2.2 Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Sam Houston State University.
2.3 10 Quintin Hogg Trust PhD Studentships at the University of the Westminster
3.1 ASMCF’s Early Career Researcher Travel Prize.
3.2 Cancellation, « Translating Linguistic Minorities », Sorbonne Nouvelle.
3.3 Launch of Haitian Creole version of the website Theatre in Saint-Domingue, 1764-1791.
3.4 Lancement du Comité de recherche sur la littérature africaine comparée.
1. Call For Paper/Contribution
1.1 Open-ended call for papers, “Passages”, UK Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2020.
Initial date of the event 25th April 2020 postponed
New date to be confirmed
Keynote: Dr Matt Phillips, Royal Holloway
The Society for French Studies invites paper proposals as well as poster presentations from current postgraduate students at Master’s and doctoral level in the interdisciplinary field of French and Francophone Studies. Contributions from across all fields of studies are welcome, including, for example literature, theatre, film, queer, and postcolonial studies, sociology, performance, creative writing and practices, translation, philosophy and cultural studies. Speakers may present in either English or French.
This year’s conference is entitled Passages to feature the period of postgraduate studies as a transformative journey from student to scholar. The event is designed as a work in progress seminar in which research students are invited to share and refine their projects with a collaborative audience. Students may wish to present an overview of their project or one particular aspect. Possible key areas may include but are not limited to:
Originality of the dissertation or thesis topic
Relevance of research question(s)
Methodological and theoretical approaches
Difficulties encountered (e.g. ethics, resources, feedback)
Impact on scholarship, policymaking, public engagement
All papers will be circulated amongst all participants prior to the event. This will enable speakers and the audience to meaningfully engage with each paper in order to offer useful and considered comments during the conference.
In light of the current developments of the coronavirus outbreak in the UK and abroad, the application period is open-ended, and the new submission deadline of 29th May 2020 is indicative. To apply, please send an abstract of maximum 300 words including your name, institution, level of study, dissertation/thesis working title, type (poster or paper) and duration (10 to 20 minutes) of the presentation to sfspgconf2020@outlook.com. You will then be asked to send your complete paper (between 1000-2000 words max.) to the above-mentioned email address by approximately 3rd July 2020. The SFS PG Officer will create a dossier of all papers to circulate amongst all participants prior to the conference. Students who wish to submit a poster presentation do not have to send it beforehand, but should bring the poster to the conference venue on the day. Registration and catering are free of charge. Students who are members of the Society are eligible to apply for funding to help with transport costs. Speakers who are non-members are kindly asked to seek financial help from their own institutions to cover travel costs.
Organiser: Melissa Pawelski, University of Warwick
Appel à contributions indéterminée
UK Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2020
La date établie du 25 April 2020 est reportée
Une nouvelle date est à confirmer
Conférencier invité : Dr Matt Phillips, Royal Holloway
La Société des Études Françaises du Royaume-Uni et de la République d’Irlande invite des propositions de communication et de présentation de poster de la part d’étudiant.e.s en master ou en thèse dans le champ interdisciplinaire des études françaises et francophones. Nous encourageons l’envoi de contributions couvrant toutes les périodes et disciplines aussi variées que la littérature, le théâtre, le cinéma, les études queer, les études postcoloniales, la sociologie, la performance, creative writing, la traduction, la philosophie ou les cultural studies. Les intervenant.e.s sont libres de présenter en anglais ou en français.
