announcements, calls for papers, job opportunities, monthly mailing, new titles, news, SFPS Mailing, SFPS monthly mailing

SFPS Mailing: March 2023

31st March 2023
  1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 CFP/Appel – Sites of Coercion/Lieux de coercition – Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34

1.2 Call for Papers. Women and Islam: Agency in Francophone and Italophone Autobiography (abstract deadline 15 May)

1.3 Call for contributions: Cultural Policies and Diplomacy (North Africa, Middle East, 19th-21st centuries). Actors and Societies

1.4 Call for Papers: Surroundings/Environs, SFS Postgraduate Conference 2023

1.5 Call for submissions to IJFrS.

1.6 CFP: Écrire Sur Les Subjectivités Féministes Africaines : Un Numéro Spécial De Formation Féministes

1.7 CfP: Women in French Sessions at SAMLA 2023.

1.8 CFP – Refugee Voices in Contemporary Literature. For Special Focus Section, Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature (1 June 2023) (Jan. 2025)

1.9 CFP: Récits et conflits. Narrations sur la guerre et les conflits dans les littératures contemporaines

1.10 Call for Posters on Postgraduate Projects: Society for French Studies 64th Annual Conference (Newcastle University, 26-28 June 2023)

1.11 Extended deadline: CFA- Mise au Point – Minority languages in film and series – Deadline for Abstracts: April 1st

1.12 CFP: Special Postgraduate Number of Nottingham French Studies.

1.13 CfP Research Workshop ‘Changing Resilience: Alternative Vocabularies’

1.14 CFPs: Works-in-Progress Symposium for Research Students in French and Francophone Studies Jointly Organised by DRAFT and the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS)

1.15 CFP ASFS2023 Sydney 6-8 December

1.16 *Nouvelles dates* CFP: Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones – Université McGill

  1. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 University of Aberdeen – New King’s PhD scholarships.

2.2 Lecturer position in French and English, University of Illinois Chicago.

2.3 Lecturer in Translation Studies and Modern Languages, University of Sheffield.

2.4 Lecturer in Modern Languages, Media and Culture, University of Sheffield.

2.5 Lecturer in French, University of Essex.

2.6 4 Postdoctoral Fellowships, Theatre and Gentrification in the European City.

2.7 Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies (M-level), University of Liverpool

2.8 PhD Studentship: Doctoral Scholarship in Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick

2.9 University of Exeter PhD Scholarship for Black British Researchers in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

2.10 Director of Language Centre, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China.

2.11 Assistant professor Food, Health inequalities and Climate Change, Utrecht University.

2.12 Lecturer in French, University of Bath.

2.13 2-Year Powys Roberts Postdoctoral Fellowship in French or Italian, University of Oxford

2.14 MA Studentships at the University of Nottingham (UK)

2.15 Call for Expressions of Interest: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships, based at ILCS.

2.16 Advertisement for French Lecturer or Teaching Assistant Professor of French.

2.17 Funded PhD Opportunities in The role of heritages, legacies and mobilities in understanding socio-economic transitions in space and time, University of Stirling.

2.18 Job Posting: Acting Assistant Professor of French at the University of Washington.

  1. Announcements.

3.1 Call for applications: ILCS Conference Grant Scheme (deadline 14 April)

3.2 Maryse Conde lecture 19th APRIL, Harvard Univ, LIVESTREAM.

3.3 EOI – General Editor of French Studies Bulletin.

3.4 SFS Annual Conference 2023: registration now live!

3.5 Call for Submissions for The 12th Annual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award: July 1, 2023 deadline

3.6 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund 2023.

3.7 ASMCF Initiative Fund.

3.8 ASMCF-SSFH Schools’ Liaison and Outreach Fund for French and French History.

3.6 Society for Caribbean Studies 8th Postgraduate Conference: registration.

3.7 AUPHF+ Funding for Undergraduate Projects – extended deadline.

3.8 French Presse: meet the editors April 2 6 pm!

3.9 Call for expressions of interest: French Studies Editorial Board.

3.10 Launch of the Modern & Contemporary France podcast

3.11 AUPHF+ Conference and Research Fund.

3.12 Haiti: Politics, society and development

3.13 Reminder: creative writing contest in French.

  1. New Publications.

4.1 Mani Sharpe, Late-colonial French Cinema: Filming the Algerian War of Independence (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023)

4.2 Darcie Fontaine, Modern France and the World (London: Routledge, 2023)

4.3 David A. Pettersen, French B Movies: Suburban Spaces, Universalism, and the Challenge of Hollywood (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2023)

4.4 Ali Kassem, Islamophobia and Lebanon: Visibly Muslim Women and Global Coloniality (London: Bloomsbury, 2023)

4.5 Joseph Peterson, Sacred Rivals: Catholic Missions and the Making of Islam in Nineteenth-Century France and Algeria (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)

4.6 Modern and Contemporary France, 31 (1): Special issue reflecting on the sixtieth anniversary of the end of the Algerian War

4.7 Béchir Khraïef, Barg Ellil, trans. (Arabic-French) by Samia Kassab-Charfi (Tunis: Sud Éditions, 2023)

1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 CFP/Appel – Sites of Coercion/Lieux de coercition – Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34.

La version française suit.  

Call for Papers

“Sites of Coercion: Plantation, Colony, Metropole”

Simone de Beauvoir Studies Vol. 34, no. 2

Guest Editor: Janine Jones

New deadline: March 15, 2023

Simone de Beauvoir asserted that “woman is dethroned with the advent of private property.” Virginie Despentes maintains that “rape, …the skeleton of capitalism, …is the raw and direct exercise of power.” Sherene Razack argues that “the regulation of female bodies in prostitution is as central to white supremacy and capitalism as it is to patriarchy,” thereby reminding us that capitalism and private property alone are insufficient for theorizing gender oppression and subjugation across race, class, sexual orientation, and ability. Seventy years after Beauvoir’s assertion, Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers’ work challenges the idea of a capitalism from which would have emerged easy binaries: “Historians have acknowledged that some southern women owned slaves … [but] have neglected these women because their behaviors toward, and relationships with, their slaves do not conform to prevailing ideas about white women and slave mastery.”

Across geo-political space and time, conditions for the possibility for rape, sexual assault, sex work, poverty tourism, and other forms of capture and captivity have been constructed through racialized capitalism, white supremacy, genocide and land dispossession of Indigenous peoples, and black enslavement. These space-time locations and their interdependencies constitute sites of coercion. Studying multiple sites of coercion together promises to reveal new approaches to coercion, consent, and conquest. Authors are encouraged to reveal and interpret these sites from a variety of perspectives, including Afro-pessimism, feminism, existentialism, queer theory, disability studies, working-class studies, and others.

For this special issue (34.2, October 2023), SdBS seeks completed articles of 7000-8000 words in English or French that work with and through this theme. Authors need not treat Beauvoir directly as long as submissions focus on “sites of coercion.” Submissions that draw on diverse fields and cross disciplinary boundaries are especially encouraged. Completed papers that follow the SdBS “Instructions for Authors” should be submitted online at Articles that are not selected for this special issue may be considered for other issues of SdBS. If you have questions about the theme or would like to discuss ideas for papers, please contact Janine Jones at

Appel à contribution

Dossier spécial « Lieux de coercition : La plantation, la colonie, la métropole »

Simone de Beauvoir Studies, Vol. 34, no 2

Rédactrice invitée : Janine Jones

Nouvelle date limite : 15 mars 2023

Simone de Beauvoir affirme que la femme a été « détrônée par l’avènement de la propriété privée ». Virginie Despentes déclare que « le viol […], squelette du capitalisme, […] est la représentation crue et directe de l’exercice du pouvoir ». Sherene Razack soutient que « la régulation des corps féminins dans la prostitution est aussi centrale à la suprématie blanche et au capitalisme qu’elle ne l’est au patriarcat », nous rappelant ainsi que le capitalisme et la propriété privée ne suffisent pas, à eux seuls, pour théoriser l’oppression de genre et l’asservissement selon des critères de race, de classe, d’orientation sexuelle et de capacité. Soixante-dix ans après l’affirmation de Beauvoir, l’ouvrage de Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers remet en question l’idée d’un capitalisme d’où auraient émergé des binarités simplistes : « Les historiens ont reconnu que certaines femmes du Sud possédaient des esclaves […], [mais] ont négligé ces femmes parce que leurs comportements envers leurs esclaves et leurs relations avec eux ne se conformaient pas aux idées dominantes sur les femmes blanches et la maîtrise des esclaves. »

Au travers des époques et des espaces géopolitiques, les conditions de possibilité du viol, de l’agressions sexuelle, du travail sexuel, du tourisme de la pauvreté et d’autres formes de rapt et de captivité ont été permises par le capitalisme racialisé, la suprématie blanche, les génocides et la dépossession des terres des peuples autochtones ainsi que par l’esclavage des Noir.e.s. Ces configurations spatio-temporelles et leurs rapports d’interdépendance constituent des lieux de coercition. L’étude collective d’une multitude de lieux de coercition promet de révéler de nouvelles approches de la coercition, du consentement et de la conquête. Les auteur.rice.s sont invité.e.s à interpréter ces lieux de coercition d’après diverses perspectives, incluant l’afro-pessimisme, le féminisme, l’existentialisme, les théories queer, les études sur le handicap, les études sur la classe ouvrière, etc.

Pour ce numéro spécial (34.2, octobre 2023), SdBS est à la recherche d’articles complets de 7000 à 8000 mots en français ou en anglais réfléchissant aux lieux de coercition. Il n’est pas nécessaire pour ce faire d’aborder directement l’œuvre beauvoirienne ; toute démarche intellectuelle, peu importe son approche critique ou théorique, y compris les démarches interculturelles et/ou interdisciplinaires, est bienvenue. Les articles complets mis en forme suivant les « Consignes aux auteur.trice.s » de SdBS doivent être soumis en ligne : Les articles qui ne seront pas retenus pour ce dossier spécial pourront être considérés pour d’autres numéros de la revue. Pour toute question au sujet du thème ou pour discuter d’idées en vue d’un article, contacter Janine Jones :

1.2 Call for Papers. Women and Islam: Agency in Francophone and Italophone Autobiography (abstract deadline 15 May)

Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing


School of Advanced Study • University of London

Call for Papers. Women and Islam: Agency in Francophone and Italophone Autobiography

As Sam Husseini has noted, ‘there is a good deal of confusion as to who Muslims are’ (1995). He also speaks of anti-Muslim sentiment as being framed by ‘sanctioned bigotry’ (ibid.), a situation which intensified in the post-9/11 period. Muslim women specifically have been weighed down by the added burden of being seen as ‘the repositories of religious beliefs and keepers of purity and integrity in the community’ (Amrita Basu 1997: 3) — as such, framed by both their religion and gender.

In the past few decades, different voices have emerged across Europe that challenge the colonising gaze that has been used to scrutinise Muslim women. Through autobiographical writings, these voices contribute to the debate on Muslim women’s identity and agency in contemporary Europe and invite us to rethink traditional analyses (including feminist ones) that position the ‘non-Western’ as backwards and restrictive. Drawing on the work of Leila Ahmed (1992), these texts show us that resistance also takes place within tradition, and, in so doing, contribute to a new paradigm for Muslim women that challenges and problematises (mainly, Western) generalisations about the conservatism of Islam and the submissiveness and invisibility of Muslim women in the private and public sphere. 

The aim of this conference is to examine how these texts negotiate the misconceptions and prejudices affecting the lives of Muslim women in Europe with a specific focus on Italy and France. The inevitable specificities of their postcolonial history notwithstanding, what these two countries have in common is a  postcolonial legacy marked by a complex entanglement between multiculturalism, integration and citizenship. We invite submissions of papers addressing autobiographical texts written by Muslim women in Italy and France. Possible themes to be discussed can include, but are not limited to, the following: 

●             Stereotypes of Islam and gender-based violence and harassment;
●             Misunderstandings about Muslim women and their role within the public sphere;
●             Muslim women, identity and agency;
●             The dichotomy of private and public space;
●             Autobiography, intermediality and agency.

