announcements, calls for papers, job opportunities, monthly mailing, new titles, news, SFPS Mailing, SFPS monthly mailing

SFPS Mailing: October 2020

30th October 2020
  1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 CFP University of Cambridge Nationalisms & Identities (UnCaNI) Online seminar series

1.2 Colloque international: Education à l’image et communication numérique (18-19 décembre, 2020)

1.3 CFP: ‘World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation’ Abstracts deadline 15 December 2020

1.4 CFP: Paradoxes, Oxymorons and Defying Constructs in the French and Francophone World (Cash Prize for Best Articles)

1.5 Call for Contributions to a Special Volume: From the Postcolonial to the Decolonial: French and English textbooks in North Africa and the Middle East

1.6 Collection Biographie – appel à propositions.

1.7 CFP – Unprecedented Disruptions: Nineteenth-Century Scholars Reflect on 2020.

1.8 CfP: Contributions for a MSA 2021 panel “Unsilencing the Past”

1.9 The Ends of Autonomy #2 – CFP, extended deadline

1.10 Appel à contributions/articles – Études Francophones – Convergences océanes: Ces océans qui nous habitent

1.11 CFP: DISCOVERY | 19th-C. Studies Assoc. Virtual Conference, Proposals due Oct.

1.12 CfP Collapse and Extinction conference

1.13 Call for Papers – Epistemic Justice @ ACLA 2021

1.14 CfP: Narrating Violence: Making Race, Making Difference

1.15 CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Space and Place in the Context of Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Small-Island States in the Caribbean

1.16 Modern Languages Teaching Forum (online) at University of Kent, 2 December 2020

  1. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern European History (St. Joseph’s College, NY)

2.2 Dyslexia Proofreading Scholarships

2.3 Rhode Island School of Design cluster hire

2.4 Funded Fellowships at Royal Museums Greenwich, deadline 2 November 22

2.5 French Image Specialist, Washington DC

2.6 MHRA Research Scholarships in the Modern European Languages, 2021-22

2.7 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University

2.8 Position in Black Feminist Histories and Thought at the University of Toronto

2.9 IRC International Postdoc Fellowship Programme 2021 at UCD Dublin

2.10 Assistant Professor of Teaching, French (UBC – Vancouver, Canada)

2.11 AHRC Midlands4Cities PhD funding for UK/International Students, The University of Nottingham

2.12 Temporary lecturership in French at Merton College Oxford

2.13 Tenure Track Position: Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies at Colby College

2.14 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships at MMU (UK)

2.15 TT position in Black Studies and French or Spanish

2.16 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme (2021-2022) – University of Manchester

2.17 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships, University of Exeter

2.18 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships, University of Liverpool

  1. Announcements

3.1 Delarace – séminaire/webinaire de recherche de Christelle Rabier (EHESS Marseille – 9 octobre 2020 -8 janvier 2021)

3.2 Histoire des sciences et de la médecine coloniales – séminaire/webinaire de recherche de Christelle Rabier et de Romain Tiquet (EHESS Marseille)

3.3 The Koren Prize from the Society for French Historical Studies

3.4 Vacancy for new Editors of Modern & Contemporary France

3.5 Chemins d’histoire, saison 2

3.6 “NCFS in Captivity: Vénus noire“. H-France Salon Vol 12, Issue 10

3.7 Postcolonial Realms of Memory video recording now available

3.8 Inaugural Lecture: Decolonising Area Studies

3.9 ASMCF Initiative Fund

3.10 2021 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in Science Fiction Studies

3.11 Launch of CLIL Mondays

3.12 SFHS in search of a Financial Officer

3.13 Thanatic Ethics: the circulation of bodies in migratory spaces

3.14 TELE Design for Difficult History Learning and Historical Empathy – Request for Participation

3.15 UCML Early Career Academic Support Network

3.16 Simone de Beauvoir Studies – Call for Guest Editors

3.17 Institute for Latin America Studies Closure – Please sign the petition

3.18 CCM Seminar Series 2020-2021 ‘Mediated Memories of Responsibility’

3.19 Appel à Projets – UchicagoParis

3.20 MHRA: PG Editor for Working Papers in the Humanities

3.21 Oxford Francophone Conversations 2020-1

3.22 Funding Competition to Improve Access and Participation for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups in Postgraduate Research Study

3.23 Winthrop-King event – Global Africas: Congolese Literatre, Art, and Music

3.24 Modern Languages Research Training 2020-2021 / Term 1

3.25 French Film Festival UK 4 – 14 Nov at Cine Lumiere

3.26 New Books in French Studies-Interview with Dónal Hassett

3.27 ULIP Seminar Series: “The Body at Work: Gender, Labour, Migration,” Tues. 3 Nov

3.28 British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Event – Securing a post-doc position after your PhD: Demystifying the application process

3.29 Invitation, Jour du prof de français, 26 novembre 2020 (Australia)

  1. New Publications

4.1 Philippe Basabose and Josias Semujanga (eds.), Le Roman francophone et l’archive coloniale (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020)

4.2 Christiane Kegle and Jean de Dieu Itsieki Putu Basey (eds), Études littéraires, 49 (2-3): Littérature francophone de Belgique.

4.3 Claire Gallien and Sarga Moussa (eds), Revue de littérature comparée, 2: Repenser l’histoire littéraire à partir de Raymond Schwab

4.4 Anne O’Neil-Henry (ed.), Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuvièmistes, 24 (2-3): Special issue on Paris Universal Expositions, 1855-1900

4.5 Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine, Agadir, English translation by Pierre Joris and Jake Syersak, foreword by Khalid Lyamlahy (New Orleans: Lavender Ink/Diálogos, 2020)

4.6 Michael Gott and Leslie Kealhofer-Kemp (eds.), ReFocus: The Films of Rachid Bouchareb (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020)

4.7 Ruth Bush and Claire Ducournau (eds.), Research in African Literatures, 51 (1): African Audiences : Making Meanings across Media

4.8 Mona El Khoury, Remnants of the Franco-Algerian Rupture: Archiving Postcolonial Minorities (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020)

4.9 West Africa Insight, 6 (6): Polls in Peril? West Africa’s 2020 elections

4.10 Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 11 (2)

4.11 French Historical Studies, 43 (4)

4.12 Laëtitia Saint-Loubert, The Caribbean in Translation: Remapping Thresholds of Dislocation (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2020)

4.13 Jane Hiddleston and Khalid Lyamlahy (eds.), Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism and Culture in the Maghreb and Beyond (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020)

4.14 Peter Clegg, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, and Hazel A. Oxenford (eds.), The Caribbean Blue Economy (Abingdon: Routledge, 2020)

4.15 Aoife Connolly, Performing the Pied-Noir Family: Constructing Narratives of Settler Memory and Identity in Literature and On-Screen (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)

1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 CFP University of Cambridge Nationalisms & Identities (UnCaNI) Online seminar series

The University of Cambridge Nationalisms & Identities Research Group (UnCaNI) invites paper proposals for its new seminar series for the academic year 2020-2021. The purpose of the series is to provide a friendly and informal space for researchers to present and discuss their work, receive constructive feedback from peers, and build networks for interdisciplinary collaboration. All postgraduate students and early career researchers with an interest in nationalisms and identities are encouraged to join, regardless of their current stage of research. We encourage participation and presentations from anywhere in the UK and beyond.

Seminars are expected to take place via Zoom on Mondays, 17:00-18:30 GMT, either bi-weekly or monthly depending on interest. Each seminar will consist of one or two presentations, followed by feedback, discussion, and Q&A from the audience.

We welcome paper proposals from any field of study that touches upon any aspect of nationalisms or identities in the past, present, or future. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Nationalisms
  • Gender and Queerness
  • Race, Empire, Postcolonial Studies
  • Identity and Difference
  • Populisms
  • Migration and Borders
  • Nomadic Identities
  • Refugee Experiences
  • Indigeneity

If you are interested in joining the group or if you have any questions, please get in touch with one of the convenors below and we can add you to our mailing list.

If you are interested in presenting a paper during Michaelmas Term, please send us the title of your paper and an abstract of up to 300 words by 25 October 2020.


If you are interested in presenting a paper during Lent Term, please send us the title of your paper and an abstract of up to 300 words by 10 January 2021.


Ashwiny Kistnareddy, Director of Studies in MMLL, Lucy Cavendish College, Lectrice (Fellow) Gonville & Caius College, MMLL Faculty, University of Cambridge (

Jaakko Heiskanen, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge (

For more information, visit our website at

1.2 Colloque international: Education à l’image et communication numérique (18-19 décembre, 2020)

Appel à communications


Colloque international – Education à l’image et communication numérique: Le rôle des médias dans les nouvelles pratiques pédagogiques



Date: 18-19 décembre 2020
MADRID, Espagne (base du colloque qui se tiendra en distanciel/en ligne)
Courriel de contact du colloque :

Mots clé(s): Enseignement des langues étrangères (secondes) et apprentissage (méthodologies, pédagogie et approches interdisciplinaires)

Date limite pour les propositions de communication:

1 novembre 2020

Description de la rencontre :


The International Conference on Visual Literacy and Communication (VILDIC’20) cherche à regrouper des chercheurs et experts du monde entier pour réaliser une première expérience de rencontre en distanciel. Les chercheurs et enseignants sont invités à utiliser cet événement pour leur formation professionnelle continue et pour explorer toute une gamme de thématiques en rapport avec les cultures audiovisuelles et l’enseignement des langues.

VILDIC’20 propose un forum pour les chercheurs, enseignants et autres acteurs du milieu éducatif, ce qui leur permettra de partager leur expertise et promouvoir les approches créatives et innovatrices dans le domaine de l’éducation à l’image et de la communication numérique.

Vous êtes invité.e à proposer des communications autour des thèmes suivants, mais notez que cette liste n’est pas exhaustive :

o   éducation à l’image

o   éducation aux média

o   digital storytelling (narration numérique)

o   cultures audiovisuelles

o   films, télévision, séries web et vidéo

o   nouveaux formats vidéo: création et production

o   écrans: la génération Netflix

o   vidéo et accessibilité

o   expériences transmédia

o   productions multimédia

o   droits d’auteurs ‘copyright’ and ‘fair use’ (utilisation équitable à but éducatif) dans le contexte de l’utilisation des médias dans les cours de langue

o   médias pédagogiques

o   compositions multimodales

o   interactivité et numérique

o   Le rôle des nouvelles technologies pour des cours de langue plus centrés sur l’apprenant

o   création de matériel pédagogique innovant

o   nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation et de contrôle des connaissances (vidéo, wikis, blogs et activités utilisant les réseaux sociaux)

o   médias et modes d’apprentissage plurilingues

o   ‘translanguaging’ et cultures visuelles

Informations pour soumettre une proposition:

Envoyez une proposition anonyme (max. 300 mots sans les références), en format Word or PDF, par email:

Ajoutez séparément (dans votre message email) vos nom, affiliation, adresse email et toute autre information pour vous contacter si utile.

Vous pouvez faire deux propositions maximum (par exemple une proposition avec auteur unique et une proposition avec plusieurs auteurs ; ou deux propositions à auteurs multiples.

Toutes les propositions seront évaluées anonymement par deux personnes.

Nous vous invitons à considérer deux types de propositions :

  • COMMUNICATION INDIVIDUELLE: présentation orale d’un projet de recherche original. (20 minutes maximum et 10 minutes for les questions.
  • PRESENTATION ECLAIR: présentation orale de 10 minutes (format ‘TED-talk’ et quatre pages (e.g.powerpoint) maximum. Ce format conviendra peut-être plus aux doctorants qui souhaitent présenter leur domaine de recherches en cours. Cela pourra aussi intéresser les professeurs de langue, éducateurs et autres professionnels de terrain qui souhaitent partager leurs expériences et exposer leurs pratiques et idées.

Les contributions en anglais, espagnol et français sont acceptées.

Projet de publication: Une sélection des communications présentées au cours du colloque seront publiées par un éditeur international sous forme de chapitres dans un volume collectif édité par le comité organisateur. Nous enverrons les informations après le colloque.

Date limite pour la soumission d’une proposition: 1 Novembre 2020
Par email:

Nous enverrons les invitations aux environs du 10 novembre 2020.

Comité organisateur:

Jelena Bobkina (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)

Elena Domínguez Romero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Carmen Herrero (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Isabelle Vanderschelden (Manchester Metropolitan University)

1.3 CFP: ‘World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation’ Abstracts deadline 15 December 2020

“World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation”


Deadline for Abstracts: 15 December 2020


Online Conference: 6-7 May 2021



The conference “World Literature and the Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation” will explore the multifaceted meanings of the minor from different disciplinary perspectives—as it is represented in literary texts (figuration), as it inflects patterns of mobility and reception (circulation), and as it marks processes of linguistic and cultural transfer (translation). The conference will work towards a critical, more inclusive understanding of the minor, both conceptually and methodologically.

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 December 2020. Please send your proposal to


For further details and submission guidelines go to:

Possible Topics

To examine the role of the minor in world literature and translation from varied angles, the conference invites panels and individual papers that include but are not limited to:

  • Minor, peripheral and semi-peripheral languages in world literature and translation
  • Gender in world literature and translation
  • Refugee and migrant writing in world literature and translation
  • Censored and marginal identities in world literature and translation
  • Minor figures in world literature and translation
  • Animals and children as minors in world literature and translation
  • Nondominant practices and literary traditions in world literature and translation
  • Minor forms and genres (Instagram poetry, short stories, vignettes) in world literature and translation
  • Canonization and assimilation processes in world literature and translation
  • Alternative networks of circulation in world literature and translation
  • Minor institutions and independent publishing in world literature and translation
  • The untranslatable in world literature and translation
  • Minor geographies, temporalities and histories in world literature and translation
  • The minor in multilingual literatures and societies
  • Power relations in world literature and translation
  • Minor theories, theorization from below and from the Global South in world literature and translation

Keynote speakers
Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)
B. Venkat Mani (UW-Madison)
Francesca Orsini (SOAS)
Lyndsey Stonebridge (Birmingham)

Conference website

Online format
In order to stimulate as much interaction as possible, the conference panels will consist of small working groups based on pre-circulated papers. The participants will have 5 minutes to summarize their paper. The presentations will be followed by a short response and a general discussion.

We plan to publish a selection of the papers in a thematic special journal issue and a book. The aim of the discussions is to establish common threads between the different topics and to work towards expanded versions of the papers suitable for publication.

Important dates
15 December 2020: deadline for abstract submission
15 January 2021: notification of acceptance
1 March 2021: deadline for online registration
20 April 2021: deadline for paper submission
6-7 May 2021: conference – online

The conference is organised by the KU Leuven English Literature Research Group in collaboration with the Translation Studies Research Unit.

1.4 CFP: Paradoxes, Oxymorons and Defying Constructs in the French and Francophone World (Cash Prize for Best Articles)


CALL FOR PAPERS: 2021 Special Edition



Human existence as we know it is characterized by contradictions and inconsistencies. This volume of the American Journal of French Studies is seeking manuscripts that touch on phenomena such as contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons and defying constructs—both literal and symbolic— in the French and Francophone world from the Middle Ages to today for a special edition of the journal.

The aim of this publication will be to gather academic articles by scholars whose work touches on interesting contradictions and conflicts that characterize French and Francophone societies. These paradoxes and contradictions may be more or less obvious, but nonetheless are omnipresent in our lives. Some may be trivial and inoffensive, while others may reveal harsh inequalities and jarring disadvantages. The fact that contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons by definition involve two seemingly incompatible, unconventional parts, make them especially intriguing and thought-provoking.

We invite submissions that address and expand on phenomena such as contradictions, paradoxes, oxymorons and defying constructs, following your own interpretation of these themes and issues. We encourage papers from a variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to:

  • French and Francophone Studies, Literature, Linguistics, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Architecture, Politics, International Relations, Women & Gender Studies, Poetry, Theatre, Rhetoric, Semantics, Musicology, Film Studies, Art History, Critical Identity Studies, to name a few.
    • Articles will be subject to a blind peer review editing process.

Submission Guidelines for Authors:

  • Submissions accepted in English and French.
  • Abstract: a brief (250 words or less) description of the work, including title and 5-6 keywords. No author

name(s) affiliated. Submissions should be clearly typed using double spacing.

  •  Articles submitted to the journal should be between 4000–8000words in length including notes.
  • Authors will be required to submit two separate documents:
  • Authors should ensure that their main document is fully anonymized, for peer review purposes.
  • Authors are also required to submit a title-page that contains their full contact details and affiliations, as well as

a headshot to be displayed alongside their published article

  • Please note that files should be submitted in .doc or .docx rather than .pdf files.
  • Text to be clearly organized, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings and quotations exceeding 4

lines displayed, indented, in the text (block quotation).

  • MLA 8 Style Guide for citations and bibliography.
  • Footnotes, if necessary, should be signaled by superscript numbers in the main text and listed at the end of the text before the references.

Please send all submissions to with AJFS Submission 2021 in subject line by February 28, 2021.

1.5 Call for Contributions to a Special Volume: From the Postcolonial to the Decolonial: French and English textbooks in North Africa and the Middle East

The question that initially animated the thinking behind this volume was how to capture the postcolonial moment in post-independence education. This soon shifted, after exploring the history of schooling in North Africa during the colonial period, to what has happened after independence?, when, under the pressure from the demands of populations long described as ‘indigenous’, ‘decolonization’ became the watchword. This marks a shift in question from what role does the school play in the perpetuation of the colonial order to the question of what can it contribute towards its ‘dissolution’?

The notion of the postcolonial can be misleading in this regard, because it suggests a clean break between two eras. But colonial history is not a linear story that ends with the accession of a territory to independence or the accession of individuals formerly subject to the status of equal citizens in rights with other nationals. We must go beyond the simplistic chronology of decolonization because it is not possible to isolate sequences that are completely different from those that preceded them directly. Textbooks as historical/cultural documents in North Arica and the Middle East are emblematic, insofar as there is a discrepancy between the official end of the colonial period, the emergence of denunciation of a ‘neocolonial’ school and the consecration of the objective of ‘decolonization’.