Le colloque de cette année est intitulé Passages, une notion qui envisage les études de deuxième et troisième cycles comme un parcours transformateur d’étudiant à universitaire. La journée est organisée sous forme de séminaire de travail au cours duquel les étudiant.e.s sont invité.e.s à partager et à affiner leurs projets devant une audience collégiale et collaborative. Les étudiant.e.s peuvent choisir de présenter un aperçu général ou un aspect particulier de leur projet. Les domaines de présentation peuvent inclure, sans s’y limiter :
L’originalité du sujet traité
La pertinence ou l’actualité des questions de recherche
Les approches méthodologiques et théoriques
Les difficultés rencontrées (par ex. l’éthique, les ressources, le feedback)
L’impact sur le champ de recherche, l’élaboration des politiques, l’interaction avec le grand public
Toutes les contributions rédigées seront distribuées à tou.te.s les participant.e.s avant le colloque. Cela permettra d’examiner de manière effective chaque contribution afin de pouvoir fournir des conseils utiles et intellectuellement pertinents durant le colloque. En vue des derniers développements du coronavirus au Royaume-Uni et à l’étranger, la période de candidature est indéterminée, et la nouvelle date limite d’envoi du 29 May 2020 est provisoire. Pour candidater envoyez votre proposition (max. 300 mots) accompagnée de votre nom, affiliation institutionnelle, niveau d’études, titre du mémoire ou de la thèse, type de contribution (poster ou communication) et la durée (entre 10 et 20 minutes) à sfspgconf2020@outlook.com. Au cas où votre communication a été sélectionnée, il vous sera alors demandé d’envoyer votre contribution rédigée (entre 1000 et 2000 mots) à l’adresse de courriel indiquée ci-dessus environ le 3 juillet 2020. L’organisatrice créera ensuite un dossier avec toutes les contributions afin de le distribuer à tou.te.s les participant.e.s avant le colloque. Ceux qui souhaitent soumettre un poster sont exempts de cet envoi anticipé et sont prié.e.s d’apporter leur poster le jour de la conférence.
La participation au colloque et la collation sont gratuits. Les étudiant.e.s membres de la Société des Études Françaises peuvent postuler à une « Research Support Grant » pour les aider à couvrir leurs frais de déplacement. Il est demandé aux participant.e.s et intervenant.e.s non-membres de recourir à l’aide de leur institution de rattachement pour couvrir les frais de déplacement.
Organisatrice : Melissa Pawelski, University of Warwick
1.2 Call for Papers, Women in French Sessions, is “Scandal! Literature & Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts.”, 2020 South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, November 13-15, 2020.
The conference organizers are confident that this event will take place, although the exact format (in person, online, hybrid) remains under discussion at the moment.
Please consider sending a proposal in French or English to one of the panel chairs listed below by June 1, 2020.
For more information on SAMLA and the annual conference, please visit the conference website: https://samla.memberclicks.net/
Professor Gerald Prince will deliver the plenary address.
Presenters, for these panels below, must be current members of Women in French and the South Atlantic Modern Language Association.
- Women, Life Writing, and Scandals of Self-Revelation
As life writing exposes purported truths about personal experience and identity, self-revelations in these accounts position these texts as potential objects of controversy as authors test the limits of telling all. Many authors have turned to life-writing practices to speak about intimate loss, family secrets, stolen childhoods, and physical, psychological, or historical trauma. In this way, autobiography, autofiction, and memoir, remain potentially perilous terrains especially regarding the implications of others on which such self-accounts unavoidably depend. This panel seeks to explore the scandals behind or beyond such self-revelation. How has scandal served as impetus for textual creation? In what ways has the publication of “scandalous” texts implicated others whether in accusation, in solidarity, or by engaging in broader controversies or social discontent? How have such texts responded to scandal? What role do legal proceedings play in (self)censoring self-accounts? Proposals on examples of women engaged with or implicated in scandalous self-revelations in literature, film, theatre, and other modes of representation from all time periods and all areas of Francophone literature are welcome. Please send 250-word proposals in English or French along with presenter’s name, academic affiliation, and email to Adrienne Angelo (ama0002@auburn.edu) by June 1, 2020.
