announcements, calls for papers, job opportunities, monthly mailing, new titles, news, SFPS Mailing, SFPS monthly mailing

SFPS Mailing: April 2021

30th April 2021
  1. Calls for Papers/Contributions.

1.1 Call for Papers: CFC Intersections Inaugural Virtual Conference.

1.2 L’œuvre d’Ananda Devi entre l’Orient et l’Occident // Appel à contribution.

1.3 10e Conférence Internationale Women in French: « Voix et voies des marges ». 12-14 mai 2022.

1.4 PAMLA CFP: French and Francophone Literature – Imaginaires Océaniques.

1.5 Call for Papers: Narratives of Selfhood and Ambivalence.

1.6 Call for Papers:  Global Labor Histories in the Francophone World.

1.7 CFP: “Rethinking the Margin” – University of Virginia Virtual Graduate Conference/ AÀC: « Repenser la marge du moyen âge à nos jours » – Colloque pour doctorant.e.s, Université de Virginie.

1.8 SCS Postgraduate Conference, Monday 5th July – call for papers, posters and panels (deadline May 7th).

1.9 Women in French SAMLA 93 CFP: Revisioning Narrative (Identities) and Space.

1.10 CfP: (Queer) Care — Decoloniality — Environmental Justice, due May 24 (Contemporary French Civilization: Intersections virtual conference, September 24-25, 2021).

1.11 CFP ‘Identities in Motion’ Symposium.

1.12 SFPS Postgraduate Study Day 2021 – Les vies noires comptent aussi : Roots, Dynamics and Intersections of Racism and Anti-racism in France and the Francophone World.

1.13 “Blood on the Leaves / And Blood at the Roots”: Reconsidering Forms of Enslavement and Subjection across Disciplines.

1.14 CfP: Workshop on Modern Jewish experiences beyond Europe – minor perspectives on modernity (June 14-15, 2021).

  1. Job and Scholarship Opportunities.

2.1 Visiting Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies, AY 2021-2022, Hobart and William Smith Colleges.

2.2 Lecturer in Comparative Literatures and Cultures, University of Bristol.

2.3 Applications invited for Cassal PhD Bursary in French/Francophone Studies at the IMLR.

2.4 Assistant/Associate Professor of French Language and Francophone Studies – The American University of Paris.

2.5 Job Announcement: VAP of French at Lafayette College AY 2021-22.

2.6 Teaching Fellow in French Colonial History, University of Leeds.

2.7 Assistant Professor/Lecturer in French Studies, Maynooth University.

2.8 Teaching Fellow in French, Durham University.

2.9 Stipendiary Lectureship in French (Nineteenth and/or Twentieth Century Literature), University of Oxford – Exeter College.

2.10 ERC PhD Scholarship: African Literature across Languages and Genres.

2.11 Tenure Track Position in Radical Black Ecologies at Queen’s University, Canada.

2.12 Lecturer in French – Français Intermédiaire (FREN 150), Bader International Study Centre at Herstmonceux Castle.

2.13 Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Gettysburg College.

2.14 Postdoctoral Research Associate – Grade 7, University of Liverpool.

2.15 Two Five-year Postdoctoral Positions in Global History, Freie Universität Berlin.

2.16 Deadline extended: USF International Fellowships.

  1. Announcements.

3.1 SSFH – New Funding Offer.

3.2 George L Mosse prize for first book manuscripts.

3.3 ULIP Theory in Crisis seminar: Sara Salem, ‘Anticolonial Contradiction’, Friday 30 April.

3.4 Decolonizing Methodologies and Approaches: The Modern Languages Perspective. Fri, 7 May 2021, 10:30 – 12:30 BST.

3.5 Call for Submissions: 2021 Awards from the Coordinating Council for Women in History.

3.6 Online translation teaching materials.

3.7 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series: Second Call for Applications.

3.8 Launch of the ASMCF Mentorship Scheme.

3.9 Journée d’étude: les savoirs décoloniaux au prisme de l’histoire. Colonialité et décolonialité dans les Amériques (The University of Chicago Center in Paris).

3.10 The Walter Rodney Writing Prize.

3.11 Register for the Society for Caribbean Studies Conference.

3.12 DECOLONISING FRENCH STUDIES: A Workshop Organised by AUPHF+ (Wednesday, 12 May, 2-5pm UK time).

3.13 School of Advanced Study Research Training: Term 3.

3.14 Queer(y)ing Bodily Norms in Francophone Culture, eds. Dr Polly Galis, Dr Maria Tomlinson and Dr Antonia Wimbush: Online Launch.

3.15 2021 imlr books Competition (closing date: 12 June 2021).


3.17 SAS Peer Review week.

3.18 Oxford Caribbean Studies Network Seminar Series Summer 2021.

3.19 WASAFIRI, ‘Transformative Testimonies: Writing and Human Rights 2021’.

3.20 Student Mobility and the Transnational Campus (7 May).

3.21 Lecture series “Memory Politics and Minority Managements in Contemporary Europe”.

3.22 Warwick SMLC Summer Research Lecture: Moira Inghilleri on ‘The Punctum and the Politics of Migrant Narratives’.

3.23 French Culture Wars RESCHEDULED // MAY 6 @ CU Maison Française.

3.24 Stories of Home, the Road, and the Host Country: Women Narrating Migration in Morocco.

3.25 Info on recently completed PhDs for FSB.

3.26 New online exhibition: Ways of seeing the penal colony: New Caledonia and French Guiana / Façons de voir le bagne: la Guyane et la Nouvelle-Calédonie.

3.27 White Freedom: the Racial History of an Idea RESCHEDULED // MAY 10 @ CU Maison Française.

3.28 CSA Journal: A Call for Collaborators.

3.29 R. Gapper book prize.

  1. New Publications.

4.1 Reda Sadiki, Médecine et colonialisme au Maroc sous protectorat français (Casablanca: En Toutes Lettres, 2021).

4.2 Hocine Tandjaoui, Ainsi que tous les hommes (Naples/Tunis/Skopje) (Paris: 108 Edition, 2020).

4.3 Michael Harrigan, Life and Death on the Plantations: Selected Jesuit Letters from the Caribbean (Cambridge: MHRA, 2021).

4.4 Hanétha Vété-Congolo, Nous sommes Martiniquaises : Pawòl en bouches de femmes châtaignes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020).

4.5 Charlotte Legg, The New White Race: Settler Colonialism and the Press in French Algeria, 1860-1914 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming in June 2021).

4.6 Jan J. Dominique, Wandering Memory. English translation by Emma Donovan (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021).

4.7 Cécile Accilien and Valérie K. Orlando (eds.), Teaching Haiti: Strategies for Creating New Narratives (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, forthcoming in August 2021).

4.8 Simona Jişa, Sergiu Mişcoiu & Modibo Diarra (eds), Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2021).

4.9 Itay Lotem, The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: the Sins of Silence (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).

1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 Call for Papers: CFC Intersections Inaugural Virtual Conference

Deadline for Submissions: June, 15 2021

Date of Virtual Conference: September 24-25, 2021

Contemporary French Civilization (CFC) is very pleased to announce the launch of its new sister journal CFC Intersections in collaboration with Liverpool University PressPlease find below our call for papers for the inaugural conference. CFC Intersections aims to provide a new publishing outlet for scholarship related to intersectionality and the broader associated notion of intersections in French and Francophone studies.

In the late 1980s, intersectionality emerged as a new theoretical paradigm — particular to the United States — to address and explore the connections between the multiple and oft-devalued positions that stand in contrast to whiteness, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and middle-class western values. Kimberlé Crenshaw convincingly advanced this framework, initially in the context of legal studies for Black women. Intersectionality grew into a theory that focused upon those excluded from a dominant (white, middle-class) feminism, exposing their invisibility and the multifarious facets of their marginalities.  Over the past three decades, this approach has come to inform the lives of women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color), the working class, LGBTQ communities, people with disabilities, and those in other marginalized and minoritized groups; and indeed the research has expanded into multiple fields including among others Africana and Black studies, anthropology, cultural studies as well as gender, sexuality and queer studies, literary studies, sociology, and social work.

While the term was coined in 1989, the phenomenon clearly predates this, and we believe that it is indeed time for a sustained critical engagement from the perspective of Modern Languages, and French and Francophone studies in particular. Such an approach challenges the anglonormativity or linguistic indifference inherent in some discussions of intersectionality. It also encourages comparative and transnational understandings and invites explorations of intersections in a variety of new social, political, geographical, cultural and ideological niches. Some excellent work has already emerged in French and Francophone studies. We believe it is past time to provide a platform to exclusively showcase and publish research (in both French and English) on intersectionality with the broadly inclusive term “intersections.” Indeed, CFC Intersections will allow us to highlight the value of contemporary literary, sociolinguistic, ethnographic, cinematic, and other forms of cultural production informed by the complex intersections of identities that impact the everyday lives of people living throughout the French-speaking world. This will form part of a wider project of decolonizing French studies. It is clear that intersectionality informs both historical and contemporary moments and hence the journal aims to illustrate a wider chronological perspective by also publishing work on the contextual roots of intersectionality as a term. Hence, the adoption of “intersections” as the journal title aims to ensure contributions from researchers — working in postcolonial, transnational, translingual, and other contexts — who may already be studying the Francophone world from an intersectional perspective without necessarily recognizing it or being recognized as such.

Now that Liverpool will launch CFC Intersections, we are pleased to organize the first conference on this topic and consider for publication a first set of papers from this event.  The journal will begin with one issue per year in 2022 with the aim to expand over time.

We welcome traditional papers, flash presentations, roundtables, performative and/or activist pieces, among other formats for this inaugural conference on any topic related to intersectional approaches or “intersections” in French and Francophone studies. We also welcome full panel proposals. These can include but are not limited to the following topics:

  • Decolonizing French and Francophone Studies
  • Feminisms in the Francosphere
  • Migrations and displacements
  • Language and multilingualism
  • Languages and linguaphobia
  • Citizenship, Islamophobia, la laïcité
  • Indigeneity
  • Political identities and privilege
  • Queerness
  • Transnationalism and trans- studies
  • Religion, ethnicity, race, social class, embodiment, age, and (dis)ability
  • Francophone postcolonial approaches to intersectionality
  • Genealogies of intersectionality and its antecedents including, for example, the Haitian Revolution
  • French/Francophone case studies that draw on French/Francophone thought, to take debates about intersectionality in new directions
  • Critiques of strategic intersectionality in Francophone contexts
  • The (un)translatability of intersectionality

Please submit a 250-300 word abstract in French or English and your biography to Denis M. Provencher ( and Siham Bouamer ( by June 15, 2021. Please do not hesitate to contact us first should you have any queries.

Nouvelle revue à être publiée par Liverpool University Press

CFC Intersections:

A journal devoted to intersectional

French and Francophone studies


Appel à contribution pour le colloque virtuel et inaugural

Date limite pour soumettre les propositions: 15 juin 2021

Date du colloque: 24 et 25 septembre 2021

Les éditeurs de Contemporary French Civilization (CFC) sont heureux d’annoncer le lancement de la nouvelle revue supplémentaire CFC Intersections en collaboration avec Liverpool University Press. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous l’appel à contribution pour le colloque inaugural. CFC Intersections vise à offrir une nouvelle voie de publication pour la recherche sur l’intersectionnalité et la notion plus générale d’“intersections” en études françaises et francophones.

À la fin des années 1980, l’intersectionnalité est apparue comme un nouveau paradigme théorique propre au contexte des États-Unis permettant d’analyser — et d’explorer les liens entre — les nombreux statuts qui sont souvent dévalorisés par rapport à la blanchité, le patriarcat, l’hétéronormativité, et les valeurs bourgeoises occidentales. Kimberlé Crenshaw a proposé ce modèle de manière convaincante, initialement dans le cadre juridique pour les femmes noires. L’intersectionnalité est devenue une théorie qui se focalisait sur les exclues d’un féminisme dominant (blanc, bourgeois) en exposant leur invisibilité et les multiples facettes de leurs marginalités.  Pendant les trois dernières décennies, cette approche a permis d’informer les vies de femmes, BIPOC (Noirs, Autochtones, et gens racisés), la classe ouvrière, les communautés LGBTQ, les gens handicapés, et les personnes d’autres groupes marginalisés et minoritaires ; la recherche s’est d’ailleurs étendue à des disciplines multiples dont les études noires, l’anthropologie, les études culturelles ainsi que les études de genre, sexualité et queer, les études littéraires, la sociologie et le travail social.

Bien que le terme n’apparaît qu’en 1989, le phénomène le précède nettement, et nous croyons qu’il est en effet grand temps de maintenir un engagement critique sous l’angle des langues modernes et des études françaises et francophones en particulier. Une telle approche remet en question l’anglonormativité et l’indifférence linguistique qui sont inhérentes aux nombreuses discussions sur l’intersectionnalité. Elle encourage aussi des interprétations comparatives et transnationales et invite des études sur l’intersectionnalité dans une variété de nouvelles niches sociales, politiques, géographiques, culturelles et idéologiques.  Il existe déjà d’excellents travaux en études françaises et francophones. Nous croyons qu’il est grand temps d’ouvrir une plateforme pour promouvoir la publication de recherches (en français et en anglais) sur l’intersectionnalité avec le terme plus général et inclusif d’“intersections.” En effet, CFC Intersections aura pour but de mettre en valeur les productions contemporaines littéraires, sociolinguistiques, ethnographiques, cinématographiques, et autres formes de productions culturelles fondées sur l’intersection complexe des identités qui influencent la vie quotidienne des gens habitant dans le monde francophone. Cela fait aussi partie d’un projet plus vaste qui vise à décoloniser les études françaises en général. Il est évident que l’intersectionnalité nous renseigne aussi bien sur les moments historiques que contemporains. Ainsi, la revue projette d’illustrer une perspective historique de plus longue durée en publiant les recherches sur les racines contextuelles de l’intersectionnalité comme concept. Ainsi, l’adoption d’“intersections” pour titre de la revue permet d’assurer la publication de contributions de chercheurs — qui travaillent sur le postcolonial, le transnational, le translingue et autres contextes — et qui étudient peut-être déjà le monde francophone à partir d’une perspective intersectionnelle sans nécessairement s’en rendre compte ou être reconnue comme telle.

Avec le lancement de CFC Intersections, nous sommes heureux d’organiser ce premier colloque sur cette thématique et d’envisager la publication d’une première série d’articles et d’autres interventions à la suite de cet événement. La revue commencera avec un seul numéro en 2022, puis publiera deux (ou même plusieurs) numéros par an.

Pour ce colloque inaugural, nous vous invitons à envoyer vos propositions de communications traditionnelles, présentations flash, tables rondes, interventions performatives ou activistes (ou autres formats) sur tout sujet qui touchent à l’intersectionnalité ou “l’intersection” en études françaises et francophones. Nous acceptons aussi de recevoir vos propositions pour des panels complets. Ces propositions peuvent inclure mais ne sont pas limitées aux sujets suivants :

  • Décoloniser les études françaises et francophones
  • Les féminismes dans la Francosphère
  • Migrations et déplacements
  • Langue et multilinguisme
  • Langues et linguaphobie
  • Citoyenneté, Islamophobie, laïcité
  • Indigénéité/Les études autochtones
  • Les identités politiques et le privilège
  • Les études queer
  • Le trans-nationalisme et les études trans-
  • La religion, l’ethnicité, la race, la classe sociale, le corps, l’âge, and le handicap
  • Les approches postcoloniales francophones et l’intersectionalité
  • Les généalogies de l’intersectionalité et ses ancêtres y compris, par example, la Révolution haïtienne
  • Les cas français/francophones qui s’informent de la pensée française et francophones et qui mènent la discussion sur l’intersectionalité dans de nouvelles directions
  • Les critiques de l’intersectionalité stratégique dans les contextes francophones
  • L’(in)traduisibilité de l’intersectionalité

Veuillez envoyer votre proposition de 250 à 300 mots en anglais ou en français et votre biographie à Denis M. Provencher ( et Siham Bouamer ( avant le 15 juin 2021.  N’hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des questions.

1.2 L’œuvre d’Ananda Devi entre l’Orient et l’Occident // Appel à contribution

En publiant sous le nom d’Ananda Devi, Ananda Devi Anenden est devenue, au cours de trois dernières décennies, le plus grand écrivain de l’Île Maurice, son pays d’origine, ainsi que de toute une partie sud-ouest de l’Océan Indien, immense région dans laquelle se croisaient autrefois les influences politiques et culturelles hollandaise, française et anglaise, en se superposant à – et parfois même en se laissant submerger par – un substrat africain, malgache, indien et chinois et en créant par là des amalgames linguistiques, culturels, culinaires et ethniques d’une grande originalité et richesse.

Lauréate de maints prix prestigieux pour son œuvre fort appréciée et étudiée au monde entier, depuis 1989, Ananda Devi vit à Ferney-Voltaire en France. Pendant ces trente dernières années, tout en travaillant comme traductrice à Genève, l’écrivaine construisait son univers imaginaire reconnaissable entre tous, en publiant, surtout en France, une douzaine de romans, trois recueils de poèmes et quatre recueils de nouvelles.

Plusieurs de ses romans sont accessibles en anglais, hindi, slovène, roumain, bulgare, portugais, polonais, allemand, espagnol, italien, suédois et en d’autres langues vers lesquelles on ne cesse de les traduire.

Comme c’est le cas des plus grands écrivains, Ananda Devi a su démontrer, à travers ses particularités et couleurs locales, un caractère universel des problèmes auxquels sont confrontés et que cherchent éperdument (et souvent en vain) à résoudre les habitants de sa petite île natale de 1800 kilomètres carrés de surface sur laquelle évoluent un million trois cent mille habitants dont chacun s’accroche à son identité ethnique (française, indienne, chinoise, musulmane, voire créole).

Elle est l’un des rares auteurs du monde contemporain qui sait unir dans ses ouvrages des qualités artistiques d’une prose à haut tonus poétique avec une rare compassion que recèlent ses descriptions crues des maux que subissent ses personnages de laissés pour compte, de femmes subordonnées à la violence patriarcale, ainsi que de monstres malheureux rejetés par la société à cause de leurs malformations corporelles et mentales.

Devi voue à ses personnages une empathie voilée sans s’abaisser jamais à un misérabilisme facile, en sachant cependant infuser dans son monde un brin d’humour, voire d’ironie qui éclairent d’un rayon légèrement adoucissant l’horreur de cet univers représenté en général sombre qui, de réalisme sans concession pour aucun des tabous convenus de bienséance glisse parfois imperceptiblement vers un fantastique à fonction subtilement consolatrice, mû par la force d’un processus de métaphorisation puissant et hautement original qui à chaque pas esthétise l’horrifique sans l’annuler mais, bien au contraire, en ajoutant une dimension artistique à la vision anti-paradisiaque de l’île natale de l’auteure que celle-ci sait élever à la démesure de son immense talent d’écrivain hors de pair en créant une « Mauricie » anandadevienne à la fois très locale et parfaitement universelle.

Dans ce dossier de la revue Romanica Silesiana, 2022 : no 1 (21),  centré sur l’œuvre d’Ananda Devi, on se propose de réfléchir sur sa place dans la littérature mondiale, sur la prépondérance de l’influence océanindienne, issue de ses origines et de sa formation familiale dans un milieu culturel qui semblait la prédestiner à l’identité orientale, voire sur sa part occidentale qu’elle a acquise au cours de son éducation, des lectures et de sa vie en France. On peut se demander auquel de ses deux grands axes culturels appartiennent les grands thèmes qui jalonnent son œuvre, peut-on conclure à une hybridité féconde et si telle serait la réponse, il serait intéressant de soumettre à l’analyse les ingrédients particuliers de cet amalgame et d’évaluer quelle part y prévaut.

Plusieurs axes de lecture de l’œuvre anandadevienne sont possibles, comme par exemple :

–        question d’identité : entre le salut et la fatalité/entre la crise et l’épanouissement,

–        existence insulaire : le centre vs. la périphérie,

–        la richesse vs. la pauvreté,

–        dualisme existentiel : le paradis ou/vs. l’enfer

–        l’eau : la source vitale, espace naturel et la mort

–        l’Océan Indien : entre l’ouverture et le cloisonnement

Pour tous ces axes, l’analyse de l’inscription de l’œuvre d’Ananda Devi dans l’espace culturel océan-indien sera particulièrement appréciée.

Les propositions de contribution d’environ 300 mots (en français ou en anglais) accompagnées d’une courte notice biographique devront être envoyées avant le 15 mai 2021 aux adresses suivantes : ( et

La réponse du comité de lecture sera communiquée à toutes les personnes intéressées avant le 22 mai 2021.

Le délai final du dépôt de textes dont l’ampleur ne dépassent pas 25 000 signes (espaces compris) : le 23 août 2021.

1.3 10e Conférence Internationale Women in French: « Voix et voies des marges ». 12-14 mai 2022.

Iowa State University aura l’honneur d’accueillir la dixième édition de la Conférence Internationale Women in French, axée autour des marges et des marginalités.

En raison de l’impact budgétaire et financier généré par la crise sanitaire mondiale, la conférence WIF 2022 sera virtuelle.

