·         Sub-Saharan non-violence

·         contesting the notion of ‘francophone’ cinema

·         the nation in postcolonial francophone cinema

·         women’s films

·         immigrant cinema and human rights

·         cinema and 50 years of Algerian independence

·         the films of key filmmakers and stars such as Merzak Allouache, Nabil Ayouch, Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Faouzi Bensaïdi, Rachid Bouchareb, Nouri Bouzid, Mohamed Chouikh, Karim Dridi, Nadia el Fani, Fanta Regina Nacro, Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, Abdellatif Kechiche, Roger Goan M’bala, Jean-Marie Téno, Okacha Touita ; Hiam Abbas, Sami Bouajila, Jamel Debbouze, Sotigui Kouyaté, Saïd Taghmaoui.

Please send an abstract of no more than 200 words by email to both Florence Martin ( and Guy Austin ( by 15 December 2011. Please include your name and affiliation with the abstract, and indicate AV requirements in the email.  Papers will be 20 minutes long.

Please note that if you submit a proposal it is on the understanding that Studies in French Cinema has first refusal for publication in the journal

1.6 Call for Papers: Translating the Caribbean

New website:<>

Several decades ago, Édouard Glissant wrote in Le Discours antillais of the “undeniable” reality of a common Caribbean culture that had emerged from the shared history of the plantation, island living, creolization, and social systems. For Glissant, however, this reality remained “virtual”: although it was “inscribed in facts,” it was also “endangered” as it was not “inscribed in consciences.”

Glissant was not the first to at once posit the potentiality and question the viability of a common transcolonial Caribbean culture, nor was he the last. For despite the oft-expressed aim of transcending the local, Caribbean studies remains largely balkanized, its limits and contours often determined by national borders. Perhaps the single most important element in this balkanization of Caribbean studies is language. To Glissant, the European idioms spoken in the Caribbean were inevitably “languages of compromise,” each a lingua franca that only reinforced colonial boundaries and worked against the full realization of common Caribbeanness. Consequently, the practice of translation takes on a special significance in the Caribbean. The word’s Latin etymology—“to carry across” or “to bring across”—reminds us of the traveling function of translation, that it acts as an admittedly privileged intermediary between languages and cultures.

Small Axe shares this function: as a pan-Caribbean enterprise, we are increasingly attentive to the importance of expanding beyond the Anglo-Creole Caribbean. Since 2005, we have published three issues devoted exclusively to the French-speaking Caribbean, and it is our intention now to initiate a fuller integration of sustained critical reflections on the literary, political, historical, and visual cultures of the wide range of linguistic communities in the region. Our project, “Translating the Caribbean” aims to further the goal of pan-Caribbean linguistic and critical integration in a series of activities over the next three years. The first of these is a special issue of the journal, themed around the question of translation within the context of a changing Caribbean modernity—or perhaps, rather, a changing awareness of what modernity means in the Caribbean. Foregrounding at once the historical and the contemporary geo-political concerns embedded in issues of translation, we aim to look at the points of tension between elite opportunities for translation—understood as extra-insular/regional circulation on very literal and very literary levels—and the class and language bounded-ness of non-elite Caribbean citizens.

We invite contributors working in any of the languages of the Caribbean to participate in a generative conversation surrounding translation and the real and imagined multiculturalism of the Americas in papers that might address (among other topics):
•      language(s) in/and/of exile – class, travel, and writing from the Caribbean
•      francophonie in/and Haiti
•      multilinguality, scholarship, and pedagogy in Caribbean Studies
•      the viability and legitimacy of a designated lingua franca in the Caribbean
•      the relevance of translation to issues of (il)literacy
•      the place of Creole(s) in scholarship of the Caribbean
•      translation and the literary history of the Caribbean
•      translation in Caribbean cultural theory
•      translation and the history of Caribbean journals
•      the limitations of translation: what is untranslatable in the transcolonial Caribbean?

Abstracts of 250-300 words and short bios should be sent<> by 15 December 2011. Accepted abstracts will be confirmed by 15 January 2012. Final papers of no more than 6000 words must be submitted 31 May 2012.






2.1 La revue Etudes littéraires africaines

Editée par l’APELA, cette revue publie dorénavant, outre ses dossiers, des articles de varias.

Tout chercheur est invité à proposer à la rédaction des études  originales. Après un premier examen par le comité de rédaction, elles feront l’objet d’une évaluation à l’aveugle (sans nom d’auteur) par le comité scientifique international de la revue. Les articles doivent être envoyés en pièces jointes au format Word ou RTF au rédacteur-en-chef :

Nicolas Martin-Granel <>.