This inter and multidisciplinary volume will approach this challenging temporality from two particular grounds: 1) the unfinished decolonization of indigenous populations; and 2) the consideration of their languages ​​and cultures by the educational institution today. Contributions should explore the institution of the school as a privileged place for understanding the heterogeneity of contemporary referents, whether cultural, intellectual, economical, political, religious, social, pedagogical, linguistic, or historical, that inspire educational models with special emphasis on textbooks. They could also focus on the conceptualisation and formation of the institution of the school, in particular its functional constitution, in this historical moment when the redefinition of the contours of the nation-state and the bond of citizenry and citizenship are being addressed.

This important scholarly contribution will be of interest to academics and non-academic beneficiaries including educational organisations, governments, policy makers, and NGOs.

Expressions of interest will be very much welcome by the end of October 2020. Please send to: Professor Kamal Salhi

1.6 Collection Biographie – appel à propositions

Chers collègues,

J’ai l’immense plaisir de vous faire part de la création de ‘Biographie’, la nouvelle collection des Editions Classiques Garnier.

La collection ‘Biographie’ met en valeur des personnalités dont la trajectoire et les œuvres sont uniques et culturellement importantes. Elle accueille des études retraçant de façon rigoureuse la vie d’écrivains, d’artistes, de « monstres sacrés », ou de grandes figures historiques.

Les biographies publiées par les Éditions Classiques Garnier sont des ouvrages universitaires de haute tenue scientifique. Elles se fondent sur des recherches exhaustives qui ne se limitent pas à des sources secondaires. Il est attendu des auteurs qu’ils vérifient scrupuleusement les faits rapportés et qu’ils veillent à présenter et contextualiser la vie et l’oeuvre de l’individu étudié de façon précise et objective.

Je vous prie de me contacter si vous souhaitez proposer un projet de biographie ( Je serai heureuse de répondre à vos questions.

En vous remerciant de votre attention,

Bien à vous,

Sabine Chaouche


Dear colleagues,

It gives me great pleasure to present the new ‘Biography’ collection from Editions Classiques Garnier.

The ‘Biography’ collection highlights personalities whose careers and works are unique and culturally important. It welcomes studies rigorously retracing the lives of writers, artists, “monstres sacrés”, or great historical figures.

The biographies published by Éditions Classiques Garnier are academic works of the highest scientific quality. They are based on exhaustive research that is not limited to secondary sources. Authors are expected to scrupulously verify the facts reported and to present and contextualize the life and work of the individual studied in an accurate and objective manner.

If you aim to submit a proposal, feel free to contact me ( I will be happy to answer your questions.

Thank you for your attention.

With all good wishes,

Sabine Chaouche

1.7 CFP – Unprecedented Disruptions: Nineteenth-Century Scholars Reflect on 2020

Special Issue of Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal


Academia was already “in Crisis” when we hit 2020, a year of disruption, anxiety, and uncomfortable self-reflection. A global pandemic forced us back into our homes at the very moment Black Lives Matter demanded that we take to the streets. These twinned events gave us more time and occasion to reflect on our pedagogy and research goals, and our intellectual commitment to studying the nineteenth century as we were roiled by a forced reengagement with some of the most regressive aspects of the twenty-first.

This issue of Nineteenth-Century Contexts is devoted to the disruptions and dislocations of 2020, and also to the possibility that this moment may offer the opportunity to rebuild our fields of study. We invite short essays in the personal voice (2,000-4,000 words) that reflect and engage with our teaching and research at this moment of crisis and reinvention.

We encourage contributors to address a wide range of pedagogical and ethical issues related to inclusivity, diversity, and the (ir)relevance of 19th-century studies in “this moment”:

Synchronicity: the challenges of remote learning

          Does remote instruction exacerbate racial inequalities?

          Confronting pandemic denial/racism in the classroom

          Rethinking traditional disciplines in response to Black Lives Matter

          Can 19th-century legacies illuminate current uncertainties?

          19th-century upheavals/unrest: lessons for today

          Academic Doomscrolling

          “Abundance of Caution”

          “No Words”


          Zoom Apnea

We welcome articles from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds, such as art history, literary criticism, history, philosophy, musicology, and religious studies. We especially welcome contributors from diverse backgrounds and career stages, including graduate students and independent scholars.

Special Issue will appear Fall 2021.


Deadline for article submissions: March 1, 2021.


For more information about the journal and guidance on how to submit, please see:

When submitting an article, be sure to indicate that is for the special issue on “unprecedented disruptions.”

For specific questions about this issue, contact George Robb or Narin Hassan

1.8 CfP: Contributions for a MSA 2021 panel “Unsilencing the Past”

CfP: Contributions for a panel to be submitted for MSA 2021

University of Warsaw, Poland. 5-9 July 2021.

The conference is currently planned to take place both on-campus in Warsaw and online.

Unsilencing the Past: Experiences of Atrocity and its Legacy in Literature and Art

Collective memories of mass atrocity, including genocide, are shaped by the political and cultural realities of the aftermath of violence. Some narratives and experiences are commemorated, whilst others are marginalised, silenced or overlooked. This panel examines the ways in which literature or other creative responses expose previously invisible memories, creating new spaces for public discourse and collective memory. Focusing on the complete destruction of social fabric, the papers in this panel stem from violent histories, such as the Holocaust, Armenian, Cambodian and Bosnian genocides as well as the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, along with their connections to other violent historical events. Exploring convergences, this panel identifies shared questions and concerns of collective memory that resonate across the different contexts and political situations. Challenging the dominant public discourse, literature and art can foreground the voices of marginalised groups or positionalities. Brought together, the papers in this panel demonstrate the recurring patterns of exclusion and inclusion in memory-making and commemoration.

Please send abstracts for papers (250 words maximum) plus a short bio-bibliographic note (150 words maximum) to and by 25 October 2020. Proposals for virtual or physical participation are accepted.

For enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Katila (

1.9 The Ends of Autonomy #2 – CFP, extended deadline

The second of two cross-disciplinary Zoom colloquia, 15-17 December (UK time), exploring the genealogy of ideas of freedom, autonomy, liberation and emancipation, current challenges to these values, and prospects for their future.

Videos from the July colloquium organised by Warwick University, including keynote addresses by Louise Amoore and Peter Hallward, can be found here.

Monash December colloquium keynote speakers

Mark Andrejevic on autonomy and technology

Jessica Whyte on autonomy and neoliberalism


Ideas of autonomy and liberation are central to the self-understanding of modern individuals and societies. While some seek liberation from social oppression and injustice, others lay the emphasis on liberating the individual from big government and red tape. Policies and ideologies are commended or condemned on the basis of their emancipatory potential; wars and insurgencies alike are justified in the name of liberation; technology is marketed as a means of increasing our freedoms. The modern West finds its identity in having been liberated from a series of historical oppressions: subsistence living, slavery, racial segregation, the oppression of religious minorities, women, LGBTQI+ individuals and, increasingly, animals. All of these liberations shape the developing emancipation narrative of late modernity. Variations on this liberation narrative can be traced back through its liberal and Marxist inflections to the French and American Revolutions, to the scientific revolution and the English Civil War, to the Protestant Reformation, to the Christian idea of salvation, the Greek polity and the Hebrew exodus.

However, even as the modern emancipation narrative breaks new ground in movements such as #metoo, or LGBTQI+ rights and animal liberation, ideals of autonomy and liberation face a series of acute, escalating and interrelated challenges:

  • The threat of ‘terrorism’ is used to justify a state of exception and surveillance in which individual freedoms of movement and expression are curtailed;
  • Neoliberalism, while vaunting its emancipatory credentials, creates inequalities and social conditions that foster unfreedom;
  • Online communication is subject to controls and policies instituted by private corporations, heralding a new age of ‘surveillance capitalism’ (Zuboff) in which the behaviours of individuals and groups are predicted and manipulated for profit, and ‘algorithmic governmentality’ (Rouvroy & Berns) describes a new mode of social management.
  • The global public health response to COVID-19 deploys an array of measures both of containment and surveillance (quarantine, self-isolation, lockdown, testing, tracking etc.) to enact novel states of exception.
  • The global climate emergency is giving rise to social debates which question the limits of autonomy, including flight shaming, car shaming, ecologically motivated vegetarianism and veganism, and social pressure for families to limit the number of children they bring into the world. New technologies of human anthropotechnical enhancement raise related issues, including the freedom of one individual to determine the conditions of existence of another.

Paper proposals

Proposals are welcomed for individual papers of 20 minutes, or for themed panels, in any discipline or combination of disciplines in which the problems and prospects of freedom, autonomy, liberation and emancipation can be traced, including (but not limited to) philosophy, politics, literary and film studies, sociology, information technology, economics, the arts and the biological and physical sciences. Proposals should include a title, abstract, your name, affiliation and contact information. For individual papers, please submit an abstract of 250-300 words, clearly outlining the argument and relevance of your paper to the colloquium’s concerns. For panel proposals, please submit a 200-word explanation of the relevance and coherence of the panel, as well as 250-300 word abstracts for each of its papers. It is envisaged that a selection of papers from the two colloquia will appear in a collected volume with a major publisher. The Monash colloquium will focus especially on 1) sustainability, climate and freedom, and 2) surveillance, extremism and freedom. However, the colloquium will also include a small number of presentations outside these areas. Presentations on issues related to COVID-19 are welcome.

Submission deadlines

All submissions must be received by 31 October 2020 (extended and final deadline) for the Monash colloquium.

Send all submissions to

For further information please contact

Warwick: Oliver Davis

Monash: Christopher Watkin

1.10 Appel à contributions/articles – Études Francophones – Convergences océanes: Ces océans qui nous habitent

Études Francophones 


Numéro spécial, Printemps 2022 

Sous la direction de Dr. Magali Compan (William & Mary) 

Appel à contributions/articles :  

Recherche d’articles dans les domaines des lettres et des arts portant sur le thème suivant :

Convergences océanes : Ces océans qui nous habitent 


Longtemps conçus à travers les épistémologies occidentales, mais également délaissés dans le domaine des études postcoloniales, l’Océan Indien et l’Océanie émergent cependant tels de nouveaux modèles d’un paysage culturel fondamentalement complexe dont l’analyse révèle des centres alternatifs d’énonciation et de conception du monde. Cette gnose de la marge (Walter Mignolo), en tant que connaissance subalterne conçue à partir des frontières extérieures du système moderne/colonial, a le potentiel épistémique de décoloniser les discours hégémoniques et la connaissance euro-centrique.

Focalisé sur les espaces francophones de l’océan Indien et de l’Océanie, le but de ce numéro spécial d’Etudes Francophones est de donner à penser des espaces alternatifs, qui ne se conçoivent plus à travers les épistémologies exclusives et extranéisantes européennes, mais à travers de nouvelles généalogies et cosmogonies. L’océan Indien et l’Océanie, lieux qui se conceptualisent dans leur rapport fondamental à l’océan, partagent tous deux cet ancrage et fluidité océaniques. Quelles sont alors les représentations sociales du monde et/ou des lieux que l’étude des productions culturelles locales révèle ? Quel est l’impact de cet imaginaire océanique ? Reconnaître la fluidité de pratiques littéraires spécifiques à ces espaces, peut-elle dessiner une cartographie dissidente, non plus continentale mais océanique, laissant naitre un « minor transnationalism » (Lionnet et Shih) et de nouveaux centres de discussion qui témoignent de leur rapport imaginaire au reste du monde ? Existe-t-il des spécificités géographiques et culturelles uniques qui créent,  « les conditions théoriques d’un renouvellement du regard et dans certains cas d’une permutation de son sens” (Jean-Michel Racault)?

De plus, fortement marqués par le joug de la colonisation française, l’Imaginaire s’affirme souvent dans une rupture relieìe au Symbolique, aÌ savoir la Reìvolte contre le PeÌre, et le pouvoir en place : Patriarcat, colonialisme, homogeìneìisation, globalisation, exotisme, Alteìriteì. Dans ces réappropriations du lieu, quelles sont alors les réalités sociales explorées et les visions contestataires et alternatives du monde?

Voici quelques axes potentiels d’études

* imaginaire océanique

* identité archipélique

* iléité

* nouvelle thalassologie

* transversalités mineures

* cultures océanes

* nouvelles cosmogonies et nouveaux centres d’énonciation

* archives postcoloniales

* épistémologies alternatives

* état nation et fluidité des frontières

* diaspora et exil

* globalisation, néoliberalisme, et altermondialisme

* espace local et espace global

* déconstruction de logiques dialectiques

Les articles de 6000 à 8000 mots, en français ou en anglais, sont à soumettre à Dr. Magali Compan,, ainsi qu’à Dr. Loic Bourdeau (rédacteur adjoint), au plus tard le 31 août 2021. Chaque contribution devra suivre le protocole de rédaction de la revue (édaction) et sera évaluée en double aveugle par les pairs.

Nous vous invitons à contacter Dr. Compan pour partager votre projet d’article ou pour plus de renseignements.

1.11 CFP: DISCOVERY | 19th-C. Studies Assoc. Virtual Conference, Proposals due Oct. 31

The 42nd Annual Virtual Conference
Nineteenth Century Studies Association
March 11-13, 2021

Proposal Deadline: October 31, 2020


NCSA welcomes proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and special sessions that explore our theme of “Discovery” in the long nineteenth century (1789-1914). Scholars are invited to interrogate the trope of “discovery” by questioning the term’s ideological and colonial implications. Why was the concept of “discovery” so appealing in the nineteenth century, and what does its popularity tell us about the people and social structures that were so invested in it? Papers might also consider indigenous perspectives that challenge ideas of western “discovery” and settler colonialism, new voices that theorize and critique nineteenth-century “discoveries,” intellectual exchange between cultures, and other methods of unmasking narratives of exploration and “discovery.”

As an interdisciplinary organization, we particularly seek papers by scholars working in art/architecture/visual studies, cultural studies, economics, gender and sexuality, history (including history of the book), language and literature, law and politics, musicology, philosophy, and science (and the history of science). In light of the many changes in pedagogy, research, and the exchange of ideas we have all experienced this past year, we particularly welcome papers, panels, or roundtable topics that address discoveries in the use of technology for nineteenth-century studies and teaching.

Papers might discuss recovering forgotten manuscripts, or discovering new ways of thinking about aesthetic and historical periods. Scholars might explore not only the physical recovery of the past (archeology, geology), but also intellectual recovery as old ideas become new (evolution, neoclassicism, socialism, spiritualism). Papers might discuss publicizing discoveries (periodicals, lectures), exhibiting discoveries (museums, world’s fairs, exhibitions), or redressing the legacy of nineteenth-century practices (decolonization of museum collections and the repatriation of colonial-era artifacts). Other topics might include rediscovering and revisiting the period itself: teaching the nineteenth century, editing primary texts, and working toward diversity and social justice in the humanities. For more details, visit:

1.12 CfP Collapse and Extinction conference

Call for proposals

Collapse and Extinction: Art, Literature and Discourse conference

Stockholm University


Deadline for proposals submission: 15.01.2021

Notification of acceptance: 01.02.2021

In the past few years, discourses on collapse have been more and more visible in the public space, as if it was too late to address the major challenges posed by climate change. The idea of systemic collapse is not new, as many civilizations had what was called Kulturpessimismus in Germany at the turn of the 19th. What is striking about the current situation is the multiplication of theological, scientific and philosophical discourses dealing with the notion of collapse, as if the globalization process with its main ideas (rapidity of exchanges, acquisition of new markets, cult of growth) reached its final phase. The cultural images of collapse are further endorsed by the extinction of biological species and disappearance of familiar biological communities.

This conference aims to question the notion of collapse and analyse how it contributes to produce new aesthetical and semiotic forms as well as new kinds of reading. What kind of literary genres appear in parallel with a discourse on collapsology (science-fiction, dystopia, essays, post apocalyptic fiction)? Do these genres include a direct form of ideological interpretation of the world? How do they relate to the factual processes of climate change and sixth mass extinction? What type of reading do these works trigger?

Comparison is the key to understand the emergence of these new genres. The conference welcomes analysis of works that have a relation to the notion of collapse so that a comparative corpora can be built. One objective is to analyze literary works on collapse in Romance literature but other case-studies or comparisons are welcomed.


To submit a proposal, interested scholars should email an abstract (up to 500 words) and a bionote (up to 50 words) for a 20 minute presentation in English to the organisers. The deadline for submitting the abstract is January 15, 2021.


Sara Bédard-Goulet, University of Tartu:

Timo Maran, University of Tartu:

The research group Romkult (Cultural Studies in Romance languages), Stockholm University:

1.13 Call for Papers – Epistemic Justice @ ACLA 2021

Please find below a call for papers for an ACLA 2021 seminar.

The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2020. To submit your abstract, please visit the ACLA online platform. We unfortunately cannot accept abstracts directly.

The seminar participants will have the opportunity of publishing their seminar on Stanford’s literary salon ArcadeChen Bar-Itzhak and Victoria Zurita Pesci-Feltri will curate a Colloquy to showcase ongoing debates on the issue of epistemic justice in literary studies.


This panel addresses epistemic inequality in literary studies: the categories, theories and methods through which we read and conceptualize literature are still determined at the center of global academic production, while peripheral epistemologies often do not circulate beyond national borders and therefore do not take part in the shaping of the discipline.  


We believe that attempts to rethink literary studies from outside the Euro-American scholarly traditions should be guided by a spirit of epistemic justice, defined by Miranda Fricker as equal participation in hermeneutic resources and a fair distribution of epistemic trust. Given the disparities in capital shaping the relations between departments, universities, languages, and scholarly traditions across the globe, we ask: What modes of conceptualization, theorization and reading are conducive to foster epistemic justice? What institutional conditions and practices are necessary to redress epistemic inequality in literary studies?  


We invite papers addressing the need to revise the fundamental conceptual, theoretical, and methodological assumptions of literary studies towards a more epistemically just discipline. Possible themes include: 


–           The epistemic affordances of peripheral theories and methodologies 

–           Ways of reading that promote epistemic justice 

–           The circulation of theories and methodologies between centers and peripheries 

–           The role of institutions in creating and maintaining epistemic inequality

1.14 CfP: Narrating Violence: Making Race, Making Difference

University of Turku (Finland) and The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of
Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention at the American University of Paris (France)

15–17 March 2021 in Turku
29–31 March 2021 in Paris

In collaboration with The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention at the American University of Paris, we invite scholars, students, practitioners, and activists from all fields to take part in the Winter Symposium of the Nordic Summer University Study Circle Narrative and Violence.