Conférences plénières confirmées :

– Anne Donadey (San Diego State University)

– Claire Legendre (Université de Montréal)

Thème :

Le vingtième siècle, et en particulier sa seconde moitié, témoigne d’une présence accrue des femmes de lettres sur les scènes littéraires françaises et francophones. Chaque année voit désormais la publication de nombreux premiers romans par de jeunes auteures ou des ouvrages par des écrivaines confirmées. L’on pourrait donc aisément croire que les femmes de lettres sont enfin parvenues à la reconnaissance tant culturelle que populaire. Et pourtant… En 2014, la lycéenne Ariane Baillon lançait une pétition sur pour contester la présence d’une seule femme philosophe, Hannah Arendt, au programme du Baccalauréat. Deux ans plus tard, l’enseignante Françoise Cahen soumettait une requête similaire au Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche pour inclure plus d’auteures au Bac L. Si, en 2018, celle-ci voit son vœu exaucé avec une épreuve exclusivement féminine (au programme : Madame de La Fayette, Madame de Staël et Colette), « sur les 51 textes présentés de 2003 à 2017, on compte… 3 signatures de femmes » (Brigaudeau). Il en va de même pour les prix littéraires : « Depuis la création du Goncourt . . . en 1903, les autrices françaises n’ont reçu que 159 prix sur les 740 récompenses décernées » (Orain et Dagorn). Enfin, Christine Planté et Audrey Lasserre nous rappellent que, en dépit de leurs contributions majeures à la littérature française, les écrivaines conservent une place presque insignifiante dans les manuels ou livres consacrés à l’histoire littéraire. Et que dire des auteures appartenant à ou représentant des perspectives minoritaires telles sexuelles ou ethnico-raciales ? Ces dernières subissent une double, voire triple invisibilisation. En dépit de leur grand nombre, les femmes de lettres, quel que soit leur contexte historique, demeurent ainsi encore marginales dans le paysage littéraire et la transmission de l’héritage culturel. Toutefois, comme l’exprime la féministe et philosophe afro-américaine bell hooks, les marges peuvent également incarner un puissant outil de conscientisation et de contestation. En effet, les auteures françaises et francophones ont contribué à la littérature d’expression française, et ce à n’importe quelle époque historique, des œuvres qui sont parmi les plus rebelles, originales ou politiques.

La conférence WIF 2022 propose d’examiner les voix et voies des marges et des marginalités à travers les siècles. Les propositions de communications pourront considérer les perspectives suivantes mais ne doivent en aucun cas s’y limiter :

  • Identités (individuelles, nationales, régionales, de genre, etc.)
  • Intersectionnalité (genre, classe, race, religion, etc.)
  • Discriminations, y compris les formes les moins discutées comme l’âgisme ou le validisme
  • Colonialisme et postcolonialisme
  • L’enseignement des marges au niveau universitaire
  • Précarité
  • Maladies (manies, obsessions ou dépendances)
  • Alternatives (perspectives, sociétés, féminismes, etc.)
  • Théorie des marges (queer, transgenre, etc.)
  • Handicaps
  • Genres littéraires et cinématographiques
  • Place des femmes et autres perspectives sous-représentées dans la littérature ou le cinéma
  • Littératures et cinémas dits « minoritaires »
  • Empowerment
  • Rébellions
  • Paralittératures
  • Les rapports du (des) centre(s) avec la (les) marge(s)

Projet « One Book, One WIF » :

En partenariat avec nos collègues de WIF UK, Women In French participe au projet « One Book, One WIF ». Établi en 2017 par Stephanie Schechner, ce programme promeut l’étude d’auteures françaises ou francophones peu connues. L’auteure retenue pour la conférence de 2022 est Claire Legendre et son roman Bermudes (2020). En raison du report de la conférence de 2020, Kuessipan (2011) de l’auteure autochtone québécoise Naomi Fontaine fera également l’objet d’un panel « One Book, One WIF ». Nous encourageons la soumission de propositions de communications ou de panels sur ces écrivaines et leurs œuvres.

Contributions :

Les propositions de communications ne doivent pas dépasser les 250 mots et doivent comprendre les coordonnées des intervenant.e.s ainsi qu’une notice bio-bibliographique (100 mots au maximum).

Les organisatrices encouragent la soumission de panels (3 intervant.e.s au minimum, 4 au maximum). Les propositions de panels doivent comprendre une explication de 250 mots ainsi que toutes les propositions individuelles.

Soumission :

Les propositions individuelles ou de panels peuvent être soumises au plus tard le 1er septembre 2021 via le site Internet de la conférence :

Report de la conférence WIF 2020 :

Les présentations qui figuraient au programme de la conférence WIF 2020 seront automatiquement acceptées, à condition d’être resoumises à l’identique via le site de la conférence. Toute nouvelle contribution sera, en revanche, sujette à une évaluation par le comité scientifique. De même, les bourses WIF attribuées pour la conférence de 2020 seront automatiquement versées aux bénéficiaires, sous condition que leurs contributions soient identiques à celles sélectionnées pour l’édition de 2020. Toute nouvelle proposition de présentation devra faire l’objet d’une autre demande de bourse WIF.

Calendrier :

1er septembre 2021 : soumission des propositions
31 octobre 2021 : notification des acceptions ou refus
30 novembre 2021 : date butoir pour confirmer (ou non) sa participation à la conférence.1er décembre 2021 : ouverture des inscriptions
1er décembre 2021 au 30 janvier 2022 : tarif préférentiel
1er janvier 2022 : les intervenant.e.s sélectionné.e.s par le comité scientifique devront obligatoirement être membre de WIF avant le 1er janvier 2022 pour pouvoir participer à la conférence
31 janvier au 29 février 2022 : plein tarif
1er mars 2022 : fin des inscriptions en ligne, un enregistrement à la conférence même sera disponible (plein tarif)
15 mars 2022 : date butoir pour un remboursement en cas de désistement
16 mars 2022 : à partir de cette date, aucun remboursement ne sera effectué pour désistement

Ames et Iowa State University :

La ville d’Ames fut établie en 1864 afin de desservir, vers l’ouest, la voie de chemin de fer Cedar Rapids and Missouri River. Le président de la compagnie nomma la ville d’après un collègue également promoteur des chemins de fer, le Membre du Congrès Oakes Ames. Iowa State University, la première université “land-grant” des Etats-Unis, se situe à Ames. ISU s’est forgé une réputation de leader mondial dans diverses disciplines comme l’agriculture, le génie et la médecine vétérinaire. Avec plus de 35000 étudiant.e.s provenant de 130 pays différents, ISU possède une culture diversifiée et apporte un certain flair international au Midwest états-unien.

10th International Women in French Conference

“Margins: Voices and Pathways”

Iowa State University

12-14 May 2022

Iowa State University is honored to host the 10th International Women in French Conference, focusing on margins and marginalities.

Due to the budgetary and financial challenges triggered by the global pandemic, the WIF 2022 conference will be online.

Confirmed Plenary Presentations:

– Anne Donadey (San Diego State University)

– Claire Legendre (Université de Montréal)


The twentieth century, especially the second half, has witnessed a marked increase in the number of women authors on the French and francophone literary scene. Because of the significant increase in the publication of debut novels by young authors and books by established writers, it would be tempting to conclude that women authors have finally achieved widespread cultural and public recognition. Nevertheless, in 2014, a high-school student, Ariane Baillon, launched a petition on to challenge the fact that just one female philosopher, Hannah Arendt, was part of the Baccalauréat exam. Two years later, high-school teacher Françoise Cahen submitted a similar request to the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche to include more women authors in the Bac L exam. Although Madame de La Fayette, Madame de Staël and Colette were added to the program in 2018, “of the 51 texts included from 2003 to 2017, only three . . . were by women authors” (Brigaudeau). The same is true for literary awards: “Since the creation of the Goncourt . . . in 1903, French women authors have received only 159 of the 740 awards” (Orain and Dagorn). Finally, Christine Planté and Audrey Lasserre remind us that, despite their major contributions to French literature, women writers still do not occupy a prominent place in textbooks on literary history. Likewise, what can be said of authors from sexual or ethnoracial under-represented communities? These authors suffer the consequences of a double, or even triple invisibilization. Despite their large numbers and regardless of the historical time period, women authors are still marginalized in the literary world and in the transmission of cultural heritage. However, as posited by African-American feminist and philosopher bell hooks, being on the margins may constitute a powerful tool for creating awareness and protest. Indeed, women authors have written some of the most rebellious, original and political literature of French expression in all historical eras.

The 2022 WIF Conference will examine voices and pathways from the margins, as well as diverse forms of marginality from all eras. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Identities (individual, national, regional, gender, etc.)
  • Intersectionality (gender, class, race, religion, etc.)
  • Discrimination, including under-represented forms such as ageism or ableism
  • Colonialism and Postcolonialism
  • Approaches to teaching the issue of marginality at the university level
  • Destitution
  • Illness (including mania, obsession, addiction)
  • Alternatives (perspectives, societies, feminisms, etc.)
  • Theories of the margins (queer, trans*, etc.)
  • Disabilities, multi-abilities
  • Literary and cinematographic genres
  • Place of under-represented women and perspectives in literature or film
  • Literature and film from underrepresented communities
  • Empowerment
  • Rebellions
  • Paraliterature
  • Relationship between the center(s) and the margin(s)

“One Book, One WIF” Initiative:

In partnership with our colleagues from WIF UK, Women in French is continuing the “One Book, One WIF” initiative. Established in 2017 by Stephanie Schechner, this project aims to promote critical interest in lesser-known French and francophone women writers. The book selected for the 2022 WIF conference is Claire Legendre’s novel Bermudes (2020). Due to the postponement of the WIF 2020 conference, a “One Book, One WIF” panel will also be devoted to Indigenous Quebecois author Naomi Fontaine and her text Kuessipan (2011). Proposals for papers or panels on these authors and their work are encouraged.


Individual abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should include the presenter’s contact information as well as a short biography (100 words maximum). Proposals for three- or four-paper panels are also encouraged. Panel proposals should include a 250-word rationale for the proposed topic as well as individual abstracts.



Individual abstracts or panel proposals must be submitted no later than September 1, 2021 via the conference website


Postponement of the WIF 2020 conference:

Papers included in the WIF 2020 conference program will be automatically accepted, provided they are submitted identically through the conference website. Any new contribution will, however, be evaluated by the scientific committee. Likewise, the WIF grants awarded for the 2020 conference will be automatically paid to the beneficiaries, under the condition that their contributions are identical to those selected for the 2020 edition. Any new presentation proposal would require an new application for a WIF conference grant.



September 1, 2021: Submission of proposals.

September 1, 2021: Submission of proposals
October 31, 2021: Notification of acceptance or refusal
November 30, 2021: deadline to confirm conference participation
December 1, 2021: registration starts
December 1, 2021 through January 30, 2022: early bird rate
January 1, 2022: Participants must be members of WIF by January 1, 2022 to participate in the conference
January 30 through February 29, 2022: full rate
March 1, 2022: registration online ends, registration on site will be available (full rate).
March 15, 2022: deadline to be fully reimbursed in case of a cancellation.
March 16, 2022: starting on that date, there will be no more refunds for cancellations


Ames and Iowa State University:

Ames was established in 1864 to serve the westward-bound Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Railroad. The president of the railroad named the town after fellow rail promoter, Congressman Oakes Ames. Ames is the home to Iowa State University, the nation’s first land-grant university. Iowa State has established itself as a world leader in diverse disciplines such as agriculture, engineering, and veterinary medicine. With more than 35,000 students hailing from nearly 130 different nations, Iowa State offers cultural diversity and brings a distinct international flavor to the Midwest.



Dr. Michèle A. Schaal (Iowa State University)

Dr. Arline Cravens (Saint Louis University)

Comité scientifique/Selection Committee:

Arline Cravens (Saint Louis University), Susan Ireland (Grinnell University), E. Nicole Meyer (Augusta University), Michèle A. Schaal (Iowa State University)


Baillon, Ariane. « Benoît Hamon: Donnez une place aux femmes dans les programmes scolaires. » août 2014. Web. 30 août 2018 <>.

Brigaudeau, Christel. « Colette, Madame de Staël… un bac français 2018 très féminin. » Le  18 juin 2018. Web. 30 août 2018 <>.

Cahen, Françoise. « Pour donner leur place aux femmes dans les programmes de littérature au bac L. » mai 2016. Web. 30 août 2018 <>.

hooks, bell. Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. 1984. New York : South End Press, 2000.

Lasserre, Audrey. « Les Femmes du XXe siècle ont-elles une histoire littéraire ? » Cahier du CERACC.4 (2010) : 1-18.

Orain, Grégoire, et Gary Dagorn. « Combien de femmes parmi les prix littéraires français ? » Le  24 nov. 2017. Web. 30 août 2018 <>.

Planté, Christine. « La Place des femmes dans l’histoire littéraire : Annexe ou point de départ d’une relecture ? » Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France 103.3 (2003): 655-68.

 1.4 PAMLA CFP: French and Francophone Literature – Imaginaires Océaniques


Alors que les identités, individuelle ou collective, sont majoritairement articulées à travers un rapport à la terre, les océans apparaissent cependant tels de nouveaux modèles d’un paysage culturel fondamentalement complexe dont l’analyse révèle des centres alternatifs d’énonciation et de conception du monde. Ce panel se propose d’examiner ces imaginaires océaniques et de mettre ainsi l’emphase sur les visions contestataires et alternatives du monde.

Cette gnose de la marge (Walter Mignolo), en tant que connaissance subalterne conçue à partir des frontières extérieures du système moderne/colonial, a le potentiel épistémique de décoloniser les discours hégémoniques et la connaissance euro-centrique.

Focalisé sur les espaces océaniques, le but de ce panel est de donner à penser des espaces alternatifs, qui ne se conçoivent plus à travers les épistémologies exclusives et extranéisantes européennes, mais à travers de nouvelles généalogies et cosmogonies. Quel est l’impact de cet imaginaire océanique ? Quelles sont alors les représentations sociales du monde et/ou des lieux que l’étude de ces productions culturelles locales révèle ? Reconnaître la fluidité de pratiques littéraires spécifiques à ces espaces, peut-elle dessiner une cartographie dissidente, non plus continentale mais océanique, laissant naitre un « minor transnationalism » (Lionnet et Shih) et de nouveaux centres de discussion qui témoignent de leur rapport imaginaire au reste du monde ? Existe-t-il des spécificités géographiques et culturelles uniques qui créent « les conditions théoriques d’un renouvellement du regard et dans certains cas d’une permutation de son sens” (Jean-Michel Racault) ?

Vous pouvez soumettre vos propositons de présentation avant le 15 Avril à partir du site PAMLA ou bien me contacter directement à

1.5 Call for Papers: Narratives of Selfhood and Ambivalence

Proposal Deadline:          31 May 2021
Symposium:                       1-2 October 2021


Keynote Speakers: Natalie Edwards (Adelaide) and Christopher Hogarth (South Australia)

Organisers: Françoise Campbell (IMLR) and Beth Kearney (Queensland)


Postgraduate and ECR Symposium at the IMLR

The symposium will focus on “Narratives of Selfhood and Ambivalence” in contemporary works of literature, film, visual art and hybrid media (artist books, photo-texts, bande dessinée, internet-based media, etc.), from 1980 to the present. This online event is aimed at an international audience, welcoming presentations from postgraduate students and early career researchers (ECRs) working across the Modern Languages.

In an age when social media and populism are on the rise and subjective truths shape reality, questions of self-expression and identity formation are paramount. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, this period has seen a dramatic rise in narratives of selfhood and subjectivity, which has grown exponentially since the 1980s (Smith & Watson 2016). These narratives consistently throw the notion of self into question and portray it as a site of instability, fragmentation and ambivalence. Furthermore, they increasingly take on hybrid forms, media and genres, a feature that amplifies the ambivalent nature of self-representation in such works.

This symposium considers ambivalence as a lens through which to explore contemporary narratives of selfhood and the evolving practices of self-representation. Typically defined as the experience of conflicting feelings or opinions on a given matter (Bleuler cited in Merton 1976, 3), ambivalence lends itself to both positive and negative interpretations, as a platform for new creative possibilities (Razinsky 2016) and equally a threat to productivity (Davidson 1980). The notion of ambivalence may be examined as a theme in a given work or as a formal aspect that governs a person’s experience of and attitude toward a work. We invite papers that focus on how identity and selfhood are constructed as entities of uncertainty, tension, paradox and, in particular, ambivalence, in works of literature, film, visual art and hybrid media, from 1980 to the present. By bringing together papers from across the Modern Languages, we hope to generate cross-cultural dialogues on ambivalent selves in our contemporary context, thereby reframing restrictive notions of selfhood and self-representation.

These investigations may focus on how the self is often portrayed as an entity fragmented across different kinds of borders: a self may be divided across geographies or languages (Edwards 2019), fractured by the shifting boundaries between different media (Poletti 2020; Edwards et al. 2011) or complicated by the interpersonal borders that divide self and other. Likewise, ambivalence may be expressed through the range of representational practices used to recount individual experiences. The autofictional genre, for example, draws attention to the limitations of both self-knowledge and representation through the use of reflexivity, metanarratives or psychoanalytical tropes (Jordan 2012; Smith & Watson 2016). The ambivalence that emerges from such portrayals resonates with alternate forms of identity destabilisation, whereby traumatic events such as bodily trauma, forced exile or personal loss can introduce paradox and contradiction to understandings of self.

We additionally seek to explore the role that agency plays in narratives of selfhood and ambivalence. In what ways might ambivalence act as a means of escaping, resisting or challenging societal prescriptions? How can ambivalence work toward transgressing norms or taboos? Does ambivalence create or foreclose power and agency? In this vein, would ambivalence represent a form of resistance and innovation, or is it a posture that points to indifference and resignation?

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Postcolonial narratives of exile and identity fragmentation
    ●             Multilingualism and identification through language
    ●             Representations of gender-fluid experiences
    ●             Transgressive portrayals of the self or resistance to normative notions of identity (in relation to culture, class, sex, gender)
    ●             Corporeal alienation (triggered by traumatic experiences and/or memories, sexual violence, etc.)
    ●             Self-representation through hybrid media and/or genre
    ●             Autofictions and/as formal ambivalence
    ●             Authorial posturing and rhetorical ambivalence
    ●             Ambivalence as a trope in character development
    ●             Resistance to hermeneutic stability and resolution in genre or narrative

    For individual proposals of 15 minutes, please send a 250-word abstract prior to 31 May, with a short author bio, to Françoise Campbelland Beth Kearney. For panel proposals of 45 minutes (three speakers), please send a 500-word summary outlining all papers.

The event will take place over two half-days on 1 and 2 October 2021, commencing at the following times:

  • London (BST): 8:00 am-11:30 am
    ●             Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra/Brisbane (Aust.): 5:00 pm-8:30 pm

Works Cited

Donald Davidson, Essays on actions and events. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.
Natalie Edwards, Translingual Selves: Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women. London: Routledge, 2019.
Natalie Edwards, Amy L. Hubbell, and Ann Miller (eds.), Textual and Visual Selves: Photography, Film, and Comic Art in French Autobiography. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
Shirley Jordan, ‘État présent. Autofiction in the Feminine’. French Studies, Vol. LXVII (1), (2012): 76 – 84.
Robert King Merton, Sociological Ambivalence and other essays. New York: Macmillan ‘The Free Press’, 1976.
Anna Poletti, Stories of the Self: Life Writing after the Book. New York: New York University Press, 2020.
Hili Razinsky, Ambivalence: A Philosophical Exploration. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016.
Sidonie Smith and Julie Watson, Life Writing in the Long Run. Ann Arbor: Michigan Publishing, 2016.

1.6 Call for Papers:  Global Labor Histories in the Francophone World

The editors of French Historical Studies seek articles for a special issue on labor in France and the francophone world in global perspective, to appear in 2024.

Since the turn of new millennium, a new global history of labor has emerged that focuses on the relationship between structures and practices of labor from at least medieval times to the present day. However, most French historians of labor continue to focus on the Hexagon and to underestimate wider European and global connections and comparisons. Similarly, specialists of slavery and post-slavery in the French colonies rarely extend their analyses to other empires or to labor history in France. This special issue seeks to bridge these gaps by inviting submissions relating labor in mainland France to labor in its colonies and/or other areas, from the early modern to the present day.

Potential themes that lend themselves to comparative or global approaches include:

  • Economic and social structures of labor and bondage
  • Labor structures and practices in imperial metropoles and colonies
  • Gender, race and age profiles in labor structures and practices
  • Labor protest and revolt
  • Worker migration and mobility

Queries about submission and other matters should be addressed to the guest editors, Alessandro Stanziani ( and Gwyn Campbell (

To submit an article, visit After registering, follow the submission instructions under “Instructions for Authors” on the website. Articles may be either in English or in French but must in either case conform to French Historical Studies style and must be accompanied by 150-word abstracts in both French and English. Manuscripts may be between 8,000 words and 12,000 words. For illustrations, stills, or film clips, authors must obtain written permission for both print and online publication from the relevant persons or institutions.

Deadline for submission of papers to FHS is August 20, 2022.


Appel à contributions :  Histoires croisées du travail dans le monde francophone

Les éditrices de French Historical Studies lancent un appel à articles pour un numéro spécial de la revue sur le travail en France et dans le monde francophone à la lumière de l’histoire globale, à paraître en 2024.

Depuis le tournant du nouveau millénaire, l’histoire globale du travail a donné vie à une énorme quantité de travaux reliant les formes et les pratiques du travail de régions différentes, depuis le Moyen-Âge et jusqu’à nos jours. Cependant, dans les mondes francophones, cette tendance est encore incertaine ; les historiens du travail en France se limitent le plus souvent à l’Hexagone et ignorent les connexions et les comparaisons avec d’autres régions d’Europe et du monde. Pour leur part, les spécialistes de l’esclavage et du post-esclavage dans les colonies françaises difficilement relient leurs investigations aux dynamiques dans d’autres Empires ou même à l’évolution du travail en France. Cet appel vise à dépasser ces barrières et invite des soumissions reliant le travail en France à celui d’autres pays et/ou de ses colonies. La période couverte s’étale de l’époque moderne jusqu’à nos jours.