Les consignes de rédaction et de présentation peuvent être obtenues en consultant la page :

Publier dans les ELA

Les auteurs sont invités à respecter attentivement ces consignes. Tout envoi donnera lieu à un accusé de réception. Toutes les propositions retenues pour être soumises à l’évaluation du comité scientifique feront l’objet d’un rapport de lecture.

Les articles peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais.

Pour rappel : les comptes rendus sont à adresser à Pierre-Philippe Fraiture : * <>* Ouvrages disponibles pour compte rendu : s’adresser à Pierre Halen <

Abonnements et adhésions à l’association : Richard Samin <* <>*

2.2 La Ligne d’écume: towards a new topography of the French beach

Edited by Sophie Fuggle and Nicholas Gledhill

When Antoine Doinel arrives on the beach in the final scene of Truffaut’s 400 Coups, a limit both literal and figurative has been reached. There is nowhere else to go. The beach in twentieth century French thought, literature and film represents both limit and luminal space. As Michel Foucault suggests at the end of Les Mots et les choses, it is the no man’s land where man’s image is literally washed away. As a trope, theme and very real space, what is at stake in these cultural and philosophical articulations of the beach?

For Camus, the beach is the setting for a confrontation. The silence, isolation and blinding white light of Meursault’s beach present a resonant spatial context for the implosion of the existentialist subject’s absurd relationship with the Other. Similarly, in J.M.G Le Clèzio’s Le  Procès-Verbal the beach is the locus for the gradual unravelling of an individual’s sense of being, while in Houellebecq’s Extension du Domaine de la Lutte it is the moonlit beach which is to be the site of the ultimate act of nihilistic destruction. Does the idea of the beach serve merely as a stylistic device, or can it be said to have a deeper symbolic significance in French literature and philosophy?

At the same time, how has this deserted desert space come to constitute an empty signifier, the blank canvas that can be drawn upon time and time again as the site of France’s encounter with its various others both on its own beaches and those located beyond the parameters of the Hexagone?

How might existing perceptions of the beach be analysed, critiqued and ultimately reconfigured? Less a question perhaps of drawing lines in the sand than of repositioning such pockets of sand in relation to other forgotten, annexed out spaces. The Paris-Plage nexus which posits the beach as both trajectory (since let’s face it, Paris plage is itself just
a bit of road running alongside the Seine) and apotheosis of ‘elsewhere’ needs radical rethinking for the twenty-first century. The overriding message of Godard’s latest cinematic offering, Film socialisme, is that Europe is over. The fixed yet perpetually eroding space of the beach has been replaced by cruise ship, cast adrift alongside the coastlines of Odessa, Palestine and Egypt. The beach as non-place, as a space colonised by the banal themes which, as Marc Augé puts it, ‘haunt’ the contemporary era – advertising, image, leisure, freedom, travel. Club Med with its colonies de vacances, recast as pure flow of capital, trajectivity, alienation.

In this sense, the project is two-fold. Firstly, to conduct a critical examination of the beach as it appears in 20th century French thought, literature and visual culture and secondly, to offer up suggestions as to how the forgotten, intermediary spaces in between the cobblestones and the beach might be reintroduced to provide a richer topography of France and its others.

The intention is to bring together a range of critical perspectives and approaches on the French beach from scholars and writers working in fields such as literature, film, philosophy, politics and geography. Where contributors are encouraged to bring their unique perspective and writing styles to the collection, rather than compiling a series of unrelated
essay topics, the idea is to organise chapters in terms of keywords pertaining to the beach. Possible keywords might include but are not restricted to:


If you would potentially be interested in participating in the project, please e-mail: with the topic/keyword you would like to write on together with a preliminary abstract of approx 150-200 words by 30 November 2011. Full length papers should aim to be 5,000-8,000 words.

Dr Sophie Fuggle
Lecturer in Cultural Studies


3.1 The Colonial Heritage of French Comics

Mark McKinney. The Colonial Heritage of French Comics. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2011. ISBN 9781846316425. $95.00 / £65.00. Hardback. 270 pp. 210x147mm. 26 color and 11 black-and-white illustrations. Series: Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures, no. 17. Distributed in the United States by the University of Chicago Press.