Chair: Adrienne Angelo, Auburn University, <ama0002@auburn.edu>
- Scandalous Silence: Recovering the Rebellious Voices of Gisèle Pineau’s Oeuvre
For nearly three decades, Gisèle Pineau’s writing project has spanned genres, using children’s stories, hybrid visual and narrative texts, fiction, and autofiction to address longstanding questions about Antillean women’s subjectivity, memory, racism in contemporary France, and the protean ramifications of the history of slavery. Despite the sustained and valuable scholarly interest in Pineau’s work, many of her texts have received surprisingly little critical attention. Indeed, Pineau has penned more than a dozen full-length works since the publication of her famous 1996 auto-fictional L’Exil selon Julia; yet, these texts have not garnered the scholarship they warrant. This panel therefore seeks to foreground lesser-known works by Pineau in the aim of generating a more comprehensive understanding of the richness of her writing career and the breadth of her inquiry into enduring issues of gender, race, history, and Antillean identity.
Revised and expanded conference proceedings will be considered for a potential edited volume on Pineau.
Please send 250-300 word abstracts in English or French to Lisa Connell and Delphine Gras at lconnell@westga.edu and dgras@fgcu.edu by June 1, 2020.
Chairs: Lisa Connell, University of West Georgia <lconnell@westga.edu> and Delphine Gras, Florida Gulf Coast University <dgras@fgcu.edu>
- French and Francophone Women Who Break the Rules and Change the World
This panel welcomes papers focused on explorations of rule-breaking in French and Francophone women’s writing, film, and other art forms. How do these women initiate and navigate change, shift social order, and contest inequities? Examinations of the liminal spaces between tradition and new order and the ways in which these texts challenge limitations of nationality, class, race, sex, and language are particularly welcome.
Papers may be in French or English and may not exceed 20 minutes. Please send a 250-word abstract, brief bio and A/V requests to Susan Crampton-Frenchik, scramptonfrenchik@washjeff.edu, by June 1, 2020.
Chair: Susan Crampton-Frenchik, Washington & Jefferson College, <scramptonfrenchik@washjeff.edu>
- Making Art, Breaking Rules: Gender-Bending, “Genre-Bending,” by French and Francophone Women Writers
In French and Francophone societies, where men have historically dominated the arts, a woman daring to assert her own voice is already in itself an act of rebellion. On the one hand, by entering the literary and artistic landscape, women writers and artists transgress society’s expectations of their roles in the domestic sphere as only mothers, wives, and obedient daughters. On the other hand, by taking up the pen, women directly challenge artistic traditions dominated by men, or enter into forbidden territories. This panel will examine how French and Francophone women authors play with gender-bending and “genre-bending” in their works, in their lives, and in their critique of society and the artistic traditions they choose to write in or write back at. Among the questions one may ask are: How do women creators confront the “scandal” of their role as artists? How do they negotiate scandal and censorship? How do they bend or break the rules of the genres they take on? How do politics inform and influence their works and their identities as women authors? Proposals on French and Francophone literatures, films, and other art forms are welcome. Papers may be in English or French. Please send 250-word proposals in English or French to Cathy Leung (cleung34@gmail.com) by June 1, 2020 along with presenter’s academic affiliation, contact information, and A/V requirements.
Chair: Cathy Leung <cleung34@gmail.com>
- Breaking Boundaries: Teaching Diversity and Inclusion in the French Classroom
This panel (or potentially roundtable) seeks contributions that will engage with questions of teaching inclusion through breaking boundaries that limit our students. Presenters may suggest how to make the French Studies classroom a welcoming, inclusive, and productive learning environment. We will propose ways an educator can help increase diversity, inclusivity, tolerance, quality, and success in the French and Francophone classroom. Presentations addressing underrepresented populations, rethinking the terms related to diversity, identity, and being, as well ways to recognize systemic racism, sexism, ableism and unconscious bias are welcome. How can our teaching adapt to diverse student needs but also incorporate their realities as an invaluable resource of knowledge and understanding? How can we include cultural content which is interpretable or relatable to what students see and experience as a means to getting them to engage productively, perhaps even creatively, in a diverse world?