This one-day event will feature a dialogue with author Shirin Ramzanali Fazel (Lontano da Mogadiscio, 2017) on her personal and literary experience regarding the themes discussed during the conference.

Please send a 500-word abstract and a short bio to the conference organisers: Dr. Maria Morelli ( and Dr. Oliver Brett ( by 15 May 2023.

1.3 Call for contributions: Cultural Policies and Diplomacy (North Africa, Middle East, 19th-21st centuries). Actors and Societies.

This volume, to appear in the series “Enquêtes et documents” (Presses universitaires de Rennes), will focus on the history of cultural policies and diplomacy directed at populations living in North Africa and the Middle East. Our aim is to highlight the substance of such interventions, starting with the men and women who conceived of and implemented them, and by paying particular attention to how these practices played out on the ground. In this way, we hope to advance our thinking about the types of interventions that favored intercultural interaction and exchange. For a very long time, in both colonial and non-colonial contexts, and well before the rise of debates on multiculturalism, cultural policies have had to reckon with the presence of populations from the North living in countries of the South and vice versa, even when these policies were not intended for immigrant minorities.  

This volume intends to foster greater knowledge of the people behind these cultural policies (diplomats, cultural advisors, clerics, organizers of cultural events, artists, etc.), by paying particular attention to interactions between them and their intended recipients, and by probing their larger social and cultural impacts.  We hope to enrich our collective thinking about how such policies, and their effects, may persist over time with particular attention to the era of European imperialisms and decolonization. Analyses of current events or more circumscribed political crises may also be included.

The cultural policies examined may be situated on a local, national, or international scale. Proposals may also consider the involvement of European or extra-European actors located outside North Africa and the Middle East.  Cultural institutions with an international scope (Unesco, Alecso, Isesco, Institut du monde arabe, museums) may also be included, with the caveat that institutional approaches that do not critically examine the modes of discourse and frameworks of thought of the actors involved are to be avoided. Although we do not intend to study the history of cultural diplomacy solely from the perspective of international relations, approaches that assess the social and cultural impacts of policy with an emphasis on how these cultural policies or events were appropriated within the target societies themselves, may be of interest.

Proposals may relate to public institutions (technical cooperation programs; cultural services, cultural centers and other institutions) or private institutions (non-governmental organizations, associations, foundations, private entrepreneurs, religious organizations). They may also be focused on specific events, such as festivals or the designation of cities as cultural capitals. No realm of cultural action is excluded. Contributions might pertain to educational policy, language policy and scientific cooperation, as well as sports, cultural heritage, literature and the arts (publishing, film, music, visual arts, etc.).

Proposals, in English or in French, should be sent to or before 31 March 2023 (a reply can be expected by mid-April)

Proposals of no more than 500 words (without bibliography) should be accompanied by a short bio-bibliography (100 words maximum) and 5 keywords.  The final manuscripts (30,000 to 40,000 characters, including spaces) must be sent before 30 September 2023 for review. They will be evaluated by the scientific council. The volume will be published in 2024.


Organizing committee

Luc Chantre, Rennes 2 University; Alain Messaoudi, Nantes University; Kahina Mazari, EHESS


Scientific Council

Kmar Bendana (La Manouba University); Abaher al-Sakka (Bir Zeit University); Clémentine Gutron (CNRS); Janet Horne (University of Virginia); Fabrice Jesné (Nantes University); Stanislas Jeannesson (Nantes University); Tristan Leperlier (CNRS); Amar Mohand-Amer (CRASC, Oran); Céline Pauthier (Nantes University); Eric Schnakenbourg (Nantes University)

Politiques et diplomaties culturelles (Nord de l’Afrique, Moyen Orient, XIXe-XXIe siècles). Acteurs et sociétés

Ce volume de la collection « Enquêtes et documents » (Presses universitaires de Rennes) porte sur l’histoire des actions, des politiques et des diplomaties culturelles dans le nord de l’Afrique et au Moyen Orient et en direction des populations qui y vivent. Nous avons la volonté de mettre en évidence la matérialité de ces actions, en partant des hommes et des femmes qui les conçoivent et les mettent en oeuvre, et d’apporter une attention particulière à leurs pratiques au contact direct avec les réalités sociales, « sur le terrain ». Nous espérons ainsi contribuer à une réflexion sur des actions qui présentent un intérêt particulier en matière d’interculturalité. Depuis longtemps, dans un cadre colonial ou non, avant même que ne se développent des débats sur le multiculturalisme, ces politiques culturelles doivent en effet prendre en considération la présence de populations du nord dans les pays du sud et inversement, y compris lorsque les politiques culturelles ne sont pas orientées vers ces groupes minoritaires en nombre.

L’ouvrage a donc pour objectif de contribuer à la connaissance des promoteurs et des acteurs de ces politiques (diplomates, conseillers culturels, clercs, producteurs de spectacles, artistes…), en portant attention aux interactions qui ont pu exister entre leurs supposés concepteurs et leurs destinataires pressentis, et en appréhendant leurs impacts sociaux et culturels. Il a l’ambition de nourrir la réflexion sur la façon dont les politiques culturelles s’inscrivent dans la longue durée, en réservant une place à la période des impérialismes européens ou à celle des décolonisations. L’analyse d’événements ou de crises politiques plus circonscrits dans le temps pourra également être prise en compte.

Les politiques culturelles pourront être abordées à une échelle locale, nationale ou internationale. Du côté des acteurs extérieurs au Nord de l’Afrique et au Moyen Orient, les propositions pourront concerner des puissances européennes, mais aussi extra-européennes. Une place sera faite aux institutions culturelles ayant une dimension internationale (Unesco, Alecso, Isesco, Institut du monde arabe, institutions muséales), avec la volonté d’échapper à des approches institutionnelles reprenant les modes de discours et les cadres de pensée des acteurs sans les interroger. Si nous n’entendons pas étudier l’histoire de la diplomatie culturelle sous le seul angle des relations internationales, elle pourra nous intéresser pour ses impacts sociaux et culturels. L’accent pourra être mis notamment sur les modalités d’appropriation de ces politiques ou manifestations culturelles par les sociétés elles-mêmes.

Les propositions, en français ou en anglais,  pourront porter sur des institutions publiques (services de la coopération ; services culturels, centres et institutions culturels) et privées (organisations non gouvernementales, associations, fondations, entrepreneurs privés, organisations religieuses) ou être centrées sur des événements (festivals, capitales culturelles). Nous n’excluons aucun domaine d’action. Les contributions pourront ainsi porter sur les politiques scolaires, les politiques linguistiques et la coopération scientifique, aussi bien que sur les actions liées au sport, au patrimoine, à la littérature et aux arts (édition, cinéma, musique, arts plastiques…).

Les propositions de contribution (en français ou en anglais) doivent nous être adressées à l’adresse ou avant le 31 mars 2023 (réponse sera donnée à la mi-avril). 2

Elles ne devront pas dépasser 500 mots et comporter une courte bio-bibliographie (100 mots maximum) et 5 mots-clés.

Les textes définitifs (30 000 à 40 000 signes, espaces compris) seront à envoyer avant le 30 septembre 2023. Ils donneront lieu à une évaluation par le conseil scientifique. Le volume sera publié en 2024.



Luc Chantre, Université Rennes 2 ; Alain Messaoudi, Nantes Université ; Kahina Mazari, EHESS


Comité scientifique

Kmar Bendana (Université de La Manouba) ; Abaher al-Sakka (Université de Bir Zeit) ; Clémentine Gutron (CNRS) ; Janet Horne (The University of Virginia) ; Fabrice Jesné (Nantes Université) ; Stanislas Jeannesson (Nantes Université) ; Tristan Leperlier (CNRS) ; Amar Mohand-Amer (CRASC, Oran) ; Céline Pauthier (Nantes Université) ; Eric Schnakenbourg (Nantes Université)

1.4 Call for Papers: Surroundings/Environs, SFS Postgraduate Conference 2023

Society for French Studies

Postgraduate Conference 2023



Friday 19 May 2023, King’s College London

Keynote speaker: Dr Benjamin Dalton (Lancaster University)

Call for Papers


This year’s Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference is an invitation to imaginative and critical reflection on the theme of ‘surroundings’. This annual conference offers postgraduate students an opportunity to share, discuss, and reflect on their research-in-progress with a supportive and collaborative audience. Contributions are invited from across the fields, periods, and geographies that make up French and Francophone Studies. 

Papers might consider surroundings in terms of the practices and politics of space in the histories and cultures of the French-speaking world– whether at the level of suburbs and the péri-urbain, or of relations between city and province, core and periphery. The notion of environs might extend to ideas of social class and milieux, or of interpersonal care, community, and entourage. With care comes the question of human encounters with the more-than-human world, opening onto environmental concerns that span land, water, air, and so on, which, in turn, raise issues of how we might conceive surroundings at distinctly nonhuman scales.

The theme reaches across textual, visual, sonic, and material cultures, including questions of the aesthetic production of atmospheres, environments, or lifeworlds, as well as of the relative propriety of the cultural object with respect to its surroundings. Aesthetic investigations of roundedness, surroundings, approximations, boundaries, and limits are welcomed; as are historical or philosophical approaches to concepts relating to environs.

Challenges to the notion of surroundings or environs are warmly invited. Such challenges might take account of the limitations of these notions in the description and analysis of cultural or social realities, or, relatedly, probe the uses of concepts of relationality that suggest a distinction between inside and outside or a ‘place at the centre’. 

Lines of investigation may include:

  • Perimeters, peripheries, and the banlieue
  • Contexts and social milieux
  • Lifeworlds and nonhuman milieux
  • Environments and ecological concerns (pollution, waste, toxicity)
  • Environments and the study of society, history, culture
  • The Anthropocene; human-nonhuman relations
  • Neighbourhoods and communities
  • Affect and atmosphere
  • Planets, galaxies, and outer space
  • Orbits and circularities
  • Estimations and approximations
  • Limits and boundaries; inside and outside
  • Mise-en-scène
  • The in-between
  • Hors-texte
  • Marginalia, paratext, liner notes, etc.
  • Strategies in space

Proposals are encouraged from all disciplines including but not limited to literature, theatre, cinema, queer studies, postcolonial studies, history, sociology, performance, creative writing, translation, philosophy, and cultural studies. Presentations will be 15 minutes in length, and may be given in French or in English. 

To apply, please send an abstract (300 words max.) along with your name, institution (if applicable), and level of study to by 31 March 2023

The conference will be held in-person at King’s College London. Registration and catering are free of charge. Students who are members of the Society for French Studies are eligible to apply for funding to help with transport costs. Speakers who are non-members are kindly asked to seek financial help from their own institutions to cover travel costs.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers (David Ewing and Elly Walters) at

Society for French Studies

Postgraduate Conference 2023



Le vendredi 19 mai 2023, King’s College London

Conférence plénière : Dr Benjamin Dalton (Lancaster University)

Appel à contributions  

Nous invitons des propositions de communication de la part de doctorant.e.s et d’étudiant.e.s en master dans le champ interdisciplinaire des études françaises et francophones pour la Postgraduate Conference 2023 de la Society for French Studies, intitulé Environs

Le colloque est une invitation à réfléchir de manière critique et créative au thème des environs. Les communications peuvent considérer les pratiques d’espace dans les histoires et les cultures françaises et francophones, que ce soit au niveau des banlieues, du périurbain, ou des relations entre ville et province, centre et périphérie. La notion des environs s’étend aussi bien aux idées de la classe ou des milieux sociaux, ainsi qu’aux questions du soin ou du « care ». Ces derniers nous poussent à penser les interventions humaines dans le monde plus-qu’humain – c’est-à-dire, nos rapports avec la terre, l’eau, l’air, et ainsi de suite. Un tel questionnement pourrait, à son tour, nous inviter à reconcevoir les environs aux échelles distinctement non humaines. 