Thématiques envisagées (liste non exclusive), toutes dans une perspective d’histoire connectée, globale ou comparée :

  • Les structures économiques et sociales du travail et de la coercition
  • Structures et pratiques du travail dans les métropoles impériales et dans les colonies
  • Le genre dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
  • La race dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
  • L’âge dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
  • La résistance au travail
  • Migrations et mobilité

Toute question est à adresser à nos deux directeurs du numéro spécial : Alessandro Stanziani ( et Gwyn Campbell (

Pour soumettre un article, veuillez consulter Après vous être enregistré(e), suivez les instructions de la section « Instructions for Authors ». Les articles peuvent être soumis en anglais ou en français, mais, dans les deux cas, ils doivent être conformes au style de FHS, et doivent être accompagnés d’un résumé ou abstract de 150 mots, dans les deux langues. Les manuscrits doivent comporter entre 8000 et 12000 mots. Concernant les illustrations, prises de vue, ou extraits de film, les auteurs doivent obtenir la permission écrite de les publier sous forme papier et digitale de la part des personnes dépositaires des droits sur ces images ou extraits audiovisuels, ou de la part des responsables des institutions d’où les images sont originaires.

La date limite pour soumettre les articles est fixée au 20 août 2022.

1.7 CFP: “Rethinking the Margin” – University of Virginia Virtual Graduate Conference/ AÀC: « Repenser la marge du moyen âge à nos jours » – Colloque pour doctorant.e.s, Université de Virginie

University of Virginia – Department of French – Graduate Conference

Friday, December 3, 2021 – Online Event

Keynote speaker: Mame-Fatou Niang (Carnegie Mellon University)

From the latin margo, meaning “edge” or “border,” one of the first uses of the term “margin,” can be found in the printing industry to designate a “blank space surrounding a written text.” Over the centuries, the term’s scope of reference has broadened considerably, including a metaphorical usage  that is of particular interest to this conference: that which refers to limits, boundaries, and consequently, the subaltern. Alongside such concepts, we also consider the interstitial notions of the periphery, and the threshold. Generally understood according to a divisional approach founded on binary logic, the margin has systematically designated theoretically and physically liminal spaces, which have become sites of exclusion. The somber reality of current events reminds us that the center and the margin are not only concepts, but also sites of activity where tactics and strategies are produced and employed in relation to power dynamics and the desire for control (De Certeau). Today more than ever, the call to reevaluate biased ideologies and discourses has become an ethical responsibility.

This conference seeks to reexamine the concept of the margin, with specific interest in its ontological presuppositions, and its formal strategies. With the goal of rethinking the methods and norms of its representations throughout history, we also seek to reconsider the motifs and concerns that have contributed to its renewal, and the rewritings on the margin  we see today. In so doing, we propose an understanding of the spaces and figures of marginality not as fixed entities, but, rather, as expressions of the inevitable porosity of the center, of power, and of domination; that is, the zone of contact between the center and the margin is, by nature, a transfiguration of the two spaces, resulting in their continual redefinition. Furthermore, we seek to explore how marginalized populations negotiate, or, renegotiate their own positionality in order to challenge what Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak identifies as “the exclusion of the margins.” What discursive methods and modes of resistance or renegotiation are deployed by the marginalized to consciously or unconsciously transform spaces of exclusion into inclusive sites that welcome contradictions, ambiguities, and paradoxes?

This conference is open to all contributions aspiring to reexamine, and rethink the term margin, and identify what is at stake in its reevaluation. The following areas may serve as a starting point for reflection, though other topics relating to marginality are welcome:

  • Domination, binaries, and exclusionism
  • Intersectionality
  • Black women in History
  • Colonial, postcolonial, and neocolonial  cultures and spaces
  • Race issues
  • Gender issues (LGBTQ+)
  • Languages of domination and decentralization
  • Ideologies and derisions
  • Poetics and politics of resistance
  • Autochtones and territory
  • Reworkings of marginality
  • Exile and identity
  • Francophone authors and “posture”
  • Hybridization of literary genres

Participants may choose to present papers of a traditional length (20 minutes), or may elect a flash presentation format (10 minutes). We invite applicants to submit abstracts of approximately 300 words. Please include your name, institution, level of study, working title, and your choice of presentation format, and send this information to by Friday, September 3, 2021.

L’Université de Virginie – Département de français – Colloque pour doctorant.e.s

Vendredi 3 décembre 2021 – Événement en ligne

Conférencière invitée : Mame-Fatou Niang (Carnegie Mellon University)

Du latin margo, « bord et bordure », l’un des premiers usages du terme « marge » touche au domaine de l’imprimerie pour désigner un « espace blanc autour d’un texte écrit ». Au fil des siècles, le terme a connu un élargissement considérable de son spectre référentiel avec une prévalence de l’emploi métaphorique qui nous intéresse particulièrement aujourd’hui : celui de la limite, des frontières et de la subalternité. À ces notions, nous associons celles interstitielles de périphérie et de seuil. Travaillée, en soubassement, d’une logique divisionniste, elle-même sous-tendue d’une morale dualiste, la marge désigne avec acharnement les espaces excentrés, et les lieux de l’exclusion. La sombre réalité du monde actuel nous rappelle que le centre et la marge sont des lieux vivants où tactiques et stratégies sont employées dans la perspective d’un contrôle proche ou lointain du pouvoir  (De Certeau). Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, l’appel à une réévaluation des idéologies et discours biaisés devient un devoir éthique.

Cette journée d’étude souhaite être le lieu d’un réexamen du concept de marge, de ses présupposés ontologiques et de ses stratégies formelles. L’objectif étant de repenser les modes et régimes de ses représentations à travers les siècles, nous souhaitons réfléchir également aux enjeux de ses renouvellements et réécritures tels que nous les voyons aujourd’hui. Nous entendons appréhender les espaces et figures de la marginalité non comme des lieux et classes sociales fixes mais, plutôt, comme l’expression de la porosité inévitable du centre, du pouvoir et de la domination; le contact du centre avec la marge étant de nature à contribuer à la transfiguration des deux espaces et de fait à leurs continuelles réinventions. Aussi posons-nous la question de savoir comment les marginaux négocient, voire renégocient leur propre marginalité pour contester ce que Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak identifie comme « the exclusion of the margins. » Par quels moyens et dispositifs discursifs s’élaborent les résistances, luttes et renégociations des marginalisés dans la reconversion, consciente ou pas, des espaces de l’exclusion en des lieux qui accueillent contradictions, ambiguïtés et paradoxes ?

Cette rencontre est ouverte à toute réflexion qui entend réexaminer le concept de la marge en repensant ses enjeux positionnels. Les pistes suivantes, sans être exclusives, peuvent servir de point de départ à un débat ouvert :

  • Domination, binarisme et exclusionisme
  • Intersectionnalité
  • Femmes Noires dans l’Histoire
  • Cultures et espaces coloniales, postcoloniales et néocoloniales
  • Problématiques raciales
  • Problématiques du genre (LGBTQ+)
  • Langues de domination et décentrement
  • Idéologies et dérisions
  • Poétique(s) et politique(s) de la résistance
  • Autochtones et territoires
  • Réhabilitations de la marginalité
  • Exil et identité
  • Postures d’auteurs francophones
  • Hybridation des genres littéraires

Les intervenant.e.s peuvent choisir entre une contribution traditionnelle (20 minutes) et une présentation éclair (10 minutes). Nous invitons les candidat.e.s d’envoyer leurs propositions (d’environ 300 mots), avec leur nom, institution, niveau d’études, titre provisoire et le format choisi à avant le vendredi 3 septembre 2021.

1.8 SCS Postgraduate Conference, Monday 5th July – call for papers, posters and panels (deadline May 7th)

Date: Monday 5th July
Venue: Zoom

The Society for Caribbean Studies Postgraduate Caribbean Network invites submissions of abstracts of no more than 250 words for research papers or posters on the Hispanic, Francophone, Dutch and Anglophone Caribbean and their diasporas, for its annual postgraduate conference. We welcome abstracts from postgraduates at various stages of their research, whose research concerns any aspect of Caribbean Studies. We also welcome proposals for complete panels, which should consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 presenters.

Those selected for the conference will be invited to register for the day, free of charge, and to give a 15-minute presentation or to present a pdf poster for online presentation. Abstracts should be submitted along with a bio of not more than 150 words, with the heading “SCS Postgraduate Conference”. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

We are open to receiving abstracts and bios presented in languages other than English (e.g. French or Spanish) but please note that English translations should also be submitted, and it will be the responsibility of the presenter to ensure that English translations of posters and presentations are provided if they want them.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, this year’s structure has been modified to meet the new health restrictions. As the workshop will be hosted online, we will be arranging up to 20 £10 data bursaries for attendees who would otherwise be unable to access the event due to insufficient data.  If you would like to apply for a data bursary, please submit (along with your abstract and bio) a 150-word justification for why you should receive it.

The 6th Annual Postgraduate Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies is free to attend.  It builds on the tradition of previous years’ postgraduate conferences. As Caribbean postgraduates are often dispersed across departments and universities, this event hopes to offer delegates an opportunity to meet with others who share their interests and to discuss their work, fostering ties that will endure throughout their studies. The feedback from previous attendees of the conference is that it provided them the opportunity to present their work in a collaborative and supportive environment.  We intend this to be an opportunity for delegates to share and receive feedback on their work in a friendly and informal setting.

We encourage all who register for the postgraduate conference to also attend the main Society for Caribbean Studies conference, which runs from Tuesday 6th July to Saturday 10th July 2021. Please note that the postgraduate registration fee for the main conference is £5.00 + a membership fee of £15.  A preliminary programme for the main conference, as well as details of how to register for it, are available here<>.

The postgraduate conference features the following:
– Formal and informal networking opportunities, including an opportunity to form support groups;
– A David Nicholls Memorial Trust panel on ‘Carrying out Caribbean-focused Research in Pandemic Times: Experiences and Lessons Learnt’.  (Please note that the David Nicholls Memorial Trust<> offers a biennial prize for the best postgraduate paper given at the Society for Caribbean Studies conference – details of how to apply are here<> );
– Keynote talk by Dr Patricia Noxolo (University of Birmingham, UK), who is the current chair of the Society for Caribbean Studies

Please send abstracts of up to 250 words (in English or with an English translation) to:
Dr Patricia Noxolo (<>), for consideration by Pat Noxolo and Akilah Maxwell, SCS Postgraduate Representative

1.9 Women in French SAMLA 93 CFP: Revisioning Narrative (Identities) and Space

The current pandemic offers us the possibility of (re)viewing identity, disidentification, and, most importantly, new ways of articulating becoming. As we physically distance and redefine ourselves as well as our relationships with others, we discover new angles. Social distancing risks dislocation. It may, however, bring intimacy within ourselves as well as connection to others in new ways. We seek to explore how this plays out. No limits apply. These questions resonate through narrative (literary, film, etc.) and in our classrooms. We welcome examining identity, disidentity, or other positionings within and through everyday life and narrative in the broadest sense. Like our experience of time during the pandemic, such concepts expand, contract, in a continual (de)centering of text and existence. Perhaps this means the current actuality of a Zoomified world that ruptures our contact with the physical object, such as book and paper, as we engage with the keyboard and bright light of the screen.  How is the contemporary moment represented in text or classroom, past or present? We look forward to adding your voice to the discussion. Please send an abstract of 200-250 words to both E. Nicole Meyer and Kiki Kosnick by May 15, 2021.

Please note that a general CFP for all of our SAMLA WIF papers will go out in May once again.

1.10 CfP: (Queer) Care — Decoloniality — Environmental Justice, due May 24 (Contemporary French Civilization: Intersections virtual conference, September 24-25, 2021)

Please see below a Call for Papers/Appel à contributions for a panel on (Queer) Care — Decoloniality — Environmental Justice, to be submitted to the inaugural Contemporary French Civilization: Intersections virtual conference, September 24-25, 2021 (see here). Instructions on submitting proposals, in French or English, to the panel and on contacting the panel co-organizers can be found in CFP below and at this website.

Please feel free to circulate the CFP with your networks!


(Queer) Care – Decoloniality – Environmental Justice

Blossoming in the field of Francophone studies are two critical interventions: the theorization of decolonial feminism (Françoise Vergès, Houria Bouteldja) and the “decological” studies that unearth the colonially-imposed environmental and epistemic injustices in the Negrocène (Malcom Ferdinand, Samir Boumedine). While there are theoretical and political overlaps between the two interventions, this panel seeks to render those intersections more explicit, in order to deepen the conversations between these two burgeoning fields. In other words, we consider the project of decolonizing the (hu)Man body as inextricable from decolonizing the (hu)Man-nature relationship, a relationship that is implicitly gendered and racialized. The panel thus invites studies of Francophone and French creative, philosophical, or cultural texts and/or practices that address questions such as, how do these texts/artworks/objects/practices articulate, interrogate, or trouble the gendered labor of caring for the planet? What does queer carework and kinship look like from an interspecies perspective? Can creative/artistic practice contribute to the uBuntu “making of humanity together” that Souleymane Bachir Diagne argues is essential for the future of the planet? How do other Francophone and French BIPOC thinkers and creators imagine alternative worlds to the one shaped by discourses of settler-colonialism, racism, ableism, corpeal disposability and territorial dispossession? What are the possibilities, and limitations, of decolonization and decoloniality as the lens through which we study gender and environmental justice? These questions and key words are not meant to be prescriptive, but rather to signal the broad range of conversations that this panel hopes to elicit.

Paper proposals due May 24th (see timeline below). Submit via this link. Questions can be addressed to panel organizers, Dr. Abigail E. Celis ( and Dr. Johanna Montlouis-Gabriel (


May 24: Submit an anonymized 250-300 word abstract and brief bio/affiliation in a separate document to panel organizers

June 7 (approx.): Individual panelists notified of acceptance

June 15: Panel submitted to CFC: Intersections Conference organizers

Early July (approx.): Conference organizers notify panel if accepted

September 10: Papers due to panel organizers

September 24-25: Virtual conference


Le care (queer) – décolonialité – justice environnementale

Deux interventions critiques sont en pleine floraison: la théorisation du féminisme décolonial (Françoise Vergès, Houria Bouteldja) et les études “décologiques” qui mettent au jour l’imposition coloniale des injustices environnementales et épistémiques dans le Négrocène (Malcom Ferdinand, Samir Boumedine). Bien qu’il y ait des recoupements théoriques et politiques dans ces deux conversations, ce panel tente de rendre ces intersections encore plus visibles et explicites pour approfondir les conversations entre deux domaines florissants. En d’autres termes, nous considérons le projet de décolonisation de l’Homme comme inextricable de la décolonisation de la relation Homme-nature, une relation qui est implicitement genrée et racialisée. Le panel invite les études de textes et/ou de praxis culturelles, philosophiques, créatives francophones et françaises adressant les questions suivantes: Comment est-ce que ces textes/oeuvres d’art/objets/praxis articulent, interrogent et perturbent le travail sexué du soin pour la planète? A quoi ressemble un travail du care et des affinités queers d’une perspective inter-espèce? Les œuvres créatives et artistiques peuvent-elles contribuer à ce que Souleymane Bachir Diagne nomme uBuntu “faire humanité ensemble” qui selon lui est essentiel au futur de la planète? Comment d’autres créateurs et penseurs francophones et français racisés imaginent des mondes alternatifs à ceux formulés par les discours de colonie de peuplement, de racisme, de capacitisme, de disposition des corps et de la dépossession territoriale?  Quelles sont les possibilités et les limites de la décolonisation et de la décolonialité comme prisme à travers lequel étudier le genre et la justice environnementale? Ces questions et ces mots-clés ne se veulent pas prescriptifs mais plutôt ouverts à un large éventail de conversations que ce panel souhaite susciter.

Propositions à soumettre le 24 mai (voir les dates butoirs ci-dessous). Envoyer votre proposition à travers ce lien. N’hésitez pas à contacter les coordinatrices du panel, Dr. Abigail E. Celis ( et Dr. Johanna Montlouis-Gabriel ( si vous avez des questions.

Dates butoirs:

24 mai: Envoyer une proposition anonyme de 250-300 mots et une notice biographique dans un document séparé

7 juin (approx.): Les panelistes seront

15 juin: Proposition du panel complet envoyée à CFC: Intersections

Début juillet (approx.): Les coordinateurs et coordinatrices du colloque avertissent les panels retenus

10 septembre: date limite pour envoyer les contributions aux organisatrices du panel

24-25 septembre: Colloque virtuel

1.11 CFP ‘Identities in Motion’ Symposium

Identities in Motion: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Mobilities and Crossings

Monday 28 June 2021 via Zoom

Keynote speaker: Dr Anthony Howarth (University of Oxford): ‘Moving through the Policy Environment: The Political Life of the Nomadism Definition’

This one-day symposium provides an interdisciplinary forum for postgraduate students and early career scholars working on the role of mobilities and crossings in the (de)construction of identities. As a result of globalisation, mobile figures such as migrants and refugees have become increasingly salient in contemporary political discourse. At the same time, practices such as nation-state wall-building and the recent implementation of national lockdowns have highlighted the persistence of important limits to human mobility. The purpose of this symposium is to foster interdisciplinary exchanges that are both relevant to contemporary society and that transcend the current historical moment to address the relationship of mobility and identity in the past, present, and future.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the symposium, we aim to make visible the similarities and differences in how different scholars interrogate the relationship between identity and mobility in their work. Interested parties are encouraged to apply regardless of their current stage of research or field of specialisation.

Paper proposals may address themes such as (but are not limited to):

– Nomads and nomadism

– Forced mobilities and refugee experiences

– Immigration and emigration

– Covid-19, (im)mobility, and identity

– Borders and bordering practices

– Mobility across linguistic/cultural borders

– Racialised migrant identities

– Gendered migrant identities

Paper proposals must be sent to by Friday 14 May 2021. Please include the paper title, an abstract of no more than 300 words, and your time zone. Your time zone will not affect your chances of being selected and will only be taken into account when preparing the programme in order to make the event as convenient as possible for all speakers.

The intention is to invite a selection of participants to publish their papers as part of a special issue.

The symposium is organized by the University of Cambridge Nationalisms and Identities Research Group (UnCaNI). For more information, visit

Organising Committee and Research Group Convenors:

Dr Ashwiny Kistnareddy, Director of Studies in MMLL, Lucy Cavendish College, Lectrice (Fellow) Gonville & Caius College, MMLL Faculty, University of Cambridge (

Dr Jaakko Heiskanen, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Politics and International Studies, Bye-Fellow, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge (

1.12 SFPS Postgraduate Study Day 2021 – Les vies noires comptent aussi : Roots, Dynamics and Intersections of Racism and Anti-racism in France and the Francophone World

We invite SFPS postgraduates to attend our next postgraduate study day, which will be held on 24 June 2021 from 8:00am PST / 4:00pm BST (GMT+1) to 11:00am PST / 7:00pm BST (GMT+1), and which will focus on questions of race, racism, and antiracism in France and the Francophone world. The study day will reflect upon and seek to contribute to the SFPS commitment to anti-racism as expressed in the SFPS’ Statement of Support for the Black Lives Matter Movement, and will consist of two sessions: first, a panel of 4-6 short presentations by postgraduate students, moderated by Dr. Nicola Frith of the University of Edinburgh and followed by Q&A; second, a workshop centred around the proposed SFPS Anti-Racist Library, during which we will further our commitment to antiracism at our home institutions and within the SFPS.

The event will be free. Please see below for registration and abstract submission.


8:00am – 8:10am PST / 4:00pm – 4:10pm BST (GMT+1): Introduction and opening remarks

8:10am – 9:30am PST / 4:10pm – 5:30pm BST (GMT+1): Panel on Les vies noires comptent aussi

9:30am – 9:45am PST / 5:30pm – 5:45pm BST (GMT+1): Break

9:45am – 11:00am PST / 5:45pm – 7:00pm BST (GMT+1): Antiracism brainstorming workshop

Call for Papers

Recent anti-racist protests in the United States and elsewhere in the world have reignited the fight for racial justice in France drawing attention once more to France’s complicated relationship with the concept of “race.” As scholars around the world continue to demonstrate, France’s difficulties dealing with questions of race and racism are inextricably linked to both the country’s colonial history and to Republican Universalist discourse forged in the ideals of enlightenment and the Revolution of 1789. However, the end of empire did not spell the end of racialized thinking. In the postcolonial era, racist discourses have continued to proliferate, perpetuating older ideologies resulting in new forms of racism and discrimination which are expressed in terms of a continued belief in the superiority of the white race intersecting with notions of patriarchy and islamophobia, among others. Their continued proliferation within the metropole reveals a fundamental paradox underlying France’s republicanism and its motto of “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité,” which are controversially anchored in a mentality of alterity and Otherness despite the putatively colour-blind public policy. In fact, this policy which aims at addressing social inequalities based on social classes rather than religion, race, or ethnicity has become a site of controversy as instead of erasing racial prejudice, it normalises hate speech as it simultaneously tries to fight against what is called « le repli identitaire ».