Please send 250-word proposals to E. Nicole Meyer (nimeyer@augusta.edu) by June 1, 2020 along with presenter’s academic affiliation, contact information, and A/V requirements.
Chair: E. Nicole Meyer, Augusta University, <nimeyer@augusta.edu>
1.3 Call for papers: Blue Gum.
Deadline for proposals: 31 July 2020
Call for papers: Blue Gum journal
Blue Gum is accepting submissions for the seventh issue of the journal to be published by December 2020.
We invite all graduate students, researchers and artists to make contributions which engage with artistic responses to the most recent social movements and social protests, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean. Essays, commentaries, visual and graphic productions, silkscreens and prints, zines, interviews, short stories, poems, translations, as well as any cross-genre cultural productions, are welcome.
Blue Gum also has a section devoted to miscellaneous submissions willing to accommodate projects dealing with a wider variety of themes.
Texts should be submitted in English, Catalan and/or Spanish by 31 July 2020. They should be sent to issue7.bluegum@gmail.com before the due date.
References, if any, should follow the APA (7th) citation style.
Submissions should include a brief biography of the author.
Editors: Anna Ferrer Anechina and Gemma Garcia Parellada
Should you have any enquiries, please contact the editors at the following email address:
1.4 Appel à contribution, « Impact du COVID-19 sur le livre et la lecture des jeunes en Afrique », Magazine Muna Kalati.
Appel à contribution pour l’édition N° 6 du Magazine Muna Kalati sur la thématique : Impact du COVID-19 sur le livre et la lecture des jeunes en Afrique.
Le Corona a profondément bouleversé nos modes de vie. Aucun secteur de la société n’a été épargné, y compris l’univers de la lecture. Pour le prochain numéro du Magazine Muna Kalati, nous vous invitons à soumettre vos réflexions et opinions originales sur l’impact du COVID-19 sur la chaine du livre et les pratiques de lecture.
Voici quelques thématiques que vous pourriez explorer :
Impact du Corona sur les pratiques de lecture : lecture en confinement ou lecture confinée ?
Impact du corona sur les éditeurs : quelles stratégies innovantes ont-ils développer pour s’adapter ? Quels seront les changements sur l’édition du livre post-covid ? Quelles nouvelles opportunités ou menaces ont été crées par le Covid-19 ?
Le Corona en Librairie : comment le corona affecte-t-il la commercialisation des livres ? Quelles stratégies les libraires adoptent-ils pour démeurer compétitif en cette période ? et après ? etc.
Le corona en Bibliothèque : Quel est l’impact du corona sur les bibliothèques ? comment les bibliothécaires peuvent-ils s’organiser pour limiter les conséquences et continuer leur mission ? Quel est le rôle de la technologie ?
Corona, lecture et numérique : dans quelle mesure, la technologie pourrait-elle contribuer à faciliter l’accès au livre et à la lecture ? etc.
Impact du corona sur l’éducation des jeunes
Il ne s’agit là que de propositions, soyez libre d’aborder la thématique selon l’angle qui vous convient ! Nous acceptons toute contribution démontrant l’impact positif ou négatif du COVID-19 sur l’industrie du livre et de la lecture. Au-delà du constat, chaque contribution doit présenter des recommandations pratiques et réalistes pour les acteurs du livre en Afrique ou dans leur pays.
Les contributions et analyses peuvent être de 600 à 2500 mots et doivent être soumis à kengne@munakalati.org avec info@munakalati.org en copie, au plus tard le 12 Juin 2020 à Minuit (Heure du Cameroun).
Les contributeurs doivent soumettre leur texte en document Word et les PDF ne seront point acceptés. Les images doivent avoir une bonne résolution et ajoutées en pièce jointe.
Les auteur-e-s des contributions retenues seront notifiés au plus tard le
15 Juin 2020.
Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans le magazine et sur le site de Muna Kalati, ainsi que sur d’autres plateformes digitales d’acteur de l’édition en Afrique et dans le monde.