This symposium will explore questions on the production, practice, and instrumentalization of violent narratives about racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual, and political minorities and groups. While multiple theoretical perspectives will be included in both locations, the symposium will have a broader international focus at the American University of Paris and will facilitate discussions primarily pertaining to the Nordic and Baltic sphere at the University of Turku.

We are interested in bringing together international scholars from multiple disciplines in order to investigate the role of narratives as a resource for motivating, justifying, and rationalizing structural violence, discrimination, and even mass violence or genocide. How and why are such narratives produced and disseminated? Are there common themes or patterns across cultures and cases? How do they derive their power? Why do persons and social groups subscribe to them? Are certain groups or persons more predisposed to appropriating these narratives? Are there ways to dissemble them? In order to explore these questions, we welcome papers that examine the language of stigmatisation, pollution, and discrimination from broad historical and geographical perspectives. We encourage papers that address the influence of fictional and non-fictional representations, oral histories and legal proceedings as well as the work of activist movements that attempt to counter violent narratives and reflect on how to shape possible, multicultural, inclusive futures.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
●       The social processes whereby violent depictions of race and otherness are constructed and sustained.
●       The relationship between figurative or symbolic violence and physical violence.
●       The recycling and reuse of violent narratives across different historical events, cultures, and social contexts.
●       The role of fictional and non-fictional accounts and other genres in the construction of violent narratives.
●       The distribution, circulation, and appropriation of conspiracy theories.
●       Strategies for dissembling violent narratives.
●       The memory and persistence of violent narratives over time.
●       Issues of language, identity, and culture in narrating both new and old minoritization.
●       The role of different media (film, text, music, social media) in the construction of violent narratives.
●       The role of comics as a medium in the construction of violent narratives. (This topic will be in collaboration with Study Circle 9, Comics and Society: Research, Art, and Cultural Politics’ seminar ‘Racialised Violence and Comics in the Nordic Region and Beyond’).

The symposium is planned as a hybrid event (with both online and face-to-face participation, depending on the sanitary situation). Please send proposals for papers, workshops, roundtables, and performances (max. 300 words) with a title and a short biographical statement (100 words) to and by 1st December 2020, indicating your preferred mode of participation. If you wish to attend without presenting, please get in touch with us and send us a short biographical note. PhD and MA students are eligible for up to five ECTS points for participation and presentation of a paper. The preliminary programme will be announced in January 2021. Go to for more information about NSU and the Study Circles, or to sign up for the newsletter. Information about The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights and Conflict Prevention can be found here.

To participate in the symposium, you need to become a member of the Nordic Summer University (NSU). The annual membership fee facilitates the existence of NSU, which is a volunteer-based organisation. As a member you can sign up for all events organised by NSU, take part in the democratic decision-making process on which NSU is based, and become part of the extensive network of NSU. There are two rates: a standard fee of €25 and a discounted membership of €10 for students, self-financed/freelance/independent scholars and artists.
The Nordic Summer University builds on the values of equality, inclusion, and sustainability by combining two traditions: the continental ideals of learning and cultivation of the self, and the Nordic heritage of folkbildning and self-organization, with its investments in open-access education and collaboration through participation and active citizenship.
Circle 4 is actively committed to implementing sustainable practices at its events. At our symposia we offer vegetarian/vegan food only and aim towards zero waste. We thus invite members to bring their own reusable coffee cup and water bottle to the symposia.

1.15 CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Space and Place in the Context of Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Small-Island States in the Caribbean

Space is a product of social interaction. According to Soja (2009) socio-spatial relations are necessary. Space shapes social relations as much as social relations shape space. When examining space, it can start from the individual to the global. Space also explains social justice “the fair and equitable distribution in space of socially valued resources and opportunities to use them” (Soja 2009). Space can be used to analyze social meanings that are culturally and historically constructed as well as contested (Foucault, Harvey, 2006, 2009; Low, 2015; Saar & Palang, 2009).

Place-perceived, conceived, lived-(Lefebvre) conveys sentiments of attachment and identity that emerge out of the lived experience. It is also related to issues of access, power relations and identity. Similarly, place, like space, is socially constructed and variable, incorporating interaction between people and groups, land uses, political, religious, educational, and economic decisions, and representation.

Space and place are found in discussions about race, gender, class and ethnicity, access to power, and institutions such as health, education, media, economy, religion, and law. Space and place are sometimes silenced/missing in discussions on national development and invisible to many observers who normalize them without ever challenging their relationship to national development. Space and place are thus important to the creation of social life, they can also be socially changed.

Hurricanes, climate change, sea level rise, economic mismanagement and crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic reveal deep inequalities in spatial relations particularly around gender, race and
class in Caribbean SIDS and challenge the idea of sustainability. Given this context, and the interdisciplinary and multidimensional nature of space and place, because it cuts across many intellectual professions, we wish to explore the interconnectivity of space and place:
– To explore the definitions and ideas about space and place;
– To analyze how race, ethnicity, class, and gender determine one’s access to space and place as well as spatial justice or injustice; and
– To examine how conceptual dimensions of space and place inclusive of the built environment and natural environment play an important role in the creation of social life.

In March 2021, a multi-disciplined faculty group plans to publish a collection of scholarly positions on the topic, “Space and Place in the Context of Race, Class, Gender, and Ethnicity in Small-Island States in the Caribbean. We are inviting you to contribute towards the publication by submitting a 2000-5000-word paper (inclusive of reference notes) by January 31, 2021. The paper should advance a specific thesis and argument within the framework of the overarching theme. Some broad subject areas to consider regarding Space and Place are:
● Class
● Ethnicity
● Gender
● Race
● Built Environment
● Natural Environment
● Natural Disasters
● Pandemics
● Economy
● Education
● Politics
● Religion
● Other topic related to Space and Place

Please, indicate by submitting a 200 word abstract by the 31st October 2020, if you intend to submit a paper or case study for the publication. Your submission should be sent by way of email attachment to one of the editors listed below. As we intend to include in the publication background information on each contributor, it would assist us greatly if you would also send, along with your submission, a passport-size photograph of yourself and a one-paragraph biography. For further details, please contact:

Ms. Jessica Minnis, or Dr. Ian Bethell-Bennett
at 397-2606/7 or 677-3219, respectively, or
by email at

1.16 Modern Languages Teaching Forum (online) at University of Kent, 2 December 2020

Message posted on behalf of Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (Head of Modern Languages) and Wissia Fiorucci (Language Centre Director) at the University of Kent.

We are delighted to announce that the fourth Modern Languages Teaching Forum, financed by UCML, will take place on 2 December 2020 from 4pm to 7pm (3 hours) on Zoom.

Due to the current situation, the forum will be dedicated once more to ‘Distance Learning in Modern Language’. On request of participants to the previous forum, the focus will be in particular on online assessment.

Participation to the forum is free of charge. Please register at this address:

We are inviting contributions to the forum. We welcome contributions on online assessment in particular but also on any other aspect of distance learning in modern languages. Contributions can take different forms:

  • Synchronous Interactive Workshop (40 minutes maximum)
  • Synchronous Paper (10 minutes maximum + discussion)
  • Asynchronous non interactive Workshop (1 hour maximum)
  • Asynchronous paper (30 minutes maximum)

If you wish to contribute please send a title, abstract and format of choice to and by 23 November 2020 at 5pm. Selected contributions will be notified shortly after the deadline at the latest. Asynchronous workshops and papers will have to be recorded (as video or powerpoint+audio files) and sent to the same address (via large file transfer services such as wetransfer) no later than Friday 28 November 2020 at 5pm. Synchronous and asynchronous contributions can be combined (e.g. a speaker might want to record a longer paper and deliver just a short summary for the sake of discussion during the forum), should you wish to do so please let me know.

Full programme and link will be circulated in due course.

2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern European History (St. Joseph’s College, NY)

Modern European historian – visiting assistant professor (limited term)


The Department of History at St. Joseph’s College NY, Patchogue campus, invites applications for a limited term (1.5 semesters) visiting assistant professor position in modern European history (roughly 1750-present) beginning January 2021 and lasting through May 2022. The teaching load will be 4 classes per semester, though some semesters will include multiple sections of the same course. Specialization is open to all thematic areas and historical periods, but preference will be given to scholars engaged with Europe and the Global South (colonialism, immigration, decolonization, etc.). The new hire will be considered full-time and have access to healthcare benefits.


Successful candidates will meet the following requirements:

  • PhD in history or advanced ABD with defense scheduled for Fall 2020.
  • Ability to teach survey courses in modern European history and both halves of Western Civilization.
  • Ability to develop and teach introductory special topics courses related to the candidate’s research specialty including specific historical themes and concepts related to global/world history.
  • Experience developing and teaching remote, hybrid, and online courses.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Canvas LMS, or similar learning management system, required for delivering course assignments and content.

Application Components:

  • Cover Letter
  • V.
  • Unofficial graduate transcripts
  • Sample syllabi
  • Copies of student evaluations (if available)
  • 3 confidential reference letters

A writing sample (preferably an article or book/dissertation chapter) may be requested of finalists.

Candidates should submit cover letter, C.V., unofficial transcripts, sample syllabi, and student evaluations in a single PDF document to

Confidential letters of reference should be sent under separate cover to the same email address (

Review of applications will begin on October 22, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.

St. Joseph’s College, NY is an Equal Opportunity Employer – M/F/D/V.

St. Joseph’s College, NY will not provide immigration sponsorship for this position.

2.2 Dyslexia Proofreading Scholarships

At Lex Academic, we recognise the important contribution of dyslexic individuals to academic research and broader society. Often meeting with discouragement in mainstream education, we believe that exceptionally promising dyslexic students deserve investment and support, helping them to realise the potential of their ideas. To this end, we have established three Lex Academic Scholarships to nurture talented researchers with dyslexia.

The Lex Academic Humanities Scholarship is granted annually to a student studying any of the following humanities subjects: Art History; Classics; English; History; Modern Languages; and Philosophy. Our second award, the Lex Academic Social Sciences Scholarship, is granted annually to a student studying any social science. In addition to a grant of £500, Lex Academic Scholars will receive gratis proofreading services for their MA/PhD theses, provided by the Oxbridge-educated editors at Lex Academic.

To be eligible to apply for an award, you must hold an offer of admission for a postgraduate degree with a thesis or extended project component. While there are no country restrictions for these awards, your thesis must be written (primarily) in English. You may also apply for an award if you have already begun your postgraduate degree. You must have been diagnosed with dyslexia by an educational psychologist to be eligible for an award.

Please see below for further details:

2.3 Rhode Island School of Design cluster hire

A generous gift to RISD supports the hiring of 10 new faculty members in “Race in Art and Design” We seek people whose research and practice addresses issue of race, colonization, decolonization, post-coloniality, and cultural representation. The hope here is to draw in faculty members whose work and experiences challenge institutionalized narratives of art and design practice and whose research and work might not be legible in conventional EuroAmerican disciplinary formats.

As part of the cluster hires we are also doing a large amount of internal work related to faculty review and departmental goals as well as developing a concentration in Race and Decolonial studies in Art and Design. Our incoming faculty members will be mentored by the center for Social Equity and Inclusion at RISD; the search committees comprise current SEI committee members as well. In addition are Provost has pledged to a 5-year timeline of searches dedicated to Race and Decolonial Studies.

Please do circulate this to your networks as well as encourage people who might be a good fit to apply.

Departments hiring include

Literary Arts and Studies

History, Philosophy and the Social Sciences

Joint Appointment between Experimental and Foundational Studies and Theory and History of Art and Design

Joint Appointment in Digital + Media and Computation, Technology, and Culture


Graphic Design

Landscape Architecture/ Interior Architecture

Apparel and Jewelry + Metalsmithing (Joint Appointment)



2.4 Funded Fellowships at Royal Museums Greenwich, deadline 2 November

Royal Museums Greenwich (which comprises the National Maritime Museum, the Royal Observatory, the Queen’s House and Cutty Sark) has a well-established programme supporting high-quality research providing new perspectives on our collections. Fellowships are stipendiary, and can run for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months. Applications should engage with our thematic priorities which include:

*   Caribbean, African and Atlantic histories and material cultures (a fellowship in partnership with the Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-ownership)
*   The migration of people, objects and ideas
*   British identities in imperial, post-colonial and global contexts
*   Gendered identities and the maritime world
*   Early modern portraiture, architecture and monarchy
*   Naval uniform and questions of fashion, display and identity
*   Debates concerning the contemporary maritime world
*   New approaches to histories of shipping and shipping companies
*   The Royal Observatory Greenwich as a historic landmark and cultural icon

Engagement with our collections is essential, and we welcome applications from within a wide range of disciplines and cross-disciplinary approaches. We also seek to encourage creative and practice-based projects in areas such as the visual arts, community-based research, heritage, performance and literature.

Royal Museums Greenwich actively encourages candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply. The fellowship programme typically supports study at a post-doctoral or equivalent level, and we welcome applications from candidates of all nationalities and career stages. Queries regarding eligibility should be sent to:<>

Further information about our fellowship competition can be found via the following link:

Please also note that the competition closes on 2 November 2020.

2.5 French Image Specialist, Washington DC

The Department of Image Collections at the National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC) seeks an Image Specialist for French Art.

This position is located on the staff of the Executive Officer for Collections, Exhibitions, and Programs (P), in the Library’s Department of Image Collections (PLI). The primary purpose of this position is to maintain and develop an extensive study collection of photographs, digital images and other visual material with emphasis on the art of France up to the year 1900.

Information regarding the position and the application process can be found in the attached link:

2.6 MHRA Research Scholarships in the Modern European Languages, 2021-22

About the award. This scheme is designed to give support to scholars in their early postdoctoral phase who are revising their thesis for publication, but who have not yet obtained a full-time academic post.

Conditions. Applicants must have completed a doctorate in the field of Modern European Languages, excluding English, and must have an affiliation to a UK university department. Awards are for one year only, and recipients will be expected to produce, within 12 months of taking up the award, a manuscript of publishable quality or a minimum of three articles of publishable quality. The support of the MHRA will be acknowledged in the publication(s) produced on the basis of the work carried out during the period of the award.

Amount of funding available. In academic year 2021-22, up to four awards of £12,500 each will be made. The amount received by successful applicants may be subject to deductions with respect to income tax and pension contributions, depending on their employment status within their host institution.

Next round. Decisions are made each year in late April or early May, for grants which begin in October. Applications for academic year 2021-22 are now open. The deadline for applications is Monday, 12 April 2021.

Guidance for applicants. Please click here for details on how to apply.

Application form. You may click here to download the application form (in Microsoft Word format).

Enquiries. For further information, please contact

Past winners. For academic year 2020-21, four awards were made. The awardees are:

  • Dr Giulia Brecciaroli (Italian, University of Warwick)
  • Dr Thomas Clark (Hispanic, University of Oxford)
  • Dr Joanna Raisbeck (German, University of Oxford)
  • Dr Elizabeth Vargas-Holguin (Latin American, University of Nottingham)

For further details, see this blog post.

2.7 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Durham University

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures has a strong record of success in the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme, and invites expressions of interest from outstanding candidates working on topics within the remit of any of our constituent language areas: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hispanic Studies, Italian, Japanese, and Russian. The School particularly welcomes topics related to the activities of our research groups ( or relevant University research centres and institutes (

Further information on the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship, including details of eligibility criteria, can be found at:

Candidates are also strongly advised to review the Leverhulme Trust’s policy on grant making:

Candidates interested in applying via the School of Modern Languages and Cultures should contact Professor Andy Beresford ( so that a suitable postdoctoral mentor can be assigned or confirmed.

Working in conjunction with their mentor, candidates should check their eligibility to apply. They will then need to complete and return Durham University’s internal application form, available below, to by 4pm on 8 January 2021.

Leverhulme Early Career Competition Application Form

Applicants will be sent comments on their proposal, and, if judged suitable for support, further advice will be provided on the draft application. These applications will then undergo a process of scrutiny and selection by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Proposals that receive Faculty support will be informed in good time so as to enable refinement of the full application before submission to the Leverhulme Trust.

2.8 Position in Black Feminist Histories and Thought at the University of Toronto

Associate Professor – Black Feminist Histories and Thought

Date Posted: 08/27/2020
Closing Date: 11/02/2020, 11:59PM EDT
Req ID: 444
Job Category: Faculty – Tenure Stream (continuing)
Faculty/Division: University of Toronto Scarborough
Department: Department of Historical and Cultural Studies
Campus: University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)


The Department of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in Black Feminist Histories and Thought. The appointment will be at the rank of Associate Professor, beginning on July 1, 2021, or shortly thereafter.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. in History, Women and Gender Studies, or a closely related discipline, with a demonstrated exceptional record of excellence in research and teaching. Candidates must demonstrate a considered and long-term engagement with Black feminist scholarship both conceptually and methodologically. Regional and period specialization are open, but candidates must have active, interdisciplinary research agendas focusing on one or more of the following thematic areas: intersectional histories of race; African and African diasporic knowledge production; social movements; Black indigeneities; Black masculinities; Black sexualities, especially Queer and trans; Black youth and digital cultures; archives and race-critical studies of science, technology, health and medicine. Candidates must have lived experience related to Africa or its diaspora.

A significant element of applicants’ current and future research must look beyond the United States, with evident attention to relevant archives and, when appropriate, vernacular languages. The successful candidate’s research and teaching interests will complement and broaden our department’s strength<> in the study of mobilities of people, objects, ideas, and practices within and across imperial formations, and will share our commitment to non-Eurocentric, decolonial pedagogy. Candidates must be prepared to teach undergraduate courses in both Women and Gender Studies (e.g. “Gender, Race and Colonialism” or “Critical Race and Black Feminist Theories”) and History, based on their thematic and/or regional specialization. They also should be able to contribute to one or more of the University of Toronto’s graduate programs (e.g. WGSI<> or History<>), where they will hold a graduate appointment.