While some scholars argued that France’s policy of assimilation failed to be effectively implemented in the colonies, others criticise her current inability to integrate the people it perceives as “inassimilable Others.” However, today’s discourse of integration is problematic as most of the people to be integrated are fully fledged citizens born on French soil. The questioning of traditional dichotomising notions such as race and gender brought about by postcolonial migration is therefore regarded by the French state as posing a threat to French identity and national cohesion. However, as the U.S Black Lives Matter Movement has become a global phenomenon and has mobilized debates around structural and institutional racism on a local, national, and transnational level, we invite postgraduate students who work on or are interested in the question of racism(s) and anti-racism(s) in France and the Francophone world to submit abstracts for a 5-10 minute presentation on the topic for our next Postgraduate Study Day. The aim of the study day is to stimulate discussion and generate ideas for future work on this topic. We encourage submissions that showcase the innovative research our peers are conducting, as well as broader reflections on the topic, and are open to a variety of critical approaches, including poster presentations and presentations introducing work-in-progress.

Themes include but are not limited to:

  • Race and colonial /postcolonial relationships within the metropole and between the metropole and the colonies /postcolony.
  • The intersection of race and gender, ethnicity and/or religion.
  • Francophone African voices in BLM/anti-racism movement in academia.
  • Interaction of transnational, national and local discourses of race/anti-racism.
  • Racism/anti-racism as tools of culture war.
  • Fiction as a way to access colonial/postcolonial experience.
  • Racism, anti-racism and inter-generational change.
  • Cultural depictions of contemporary racism/anti-racism.
  • Intersections of race, religion, socio-economic status, gender, migration.
  • Decolonising the academy.
  • Islamo-gauchisme and the University.

For presenters: Please submit an abstract (250 words maximum) to Rebecca Glasberg at by May 7, 2021 and register via Google Form.

For participants: Please register via Google Form. Registrations will be accepted until May 21, 2021, and are free and open to all members of SFPS.

If the hyperlinks do not work, please use the following to access the Google Form:

For general questions about the day, please contact Kate Mackenzie at or Dyhia Bia at We hope to see you there!


Les vies noires comptent aussi : origines, dynamiques et intersections du racisme et de l’antiracisme en France et dans le monde francophone  

Nous invitons les étudiants doctorants qui sont membres de la Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies (SFPS) à assister à notre journée d’études qui aura lieu le 24 juin 2021 de 8h00 HNP / 16h00 HEB (GMT+1) à 11h00 HNP / 17h00 HEB (GMT+1) et qui portera sur les questions de race, de racisme, et d’antiracisme en France et dans le monde francophone. La journée d’études a pour but de réfléchir aux façons dont nous pouvons contribuer à l’engagement de la SFPS à l’antiracisme tel qu’il est exprimé dans la Déclaration de Soutien au mouvement des Black Lives Matter. La journée sera répartie en deux séances : en premier, un panel de 4-6 communications présentées par des étudiants doctorants et qui sera modéré par Dr. Nicola Frith de l’Université d’Édimbourg, suivi d’un Q&A. La deuxième partie va consister en un atelier centré sur la bibliothèque antiraciste de la SFPS et durant lequel nous réfléchirons à comment élargir notre engagement à l’antiracisme dans nos universités et au sein de la SFPS.

L’évènement sera libre d’accès. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous tous les détails d’inscription et de soumission du résumé de votre intervention.

Programme :

8h00 – 8h10 mins HNP / 16h00 – 16h10 mins HEB (GMT+ 1) : Introduction et remarques

8h10 mins – 9h30 mins HNP / 16h10 mins – 17h30 mins HEB (GMT+1) : Panel sur les vies noires comptent aussi

9h30 mins – 9h45 HNP / 17h30min – 17h45 HEB (GMT+1) : Pause

9h45 – 11h00 HNP / 17h45 – 19h00 HEB (GMT+1) : Atelier sur l’antiracisme

Appel à communications

Les récentes manifestations aux Etats Unis et ailleurs dans le monde ont ranimé la lutte pour la justice raciale en France attirant l’attention une fois de plus sur la relation compliquée qu’entretient la France avec le concept de “race”. Comme des spécialistes du monde entier continuent à le démontrer, les difficultés en France à traiter les questions de race et de racisme sont inextricablement liées à l’histoire coloniale du pays et à sa tradition républicaine forgée dans les idéaux et les valeurs des lumières et de la Révolution de 1789. Pourtant, la fin de l’empire n’a néanmoins pas mis fin à la pensée raciale. Les discours raciaux ont continué à se proliférer dans l’ère postcoloniale, perpétuant des idéologies anciennes qui aujourd’hui conduisent à de nouvelles formes de racisme et de discrimination. Ces derniers sont exprimés en termes de continuité de la croyance à la supériorité de la race blanche s’enchevêtrant avec les normes patriarcales et avec l’islamophobie entre autres. Leur existence continue en métropole révèle un paradoxe fondamental et sous-jacent du républicanisme français et sa devise de “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité” qui restent ancrés de façon controversée dans une mentalité d’altérité et de l’Autre malgré l’aveuglement présumé de la politique publique à la couleur. En fait, cette politique qui a pour but d’aborder les inégalités sociales sur la base des classes plutôt que la religion, la race, ou l’ethnie, elle est devenue site de controverses puisqu’au lieu de supprimer le préjugé racial, elle normalise le discours de haine alors qu’elle s’efforce de lutter contre le repli identitaire.

Alors que certains universitaires et spécialistes de la question coloniale et de la race ont soutenu que la politique d’assimilation avait échoué au temps des colonies, d’autres critiquent l’incapacité de la France aujourd’hui à intégrer ceux qu’elle conçoit comme « les Autres inassimilables ». Toutefois, le discours actuel sur l’intégration pose problème puisque la plupart de ceux qu’on veut intégrer sont des citoyens à part entière nés sur le sol français. La remise en question des notions dichotomiques, tels que la race et le genre, engendrée par l’immigration postcoloniale est donc perçue par l’état comme posant un danger à l’identité française et à la cohésion nationale. Néanmoins, étant donné l’étendue globale du mouvement des Black Lives Matter américain, et en vue de sa capacité à mobiliser les débats autour du racisme structurel et institutionnel sur le niveau local, national et transnational, nous invitons les étudiants doctorants qui travaillent sur ou sont intéressés par la question des racismes et antiracismes en France et dans le monde francophone à nous envoyer des propositions de présentation de 5-10 minutes sur le sujet de notre prochaine journée d’études. L’objectif de cette rencontre est de stimuler la discussion autour du sujet de racisme afin de générer des idées pour de futurs travaux. Nous encourageons nos é à proposer des communications innovantes capables d’ouvrir notre champ de réflexion sur le sujet. Nous acceptons toute variétés d’approches critiques, y compris les posters et les présentations de projets en cours.

Les thèmes incluent mais ne se limitent pas à :

  • La race et les relations coloniales et postcoloniales en métropole et entre la métropole et les colonies / la postcolonie.
  • Les voix francophones dans les mouvements antiracistes et dans le monde universitaire et académique.
  • L’interaction des discours sur le racisme et l’antiracisme au niveau local, national et global/transnational.
  • Le racisme/antiracisme comme moyen de la lutte culturelle.
  • La littérature en tant que moyen d’expression de l’expérience coloniale/postcoloniale.
  • Racisme, antiracisme et le changement intergénérationnel.
  • Les représentations culturelles du racisme/antiracisme contemporain.
  • Les intersections de la race, la religion, le statut socio-économique, le genre, l’ethnie et l’immigration.
  • La décolonisation de l’université.
  • L’islamo-gauchisme et l’université.

Aux : Veuillez envoyer un résumé (250 mots au maximum) à Rebecca Glasberg à pas plus tard que le 7 Mai, 2021. Veuillez aussi vous inscrire via Google Form.

Aux : Veuillez-vous inscrire via Google Form. Les inscriptions seront ouvertes jusqu’au 21 Mai 2021 et sont libres d’accès à tous les membres de la SFPS.

Si les liens ci-dessus ne fonctionnent pas, veuillez utiliser le suivant pour accéder au formulaire Google :

Pour plus d’informations sur la journée d’études, veuillez contacter Kate MacKenzie à ou bien Dyhia Bia à Nous espérons vous y voir le jour-j !

1.13 “Blood on the Leaves / And Blood at the Roots”: Reconsidering Forms of Enslavement and Subjection across Disciplines

24th-26th June 2021

Conference at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Funded by the University of Warwick Centre for Philosophy, Literature and the Arts (CRPLA), The Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), The Humanities Research Centre (HRC), the Environmental Humanities Network (EHN), the Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (YPCCS), the Department of English and Comparative Studies, the Department of Philosophy, the British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA) and The Royal Historical Society (RHS).

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Professor Kaiama L. Glover (Columbia University)

Professor Joseph Osei (Fayetteville State University)

Dr Monique Allewaert (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Dr Ekaette Ikpe (King’s College London)

Call for papers

Deadline Extended: 10th May 2021

This event aims to open a multicultural space beyond institutional and geographical boundaries to foster discussions and to listen to a variety of voices, addressing the problems of enslavement and subjection. In this space, this conference seeks to explore the various figurations and conceptions of enslavement and subjection across disciplines—from philosophy to literature, from the arts to the social sciences, to mention only a few— and beyond territories. Enslavement and subjugation are not only concerns of our past but urgent problems of our present and future. The title of the conference directly refers to Billie Holiday’s 1939 performance of Strange Fruit so as to emphasise both the human and environmental impact of forms of enslavement and subjection which have—literally and metaphorically—left “Blood on the leaves / And blood at the Roots.”

This exploration, as we intend it, takes the form of a reconsideration because we believe that enslavement and subjection need to be continuously ‘considered again’ and ‘rethought’ to extend and problematise understandings and approaches to these key themes. Each time we return to these issues, we fix in our mind something that we ought not to forget and we learn something new that we ought not to neglect. In this conference, we would like to reconsider and return on the multiple facets of the problems of enslavement and its evolution in modern forms of subjections, taking with us and keeping in mind the following words:

“[E]ven as we experienced, recognized, and lived subjection, we did not simply or only live in subjection and as the subjected.” (2016:4)

In this quote, describing her family’s struggle as Black Americans in the 1950s US, Christina Sharpe’s words and italics highlight an insidious pitfall in methodological approaches to the study of slavery and its legacies in a number of academic disciplines. These approaches are often conducive to a consideration of subjected individuals and communities “simply or only” as ‘enslaved’ people. These subjected agents become objects of study only as ‘slaves’ rather than subjects endowed with their own agency, thinking and feelings, and this tendency continues in post-slavery and race studies. Hence, the very attempt to study and understand (post-)slavery and subjection poses the risk of falling back into another type of objectification and dehumanisation of ‘subjected subjects.’ As for example, Saidiya Hartman notes in relation to archival studies that “[t]he archive dictates what can be said about the past and the kinds of stories that can be told about the persons cataloged, embalmed, and sealed away in box files and folios. To read the archive is to enter a mortuary; it permits one final viewing and allows for a last glimpse of persons about to disappear into the slave hold.” (2007:17)

In light of these words and cognizant of this danger, the conference would like to propose a reconsideration of enslavement and subjection that aims to de-objectify and do justice to the humanity of what we have called the ‘subjected subjects,’ of the subjects of uneven (hi)stories of a brutally imposed condition, that is not just part of our past, but also continues to have disastrous impacts on our society and environment. Thus, we also aim to further consider the ecological dimension of enslavement and subjugation as tightly knit with the human one, promoting a de-reification of ‘nature’ and the ‘natural.’ Thereby our purpose is to illuminate systematic and structural issues of our current climates. The best way to carry out this reconsideration, in our view, is to create a space to listen and to discuss, bringing together diverse contributions across disciplines and institutions, within and without academia. We are convinced that only an inter-and-trans-disciplinary enterprise, which encourages human and intellectual diversity, enables a reconsideration of the problems of enslavement and subjection, as well as of the ways in which we approach these topics. For this reason, we welcome papers both from different fields of study and that tackle the issue of enslavement and subjection at the intersection of different disciplines. This space is not only open to scholars from all over the world, but also to activists and artists who wish to discuss their political engagement with and artistic approaches to the themes. We welcome other presentation formats such as roundtables, discussion, jam sessions.

We invite abstracts on topics including, but not limited to:

  • Forms of enslavement across time from Antiquity to today.
  • Figuration and representation of enslaved people and/or slavery and more broadly subjugation in the arts (music, visual and performing arts, film, tv and media studies, theatre and drama, literature and graphic novels, etc.)
  • (Hi)Stories of slavery and oppression as well as resistance, emancipation and liberation and memory studies.
  • Philosophers’ views on slavery as well as the philosophical significance of the concept of enslavement and subjugation in the history and practice of philosophy.
  • Philosophical accounts of servitude as a condition.
  • (Political) Ethics of enslavement and/or subjection.
  • Traces of slavery and enslavement in our time, structural racism, #BlackLivesMatter, minority activism movements and social (in)justice.
  • Gendered and reproductive enslavement and labour, housewifization and women’s emancipation movements and activism, #NiUnaMenos & #Metoo.
  • The role of colonisation and slavery in building Europe and the United States and its economy as well as debates surrounding restitution and reparation.
  • Decolonising the University and the syllabus, and decolonial methodologies more broadly.
  • The evolution of slavery, indentured labour and forced migration.
  • Modern slavery and human and animal trafficking.
  • Contemporary economies of tourism and/or neo-liberal practices of extractivism as forms of enslavement and subjugation.
  • Commodification of bodies and lands and their intertwined relations.
  • Traces of slavery on the environment, plantationocene, climate change, uneven developments and environmental justice.
  • Human-Animal relations, animal ethics and their exploitation and rights.
  • Extinction as a result of exploitation and subjugation.

We invite individual proposals for 20-minute papers, as well as proposals for panels (three 20-minute papers), for roundtables, jam sessions, or any other format to present artistic production or to address activism, etc. Please send an abstract (200-300 words) and a brief biography to  by 10th May 2021.

For more detail, please see

We strongly encourage submissions going beyond Western scholarship, from scholars at any stage of their careers and from practitioners, artists and activists.

1.14 CfP: Workshop on Modern Jewish experiences beyond Europe – minor perspectives on modernity (June 14-15, 2021)

For decades, postcolonial thought sought to trouble the universalist ideas behind the project of Modernity. As a result, there have emerged productive attempts such as Dipesh Chakrabarty’s invitation to provincialize Europe, Talal Asad’s critique on the secular model of progress as the core of modernity, and David Scott’s assertion of being conscripted to modernity.

In Jewish studies, scholars like Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin and Devin E. Naar offer to think Jewish history from minor perspectives such as Mizrachi/Sephardic Jewish ones. One of the recurring questions preoccupying scholars in the field of Jewish studies is what it meant to be modern for Jews. In the focus of many of these inquiries stood the European Enlightenment and the emancipation of the Jews within the emerging European nation states – in short, the experience of Jews living inside of Europe. In recent decades, however, growing interest in Jewish communities around the globe has prompted questions regarding modern Jewish experiences outside the European Metropole. It shows that investigating different experiences of modernity, such as the ones of Sephardic Jews as well as of Jews under colonial rule, offers a wider understanding of Jewish history as well as a space where Jewish studies and postcolonial thought can meet. From one side such studies delve into how colonial modernity transformed the lives of Jews in multiple forms beyond Europe. While on the other, it can provide useful templates for understanding questions which are central concerns in postcolonial studies, such as how to think about concepts like minoritarianism and diaspora.

We invite scholars from Jewish studies as well as different fields and disciplines to further explore and think together while engaging with the following questions: how can minor perspectives, such as the Jewish one, alter the idea of modernity beyond Europe? How can new concepts and terms emerge in the field of Jewish studies or other disciplines that include wider historical, geographical and political contexts? And how might such concepts, in turn, influence our (major) understanding of modernity?

Please submit a title and an abstract of around 300 words for a 20-minute talk and a short CV by April 15 to

Organized by the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg, and the RTG minor cosmopolitanisms, University of Potsdam. The workshop will be held in English and online.

2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 Visiting Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies, AY 2021-2022, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

The French and Francophone Studies Department at Hobart and William Smith invites applications for a one year Visiting Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies to teach French language, culture, and literature classes to begin July 1, 2021. Language acquisition courses (advanced grammar, conversation, and writing) will represent a significant amount of teaching responsibilities. A candidate who has a demonstrable record of research and teaching on topics relating to literature, film, race, and culture in one or many countries of Francophone Africa will be preferred. The teaching load will be 3-2.


PhD is preferred but ABDs will be considered. Recent Ph.D.s and those from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Applicants should have native or near-native proficiency in French and English, and demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to teaching excellence at a liberal arts institution. We encourage applications from individuals who are sensitive to the issues of ethnic diversity in their teaching and can serve as role models for students from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The ideal candidate will also engage issues of equality and diversity within the field.


Candidates should submit a current CV, a letter of application, concise statements of teaching and research philosophies, a diversity statement, and three letters of recommendation via Interfolio:;;sdata=QdMtHZNdA0ibHDAbI1VJQSJrwjrgHgqIHBiz%2BMLPWbs%3D&amp;reserved=0. Review of applications will begin April 21, 2021 and continue until position is filled.

If you have a question or need help on uploading your application materials, please contact Interfolio’s support team at<> or call 1-877-997-8807 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 6 p.m., EST, Monday through Friday.


Hobart and William Smith Colleges are committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living and working environment for all members of the HWS community, including students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and visitors. HWS prohibits discrimination and harassment in their programs and activities on the basis of age, color, disability, domestic violence victim status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected under the law. Discrimination on the basis of sex includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, and other forms of sexual misconduct including stalking and intimate partner violence, and gender-based harassment that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature.

Founded as Hobart College for men and William Smith College for women, Hobart and William Smith Colleges today are a highly selective residential liberal arts institution with a single administration, faculty and curriculum but separate dean’s offices, student governments, athletic programs and traditions.  The Colleges are located in a small diverse city in the Finger Lakes region of New York State.  With an enrollment of approximately 2,300, the Colleges offer 62 different majors and minors from which students choose two areas of concentration, one of which must be an interdisciplinary program.  Creative and extensive programs of international study and public service are also at the core of the Colleges’ mission.

2.2 Lecturer in Comparative Literatures and Cultures, University of Bristol

Location: Bristol
Salary: £38,017 to £42,792 per annum (Grade J)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 1st April 2021
Closes: 2nd May 2021
Job Ref: ACAD105159

The role

The School of Modern Languages at the University of Bristol seeks to appoint a Lecturer (Grade J level B1, Pathway 1) in Comparative Literatures and Cultures. The successful candidate will demonstrate familiarity with the practices, concerns, and debates in Comparative Literature and Culture and offer expertise in literary or visual cultures. At a minimum, the successful candidate will offer expertise in French, Italian or Spanish, as well as in a second language, which could be from the same list or a non-European language, with strong preference for Mandarin. We are looking for candidates who can demonstrate intellectual breadth and an aptitude for interdisciplinary dialogue.

What will you be doing?

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute fully to our new undergraduate programme and our established, highly successful postgraduate programme in Comparative Literatures and Cultures. The successful candidate may also teach one or two units within one of our language departments and collaborate with colleagues on school-wide units. The successful candidate will pursue research of the highest international quality in their area of specialism and will seek to develop a record of grant capture through active collaboration within the School and in wider interdisciplinary initiatives. The successful candidate will assume responsibility for an appropriate share of administration.

You should apply if

You have a strong, well-developed research profile at or beyond doctoral level, with an established record of, or evidence of the potential for, high-quality publishing commensurate with the applicant’s career stage. An established record of, or evidence of the potential for, external grant capture is expected.

The School of Modern Languages combines excellence in teaching with a lively research culture. Key research areas are: transcultural encounters; intermediality; material and digital texts; translation, adaptation and reception; and co-creation with artists, industries, and institutions. More information on our research can be found at

Further information about our programmes in Comparative Literatures and Cultures is available here

Additional information

  • For informal queries please contact: Andreas Schonle, Head of School, School of Modern Languages
  • Candidates should upload a cover letter and their CV on our e-recruit system, indicating the contact details of three referees. We will request writing samples when we invite short-listed candidates.
  • This advert will close at 23:59 GMT on 02/05/2021
  • Anticipated interview date: 21/05/2021

We welcome applications from all members of our community and are particularly encouraging those from diverse groups, such as members of the LGBT+ and BAME communities, to join us.

2.3 Applications invited for Cassal PhD Bursary in French/Francophone Studies at the IMLR

This bursary, made available by the University of London’s Cassal Endowment Fund, is available to master’s and doctoral students intending to write their dissertation/thesis on a topic related to French or Francophone studies. A bursary of £7,500 (pro rata for part-time students) will be available, for study commencing in 2021/22. All MA, MRes, LLM and doctoral degrees offered by the School of Advanced Study are eligible for application for the bursary.

The primary criterion on which bursary applications are judged is academic merit. The successful applicant will be of exceptional quality, evidenced by previous academic achievement. Awards are open to students who are:

*   Self-funded and domiciled in the UK, the EU or overseas.
*   Intending to write their dissertation/thesis on a topic related to French or Francophone studies.

How to Apply
To apply for the SAS Cassal Bursary, you must first have applied to study at SAS. See a list of all our courses here, and find out more about how to apply here.

After you have applied to study at SAS, you can complete the SAS Cassal Bursary Application Form online and email any supporting documentation to quoting your student ID number and the name of the studentship for which you wish to provide evidence.

Deadline for application for the Cassal Bursary: 13 May 2021

2.4 Assistant/Associate Professor of French Language and Francophone Studies – The American University of Paris

The American University of Paris invites applications for a full-time position in the Department of French Studies and Modern Languages at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning 1 August 2021.