Pour toute question ou information, contactez nous à : info@munakalati.org ou sur nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook et Twitter.
Nous espérons que vous serez l’heureux élu à être retenu pour notre prochain magazine panafricain ! A vos stylos !
2. Job and scholarship Opportunities
2.1 Junior and Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the Humanities at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Universita’ Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II
Location: | Naples – Italy | |||
Salary: | €30,000 to €40,000 £25,305 to £33,740 converted salary* |
Hours: | Full Time | |||
Contract Type: | Fixed-Term/Contract | |||
Placed On: | 29th April 2020 | |||
Closes: | 30th June 2020 | |||
The Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM), a public institution of higher education, invites applications for 9 Junior Research Fellowships and 9 Senior Research Fellowships in the Humanities tenable from 1st September 2020.
Successful appointees will engage full-time in independent research in one of the following areas (further details can be found in the links below): (a) Archaeology and cultures of the ancient Mediterranean. (Historical research, conservation, use of heritage); (b) Global History and Governance, (c) Texts, Traditions and Book Cultures.
The post holders will have access to mentoring and will be asked to deliver tutorial teaching and supervision in the SSM for up to a maximum of 50 hours per year. The posts are tenable for one year in the first instance and can be renewed for a further two years. The posts will not be renewed beyond the third year.
Eligibility: Candidates for junior positions must hold a PhD awarded no more than five years before the application deadline (June 30, 2020). Candidates for senior positions must hold a PhD awarded no more than ten years before the application deadline (June 30, 2020). All candidates must submit a research project in a subject relevant to one of the areas listed above; they must also have an excellent command of English and preferably of a second or third language as well.
Salary: € 30,000 per annum (Junior fellowship); € 40,000 per annum (Senior fellowship)
Further details on the research programmes and instructions about how to apply can be found here:
Applications must be submitted no later than 2:00 pm (Italian time) on 30 June 2020. Interviews are likely to be held in the week commencing 20 July. Please note that the appointment of the successful candidate will be subject to standard pre-employment screening, as applicable to the post. This will include proof of identity and references. Applicants should be aware that visa requirements apply.
Subject area (s)
Political Sciences
Call number: ACMA JUNIOR AND SENIOR 020 contact: acma@unina.it
Call number: GHG JUNIOR AND SENIOR 020 contact: ghg@unina.it
Call number: TTCL JUNIOR AND SENIOR 020 contact: ttcl@unina.it
Website: http://www.ssm.unina.it/en/calls-and-news/
2.2 Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Sam Houston State University
Position Title: Visiting Assistant Professor of French
Requisition: 202000008F
Rank: Visiting Assistant Professor
FLSA status : Exempt
Hiring Salary : Salary commensurate with experience and education.
Position Category
Position Type: Interim Full Time
College: College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department: Dept of World Languages and Cultures
Quicklink: http://shsu.peopleadmin.com/postings/23957
Contact Name : Dr. Leif French, PhD
Title : Department Chair, Department of World Languages & Cultures, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Box 2147, Huntsville, TX 77341-2147
Contact Phone: (936) 294-1979
Contact Email : wolcapp@shsu.edu
Duties Performed in the Usual Course of the Job: The Department of World Languages and Cultures invites applications for the position of Visiting Assistant Professor in French (specialization open) to begin in August 2020 and lasting through May 2021.
We seek an innovative and dynamic instructor who would be prepared to contribute to the French program. The teaching load is 8 courses annually and consists of teaching French language, literature and culture courses (with online and face-to-face delivery) at the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. The successful candidate will also participate in the development of the French program and engage in the cultural and academic life of the department.
Educational Requirements for the Position: PhD in French language, literature, culture, or linguistics, or a related field including a minimum of 18 hours of French coursework at the graduate level. Candidates must have completed all the requirements for their doctoral degree by August 2020.