The successful candidate will have an established international reputation and will be expected to sustain and lead innovative and independent research at the highest international caliber and to maintain an outstanding, competitive, and externally funded research program. Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence as demonstrated by the submitted research statement, a record of sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field relevant journals, presentations at significant conferences, distinguished awards and accolades, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominence of the discipline, as well as strong endorsements from referees of high standing.

Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through a teaching dossier consisting of a teaching statement, sample course syllabi, and the teaching evaluations submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference. Candidates must also show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning and working environment, demonstrated through the application materials.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The multidisciplinary Department of Historical and Cultural Studies is located at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), a comprehensive university and a fully integrated part of the tri-campus system of the University of Toronto, one of the world’s leading research universities. Building upon the expertise of our faculty and the extensive resources of the university, HCS is uniquely positioned to nurture interdisciplinary and critical scholarship and teaching, drawing students from across the world and situated in one of the most diverse metropolitan regions in North America. For more information about the Department, please visit The successful candidate will join a campus that fulfills the University’s priorities ( while centring Inclusive Excellence in its own strategic plan

Alongside an undergraduate appointment at UTSC, the successful candidate will be appointed to an appropriate graduate unit at the University of Toronto best suited to their area of scholarly focus, including but not limited to History and the Women & Gender Studies Institute. The incumbent will teach and supervise both undergraduate and graduate students and develop courses at all levels.

This position is part of a cohort hire at UTSC, which also includes a Professorship in Political Theory, Black or Afro-Caribbean thought and critical race theory and an Associate Professorship in African Diasporas and Development in the Global South. The successful candidate will be joining a vibrant scholarly community at UTSC and in the tri-campus University of Toronto committed to anti-racist research and pedagogy.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applications must include a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, a research statement that explicitly situates the candidate’s scholarship in relation to the study of Black Feminist Histories and Thought, a writing sample (up to 25 pages, single spaced), and a teaching dossier (including a teaching statement, two sample syllabi of relevant courses, and teaching evaluations from recent courses taught). Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates are therefore also asked to submit a 1‐2 page statement of contributions to equity and diversity, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups.

Applicants must provide the name and contact information of three references. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from each once an application is submitted. Applicants, however, remain responsible for ensuring that references submit letters (on letterhead, dated, and signed) by the closing date.

Submission guidelines can be found at: We recommend combining attached documents into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. Further inquiries about the position can be directed to Prof. E. Natalie Rothman, Chair at<>.

All application materials, including reference letters, must be received by November 2, 2020.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Diversity Statement
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

Accessibility Statement
The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members. Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic mission.

The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with disabilities.

If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact<>.

Apply now

2.9 IRC International Postdoc Fellowship Programme 2021 at UCD Dublin

The Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 2021 has recently opened, with a closing date of 19 November 2020. Applicants of any nationality and graduates of any university are eligible to apply. For full details, see

If you are interested in applying, please contact the Head of French, Síofra Pierse, or individual staff members directly. Our research areas are as follows:

Prof Michael Brophy

Contemporary French poetry and poetics; the poet as critic; text and image; French-Canadian literature; contemporary migrant writing in French

Assistant Professor Manu Braganca

Contemporary French history, literature and culture; memory studies; cultural and media studies; intellectual history; reception and reader-response theories

Associate Professor Derval Conroy

17th-century literature, history of ideas and political thought; early modern feminisms; the history of equality; women writers; Gabrielle Suchon; Marie de Gournay, print culture; festival books

Prof Mary Gallagher

Postcolonial writing in French (especially from/about the Caribbean, North, Africa, Canada, the Indian Ocean, Sub-Saharan Africa and what France called Indochine); the work of Lafcadio Hearn; the travel writings of Paul Morand; the introspective writings of authors such as Colette, Proust, Paul Valéry

Associate Professor Emer O’Beirne

Twentieth- and twenty-first century prose, particularly avant-garde (nouveau roman) and experimental fiction; particular interests are the work of Marcel Proust, Nathalie Sarraute, Jean Echenoz, Jean-Philippe Toussaint. My critical engagement with literary practices is supported particularly by reflection on theories of reading, of irony, of dialogue, and of the nature of “literature” in general

Associate Professor Síofra Pierse

18th-century French historiography, literature and history of ideas; Voltaire’s historiography; cities in 18th-century literature; Narrative Doubt; 18th-century female francophone writers (Châtelet; Tencin; Riccoboni; Graffigny; Charrière; Gouges)

Prof Vera Regan

Sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, language, migration and identity, Applied Linguistics

Associate Professor Stephen Schwartz

Flaubert, Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Cultural Theory, Individualism, Aesthetic Theory, Philosophy of Literature

Associate Professor Douglas Smith

Twentieth-century literature; literary and cultural theory; intellectual and cultural history; cultural studies; anthropology; history and theory of cinema; history and theory of photography; history and theory of twentieth-century art and architecture; museology

We welcome expressions of interest from eligible candidates interested in carrying out postdoc level research in all of the above areas of French and Francophone Studies within the School of Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics, at University College Dublin, Ireland. The School has a vibrant and diverse research culture, with close links to the UCD Humanities Institute and a welcoming graduate community. We look forward to hearing from you.

2.10 Assistant Professor of Teaching, French (UBC – Vancouver, Canada)

The Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies at The University of British Columbia (Vancouver) invites applications for a tenure-track teaching and educational leadership position in French at the rank of Assistant Professor of Teaching. The anticipated start date is July 1, 2021.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach language courses in French at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. The position also involves a significant educational leadership role that includes, among other things, academic planning, curriculum and program development, and innovation. The position entails a teaching load of 6 courses per year (18 credits).

Requirements: Ph.D. degree in French (or a relevant field) and post-secondary teaching experience. Candidates must have native or near-native fluency in French, as well as an excellent command of English. In addition to a comprehensive knowledge of French grammar, the successful candidate must be able to demonstrate established competence in foreign language pedagogy, technology-assisted instruction, and knowledge of current issues and methods in teaching French as a second language. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to teaching and curriculum development, and show promise of pedagogical innovation and educational leadership. They will be expected to participate in departmental events and initiatives, to maintain an excellent record of teaching and service, and to play an active role in the growth of the Centre de la francophonie de UBC.

This is a tenure-track position and the successful candidate will be reviewed for reappointment, tenure, and promotion in subsequent years, in accordance with the Collective Agreement. For a description of the rank of Assistant Professor of Teaching and criteria for reappointment and promotion, visit:

Additional information about the UBC Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies may be found at

Applications are to be submitted via this online form:

Applicants should be prepared to upload in the following order and in a single PDF (max size 15MB): a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy and potential contributions to educational leadership, and evidence of teaching effectiveness at the post-secondary level (student evaluations, peer assessments, sample course syllabi, etc.). Applicants should also provide a one-page statement about their experience working with a diverse student body and their contributions or potential contributions to creating/advancing a culture of equity and inclusion. Only completed applications will be considered by the search committee.

In addition, applicants should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference sent directly by their referees, by the application deadline, via email to with the subject line “Assistant Professor of Teaching in French”. Applicants should ensure that referees are aware that this is a position in the Educational Leadership stream and should accordingly provide evidence with a focus on teaching and educational leadership. Enquiries may be made to the Head of the Department of FHIS at

Review of applications will begin soon after December 2 and will continue until the position is filled.

This position is subject to final budgetary approval.  Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence.  An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged.  We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. We encourage all qualified persons to apply. Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

Given the uncertainty caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, applicants must be prepared to conduct interviews remotely if circumstances require. A successful applicant may be asked to consider an offer containing a deadline without having been able to make an in-person visit to campus if travel and other restrictions are still in place.

2.11 AHRC Midlands4Cities PhD funding for UK/International Students, The University of Nottingham

The AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) brings together eight leading universities across the Midlands to support the professional and personal development of the next generation of arts and humanities doctoral researchers. M4C is a collaboration between the University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, University of Warwick, Coventry University, University of Leicester, De Montfort University, Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham.

M4C is awarding up to 89 doctoral studentships for UK and International applicants for 2021 entry through an open competition and 21 Collaborative Doctoral Awards (CDA) through a linked competition with a range of partner organisations in the cultural, creative and heritage sector.

The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Nottingham is a leading centre for research in French and Francophone Studies, German Studies, Russian and Slavonic Studies (inc Serbia, Croatia and Slovene), Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (inc. Brazil and Lusophone Africa), Translation, Comparative and Cultural Studies. We are inviting applications from students whose research interests connect with our fields of expertise in:

– Medieval and Early Modern Studies

– 19th, 20th, and 21st-century Literature

– Contemporary Society and Politics

– Contemporary Thought and Critical Theory

– Comparative Literature

– Feminist and Gender Studies

– Postcolonial Studies

– Cinema, Visual and Performing Arts

– Post Conflict Studies

– Intellectual History

– Memory Studies

– Linguistics

– Translation Studies (including Chinese)

The deadline for M4C funding applications is 13 January 2021 (noon), by which time applicants must have applied for a place to study and have ensured that two academic references are submitted using the Midlands4Cities online reference form.

For full details of eligibility, funding, research supervision areas and CDA projects, and for dates of our November application writing workshops, please visit: or contact or Prof. Jean-Xavier Ridon at

2.12 Temporary lecturership in French at Merton College Oxford

Merton College Oxford proposes to appoint a Stipendiary Lecturer in French for Hilary and Trinity Terms 2021 (1 January to 30 September 2021).

Salary £10,314 for the duration of the appointment (current rate).

The main duties of the post will be:

  • to teach undergraduates reading French for an average of six hours per week in full term;
  • to assist in the co-ordination of the subjects involving French in the College; and
  • to provide pastoral support to students.

The successful candidate will have completed or be about to complete a doctorate in the modern period of literature in French (1789-present), and will be able to provide teaching in French language at all levels; prescribed texts for 1st-year Prelims Papers III (‘Short Texts’) and IV (‘Narrative Fiction’); and 2nd- and 4th-year Final Honour School papers in the modern period. The ability to provide effective tutorial teaching to high-achieving undergraduates is essential.

Stipendiary Lecturership in French – further particulars

Stipendiary Lecturership in French – application form

The deadline for applications is 12:00 noon on Wednesday 11 November 2020.
Interviews will be held in the week commencing Monday 23 November 2020.

Merton College is an equal opportunities employer

2.13 Tenure Track Position: Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies at Colby College

The Department of French and Italian Studies is inviting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of French beginning September 1, 2021. We are seeking a teacher-scholar in Environmental Humanities with additional expertise in one of the following: Queer Ecology, Animal Studies, Environmental Justice, or Indigenous Studies. PhD expected. The successful candidate will be part of an energetic department committed to providing the best education to talented undergraduates. We are particularly interested in individuals with extensive experience, demonstrated effectiveness in teaching and mentoring a diverse student body and a record of excellence in teaching. This is a tenure track position with a teaching load of 4.5, at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Candidates must have a native or near-native fluency in French and English and a strong commitment to teaching all levels of the French language.

Applicants should submit the following: cover letter (including evidence of a commitment to the value of diversity and experience with inclusive teaching), curriculum vitae, and a representative sample of current scholarship via Interfolio at the following link Three confidential letters of recommendation and two full sets of course evaluations will be requested after the committee meets and selects candidates. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2020, and will continue until the position is filled. Address all inquiries to Audrey Brunetaux (, Chair of the French Search Committee.

Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college that admits students and makes employment decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifications to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives and institutional needs. Colby College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, or veteran’s status in employment or in our educational programs. Colby is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and encourages applications from qualified persons of color, women, persons with disabilities, military veterans and members of other under-represented groups. Colby complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an institution’s education programs and activities. Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more information about the College, please visit our website:

2.14 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships at MMU (UK)

For the attention of early career scholars and researchers, from Dr Chris Millington, MMU, UK.

My institution is inviting applications for a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships to be held in the History Research Centre (\).  These prestigious awards are intended to provide the holders with an opportunity to undertake a significant project of original research and to develop their academic career. The fellowships are for three years and are based upon a matched funding agreement between the Trust and the host institution.

We have expertise in early modern France (Dr Jonathan Spangler) and modern French history (me) but applicants are not limited to projects on French history.  The History Research Centre is organised around thematic research clusters: Leisure, Consumption and Material CulturesReligious and Intellectual HistoriesWar, Conflict and SocietyYouth, Gender and SexualityManchester Centre for Public History and Heritage (


How to apply

Potential applicants should read the Leverhulme Trust’s guidance to applicants. All applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are eligible to apply for the Fellowship. Applicants are typically expected to be within four years of their PhD award, and must either hold a degree from a UK higher education institution at the time of taking up the Fellowship or at the time of the application deadline must hold an academic position in the UK (e.g. fixed-term post) which commenced no less than four months prior to the closing date.

Potential applicants to Manchester Metropolitan should contact both Dr April Pudsey ( their preferred mentor in the first instance, who will advise on support for Expressions of Interest.

Our internal applications process is as follows. Applicants will work with their proposed mentor to prepare the internal application, which comprises: an academic CV and a two-page statement of their proposed research which should follow closely the Leverhulme Trust’s Applicant Help notes in their Full Scheme Details:

The deadline for this internal process to be complete is 5pm on Tuesday 1st December 2020 and Expressions of Interest submitted without the support of a mentor will not be considered. An internal competition will take place in December 2020 and candidates will be informed of the outcome by mid-January 2021, and will need to be prepared to submit their application formally to the Leverhulme Trust within a short time frame. Any applicant(s) whom we support will then be assisted in submitting their application to the Leverhulme Trust in advance of the deadline of 25th February 2021.


Informal queries are very welcome, and should be addressed to Dr April Pudsey

“Before acting on this email or opening any attachments you should read the Manchester Metropolitan University email disclaimer available on its website ”

2.15 TT position in Black Studies and French or Spanish

The Department of Foreign Language Studies and the Black Studies Program at Providence College invite applications for a full-time joint tenure-track Assistant Professor position in French or Spanish beginning Fall 2021. Candidates must possess a PhD in French, Spanish or closely related fields from an accredited institution. We invite applicants trained in race, race relations, ethnicity, gender, and Black Atlantic history, with particular expertise in Postcolonial Studies and African and/or Franco- or Afro-Hispanic-Caribbean literatures and cultures, intersectionality and/or community engagement. The tenure line would be located in the Department of Foreign Language Studies, with a 50% teaching and 50% service obligation to Black Studies. Qualified applicants would demonstrate an established record of scholarly publication, show commitment to student-centered, interactive pedagogy, and publicly engaged scholarship, as well as effective mentoring of our increasingly diverse student body.

We are seeking to hire someone with the interest and expertise to teach foundational courses in the Black Studies Program, courses in her/his/their area of study (i.e. intellectual traditions, Afrodiasporic identities, Race and Gender in Latin American and/or the Francophone Caribbean) as well as language courses at all levels. As our student body, particularly within Foreign Language Studies and Black Studies, grows increasingly diverse, we have a strong preference for candidates with interests in student-centered pedagogical and mentoring practices. Moreover, as students of color and their allies have demanded in college and university protests across the nation, Providence College supports the students’ desire to hire faculty who demonstrate a deep commitment to and proven ability in supporting the success of students from historically marginalized economic, social, and cultural groups. The course load is 3-3 with the option for a one semester pre-tenure research leave after three years of service as a member of the Ordinary Faculty.

Qualifications: PhD in French and Francophone Studies or Spanish by the time of the appointment; a commitment to scholarly research and publication is essential; native or near-native fluency in French or Spanish is required, and applicants must have their dissertation in hand at the time of appointment.

Requirements: Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a writing sample, a statement of teaching philosophy and evidence of teaching effectiveness, a separate one-page statement on how you envision teaching the Introduction to Black Studies course, graduate transcripts, and three (3) letters of recommendation. Application information is available on the College’s web site at: The deadline for applications is November 20, 2020. Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. We will invite selected candidates for an initial virtual interview in Mid-December. Inquiries should be addressed to Dr. Monica Simal, Search Committee Chair, Department of Foreign Language Studies, Providence College, Providence, RI, 02918,

Providence College is a Roman Catholic four-year liberal arts institution conducted under the auspices of the Dominican Friars and seeks candidates who can affirm and contribute to its Mission. Providence College is committed to upholding an academic culture and campus community that attracts and supports the development of a diverse faculty reflecting the global environment in which we live and work. As such, a pillar of Providence College’s Strategic Plan for Diversity involves “intentionally recruiting and retaining faculty and staff who are drawn to, and supportive of, the mission of the College, and who have demonstrated a commitment to the human flourishing of each member of the campus community.” To review the strategic plan, please visit An AA/EOE, the College especially encourages applications from women and persons of color.

2.16 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme (2021-2022) – University of Manchester

For PhDs who completed their degree at a British University in 2017 or after

(yet it is your own exclusive responsibility to check independently for yourself the full criteria),

The School of Arts, Languages & Cultures (SALC) at the U of Manchester will be supporting applications to the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme (2021-2022). SALC’s deadline by which the applications should be ready for review is 16 December 2020.  Applications should be ready by 10 December to allow the school’s committee to decide on the top two candidatesBelow you can read the School Research Manager’s email with the details of how SALC will be managing applications to this scheme.

Subject: Internal process: Leverhulme ECRs 2021 – to SALC RO by 16 December 20

Dear Colleagues,

SALC is supporting applications to the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship scheme 2021-22. Each subject area should submit no more than two applications. A committee will review SALC and JRRI applications (a separate call is being sent out by the JRRI) and select which applications will go forward to the Leverhulme Trust deadline25th February 2021. 

Please read the criteria below and note that this scheme is not suitable for candidates who have only recently submitted their PhD.

Proposed research projects have to be distinguishable from the projects on which candidate’s PhDs were based. Past successful applicants have already published work based on their PhD, and offer genuinely original projects for the Leverhulme scheme. SALC will be particularly interested in applications from external candidates, but applications from our own postdoctoral students are also welcome.

Candidates should use the template on the Leverhulme portal to create an application –  

This application should ultimately be concluded with the SALC academic with whom candidates should communicate in advance (and whose agreement to serve as their sponsor was secured by them). The full draft will need to be submitted to the SALC research office by December 16th 2020. 