The successful applicant, with experience in teaching French and Francophone Studies will be responsible for supporting our core French language curriculum and supporting the department’s minor and future major. The successful candidate must demonstrate excellence both in research and in teaching at the University level and must have solid experience teaching French as a second language. Our ideal candidate profile is open.  We are seeking applicants with research areas that may include, but are not limited to, Francophone culture and history.  Candidates from relevant fields within the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply.  The successful applicant will be responsible for teaching courses at the undergraduate level.

Qualifications: A Ph.D. in French, Francophone Studies or a related discipline at the time of appointment, 1 August 2021. Proven capacity for excellent, engaged teaching committed to student learning within a liberal arts context. Solid academic training in teaching French as a second language.

Strong record in curriculum development. Familiarity with liberal arts education, learning objectives, skill development (critical thinking, information literacy, writing in the disciplines, etc.) and assessment is highly desirable. Strong research and publication potential in Francophone Studies or a closely related field. Capacity to work in a multi-cultural environment a strong plus.

We invite and encourage women and members of underrepresented populations to apply. The University is an equal opportunity employer for whom diversity is an essential source of vitality and strength.

European Union citizenship or the legal right to work in France is required at the time of application.

The Institution:  Founded in 1962, The American University of Paris (AUP) is a small, undergraduate and Masters degree-granting institution with a Liberal Arts core, dedicated to the advancement of the Arts & Sciences in an international and multicultural environment. AUP brings together the values of the American higher education system with its location in Paris and Europe. Located at the crossroads of American and European institutions of higher education and research, AUP facilitates its faculty’s development of an international and stimulating professional network. The Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools accredits AUP in the United States of America. AUP has cooperative agreements USA and European-based universities.


The Department:  Dedicated to the study of the French language and Culture, the department currently supports a large portion of the undergraduate Core Curriculum, houses a minor in French and is working to grow and launch a major in French and Francophone Studies.   The department also supports other majors and minors through its offerings.  The department has 6 full-time faculty, 5 part-time faculty teaching French language and culture, Arabic and Italian. 



  • The teaching load is six courses per academic year.
  • Teaching responsibilities will primarily be focused in the department’s core French curriculum as well as development of new courses in Francophone studies.
  • Professional mentorship is an important component of our work with students.
  • Commitment to scholarship, excellence in teaching, integrative learning
  • Service to the department (contributing to curricular development and innovation, collegial behavior, advising students)
  • Willingness to provide service to the university (participation in committee work, assessment, interdisciplinary collaboration)
  • Participating in faculty governance, including attending full faculty, department, and committee meetings
  • Working in a professional and collegial manner with the university community
  • Maintaining compliance with policies and procedures in the Faculty Manual

Faculty at AUP must have a commitment to liberal arts education in a highly international environment and pursue international research and scholarship. We seek engaged scholars and have high expectations of teaching and scholarly research.

Applications: Please submit your application to including:

  • cover letter
  • curriculum vitae
  • statement of pedagogical philosophy with evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • statement of research interests
  • a writing sample of recent scholarship
  • three confidential letters of reference

Applications should be received by 10 May 2021, for full consideration. For questions, please contact Margaret Savean

2.5 Job Announcement: VAP of French at Lafayette College AY 2021-22

The Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures at Lafayette College invites applications for a one-year, full-time, visiting assistant professor position (3/3 teaching load) beginning Fall 2021. Preferred area of specialization: 19th and / or 20th century French and Francophone literatures and cultures. Teaching responsibilities include instruction at all levels of the French curriculum.  The Foreign Languages and Literatures Department is interested in building a culturally diverse intellectual community and strongly encourages candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply. Native or near-native proficiency in French is required.  The successful candidate is expected to have received their Ph.D. by the beginning of fall semester.  Salary and benefits are competitive.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, and three confidential letters of recommendation through . The cover letter should address how the applicant’s teaching, scholarship, mentoring, and/or community service support Lafayette College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in the College’s diversity statement ( Applications will be accepted until May 5, 2021, or until the position is filled.  Inquiries can be directed to Department Secretary Ms. Sue Stetler (

Located within 70 miles of New York City and Philadelphia, Lafayette College is a highly selective undergraduate institution with significant resources to support faculty members in their teaching and scholarship. Lafayette College is committed to creating a diverse community, one that is inclusive and responsive, and is supportive of each and all its faculty, students, and staff.  All members of the college community share a responsibility for creating, maintaining, and developing a learning environment in which difference is valued, equity is sought, and inclusiveness is practiced.  Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.

2.6 Teaching Fellow in French Colonial History, University of Leeds

Are you an academic with proven abilities to carry out research-led teaching in French Colonial History, with a particular focus on histories of France and Algeria in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Do you have the ability to motivate and inspire students? Are you keen to contribute to research-led teaching in our department? 

You will carry out teaching in French History, with a particular focus on empire and race in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.   You will have a PhD in the history of France and/or the French empire, or a cognate discipline (or be close to submission) and relevant teaching experience. The School of History, which includes the Institute for Medieval Studies, has over forty members of academic staff, working across a wide range of chronological, geographical, and thematic specialisms. We are committed to providing an inclusive experience for both students and staff, diversifying our curriculum, and improving representation in all areas of our activity.

To explore the post further or for any queries you may have, please contact:

Professor Andrea Major, email:


Dr Claire Eldridge, email:

Due to the current Government Coronavirus lockdown and social distancing measures, the interviews for this role are likely to be conducted remotely using Microsoft TEAMs.  It is also expected that relevant work within these roles may be done remotely, within the UK, while these restrictions remain in place. 

Location:  Leeds – Main Campus
Faculty/Service:  Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Cultures
School/Institute:  School of History
Category:  Academic
Grade:  Grade 7
Salary:  £33,797 to £40,322 p.a.
Working Time:  100%
Post Type:  Full Time
Contract Type:  Fixed Term (Fixed-term, full time, for 12 months from 1 August 2021 or 1 September 2021)
Release Date:  Friday 09 April 2021
Closing Date:  Thursday 06 May 2021
Interview Date:  Thursday 03 June 2021
Reference:  AHCHI1031
Downloads:  Candidate Brief

2.7 Assistant Professor/Lecturer in French Studies, Maynooth University

The Role

Maynooth University is committed to a strategy in which the primary University goals of excellent research and scholarship and outstanding education are interlinked and equally valued.

We are seeking an excellent academic to join our staff as an Assistant Professor / Lecturer in French Studies with a specialism in one of the two following areas:

  • Francophone Studies;
  • French literature and culture of the long nineteenth century.

The person appointed will have a proven record of teaching, research, and publication, appropriate to career stage. He/she/they will be expected to make a strong contribution to the teaching programme of the School and French Studies section and undertake teaching duties on the School’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as well as the supervision of Master’s and PhD students.

The appointee will be expected to build a strong research profile, that supports the University’s research strategy including affiliating to the Research Institutes, where appropriate, and working with colleagues on national and international research. The appointee will be expected to sustain and conduct research, engage in scholarship of quality and substance, and generate publications of international standard.

Principal Duties


Undergraduate and postgraduate teaching duties are assigned by the Head of the School. The duties will include:

  • Teaching and assessing students at undergraduate level in both language and content modules. This may include lecturing, tutoring, leading practical learning activities, project supervision, and setting, supervising and grading assessments;
  • Teaching, supervising and assessing postgraduate students in both language and content modules, including lecturing, leading seminars and other learning activities, supervision of student research activities, and setting, supervising and grading assessments;
  • Enhancing and innovating teaching and assessment practice;
  • Contributing, as required, to the assurance and enhancement of the quality of teaching;
  • Outreach and promotional activities and the recruitment and selection of undergraduate and post-graduate students;
  • Developing and enhancing the curriculum;
  • Designing and delivering new courses.

Research & Scholarship:

Building a research and scholarly profile is an essential part of an academic career. This will include:

  • Conducting research and engaging in scholarship of quality and substance in the discipline;
  • Generating external income or securing resources to support scholarly activity as necessary;
  • Disseminating research and scholarly outcomes through: peer reviewed publication; presentation at national and international conferences; preparation of professional reports; commercialisation; or other appropriate means;
  • Affiliating with a University Research Institute, where appropriate;
  • Building research capacity;
  • Fostering links with other institutions which will benefit both research and teaching at Maynooth University;
  • Integrating research into the teaching curriculum;
  • Supervising research students and post-doctoral fellows.

For further details including full comprehensive job description please see reference number 009521 on the Maynooth University vacancies page at:

Location: Maynooth – Ireland
Salary: €34,746 to €86,235
£30,211.30 to £74,980.47 converted salary* – please see advert
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 15th April 2021
Closes: 16th May 2021
Job Ref: 009521

2.8 Teaching Fellow in French, Durham University

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Durham University seeks to appoint a talented individual to the role of Teaching Fellow in French. The appointment will be on a fixed-term basis for three years, and we invite applications from those with research expertise in any area of French studies and demonstrable teaching expertise in Early Modern or Modern French culture as well as French language. The post is a teaching position; independent research is not part of the role. However, the postholder will be able to participate in the research community of the School.

This post offers an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the development of internationally excellent teaching while allowing you unrivalled opportunities to progress and embed your career in an exciting and progressive institution. At the forefront of our current activity is a programme of decolonisation, in which a commitment to antiracism is accompanied by a commitment to combating all forms of marginalisation in the workplace and classroom. Our goal is to decolonise the School of Modern Languages and Culture in all its aspects, including research and education. Details of our approach can be found here.

For more information, please visit our School pages at here.

Location: Durham
Salary: £33,797
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 19th April 2021
Closes: 9th May 2021
Job Ref: 21000223

2.9 Stipendiary Lectureship in French (Nineteenth and/or Twentieth Century Literature), University of Oxford – Exeter College

Exeter College proposes, if there is a suitable candidate, to appoint a Stipendiary Lecturer in Modern Languages (French). This is a fixed-term role, tenable from 1 October 2021 until 31 December 2021, and the postholder will teach French to undergraduates.

The Lecturer will be required to undertake 40 ‘contact’ hours of tutorial or class teaching of undergraduates of the College (or, by exchange, undergraduates of other Colleges) across the period of the appointment. In addition, they will be required to set and mark College examinations, to participate fully in any admissions and outreach activities (as required), and to participate fully in the running of Modern Languages and its Joint Schools within the College.

The Lecturer should be able to teach (as a minimum):

  1. Translation from, and into, Modern French for Paper IIA and Paper IIB (for Prelims)
  2. Translation from, and into, Modern French for Paper IIA and Paper IIB (for the Final Honour School)
  3. Prelims Paper III (Short Texts)
  4. FHS Paper VIII (Literature 1715 to the Present)
  5. FHS Paper XI (Modern Prescribed Authors)

Further Particulars for the role may be obtained from the Exeter College website at:

How to Apply

Candidates are encouraged to submit all application materials by email to the HR Manager, at If possible, applications should be submitted as a single PDF file.

Candidates should ask their referees to submit references directly to the College at, and should supply each referee with a copy of the further particulars.

The closing date for applications, and the last date for receipt of references direct from referees, is 12.00pm midday (BST) on Friday 7 May 2021.

Interviews will be held as soon as possible after the closing date.

Exeter College is an equal opportunities employer and values diversity.

2.10 ERC PhD Scholarship: African Literature across Languages and Genres

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures (‘Translation and Transcultural Studies’) at Warwick University invites applications for doctoral study commencing in October 2021. An ERC-funded scholarship will be available on a competitive basis for an exceptional candidate meeting our requirements. The successful candidate will join a team of researchers working on the ERC project Philosophy and Genre (PhiGe): Creating a Textual Basis for African Philosophy (led by Professor Alena Rettová, University of Bayreuth) and will be supervised by Professor Rettová and Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture (University of Warwick): Team ( PhiGe interrogates the role of textual genre in the expression of philosophical meanings. It consists of eight Research Streams, covering a variety of genres in eight languages from several regions in Africa. Although other proposals will be considered, the successful candidate will ideally work on Wolof literature within Research Stream 4 of the project, which delivers a comparative study of African literatures across languages.  In addition to working on their doctoral thesis, the candidate will be expected to make contributions to the collaborative activities of the team, give conference presentations, and help to organize team activities in Senegal and Gambia.

The successful candidate will be expected to reflect on the dissemination of modern and contemporary West African thought through a variety of genres and languages. They will adopt a transcultural approach, ideally explore Wolof literature in its different generic manifestations (theatre, poetry, or novel) and examine the transnational and translational factors that have contributed to its expansion in West Africa throughout history.

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Warwick offers its graduate students a buoyant research culture and community, with some 27 students currently enrolled on PhDs in the School, alongside taught and research Master’s students and a number of postdoctoral research fellows. Postgraduate researchers play a vital role in the University of Warwick’s broader research community, together with postdoctoral researchers and academic staff of national and international renown. In the 2014 REF, Warwick’s research outputs in Modern Languages were ranked 5th in the UK. 80% of its research and 80% of its ‘impact’ were ranked at 4* or 3*, and 100% of its environment was similarly ranked as world-leading or internationally excellent. This places the University of Warwick at the top of the Russell Group. Modern Languages at Warwick ranks 8th in the UK according to The Guardian Best Universities in the UK 2021 League Table.

Staff working in Translation and Transcultural Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures have expertise in a wide range of research areas, including cultural translation and transculturalism, memory, African, Caribbean, postcolonial/decolonial and transcultural studies, literary translation, sociolinguistics, self-translation in multilingual contexts, gender and feminist translation studies, sociology of translation, and history of publishing.

Beyond the School of Modern Languages, PhD students are supported by CADRE (the Centre for Arts Doctoral Research Excellence), the Doctoral College, and benefit from dedicated spaces and subject support offered by Warwick University Library. The selected candidate will be able to engage with the ongoing work conducted by the CRPLA (Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and The Arts) and the Warwick Africa Research Network (IAS – Africa Research Network (


Supervisory arrangements: The successful candidate will be based at the University of Warwick. They will be supervised jointly by Professor Pierre-Philippe Fraiture (University of Warwick) and Professor Alena Rettová (University of Bayreuth).

Funding: The funding will cover the fees (full-time study) for 3.5 years at home level and a stipend at UKRC rates. The candidate will be expected to spend the second year of their doctoral programme in West Africa; the fieldwork expenses will also be partly covered from the project. The annual renewal of the funding will be subject to satisfactory progress.

Requirements: linguistic competence in French and English; competence in other relevant languages such as Wolof/or Arabic (or Arabic script) will be an asset; a B.A. (2.1 or equivalent) and preferably a Master’s in a related subject (See: PhD in Translation and Transcultural Studies ( such as philosophy, literature, language and culture, religious studies, or area studies with a focus on Africa.

The application for the PhD scholarship should consist of a CV clearly detailing the candidate’s academic trajectory; a personal statement; a research proposal demonstrating how the candidate’s envisaged doctoral research matches the requirements of the project; and the names and contact details of two referees. Please send these materials as attachments in Word or pdf format to (as below) and ask your referees to send in their references to the same email address and by the same deadline.  Applicants should simultaneously apply for a place of study on the PhD programme in Translation and Transcultural Studies (course code: P-Q3PG ) on the University of Warwick’s online application system, following the link from:, entering personal and study details as required. You may upload the same research proposal and personal statement as for the scholarship application.

For any information on this PhD scholarship, please contact Pierre-Philippe Fraiture:

Deadline: The closing date for applications is 21 June 2021 (23:59), with interviews to be conducted online on 6 July 2021. The candidate will be expected to start their doctoral programme in October 2021. The scholarship application materials and references should be sent to  with ‘ERC PhD Scholarship: African Literature across Languages and Genres’ in the subject heading.

2.11 Tenure Track Position in Radical Black Ecologies at Queen’s University, Canada

Please see, and consider circulating to anyone in your networks who may be interested, the below advertisement for a position in Radical Black Ecologies:

The successful candidate will be a Queen’s National Scholar in the Department of Geography and Planning, working in conjunction with the new interdisciplinary Black Studies program. This position is also part of an exciting cluster hire that will bring seven scholars who work on issues in Black Studies to our community.

Applicants must self-identify as Black persons from Africa or of the African diaspora ( e.g. African and Africa descended people from the Caribbean, North America, Europe, or Latin America) and the application deadline is May 15, 2021.

Interested scholars can contact Beverley Mullings at if they have any questions about the position or the QNS program.

2.12 Lecturer in French – Français Intermédiaire (FREN 150), Bader International Study Centre at Herstmonceux Castle

Employer: Bader International Study Centre (BISC) – UK campus of Queen’s University (Canada)

Campus: Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1RN

Hours: part-time

Contract type: fixed term (1 September 2021 to 30 April 2022)

Salary: £4,391 per course, per term

Closing date: Monday 10 May 2021 (17:00 BST)

Please note: if we receive an excessive number of applications before the closing date, we reserve the right to remove the advertisement early.

We anticipate teaching in person on a COVID-safe campus but candidates must be prepared to teach online if this is not possible.

Job description

Duties include:

  • Teaching one first year undergraduate course, Français Intermédiaire (FREN 150), during the Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 terms.
  • Teaching one class of maximum 20 students; 2 hours 40 mins/week instruction, 1 hour 20 mins/week conversation class and offering 1.5 office hours/week during 12 instructional weeks of term.
  • Opportunity to develop the syllabus in line with Queen’s University (Canada) Department of French Studies and BISC Curriculum Committee requirements.
  • Work with our Experiential Learning Office to develop and run maximum of two field studies.

Person specification

  • Holder of an undergraduate degree relevant to Français Intermédiaire.
  • Language teaching qualification is desirable.
  • Demonstrable experience of teaching and assessing undergraduate students; early career academics encouraged.
  • Commitment to high quality teaching and creating a fully inclusive, positive learning environment; innovative pedagogy welcome.
  • Eligibility to work in the UK.

Who are we?

Bader International Study Centre, located at historic Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, is the overseas campus of Queen’s University, Canada.  Queen’s is a leading Canadian university with high entry levels which attracts top students from around the world.

The BISC is committed to employment equity, inclusion and diversity and supports fair treatment and opportunity for all.

What we can offer you

In addition to salary, we offer a number of other benefits, including:

  • access to all of Queen’s digital resources and a small on-site library
  • opportunities for relevant training and development
  • fully equipped office space
  • free on-site parking
  • meals scheme (when students are on campus)
  • discounted accommodation at the Bader Hall residence
  • a working environment comprising an historic building with beautiful gardens and grounds
  • friendly, supportive colleagues in the close-knit Castle community
  • auto-enrol pension scheme with guaranteed contribution from the BISC.

How to apply

Please see to obtain a job description and person specification.

Required application format: CV and covering letter detailing your suitability for this position, by email to Nicola Taylor at

2.13 Visiting Assistant Professor of French, Gettysburg College

The French Department at Gettysburg College invites applications for a one-year position at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor of French. Preference for contemporary issues in the French-speaking world, but other specialties will be considered. Research focus should complement, but not overlap, current faculty areas of specialty:;;sdata=Tzm7ytpNnOls%2FM8vC5EOy2fUM5CGJKIiyOaJ4UXC%2FL4%3D&amp;reserved=0

Ph.D. in hand preferred, native or near-native fluency in both French and English, evidence of excellence in undergraduate teaching of French language, and sustained living experience in France or a francophone country. Candidates must be able to teach French language at all levels, and an advanced course in their specialty. Annual teaching load of six courses.

Applicants should apply online at:;;sdata=lweWrq7%2BXNkWFdF6jCUYMk0rXK8PhsMmrZ8sZZxp%2FRI%3D&amp;reserved=0

Inquiries can be addressed to Jack Murphy, Chair, Department of French, at<>

Gettysburg College, an equal opportunity employer, complies with all applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and admission. The College prohibits discrimination and harassment, and provides equal opportunity without regard to race, ethnicity, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, marital/familial status, possession of a General Education Development Certificate (GED) as compared to a high school diploma, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex, age, or genetic information in all aspects of employment, educational programs, activities, and admissions. Pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Gettysburg College prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (i.e., which includes but is not limited to the prohibition of sexual misconduct and relationship violence, including sexual assault and harassment) in all of its educational programs and activities.

2.14 Postdoctoral Research Associate – Grade 7, University of Liverpool

We are seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Researcher to review and locate material relevant to understanding William Lever and the business operations of Lever Brothers and how they acquired raw materials from The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Solomon Islands [1900-1930].

The post is a collaboration between the University of Liverpool and Unilever.

You will have a PhD or equivalent in history, African studies, archive studies, or a relevant discipline; high-level language skills in French; experience in conducting archive-based research; high-level expertise and experience of research in colonial/post-colonial histories.

The post is available for 4 months.

For full details and to apply online, please visit:

Location: Liverpool
Salary: £34,805 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 22nd April 2021
Closes: 13th May 2021
Job Ref: 026068

2.15 Two Five-year Postdoctoral Positions in Global History, Freie Universität Berlin

The History Department of Freie Universität Berlin is home to a broad variety of research projects and scholarly initiatives in the field of global history (among them, the MA program Global History, and the Graduate School “Global Intellectual History”, both jointly run by Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität).
For more on the activities in the area of global history in particular, see

Job description:

Starting on September 1, 2021, or a mutually agreed date thereafter, successful candidates will pursue a research project in global history (18th to 20th centuries) in the frame of the Einstein Strategic Professorship Global History of Professor Michael Goebel. They will teach 2 courses per semester (4 hours per week) and they will be involved in the activities of the History Department.