Although France has changed much in recent decades, colonial-era imagery continues to circulate widely in comics, in part because the colonial archives are easily accessible, and through the republication of colonial-era comics that are viewed as classics, such as Hergé’s Tintin  series and Alain Saint-Ogan’s Zig and Puce  series. This new study situates comics in debates about French colonialism, arguing that cartoonists now use representations of colonial history in their comics as a way of intervening in discussions about contemporary France and its relationships to colonial history and its former colonies.

Table of Contents:
List of Illustrations.
Introduction: the colonial heritage of French comics.
1. Colonialism, imperialism and racism in Saint-Ogan’s publications.
2. French colonial exhibitions in comics.
3. Colonial exhibitions in French comics: A renewed tradition.
4. French trans-African expeditions in comics.
Conclusion: the rotting corpse of colonial representation and its eerie aura.
Appendix 1: Colonialism and imperialism in Alain Saint-Ogan’s Zig et Puce series.
Appendix 2: French colonial exhibitions in comics.
Appendix 3: French trans-African expeditions in comics.

“I was delighted with this work. I thought it provocative, intellectually engaging.”
Dr. Wendy Michallat, University of Sheffield

3.2 Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales: 150 ans d’inventions de l’Autre

(édition remaniée et remise à jour)

Sortie nationale le 3 novembre 2011

En amont de l’exposition Exhibitions. L’invention du sauvage qui se tiendra du 29 novembre 2011 au 3 juin 2012 au musée du quai Branly, parait l’ouvrage Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales. 150 ans d’inventions de l’Autre, véritable synthèse et ouvrage de référence sur la question, rassemblant les  meilleurs spécialistes internationaux,sous la direction de Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Eric Deroo et Sandrine Lemaire aux éditions La Découverte. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de 40 contributions.

Les « zoos humains », symboles oubliés de l’histoire contemporaine, ont été totalement refoulés de notre mémoire collective. Ces exhibitions des « sauvages », aussi bien des « exotiques » que des « monstres », ont pourtant été, en Europe, aux États-Unis et au Japon, une étape majeure du passage progressif d’un racisme scientifique à un racisme populaire. Au carrefour du discours savant, des cultures de masse et de l’intérêt des puissances coloniales, ces exhibitions ont touché plus d’un milliard quatre cent millions de visiteurs depuis l’exhibition en Europe de la Vénus hottentote, au début du XIXe siècle. Ces exhibitions, peuplées d’êtres difformes et de personnes en provenance des espaces coloniaux d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Océanie ou d’Asie, comme appartenant à un univers de l’anormalité, disparaîtront progressivement avec les années 1930, mais elles avaient fait alors leur œuvre : bâtir deux humanités.

Sommaire :