Applications will not be accepted after December 16th. The SALC/JRRI committee will then narrow down the most promising applications and put them forward for support from its Grant Writing team, for first full draft submission, on which candidate and sponsor should work in mid-January 2021. Candidates and academic sponsors will be advised of successful applicants once the reviewing/selection has been completed.

Applications should be submitted to SALC RO by the relevant Research Coordinator from the Department and not by the applicants directly.

2.17 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships, University of Exeter

French/Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Exeter welcomes applications for the 2021/22 call for Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships scheme:

Could interested applicants please send expressions of interest, including a 100-word abstract, a concise outline of the proposed research programme/plan of action (maximum 800 words), a summary of the intended outputs and a CV no later than 4 January 2021?

Please submit your expression of interest to, copying to

2.18 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships, University of Liverpool

The University of Liverpool’s School of Histories, Languages & Cultures invites expressions of interest for the 2021 Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships scheme. These awards aim to provide career development opportunities for early career researchers (less than five years since their doctoral viva) who have a proven record of research but have not held a full-time permanent academic post in the UK. They enable Fellows to undertake a significant piece of publishable work and should lead to a more permanent academic position. Further information, including eligibility criteria, can be found on the Leverhulme Trust website.

The University of Liverpool is one of the United Kingdom’s leading research institutions with an annual turnover of £400 million, including £140 million for research. Liverpool is ranked in the top 1% of universities worldwide and is a member of the prestigious Russell Group, comprising the leading research universities in the United Kingdom.

The Department of Modern Languages & Cultures comprises staff working across a wide range of language-based studies, including literary and media, film, historical, cultural and sociolinguistic studies. Alongside French, German, Spanish and Italian, the department also offers Film Studies and Chinese, and we are one of only two centres in the UK where you can study the full range of Hispanic Languages, including Basque, Catalan, Portuguese and Spanish.

The department is an active participant in the School’s inter-disciplinary research centres, including the Centre for the Study of International Slavery, the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and the Eighteenth-Century Worlds research centre. Since 2010, we have been part of the School of Histories, Languages and Cultures, one of four Schools in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The School also includes the departments of History, Irish Studies, Politics, and Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology.

Those interested in applying for a Fellowship at the University of Liverpool are invited to submit expressions of interest to by 12pm on Wednesday 18th November 2020. You are strongly encouraged to discuss your research proposal with a potential mentor within the Department well in advance of submitting your expression of interest. Please include the following documents:

  • CV (2 pages maximum)
  • A completed pro-forma template: Leverhulme ECR 2021 pro-forma
  • A list of publications (1 page maximum). This should include forthcoming publications and publications in preparation.
  • Identification of potential mentor

Applicants supported by the Department and School will be informed by 16th December 2020. All shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a virtual workshop on 11th January 2021, which will include presentations and advice about the scheme.

An expert panel will peer review successful applications after the workshop, and candidates will be invited to send their fully developed application outline (using the template available on the Leverhulme Trust Grant Application System) by 5pm on 20th January 2021.

If you require any further information or wish to discuss your application informally, contact the departmental Research Lead, Prof. Claire Taylor:

3. Announcements

3.1 Delarace – séminaire/webinaire de recherche de Christelle Rabier (EHESS Marseille – 9 octobre 2020 -8 janvier 2021)

UE716 – De la race – Histoire comparée et matérielle des sciences sociales


Lien web (fiche en cours d’actualisation):

Accès au terrain, collecte de données, traitement, restitution, transfert : toute la chaîne opératoire des sciences sociales repose sur des pratiques concrètes et des outils dont les effets sur la connaissance sont souvent méconnus, voire ignorés. Le séminaire #Delarace prolonge une réflexion initiée en 2016 sur l’histoire comparée et matérielle des sciences sociales au travers de séminaires — cycle exploratoire en 2016-2017 ; sur les supports d’information en2017-2018 ; “Le son des sciences humaines” en 2017-2018 et 2018-2019 — des journées d’études — colloque international Faire silence : expériences, matérialités, pouvoirs (21-25 mai 2019). En 2019-2020, nous avons porté attention aux matières dans les enquêtes des sciences sociales.

Pour la cinquième année, le séminaire propose d’entreprendre une discussion de la catégorie de race, de sa conceptualisation différentielle selon les sciences sociales, les usages, son instrumentalisation, sa charge critique. Il entend conduire cette réflexion dans le cadre d’un projet politique de droits civiques au sein de l’université.

Accessible en présentiel et à distance, ouvert aux auditeurs et auditrices libres, aux étudiant∙es de Master et de doctorat de toutes les disciplines représentées dans le Master — histoire, sociologie, anthropologie, science politique — comme aux chercheurs et chercheuses intéressé∙es, le séminaire propose ainsi d’élaborer une épistémologie comparée et critique des sciences sociales en pratique, à partir de lectures, d’interventions de chercheurs et de chercheuses, et de visionnage de films. Par la pluralité des voix et des supports, le séminaire espère mettre en question, et partant limiter, les biais racistes.

Les séances se tiennent le vendredi matin et après-midi, de 9h30 à 13h, salle A (jauge : 20 places) et de 17h à 19h, au Miroir (RDC de la Vieille Charité)(jauge : 50 places).

Inscription séminaire et webinaire obligatoire : – pour obtenir informations, documentations, codes, s’inscrire en présentiel, pour les séminaires du matin et de l’après-midi (projections-débat).

Mercredi 7 octobreAvant-propos. « Les sciences sociales face à la discrimination et à l’exclusion », 17h-18h30. AMSE (5-9 bd Maurice Bourdet, Marseille 1e). Observation participante de la table ronde de rentrée

Vendredi 9 octobre : Séance introductive. Décoloniser les sciences et les arts

  • Avec Olivier Marboeuf, artiste et producteur
  • Projection de I am not your negro, par Raoul Peck, 2017

Vendredi 16 octobre : Collections. De l’anthropologie humaine à la décolonisation des savoirs

  • Avec Judith Dehail, études muséales, Aix-Marseille Université
  • pas de projection

Vendredi 13 novembre : Compter, mesurer. Statistiques, anthropométrie, cartographie, économie

  • Avec William Acker
  • Projection à préciser

Vendredi 20 novembre : Catégories. Historiographies de la race : identités, minorités, migrations

  • Avec Arthur Asséraf, historien
  • Projection de L’or rouge, la bataille du sang, de Philippe Baron, 2015.

Vendredi 4 décembre : (In)Disciplines. De la négritude aux Black studies

  • Avec Mame-Fatou Niang, études françaises
  • Projection de Mariannes noires, de Mame-Fatou Niang, 2016, en présence de la réalisatrice

Vendredi 11 décembre  : Justice. Restitutions, réparations

  • Avec Noé Wagener, droit public
  • Projection à préciser.

Vendredi 18 décembre : Mémoires. Archives, patrimoine

  • Visite des collections patrimoniales de l’Alcazar, avec Sophie Astier, conservatrice des bibliothèques.

Vendredi 8 janvier :  Du racisme des sciences sociales. Bilan du séminaire.

  • Table-ronde « Racisme à l’université : comment s’en sortir ? ».
    Avec la participation de Magali Bessone, Olivia Rutazibwa (à confirmer).
  • Projection de Ouvir la voix, Amandine Gay, 2017.

Canevas des séances :

  • 9h30-10h : discussion informelle à propos des travaux d’étudiant∙es, connexion.
  • 10h-10h45 : discussion des lectures
  • 10h45-11h45 : présentation de l’intervenant∙e, exposé
  • 11h45-12h : pause
  • 12h-13h : discussion générale – et remarques conclusives
  • 16h30-17h : mise en place de la projection
  • 17h : projection suivie d’une discussion générale

3.2 Histoire des sciences et de la médecine coloniales – séminaire/webinaire de recherche de Christelle Rabier et de Romain Tiquet (EHESS Marseille)

Début : 15 novembre 2020

UE961 – Histoire des sciences et de la médecine coloniales : états des lieux

Le séminaire vise à explorer l’état de l’historiographie de la médecine et des savoirs coloniaux et leurs prolongements postcoloniaux, dans une perspective comparatiste temporelle, géographique et impériale.

Après un premier séminaire Histoire de la médicalisation européenne : médecines en situation coloniale et post-coloniale puis de deux ans d’Enquêtes collectives : mémoires coloniales de Marseille (I et II), ce nouveau séminaire-webinaire entend réunir, en présence sur Marseille et à distance, les spécialistes et les étudian∙tes intéressé∙es par le renouvellement des études coloniales des sciences et de la médecine depuis une dizaine d’années, en particulier à partir de nouvelles questions, et de nouveaux terrains – collections muséales, bases de données génétiques, archives privées, archives hospitalières, etc.

Inscription séminaire/webinaire :

Site et accès Moodle :

Validable dans la mention Savoirs en société


jeudi 15 octobre 2020, 09:00-11:00 – Introduction. Histoire des sciences et de la médecine dans les espaces coloniaux : enjeux du comparatisme

  • Christelle Rabier(EHESS, Cermes3) et Romain Tiquet(CNRS, Imaf)

jeudi 19 novembre 2020, 09:00-11:00 – Folie aux colonies: enjeux méthodologiques

  • Gaia Manetti(Università di Pisa) et Romain Tiquet(CNRS)

jeudi 17 décembre 2020, 09:00-11:00 – Folie aux colonies : savoirs administratifs et juridiques

  • Silvia Falconieriet Timothy Collier(CNRS Imaf)

jeudi 21 janvier 2021, 09:00-11:00 – Entre description et appropriation. La construction du savoir sur les langues d’Afrique subsaharienne à l’époque coloniale

  • Cécile Van den Avenne(Université de Paris-3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)

jeudi 18 février 2021, 09:00-11:00 – Explorer l’objet végétal en Amérique portugaise, anglaise et française : approches coloniales, environnementales et médicales (16e-18e siècles).

  • Tassannee Alleauet Marion Pellier(Université François-Rabelais Tours, CESR)

jeudi 18 mars 2021, 09:00-11:00 – Colonial Medicine and Demography in central Africa

  • Samuël Coghe(Freie Universität, Berlin)

jeudi 15 avril 2021, 09:00-11:00 – Quelles sources pour l’étude des statistiques coloniales ? L’exemple des colonies allemandes (1885-1914)

  • Léa Renard(Freie Universität, Berlin)

jeudi 20 mai 2021, 09:00-11:00 – Classer les Indiens :  savoirs ethnographiques et pratiques administratives en Inde et à l’île Maurice au 19e siècle

  • Julie Marquet (Université du Littoral et de la Côte d’Opale)

jeudi 17 juin 2021, 09:00-17:00 – L’archivistique coloniale en question. Séance aux Archives nationales d’Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

  • Que sont les archives coloniales ? Pouvoir, bureaucratie et papiers en Indochine et en AOF au début du XXe siècle
    Fabienne Chamelot (University of Portsmouth)
  • Amelie Hurel (ANOM)
  • Programme à compléter

3.3 The Koren Prize from the Society for French Historical Studies

The selection committee for the Willian Koren, Jr. Prize from the Society for French Historical Studies is soliciting self-nominated entries.

The Koren Prize is given each year to the most outstanding article on any period of French history, published in English or in French by a scholar based in a North American institution (US and Canada.)

If you would like to nominate your article for the prize, please send it to the chair of the committee, Ronen Steinberg, at:

Please note that the deadline for submissions is 1 January, 2021. 

For more information on the award, and to see a list of past winners, go to:

3.4 Vacancy for new Editors of Modern & Contemporary France


Editorial Team (Executive Editor, Co-Editor and Book Reviews Editor) for Modern & Contemporary France 

Applications are invited for a new Editorial Team for Modern & Contemporary France. The team should comprise three posts: Executive Editor, Co-Editor and Book Reviews Editor, of whom at least the Executive Editor and Co-Editor will be based at the same institution. The successful candidates will work in conjunction with the North American Editor to provide academic leadership for the journal. Some administrative support is provided.

Modern & Contemporary France is the journal of the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France (ASMCF) and is published quarterly by Taylor & Francis. Founded in 1980, it is an international peer-reviewed journal, offering a scholarly view of all aspects of France from 1789 to the present day. It is a multi-disciplinary journal of French studies, drawing particularly, but not exclusively, on the work of scholars in history, literary, cultural and post-colonial studies, film and media studies, and the political and social sciences. Applicants should be familiar with the content of the journal, and should be able to demonstrate their suitability, together with relevant experience, in their letter of application. Applications should also outline the proposed vision for the journal and its development.

The Executive Editor oversees all aspects of the journal, liaises with the publishers and reports to the Executive Committee of the ASMCF at its quarterly meetings. S/he takes particular responsibility for the strategic development of the journal and chairs the Editorial Board, which meets twice a year.

The Co-Editor works with the Executive Editor and North American Editor on the peer review, selection and editing of articles for the journal.  S/he attends Editorial Board meetings twice a year and may from time to time represent the journal at other ASMCF meetings.

The Book Reviews Editor is responsible for sourcing relevant books to be reviewed and, in collaboration with an editorial assistant, managing the process from requesting a text through to the publication of its review.

The term of appointment for all posts is 5 years, tenable from August 2021 or by negotiation.

Letters of application, accompanied by a brief CV (no more than 6 pages) should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the ASMCF, Dr Fiona Barclay, <> by 15 December 2020.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to the Executive Editor, Professor Gill Allwood, <>

3.5 Chemins d’histoire, saison 2

Notre partenariat avec Radio Clype est malheureusement terminé, ce que nous regrettons. Mais notre émission se poursuit en autonomie.

Le 11 octobre, nous recevions Catherine Saliou, professeure à l’université Paris 8, auteure de Le Proche-Orient. De Pompée à Muhammad, Ier s. av. JC-VIIe s. ap. JC, Belin, 2020. L’entretien est disponible ici,

Le 4 octobre, nous proposions une émission autour de la figure de l’homme d’affaires et archéologue Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), en compagnie d’Annick Louis, professeure à l’université de Franche-Comté, auteure de L’Invention de Troie. Les vies rêvées de Heinrich Schliemann, éd. EHESS, 2020,

Le 27 septembre, nous étions avec Philippe Artières, directeur de recherches au CNRS, pour évoquer un fait divers épouvantable au début du XXe siècle, Philippe Artières qui a publié Un séminariste assassin. L’affaire Bladier, 1905, éd. CNRS, 2020,

Le 20 septembre, Daniel Foliard, maître de conférences HDR à l’université Paris-Nanterre, auteur de Combattre, punir, photographier. Empires coloniaux, 1890-1914, La Découverte, 2020, nous accompagnait,

Le 13 septembre, Charlotte Courreye, maîtresse de conférences à l’université Jean Moulin-Lyon III, Augustin Jomier, maître de conférences à l’INALCO, et Annick Lacroix, maîtresse de conférences à l’université Paris-Nanterre, présentaient Le Maghreb par les textes, XVIIIe-XXIe siècle, Armand Colin, 2020,

Parmi les prochains numéros, une histoire chorale d’Athènes en 403, une histoire des rapports entre maîtres et domestiques à l’époque moderne, une nouvelle histoire de la danse, etc.

3.6 “NCFS in Captivity: Vénus noire“. H-France Salon Vol 12, Issue 10.

Following the postponement of the Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association’s annual colloquium, Rachel Mesch (Yeshiva University), Masha Belenky (George Washington University), and Susan McCready (University of South Alabama) arranged a series of conversations about new and forthcoming books relating to nineteenth-century France.

In the second webinar of the series, Robin Mitchell (California State University, Channel Islands) discusses her book Vénus Noire: Black Women and Colonial Fantasies in Nineteenth-Century France (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2020) with Pratima Prasad (University of Massachusetts, Boston).

3.7 Postcolonial Realms of Memory video recording now available

The recording of the roundtable held on 9 October 2020 is now available on the Winthrop-King YouTube channel.

3.8 Inaugural Lecture: Decolonising Area Studies

Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 13:00-14:00

An online public lecture with Cardiff University’s School of Law and Politics’ Professor Ambreena Manji, run by the Global Language-based Area Studies research theme under the School-wide Crisis and Culture research theme.

Much international development funding proceeds from and perpetuates unequal relations between the global north and the global south. How can we rethink such funding streams, decolonise area studies and bring in other perspectives?

Further information about Professor Ambreena Manji is available on the university website.

More information here:

3.9 ASMCF Initiative Fund

Please find below details of the ASMCF Initiative Fund. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2020.

The Association’s Initiative Fund provides small grants (up to £500) to individuals who are members of the Association to help defray the costs of research events (conferences, study days, workshops etc.), including postgraduate-led initiatives. The Association is particularly keen to encourage and support regionally-based collaborative initiatives on the part of its members, which should be intended to benefit a wide public. More details about the prize can be found on the ASMCF website:

3.10 2021 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in Science Fiction Studies

Peter Lang Oxford welcomes proposals for the 2021 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in Science Fiction Studies.

Proposals are invited from early career scholars ­in Science Fiction Studies for academic monographs to be evaluated by a distinguished editorial board. At least two winners will be selected, one for the Ralahine Utopian Studies series and one for the World Science Fiction Studies series, each of whom will receive a contract to publish their book with Peter Lang.

Proposals should be submitted to Laurel Plapp ( by 30 November 2020 and include an abstract (including chapter synopses), a sample chapter (5,000 to 10,000 words in length), and a CV in separate Microsoft Word documents.

Proposals are welcome from scholars working on any aspect of Science Fiction Studies and must be written in English. We welcome scholars working on world science fiction, utopian science fiction, science fiction film, and/or interdisciplinary studies. Proposals under review elsewhere should not be submitted.

The winner will be offered a contract for a fully funded book to be published within six months of receipt of the complete and approved manuscript. Planned manuscripts should be 60,000 to 100,000 words in length. Authors will be expected to copy-edit the manuscript in accordance with the style guidelines provided.

Applicants should be early career scholars who have been awarded a PhD between 2015 and 2020 or expect to be awarded a PhD in 2021.

Decisions will be made by 31 January 2021 and the winner will be notified shortly thereafter.