Dissertation in history or a neighboring discipline about a topic that can be conceived as global history (Ph.D. in hand at time of interview/received within the last five years).


very good dissertation in history or a neighboring discipline about a topic that can be conceived as global history;

very good knowledge of English (C1 level) and the languages relevant to the research proposal; sufficient knowledge of German (A2 level) to participate in departmental activities or willingness to acquire it;

thorough knowledge of relevant scholarly debates and approaches in global history and social history;

a well-conceived research project in global history;

teaching experience;

publications in peer-reviewed journals;

projects that make broad connections and/or span regions are an asset.

How to apply:
Please send the following documents in one pdf (not exceeding 10MB) file to Cover letter including names and contact information of two referees; curriculum vitae including list of publications; 300-word abstract of Ph.D. thesis; research proposal (one page); teaching proposal (one page); writing sample (e.g. of journal article or Ph.D. chapter).
Applications are to be submitted by May 24th 2021 with the relevant documents under the reference code “2021_2_Globalgeschichte_postdoc” in PDF format  to Prof. Dr. Michael Goebel: , who you can also contact with queries ahead of your application.

2.16 Deadline extended: USF International Fellowships

Please note that the deadline for applications to this award has been extended until 31st May 2021. This extension is to provide additional preparation time for candidates and mentors in those regions currently suffering most from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Applications due by: 31st May 2021

Applications are invited to the USF International Fellowship scheme for urban scholars from the Global South. The Fellowship covers the costs of a sabbatical period at a university of the candidate’s choice in the Global North or South for the purpose of writing-up the candidate’s existing research findings in the form of publishable articles and/or a book under the guidance of a chosen mentor in their field of study. Funding is available for a period ranging between 3-9 months.


Applicants must be early-to-mid career urban scholars with a PhD obtained within the preceding 10 years (by the submission deadline) who currently work in a university or other research institution within the Global South. Candidates must also be nationals of a country in the Global South, defined as any country on the present OECD list of ODA recipients (2021): .


The candidate must make suitable arrangements to be mentored by a suitably experienced senior urban scholar at the candidate’s chosen research institution. Further Particulars are available to download on the USF website.


The financial support attached to the fellowship will meet accommodation and subsistence needs while staying at the host university, return (economy class) air fare, and assistance towards research costs (including any enrolment fees and other resource costs). There is also a small budget available for the mentor to assist the Fellow to meet their intended research aims should this be appropriate. Short-listed candidates may also apply for a small amount of limited award support funds to cover costs that might arise due to challenges like childcare and/or disability (see Further Particulars for terms). Fellowships should begin no later than 1 year after the application deadline (i.e. by 31st May 2022). Applicants are expected to be notified of an outcome normally within four weeks of the application deadline.


Candidates must complete the online application form no later than 31st May 2021 (by 23:59 GMT, UK time). The application must include:

*   Applicant information including: contact details, recent education, recent academic roles, and the names and contact details of two academic referees. Both referees should be prepared to submit blind letters of recommendation to the Urban Studies Foundation upon request.
*   Fellowship proposal information including dates, mentorship and host institution arrangements.
*   A draft budget in GBP with main cost items, including documentary evidence for all cost items above GBP 500 uploaded as a single pdf (e.g. flight prices, quotes for accommodation, local cost of living rates, etc.).
*   A proposal that includes: an outline of the planned research (1200 words maximum), intended outputs (300 words maximum), designation of the host institution (300 words maximum), and a statement of how the candidate’s chosen mentor will support and facilitate the proposed research (300 words maximum).
*   Proof of applicant’s nationality and therefore eligibility for the award.
*   Applicant CV listing academic achievements and publications (3 pages maximum).
*   Short CV from the mentor which includes any previous mentoring experience (3 pages maximum).
*   Supporting letter from the prospective mentor stating their willingness to act as a mentor to the fellow, and indicating the suitability of the host institution for the proposed sabbatical study (2 pages maximum).

All candidates should consult the Urban Studies Foundation website and Further Particulars documentation before applying to the scheme.

Candidates wishing to discuss their application informally, or with questions regarding the online application process, should contact the USF Director of Operations, Joe Shaw:

3. Announcements

3.1 SSFH – New Funding Offer

We are pleased to announce that the Society for the Study of French History has launched a new short term ECR Support Grant in addition to its existing funding streams.

During the current COVID crisis, the SSFH is offering grants of up to £2000 to support research work on any topics falling within the Society’s general remit. These grants are open to applications from any scholars based in the UK and ROI, either currently undertaking doctoral work, or employed ‘precariously’ post-doctorate on any part-time or limited-term basis. Deadlines: Friday 28 May 2021, Friday 2 July (2 deadlines).

More details and the application form are available from the society website here:

3.2 George L Mosse prize for first book manuscripts

The Univ. of Wisconsin Press and the George L. Mosse Center offer a prize and an opportunity to publish a first book manuscript in any topic in European history of culture or sexuality. Here is the link with more information on the George L. Mosse First Book Prize. Applications are due May 15:

3.3 ULIP Theory in Crisis seminar: Sara Salem, ‘Anticolonial Contradiction’, Friday 30 April

Colleagues are warmly invited to the next ‘Theory in Crisis’ session at ULIP with Sara Salem on Friday 30 April at 16h00 (CET). Follow the link for details and registration.

Anticolonial Contradictions: Temporality, Capital and Theory in 1950s Egypt

This talk explores the powerful project created in the aftermath of Egypt’s decolonisation in the 1950s and 1960s through an imagined conversation between Antonio Gramsci and Frantz Fanon, two foundational theorists of anti-capitalism and anticolonialism. Questions of decolonisation, capitalism, temporality, and mastery are explored in order to excavate anticolonial politics in all of its complexity. The talk asks what the contradictions present within these projects can tell us about social theory more broadly, as well as how we narrate, theorise, and remember histories of anticolonial struggle.


Sara Salem is an Assistant Professor in Sociology at the London School of Economics. Her research interests include political sociology, postcolonial studies, Marxist theory, and global histories of anticolonialism. Her recently published book with Cambridge University Press is titled  Anticolonial Afterlives in Egypt: The Politics of Hegemony (2020).

3.4 Decolonizing Methodologies and Approaches: The Modern Languages Perspective. Fri, 7 May 2021, 10:30 – 12:30 BST.

Contributors: Prof David Murphy (University of Strathclyde), Prof Edward Welch (University of Aberdeen) and Prof Nadia Kiwan (University of Aberdeen)

This workshop will explore how work in Modern Languages engages with current debates on decolonizing academic research and practice. It will consider the contribution of Modern Languages to date, in terms of the critical and theoretical paradigms developed within its disciplines, and what further questions need to be asked. In particular, it will explore what it might mean to decolonize research methodologies in Modern Languages, from the formulation of research questions to the use and critical interrogation of archives.

Open to Ph.D. researchers based at a Scottish HEI.

Contact for inquiries:

Event Registration Deadline: 5th May 2021.

Click Here to Register

3.5 Call for Submissions: 2021 Awards from the Coordinating Council for Women in History

The Coordinating Council for Women in History offers 6 annual prizes, including dissertation and project support prizes, article prizes, and prizes recognizing service and mentorship.  Details and application instructions may be found at  The 2021 deadline for all awards in May 15, 2021.

Awards are open only to CCWH members. To join, visit Applicants may apply for one CCWH award per year.  Please contact Elizabeth Everton ( with any questions.

3.6 Online translation teaching materials

This is to introduce a (relatively) new YouTube channel called Translators Aloud, co-founded by myself (under my professional name as a literary translator, Tina Kover), and my colleague Charlotte Coombe last May, on which we feature literary translators reading from their own work. To date, we have shared over 150 videos by 130+ translators working from nearly thirty languages, and our collaborative partners include the European Literary Network, the Association of Danish-English Literary Translators, the Jewish Book Council, and New Books in German. For teachers of language, translation, or culture modules involving cross-culturalism, globalism, transnationalism, as well as postgraduate courses training students for a career in translation, the readings we feature may well be of interest both personally and as teaching materials.

Please do investigate and subscribe to Translators Aloud at

To read the profile done on us by the European Literature Network, please click here:

Kind regards,

Tina (Kover) O’Donnell

Durham University

3.7 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series: Second Call for Applications

Please find below details of the ASMCF’s Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund. The deadline for applications is 15th May 2021. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website:

In support of its commitment to fostering collaboration between francophone and UK academics in its fields of interest, the Association offers one grant of up to the value of £2500 to networks of members to support an annual seminar series of three or more thematically-related events, tenable in any UK or Irish university, or institution of higher education in the UK or Ireland, each of which will include a different francophone academic based in a francophone country alongside a member of the hosting department. The award is to cover the costs of the francophone scholars and where applicable, professionals / practitioners and organisation costs of the events. The Association will also consider proposals which include professionals and practitioners working in fields relevant to the academic project. The scheme is designed to support the invitation of early-career and established scholars. The deadline is 15 May 2021, for activity taking place in the following academic session. Applications should be sent to the ASMCF Honorary Secretary, Dr Fiona Barclay, at

Applications must be completed by a network of academic members of staff who are members of the ASMCF in at least three institutions in the UK or Ireland. The UK or Irish host applicants are expected to organise, direct and take academic and organisational responsibility for the seminar series. Within this network a Main Applicant should be identified as the principal organiser with whom the Association will correspond. Full details of the criteria applying to the scheme and guidance on how to apply are available at, under ‘Funding and Prizes’. Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Fiona Barclay, at

Applicants will normally be notified of the outcome of their application within one month of the closing date.

3.8 Launch of the ASMCF Mentorship Scheme

We are delighted to announce our newly-launched Mentorship Scheme, which seeks to connect postgraduate researchers and early career academics to established experts in their field.

For all the information you need on how to take part as a postgraduate or expert, please go to the Mentorship Scheme page on the ASMCF website:

Applications are now open!

3.9 Journée d’étude: les savoirs décoloniaux au prisme de l’histoire. Colonialité et décolonialité dans les Amériques (The University of Chicago Center in Paris)

Mercredi 19 mai 2021, 15h – 18h30

Journée d’étude internationale organisée par
Mina Kleiche-Dray (Ceped : IRD et Université de Paris)
et Lissel Quiroz (Université Cergy Paris)

Les études décoloniales s’inscrivent dans la réflexion sur la production des savoirs et la critique sociale produites par et depuis le sud global. Elles se situent dans la filiation des théories de la dépendance, du rattrapage économique et de la modernisation, notamment du pensamiento crítico latinoamericano. Elles s’intéressent aux phénomènes de marginalisation sociale et politique de certains groupes sociaux d’un point de vue épistémique et culturel. Les Études décoloniales, qui ne se cantonnent pas aux recherches faites par le groupe “Colonialidad/Modernidad/Decolonialidad”, interrogent les rapports de pouvoir dans les contextes des Amériques (du Nord, du Centre, du Sud et Caraïbes). Si ces travaux ont émergé dans les champs disciplinaires de la sociologie, la philosophie et la sémiologie, ils sont largement discutés dans plusieurs domaines de recherche notamment, dans les études féministes et écologiques ainsi que dans les débats sociétaux sur l’émancipation politique des groupes « minorisées » (femmes, communautés LGTB+, afro descendants, populations autochtones, etc.) et les rapports de nos sociétés à la nature. C’est pourquoi, après avoir présenté tout au long de cette année universitaire, les Études décoloniales, la Journée d’étude a pour objectif d’en faire un premier bilan en interrogeant plus spécifiquement les apports des études féministes et écologiques à la dimension historique de la colonialité. L’histoire hégémonique est en effet l’un des principaux vecteurs de la colonialité. Produite par les dominant·es, elle valorise leur action et produit un discours qui légitime l’ordre social inégalitaire tout en invisibilisant l’action des Subalternes pour leur émancipation. C’est le cas notamment des récits nationaux qui bien qu’ayant évolué dans le temps – depuis les indépendances latino-américaines – gardent des caractères coloniaux. Déconstruire ces récits et en visibiliser d’autres alternatifs constitue la base du travail décolonial. La Journée d’étude souhaite participer à cette tâche. Elle envisage à la fois de questionner les récits et les formes de faire l’histoire hégémonique, et propose de contre-discours et des contre-visions historiques des Amériques.


Cet événement aura lieu simultanément via Zoom et sur place.
Si l’évolution des conditions sanitaires ne nous permettait plus de vous accueillir, l’événement se déroulerait uniquement via Zoom.

Inscription pour assister au colloque sur place

Inscription pour assister au colloque via Zoom

3.10 The Walter Rodney Writing Prize

Pluto Press is proud to partner with the Walter Rodney Foundation (WRF) and the Pluto Educational Trust (PET) to launch the annual non-fiction Walter Rodney Writing Prize for women and non-binary first-time authors who have citizenship of an African or Caribbean country.

The prize will celebrate the extraordinary life and work of Guyanese writer and political activist Walter Rodney, while reflecting and advancing the impact of Rodney’s thinking on scholars and organisers.

The winner of the prize will receive a £4,000 writing grant, alongside access to Pluto, PET, and WRF’s combined global network of contacts. Their debut book will be published by Pluto Press.

A star panel of judges assessing the shortlist will be announced in the upcoming months.


Submissions are now open!

Prospective applicants should download the submission guidelines.

Submissions should comprise of a proposal alongside sample writing, and writers should demonstrate the influence of Walter Rodney’s ideas on their own work.

Submissions for the 2022 prize are open from 23rd March and will close on 23rd August (11.59pm GMT).

We wish all applicants the best of luck.

‘We share the united vision of working towards the inclusion of all people of Africa and the Caribbean in global conversations and to explore and support platforms for these voices to be heard. This collaboration will serve as a model for future activities, and we are excited to build a long lasting partnership and legacy through literary works’

Pat, Asha and Shaka Rodney, of the Walter Rodney Foundation

‘We share a rigorous commitment to internationalist politics, so this collaboration is an excellent fit. Walter Rodney was a giant of the anticolonial movement. We are very excited to see the writing that emerges from this and are delighted to be working towards the broader aim of platforming more voices from the Global South – and most importantly, to be providing the support that enables these writers to be published in the first place. We also know that women and non-binary people in particular still face many barriers to the world of non-fiction publishing’

Neda Tehrani, Editor at Pluto Press

‘With this annual prize, we will support yet-to-be-published writers in the tradition of Rodney who, in turn, will inspire others to put their knowledge in the service of radical praxis’

Fiona Dove, PET Trustee

3.11 Register for the Society for Caribbean Studies Conference

*44th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies*
Zoom, 5-10 July, 2021

You can download the draft programme here…

You can register here…

You can download the poster here…

Presenters must register on-line by Friday 28th May 2021 , or the conference committee will be unable to include their papers in the final programme. Non-presenting delegates should register by 18th June 2021.

Registration rates are £15 full price or £5 concession plus £15 membership. There is no day rate, so prices give access to any or all zoom sessions from Tuesday 6th July to Saturday 10th July inclusive.

Postgraduate conference day on Monday 5th July is free to attend, but all delegates and attendees must register. There will be a separate call for papers for this day.

Membership of the Society is mandatory for conference attendance and should be added to the conference fee. Members receive the Society newsletter, announcements of upcoming events through our email list and eligibility for Society prizes and awards. Sessions will NOT be recorded, except for the keynote talk given by Edil Sepulveda on Tuesday 6th July; this will be free to receive via livestream while those with registration can attend in the more interactive format, on Zoom and will be recorded.

3.12 DECOLONISING FRENCH STUDIES: A Workshop Organised by AUPHF+ (Wednesday, 12 May, 2-5pm UK time)

In this online event, we invite speakers and participants to consider the ways in which the discipline of French Studies can be expanded and transformed through processes of decolonisation. What does it mean to ‘decolonise’, both as regards the curriculum we teach, our research and our engagement with wider communities? What practical forms does decolonisation take in our field of study and how can it be enacted? How can we make our subject area more relevant for a diverse student and academic body and for future generations of learners of the French language? With input from academic and student-activist voices, and ample time for discussion and exchange, this workshop will offer insights into the multiple facets of decolonising an academic discipline and its practices. The event is free and open to all.


2.00 Welcome

2.05-2.40 Ruth Bush (University of Bristol): ‘Towards a decentred French studies: perspectives from post-Colston Bristol (and Dakar, Yaoundé, Abomey-Calavi and Abidjan)’

2.45-3.20 Nicola Frith (University of Edinburgh), ‘Researching the Legacies of African Enslavement and Reparatory Justice’


3.30-4.05 Nadia Kiwan (University of Aberdeen): ‘Decolonising secularism: recent debates on “Islamo-leftism” in France’

4.10-4.45 Round Table discussion: Nicolas Bancel (Université de Lausanne), Rianna Walcott (King’s College, London), Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool )

4.45-5:00 General Discussion

Please register for this event here:

A link to the online workshop will then be emailed to you on the 10 May.

3.13 School of Advanced Study Research Training: Term 3

Registration is now open for the School of Advanced Study free research training programme for Term 3. The programme provides training on methods, skills, and current and emerging approaches to languages- and cultures-focused research. These sessions are open to researchers at all levels in the UK and beyond, but advance registration using the booking links below is essential.

Tuesday 20th April (11am – 12pm) Writing Conclusions 


Wednesday 21st April (2 – 4pm) Decolonising Data for Cultural Research in the Global South  


Tuesday 27th April (11am – 12pm) Revising your Work 


Tuesday 4th May (11am – 12pm) Footnotes 


Friday 7th May (2 – 3.30pm) Gender Studies and Modern Languages Research  


Tuesday 11th May (11am – 1pm) Introduction to Public Engagement 


Tuesday 18th May (11am – 12pm) Writing for Different Audiences: Academic Blogging and Other Formats

Wednesday 19th May (2 – 3.30pm) Conducting Research in Post-Conflict Contexts 


Tuesday 25th May (11am – 1pm) Public Speaking 


Tuesday 1st June (11am – 12pm) Research as Storytelling: Retelling your Research in Different Ways 


Tuesday 8th June (11am – 12pm) Writing (Skills) Workshop 


Wednesday 9th June (2 – 4pm) Researching Multilingually: Possibilities and Complexities  


Tuesday 15th June (11am – 1pm) Zotero (Pre-recorded session) 


Tuesday 22nd June (11am – 1pm) Teaching Skills for the PhD Student 


Tuesday 29th June (11am – 1pm) EndNote (Pre-recorded session) 

3.14 Queer(y)ing Bodily Norms in Francophone Culture, eds. Dr Polly Galis, Dr Maria Tomlinson and Dr Antonia Wimbush: Online Launch

To celebrate the publication of Queer(y)ing Bodily Norms in Francophone Culture, we would like to invite you to our online book launch that will take place on Thursday 10th June from 5-7pm (UK time).

About the book:

Queer(y)ing Bodily Norms in Francophone Culture is an edited volume that questions how a wide selection of restrictive norms come to bear on the body, through a close analysis of a range of texts, media and genres originating from across the francophone world and spanning the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Each essay troubles hegemonic, monolithic perceptions and portrayals of racial, class, gendered, sexual and/or national identity, rethinking bodily norms as portrayed in literature, film, theatre and digital media specifically from a queer and querying perspective. The volume thus takes «queer(y)ing» as its guiding methodology, an approach to culture and society which examines, questions and challenges normativity in all of its guises. The term «queer(y)ing» retains the celebratory tone of the term «queer» but avoids appropriating the identity of the LGBTQ+ community, a group which remains marginalized to this day. The publication reveals that evaluating the bodily norms depicted in francophone culture through a queer and querying lens allows us to fragment often oppressive and restrictive norms, and ultimately transform them.

The launch will feature talks by the book’s editors, invited speakers Prof. Lisa Downing and Dr Elliot Evans (who provided the endorsements for the book), and a selection of our contributors:

·       Seth Compaoré: “Male Bodily Poetics in André Téchiné Quand on a 17 ans (2016): Physical Violence and Teenage Passion”

·       Adina Stroia: “Lesbian Selves: The Figure of the (Body) Double in Marie Nimier’s Works”

·       Kathleen Rizy:“Motherhood Reconceived: The Posthuman Future is Female in ‘Mon mari le clone’ by Marie Darrieussecq”

·       Vanessa Lee: “The Female Body in the Plays of French Caribbean Women Writers”

·       Brian Troth: “Hookups: Social Networking and Digital Bodies in Twenty-First-Century France”

·       Jennifer Boum Make: “Exploring Encounters in Passages by Emile Ollivier: The Role of Testimonial Responsibility to Othered Bodies”

·       Kate Foster: “The Cyborg’s Undecidable Body: A Game of ‘Who am I?’ in Gaston Leroux’s La Poupée sanglante”

·       Kathryn Chaffee: “Dance as Encounter in the films of Claire Denis”

·       Cristina Onesta: “Dysfunctional Bodies, Dysfunctional Gazes: Artistic Creation and Death in Manger l’autre by Ananda Devi and Le Génie d’Abou by Isabelle Boni-Claverie”

·       Sara Bédard-Goulet, “14 or the Missing Arm: Ontological Instability of the French Contemporary Novel in Jean Echenoz’s Work”

If you would like to attend, please register via our Eventbrite link to receive the Zoom link nearer the time of the event.

The book will be published very soon, so do keep a look out on Peter Lang’s website.

Attendees are eligible for a 30% discount when purchasing the book.

We look forward to seeing you at the event and hope that you will consider ordering the book for your university’s library.

3.15 2021 imlr books Competition (closing date: 12 June 2021)

Proposals are now invited for the 2021 competition to publish in imlr books, a book series in Modern Languages (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and comparative studies, in fields other than Linguistics). The series is published by the Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, and the titles selected are published both in hard copy and on open access.