Introduction : La longue histoire du zoo humain, par Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch, Éric Deroo, Sandrine Lemaire
I / Aux origine d’un genre
1. Du prodige à l’erreur : les monstres de l’Antiquité à nos jours, par Rosemarie Garland-Thomson
2. Le frisson sauvage : les zoos comme mise en scène de la curiosité, par Eric Baratay
3. Vitrines ethnographiques : le récit et le regard, par Raymond Corbey
4. La Vénus Hottentote ou la naissance d’un « phénomène », par Pascal Blanchard, Gilles Boëtsch
5. Zoos humains : le « sauvage » et l’anthropologue, par Gilles Boëtsch, Yann Ardagna
6. P.T. Barnum, Joice Heth et les débuts des spectacles « raciaux », par Benjamin Reiss
7. Londres, capitale des exhibitions exotiques de 1830 à 1860, par Nadja Durbach
8. Les expositions ethnographiques du Jardin zoologique d’acclimatation, par William H. Schneider
9. Les Amérindiens dans le Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, par Sam Maddra
10. Hagenbeck et les tournées européennes : l’élaboration du zoo humain, par Hilke Thode-Arora
11. Le corps des autres comme curiosité, par Antonio Guerci
12. Le docteur Kahn et les Niam-Niams, par Bernth Lindfors
13. Le Grand Farini en Afrique, par Shane Peacock
14. Le « sauvage » domestiqué par la propagande coloniale, par Sandrine Lemaire
II / Tous les peuples de la Terre
15. Les Aborigènes : « sauvages professionnels » et vies captives, par Roselyn Poignant
16. Les Khoisan : entre science et spectacle, par François-Xavier Fauvelle-Aymar
17. Les Canaques au miroir de l’Occident, par Joël Dauphiné et Alice Bullard
18. Les Kaliña de Guyane : le « droit de regard » de l’Occident, par Gérard Collomb
19. Les Amazones à la rencontre de l’Occident, par Suzanne Preston-Blier
20. Des Touaregs « sauvages » aux Égyptiens « urbains » : les gradations de l’émotion exotique, par Gilles Boëtsch, Hélène Claudot-Hawad et Jean-Noël Ferrié
21. Les premiers Polynésiens en Europe et l’imaginaire occidental, par Tamatoa Bambridge
22. Africains en Amérique : les villages africains dans les expositions internationales américaines (1893-1901), par Robert Rydell
23. L’Inde et Ceylan dans les expositions coloniales et universelles (1851-1931), par Catherine Servan-Schreiber
24. Le Maghreb et l’Orient en France. Un siècle de présence dans les expositions et les exhibitions (1849-1937), par Pascal Blanchard
25. L’Insulinde en images et dans les expositions universelles : pendant ce temps les Javanaises…, par Pierre Labrousse
26. Du village à l’exposition : les Français à la rencontre des Indochinois, par Alain Ruscio
27. Voir l’imaginaire : la réception populaire des spectacles du Wild West en Allemagne, 1885-1910, par Eric Ames
28. Monstres et phénomènes de foire : les numéros d’attraction de Coney Island et les eugénistes de Long Island (1910-1935), par Tanfer Emin
29. Une troupe d’Onas exhibée au musée du Nord : reconstruction d’un dossier perdu de la police des étrangers de Bruxelles,par Peter Mason
30. Les Congolais dans la Belgique « impériale », par Jean-Pierre Jacquemin
III / L’exhibition en plusieurs dimensions
31. les zoos humains en Suisse, par Patrick Minder
32. Les expositions coloniales et la hiérarchie des peuples dans le Japon moderne, par Arnaud Nanta
33. Les expositions impériales en Grande-Bretagne, par John Mackenzie
34. Théâtre et cabarets : le « nègre » spectacle, par Sylvie Chalaye
35. Entre science et spectacle : des Aborigènes sur la scène des Folies Bergère, par Nadège Piton
36. Expositions ethnologiques et coloniales vivantes en Italie fasciste et libérale, par Guido Abbattista et Nicolas Labanca
37. « Exhibition » et médiatisation de l’Autre : le Jardin zoologique d’acclimatation (1877-1890), par Christine Barthe et Benoît Coutancier
38. Les expositions humaines en Espagne : colonialisme et culture de masse, par Neus Moyano Miranda
39. The 1904 St. Louis Anthropological Games, par Fabrice Delsahut
40. Du diorama au dialogisme : un siècle d’une Afrique en exposition au Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, par MariJo Arnoldi
41. La photographie ou la construction de l’image de l’Autre, par Elizabeth Edwards
42. Le cinéma gardien du zoo, par Eric Deroo
43. Les zoos de l’Exposition coloniale internationale de Paris en 1931, par Herman Lebovics
44. Collections humaines et sciences inhumaines : échantillons et reliques, par André Langaney
45. La fin des zoos humains, par Pascal Blanchard et Nicolas Bancel
Postface : situer les zoos humains, par Charles Forsdick





A series of events, screenings and talks on legacy of empire in France on from now until mid-November


Sortie nationale le 3 novembre 2011

Le Groupe de recherche Achac vous informe du lancement du programme « France Noire » comprenant le beau-livre édité par La Découverte La France noire, véritable anthologie de l’histoire des Noirs de France depuis 150 ans, la trilogie documentaire produite par la Compagnie des Phares et Balises Noirs de France, qui croise plus de quarante témoignages et des archives inédites, et l’exposition itinérante L’histoire des Afro-Antillais en France au cœur de nos diversités, en quinze panneaux chronologiques.

Au cours de l’année 2012, ce programme se rendra aux Antilles, à la Réunion et en Guyane, mais aussi au Sénégal, au Mali, à Madagascar et en Côte d’Ivoire.

Retrouvez dès à présent, en avant-première, les présentations du beau-livre, de l’exposition et du film documentaire sur le site du Groupe de recherche Achac ( ou en suivant directement les liens ci-dessous.

Le beau-livre La France noire

L’exposition L’histoire des Afro-Antillais en France

La bande-annonce des trois films documentaires Noirs deFrance

Vous pouvez également voir ou revoir l’émission spéciale Toutes les France sur l’histoire des « Noirs de France » diffusée sur France Ô mardi 11 octobre 2011 :

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