Le thème s’applique également aux cultures textuelles, visuelles, sonores et matérielles, y compris les recherches sur la production esthétique d’atmosphères, d’environnements ou de mondes de la vie, ainsi que sur la « propriété» ou non de l’objet culturel par rapport à son environnement. Les recherches esthétiques sur l’arrondi, l’environnement, les approximations, les frontières, et les limites sont les bienvenues, tout comme les approches historiques ou philosophiques des concepts relatifs aux environs. 

Nous encourageons des interventions qui contesteraient l’idée même des environs. De telles remises en question pourraient prendre en compte les limitations du concept dans l’analyse des « formations » culturelles ou sociales, ou encore, interroger la valeur des conceptions de la relationnalité qui pourraient suggérer une distinction entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur ou tout simplement un « centre ». 

Pour aborder ce colloque, quelques pistes non exhaustives pourraient être considérées :  

  • Marges, périphéries, banlieues
  • Contextes et milieux
  • Mondes de la vie
  • Environnement et écologie ; pollution et toxicité
  • L’anthropocène ; rapports entre humains et non-humains
  • Environs dans le domaine des sciences sociales, historiques, culturelles
  • Quartiers et communautés
  • Affects et atmosphères
  • Planètes et galaxies
  • Orbites et circulations
  • Estimations et approximations
  • Limites, frontières, relations entre intérieur et extérieur
  • Mise-en-scène
  • Espaces intermédiaires
  • Annotations marginales, paratextes et péritextes
  • Le hors-texte
  • Pratiques d’espace

Nous invitons ainsi des étudiant.e.s à partager leurs recherches avec une audience collaborative et diverse. Nous encourageons des propositions couvrant toutes les périodes historiques et des disciplines aussi variées que la littérature, le théâtre, le cinéma, les études queer, les études postcoloniales, l’histoire, la sociologie, la performance, creative writing, la traduction, la philosophie ou les cultural studies. Chaque intervention durera 15 minutes, et les intervenant.e.s seront libres de présenter en anglais ou en français.

Pour candidater, veuillez envoyer une proposition de communication (300 mots maximum) accompagnée de votre nom, affiliation institutionnelle (si applicable), et niveau d’études à avant le 31 mars 2023

Le colloque aura lieu à King’s College London et la participation sera gratuite, y compris le déjeuner. Les étudiant.e.s membres de la SFS pourront postuler à une bourse (« Research Support Grant ») pour les aider à couvrir leurs frais de déplacement. Nous conseillons aux participant.e.s non-membres de recourir à l’aide de leur institution pour couvrir ces frais-ci.

Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l’accessibilité, n’hésitez pas à contacter les organisateurs (David Ewing et Elly Walters) à

1.5 Call for submissions to IJFrS

The Irish Journal of French Studies invites articles in English, French or Irish on any aspect of research in the area of French and Francophone Studies, including culture, society, literature, linguistics, visual arts and thought. Proposals for thematic issues and for articles relating to the last conference of the Association des études françaises et francophones d’Irlande (ADEFFI) at the University of Galway are particularly welcome for the 2023 issue. All proposals undergo two double-blind reviews by experts in the field prior to acceptance. More information about the submission process can be found here

1.6 CFP: Écrire Sur Les Subjectivités Féministes Africaines : Un Numéro Spécial De Formation Féministes

Écrire Sur Les Subjectivités Féministes Africaines : Un Numéro Spécial De Formation Féministes

Appel à contributions pour un numéro spécial de Formation féministes

« Écrire sur les subjectivités féministes africaines »

Il est important de souligner que les subjectivités féministes africaines (de toutes les regions de l’afrique) sont complexes et souvent contradictoires. Elles sont aussi en constant mouvement, inévitablement liées à la fois à des processus et mouvements transnationaux et mondiaux mais ancrées également dans des histoires et des lieux spécifiques. De ce fait, nous recherchons des essais qui traitent de la subjectivité en tant que catégorie analytique, troublant des notions essentialistes de l’appartenance et soulevant des questions critiques sur le féminisme en tant que politique de résistance. Plus précisément, nous invitons des essais qui explorent comment les féministes d’Afrique écrivent et articulent les subjectivités féministes africaines (sous des diverses identités : cisgenre (cis), queer et transgenre) ; comment les féministes d’Afrique négocient le pouvoir et construisent des communautés féministes ; comment ielles se mobilisent contre la répression et la violence domestique et sexuelle ; comment ielles abordent les politiques de production des connaissances et ses hiérarchies de pouvoir sous-jacentes (géographiques, économiques, culturelles, raciales et linguistiques) ; comment ielles composent avec les interprétations essentialistes de l’identité africaine et avec ce que cela signifie d’être une personne africaine et d’écrire des féminismes en Afrique.

Ce numéro spécial abordera les thèmes et questions suivants :

  • Comment les subjectivités féministes africaines abordent-elles de manière critique les opérations pouvoir historiques et du pouvoir institutionnel ? Que nous disent les micro-histoires (de l’individu) sur les possibilités philosophiques plus larges des féminismes africains en tant que vision du monde et en tant qu’instrument politique de transformation collective ?
  • Qui raconte ces subjectivités féministes africaines à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du continent ? Comment l’héritage colonial du continent et du féminisme occidental ont-ils un impact sur la production de connaissances des subjectivités féministes africaines ? Comment les collaborations transnationales des féministes africaines à travers le continent et à travers les pays du Sud ouvrent-elles de nouveaux sites pour articuler des subjectivités féministes africaines ?
  • Comment les féministes d’Afrique écrivent-ielles et habitent-ielles leur « chez soi » ? Comment bouleversent-ielles la notion d’« authenticité » et défient-ielles les idéologies nationalistes et territoriales d’appartenance ? Comment la mobilité, la migration et les expériences transnationales ont-elles remis en question les notions fixes d’avoir un chez soi et d’appartenir à une communauté?
  • Comment es féministes d’Afrique affrontent-ielles la violence misogyne et les crimes haineux ? Quels sont les outils qu’ielles utilisent pour lutter contre la violence sexuelle, que ce soit le viol et la violence domestique ou les crimes de haine contre celleux qui s’identifient comme queer et/ou transgenre ? Comment défient-ielles les fondamentalismes religieux de droite et la persistance des infrastructures féodales qui aggravent l’isolement et la diffamation des personnes non binaires ?
  • Comment les féministes d’Afrique articulent-ielles leurs expériences du COVID-19, de l’incertitude économique aux conflits sociaux en passant par la violence raciale ? Comment réinventent-ielles la sécurité sociale, la mobilité et les frontières ?
  • Comment les ontologies et épistémologies africaines informent-elles les subjectivités (cis, transgenre et queer) féministes africaines ? Comment remettent-elles en question les conceptions normatives des identités de genre et de la différence sexuelle ?
  • Comment les lignées féministes africaines sont-elles cartographiées, soutenues et célébrées ? Quel est le rôle de la mémoire collective dans le maintien de cette lignée ? Qui sont nos ancêtres féministes ? Qui réclame ces ancêtres et comment survivent ces ancêtres dans nos souvenirs ? 
  • Comment les féministes africaines conceptualisent-ielles la spiritualité et/ou les pratiques de soin de soi ? Quels sont les cadres ontologiques et épistémologiques qu’ielles déploient pour les aider à mener à bien leur travail intellectuel et militant ?

Pour le processus de soumission : les manuscrits doivent être soumis le 31août 2023. Veuillez contacter Maha Marouan à 

Date de publication anticipée : Hiver 2024

Formation Féministe est une revue de premier plan sur les études sur les femmes, le genre et la sexualité, publiée trois fois par an par la maison d’édition John Hopkins University Press. Il est hébergé dans le programme d’études sur les femmes, le genre et la sexualité de l’Université d’État d’Oregon sous la direction de Patti Duncan. Pour plus d’informations, voire

1.7 CfP: Women in French Sessions at SAMLA 2023

Call for Papers 

Women in French Sessions 

2023 South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference 

Atlanta, Georgia 

November 9-11, 2023 


Dear Colleagues, 


I am pleased to announce the Call for Papers for Women in French sessions at the 2023 South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) annual conference which will be held this year in Atlanta, Georgia from November 9-11. 

Please consider sending a proposal in French or English to one of the panel chairs listed below by May 31, 2023


For more information on SAMLA and the annual conference, please visit the conference website: 

We appreciate your support and thank you in advance for your consideration. 


Bien cordialement, 


Adrienne Angelo 

Auburn University 

Regional Representative (South Atlantic), Women in French 

1.8 CFP – Refugee Voices in Contemporary Literature. For Special Focus Section, Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature (1 June 2023) (Jan. 2025)

Call for Papers for Special Focus Section (January 2025)

Refugee Voices in Contemporary Literature

Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature

This special focus section of Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature highlights the ways refugee authors tell stories of displacement, while engaging with issues of representation, authenticity, voice, the politics of refuge and humanitarianism, and the paradigms of victimhood and rescue. In response to the “problem-oriented approach to refugees,” the growing interdisciplinary field of critical refugee studies (CRS) aims to highlight the resilience and creativity of refugee communities: “a humane and ethical site of inquiry that re-conceptualizes refugee lifeworlds not as a problem to be solved by global elites but as a site of social, political and historical critiques that, when carefully traced, make transparent processes of colonization, war, and displacement” ( This framework and others reframe analyses of literature of displacement: to complicate traditional paradigms of victimhood and rescue (critique of humanitarianism), present nontraditional figures of refugee affect (e.g. the “ungrateful refugee,” Dina Nayeri), excavate additional knowledge of refugee experiences, and shift focal points from suffering to resilience. Considering the continued relevance of refugees as those who are both “invisible and hypervisible” (Nguyen 15), this special issue seeks to remedy the imposed “condition of voicelessness” of those who have been displaced by highlighting their narratives (Soguk 294). The contributions to this issue should engage with critical frameworks that center the creative work of refugee authors and artists, while acknowledging the complexity of what it means to be displaced in the contemporary era. 

The editors welcome articles that explore topics and concepts related to the opening of critical refugee studies in German Studies as well as in Francophone and Hispanic cultural production, and comparative studies.

Themes for contributions may include, but are not limited to:

  • figures of displacement and placelessness
  • intertwined histories of flight, colonialism, and imperialism
  • gratitude and the “ungrateful refugee” (Dina Nayeri)
  • the “good” refugee 
  • concepts of livability 
  • refugee refusal
  • technology and flight
  • the place of the camp
  • statelessness, human rights and refugee rights in literature
  • forced displacement and intersections of Indigenous studies and refugee studies

Please submit an abstract of 350-500 words along with a brief biography to Kathryn Sederberg ( and Rebekah Slodounik ( by June 1, 2023. Notifications of acceptance can be expected by June 15, and complete manuscripts of 6,000-8,000 words, formatted in MLA style (see formatting guidelines), will be due by October 1, 2023. Founded in 1976, the journal Studies in 20th and 20st Century Literature became open access in 2014, and charges authors no fees.

Guest Editors: 

Kathryn Sederberg, Lucinda Hinsdale Stone Assistant Professor of German Studies, Kalamazoo College

Rebekah Slodounik, Assistant Professor of German Studies, Bucknell University

Works Cited

Espiritu, Yên Lê, Lan Duong, Ma Vang, Victor Bascara, Khatharya Um, Lila Sharif, and Nigel Hatton. Departures: An Introduction to Critical Refugee Studies. Oakland: U of California P, 2022.

Nayeri, Dina. The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You. New York: Catapult, 2019.

Nguyen, Viet Thanh, ed. “Introduction.” The Displaced: Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives. New York: Abrams Press, 2018, pp. 11-22.

Soguk, Nevgat. “Border’s Capture: Insurrectional Politics, Border-Crossing Humans, and the New Political.” In Borderscapes: Hidden Geographies and Politics at Territory’s Edge, edited by Prem Kumar Rajaram and Carl Grundy-Warr, Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2007, pp. 283-308.