Proposals for monographs, conference volumes, or thematically-linked collections of essays, between 30,000 and 100,000 words in length, may be submitted for selection by the imlr books editorial board, which is advised by a peer review committee of senior academics in the field. Volumes should be written in English, with quotations cited in the original and in translation. Fiction and translations of works already published in other languages cannot be considered.

Authors/editors are expected to submit sub-edited copy, prepared in accordance with guidelines supplied by the Institute. The expectation is that authors will supply the full text within one year of acceptance of the proposal.

Proposals should be submitted 12 June 2021 to, and should comprise four files only, as follows:

  • The application summary form [PDF] (for an Word version, please contact;
  • The proposal, including a chapter-by-chapter synopsis, which should not exceed five A4-pages when printed out;
  • A short curriculum vitae of author(s) or editor(s), not longer than one A4-page per person when printed out; and
  • sample chapter (in the case of monographs) or a draft introduction (for collections of essays).

Fourteen volumes have been published to date, with several currently in preparation.

Further details and the application summary form are available at:


Open to all UK undergraduates in French and Francophone Studies

Prizes: Three prizes each worth £100

Jury: Professor Marion Demossier, Dr Rebecca Dixon, Dr Emmanuelle Labeau, Professor Phil Powrie and Professor Marion Schmid.

The AUPHF+ aims to promote French and Francophone Studies in the UK. You are invited to submit a video clip of EITHER 60 seconds maximum (Tik Tok) OR 3 minutes maximum (You Tube) on one of the following topics:

  1. In love with languages!
  2. How languages can change your life
  3. The art of translanguaging

Please state your chosen topic and forward your video clip in an mp4 file to Prof. Marion Demossier ( by Saturday 1 May 2021, 4pm.

Terms and conditions: If successful, your recording will be promoted to pupils, students and the wider public through Tik Tok and other social platforms such as YouTube and the AUPHF+ website.

Guidelines concerning ethics, permissions and data protection are available here.

3.17 SAS Peer Review week

Peer review is the ‘gold standard’ for the evaluation of academic research, according to the Stern Report of 2016.(1) It is central to publishing, to processes for awarding research grants, to academic promotion, and to other forms of research support in Higher Education Institutions. Our work is reviewed by our peers (pre- and post-publication or award) and many of us serve or have served as peer reviewers for funding bodies, journals and book publishers. But what are the challenges for peer review in the 21st century? Has peer review changed to reflect evolving humanities disciplines and increasing interdisciplinarity? Does peer review still have a constructive and enabling function or has greater competition for publishing contracts and funding awards shifted the emphasis towards gatekeeping and exclusion? Can peer review stifle innovation and reward the status quo? How do researchers learn to be effective and skilled peer? Have online publishing systems downgraded the role of the journal or book series editor in mediating peer review? Where do any of us find the time to be good academic citizens and review the work of others as we would like our own to be reviewed?

In its first Peer Review Week, the School of Advanced Study is running a series of events to consider both the practical and the policy aspects of peer review. Two Early Career Researcher training sessions offer practical advice and guidance about responding to and writing peer review of articles, books and research grants. Two policy debates consider whether peer review in the humanities faces unsustainable pressures and how effectively peer review is responding to disciplinary and interdisciplinary change. We hope that you will join us in the conversation.

  1. Lord Nicholas Stern, Building on Success and Learning from Experience: an Independent Review of the Research Excellence Framework (London: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, 2016), p. 14.

Training Sessions for Early Career Researchers: Peer Review in Practice 


Peer Review 1: Articles and Books

Monday 24 May 2021 | 11.30am – 12.45pm BST
This session, which is aimed at early career researchers in the humanities, will provide practical advice and guidance about how to respond to peer review feedback for journal articles, book proposals and book manuscripts. It will also consider how to write a constructive peer review report.

Panellists: Sarah Churchwell (SAS), Jill Kraye (Warburg) and Carl Stychin (IALS)
Chair: Clare Lees (IES)

Book to attend

Peer Review 2: Research Grants

Wednesday 26 May 2021 | 11.30am – 12.45pm BST
This session, which is aimed at early career researchers in the humanities, will explain what happens to a research grant application after it has been submitted, what you can expect from peer review, and in particular how to write a Principal Investigator’s response to interim peer review for AHRC and ESRC funding applications. The panellists will also explain how the AHRC Peer Review College works, and what reviewers are expecting to see in a high-quality research proposal.

PanellistsLaura Cleaver (IES), Colin King (IALS) and Richard Toye (Exeter)
Chair: Jane Winters (SAS)

Book to attend

Peer Review Policy Debates 


Peer Review 3: Peer Review Under Pressure

Thursday 27 May 2021 | 2.00pm – 3.15pm BST
This panel will discuss whether systems of peer review in the humanities are facing unsustainable pressures, which have only been heightened by new ways of working during the COVID-19 pandemic. What are the incentives to participate in peer review (both pre- and post-publication)? On whom is the burden of peer review (disproportionately) falling? Is peer review enabling innovation or proving more effective at preserving the status quo? Is the sheer volume of publications and research grants part of the problem? The panel will consider how we might not just improve peer review, but begin to reimagine it.

PanellistsDiamond Ashiagbor (Kent), Charles Burdett (IMLR), Tao Chang (AHRC) and Pip Willcox (The National Archives)
ChairJo Fox (SAS)

Book to attend

Peer Review 4: Peer Review and Disciplinary Change

Thursday 27 May 2021 | 4.00pm – 5.15pm BST
This panel will consider how effectively peer review is responding to disciplinary and interdisciplinary change. In particular it will discuss whether ground-breaking interdisciplinary research and innovative disciplinary research is being well served by existing mechanism for peer review, and how new kinds of research outputs might most effectively be evaluated.

Panellists: Jenny Richards (Newcastle), Barry Smith (IP), Teal Triggs (Royal College of Art) and Jane Winters (SAS)
ChairClare Lees (IES)

Book to attend

3.18 Oxford Caribbean Studies Network Seminar Series Summer 2021

Please see below the Oxford University Caribbean Studies Network term card for the coming term. We’re very excited by the three confirmed seminars, and we’re working hard on confirming a fourth (watch this space).

Our first seminar of the term will take place this Tuesday (27/4) at the slightly later than usual time of 4.30pm London time. Dr Adom Philogene Heron (Goldsmiths) and Dr Schuler Esprit (UWI), and student interns from the Dominica State College, will be telling us about the Dominica Story Project: a digital humanities programme based in Dominica which is using ethnographic film methods to depict community stories of recovery since Hurricane Maria.

Tuesday April 27th 4.30pm
Adom Heron (Goldsmiths) and Schuyler Esprit (University of the West Indies), On the Caribbean Cyclone Cartography project.

Tuesday May 11th 2pm
Seminar TBC.

Tuesday May 25th 2pm
Norval Edwards (University of the West Indies, Mona), ‘Plotting Histories: Jamaican Fictions, Jamaican Metahistories’

Tuesday June 8th 2pm
Katerina Gonzàlez-Seligmann (Emerson College), ‘Writing the Caribbean in Magazine Time’

Seminars will take place on Zoom. Times listed are London times. All seminars last no more than one hour. Seminars are open to all.

As ever, seminars will be on zoom and open to everyone. You can find out more and sign up for our first event here:

3.19 WASAFIRI, ‘Transformative Testimonies: Writing and Human Rights 2021’

We’re excited to announce a new series of digital events, Transformative Testimonies: Writing and Human Rights, taking place 17 – 23 May, 2021. All events are free to attend. Booking opens Monday 26 April.

In December 2020, Wasafiri launched issue 104: Human Rights Cultures. This special issue explored writing in the wake of political crisis and opened up conversations and connections between literatures, writers, and creatives from four countries: RwandaKenyaColombia, and Argentina.

Transformative Testimonies will build on this special issue with a multi-country, multilingual, digital programme this May. It will unite writers from South America and East Africa in eight events that affirm the power of writing for those responding to, remembering, and healing from collective catastrophe. Guest Editors of the Human Rights Cultures issue, Billy Kahora and Zoe Norridge, have worked with Wasafiri to curate the programme of events and will feature in it, alongside such internationally renowned, award-winning writers as Scholastique Mukasonga, Ines Garland, Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor, and Selva Almada, and exciting new names including Leo Boix and Daniel Ferreira.

Programme Highlights

Voices of Testimony – 17-23 May
Wasafiri‘s Editor and Publishing Director Malachi McIntosh will introduce the event with a collection of curated readings on remembrance, catharsis and renewal. Each work will be read in its original language by the author, subtitled in English, and videos will be released throughout the week.

Writing Workshops

Writing Trauma: A Life Writing Workshop with Jo Ingabire Moys and Laila Sumpton – Monday 17 May
How do you write a story of survival without re-traumatising yourself? How do you write across cultures and languages, and for different audiences? In this workshop for survivors, writers, academics and facilitators, we will explore challenges and techniques in writing stories of survival, looking in detail at stories of survival from the Rwandan genocide. Participants from Rwanda, Kenya, Colombia and Argentina are especially welcome.

This workshop is supported by UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Human Rights & Testimonio: Poems of Resistance and Rebellion with Leo Boix – Wednesday 19 May
What makes literature so necessary in times of flagrant human right violations, and how can poetry respond in their wake? In this workshop we will look at poets and writers who take as their subjects human rights abuses, injustices, and oppression, and at the form of testimonio as a means of defiance and rebellion.

Fiction as Testimony: Writing the Real with Billy Kahora – Thursday 20 May
Traditional conventions of fiction have always tended to pit the fictive imagination of the writer against the political and social realities of his/her place and time. This workshop will challenge writers to find ways of reconciling creative practice and lived experience.

Panel Events

Boundaries of Reality – Tuesday 18 May
Many modes of storytelling can be used to trace the story of a life. How do writers find the right shape for their story, and where does the boundary between truth and imagination lie? Novelist and journalist Selva Almada (Argentina), actor and filmmaker Ery Nzaramba (Rwanda), activist and documentary filmmaker Liliany Obando (Colombia) and poet and filmmaker Ngwatilo Mawiyoo (Kenya) discuss the many ways of writing a life.

Translation for this event is supported by UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Transformative Fictions – Wednesday 19 May
Can the act of writing fiction be a form of reconciliation? What does fiction allow to happen that other forms of writing do not? In this panel talk, Inés Garland (Argentina), Daniel Ferreira (Colombia), Scholastique Mukasonga (Rwanda) and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Kenya) discuss the possibilities of healing, renewal and transformation in fiction.

Translation for this event is supported by UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The Poet as Witness – Saturday 22 May
How can poetry serve as a record of collective and individual history? We might think of a poem as a room that holds memory, trauma, and healing within it. Poets Phyllis Muthoni (Kenya), Natacha Muziramakenga (Rwanda), Leo Boix (Argentina) and Mary Grueso Romero (Colombia) discuss the poetry of witness and testimony.

Translation for this event is supported by UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The Future of Human Rights Writing – Sunday 23 May
To close the programme, Billy Kahora will facilitate a roundtable discussion between Louise Umutoni-Bower, Founder and Director of Rwanda’s Huza Press, and Carolina Orloff, the Director of UK-based Charco Press. This event will look ahead to the future of writing and human rights, and explore the importance of continuing to publish these works.

Attendees are invited to submit their questions to the participants of each talk through TwitterFacebook and Instagram

This project is funded by British Council Literature’s Working Internationally grant programme. 

This project is supported by UKRI Arts and Humanities Research Council.

3.20 Student Mobility and the Transnational Campus (7 May)


School of Advanced Study • University of London

Student Mobility and the Transnational Campus


7 May 2021

11:00-12:30 BST

As we go forward, it may well be necessary to think about different ways in which we can encourage the maximum amount of student mobility – something that is at the heart of all modern languages degree programmes. One means of encouraging this is the in-country campus and how it can be brought into the operation of degree courses as a highly valuable resource.

Following on from the work of the UCML on the implications of the Turing scheme, the IMLR is hosting an event on student mobility and the transnational campus. The event brings together three speakers with extensive experience of how a transnational campus works and the advantages that it offers for enhanced student mobility.

Jeremy Carrette (Dean for Europe) will talk about the University of Kent’s Centres in Brussels and Paris.

Tim Gore (Chief Executive Officer, ULIP) will talk about the University of London Institute in Paris.

Rita Wilson (Deputy Dean and Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts) will talk about the Prato Centre of Monash University.

The presentations of the three speakers will be followed by a Q and A session

All are welcome to attend this free online event, starting at 11:00 am BST. You will need to register in advance to receive the online joining link:

3.21 Lecture series “Memory Politics and Minority Managements in Contemporary Europe”

Hannah Tzuberi and Schirin Amir-Moazami of Freie Universität Berlin have organized a lecture-series (“Memory Politics and Minority Managements in Contemporary Europe”) which may be of interest to some of you. More info and link for registration is here.

In case you register, the zoom-link will be sent to you before the lectures.

3.22 Warwick SMLC Summer Research Lecture: Moira Inghilleri on ‘The Punctum and the Politics of Migrant Narratives’

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Warwick is pleased to announce its biennial Research Lecture for Summer 2021:

Professor Moira Inghilleri (University of Massachusetts Amherst) will be speaking on ‘The Punctum and the Politics of Migrant Narratives’ 

The lecture will take place on Teams on Wednesday 19 May, 5pm. If you would like to attend, please register on this page – – by the end of Monday 17 May.

Professor Inghilleri’s lecture will consider art forms as modes of translation and instruments of communication that give voice to the experience of migration and displacement. It will examine three different media in which these phenomena are represented: prison writing, painting and photography. The featured works include the ground-breaking book No Friend But the Mountains, Behrouz Boochani’s account of long-term detention in Manus Island, one of Australia’s offshore island prisons, painter Jacob Lawrence’s The Migration Series which documented the migration of African Americans from the southern US to northern and western cities, and photographer Dorothea Lange’s Depression-era photographs of migrant farmworkers taken under the aegis of the US government’s Farm Security Association. Drawing on Barthes’ Camera Lucida (1981), Inghilleri argues that, despite their own challenges of denotation, these art forms avoid some of the problems of signification that arise when migrants’ stories are presented though truncated written or spoken narratives in the context of politicized and bureaucratized procedures.

Moira Inghilleri is Professor and Program Director of Comparative Literature and Director of Translation and Interpreting Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is the author of Translation and Migration (2017) and Interpreting Justice: Ethics, Politics and Language (2012). She was co-editor of The Translator from 2011-2014 and review editor from 2006-2011. She served as co-editor for the Routledge series New Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting Studies from 2013-2018 and guest-edited two issues of The Translator: Bourdieu and the Sociology of Translating and Interpreting (2005) and Translation and Violent Conflict (2010, with Sue-Ann Harding). She has published in numerous journals and edited volumes, most recently The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media (2021), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Globalization (2021), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (2020), The Palgrave Handbook of Languages and Conflict (2019), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture (2018) and The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics (2018). In 2017 she was appointed to the Fulbright Specialist Program in the field of translation and migration studies.

3.23 French Culture Wars RESCHEDULED // MAY 6 @ CU Maison Française

THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2:00-3:15 PM (New York) / 20:00-21:15h (Paris)

French Culture Wars? The Political and Intellectual Stakes of the Polemic on “Islamo-leftism”

Eric Fassin and Maboula Soumahoro in a conversation moderated by Emmanuelle Saada

More information

In recent months, French President Macron and members of his government as well as several groups of intellectuals and academics have sounded an alarm about the influence of supposed “Islamo-gauchisme” within French universities — a highly controversial term used to accuse left-leaning intellectuals of justifying Islamism and even terrorism. Most recently, the French Minister of Higher Education Frédérique Vidal said that “islamo-leftism” is a “gangrene” on French academia, and announced that she would task the National Center for Scientific Research with an investigation into “the totality of research underway in our country” to identify academic research that feeds “Islamo-leftist” ideas. The majority of French scholars and university presidents and research institutions denounced Vidal’s announced investigation and called for her resignation.

Join the Conversation and RSVP HERE

3.24 Stories of Home, the Road, and the Host Country: Women Narrating Migration in Morocco


11 June 2021

10.00am – 4.00pm BST

Online Symposium

Organiser: Keltouma Guerch (Mohamed I University, Oujda Morocco)

Judging by the late 20th and early 21st centuries movement realities, migration is no longer a choice nor is it an option among other options. It’s rather an economic, social, and political necessity. For millions of individuals and families around the world, migration is the ultimate survival decision and action. As a matter of fact, movement through unknown lands involves stories of home and the road.

Stories are our daily bread to communicate with others, express joys and sorrows, and survive trials and tribulations. Migrants’ stories help them share their experiences of the terrible journey and how they “survive” in the transit and/or destination countries. The geographic location of Morocco imposed a specific identity on the country as both a transit and destination land, hence, its notoriety as a place where migration plans and human trafficking are massively negotiated. Given the dramatic conditions in which movement from the southern to the northern coasts of the Mediterranean are carried out, migration tales are obviously not romantic ones. In this symposium participants share their scholarly work and research in the field of migration, particularly gendered migration, from different perspectives.



Panel One, 10.00 – 12.00 BST   (Chair: Keltouma Guerch)

Abdellah El Boubekri (Mohamed I University, Oujda Morocco); “Unconsummated belonging in Laila Lalami’s The Other Americans (2019) and Conditional Citizens (2020).”
Wissam Bitari (Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh Morocco); “The Intersection of Diaspora and Postmodern realities in Laila Lalami’s The Other Americans.
Tayeb Ghourdou (Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes Morocco); “Identity Construction between Home and Exile: A Comparative Analysis of Laila Lalami’s The Other Americans and Murja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf.”
Brahim Elaouni (Mohamed I University, Oujda Morocco); “Space and Women Consciousness in the Writings of Lalami the Novelist and Lalami the Essayist.”

Lunch Break: 12.00 – 14.00 BST

Panel Two, 14.00 – 16.00 BST   (Chair: Abdellah El Boubekri)

Mimoune Daoudi (Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes Morocco);  “Self-narration in Moroccan Women Diasporic Literature: Najat Elhachemi’s The Last Patriarch, as a case study.”
Zineb  Rabouj (Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fes Morocco); “Escaping to/from America: Roots and Routes in Anissa Bouziane’s Dune Song.”
Keltouma Guerch (Mohamed I University, Oujda Morocco); “Mothers and Daughters: Home, the Road, and the Host Country in the Narratives of Sub-Saharan Women Migrants Living in North-East Morocco.”
Fatima-Zohra Alaoui Mehrez (Mohamed I University, Oujda Morocco); “Narrating Sub-Saharan African Female Migrants’ Stories in Morocco.”

All are welcome to attend this free event at 10.00am BST on 11 June. You will need to register in advance to receive the online event joining link. To register go to:

This symposium is organised as part of the CCWW Seminar Series 2021/22: ‘Precarious Homes – Narratives and Practices of Home-Making in Turbulent Times’ which takes its cue from the CCWW Conference  “‘Where are you from?’ to ‘Where shall we go together?’ Re-imagining Home and Belonging in 21st-Century Women’s Writing“, hosted at the IMLR in September 2020. Dedicated to further exploration of literary and theoretical conceptualisations of home-making, the series considers women’s writing in context, using various formats –  reading groups, a symposium, and an author/translator conversation.

Programme of events (pdf)

3.25 Info on recently completed PhDs for FSB

For the next issue of French Studies Bulletin, Society for French Studies Postgraduate Officer Melissa Pawelski is collecting information on recently awarded doctorates in French Studies at institutions in the UK and Ireland. (and see information below)

Students who wish to have information on their doctoral award published in FSB, please use this template and send it back to her ( Wednesday, 5th May 2021.



Date of Award/Conferment of degree:

Thesis Title:

Short Abstract (around 100 words):

Link to longer e-thesis abstract (optional):


External Examiner(s):

Link to e-thesis website/other depository:

Confirmed publication plans (if any):

French Studies Bulletin: A Quarterly Supplement is the sister journal to French Studies and appears four times a year. It publishes short articles (no more than 2,000 words) in English or French on topics spanning all areas of the subject — language and linguistics (historical and contemporary); all aspects and periods of French/Francophone literature; French thought and the history of ideas; cultural studies; film; politics and critical theory – and on topical issues and debates.

The Bulletin also features reports of selected conferences, and publishes regularly updated information on the Society for French Studies, calls for papers and other notices of interest to researchers in French. A dedicated postgraduate bulletin board is among its newest developments. The Editor of French Studies Bulletin is pleased to receive notice of future conferences, including those organised for and by postgraduates, and to receive conference reports once the event has taken place.

3.26 New online exhibition: Ways of seeing the penal colony: New Caledonia and French Guiana / Façons de voir le bagne: la Guyane et la Nouvelle-Calédonie

A new virtual gallery (aka online viewing room) is now open, showcasing the digital collage series ‘Ways of seeing the penal colony: New Caledonia and French Guiana / Façons de voir le bagne: la Guyane et la Nouvelle-Calédonie’

Visit the exhibition:

The series of 15 digital collages explores overseas sites of the former French penal colonies – known collectively as the bagne – and uses digital photography and collage to offer new ‘ways of seeing’ these rich and varied places.

This work comes out of postdoctoral research carried out as part of ‘Postcards from the bagne: tourism in the shadow of France’s overseas penal history’ (@postcards_bagne), a research project led by Dr Sophie Fuggle (@fuggbug) and funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council.