Experience Required for the Position: Applicants must have demonstrated interest and proven proficiency in teaching using communicative and/or task-based language teaching approaches. Native or near-native fluency in French is required. Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience teaching French online. Preference also given to candidates with exceptional interpersonal and collaborative skills.
Other Requirements for the Position: Teaching responsibilities are both at the main SHSU campus in Huntsville, Texas (located 70 miles north of Houston). The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Sam Houston State University is strongly committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that empowers all employees to reach their full potential. All members of the academic community share a responsibility for developing and maintaining an environment in which differences are valued and inclusiveness is practiced. The College welcomes applications from those who will contribute to the diversity of our community.
Special Instructions Summary: Application materials:
Cover letter
Unofficial transcript (official to be provided prior to hiring)
Diversity statement
Research statement
Statement of teaching philosophy
Evidence of teaching excellence (including student perceptions and peer/supervisor observation reports)
Letters of recommendation
Open Until Filled: Yes
EEO Statement: Sam Houston State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan Employer and Smoke/Drug-Free Workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Sam Houston State University is an “at will” employer. Security sensitive positions at SHSU require background checks in accordance with Education Code 51.215.
2.3 10 Quintin Hogg Trust PhD Studentships at the University of the Westminster
The Graduate School at the University of Westminster is very pleased to announce 10 new full PhD studentships funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust to begin in the academic year 2020/21 for a September or January start.
Applications are welcome to all of our Schools, as below. For any queries about any aspect of the application process or informal enquiries about where your research might fit within a School, please contact the relevant School PhD Coordinator (details below).
The studentships will consist of:
A fee waiver and an annual stipend of £17,285 (for 20/21, raising each year in line with UKRI increases) for three years.* This includes London weighting.
Overseas applicants are welcome to apply to any PhD programme. Applicants to some schools may need to make up the fee difference between the Home/EU fee rate and the Overseas fee rate themselves (for information on fee levels see https://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/research-degrees/fees-and-funding).
Applications should be submitted via UCAS by 5pm on Friday 26 June 2020. Interviews will take place online in the week beginning 13 July.
It is essential you include the title of the studentship in your application header i.e. The Quintin Hogg Trust Studentship.
For more information on our entry requirements for research degrees see https://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/research-degrees/entry-requirements and on how to apply see https://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/research-degrees/how-to-apply-for-a-research-degree.
The University of Westminster is strongly committed to diversity and especially welcomes applications from underrepresented groups.
Applications are welcome across our twelve Schools
3. Announcements
3.1 ASMCF’s Early Career Researcher Travel Prize
Please find below details of the ASMCF’s Early Career Researcher Travel Prize. The deadline for applications is 14th July 2020. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/
An award of £500 will be made to an Early Career Researcher to contribute towards travel costs incurred on a short trip to one or multiple French-speaking countries. Applicants must be members of the Association and may apply up to six years post viva. A subcommittee convened to adjudicate the prize will look for evidence that the trip has been well planned and that the researcher has attempted to maximize the benefits to be drawn from the time in France. The person to whom the prize has been awarded should provide a brief report on the trip, including details of expenses, no later than three months after return to the UK. Early Career Researchers – applying for the award should complete the online application form, outlining their research project, the aims of their research trip and the anticipated budget for the proposed trip. The winner of the prize will be announced at the ASMCF Annual Conference.
3.2 Cancellation, « Translating Linguistic Minorities », Sorbonne Nouvelle.
The conference, planned to take place at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris on May 28-29, has been postponed for one year. Our website will be updated in September with new dates, in May 2021.
3.3 Launch of Haitian Creole version of the website Theatre in Saint-Domingue, 1764-1791.
In March 2018, we launched the bilingual (English-French) website and database: Theatre in Saint-Domingue, 1764-1791.