1.9 CFP: Récits et conflits. Narrations sur la guerre et les conflits dans les littératures contemporaines

Revue Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature, no 4/2023

« Récits et conflits. Narrations sur la guerre et les conflits dans les littératures contemporaines »


La guerre, les conflits militaires et les rébellions armées tiennent une place essentielle dans les lettres. Témoin privilégié des moments significatifs dans l’Histoire, la littérature a de tout temps investi cette problématique pour la raconter dans toutes ses dimensions. Aussi bien dans les ouvrages dont l’histoire oscille autour de la guerre ou en est directement inspirée, de même que dans ceux où la guerre ne constitue qu’une toile de fond, les écrivains laissent voir des actes de courage, de résistance et de patriotisme, présentent les violences des combats et les souffrances terribles des victimes, disent les blessures et les traumatismes des survivants. Certaines formes se sont avérées particulièrement performantes pour aborder toutes ces questions comme les romans mémoriels, les récits de témoignages, les autobiographies et les biographies. Parallèlement, plusieurs esthétiques ont émergé, censées montrer de façon à la fois imagée et véridique l’homme dans des situations extrêmes : l’écriture blanche, l’écriture lazaréenne ou encore l’écriture du silence, toutes marquées, de telle ou autre manière, par l’impuissance du langage à dire l’horreur de la guerre et les expériences traumatiques qu’elle génère. Comme la guerre et la littérature entretiennent des liens forts, les recherches concernant les représentations littéraires de guerre abondent également. Nombre d’études sur cette problématique ont paru qui témoignent de son importance toujours appréciée et de la complexité de la réflexion menée dans des monographies, des ouvrages collectifs et des articles de revue.

Malgré sa présence constante dans le champ scientifique, le sujet reste loin d’être épuisé et il n’a rien perdu de son acuité ni de son actualité. La liste des écrivains contemporains qui évoquent la guerre dans leurs textes n’est point courte : Echenoz, Lemaitre, Detambel, Littell, Mauvignier,  Bey, Khadra, Kourouma, Sansal, Faye, Diop, Elalamy et tant d’autres encore. Il s’agit souvent de porter un regard critique sur les conflits qui ont secoué notre planète, montrer l’empreinte qu’ils ont laissée dans la mémoire collective, réfléchir sur le passé du pays et sa propre identité ou encore faire un travail mémoriel sur l’Histoire et le sort de ceux qui l’ont vécue. Or, si la guerre continue à hanter la littérature, c’est surtout parce qu’elle fait partie de notre réalité. À ce début du XXIe siècle, elle est toujours et partout : comme autrefois, mais par des moyens nettement plus nombreux et performants, elle sème la mort et une destruction terrible. Même si les combats réels se déroulent sur l’autre bout du monde, les images plus ou moins sanglantes sont immédiatement diffusées par des technologies numériques de sorte que tout le monde se voit confronté aux représentations violentes et en subit l’influence. La proximité de la guerre n’est pourtant pas strictement médiatique. En Europe où elle semblait, encore il y a peu de temps, être une expérience révolue, diverses tensions se renforcent et la guerre risque de déchirer de nouveau le continent. L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie et les atrocités commises contre l’humanité laissent voir que notre monde fait face à un des périls les plus dangereux pour sa stabilité. La situation est une source d’inquiétudes grandissantes tant pour les gouvernements que pour les individus qui craignent l’escalade du conflit à l’échelle mondiale.

Vu l’actualité de la problématique de la guerre, nous avons décidé de lui consacrer le présent volume de la revue Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature. Nous aimerions réfléchir sur la manière dont cette thématique est investie dans le roman contemporain d’expression française (publié après 1980).

Plusieurs questions nous semblent particulièrement intéressantes :

– Quelles guerres et conflits font surtout l’objet de représentation littéraire et pourquoi ? 

– Sur quoi est orienté le travail romanesque ? Sur les événements violents, les individus qui y participent, la postérité ? 

– S’agit-il plutôt d’aller vers la vérité historique, de fictionnaliser le passé réel ou bien d’imaginer une guerre hypothétique ?

– Quelle est la poétique du récit de guerre contemporain ? Revient-on sur les esthétiques déjà connues ou bien crée-t-on de nouvelles formes d’expression ? Quelles stratégies narratives sont adoptées ?

– Quelle est la visée de cette littérature ? Éthique, mémorielle, autre ?

Sans être exhaustive, cette liste peut être complétée par toute autre piste de recherche s’inscrivant d’une manière pertinente dans la problématique du volume.

Calendrier :                                                  

  • avant le 15 avril 2023 : envoyer une proposition (titre, résumé d’environ 300 mots, courte notice bio-bibliographique mentionnant le nom de l’auteur et son rattachement institutionnel)à l’adresse :

  • 1ermai 2023: réponse du comité de rédaction
  • 1erseptembre 2023 : remise des articles respectant la feuille de style par le site internet de la revue
  • décembre 2023 : publication du numéro

La revue accepte aussi des articles dans la rubrique « Varia ».


Link do modyfikacji ogøoszenia

1.10 Call for Posters on Postgraduate Projects: Society for French Studies 64th Annual Conference (Newcastle University, 26-28 June 2023)

Society for French Studies

64th Annual Conference

Newcastle University


Call for Posters on

Postgraduate Projects (Master’s and PhDs)

To showcase postgraduate research projects at Master’s and PhD level, we are pleased to invite expressions of interest in creating project posters to be displayed at the Society for French Studies’ 64th Annual Conference at Newcastle University.

We are seeking the following:

  • Posters to be presented in person at the Annual Conference at Newcastle University


  • Posters to be displayed on the Society for French Studies website

You can see last year’s posters here:

In-person Presentations

The postgraduate poster sessions will take place on the first two days (Monday 26 June and Tuesday 27 June) of the Annual Conference. Participants are welcome to present at either one or both sessions, doing so in either French or English. These sessions allow students to discuss their research informally with colleagues, using a poster as a visual aid for highlighting a project’s central argument or ideas.

Alongside the opportunity to receive feedback and meet scholars with similar interests, prizes will be awarded for the best poster (£150) and the runner-up (£50).

Participants may create their posters using, for example, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. We highly recommend the free online design software, Canva, which offers templates for posters and infographics. Posters must be submitted in PDF format and will be printed by the conference organizers on A2 paper.

The conference will be taking place in-person in Newcastle and Society for French Studies postgraduate members who present a poster may apply for travel bursaries. For further information and conditions, please see

Please note that registration for the Annual Conference closes on Friday 21 April 2023. All participants expressing interest in presenting a poster in-person must register before this date.

Digital Submissions

As part of the Annual Conference’s online activities, we invite postgraduate students to create posters to be displayed digitally on the Society for French Studies website and social media. Digital submissions are not live presentations, and participants’ attendance will not be required. 

Digital posters will articulate a project’s central argument or ideas. These posters will be self-contained documents that convey information clearly and concisely, and can stand alone online; there will be no caption or adjoining explanation. Posters must be submitted in PDF format.

To Get Involved

To express your interest, please send a short email that outlines the general topic or argument of your proposed poster by 10 April 2023 to David Ewing (Postgraduate Officer) and Elly Walters (Conference Assistant) at the following address:

After this date, we will contact participants with more information. The final poster should then be submitted by 29 May 2023.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch!

David Ewing and Elly Walters, 

Society for French Studies

1.11 Extended deadline: CFA- Mise au Point – Minority languages in film and series – Deadline for Abstracts: April 1st

Call for articles – Mise au Point (Journal of the AFECCAV – Association française des enseignants-chercheurs en cinéma et audiovisuel)


Minority languages, production and circulation of films and series: issues, audiences, contestation of hegemonies and emancipatory claims

Since the beginning of the cinematograph developed by the Lumière brothers, a device that was used to shoot and to project films, films circulated beyond the borders of the countries in which they were made, and they were shot by operators coming from remote places. Even though the production of knowledge on film has consistently considered film as conducive to the construction of national identities, cinema has always been fundamentally transnational. The circulation of films has been subject to power relations generating tremendously unequal access in terms of production as well as consumption of images. Talkies, which considerably increased production costs, obviously reconfigured this circulation, since geopolitics and the languages used kept redrawing the routes taken to reach potential audiences as well as delineated the boundaries of their potential reception. Mise au Point devoted an issue to the question of language in the construction of European cinemas, noting that the latter “implies linguistic choices at all levels (production, shooting, distribution, reception)”. In that issue, Martin Barnier examined the way in which multilingual films have been a means of contesting the hegemony of Hollywood films. While colonial empires had a considerable impact on the languages in which films circulated in colonized countries – Hollywood films shown in some Tunisian cinemas are still dubbed in French today – Egyptian cinema helped loosen that stranglehold on colonized peoples and focus on narratives in a language that had become the vehicle of a common identity and common values. But audiences for Egyptian films extended beyond Arabic-speaking countries to West Africa, as the films drew on common cultural, religious, and musical references (Goerg 2015). The same is true of Hindi films purchased at a lower cost by cinema operators in Morocco in the 1950s-1970s (Higbee et al. 2020). The question of the languages in which films are produced and circulated cannot be separated from other economic, cultural, religious, political, and other considerations.

This new issue of Mise au Point intends to raise the question of minority languages and the way they intervene in and affect the production and circulation of films and television/web series for identity purposes, and to question the relationships of power and domination that they could subvert and/or contest, or on the contrary reproduce and/or reinforce. Digital technology has made film production and filmmaking accessible to a larger number of people, thus enabling the entry of new agents in the film sector, the emergence of new modes of production, and the development of new purposes. This wider access suggests that very different ambitions and language choices can be conceived as a means to reflect a reality, or as the refusal or contestation of an authority, of national communities and/or of their perimeters. The number of series and films produced in the world has thus increased considerably, as the databases show, even if some institutions, such as Unesco, have for a long time omitted the Ghanaian and Nigerian films on the controversial ground that films are made and circulated on video.

How can we understand the relationships today between the production and circulation of films and series and the languages used in them? We would like to reflect on a) minority languages as a place where one can identify claims or contestations of hegemonies; b) the ways in which producers and filmmakers have been able to appropriate, promote and fruitfully  use these minority languages; c) the ways in which audiences have in turn reclaimed these films and series, whether they master these languages or not; d) the historical, political, economic and cultural stakes involved in the rallying or decentering facilitated by films and series in minority languages

Suggested topics and lines of thought for this issue, which are not exclusive:

I – Minority languages in screenplays and on film sets: In which languages are screenplays being written, in which languages are series and films being shot? What about oral and unwritten languages? In Morocco, Tamazight can be written in a newly created alphabet, Tifinagh, but screenplays are still written in French. Tunisian darija is often not the language in which screenplays are written: how does the use of French in screenwriting affect the conception of a film, its preparation and its shooting? Do international co-productions think through language issues, and if so, how do they deal with minority languages? What happens to the minority language of the film or series in a transnational creative team of technicians? In what languages do crews interact? How does the use of spoken or written minority languages transform the practices and relationships between the production, the crew, the actors and actresses? When, by whom and how are minority languages used? How does the mastery (or lack of mastery) of such a language impact relationships of power and domination?

II – Minority languages and multilingual countries: The European Union, through its European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, for example, leaves to each country the responsibility to designate its minority and/or regional languages. Are minority languages in the cinema in certain countries subject to specific legislation or regulation? How does the question of languages interfere with the practices of the film and television industries? Which films are shot in which languages and aimed at which audiences? How can one reflect on the shift from Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, etc., to English or vice versa in Nigerian audiovisual production? In Morocco, Tamazight is an official language and films are made in different dialects of Berber languages (Tarifit, Chleuh, etc.). What about the eleven official languages in South Africa, Yiddish in Polish films from the 1930s, films shot in Inuktikut in Canada, or the rare films shot in Esperanto, etc.? How does the use of such languages play into identity politics?

III – How do films using minority languages reach audiences? What audiences, for example, can a film made in Mapuche find in Chile? How do audiences appropriate or re-appropriate these films or series, with or without understanding the languages? To what extent does the reception of these films bring together or divide audiences around issues of identity, power or domination? What collaborative practices do audiences deploy to facilitate the circulation of films or series in minority languages and/or the expression of identity claims related to them?