For general information about the competition, please contact Laurel Plapp, Senior Commissioning Editor, Peter Lang Ltd, 52 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU. E-mail:

Ralahine Utopian Studies

Edited by Raffaella Baccolini, Antonis Balasopoulos, Joachim Fischer, Michael J. Griffin, Naomi Jacobs, Michael G. Kelly, Tom Moylan and Phillip E. Wegner

Ralahine Utopian Studies is the publishing project of the Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies at the University of Limerick in association with the University of Bologna, the University of Cyprus, the University of Florida and the University of Maine.

The series publishes high-quality scholarship that addresses the theory and practice of utopianism (including Anglophone, continental European and indigenous and postcolonial traditions, and contemporary and historical periods). Publications (in English and other European languages) include original monographs and essay collections (including theoretical, textual and ethnographic/institutional research), English-language translations of utopian scholarship in other national languages, reissues of classic scholarly works that are out of print and annotated editions of original utopian literary and other texts (including translations).

While the series editors seek work that engages with the current scholarship and debates in the field of utopian studies, they will not privilege any particular critical or theoretical orientation. They welcome submissions by established or emerging scholars working within or outside the academy. Given the multilingual and interdisciplinary remit of the series, the editors especially welcome comparative studies in any disciplinary or transdisciplinary framework.

World Science Fiction Studies

Edited by Sonja Fritzsche and Gerry Canavan

World Science Fiction Studies understands science fiction to be an inherently global phenomenon. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited collections that celebrate the tremendous reach of a genre that continues to be interpreted and transformed by a variety of cultures and linguistic communities around the world. The series embraces this global vision of the genre but also supports the articulation of each community’s unique approach to the challenges of science, technology and society. The series encourages the use of contemporary theoretical approaches (e.g. postcolonialism, posthumanism, feminisms, ecocriticism) as well as engagement with positionalities understood through critical race and ethnicity studies, gender studies, queer theory, disability studies, class analysis, and beyond. Interdisciplinary work and research on any media (e.g. print, film, television, visual arts, video games, new media) is welcome. The language of the series is English.

Advisory Board: Elizabeth Ginway (University of Florida), Iva Polak (University of Zagreb), and Alfredo Luiz Suppia (University of Campinas)

3.11 Launch of CLIL Mondays

Learning through Languages UK and the Centre for Language Research at Aston are pleased to announce the launch of « CLIL Mondays », the second Monday of each month from 4.30 to 5.30.

This series of online talks is aimed at teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels who have an interest in Content and Language Integrated Learning. CLIL Mondays combine short 30-min talks on aspects of CLIL with Q&A time. From Spring 2021, one session per term will be open to practitioners for sharing of good practice, you are warmly invited to come and present your CLIL work…

Monday 9th November (4.30-5.30)  

Dr. Concha Julián (Research on Affective Learning Language Lab. University of Huelva):  

Tips to elaborate a simple CLIL lesson plan: what to add and what to avoid

Monday 14th December (4.30-5.30) 

Dr Elisabeth Wielander (Aston University)

Integrating Content and Language at University: findings from Europe

Monday 11th January (4.30-5.30) 

Dr Peeter Mehisto (institute of Education, University College London)

How socio-emotional skills can empower students and improve learning

 Monday 8th February (4.30-5.30) 

Dr Sarah Lister, Manchester Metropolitan University

Gamifying CLIL in a mathematical context

Monday 8th March (4.30-5.30) 

Bring and Share: Best Practice Event

3.12 SFHS in search of a Financial Officer

The Society for French Historical Studies seeks applications for the position of Financial Officer.

The Financial Officer plays three key roles in the Society:

  1. Managing the Society’s funds.  The FO pays bills, maintains financial records, and ensures that all tax documents are filed, but does not personally invest funds or make stock choices.  The FO reports annually to the Executive Committee and to the membership of the Society.
  2. Supporting the Executive Director and the President in the conduct of the annual meeting and the direction of the Society.  The FO may advise on hotel contracts and billing arrangements and participate in the development of fund-raising strategies.
  1. Representing the Society in discussions with Duke University Press (publisher of French Historical Studies) and at the annual meeting of the American Council of Learned Societies (at ACLS’ expense).

Qualifications:  Ability to use or learn Quickbooks and to balance accounts. Solid understanding of investment, but no need for expertise as an investor.  Flexibility, curiosity, discretion, and attention to detail.

Like other officers and committee members, the FO is expected to attend annual meetings at their own expense.

Potential candidates with questions should contact members of the search committee or the outgoing FO, Lynn Sharp (

Please submit a letter of application and a c.v. to Carol Harrison ( by Monday, February 1, 2021.

3.13 Thanatic Ethics: the circulation of bodies in migratory spaces

We are delighted to announce the first “Thanatic Ethics” Webinar Series which will run from October 2020 to December 2020. A second series will be organized between January and March. We have organized these talks to prepare us for our main events next year – the two workshops and the concluding conference.

Friday 23 October 2020, 9:30-10:30 GMT
‘The politics of counting migrant deaths in times of crisis’
Antoine Pecoud (Paris 13 University)

Friday 20 November 2020, 13:30-14:30 GMT
‘Invisible Bodies: Refugees, Undocumented Migrants and Asylum Seekers in Canadian Literature’
Srilata Ravi (University of Alberta)

Friday 4 December 2020, 9:30-10:30 GMT
‘Transnational engagements around Senegalese migrants’ death’
Felicien de Heusch (University of Liege)

To attend one of the online events, or to be added to the seminar’s mailing list, please contact Thomas Lacroix
Convened by Bidisha Banerjee (CPCH, The Education University of Hong Kong), Judith Misrahi-Barak (EMMA, University Paul Valery Montpellier 3) and Thomas Lacroix (MFO)

You can find details of the project at:éens-et-internationaux/thanatic-ethics

3.14 TELE Design for Difficult History Learning and Historical Empathy – Request for Participation

Dear French Historians,

Hope all is well.

I am an international Ph.D. student in the interdisciplinary Texts & Technology program at the University of Central Florida. My dissertation, tentatively titled “Design-Based Research Case Study of Lucie Aubrac and the French Resistance: Multimedia Flipped Learning Approach for Difficult History Learning and Historical Empathy,” seeks to improve the teaching of difficult history by designing a Technology enhanced learning environment (TELE) developed and tested in with historians and students. Some examples for TELEs are websites, games, mobile apps, and technologies such as augmented and virtual realities (AR & VR). Participants do not need to have any experience using these technologies, they will provide input based on real-classroom experience teaching difficult history and/or the French resistance. Experience teaching about the French resistance is not required.

To do this work, I selected the case study of French Resistor Lucy Aubrac. Her experience in World War II allows us to ask a range of questions and to explore the complex roles of women in the Resistance. Given that her experience  is rarely taught in schools or in pubic sites, using this case will help to smash stereotypes about historical actors while simultaneously allowing students to learn about the difficult choices people had to make during World War II.  Moreover, this dissertation seeks to raise questions about the challenges of teaching civil disobedience in classroom, and think about how to overcome these challenges using enhanced technologies. For example, Aubracs story describes a dramatic shift from pacifist to militant resistor. The dynamic relationship between state power and her internal struggle with moral choices will help students to understand how someone decides to participate in civil disobedience and armed resistance.

This is an iterative study that asks participants to be involved with the development of the digital teaching tool. The total time commitment is four weeks. I ask faculty, to commit for a total of six one-hour sessions which includes the two phases of the study: initial consultation and three design cycles. The hours will be divided across the four weeks. Students will commit for one-hour weekly session for four weeks. All meetings will be conducted via Zoom.

We welcome participation from academic historians who teach French history, and university students who are history majors and over eighteen years old to inform the design of the TELE.

The final TELE will be a result of a collaborative work with academic historians and university students. My goal is to produce a prototype that can be developed for use with other difficult history topics in the future at both the K-12 and university levels. This study contributes to existing literature in design, pedagogy, and difficult history.

If you are interested and willing to participate please, fill in the Google form below:

or contact me at if you have questions.  You may also contact my chair Dr. Amelia Lyons on

I am also seeking student volunteers.  Please share this information and the link with students who might be interested in participating.

The IRB determined that the proposed activity is not research involving human subjects as defined by DHHS and FDA regulations. IRB review and approval by this organization is not required.

Many greetings,

Sahar Eissa

Texts and Technology

University of Central Florida 

3.15 UCML Early Career Academic Support Network

The increasingly precarious nature of career paths in Higher Education, particularly Modern Languages, means that many early-career academics find themselves adrift from the support of experienced colleagues, former supervisors, and departmental mentors who have the ability to provide the guidance and feedback so essential for developing a professional profile and navigating the myriad new professional experiences which characterize the initial years of this career.

UCML’s ECA Support Network (ECASN) seeks to alleviate these obstacles through academic mentoring. Its intention is to connect researchers at the start of their career who have standalone projects on which they need advice with more experienced peers and colleagues who can provide constructive feedback: this includes article submissions, conference and seminar proposals and presentations, pitches for special issues of journals, plans for events and public engagement, book proposals, CV design, and bids for research-council fellowships/grants. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, live job applications cannot be an object of discussion, but there will be scope for general advice based on past job applications with the view to making future improvements.

Mentees will self-identify as early-career linguists – likely to be late-stage postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, teaching fellows, and new lecturers – and particularly those without access to departmental support or affiliation.

The Network welcomes the altruistic input of experienced colleagues from across the disciplines represented by UCML. Prospective mentees and mentors from non-traditional academic backgrounds and minority groups are particularly encouraged to get involved.

The network operates as follows – 

Two mentoring modes are possible:

  1. Individual requests

Mentors offering support:

Colleagues with approximately 5 years of experience post-viva are encouraged to send their details to the list moderator (Dr Hannah Scott – to be added to a closed database of mentors. Mentors may be colleagues with a current institution affiliation and on a stable academic career trajectory, and are also welcome from those who are navigating multiple temporary contracts – the lengthening period of post-PhD precarity means that this group now comprises many academics with multiple articles, successful grant applications, edited collections, and published books but lacking permanent appointments, and their experience is equally valuable.

The details to send should include:

  • a brief summary of fields of research and teaching experience;
  • major publications;
  • any successful grant applications (e.g. AHRC/British Academy/Leverhulme/Wellcome);
  • any experience of public engagement and impact activities;
  • any areas for which that they particularly wish/do not wish to provide support;
  • a contact email address.

When a call for support from a prospective mentee is received by the list moderator (e.g. help fine-tuning a first conference paper), the moderator will contact all suitably-experienced mentors (via email in blind carbon-copy) to ask for availability. Details of mentors will never be handed to prospective mentees directly. Anyone who would like to take up this call can reply to the list moderator to accept the project, and then contact the mentee directly. Note that this is not intended to develop into a longer-term mentoring relationship with the mentee – it is a one-off request for a standalone issue. The mentor may choose how often and when they wish to offer their time and support.

Those seeking support:

Early-career academics should direct their request for support to the list moderator (Dr Hannah Scott – – for example, I would like help fine-tuning my first conference paper, on environmental humanities and post-colonial French literature. This should be accompanied by a brief academic biography (focusing on the field of research and experience so far).

The list moderator will then identify any mentors on the database with relevant experience and email them to check their availability. If a match is found, the available mentor will then contact the mentee directly via email to provide support. Please note that this is not intended to build into a longer-term mentoring relationship with the mentor – it aims to tackle a one-off request for a standalone issue. Longer-term support can be sought through an application for the Year-long Mentoring Partnerships (see below).

  1. Year-long Mentoring Partnerships:

As well as support with standalone enquiries, the Network also seeks to establish a limited number of mentoring partnerships which will last for the longer period of one year. These partnerships will result from an annual call for applications (details to follow), and are intended for early-career academics within approximately 5 years post-viva who:

  1. do not currently holding an academic position;
  2. are on an academic contract amounting to less than approximately ¾ of full-time employment in a year (e.g. less than 8-9 months at 1FTE or 11-12 months at 0.6FTE);
  3. are working in academia but have no access to mentoring or support from within their institution.

These partnerships will support the overall career development of the selected mentees through advice on matters such as honing future research plans, developing the content of an academic CV, managing teaching loads to enable research time, and shaping funding applications, as well as more practical support/feedback on the areas covered by this support network more generally. This partnership is likely to take the shape of monthly meetings – probably online or by telephone – in line with a plan of action agreed between the mentee and the mentor.

3.16 Simone de Beauvoir Studies – Call for Guest Editors

Do you have an idea for an exciting theme that would make for an outstanding journal issue? Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) is seeking one or more guest editors for its next Special Issue (SdBS 33.2, October 2022). The Editorial Team is especially interested in proposals for creative, cutting-edge themes that promise to advance scholarship in a variety of disciplines and that speak to the most pressing issues of our time.

SdBS not only encourages proposals for themes that directly address Beauvoir’s writings, but also for those that do not treat Beauvoir’s writings per se but are nonetheless in conversation with her legacy such as gender studies, feminism, sexuality studies, disability studies, critical race theory, postcolonial studies, global politics, twentieth-century history, posthumanism, literary theory, and autobiography.

SdBS welcomes proposals from individuals and from teams comprised of researchers and writers from different countries, and other pairings that harbor multiple perspectives.

Please visit for information on how to submit a guest editor proposal (direct link to proposal guidelines: Proposals for SdBS special issues are reviewed annually and should be submitted by November 15, 2020.

Previous Special Issues

SdBS 32.2       Situating Masculinities / Situer les masculinités, edited by Todd Reeser and Kaliane Ung (submission deadline: March 1, 2021)

SdBS 31.2       Reading and Translating The Second Sex Globally / Traduire et lire Le Deuxième Sexe à l’échelle globale, edited by Sylvie Chaperon and Marine Rouch

SdBS 30.2       Beauvoir in Conversation / Dialogues avec Beauvoir, edited by Jennifer McWeeny


Appel à rédacteur.trices invité.es

Simone de Beauvoir Studies

Date limite : 15 novembre 2020


Avez-vous en tête une thématique stimulante pour un numéro exceptionnel ? La revue Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) est à la recherche d’un.e ou des rédacteur.trice.s invité.e.s pour son prochain numéro spécial (SdBS 33.2, octobre 2022). Le comité éditorial est tout spécialement en quête de propositions d’angles inédits ou innovateurs qui touchent aux travaux de diverses disciplines traitant de sujets d’actualité.

La revue SdBS encourage non seulement les propositions d’approches ou de thématiques portant spécifiquement sur les écrits de Beauvoir, mais également celles qui entrent en dialogue avec son héritage. Celles-ci peuvent avoir trait, par exemple, aux études sur le genre (gender studies), au féminisme, à la sexualité, au corps ou au handicap ; aux études interculturelles ou postcoloniales, à la politique mondiale, à l’histoire du vingtième siècle ou au posthumanisme ; à la théorie littéraire, à la correspondance ou aux Mémoires.

Elle accepte les propositions de numéro spécial émanant de particuliers ainsi que d’équipes composées de chercheur.e.s débutant.e.s et chevronné.e.s issu.e.s de différents pays.

Pour découvrir comment soumettre une proposition, nous vous invitons à consulter la page suivante : ( Consignes pour les propositions de numéro special : Les propositions doivent être envoyées avant le 15 novembre 2020.

Les numèros specials précédents

SdBS 32.2       Situer les masculinités / Situating Masculinities, Rédacteur.trice.s invité.e.s : Todd Reeser et Kaliane Ung (Date limite pour les soumissions : 1er mars 2021)

SdBS 31.2       Traduire et lire Le Deuxième Sexe à l’échelle globale / Reading and Translating The Second Sex Globally, Rédactrices invitées : Sylvie Chaperon et Marine Rouch

SdBS 30.2       Dialogues avec Beauvoir / Beauvoir in Conversation, Rédactrice invitée : Jennifer McWeeny

3.17 Institute for Latin America Studies Closure – Please sign the petition

Earlier this month, we were informed of a proposal for the closure of ILAS, as part of restructuring plans at the School of Advanced Studies, University of London, of which ILAS forms part.

This proposal came out of the blue and if materialised ILAS will close in November, that is, only a few weeks after the proposal was announced. This is outrageous and many of us, current and former members of ILAS, are mobilised against this plan for closure.

To raise awareness of this event, we are calling the Latin Americanist community, and everyone in academia and beyond, to sign<> this petition and share it widely among their networks.

In addition to signing the petition, you can send letters of support against the closure of ILAS to the acting Dean, Professor Jo Fox,  and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London Professor Wendy Thomson,

Please use the hashtags: #stopILASclosure and #SaveILAS when sharing the petition on social media.

3.18 CCM Seminar Series 2020-2021 ‘Mediated Memories of Responsibility’

Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory


School of Advanced Study • University of London

The Cultural Memory Seminar is the main seminar series of the CCM, which takes a specific theme each year. The series invites leading scholars to present the latest in memory studies research. As part of the Institute for Modern Languages Research (IMLR), the Centre and seminar series is rooted in the interdisciplinary study of modern languages and cultures, and is particularly focused on transcultural memory and its intersections with the wider disciplines of literary studies, history, sociology and the visual arts.

Mediated Memories of Responsibility

The theme for the Cultural Memory Seminar in 2020–21 is Mediated Memories of Responsibility, co-convened by Guido Bartolini (University College Cork/IMLR), Selena Daly (Royal Holloway University of London) and Joseph Ford (IMLR). These seminars will take place online throughout 2020 and 2021.

The Mediated Memories of Responsibility theme brings together scholars working on the cultural representation of the violent past of the 20th century across a variety of media and cultures. The seminars will examine the contribution of cultural products to exposing the crimes of perpetrators and disseminating a sense of responsibility for the past in relation to events such as colonialism, wars and dictatorships. Interdisciplinary in nature, the seminars will explore the construction of the idea of responsibility for past wrongdoings across textual and visual media while addressing ethical questions stemming from the study of past atrocities. Bringing together scholars working across the disciplines, the series aims to foster a cross-fertilization of ideas and approaches in Modern Languages, History, and Memory Studies.

The seminars have received generous support from the Humanities and Arts Research Institute (HARI) of Royal Holloway University of London, and University Council of Modern Languages (UCML).