Today, I am delighted to announce the launch of a new Haitian Creole version of both the website and the database. The French and English versions have also been updated. This phase of the project was made possible thanks to the support of the University of St Andrews.
Nan Mas 2018, nou te lanse sit wèb ak baz done bileng (franse-angle): Teyat Nan Sendomeng, 1764-1791.
Jodi a, mwen kontan nèt anonse lansman nouvo vèzyon an Kreyòl sit wèb la ansanm ak baz done an. Nou te tou profite revize vèzyon franse ak angle yo. Pati sa a nan pwojè a te realize gras a sipò Inivèsite St Andrews nan peyi Lecòs.
En mars 2018, nous avons lancé le site web et la base de données bilingues (français-anglais) : Les spectacles à Saint-Domingue, 1764-1791.
Aujourd’hui j’ai le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement d’une version complète du site et de la base de données en créole haïtien. Nous avons également mis à jour les versions anglaise et française. Cette partie du projet a pu être réalisée grâce au soutien financier de l’université de St Andrews.
3.4 Lancement du Comité de recherche sur la littérature africaine comparée.
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer le lancement des travaux du Comité de recherche de l’AILC-ICLA sur les littératures africaines comparées. Le Comité a été créé en 2019 pour remédier au manque de l’AILC d’un comité sur les littératures de l’Afrique, qui représentent les corps de littérature les plus anciens et les plus diversifiés au monde. Le comité invite les chercheurs en littératures de tous les pays africains (y compris l’Afrique du Nord, de l’Est, du Sud et de l’Ouest) ou de la diaspora africaine, en littératures africaines en langues coloniales ainsi qu’en n’importe laquelle de ses milliers de langues indigènes, en formes orales ou écrites des littératures africaines, et en littératures africaines de tout siècle.
Si vous souhaitez devenir membre du comité, veuillez écrire à Prof. Belcher
à wbelcher@princeton.edu et Prof. El Guabli à be2@williams.edu
Plus d’informations ici : https://www.ailc-icla.org/fr/etudes-africaines-comparees/
4. New Titles
4.1 Odile Goerg, Un cinéma ambulant en Afrique. Jean-Paul Sivadier, entrepreneur dans les années 1950, L’Harmattan, 2020.
Préface de Claude Forest
Collection : Images Plurielles : Scènes et écrans
Le cinéma ambulant connaît un vif essor après 1945 en Afrique, où ce loisir est plébiscité en ville mais aussi à la campagne. Des entrepreneurs privés assurent des séances qui attirent jeunes et vieux, hommes et femmes, musulmans ou chrétiens. Cet ouvrage présente un document exceptionnel, le récit des tournées de Jean-Paul Sivadier, entre 1956 à 1959, au Sénégal, en Haute-Volta (Burkina Faso), au Soudan français (Mali) et en Mauritanie, complété par ses photographies prises sur le vif. Ils permettent aussi d’entrevoir la réalité humaine et économique d’une petite entreprise de cinéma à la fin de la période coloniale.
Date de publication : 20 avril 2020
Broché – format : 15,5 x 24 cm • 158 pages
ISBN : 978-2-343-19780-7
EAN13 : 9782343197807
(Imprimé en France)
4.2 Jean-Dominique Penel, Djibouti 70. Abdillahi Doualeh Waïs, Houssein Abdi Gouled, « Dini », Repères sur l’émergence de la littérature djiboutienne en français dans les années 70, (nouvelle édition), Paris, L’Harmattan, 2020.
Lorsqu’on cherche à cerner la manière dont la littérature djiboutienne écrite d’expres- sion française a progressivement émergé, on se rend compte que les années 1970 jouent un rôle important. Les multiples associations culturelles, les premiers jour- naux djiboutiens et les nouvelles orien- tations politiques qui conduiront à l’indé- pendance, le 29 juin 1977, constituent un ensemble de facteurs traduisant la volonté de s’exprimer et de s’affirmer. La littérature participe à ce mouvement général. Malheu- reusement on a oublié ceux qui ont été les premiers à prendre la parole. C’est pour- quoi cet ouvrage redonne vie et parole à Abdillahi Doualeh et Houssein Abdi, repré- sentatifs de cette période d’effervescence et d’émergence. On y a joint un texte inédit de ‘Dini’, nom qui désigne un ou peut-être plusieurs jeunes écrivains afars.