IV – How do minority language productions circulate through commercial or other circuits, television broadcasting channels, streaming platforms, etc.? What technical devices (accessibility techniques) accompany the circulation of series or films produced in minority languages? What linguistic devices can smooth out, or even obscure, the issues of minority languages? How are Cantonese or Taiwanese signaled and identifiable for transnational audiences in the Chinese-speaking films that circulate in Europe? Which parts of the received film are truncated? Minority language films or series (in Nigeria or the Moroccan Rif, for example) had created their own more or less official production and circulation circuits on video before the digital revolution. To what extent and how have subscription-based streaming services reconfigured circulation spaces, target audiences and receptions? How do Netflix or Canal+ Africa include or exclude minority languages in their selection of Nigerian series or films? What criteria govern such choices? Do industry practices anticipate and attempt to contain the potential alienating effects of spoken minority languages — so as not to jeopardize the circulation of a film to the audiences it may reach? Conversely, to what extent can minority languages become a promotional argument for a film?

V – “Francophone” network and world cinema.

How does the francophone label become more and more problematic in this new linguistic ecology of Southern cinematographic productions? What are the political and global stakes of the use of minority languages in transnational cinema and more broadly in today’s audiovisual production?

Timetable for the completion of the issue:

Send an abstract in French or English (400 words), a short bibliography, as well as a 120-word biography, to:

Deadline for submission of proposals: April 1st, 2023

Acceptance/rejection notification: mid-April 2023

Article submission: June 30, 2023

Peer reviews and revisions

On-line publication of the issue planned for 2024

Issue edited by:

Patricia Caillé (University of Strasbourg)

Florence Martin (Goucher College, Baltimore)

Bibliography :

Agirre Katixa, “Streaming Minority Languages: The Case of Basque Language Cinema on Netflix”, Communication & Society, vol. 34, nᵒ 3, 2021, p. 103-115.

Barnier Martin, « Versions multiples et langues en Europe », Mise au point [En ligne], nᵒ5 (2013), mis en ligne le 01 avril 2013, consulté le 11 octobre 2022. URL :

Bertrand, Karine. « L’inuktikut et le corps vocal dans le cinéma inuk : la décolonisation par le poème cinématographique », TranscUlturAl : A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies. Vol. 10. No 1 (2018) :  29-44.

Cormack Mike, “Minority languages and television programming policy”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 5; nᵒ 2, 1999; p. 293-313

Goerg Odile, Fantômas sous les tropiques. Aller au cinéma en Afrique coloniale, Paris, Vendémiaire, 2015.

King Gemma, Decentring France. Multilingualism and Power in Contemporary French Cinema. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2017.

Leperlier Henry, “Translation and Distortion of Linguistic Identities in Sinophone Cinema. Diverging images of the “Other””, Jennifer Jennifer K. Dick and Stephanie Schwerter (ed.), Transmissibility and Cultural Transfer. Dimensions of Translation in the Humanities, New York, Columbia University Press, 2012, p. 137-151.

Ledo Andión, M. et al., “European cinema in the languages of stateless and small nations”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, nᵒ 71, 2016, p. 309-331.

Manias-Muñoz, Miren, “The Impact of a Legal Framework on National Film Industry: An Approach to Basque-Language Cinema (December 17, 2016)”. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol. 6, nᵒ 5, 2016,

Martens, Cheryl, Cristina Venegas, Etsa Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy, eds. Digital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in South America. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Martínez-Garrido, Gemma. “Minority Languages and Film Subtitling : An Empirical Study Based on the Translation of Culture-bound Elements from Catalan into English.” (2014).

Morgado Paula, « Cinéma amérindien brésilien et utilisation du cyberspace. Pour qui ? » Anthrovision, vol. 2, nᵒ 2 ; 2014), consulté le 13 octobre 2022. URL :

Pace Richard, From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shammans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2018.

Appel à contributions pour le nᵒ19 de Mise au Point (Revue de l’AFECCAV – Association française des enseignants-chercheurs en cinéma et audiovisuel)


Langues minoritaires, production et circulation des films et séries : enjeux, publics, contestation des hégémonies et revendications émancipatrices

Depuis les débuts du cinématographe développé par les frères Lumière, un appareil qui servait à la fois à filmer et à projeter des films, les films ont circulé au-delà des frontières en-deçà desquelles ils avaient été réalisés par des opérateurs venus d’ailleurs. Ainsi, tandis que la production des savoirs a érigé le cinéma comme lieu de construction des identités nationales, le cinéma a toujours été fondamentalement transnational, et la circulation des films soumise à des rapports de force engendrant de grandes inégalités d’accès à la production comme à la consommation d’images. Le parlant qui augmenta considérablement les coûts de production, a bien évidemment reconfiguré cette circulation, puisque les langues utilisées et la géopolitique redessinaient les routes empruntées pour parvenir à ces publics et les frontières de leur réception potentielle. Mise au Point a d’ailleurs consacré un numéro à la question des langues dans la construction d’un cinéma européen, notant que cette dernière « implique des choix linguistiques à tous niveaux (production, tournage, distribution, réception) » et dans lequel Martin Barnier examine la façon dont les films tournés en versions multilingues ont constitué un moyen de lutter contre l’hégémonie des films hollywoodiens. Si les empires coloniaux ont eu un impact considérable sur les langues dans lesquelles les films circulaient dans les pays colonisés—des films hollywoodiens projetés dans quelques salles tunisiennes sont encore aujourd’hui doublés en français —le cinéma égyptien a contribué à desserrer l’étau des peuples colonisés pour mieux recentrer les attentions autour de récits dans une langue devenue le vecteur d’une identité et de valeurs communes. Mais les publics du cinéma égyptien s’étendent au-delà de l’aire linguistique jusqu’à l’Afrique de l’Ouest, ceux-ci y puisant des références culturelles, religieuses et musicales (Goerg 2015). Il en va de même pour le cinéma hindi acheté à moindre coût par les exploitants des cinémas du Maroc dans les années 1950-1970 (Higbee et al.). La question des langues dans lesquelles les films sont produits et circulent ne peut être séparée d’autres considérations économiques, culturelles, religieuses, politiques, etc.

Ce nouveau numéro de Mise au Point entend soulever la question des langues minoritaires et la façon dont celles-ci s’immiscent dans la production et la circulation des films et séries à des fins identitaires, et pour interroger les rapports de pouvoir et de domination qu’elles pourraient subvertir et/ou contester, ou au contraire reproduire et/ou renforcer. Le numérique a rendu la production et la réalisation de films accessibles à un plus grand nombre, elle a aussi permis l’entrée de nouveaux acteurs et l’émergence de nouveaux modes de production comme de nouveaux usages. Cet accès élargi implique des ambitions très différentes et des choix de langues qui peuvent être construits comme le reflet d’une réalité, tout comme le refus ou la contestation d’une autorité, de communautés nationales et/ou de leurs périmètres. Le nombre des séries et films produits dans le monde a donc considérablement augmenté, comme en témoignent les inventaires, même si parfois, certaines institutions comme l’Unesco, ont longtemps omis les industries ghanéennes et nigérianes au prétexte qu’elles produisaient sur des supports vidéo.

Comment pouvons-nous aujourd’hui comprendre les rapports entre production, circulation et langues utilisées dans les films et séries ? Nous aimerions ici réfléchir a) aux langues minoritaires comme lieu de revendications identitaires et de contestation des hégémonies ; b) à la façon dont les producteurs, les cinéastes ont pu s’approprier, promouvoir et mettre à profit ces langues minoritaires ; c) à la façon dont les publics se sont à leur tour réapproprié ces films et séries, qu’ils maîtrisent ces langues ou non ; d) aux enjeux historiques, politiques, économiques et culturels de ralliements ou de décentrement facilités par des films et séries en langues minoritaires.

Quelques axes de réflexion possibles qui ne sont pas exclusifs :

I – Les langues minoritaires dans les scénarios et sur les tournages : Dans quelles langues les scénarios sont-ils écrits, dans quelles langues les séries et les films sont-ils tournés ? Qu’en est-il des langues orales et sans écriture ? Au Maroc, le Tamazight bénéficie d’un alphabet nouvellement inventé, le Tifinagh, mais le scénario continue à s’écrire en français. En Tunisie, par exemple, le tunisien n’est souvent pas la langue dans laquelle le scénario est écrit, comment le recours au français dans le scénario affecte-t-il la conception du film, sa préparation et son tournage ? Les coproductions internationales pensent-elles les questions liées à l’usage des langues, et si oui comment les gèrent-elles ? Dans une équipe transnationale de talents et de techniciens, que devient la langue minoritaire du film ou de la série ? Dans quelles langues les équipes techniques interagissent-elles ? En quoi le recours aux langues minoritaires parlées ou écrites transforme-t-il les pratiques et les rapports entre la production, les équipes et les acteurs et actrices ? Quand, par qui et comment est-elle pratiquée ? En quoi la maîtrise ou non maîtrise de la langue affecte-t-elle des rapports de pouvoir et de domination ?

II – Langues minoritaires et pays multilingues : L’Union européenne à travers sa Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires, par exemple, laisse à chaque pays le soin de désigner ses langues minoritaires et/ou régionales. Les langues minoritaires au cinéma dans certains espaces font-elles l’objet d’une législation ou d’une réglementation spécifique ? comment la question des langues s’immiscent-elles dans les pratiques de filières cinématographiques et télévisuelles ? Quels films sont tournés dans quelles langues et vers quels publics ? Que nous invite à penser l’usage tour à tour de l’anglais, du hausa, du yoruba, de l’igbo, etc., dans la production audiovisuelle nigériane ? Au Maroc, le Tamazight est une langue officielle et des films sont tournés dans différents dialectes issus des langues berbères (le Tarifit, le Chleuh, etc). Qu’en est-il des onze langues officielles en Afrique du Sud ? du Yiddish dans des films polonais des années 1930 ? des films tournés en inuktikut au Canada ? ou encore des rares films tournés en espéranto, etc. ? Comment de tels rapports s’inscrivent-ils dans des revendications identitaires ?

III – Comment des films ayant recours à des langues minoritaires accèdent-ils à des publics ? Quels publics, par exemple, un film tourné en mapuche, trouve-t-il au Chili ? Comment les publics s’approprient-ils ou se réapproprient-ils ces films ou séries en repérant ou non, comprenant ou non langues minoritaires ? Dans quelle mesure la réception de ces films rassemble-t-elle ou divise-t-elle des publics autour d’enjeux identitaires, de rapports de pouvoir ou de domination ? Lesquels ? Quelles pratiques collaboratives les publics déploient-ils pour faciliter l’expression de revendications identitaires à travers la circulation de films ou de séries en langues minoritaires ?

IV – Quelle circulation des productions en langues minoritaires s’effectue par les circuits commerciaux ou autres, les canaux de diffusion télévisuelle, les plateformes de streaming ? Quelles techniques d’accessibilité accompagnent la circulation des séries ou films réalisés en langues minoritaires ? Quelles techniques d’accessibilité, dans l’appareillage linguistique qui accompagne les films, peuvent lisser, voire même invisibiliser, les enjeux des langues minoritaires ? Comment le cantonais ou le taiwanais sont-ils signalés et repérables pour des publics transnationaux dans le cinéma sinophone qui circule en Europe ? Quelles réceptions s’en trouvent tronquées ? Les films ou séries en langue minoritaire (au Nigéria ou dans le Rif marocain, par exemple) avaient créé leurs propres circuits de production et de circulation plus ou moins officiels sur des supports vidéo avant la révolution numérique. Dans quelle mesure et de quelle manière les services de streaming sur abonnement ont-ils reconfiguré les espaces de circulation, les publics ciblés et les réceptions ? Comment Netflix ou Canal+ Afrique intègrent-ils ou non des langues minoritaires dans leur sélection de séries ou films nigérians ? Quels critères président à leur choix ? Les pratiques industrielles anticipent-elles et tentent-elles de contenir les effets potentiels d’exclusion engendrés par des langues minoritaires parlées — ceci afin de ne pas compromettre la circulation d’un film auprès des publics qu’il peut ainsi toucher ? À l’inverse, dans quelle mesure les langues minoritaires peuvent-elles devenir un argument de promotion d’un film ?

