Annual Conference 2017

Regional, National and Global Identities in the Francophone World (17-18 November 2017)

The SFPS Annual Conference was held on 17-18 November 2017 at the Institute for Modern Languages Research (IMLR), University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. The programme can be found here (and below). The registration form is available here: SFPS-2017-Registration-Form.


Keynote speakers: Ayo Coly and Xavier Garnier

Friday 17 November 2017

9.30-10:15           Registration, Coffee/Tea

10.15-10.30         Welcome Address: Charlotte Baker (SFPS President)

10.30-12.00         Panel 1: Parallel Sessions

Panel 1a: Memory and Identity

Rebekah Vince (University of Warwick), ‘Mediterranean Memory and Franco-Maghrebi Jewish Identity in Une enfance juive en Méditerranée (2012)’

Itay Lotem (University of Westminster), ‘Beyond the Guerres des mémoires? Anti-Racism, the Memory of Colonialism and Anti-Semitism after 2005’

Dima Samaha (Université d’Aix-Marseille 1), ‘De l’enquête policière à la quête identitaire et mémorielle dans Anima de Wajdi Mouawad’

Panel 1b: The Transnational Caribbean

Charlotte Hammond (Cardiff University), ‘Global Assembly Zones and Cross-Border Mobilization’

Vanessa Lee (University of Oxford), ‘Errant Isles: Local, Regional and Global Identities through the Lens of French Caribbean Women Playwrights’

Chelsea Stieber (The Catholic University of America), ‘Paper War: Postcolonial Haitian Writing, Civil War, and the Myth of the Republic’

12.00-2.00           Lunch/AGM

2.00-3.30              Panel 2: Parallel Sessions

Panel 2a: Globalisation

Alexandra Reza (University of Oxford), ‘Anti-colonial Visions of the World in Présence Africaine, 1947-68’

Vinay Kumar Gupta (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad), ‘Lire Gabrielle Roy à l’ère de la mondialisation’

Nanar Khamo (UCLA), ‘Identity, History, and Narrative in Le Clézio’s Révolutions

Panel 2b: Glissantian Identity

Angelos Triantafyllou (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), ‘L’identité-relation dans le Tout-Monde d’Edouard Glissant’

Kathleen Gyssels (University of Antwerp), ‘Entangled multidirectional memories? Still a long way to go with Glissant’s Tout-monde (1993)’

Valentine Meydit-Giannoni (l’Université Paris IV Sorbonne), ‘Mémoire de voiles: Glissant, ou l’opacité comme poétique de l’écrivain francophone’

3.30-4.00              Coffee/Tea 

4.00-5.00              Panel 3: Parallel Sessions

Panel 3a: Contesting Models of Identity

Philippe Panizzon (University of Oxford), ‘Ces rencontres qui voient à peine le jour’ (Rachid O.): Shifting Selves: Identity, Mobility and Homosexual Encounters in Abdellah Taïa’s and Rachid O.’s Work’

Erin Twohig (Georgetown University), ‘Local, Global, Otherworldly: Science Fiction, Dystopia, and Virtual Reality in Maghrebi Literature’

Panel 3b: New Conceptions of the French Nation

Margarita Garcia Casado (University of Cantabria), ‘Problématiques identitaires et histoires de l’immigration maghrébine: de l’immigré, au « beur » des banlieues, au français-musulman?’

Andrew McGregor (University of Melbourne), ‘Transcending French Integration: The Multicultural Classroom as a Global Space in Laurence Cantet’s Entre les murs(2008)’

5.00-6.00              Keynote Lecture, Ayo Coly (Dartmouth College), ‘Can Globalisation un-doom the category of Francophone Literatures? Lessons from Alain Mabanckou’

6.00-7.00              Vin d’Honneur

7.30                        Conference dinner (at own expense)


Saturday 18 November 2017

9.30-11.30           Panel 4: Parallel Sessions

Panel 4a: Transnationalism

Jennifer Boum Make (University of Pittsburgh), ‘Revisiting the Transnational: Tales of a Recipe-Breaker in Maryse Condé’s Mets et Merveilles

Jill Jarvis (Yale University), ‘Signs in the Desert: Toward an Aesthetic Cartography of the Sahara’

Meenakshi Chauhan (Jawaharlal Nehru University), ‘La reconstruction de l’identité face à la migration et au transnationalisme dans les narratives des écrivaines Algériennes’

Panel 4b: Francophone African Identities

Eric E. Tsimi (University of Virginia), ‘Migrants writers’ selves: le syndrome de l’enfant multiple chez les écrivains migrants africains’

Parfait Kouacou (CUNY), ‘African Childhood: Between Heritage and Modernity, Shackled or Cradled by Traditions?’

Jesse Welton (University of Melbourne), ‘Universality and Locality in the Oeuvre of Alain Mabanckou’

11.30-12.00         Coffee/Tea

12.00-1.00           Panel 5: Parallel Sessions

Panel 5a: Multicultural Paris

Mame-Fatou Niang (Carnegie Mellon University), ‘La Blogosphère Afro-Parisienne : Entre Nouvelles Identités Françaises et Conscience Diasporique’

Sura Qaadiri (UCL), ‘Policing Postcolonial Paris: Multiculturalism and the Decline of the Detective in Karim Miské’s Arab Jazz and Sabri Louatah’s Les Sauvages I-IV

Panel 5b:  Exchanges and Proximities

Elizabeth M. Collins (UCLA), ‘Cooks and Books: Dynamics of Identity and Cuisine in Contemporary Francophone Vietnamese Literature’

Sami Everett (Cambridge University), ‘Retro reinterpretations of North Africa: postcolonial Jewish-Muslim relations in a Parisian telecoms company’

1.00-2.30              Lunch/ECR Session: ‘Publication Strategies and the REF’, led by Sarah Arens and Kate Marsh

2.30-4.00              Panel 6: Parallel Sessions

Panel 6a: Migration and Mobility

Yaya Mountapmbeme Pemi Nyoya (L’ENS-Université de Maroua, Cameroon), ‘De l’exil à la condition cosmopolite: l’expérience de la dislocation dans la poésie d’Abdellatif Laâbi et de Nimrod. Une lecture de l’Etreinte du monde et de Babel, Babylone

Anna-Leena Toivanen (Université de Liège), ‘Mobility, Labour, and Globalisation in Alain Mabanckou’s Tais-toi et meurs and Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique

Jonathan Lewis (University of Liverpool), ‘Towards Transcolonial Francophone Connections in Two Franco-Algerian Novels’

Panel 6b: Francophone Algerian Identities

Karima Zerouali (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), ‘History, Ideology and Identity: The Case of Algeria

Joe Ford (Durham University), ‘Francophone Algerian Literature Goes Global? Form and Aesthetics between the Regional, the National and the Global’

Neil Doshi (University of Pittsburgh), ‘Dis-placing Françalgerie: Performance, History, and Empire on the Global Stage’

4.00-4.30              Coffee/Tea

4.30-5.30              Dorothy Blair Memorial Lecture, Xavier Garnier (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle)

5.30                        Close of Conference