Parution : le 27/04/20
Format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm 240 pages
ISBN : 978-2-343-18213-1 23,50 €
4.3 « Sources et genres historiques » de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, Presses de l’INALCO, version électronique OpenEdition Books, 2020.
Nous avons l’honneur et le plaisir de vous annoncer que le premier volume “Sources et genres historiques” de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies vient de paraître aux Presses de l’INALCO dans sa version électronique, sur la plateforme OpenEdition Books.
We are delighted to inform you that “Historical Sources and Genres” – volume one of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography, Africa, America, Asia – is now available to the public in electronic form on the OpenEdition Books platform of Presses de l’INALCO.
En voici le lien:
It can be accessed via the following link:
Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies – Presses de l’Inalco
Quels rapports les sociétés humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passé et quels récits font-elles du temps révolu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, 157 spécialistes représentant 88 institutions académiques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l … books.openedition.org |
Nous allons assurer la plus grande publicité à cette parution et nous vous invitons à diffuser l’information autour de vous le plus largement possible. Pour fêter l’événement et poursuivre la promotion du livre, nous vous vous invitons à venir nous rencontrer à la grande manifestation que nous organisons le 13 octobre 2020 à la BULAC, 36, rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13e.
We will endeavor to publicize to the best of our abilities the release of the first volume and we invite you to spread the information around you as widely as possible. You are cordially invited to attend the official launch of the work on the 13th of October 2020 at BULAC, 36, rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 13e.
La direction de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies. Volume 1 /
The editors of the Encyclopaedia of Historiographies. Africa, America, Asia. Volume 1: Nathalie Kouamé, Eric P. Meyer, Anne Viguier
Description :
Quels rapports les sociétés humaines entretiennent-elles avec leur passé et quels récits font-elles du temps révolu ? Pour ce premier volume de l’Encyclopédie des historiographies. Afriques, Amériques, Asies, 157 spécialistes représentant 88 institutions académiques en France et dans le monde explorent l’univers des productions humaines qui constituent des sources pour l’historien et déchiffrent les nombreuses modalités (« scientifiques », littéraires, artistiques, monumentales…) de l’écriture du passé. évoquant tour à tour l’Afrique, l’Amérique latine, l’Asie, l’Océanie, les 216 notices de l’ouvrage présentent des matériaux historiques de toute nature, issus de toutes les époques, souvent méconnus, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs usages. L’entreprise collective qu’est l’Encyclopédie se veut novatrice : il s’agit de susciter une réflexion historiographique résolument non-occidentalo-centrée qui complète utilement les démarches épistémologiques traditionnelles. Nouvel outil de connaissance historique forgé à l’heure de la mondialisation, l’Encyclopédie des historiographies est aussi une véritable invitation au voyage.
What are the different types of relations that non-Western societies upkeep with their past and how are narratives about the past produced by them? In this first volume of the Encyclopaedia of Historiography: Africa, America, Asia, 157 specialists from 88 international academic institutions explore the wealth of evidence that constitutes source material for historians. They also examine the immensely diverse modes or genres of narrated history: “scientific”, literary, artistic, architectural, etc. 216 entries dealing with Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia, cover a large variety of sources, including many which are unfamiliar to the Western or non-Western reader, along with the history of how they have been exploited. By bringing together for the first time such an abundance of material the reader is offered the possibility of exploring continents and building meaningful connections across space and time. In addition to being a new tool for historical enquiry in an era of globalization, this encyclopaedia is also an invitation to travel the world.
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