V – Réseau « francophone » et cinéma-monde.

Comment le label francophone devient-il de plus en plus problématique dans cette nouvelle écologie linguistique des productions cinématographiques des Suds ? Quels sont les enjeux politiques et mondiaux de l’usage des langues minoritaires au sein du cinéma transnational et plus largement de la production audiovisuelle d’aujourd’hui ?

Calendrier de la réalisation du numéro :

Envoyez votre proposition en français ou en anglais (400 mots), une courte bibliographie, ainsi qu’une notice biographique, en précisant l’axe de recherche retenu. Les fichiers sont à envoyer par courriel à l’adresse mail :

Date limite pour la remise des propositions : le 1er avril 2023

Réponse aux auteurs : mi-avril 2023

Remise des articles : le 30 juin 2023

Évaluation en double aveugle et révisions

Publication du numéro prévue en 2024

Numéro dirigé par :

Patricia Caillé (Université de Strasbourg)

Florence Martin (Goucher College, Baltimore)

Bibliographie :

Agirre Katixa, “Streaming Minority Languages: The Case of Basque Language Cinema on Netflix”, Communication & Society, vol. 34, nᵒ 3, 2021, p. 103-115.

Barnier Martin, « Versions multiples et langues en Europe », Mise au point [En ligne], nᵒ5 (2013), mis en ligne le 01 avril 2013, consulté le 11 octobre 2022. URL :

Bertrand, Karine. « L’inuktikut et le corps vocal dans le cinéma inuk : la décolonisation par le poème cinématographique », TranscUlturAl : A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies. Vol. 10. No 1 (2018) :  29-44.

Cormack Mike, “Minority languages and television programming policy”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 5; nᵒ 2, 1999; p. 293-313

Goerg Odile, Fantômas sous les tropiques. Aller au cinéma en Afrique coloniale, Paris, Vendémiaire, 2015.

King Gemma, Decentring France. Multilingualism and Power in Contemporary French Cinema. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2017.

Leperlier Henry, “Translation and Distortion of Linguistic Identities in Sinophone Cinema. Diverging images of the “Other””, Jennifer Jennifer K. Dick and Stephanie Schwerter (ed.), Transmissibility and Cultural Transfer. Dimensions of Translation in the Humanities, New York, Columbia University Press, 2012, p. 137-151.

Ledo Andión, M. et al., “European cinema in the languages of stateless and small nations”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, nᵒ 71, 2016, p. 309-331.

Manias-Muñoz, Miren, “The Impact of a Legal Framework on National Film Industry: An Approach to Basque-Language Cinema (December 17, 2016)”. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, vol. 6, nᵒ 5, 2016,

Martens, Cheryl, Cristina Venegas, Etsa Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy, eds. Digital Activism, Community Media, and Sustainable Communication in South America. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Martínez-Garrido, Gemma. “Minority Languages and Film Subtitling : An Empirical Study Based on the Translation of Culture-bound Elements from Catalan into English.” (2014).

Morgado Paula, « Cinéma amérindien brésilien et utilisation du cyberspace. Pour qui ? » Anthrovision, vol. 2, nᵒ 2 ; 2014), consulté le 13 octobre 2022. URL :

Pace Richard, From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shammans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2018.

1.12 CFP: Special Postgraduate Number of Nottingham French Studies

The Editorial Board of Nottingham French Studies is planning a special edition to showcase the work of postgraduates in French and Francophone Studies. We intend to publish between six and eight original articles, of no more than 7,000 words each, in any area of French & Francophone Studies, written by students at MA, MRes, MPhil, or PhD level. Articles could be based on chapters of a thesis or long essays submitted as part of a taught Masters and may be written in either French or English.

In the first instance, interested postgraduate students should submit an abstract of no more than 350 words summarising the content of the proposed article, accompanied by a 50-word author profile, giving details of their institution and postgraduate qualification. (If the work was completed as part of a course that has now been completed, this should be no more than three years ago.) Abstracts and author profiles should be submitted as email attachments to Dr Rhiannon Harries ( by no later than 21st April 2023.



Le comité de rédaction de Nottingham French Studies prévoit un numéro spécial pour présenter le travail d’étudiants de troisième cycle en études françaises et francophones. Nous avons l’intention de publier entre six et huit articles originaux, ne dépassant pas 7000 mots chacun, dans tout domaine relatif aux études françaises et francophones, écrits par des étudiants de master ou de doctorat. Les articles peuvent s’appuyer sur un chapitre de thèse ou un mémoire de master et peuvent être rédigés en français ou en anglais.

Dans un premier temps, les étudiants de troisième cycle intéressés doivent soumettre un résumé de l’article proposé (350 mots), accompagné d’une courte biographie de l’auteur (50 mots), indiquant le nom de leur université et l’intitulé de leur diplôme. (Si le travail a été réalisé dans le cadre d’un cursus désormais terminé, celui-ci ne doit pas remonter à plus de trois ans). Les résumés et les profils d’auteurs doivent être envoyés sous forme de pièce jointe à Dr Rhiannon Harries ( le 21 avril 2023.


Founded in 1961, Nottingham French Studies publishes articles in English and French and themed special numbers covering all of the major fields of the discipline – literature, culture, postcolonial studies, gender studies, film and visual studies, translation, thought, history politics, linguistics – and all historical periods from medieval to the 21st century. The journal’s Editorial Board is composed of the members of the of French and Francophone studies section of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Nottingham, supported by an international Advisory Board. Through the publication of general and special numbers covering a range of thematic and theoretical perspectives, the journal aims to represent established as well as new and emerging areas of research in the field of French studies.

1.13 CfP Research Workshop ‘Changing Resilience: Alternative Vocabularies’

Monday 4 September 2023 University of Stirling, UK

In person & online

A collaborative research workshop to think through multilingual critical alternatives, from the post/de-colonial arts & humanities, to the all-pervasive discourse of ‘resilience’ and ‘crisis’.

Janet Roitman (2014) has argued extensively that the stakes of ‘crisis’ discourse affect individual political subjectivity, collective action, and the visibility of the vulnerable. Covid-19 has intensified the attention paid to resilience around the globe. Similarly, discourses surrounding the responses to what is framed in the language of ‘crisis’ need to be examined within their colonial legacies and specific postcolonial contexts. This workshop addresses whether in such contexts, the omnipresent terminology of resilience makes sense. That is to ask, whether resilience – as a widespread behavioural descriptor and societal target – is useful for framing life in and around postcolonial ‘crisis’.

Resilience discourse perpetuates core assumptions of Eurocentric or Western thinking, particularly around notions of individual autonomy and regularity in space and time. “Western policies of resilience,” Chandler (2021) writes, “understood as automated adaptation to the world, close off and are antithetical to” understandings of communities as relationally open (after Glissant) and communities as situated in and amongst a world of flux and flows. At the same time, today’s incessant recourse to resilience discourse is incontestably Eurocentric in both of its disciplinary origins: on the one hand, applications of systemic resilience stem from ecology, and on the other, individual resilience is based on psychology (Moser et al 2019). The co-option of this analytical framework by institutions from a small scale up to national governments has seen a pressurizing of the individual subject or group to be uninfringeable and efficient in the face of struggle. The myth of the empowered individual (Harvey) then has pervasive effects on ways of thinking and living. This neoliberal framing threatens to romanticize community strategies for coping at the edge of crisis, whilst promoting self-responsibility as self-determination and empowerment in a strength-based lexicon which overlooks ongoing systemic injustice and oppression and remains fixed in a teleological understanding of time (Amo-Agyemang 2021). The term’s colonial heritage emerges in ongoing ‘interventions’ within the fields of development, economics, and international policy around disaster response, but also entraps ‘vulnerable’ communities when they are characterized as especially adapted to coping with rapid change. In this light, resilience also resonates with the colonial myth of progress and its closing of imagined futures.

This research workshop will examine the stakes of this discourse from a multilingual arts and humanities perspective. It will foreground questions of (un)translatability within the production of conceptual tools. With a view to building alternative vocabularies of resilience that move beyond its colonial undertones, it will initiate an interrogation of culturally specific forms of response and explore the semantic, cultural, and political specificities of terms surrounding ‘resilience’ and ‘crisis’ from the perspective of multiple languages.

Assuming the ineluctable link between language and life worlds, the workshop will start to formulate a robust, dynamic critical vocabulary for theorising ‘resilience’ and ‘crisis’. It will rely on specific case studies presented to counter the shortcomings and occlusions of existent terminology (for example, débrouillardise in Senegalese film, bigidi in gwo-ka dance, and kòbòlò in fiction from Accra). This will lead to an edited volume of an initial collection of multilingual terms that stands as a creative intervention to serve intellectual endeavours of scholars working across languages. It will add to the conversation occurring in the decolonial arts and humanities, opening up space for reimagining concept-geography beyond the monolingual dominance of English.

The workshop is part of a broader British Academy funded project (SRG22\220940) that interrogates the meanings and circulations of resilience discourse transnationally and in multiple public domains.

Paper proposals of roughly 300 words accompanied by a short biography should be sent to by April 28th2023. Proposals should include a specific notion or word, as well as the case study that will be used to explore the proposed term. Papers are invited in English, French and Spanish, the word itself in any language. We want to encourage an “English-last” approach within the feasible, so if you wish to present in any other language please get in contact. There is some resource available for translation. 

Terms to think around: ‘resilience’; ‘crisis’; ‘time’; ‘recovery’; ‘vulnerability; ‘adaptability’; ‘agency’.

CfP available in French & Spanish – please email.

1.14 CFPs: Works-in-Progress Symposium for Research Students in French and Francophone Studies Jointly Organised by DRAFT and the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS)

DRAFT and the Australian Society for French Studies (ASFS) invite proposals from research students for a works-in-progress symposium to be held online Friday 28th July, 2023. The event is designed to offer a supportive space for research students, working on a topic related to French and Francophone Studies, to share their current work with their peers as well as other scholars whose current research activities relate to the presentations.

Who: The event is open to students enrolled in a research degree (Honours, MPhil, PhD, or equivalent), in Australia, New Zealand or abroad. Students can be enrolled in French Studies, French and Francophone Studies, or in a different discipline but working on topics related to the field.

What: The event will host online works-in-progress presentations, in French or English, in two different formats:

  1. 10-minute presentation + 5 minutes of discussion/questions
    • this option is designed for projects that are still in the early stages of development.
    • all proposals from eligible students will be accepted.
    • proposals should include a 100-word summary of the presentation.
  2. 20-minute presentation + 10 minutes of discussion/questions
    • this option is better suited to a more developed project.
    • proposals will pass through a selection committee, though we endeavour to be as inclusive as possible.
    • proposals should include a 250-word summary of the presentation.



  • Proposals due by Sunday 30thApril.
  • Event to be held on Friday 28thJuly (time TBD).

Where: Online, with possible hybrid mode.


How: Submission via Google Forms.


Please contact Beth Kearney ( for all inquiries.

1.15 CFP ASFS2023 Sydney 6-8 December

Australian Society for French Studies 31st Annual Conference 2023

6-8 December 2023

Body, Motion, Space

Hosted by French and Francophone Studies, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney 

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the lands on which the university stands.  

The conference will include a Zoom-only half day. The rest of the conference will be in-person. 

Details of international and domestic keynotes will follow.


Call for Papers

Bodies, material, virtual and imaginary, inform our way of being in the world. We live by the orientational metaphors that make sense of space with respect to the morphology of the body. Holistic notions of the body underpin everyday metaphors – we speak of a ‘body of writing’ or a ‘body of water’. Multiple conceptions of the body co-exist: the body as temporary envelope of soul or mind; the body as process (eruption, eructation; ingurgitation and excretion); the body as repertoire of kinesic actions; the body as site of inscription or interface with other entities, human and non-human.