Contact: Dr Guido Bartolini:

Series dates:

Session 1: 18 November 2020, 3pm GMT

Max Silverman (University of Leeds)
Hanna Meretoja (University of Turku)
Donald Bloxham (University of Edinburgh)
Further information on session 1 and how to book can be found here:


Session 2: 20 January 2021, 3pm GMT

Claire Gorrara (University of Cardiff)
Emiliano Perra (University of Winchester)
Stephanie Bird (UCL)
Further information on session 2 and how to book can be found here:

Session 3: 10 March 2021
Uilleam Blacker (UCL)
Frederica Mazzara (University of Westminster)
Damien Short (School of Advanced Study UoL)

Session 4: 19 May 2021
Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (University of Warwick)
Diana Popa (University of Tallinn)
Charles Burdett (University of Durham) and Gianmarco Mancosu (University of Warwick)

This CCM Seminar Series is co-convened by Guido Bartolini (University College Cork/IMLR), Selena Daly (Royal Holloway University of London) and Joseph Ford (IMLR).  Download Poster

All are welcome to attend these free events. You will need to register in advance for each session to receive the online event joining link.

Booking facilities and further information for the March and May 2021 sessions will be available in due course on the CCM Events page.

3.19 Appel à Projets – UchicagoParis

Pour renforcer ses liens avec les institutions universitaires françaises, favoriser les échanges internationaux entre chercheurs, offrir un cadre à la recherche et une visibilité au public, le Centre à Paris de l’Université de Chicago lance un appel à manifestations scientifiques.

Les projets lauréats bénéficieront du soutien de l’Université de Chicago qui se chargera de la communication de l’événement et de la gestion des inscriptions, assurera l’accueil des participants et accompagnera le bon déroulement de la rencontre. Un soutien financier est possible jusqu’à 1000€.

Critères d’éligibilité :

• Événement qui aurait lieu dans nos locaux entre le 1er janvier 2021 et le 30 avril 2021

  • Manifestation à caractère scientifique : conférence, colloque, symposium, workshop…
  • Événement ouvert au public

Dossier à envoyer avant le 20 novembre 2020 :

  • Format de la manifestation
  • Titre
  • Noms des coordinateurs et affiliations
  • Intervenants et communications (pré-programme)
  • Date souhaitée
  • Texte de présentation
  • Montant sollicité (budget détaillé)

Contact : Marie Sahakian – – 01 53 94 78 93

A la réception de votre dossier vous recevrez un accusé de réception, et une réponse vous sera envoyée au plus tard le 30 novembre après passage en commission tenue par l’Executive Committee composée de Professeurs de l’Université de Chicago.

Nous sommes conscients que le délai est court, notre programmation a été bousculée par les circonstances exceptionnelles que nous connaissons. Nous retrouverons un rythme « normal » courant 2021. Merci de votre compréhension.

3.20 MHRA: PG Editor for Working Papers in the Humanities

The MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) is looking for a second postgraduate editor for its online journal, MHRA Working Papers in the Humanities ( Working Papers was launched in 2006 and is aimed at early career researchers and postgraduates.

The successful applicant will serve as a second postgraduate representative to the MHRA Executive Committee, attending three committee meetings per year in London and advising on postgraduate matters. The position may also involve an element of conference organisation. For further information about the work of the MHRA see

This position starts on 1 December 2020 and ends in November 2022. Whilst unpaid, it offers invaluable experience in the world of academic publishing, as well as representing a chance to work constructively for the future of the Humanities more broadly. Applications are welcome from postgraduates in their first or second year of doctoral study working in any of the ‘modern humanities’, defined as relating to the modern and medieval languages, literatures and cultures of Europe (including English and the Slavonic languages, and the cultures of the European diaspora).

Applicants should send a CV and cover letter (in a single Word file, please), together with a letter of support from their supervisor, as email attachments to Mrs Adeline Callander (, MHRA Administrator, by 12 November 2020. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be addressed to the current representatives at

3.21 Oxford Francophone Conversations 2020-1

Please join us for a series of online conversations about recent publications in francophone postcolonial studies. You should register for each event individually using the links below. Registered attendees will receive log-in details by email in the week before the event. If you have any questions, please email the convenor, Dr. Alexandra Reza ( Everyone is welcome!

1: Tuesday 17 November 2020, 5pm (UK time).

Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies, University of Michigan.

Reimagining Liberation: How Black Women Transformed Citizenship in the French Empire (Urbana Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2020).

Register here.

2: Tuesday 1 December 2020, 5pm (UK time).

Rachel Douglas, Lecturer in French and Comparative Literature, University of Glasgow.

Making The Black Jacobins: C.L.R. James and the Drama of History (Durham: Duke University Press, 2019).

Register here.

3: Tuesday 26 January 2021, 5pm (UK time).

Jordan Stump, Professor of French, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

On his recent translations of Scholastique Mukasonga’s L’Iguifou (memoir) [Igifu (Brooklyn, NY : Archipelago Books, 2020)] and Marie NDiaye’s Un temps de saison:  [That time of year (San Francisco, CA : Two Lines Press, 2020)].

Register here.

4: Tuesday 23 February, 6pm (UK time).

Lia Brozgal, Associate Professor, French and Francophone Studies, University of California, Los Angeles.

Absent the Archive: Cultural Traces of a Massacre in Paris, 17 October 1961 (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020).

Register here.

5: Tuesday 11 May, 6pm (UK time).

Robin Mitchell, Associate Professor, History, California State University, Channel Islands.

Vénus Noire: Black Women and Colonial Fantasies in Nineteenth-Century France (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2020).

Register here.

3.22 Funding Competition to Improve Access and Participation for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups in Postgraduate Research Study

Research England and the Office for Students are launching a joint funding competition for project proposals to improve access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in postgraduate research (PGR) study in the English higher education sector. Together we are making available up to £8 million for this scheme.

We are interested in projects that aim to provide evidence of effectiveness and impact on improved access and participation for black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in PGR students. We expect projects to aim to provide exemplars of effective practice and/or transferable insights across the higher education sector.

Deadline for bids: noon, 28 January 2021

Please see below for further details:

3.23 Winthrop-King event – Global Africas: Congolese Literatre, Art, and Music

The Winthrop King Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies invites you to its inaugural Global Africas event:

Global Africas: Congolese Literature, Music, and Art in the 21st Century 

This two-day set of workshops and a round table will focus on the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Congolese diaspora by featuring internationally renowned author AlainMabanckou, the Paris-based artist and cartoonist Pat Masioni, and Belgium-based rapper Baloji.


Date: November 5th

10:00 am to 11:00 am EST: Discussion with artist Pat Masioni (in French)

11:00 am to 12:00 pm EST: Discussion with musician and filmmaker Baloji

12:30 pm to 1:30 pm EST: Discussion with author Alain Mabanckou

Date: November 6th 

12:30 pm to 2:00 pm EST: Roundtable with Alain Mabanckou, Baloji, and Pat Masioni

The roundtable will be moderated by Dr. Bumatay and Alexis Finet, ABD with translations from French to English provided in the chat.

During all of the discussions and the roundtable, attendees may submit their questions that moderators will pose to the speakers.

To confirm your participation for each of the Zoom events, please register.

Registration is Free 

Be sure to check the event website for details, interviews, and information about the exhibition of Pat Masioni’s work at the Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts.

3.24 Modern Languages Research Training 2020-2021 / Term 1

This academic year, the Institute of Modern Languages Research’s free training programme will be delivered online using Zoom, with the exception of archival visits and full-day research training events planned for the summer term. Online training will take place on Wednesday or Friday afternoons, and will consist of both one-off sessions of 1-2 hours, as well as short courses run over 2 to 3 sessions and incorporating online learning activities. Alongside our live training programme, we will develop additional training resources including short videos and a forum to share research-related queries and experiences on the new Modern Languages Research Training section on the School of Advanced Study’s Online Research Training platform.

The first sessions will begin in November and the programme for Term 1 includes:

  1. Working with and Interviewing Writers, Artists and Filmmakers*

Session leader: Joe Ford (IMLR)

Wednesday 4 November 2020 2pm – 3.30pm

Registration and further details:


  1. Modern Languages at the British Library

Session leader: Marja Kingma (British Library)

Wednesday 18 November 2020, 2-4pm

Further details and registration:

  1. Ethnography and Modern Languages Research*

Course leaders: Chandra Morrison (LSE) and Naomi Wells (IMLR)

Dates and times: Wednesday 25 November 2-3pm, Wednesday 2 December 2-3pm and Friday 4 December 2-3pm

Further details and registration:

Further sessions later on in the academic year will focus on:

– The Environmental Humanities and Modern Languages Research

– Disability Studies and Modern Languages Research

– Gender Studies and Modern Languages Research

– Archives and Modern Languages Research

– Digital Culture and Modern Languages Research

– Decolonial Approaches to Modern Languages Research

– World Literature and Modern Languages Research

– Participatory Languages Research in Schools

– Working with Communities, Participatory Photography, Research in Post-Conflict Settings and Digital Data for Cultural Research*

– Postdoctoral Experiences and Opportunities in Modern Languages

– Applying for Research Grants in Modern Languages

– Modern Languages and Careers in and beyond Academia

– Translation and Subtitling between Europe and Asia (organised by Migrating Texts and funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership)

– Researching Multilingually (organised by the Researching Multilingually Network and funded by the London Arts and Humanities Partnership)

Full details and registration for each session will be announced on the Modern Languages online research training section. All sessions are free but advance registration on the IMLR’s events system will be essential.

Please contact Naomi Wells ( if you have any questions about the programme.

* These sessions have been organised by the ‘Fieldwork and Modern Languages’ working group, chaired by Claire Griffiths (

3.25 French Film Festival UK 4 – 14 Nov at Cine Lumiere

The French Film Festival is back from 4 November to 17 December in 28 cinemas UK-wide, including Ciné Lumière in London, a tour de force in these challenging circumstances. At a time when the film industry is severely impacted, the French Film Festival and the French Institute in the UK reaffirm their support to independent cinema and cinemas.

The Festival will bring 250 screenings of French and Francophone films to British audiences, from Belfast to Bristol, from Aberdeen to Plymouth. In London, Ciné Lumière, will feature 14 films, mostly UK premieres, over 24 screenings as well as virtual introductions and Q&As with talents, from 4 to 14 November.

Londoners will get a chance to discover some of the year’s hottest titles from the Cannes Film Festival selection at Ciné Lumière, including Home Front by Lucas Belvaux (Des Hommes) starring Gérard Depardieu, Slalom, by Charlène Favier, Love Affairs (Les Choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait) by Emmanuel Mouret or My Donkey, My Lover and I (Antoinette dans les Cévennes) by Caroline Vignal.

Several powerful historical dramas are featured such as De Gaulle, a biopic on the heroic figure of the French Resistance with Lambert Wilson in the title-role,  Home Front adapted from the eponymous novel by Laurent Mauvignier on the Algerian war or Small Country: an African Childhood, based on Gael Faye’s novel Petit Pays tackling the civil war in Rwanda.

As part of its ongoing strand, Women Shaping the World, Ciné Lumière offers a platform for female directors during the festival, and presents several comedies  hailed both by the critics and the audience in France: Arab Blues (Un divan à Tunis) by Manele Labidi, My Donkey, My Lover and I by Caroline Vignal and Notre Dame by Valérie Donzelli, which central character is the French cathedral itself, filmed just before it was devastated.

More comedies are on the menu with stellar names of French cinema, from Isabelle Huppert in Mama Weed (La Daronne) by Jean-Paul Salomé, opening the festival, to Juliette Binoche in How to Be a Good Wife (La Bonne épouse) by Martin Provost.

Family screenings (Spread your Wings/Donne-moi des ailes) are also programmed as well as classics including Jean-Luc Godard’s masterpiece Breathless in a brand new print on its 60th anniversary and Costa-Gavras first feature The Sleeping Car Murders starring the late Michel Piccoli.

French Film Festival at Ciné Lumière

French Film Festival in the UK

3.26 New Books in French Studies-Interview with Dónal Hassett

The latest New Books in French Studies interview with Dónal Hassett about Mobilizing Memory: The Great War and the Language of Politics in Colonial Algeria, 1918-1939 (Oxford University Press, 2019) can be accessed online.

You can tune in here.

New Books in French Studies features discussions with scholars of France and the Francophone world about their latest books. It is a part of the New Books Network, a consortium of podcasts featuring publications across a wide range of fields. The podcast can also be accessed via iTunes where a free subscription option is available.

3.27 ULIP Seminar Series: “The Body at Work: Gender, Labour, Migration,” Tues. 3 Nov.

The third session of “The Body at Work” will take place Tuesday 3 November at 12:30 (CEST). Anna-Louise Milne (University of London in Paris) will give a talk entitled “Gendering ‘Hospitality’: Volunteer Labour and (Im)Mobile Men.”

‘This is free, it’s for everyone.’ Such is the claim that underpins a whole range of food distribution practices, which are more and more structurally embedded in our cities as levels of poverty soar and forces of demographic transformation such as the so-called ‘migrant crisis’ tear into the fiction of a cohesive democratic space. It’s a claim that is overwhelmingly underpinned by women’s largely unremunerated labour, perhaps particularly ‘migrant’ women’s unremunerated labour. And it often engages a paradigm of hospitality or welcome, long theorized with Derrida as an ethical aporia, more recently revisited in a more pragmatic rethinking that enlists it as strategy, whether for opening new alliances or for reshaping the discursive and legal framework of solidarity (Brugère/Le Blanc, 2017). The theoretical literature on hospitality is persistently ungendered and more specifically unconcerned with the ways in which the strategic harnessing of ‘hospitality’ may depend materially and discursively on silencing the place of ‘la maman’, or ‘la mamie’ or ‘notre mère à tous…’, all appellations that constellate the practices of neighbourhood food and clothes distributions in particular, as well as other local endeavours, including school support or street cleaning. What are the contemporary modalities of ‘maternal’ care in un-sheltered or ‘dés-abrité’ spaces of the street or sites of migrant occupation? What sort of political subjectivity do they offer, what sort of family do they invoke, and what does this mean for ‘the family’ as the primordial unit of social organization? These are questions we will aim to explore between experience in the field, located in the northern quartiers populaires of Paris, the discursive space opened recently by Fatima Ouassek’s book La puissance des mères (La Découverte, 2020), as well the parental union Le Front de mères that she co-founded, and Tassadit Imache’s narrative essay Fini d’écrire ! (Hors d’atteinte, 2020).

Please email to register.

Series calendar:

3.28 British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Event – Securing a post-doc position after your PhD: Demystifying the application process

Date: Thursday 5 November 2020
Time: 1pm-2:30pm (GMT)
Location: Online via Zoom


Event Details
What does it take to secure a post-doc after your PhD? This event brings together three academics who have successfully secured post-doctoral positions (with Leverhulme; British Academy and Cambridge JRF) and an academic mentor who has supported a successful application. The panellists work in a range of disciplines spanning the humanities, languages, history, and political science. The event offers an opportunity for students and ECRs interested in pursuing an academic career to find out about the various post-doc tracks that are available and to learn from the experiences of our panellists. The event intends to highlight what post-doc options are available to recent PhD graduates; demystify the application process; and offer useful tips and advice in the process. We invite students and ECRs to come prepared with questions to ask our panellists.

Each panellist will speak for 7-10 minutes on their respective post-doc experiences/mentoring, touching on a range of themes, including: (1) preparation and thinking ahead for post-doc positions; (2) the post-doc application process; (3) learning from hiring panel feedback and/or previous rejection; and (4) interview or other advice.

This will allow 45 minutes for the panellists, followed by approximately 45 minutes for discussion, questions and answers. The event should take no longer than 90 minutes.

Dr Malaka Shwaikh (Associate Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies, University of St Andrews and BRISMES Council Member)


Dr Sarah Arens (Univeristy of St Andrews)

Sarah is currently a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of St Andrews with a project investigating the role of natural sciences and museums for Belgian colonialism. Following a PhD in French from Edinburgh (2017), she has previously held a number of short-term research and/or teaching positions in the UK and the US.

Dr Lorenzo Feltrin (University of Warwick)

Lorenzo Feltrin received a PhD in Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick in January 2019 with a thesis titled “Between the Hammer and the Anvil: The Trade Unions and the 2011 Arab Uprisings in Morocco and Tunisia”. He is interested in the research areas of labour, social movements, and political ecology. He published his research in the Review of African Political Economy, Economic and Industrial Democracy, and Third World Quarterly. He is due to begin a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at the University of Birmingham in May 2021.

Dr Mezna Qato (University of Cambridge)

Mezna Qato is Margaret Anstee Fellow at Newnham College, University of Cambridge. Previously, she was Junior Research Fellow at King’s College, Cambridge, and Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Academy of Education in the US. A social historian of the modern Middle East, her research and teaching interests centre on histories and theories of social, economic and political transformation amongst refugee and stateless communities, the politics and practice of archives, and global micro-histories of movements and collectivities across the region.

Professor Charles Tripp (SOAS University of London)

Charles Tripp is Professor Emeritus of Politics with reference to the Middle East and North Africa, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and a Fellow of the British Academy, where he is also Vice-President for the British International Research Institutes. His research interests include the nature of autocracy, state and resistance in the Middle East, the politics of Islamic identities, and the role of art in the constitution of the political. He is the author of: Islam and the Moral Economy: The Challenge of Capitalism (Cambridge, 2006) and A History of Iraq (Cambridge, 2007). His most recent book is The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East (Cambridge, 2013). He is presently working on a project on the emergence of the public and the rethinking of republican ideals in Tunisia.

3.29 Invitation, Jour du prof de français, 26 novembre 2020 (Australia)

Chers collègues,

Rejoignez-nous le lundi 26 novembre de 17h à 18h (AEDT) pour prendre le temps de célébrer notre profession ! Après une année aussi éprouvante, il est temps de sortir le champagne et de nous le dire « Nous sommes formidables ! »

Pour célébrer comme il se doit, la FATFA en conjonction avec l’ambassade de France et SBS French radio vous invite à un Q&A avec Christophe Mallet de SBS French radio et Chantal Crozet sur le thème « Diversité, engagement et enthousiasme : les enjeux du métier de professeur de français en Australie ». Puis l’heure sera aux célébrations avec la remise de prix de la première édition de « Nous sommes formidables ! » Sept professeurs de français à travers toute l’Australie seront reconnus et remerciés pour leur contribution à la profession.