We visited former sites of the bagne in Nouvelle Calédonie / New Caledonia (SW Pacific) and Guyane / French Guiana (NE South America). Some sites are well preserved or re-purposed as visitor centres and cultural heritage resources, such as at St Laurent du Maroni (Guyane) and Nouville (Nouvelle Calédonie), the respective ‘hubs’ of the penal colonies. Other sites are presented for touristic consumption through signage, providing some historical background to the remains that can be seen by visitors; while other sites are unmarked and not actively brought to visitors’ attention. Some buildings have been re-purposed and are in active use, while others exist as ruins; and some are parts of private property and not open to visiting.

Which places ‘count’ as sites of the penal colony is not a straightforward matter, either. Forced labour was imposed throughout the bagne in both Nouvelle Calédonie and Guyane, and took a variety of forms, including mining, road building, logging, building, agriculture and railway construction, meaning that the labour of bagnards has shaped the infrastructure and appearance of both places in ways that are not always easy to see.

The collages attempt to offer a new and original way of seeing the remains of the bagne, as they appeared in 2018, when Dr Claire Reddleman carried out documentary photography at many sites. She has also been interested in moving away from repeating clichéd depictions of dramatic ruins – while some remains are very striking and can be beautiful and moving, she has tried to offer a way of seeing and imagining the bagne that makes room for the mundane as well as the dramatic, infrastructure as well as prison. She collected plants from many sites, as well as remnants of fabrics, pieces of litter and samples of soil – signs of lives lived in the present. I have also gathered archival maps, as well as contemporary digital maps and maps for tourists, collected postcards, and made cyanotypes – a form of cameraless photography.

Some of the collages have been previously shown as part of a webinar hosted by DC Moore Gallery, New York; the series as a whole is shown here for the first time.

Find out more at

Visit the exhibition:

3.27 White Freedom: the Racial History of an Idea RESCHEDULED // MAY 10 @ CU Maison Française

White Freedom: the Racial History of an Idea
Tyler Stovall, with Brent Edwards, Robert Gooding-Williams, and Madeleine Dobie

RESCHEDULED Monday, May 10, 6:30 PM-7:30 PM (New York)

To RSVP for this webinar, click here.

The era of the Enlightenment, which gave rise to our modern conceptions of freedom and democracy, was also the height of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. America, a nation founded on the principle of liberty, is also a nation built on African slavery, Native American genocide, and systematic racial discrimination. White Freedom (Princeton University Press, 2020) traces the complex relationship between freedom and race from the eighteenth century to today, revealing how being free has meant being white.

Tyler Stovall explores the intertwined histories of racism and freedom in France and the United States, the two leading nations that have claimed liberty as the heart of their national identities. He explores how French and American thinkers defined freedom in racial terms and conceived of liberty as an aspect and privilege of whiteness. He discusses how the Statue of Liberty—a gift from France to the United States and perhaps the most famous symbol of freedom on Earth—promised both freedom and whiteness to European immigrants. Taking readers from the Age of Revolution to today, Stovall challenges the notion that racism is somehow a paradox or contradiction within the democratic tradition, demonstrating how white identity is intrinsic to Western ideas about liberty. Throughout the history of modern Western liberal democracy, freedom has long been white freedom.

Tyler Stovall is the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at Fordham University. He is a historian whose work primarily focuses on the history of modern and twentieth century France. His previous books include Black France, Paris Noir: African Americans in the City of Light, and Transnational France: The Modern History of a Universal Nation.
Brent Edwards is Peng Family Professor of Comparative Literature at Columbia.
Robert Gooding-Williams is Professor of African-American Studies and Philosophy at Columbia.
Madeleine Dobie is Professor and Chair of the Department of French at Columbia.

3.28 CSA Journal: A Call for Collaborators

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) invites you to become part of this exciting and historical project to launch a peer-reviewed scholarly journal for our association in its 45th anniversary. We have been working diligently in setting up the processes and the infrastructure to support the work of our multilingual Editorial Team (Papiamento, Dutch, French, Spanish, and English). We now would like to tap into our global community of scholars to support the Editorial Team in any of the following roles that need immediate attention:

*   PEER REVIEWERS (for the five languages)
*   COPY EDITORS (mostly for the English language)
*   DESK EDITORS (for the English language)
*   BOOK REVIEW EDITORS (for the English language)
*   ARTS REVIEW EDITORS (for the English language)
*   TRANSLATORS (for the five languages)
*   MENTORS (for the five languages)

Those scholars with immediate availability and those pursuing more information may reach us at the following email:<>

For details visit:

3.29 R. Gapper book prize

The Society for French Studies are now accepting submissions for the R. Gapper book prize (for books published in 2020).

Each year, the Society awards the prestigious R. Gapper book prize for a book in the field of French studies, published for the first time in the previous calendar year, by a scholar based in an institution of higher education in the United Kingdom or Ireland. The award commends books of critical and scholarly distinction which have a clear impact on the wider critical debate. It includes a cash prize of £2000, and expenses-paid travel to the next annual conference of the Society for French Studies. In addition, the award is publicized in French Studies, in the French Studies Bulletin, and on the Society’s website.

The award is usually made in February of each year and is presented to the winner at the annual conference of the Society for French Studies. The winner is selected by the Gapper Book Prize Jury, appointed by the SFS Executive and chaired by one of their number. Their decision is then proposed to the SFS Executive and to the R. H. Gapper Charitable Trust, who jointly award the prize. The criteria for award of the prize are, broadly, the book’s critical and scholarly distinction and its likely impact on wider critical debate. In assessing these, the following qualities will be taken into account:

  • Scope and range
  • Intellectual ambition
  • Originality
  • Coherence and persuasiveness
  • Depth of scholarship
  • Eloquence

4. New Publications

4.1 Reda Sadiki, Médecine et colonialisme au Maroc sous protectorat français (Casablanca: En Toutes Lettres, 2021)

L’auteur déconstruit l’idée que la médecine moderne aurait été introduite au Maroc par le colonisateur français et serait une conséquence positive de la colonisation.

Il démontre, dans un travail abondamment documenté, que la médecine a en fait été un des instruments de la politique coloniale et qu’il y a eu non pas un apport à sens unique mais un ensemble d’interactions et d’échanges qui ont nourri la médecine mondiale.

Reda Sadiki est médecin et lauréat du prix Grand Atlas pour son roman Le cahier de Zahir (Le Fennec, 2015).

Médecine et colonialisme au Maroc sous protectorat français est le 3e titre de la collection Les Questions qui fâchent, après Islam et femmes, les questions qui fâchent d’Asma Lamrabet (2017, prix Grand Atlas 2017, 2e édition janvier 2021) et Maroc, la guerre des langues ? (collectif, 2018). Cette collection aborde des sujets qui façonnent en profondeur notre monde en déconstruisant les représentations et en proposant des lectures plus apaisées.,liens%20entre%20m%C3%A9decine%20et%20colonialisme.

4.2 Hocine Tandjaoui, Ainsi que tous les hommes (Naples/Tunis/Skopje) (Paris: 108 Edition, 2020)

Bernardo, archéologue napolitain, se sent appartenir à trois villes, Naples, Tunis et Skopje : la première parce que c’est là qu’il s’est épanoui et que c’est son port d’attache, la seconde est son lieu de naissance et de découverte de la lumière méditerranéenne, la troisième, il la porte comme une plaie vive et un remord.

Suspendant son travail de conservateur au Musée archéologique de Naples, il arrive à Tunis, quelques jours après l’attentat terroriste contre le Musée du Bardo. Il est napolitain et tunisois, issu d’une famille italienne ayant pris racine dans ce pays depuis près deux siècles, mais qui s’est vue dans l’obligation d’en partir après l’indépendance. Parallèlement à sa préoccupation quant au devenir du Musée et ses trésors, il est en mission pour retrouver les traces de son grand-père, Tomasso Palagio, dont la famille n’a plus de nouvelles ; grand-père à la trajectoire singulière faisant partie de la minorité d’italiens de Tunisie favorables à l’indépendance, et ayant fait le choix de ne pas quitter leur pays natal.

Ses rencontres le conduisent à s’interroger sur les motivations des terroristes prenant d’assaut le Bardo, leur volonté de détruire les témoignages du passé mis en valeur par les musées, leur volonté d’iconoclastie. Mais il s’interroge aussi sur les classifications de ce patrimoine opérées par les archéologues et muséographes tunisiens : par quel processus complexe la part romaine, ses innombrables sites et son inestimable héritage en mosaïques, se trouve reléguée en dernière position, alors que la carthaginoise, et surtout arabo-andalouse sont survalorisées ? Derrière les justifications techniques, il identifie des lectures idéologiques selon lesquelles le legs carthaginois aurait une plus grande valeur parce que Carthage fut vaincu par Rome, l’arabo-andalou comme marque d’appartenance au monde arabo-musulman, et le romain comme reliquat d’une domination impériale. Autant de relectures de l’histoire, d’interprétations des vestiges, fortement manipulées au gré des projets politiques des gouvernants.

La recherche du grand-père fait resurgir l’histoire des Palagio de Tunisie, reconstituée au fur et à mesure de cette quête des traces, depuis le départ du fondateur de la lignée fuyant la famine sicilienne, l’intégration de ces paysans dans la société coloniale où ils endurent les rivalités franco-italiennes, la domination pétainiste, puis allemande, comme autant de soubresauts, jusqu’aux épisodes de la décolonisation et ses déchirements.

Mais Bernardo, personnage principal, se fait aussi narrateur, car il porte en lui, dans ses carnets et sur un disque dur, l’histoire d’un groupe de migrants pakistanais assassinés à Skopje par un ministre ayant tenté de les faire passer pour un groupe de terroristes. Les biographies des sept suppliciés ne le quittent pas, comme des fantômes hantant ses nuits. Il se rendra en Macédoine pour compléter son enquête. Il y est témoin du projet porté par les nationalistes de ce pays, portant nom d’antiquisation, soit la transformation d’une ville moderne en vitrine de constructions classiques et de statuaires grandiloquentes, architectures et arts transformés en instruments belliqueux. Skopje est bien sa blessure portée.

Après des mois de recherches infructueuses, il réalise que ces deux histoires, apparemment disjointes, n’ayant ni les mêmes personnages ni le même lieu, sont en résonance l’une à l’autre, que sans la mémoire de ce groupe de sacrifiés, il n’aurait sans doute jamais pu aller jusqu’à accepter la disparation de Tomasso. Les disparus de Skopje et de Tunis sont liés par son obsession propre pour la recherche d’une forme de vérité et d’être au monde.

Hocine Tandjaoui, écrivain vivant à Paris, a publié : Les Jours lents (Éditions Léo Scheer, 2003), La Bande noire dans l’ombre (108 Édition, 2016), Clameur (108 Édition, 2017).

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4.3 Michael Harrigan, Life and Death on the Plantations: Selected Jesuit Letters from the Caribbean (Cambridge: MHRA, 2021)

From the first half of the seventeenth century, missionaries of the Society of Jesus ministered to the free and enslaved populations of the French Caribbean colonies. Amongst their number were Jean Mongin (1637–1698) and Claude Breban (1695–1735), whose letters vividly depict the experience of the evolving colonial world. Writing from Martinique, and Saint Kitts (Saint-Christophe), Mongin describes his attempts to convert Protestants, his ministry to the populations of slaves and their mistreatment by colonists, as well as concerns with unorthodox spiritualities. Breban depicts the rhythms of life in the burgeoning slave colony of Saint-Domingue, with the distinctive cultural and linguistic practices – and cruelty – of its plantation environment. Mongin and Breban’s letters reflect debates about the transatlantic slave trade, and the nature of human difference, and testify to the cultural and social environment of early Creole societies. The letters in this volume are an unrivalled source of information about the lives of enslaved people in the early modern French Caribbean. Transcriptions of manuscripts in French are accompanied by facing-page translations into English and notes.

Michael Harrigan’s publications include Frontiers of Servitude: Slavery in Narratives of the Early French Atlantic (Manchester, 2018).

Contents listing:

4.4 Hanétha Vété-Congolo, Nous sommes Martiniquaises : Pawòl en bouches de femmes châtaignes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2020)

Hanétha Vété-Congolo fournit une étude critique dense en analyse du discours et en Études sur le genre et les femmes, notamment, de Martinique. Elle utilise comme matières, le vécu des femmes et les paroles quotidiennes et ancestrales desquelles se dégagent une épistémologie permettant de saisir une partie des pensées critiques sur le genre en Martinique. Hanétha Vété-Congolo continue donc son travail de théorisation des faits caribéens et sur la pensée existentialiste noire par le biais de l’oralité tel que ce travail se rapporte à ce qu’elle propose comme Pawòl et Femmisme.

Elle soumet la parole de Mayotte Capécia dans Je suis Martiniquaise à une analyse critique s’écartant des perspectives jusque-là avancées sur cette œuvre de 1948. Elle offre une analyse inédite de la pensée de Suzanne Césaire concernant la notion d’homme plante. Elle resitue la perspective de Frantz Fanon et l’importance de la parole de Jenny Alpha dans le discours sur le genre et la martiniquanité féminine. Face aux paroles ancestrales en créole comme « fanm sé chatenn » — la femme est une châtaigne — elle appose la parole contemporaine directe de femmes par des témoignages qui exposent leur réalité.

Nous sommes Martiniquaises : Pawòl en bouches de femmes châtaignes est, entre autres, une proposition en théorie critique et en pensée existentialiste noire sur la question des femmes en Martinique, mais aussi en études culturelles, littérature et oralité caribéennes et martiniquaises.

Hanétha Vété-Congolo est le Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures à Bowdoin College. Affiliée aux programmes d’études Africana, Amérique Latine, Caraïbe et Latinx et Genre, sexualité et femmes, elle est cheffe du Département de langues et de Littératures romanes de son université. Elle est aussi Présidente de l’Association Caribéenne de Philosophie et professeure affiliée au Groupe de Recherche et d’Études sur les Noirs d’Amérique Latine(Langues et identités) de l’Université de Perpignan Via Domitia en France. Sa recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre de la philosophie et de la pensée critique africaine et caribéenne, des littératures et cultures africaines et caribéennes, de l’oralité africaine et caribéenne et des études sur le genre et le sujet femme en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre et dans la Caraïbe. Parmi ses publications se trouvent : Nous sommes Martiniquaises. Pawòl en bouches de femmes châtaignes : Une pensée existentialise noire sur la question des femmes (2020), L’interoralité caribéenne: le mot conté de l’identité. Connaissances et Savoirs (2011/2016), The Caribbean Oral Tradition: Literature, Performance, and Practice (2016), Léon Gontran Damas: une Négritude entière (2015) et Le conte d’hier, aujourd’hui : Oralité et modernité (2014).

Hanétha Vété-Congolo a aussi publié deux recueils de poésie, Avoir et Etre : Ce que j’Ai, ce que je Suis (Le Chasseur Abstrait, 2009) et Mon parler de Guinée (L’Harmattan, 2015). Womb of a Woman, Son recueil de poésie inédit en anglais a fait partie des œuvres finalistes au 2015 Small Axe Literary Competition.

4.5 Charlotte Legg, The New White Race: Settler Colonialism and the Press in French Algeria, 1860-1914 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming in June 2021)

The New White Race traces the development of the press in Algeria between 1860 and 1914, examining the particular role of journalists in shaping the power dynamics of settler colonialism. Constrained in different ways by the limitations imposed on free expression in a colonial context, diverse groups of European settlers, Algerian Muslims, and Algerian Jews nevertheless turned to the press to articulate their hopes and fears for the future of the land they inhabited and to imagine forms of community which would continue to influence political debates until the Algerian War. The frontiers of these imagined communities did not necessarily correlate with those of the nation—either French or Algerian—but framed processes of identification that were at once local, national, and transnational.

The New White Race explores these processes of cultural and political identification, highlighting the production practices, professional networks, and strategic-linguistic choices mobilized by journalists as they sought to influence the sentiments of their readers and the decisions of the French state. Announcing the creation of a “new white race” among the mixed European population of Algeria, settler journalists hoped to increase the autonomy of the settler colony without forgoing the protections afforded by their French rulers. Their ambivalent expressions of “French” belonging, however, reflected tensions among the colonizers; these tensions were ably exploited by those who sought to transform or contest French imperial rule.

4.6 Jan J. Dominique, Wandering Memory. English translation by Emma Donovan (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2021)

The daughter of Haitian journalist and pro-democracy activist Jean Léopold Dominique, who was assassinated in 2000, Jan J. Dominique offers a memoir that provides a uniquely personal perspective on the tumultuous end of the twentieth century in Haiti. Wandering Memory is her elegy for a father and an ode to a beloved, suffering homeland. The book charts the biographical, emotional, and literary journey of a woman moving from one place to another, attempting to return to her craft and put together the pieces of her life in the aftermath of family tragedy. Dominique writes eloquently about love, loss, and traumas both horrifically specific and tragically universal. For readers familiar with Jean Dominique and his life’s work at Radio Haïti, the book offers an intimate perspective on a tale of mythic proportions. For the reading public at large, it offers an approachable and resonant introduction to contemporary Haitian literature, history, and identity.

4.7 Cécile Accilien and Valérie K. Orlando (eds.), Teaching Haiti: Strategies for Creating New Narratives (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, forthcoming in August 2021)

“Critical, informative, and forward-looking. An important and compelling volume that adds to the scholarship on Haiti while also providing valuable tools to responsibly engage Haiti in the classroom through sound pedagogical interventions.”—Claudine Michel, coeditor of Haitian Vodou: Spirit, Myth, and Reality

This volume is the first to focus on teaching about Haiti’s complex history and culture from a multidisciplinary perspective. Making broad connections between Haiti and the rest of the Caribbean, contributors provide pedagogical guidance on how to approach the country from different lenses in course curricula. They offer practical suggestions, theories on a wide variety of texts, examples of syllabi, and classroom experiences.

Teaching Haiti dispels stereotypes associating Haiti with disaster, poverty, and negative ideas of Vodou, going beyond the simplistic neocolonial, imperialist, and racist descriptions often found in literary and historical accounts. Instructors in diverse subject areas discuss ways of reshaping old narratives through women’s and gender studies, poetry, theater, art, religion, language, politics, history, and popular culture, and they advocate for including Haiti in American and Latin American studies courses.

Portraying Haiti not as “the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere” but as a nation with a multifaceted culture that plays an important part on the world’s stage, this volume offers valuable lessons about Haiti’s past and present related to immigration, migration, locality, and globality. The essays remind us that these themes are increasingly relevant in an era in which teachers are often called to address neoliberalist views and practices and isolationist politics.
Cécile Accilien, professor and chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department at Kennesaw State University, is the author of Rethinking Marriage in Francophone African and Caribbean LiteraturesValérie K. Orlando, professor of French and Francophone literatures at the University of Maryland, College Park, is the author of The Algerian New Novel: The Poetics of a Modern Nation, 1950–1979 and New African Cinema.
Contributors: Cécile Accilien | Jessica Adams | Alessandra Benedicty-Kokken | Anne M. François | Régine Michelle Jean-Charles | Elizabeth Langley | Valérie K. Orlando | Agnès Peysson-Zeiss | John D. Ribó | Joubert Satyre | Darren Staloff | Bonnie Thomas | Don E. Walicek | Sophie Watt

4.8 Simona Jişa, Sergiu Mişcoiu & Modibo Diarra (eds), Raconter les politiques conflictuelles en Afrique (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2021)

L’Afrique (et ses conflits) se raconte en mille et une formes. Certains la disent à haute voix, certains par écrit. Certains avec l’exigence et l’objectivité de l’historien, du sociologue et du journaliste. D’autres avec la subjectivité du romancier, du dramaturge, du dessinateur ou de quelque autre forme artistique. Le présent volume réunit des textes multiformes pour dire, raconter, peindre et dessiner le destin d’une Afrique mutilée, souillée et déchirée par les conflits politiques depuis son accession à la souveraineté nationale. L’Afrique se raconte en rythme de tambours, en modulations de muezzin, en cris de guerre, en rires et en pleurs. Tout cela tissé en discours politiques, sociaux ou littéraires. Au regard de la production romanesque et dramatique africaine, depuis ses origines jusqu’à nos jours, la littérature africaine de ces catégories n’a jamais cessé d’être la voix des sans voix. L’Afrique continue de dire son histoire passée et présente.

Simona Ji?a est maître de conférences à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université Babes-Bolyai de Cluj-Napoca, en Roumanie. Elle s’intéresse à la littérature française et francophone des XXe et XXIe siècles.

Sergiu Miscoiu est professeur des universités en sciences politiques à la Faculté d’études européennes de l’Université Babes-Bolyai et directeur du Centre de coopérations internationales et du Centre d’études africaines de cette université. Il est aussi professeur associé et directeur de thèses à l’Université Paris-Est.

Modibo Diarra est maître-assistant à l’Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines de Bamako (ULSHB) au Mali et spécialiste de l’étude du roman africain francophone.

4.9 Itay Lotem, The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France: the Sins of Silence (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

This book explores national attitudes to remembering colonialism in Britain and France. By comparing these two former colonial powers, the author tells two distinct stories about coming to terms with the legacies of colonialism, the role of silence and the breaking thereof. Examining memory through the stories of people who incited public conversation on colonialism: activists; politicians; journalists; and professional historians, this book argues that these actors mobilised the colonial past to make sense of national identity, race and belonging in the present. In focusing on memory as an ongoing, politicised public debate, the book examines the afterlife of colonial history as an element of political and social discourse that depends on actors’ goals and priorities. A thought-provoking and powerful read that explores the divisive legacies of colonialism through oral history, this book will appeal to those researching imperialism, collective memory and cultural identity.

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