            The recent resumption of face-to-face modes of socialising and working provides an occasion for renewed reflection on bodies and their im/potentialities. How has this prolonged period of working and socialising by Zoom inflected our understanding of body and space? How are hybrid modes of interaction reconfiguring our understanding of presence? What habits of body and mind, what postures and dis/positions have emerged? How is this being explored on francophone stages and screens, in writing and visual arts? How do these explorations relate to existing theoretical frameworks and past cultural productions? How has prolonged engagement with on-line learning shaped understandings of spatiality and performance of ‘Frenchness’ in on-campus classrooms? What role can our interdisciplinary research, conducted under the umbrella of French and Francophone Studies, play in teasing out these questions?

We invite proposals for individual papers (20 minutes) and for panels (3 papers of 20 minutes each) in French or English. We will also consider proposals that do not relate directly to the theme. Possible topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to:

  • the body, transmission of memory, trauma
  • dance pedagogy and somatic time 
  • body as canvas
  • multisensoriality
  • hybridity
  • human and non-human bodies 
  • virtual bodies
  • the body and desire
  • embodied learning in the French classroom

Please send your proposal of 250 words and a short bio (100 words) or suggestion for panels, to by Monday 12 June 2023.

Corps, Mouvements, Espaces

Département de Lettres Françaises et Francophones, School of Languages and Cultures, University of Sydney 

La conférence se déroulera en personne, à l’exception d’une demi-journée dédiée aux communications en visio-conférence (Zoom).

Les invités d’honneur seront confirmés ultérieurement.


Appel à communications

Corps et matières — qu’ils soient réels, virtuels, représentés ou fantasmés — donnent forme à nos existences. Les corps régissent notre compréhension et notre appréhension du monde. De multiple conceptions du corps co-existent : il est à la fois enveloppe éphémère, ensemble de relations et de processus (éruption, eructation, ingurgitation et excretion), répertoire d’actions et de gestes, interface, lieu de marques et d’inscriptions causées par d’autres entités humaines et non-humaines. 

            Le retour récent à un monde pré-pandémique, avec l’expérience retrouvée de lieux non-virtuels où les rencontres et les relations se font de nouveau en chair et en os, nous offre l’opportunité de s’interroger sur le corps, l’espace et leur (im)possibilités. Comment appréhender la notion de présence ? Celle de corps ? D’espace ? Quels nouveaux gestes, quelles nouvelles habitudes ont fait surface ? Comment les arts visuels, le cinéma, la littérature francophones explorent-ils les modifications de nos modes d’existence durant la pandémie ? Comment les théories et références culturelles passées permettent-elles de penser nos vies nouvelles ? Comment nos pratiques de partages du savoir ont-elles changé durablement avec l’expérience de l’enseignement en ligne ? Qu’apportent nos recherches interdisciplinaires, dans le cadre des études françaises et francophones, à ces questions de portée globale et universelle ?

Nous invitons des propositions de communications individuelles (20 minutes) ou de sessions (3 communications de 20 minutes) en français ou en anglais. Les propositions qui ne correspondent pas aux thèmes proposés ci-dessous seront aussi considérées.

Liste de thèmes possibles :

  • Corps, mémoire, histoire, traumatismes
  • Performance, danse, le corps somatique
  • Le corps comme œuvre, le corps en tant que support artistique
  • Multisensorialité
  • corps machine, corps hybride
  • corps humain et non-humain
  • virtualités 
  • corps et désir
  • Apprentissage personnifié dans l’enseignement du français

Les propositions de 250 mots accompagnées d’une notice bio-bibliographique (100 mots) doivent être envoyées à d’ici le lundi 12 juin 2023. 

1.16 *Nouvelles dates* CFP: Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones – Université McGill

Appel à communication pour le 2e colloque international “Géocritique des espaces littéraires et artistiques francophones”
Université McGill, 18-19 avril 2024

« La géocritique permet d’abord de cerner la dimension littéraire des lieux, de dresser une cartographie fictionnelle des espaces humains ». Partant de cette définition westphalienne de l’approche géocritique (2000, 34), on ne peut plus ignorer la relation substantielle qui unit texte littéraire et territoire habité. C’est donc le moment de porter un nouveau regard sur la représentation de l’espace réel dans les littératures et les arts francophones, et sur ses conséquences politiques, touristiques, imaginaires ou médiatiques sur telle ville d’Afrique subsaharienne, tel village maghrébin, telle morne antillaise ou telle île des Mascareignes. Malgré l’important travail des monarques, des géographes, des historiens et autres architectes, il semble qu’une bonne partie du mythe, de l’attractivité ou de la « réputation » bonne ou mauvaise de ces villes et campagnes est l’œuvre des écrivains et des artistes, notamment francophones.              

Il s’agit pour ce 2e colloque international « géocritique francophone » d’interroger avec un regard neuf les spatialités littéraires et artistiques francophones considérées dans leur généricité – du roman au film, en passant par la photographie, la musique et la peinture – et dans leur intermédialité, c’est-à-dire les procédés de représentation topographique qui les relient ou les distinguent. Il s’agit ensuite de montrer comment un véritable imaginaire cartographique détaille, déforme ou redessine les topographies réelles des capitales africaines, des quartiers côtiers maghrébins, des vallées habitées océaniennes ou des campagnes caribéennes. C’est ce rapport alternatif du texte ou de l’image à l’espace connu qui actionne le véritable processus créatif et discursif des productions francophones, fonde des narrativités postcoloniales jusqu’à la déconfiguration générique, découvre des techniques descriptives jusqu’à l’ekphrasis, instaure des relations intertextuelles jusqu’au collage et crée des langages spatiaux souvent connotés, personnalisés ou débridés.      

Et si une bonne partie du « retentissement international » de Dakar procédait d’abord de ses représentations romanesques, cinématographiques, photographiques et musicales qui signalent une convergence géofocale entre un récit de Bacary Diallo (1926), un film de Sembène Ousmane (1968), un livre d’images de Péretier Olivier (1987) et un album de Youssou Ndour (2019) ? Et si Texaco de Patrick Chamoiseau représentait la « cellule germinale » à partir de laquelle émergent et résonnent toutes les Antilles « irréelles et accidentées », du Fort-de-France de Pierre Benoît (1933) au Cahier d’un retour au pays natal de Césaire (1939), de Mamzelle Libellule de Raphaël Confiant (2000) aux Villes assassines d’Alfred Alexandre (2011) ? Plus qu’une nostalgie romantique d’Alger-la-blanche, Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud (2013) n’est-il pas davantage une variation intertextuelle sur la « ville indomptable » qui, au-delà de L’étranger d’Albert Camus, dévie ce roman vers Les hauteurs de la ville d’Emmanuel Roblès (1948), vers Nedjma de Kateb Yacine (1956) ou encore L’amour, la fantasia d’Assia Djebar (1985) ?            

Ces questions ne confirment pas seulement l’interdisciplinarité et l’intersartialité qui fondent l’étude géocritique, elles montrent aussi la centralité de l’énonciation spatiale dans les fictions et les arts francophones. L’objectif de ce 2e colloque international « Géocritique francophone » à l’Université McGill en mai 2023 est d’étudier les potentialités géocritiques des littératures et des arts francophones en mettant l’accent non pas sur une supposée « fidélité » du roman, du film, du catalogue photographique ou de l’album musical au référent géographique, mais sur la spatialité urbaine ou rurale comme poétique et comme esthétique, donc doublement comme recréation et réanimation d’un lieu connu. Seront considérées en particulier les propositions de communication qui privilégient des corpus diversifiés de textes, de films ou d’autres arts et portant sur un même territoire référentiel, qu’il soit rural, urbain ou maritime. Sans être exhaustifs, les propositions pourront s’inscrire dans les axes suivants :

–       géocritique narrative de l’urbanité francophone : subjectivités descriptives et savoirs romanesques  
–       de la géocritique francophone aux théories postcoloniales : écarts et complémentarités  
–       espaces écotones et espaces frontaliers : entre lieux et non-lieux  
–       géocritique francophone et narrations iconographiques : plans cinématographiques et perspectives photographiques
–       l’espace en chanson : géofictions ou autofictions ?          
–       approche géocritique et autres approches de l’espace fictionnel : ruptures et prolongements

Les propositions de communication doivent être envoyées par courriel en français avant le 30 octobre 2023 à et  
La longueur des propositions est de 25 lignes maximum (Time 12, sans interligne) suivies d’une notice biobibliographique de 10 lignes maximum comportant votre nom, institution d’attache, domaines de recherche et publications récentes. Le Comité scientifique évaluera toutes les propositions reçues et les auteur.e.s seront avisé.e.s le 15 novembre 2023.          

Comité scientifique : Mbaye Diouf (U. McGill), Sada Niang (U. Victoria), Françoise Naudillon (U. Concordia), Josias Semujanga (U. Montréal), Antje Ziethen (UBC), Laté Lawson-Hellu (U. Western), Edoardo Cagnan (Sorbonne U.), Serigne Sèye (U. Dakar)
Comité d’organisation : Audrey Coussy, Sabrina Clermont-Letendre, Mbaye Diouf, Kamélia Hadjadji, Adama Togola   

2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities

2.1 University of Aberdeen – New King’s PhD scholarships

The School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture at the University of Aberdeen is offering up to three New King’s PhD Scholarships for 2023/24. New King’s Scholarships cover a fee waiver and annual stipend of £6000 for three years of full-time study. Any applicants are eligible to apply regardless of their nationality, but they should commence their PhD project in the academic year 2023-24. Selection will be based on the strength of the proposed project, its fit with the research specialisms of the school, and the academic track record of the applicant.

French and Francophone Studies at Aberdeen welcomes enquiries from prospective students interested in applying for a New King’s Scholarship for 2023/24. We have wide-ranging research expertise, including:

Literary and cultural history of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

Histories and cultures of life writing

History and memory of World War II

Urban space and the cultural history of French modernity

Politics and culture of identity and migration in the Francophone world

Post-war critical theory, philosophy and thought

Contemporary fiction, prose and poetry

Literary translation, including bilingual writing and self-translation

Visual culture, film and photography, including bande dessinée

Details of individual staff research interests can be found here:

We also offer co-supervision in interdisciplinary and cross-cultural projects in areas including film, photography and visual culture; comparative literature and culture; early modern literature and thought; and critical theory. Many of these projects are located within our Research Centres, including the Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS), the Centre for Modern Languages Research (CMLR), the Washington Wilson Centre for Visual Culture (GWW), the Centre for Citizenship, Civil Society and the Rule of Law (CISRUL) and the Grierson Centre for Textual Criticism and Comparative Literary History. Informal enquiries about projects can be made in the first instance to Edward Welch, Carnegie Professor of French ( 


In order to be considered for a New King’s Scholarship, you must apply to the University of Aberdeen by Friday 12 May 2023 and complete a New King’s Scholarship Online Application by Friday 2 June 2023. Full details of the scheme and application process can be found here:

2.2 Lecturer position in French and English, University of Illinois Chicago

The French and English departments at the University of Illinois Chicago are looking to hire a joint full-time Lecturer. The position will begin August 16, 2023 and may be renewable. More information can be found here:

Please share this link with anyone who might be interested in this position.

2.3 Lecturer in Translation Studies and Modern Languages, University of Sheffield

Location: Sheffield
Salary: £44,737 to £53,353 per annum. Potential to progress to £60,027 per annum through sustained exceptional contribution. (Grade 8)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 2nd March 2023
Closes: 29th March 2023
Job Ref: UOS036510

he School of Languages and Cultures wishes to recruit a Lecturer in Translation Studies and Modern Languages from 1 September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you’re committed to helping to develop the study of modern languages, culture and translation at university level, we’d love to hear from you. We’re particularly keen to hear from candidates with an interest in or experience of audio-visual translation.

The School of Languages and Cultures has an excellent reputation for the quality and innovation of its teaching. Staff have a range of research interests in research in European cultures and languages, including those now widely spoken and used across the Americas and Africa. Areas of academic specialisation include intercultural communication, linguistics, translation, literature, migration studies, visual studies, history and intellectual history.

You will contribute to teaching at both BA and MA level, forging links between our undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. The successful applicant will engage in high-quality research activity, undertake administrative duties, supervise PhD students as appropriate, and contribute fully to the life of the School commensurate with their grade.