Cet évènement est gratuit mais l’inscription est obligatoire. Le Jour du prof se déroulera principalement en français et des certificats de participation seront disponibles sur demande.

Pour vous inscrire ou pour de plus amples informations cliquez ici:

Les organisateurs du Jour du prof de français

4. New Publications

4.1 Philippe Basabose and Josias Semujanga (eds.), Le Roman francophone et l’archive coloniale (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020)

Cet ouvrage étudie comment les littératures francophones convoquent les histoires du temps de la colonie à partir des rapports que le roman entretient avec l’histoire et comment ces récits nourrissent l’imaginaire culturel dans les communautés postcoloniales. Le régime impérial fait-il partie d’une tradition à transmettre pour les sociétés postcoloniales et dans quelles conditions un tel héritage pourrait-il avoir un sens éthique et politique dans la modernité de ces peuples ? Comment les oeuvres littéraires inscrivent-elles, dans leur déploiement narratif et énonciatif, cette mémoire coloniale et comment le lecteur contemporain donne-t-il sens à ce passé ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles les auteurs ont voulu répondre, chacun selon sa posture critique.

Philippe BASABOSE est Associate Professor of French et Directeur du département des langues modernes de l’Université Memorial, Terre-Neuve, Canada. Josias SEMUJANGA, Professeur titulaire, enseigne les littératures francophones et la théorie littéraire à l’Université de Montréal, au Canada.

4.2 Christiane Kegle and Jean de Dieu Itsieki Putu Basey (eds), Études littéraires, 49 (2-3): Littérature francophone de Belgique

Littérature francophone de Belgique : Langue, Identité, Histoire. À partir des travaux de Marc Quaghebeursous la direction de Christiane Kègle et Jean de Dieu Itsieki Putu Basey

Vous trouverez, en pièce jointe, l’avis du parution du numéro. Nous vous invitons également à lire le texte de présentation intégral du numéro, accessible depuis la page d’accueil de notre site Internet :

Littérature francophone de Belgique : Langue, Identité, Histoire. À partir des travaux de Marc Quaghebeur ​est disponible dès maintenant en accès libre via Érudit (

Nous vous souhaitons bonne lecture!

4.3 Claire Gallien and Sarga Moussa (eds), Revue de littérature comparée, 2: Repenser l’histoire littéraire à partir de Raymond Schwab


Introduction par Claire Gallien et Sarga Moussa

Claire Gallien Sur la préface d’Edward Said à la traduction anglaise de La Renaissance orientale (1984) de Raymond Schwab : De « l’humanisme intégral » à « l’humanisme démocratique »

Sarga Moussa « Voyager c’est traduire. » Relire le Voyage en Orient de Lamartine à la lumière de Raymond Schwab

Guillaume Bridet Yggdrasill (1936-1940) : une revue entre cosmopolitisme, impérialisme et universalisme poétiques

Chloé Chaudet Raymond Schwab et la pensée occidentale de l’engagement : vers un renouveau transculturel de l’histoire littéraire

Ninon Chavoz Fictions « d’innombrable » : la Renaissance romantique chez Raymond Schwab (1950) et Tristan Garcia (2019)

Tristan Leperlier Pour une histoire littéraire transnationale : La littérature algérienne entre « Intégral » et « Intégrisme »

Michaël Ferrier Japon : « l’interlocuteur invisible ». L’absence du Japon dans La Renaissance orientale de Raymond Schwab

Site web de référence :

4.4 Anne O’Neil-Henry (ed.), Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuvièmistes, 24 (2-3): Special issue on Paris Universal Expositions, 1855-1900

This special issue focuses on Paris universal expositions as key moments to study in the history of nineteenth-century France. It brings together essays on the Parisian expositions covering a broad range of topics -from consumption to aquariums and from the Metro to japonisme, and offers a sustained engagement with the history and culture of the expositions over the course of the century. The special issue provides a synoptic view of the phenomenon of these international events from a variety of methodological perspectives.

This issue features an introduction by Anne O’Neil-Henry, articles by Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyère, Pascal Blanchard, Van Troi Tran, Kathryn Haklin, Caroline Grubbs, Elizabeth Emery, and Sara Pappas, as well as a response essay by Peter Soppelsa.

A full table of contents can be found online at:

4.5 Mohammed Khaïr-Eddine, Agadir, English translation by Pierre Joris and Jake Syersak, foreword by Khalid Lyamlahy (New Orleans: Lavender Ink/Diálogos, 2020)

Agadir is loosely based on the earthquake which devastated the Moroccan city of the same name in 1960, and Khaïr-Eddine’s experience as a civil servant assigned to investigate the aftermath of the cataclysm between 1961 and 1963. An unnamed narrator sent to the city “in order to sort out a particularly precarious situation” tells the story of a veritably razed Moroccan epicenter and a citizenry begging for reconstruction and reimagination. In a surreal, polyphonic narration that explodes into various tesserae of fiction, autobiography, reportage, poetry, and theatre, the narrator quickly discovers that in exhuming the city’s physical remnants he cannot help but exhume the complex social, political, cultural, and historical dynamics that make up postcolonial Moroccan society. The mysterious narrator, increasingly besieged by hallucinations of the past and visions of the future, comes to incarnate what Albert Memmi once called “the role of the colonized,” and to suffer “a magnified vision of all the ambiguities and impossibilities of those colonized.” To which Khaïr-Eddine appends his envisioned role of the writer: one who uses his magnified vision to transform his very life into “an investigation, a fight against all forms of oppression and repression” until his “literature is a beautiful weapon.”

“With his explosive style, surrealist imagery, and political critique, Khaïr-Eddine was among the most important avant-garde writers of his generation. Translators Pierre Joris and Jake Syersak forge a biting idiom in English to convey the apocalyptic world of Agadir, as well as the creative violence of its language. A substantial introduction by Khalid Lyamlahy serves to contextualize the work in its historical and literary context. The publication of the English translation of Agadir in 2020, with its portrayal of “catastrophe, the place from which questions will unceasingly arise,” feels fitting—unsettlingly and urgently so.”

Phoebe Bay Carter, Kenyon Review

4.6 Michael Gott and Leslie Kealhofer-Kemp (eds.), ReFocus: The Films of Rachid Bouchareb (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020)

Examines the diverse oeuvre of internationally recognized French-Algerian director Rachid Bouchareb

  • Devotes attention to Bouchareb’s under-explored films, including the Oscar- nominated Poussières de vie/Dust of Life (1994), those shot in English, and recent made-for- television films
  • Offers an interdisciplinary approach to Bouchareb’s work, drawing on gender studies, cinema studies, French and francophone studies, Islamic studies, and history, among others
  • Highlights connections between Bouchareb’s diverse films while offering a broader exploration of the arc of the director’s career
  • Considers Bouchareb in the context of new critical explorations of cinéma-monde as a global auteur whose work – in French, English and beyond – extends beyond the narrow French national context

ReFocus: The Films of Rachid Bouchareb is the first book-length study of the internationally recognized director’s films. Bouchareb was one of France’s first filmmakers of North African descent and his career as a director and producer now spans over 35 years. Remarkably varied in their themes, formal elements and narrative settings, Bouchareb’s work has engaged with and reflected on a variety of crucial social, political and historical issues; from the role of colonial troops in the French army during the Second World War, to terrorism in contemporary Europe. This volume examines Bouchareb’s films from an interdisciplinary perspective, exploring key influences on his output and considering new theoretical approaches to his filmmaking.

4.7 Ruth Bush and Claire Ducournau (eds.), Research in African Literatures, 51 (1): African Audiences : Making Meanings across Media

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 51 de Research in African Literatures, “African Audiences: Making Meaning across Media”, qui rassemble des contributions de Stephanie Newell, Tobias Warner, Ruth Bush, Claire Ducournau, Tsitsi Jaji, Louis NDong, George MacLeod, Katelyn Knox, Delphine Ngehndab et Brian Quinn. Ses contenus sont présentés ici.

Cette publication collective, comme les numéros 47 et 48 de la revue Études littéraires littéraires africaines consacrés aux relations entre presse et littérature africaines qui l’ont précédée en 2019, et dont les contenus sont en ligne ici et ici, est liée à un projet de recherche sur l’imprimé périodique et les modes de lecture en Afrique francophone mené de 2016 à 2018, et ayant aussi abouti à la numérisation de la revue Awa. Vous trouverez sur cette page une synthèse des publications liées à ce projet.

4.8 Mona El Khoury, Remnants of the Franco-Algerian Rupture: Archiving Postcolonial Minorities (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020)

This book examines the legacies of transnational minority identities (Jews, Harkis, métis, and Pieds-Noirs) through narratives that dissent from official histories, both in France and Algeria. This literature takes particular stories of exile and loss and constructs a memory around a Mosaic father figure embodying the native Algerian land. The book argues that these filiation narratives create a postcolonial, minor archive that makes historical minorities visible, while disrupting French and Algerian hegemonies. Delving into the question of symbolic reparations of history through literature, the book discusses the manifestations of enduring minority identifications.

If you would like to find out more about the book, please check the publisher’s page (discount code LEX30AUTH20):

4.9 West Africa Insight, 6 (6): Polls in Peril? West Africa’s 2020 elections

In the last quarter of 2020, five of the 15 Economic Community of West African States member countries are facing important elections. In   October, presidential elections will take place in Guinea and Cote D’Ivoire (October), with general elections to follow in Burkina Faso November), Ghana and Niger (both December).

This edition of West Africa Insights starts with a regional overview of the state of democracy in West Africa by Idayat Hassan. She underscores the threats posed by constitutional and military coups and the need for renewed regional resolve to uphold democratic values and ensure that development and democracy go hand in hand. Four further pieces provide in-depth analysis on the upcoming elections in the region.

Jessica Moody unpacks the threats that could see violence be a key feature of Cote D’Ivoire’s 31 October election, where President Ouattara  is  standing  for  a controversial third term. In Burkina Faso, violence is also threatening to impact on the November poll, with voter registration having not taken place in parts of the country where insecurity is rife. Wendyam Lankoandé reflects on how a flawed electoral process could further erode trust in the country’s political institutions.

In Ghana, George-Bob Milliar discusses the importance of grassroot political party structures for political success and explains why both formal and informal mechanisms can be key to delivering desired electoral outcomes.

Finally in Niger, Hailmatou Hima analyses some of the key issues that will shape an election that will mark the first peaceful transfer of  power in  the  country, as President Issoufou  steps  downs  having served his second, and final, term in office.


4.10 Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, 11 (2)

The Bulletin of Francophone Postcolonial Studies is published online twice per annum (spring and autumn). The Spring 2020 issue is available here. The back issues are freely accessible on our website (see online archive).

11.2 online – Autumn 2020 ISSN 2044-4109 (Online), including an array of book reviews and the following contribution:

MARIA FLOOD, ‘”If there is no music, there will be no Mali”: Conflict, Documentary Film, and Music as Resistance in Mali, 2012-2015’.

Contributions on any topic related to Francophone Postcolonial Studies are invited for inclusion in future issues. Authors should submit electronically two copies of their article, 4,000-8,000 words, in English or French to BFPS editor Sarah Arens. Articles should conform in presentation to the guidelines in the MHRA Stylebook, providing references in footnotes, rather than the author-date system. All articles submitted to the BFPS will be refereed by two scholars of international reputation, drawn from the advisory and editorial boards. To facilitate the anonymity of the refereeing process, authors are asked that their manuscript (other than the title page) contains no clue as to their identity. Book reviews (between 600 and 1000 words in length) should be sent to BFPS book review editor Jemima Paine. Conference reports (500 words max.) should also be sent to BFPS editor Sarah Arens.

The deadline for the receipt of articles to be included in the spring issue is 16 January; the deadline for the autumn issue is 16 August.

Sarah Arens

Book Reviews Editor
Jemima Paine

4.11 French Historical Studies, 43 (4)

This issue brings you articles set in classrooms, theaters, and scientific laboratories from France, Algeria, and New Caledonia.  Readers interested in Benjamin Hiramatsu Ireland’s article on “The Japanese in New Caledonia” might also appreciate revisiting Chad Denton’s 2014 piece “Tokyo Rosalie?  A Franco-Japanese Envoy and Entrepreneur in the South Pacific,” now available outside the paywall through the end of January (


The Price of Violence: Money, the French State, and “Civilization” during the Conquest of Algeria, 1830s–1850s

 Jerome Greenfield

A New Generation of Iconoclasts: The Curious Case of Classroom Crucifixes, 1880–1906

Eleanor L. Rivera

From Anarchism to State Funding: Louis Lumet and the Cultural Paradoxes of the Third Republic

Jessica Wardhaugh

In the Image of Pasteur: Capitalism, Empire, and the Scientific Ethos in French Microbiology, 1890–1940

Aro Velmet

The Japanese in New Caledonia: Histories of Citizenship, Incarceration, and Nippo-Kanak Identity

Benjamin Hiramatsu Ireland



Recent Books and Dissertations on French History

Sarah Sussman

4.12 Laëtitia Saint-Loubert, The Caribbean in Translation: Remapping Thresholds of Dislocation (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2020)

The book investigates twentieth- and twenty-first-century Caribbean literatures in translation. Covering three of the largest linguistic areas of the region, the so-called English, French and Spanish-speaking Caribbean, the volume offers a comparative study of the region’s literary output across a variety of genres, including poems, novels, short stories and essays. Caribbean texts and their translations are analysed through the prism of the threshold, which serves a dual purpose: on a textual level, thresholds correspond to paratextual elements (e.g. prefaces, afterwords, foot/endnotes, glossaries, blurbs…) that are used by various cultural agents to frame Caribbean literatures for global, regional and local audiences. On a broader level, thresholds, which both open into but also signal a limit or break, allow the author to examine and remap routes of (non) circulation for Caribbean literatures within regional, national and transnational frameworks. Analysing liminality alongside Glissantian notions that interrogate authorship, transparency, originality and hospitality in translation, the book tests the applicability of relational thinking to the imperatives of translation and literary circulation. Ultimately, the author asks whether traditional core-periphery models of global literary traffic can be challenged, inviting the reader to envisage alternative pathways of cultural exchange for and from Southern, archipelagic latitudes.
This book was the winner of the 2018 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in Comparative Literature.

4.13 Jane Hiddleston and Khalid Lyamlahy (eds.), Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism and Culture in the Maghreb and Beyond (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2020)

Abdelkébir Khatibi (1938–2009) is one of the greatest Moroccan thinkers, and one of the most important theorists of both postcolonialism and Islamic culture of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This book introduces his works to Anglophone readers, tracing his development from the early work on sociology in Morocco to his literary and aesthetic works championing transnationalism and multilingualism. The essays here both offer close analyses of Khatibi’s engagements with a range of issues, from Moroccan politics to Arabic calligraphy and from decolonisation to interculturality, and highlights the important contribution of his thinking to the development of Western postcolonial and modern theory. The book acknowledges the legacy of one of the greatest African thinkers of the last century, and addresses the lack of attention to his work in the field of postcolonial studies. More than a writer, a sociologist or a thinker, Khatibi was a leading figure and an eclectic intellectual whose erudite works can still inform and enrich current reflections on the future of postcolonialism and the development of intercultural and transnational studies. The book also includes translated excerpts from Khatibi’s works, thus offering a multilingual perspective on his writing.

Contributors: Assia Belhabib, Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Dominique Combe, Rim Feriani, Charles Forsdick, Olivia C. Harrison, Jane Hiddleston, Debra Kelly, Khalid Lyamlahy, Lucy McNeece, Matt Reeck, Alison Rice, Nao Sawada, Andy Stafford, Edwige Tamalet Talbayev, Alfonso de Toro.

Jane Hiddleston is Professor of Literatures in French at the University of Oxford. 

Khalid Lyamlahy is Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Chicago.

4.14 Peter Clegg, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, and Hazel A. Oxenford (eds.), The Caribbean Blue Economy (Abingdon: Routledge, 2020)

The Blue Economy is emerging on the global scene as a powerful and persuasive new concept for sustainable development based on economic activities associated with the ocean. Several regions globally have adopted this concept at national and regional levels, including the Caribbean. Given the complex, multisectoral and multilevel nature of the Blue Economy, it is clear that different approaches will be needed for different regions. Hence, this volume explores the opportunities, threats and risks involved in operationalising the Blue Economy in the Wider Caribbean Region, defined as northern Brazil to the USA and all mainland and island countries and territories in-between.

The first part of the book looks at where the region stands in the global picture regarding adoption of the Blue Economy and what is planned. The second set of chapters examines key crosscutting issues such as ecosystem services, climate change and governance at national and regional levels that could make or break the Blue Economy initiative. The book then goes on to explore the main sectoral activities that will constitute the Blue Economies in the region: fisheries, tourism, shipping and transport, renewable energy, oil and gas, seabed mining and waste management are all considered. The book ends with a synthesis of the political and technical requirements to overcome threats and take advantage of opportunities in the Blue Economy.

4.15 Aoife Connolly, Performing the Pied-Noir Family: Constructing Narratives of Settler Memory and Identity in Literature and On-Screen (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)

The impact of the Algerian War (1954-1962) continues to resonate in France, where the subject was long repressed in the collective psyche. This book sheds new light on a memory community at the heart of the conflict: the million European settlers known as the pieds-noirs, who migrated to France as the war reached its bloody end. Aoife Connolly draws on theories of performativity to explore autobiographical and fictional narratives by the settlers in over 30 canonical and non-canonical works of literature and film produced from the colony’s imminent demise up to the present day. Connolly focuses on renewed attachment to the family in exile in a comprehensive analysis of settler masculinity, femininity, childhood, and adolescence that uncovers neglected representations, including homosexual and Jewish voices. Findings on the construction of a post-independence identity and collective memory have broader implications for communities affected by colonization and migration. Scholars of French Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Cultural Studies, Gender and Identity Studies, Memory Studies and Migration Studies will find this book particularly useful.

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