You will have a PhD in Translation Studies, a Modern Language, or another relevant subject area (or have equivalent experience), proven teaching ability, and the capacity to carry out high-quality research involving bids for large-scale research project funding. You will also have an interest in contributing to our current Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation activities in translation. Near-native level of proficiency in two languages, one of which must be English, and the ability to supervise and monitor the work of research students is essential.

We’re one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University’s Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.

We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose talent and contributions complement each other to greatest effect. We believe diversity in all its forms delivers greater impact through research, teaching and student experience.

To find out what makes the University of Sheffield a remarkable place to work, watch this short film:, and follow @sheffielduni and @ShefUniJobs on Twitter for more information.

Apply now by clicking on the Apply button located near the top left of your screen, or feel free to contact Professor Thomas Baldwin ( for informal enquiries about the post.

It is anticipated that interviews and other selection action will be held in the week commencing 22nd May 2023.

2.4 Lecturer in Modern Languages, Media and Culture, University of Sheffield

Location: Sheffield
Salary: £44,737 to £53,353 Potential to progress to £60,027 per annum through sustained exceptional contribution.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 2nd March 2023
Closes: 29th March 2023
Job Ref: UOS036508

The School of Languages and Cultures wishes to recruit a Lecturer in Modern Languages, Media and Culture from 1 September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you’re committed to helping to develop the study of intersections between modern languages, culture and media scholarship at university level, we’d love to hear from you.

The School of Languages and Cultures has an excellent reputation for the quality and innovation of its teaching. Staff have a range of research interests in research in European cultures and languages, including those now widely spoken and used across the Americas and Africa. Areas of academic specialisation include intercultural communication, linguistics, translation, literature, migration studies, visual studies, history and intellectual history.

The post-holder will contribute to teaching at both BA and MA level, forging links between our undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. The successful applicant will engage in high-quality research activity, undertake administrative duties, supervise PhD students as appropriate, and contribute fully to the life of the School commensurate with their grade.

You will have a PhD in a Modern Language, Cultural Studies, or another relevant subject area (or have equivalent experience), proven teaching ability, and the capacity to carry out high-quality research involving bids for large-scale research project funding. Near-native level of proficiency in two languages, one of which must be English, and the ability to supervise and monitor the work of research students is essential.

We’re one of the best not-for-profit organisations to work for in the UK. The University’s Total Reward Package includes a competitive salary, a generous Pension Scheme and annual leave entitlement, as well as access to a range of learning and development courses to support your personal and professional development.

We build teams of people from different heritages and lifestyles from across the world, whose talent and contributions complement each other to greatest effect. We believe diversity in all its forms deliversgreater impact through research, teaching and student experience.

To find out what makes the University of Sheffield a remarkable place to work, watch this short film:, and follow @sheffielduni and @ShefUniJobs on Twitter for more information.

Apply now by clicking on the Apply button located near the top left of your screen, or feel free to contact Professor Thomas Baldwin ( for informal enquiries about the post.

It is anticipated that interviews and other selection action will be held in the week commencing 22 May 2023.

2.5 Lecturer in French, University of Essex

Location: Colchester
Salary: £32,348 to £35,333 per annum, pro-rata
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 7th March 2023
Closes: 3rd May 2023
Job Ref: REQ07242

The Department of Language and Linguistics (DLL) has 37 full-time academic members of staff and provides a broad spectrum of expertise in the study of language and in the practical teaching of modern foreign languages. Its core ambition is to offer students a transformative educational experience in these areas underpinned by high quality research. The majority of research conducted in the department is rated ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, placing us 8th among departments in the UK for research quality (REF 2014).

Languages for All offers a portfolio of language courses to non-specialist language learners at the University of Essex. Courses are currently delivered by a mixture of permanent core teaching staff and part-time teachers.

Duties of the Role

The Department of Language and Linguistics is seeking to appoint a part-time Lecturer in French to contribute to all aspects of the provision of French within the Languages for All programme. Duties will include the development of courses and modules, evening class teaching, coordination of part-time teachers, the supervision of online courses, as well as some organisational and administrative duties within the Department.

A full list of duties and responsibilities can be found within the respective job packs.

Qualifications and Skills required

The successful candidate will have a relevant Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate subject and/or Professional experience and/or practice in the field of French language teaching, competence in French equivalent to a native speaker and experience in language teaching in the Higher or Further Education sector, or demonstrable potential to achieve this.

Previous coordination experience and relevant Postgraduate qualifications are desirable. The person appointed will be a strong character with excellent subject knowledge and good classroom management skills. The abilities to communicate well and work as part of a team are essential.

This is a permanent, part time role (18 hours per week) on an ASE (teaching only) contract, starting the 1 September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter. Appointment will be made as Lecturer.

At the University of Essex, internationalism and diversity is central to who we are and what we do. We are committed to being a cosmopolitan, internationally oriented university that is welcoming to staff and students from all countries, faiths and backgrounds, where you can find the world in one place.

Please use the ‘Apply’ button to read further information about this role including the full job description and person specification which outlines the full duties, skills, qualifications and experience needed for this role. You will also find details of how to make your application here. Our website contains more information about the University of Essex. If you have a disability and would like information in a different format, please email

2.6 4 Postdoctoral Fellowships, Theatre and Gentrification in the European City



is offering  4 POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS starting in September 2023.

“Theatre and Gentrification in the European City” (THEAGENT) is a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council’s (ERC) Consolidator Grant Program with a 2 million Euro grant. Located in the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), and conducted under the direction of Principal Investigator Dr. Emine Fişek, the project combines multi-sited ethnographic and archival research to analyze the relationship between theatre practices and urban transformation in five European metropoles in the twenty-first century: London, Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, and Istanbul. Ground-breaking in its mixed methodology, this project will be the first to explore theatre’s role in the cultural dimensions of Europe’s urban transformations, as well as to demonstrate gentrification’s role in the politics of contemporary European theatre.

*** For further details, please visit

Application requirements include a cover letter describing the candidates’ academic experience and qualifications, as well as their plans for research relating to THEAGENT, curriculum vitae, one English-language writing sample, and three confidential letters of recommendation. Application materials can be submitted electronically in a single PDF file by email to no later than May 1st, 2023, referencing Job ID: ISR014PD223. Letters of recommendation can also be submitted under separate cover to this address. Selected candidates will be contacted for ZOOM Interviews.

2.7 Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies (M-level), University of Liverpool

Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies 2023-24

Bursary to support Master’s study in French Studies


This bursary is named after Sarah Ann Barrow, who endowed the James Barrow Chair of French at the University of Liverpool in memory of her husband. The chair was established in 1905 and was among the first endowed positions in French in English Higher Education.



Applications are invited for the Sarah Barrow Bursary in French Studies, to begin in September 2023. The Bursary of £6,000 is intended to provide full fees at the Home student rate (approx. £4,600), plus a payment of the remainder to contribute towards maintenance costs. Applicants to the one-year MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures (French studies pathway) are eligible to apply for the full bursary; applicants to the two-year part-time MRes are eligible to apply for the same amount, but spread over two years. All applicants should be eligible for the UK (Home) fee status.

Subject Areas

‌Teaching and research in French studies have been central to the University’s mission since its foundation in 1881. Research interests in French cover broad areas of French literature, culture and history, including Medieval and Early Modern studies, French cinema, travel literature, comics, francophone postcolonial studies, modern and contemporary France, and sociolinguistics. Staff and students are committed to exploring French in a global frame, and specialisms on metropolitan France are complemented by interests in the broader Francosphere (including the Francophone Caribbean and Pacific, and the French in India). Colleagues in the department work closely with Liverpool University Press to support their internationally renowned lists in the French studies field. They also collaborate regularly with external partners, including FACT, Tate Liverpool and National Museums Liverpool.

Application and Selection Process

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, with preference given to candidates who otherwise would not be able to finance an MRes. Applicants are required to make contact with a potential supervisor for assistance in formulating a research proposal; for a list of potential supervisors and their specialist areas, and an “expression of interest” form (please see online). Completed expressions of interest should reach the department through the contact below by 30 April 2023. Applicants for Sarah Barrow Bursary must also make a formal application for admittance to the MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures (French studies pathway) at the University of Liverpool by that same date.

More information

For more information about the scheme or an informal discussion, please contact Dr Rebecca Dixon (

For more information about the MRes programme, please consult: MRes in Modern Languages and Cultures. For more information about the Department of Languages, Cultures and Film, please visit: For more information about Postgraduate study at the University of Liverpool, please visit:

2.8 PhD Studentship: Doctoral Scholarship in Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Warwick

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Coventry
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: An annual stipend at the UKRI rate for 3.5 years.
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 8th March 2023
Closes: 20th April 2023
Reference: SMLC-Doctoral Scholarship

The School of Modern Languages & Cultures (SMLC) at the University of Warwick invites applications for the award of one SMLC Doctoral Scholarship to an outstanding candidate to pursue a PhD from October 2023 in one of the following areas: French Studies, German Studies, Italian, or Hispanic Studies or Translation & Transcultural Studies (all broadly conceived).

You must also be applying (or be an offer holder) for one of the PhD courses in the University of Warwick’ School of Modern Languages & Cultures to begin in October 2023, and applications are open to PhD applicants with home fee status and with overseas fee status.

We will look for an applicant of the highest calibre, who has the academic potential and the motivation to succeed in their PhD. Their research will be highly compatible with the expertise available in the School.

The School of Modern Languages & Cultures strongly encourages applications from all underrepresented groups, particularly from those with disabilities, people from ethnic minorities or disadvantaged backgrounds, women, and members of LBGTQUA+ communities.

Please see the link provided for more information and how to apply.

Funding Details

This award will cover Home or equivalent reduction in fees (fee discount) for Overseas applicants, an annual stipend at the UKRI rate for 3.5 years.

2.9 University of Exeter PhD Scholarship for Black British Researchers in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

The University of Exeter is offering one four-year fully-funded PhD scholarship for Black British researchers in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences for September 2023 entry, to help improve access and participation in PhD study for talented Black British students. The closing date for applications is midnight (UK time) on Wednesday 26th April 2023. Details of the scheme and how to apply are available here:

Colleagues at Exeter have a wide range of research specialisms and research interests in French Studies, including aspects of French literary and visual culture from the medieval period to the contemporary world, linguistics, French thought and Francophone cinema. Research carried out by staff in French deals with issues including the reception of Classical myth, sexuality, gender and translation, text and image, and questions of ‘race’, citizenship, and national identity.

Students with research interests in a relevant area are encouraged to identify a potential supervisor via the Languages, Cultures and Visual Studies departmental webpages. If you need support with this process, please contact either Prof Stacey Hynd, Faculty Director of PGR, or Dr Tom Hinton, co-Programme Director for French. Once you have identified a suitable supervisor, you should contact them before putting your application together, to confirm that they are able to supervise you and to agree the scope of your proposed PhD project. 

The application process is explained here:

2.10 Director of Language Centre, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China

Location: Ningbo – China

Salary: ¥337,904 to ¥460,527 (£40,501.51 to £55,199.23 converted salary* per annum (pro rata))

Closing Date: Friday, 7 April 2023

Reference: 183053

Opportunities at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo China

Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award-winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 8,000 in just 18 years. 

About the Centre 

Since its inception in 2005, the Language Centre has continued to grow significantly. At present, it caters for over 1,000 students. The Language Centre sits in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and currently delivers core language provision for three degree programmes: BA International Communications, BA International Studies and BA International Business (with Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Japanese or Korean) as well as MA International Communications and MA Interpreting and Translation. The Language Centre also delivers optional language modules taken by students on a wide range of degree programmes. In addition, the Language Centre develops Executive Education courses for target audiences. 

About You

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to teaching and curriculum development for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of product design and manufacture, to play a lead role in collaborative research projects and conduct ongoing original research and publications in the areas of mechanical, design and manufacturing. 

Candidates should preferably have a postgraduate degree, the ability to teach on one of the language programmes offered by the Centre, and prior experience working in Language Centres or equivalent units in a Higher Education Institution (or equivalent). Experience working in English speaking institutions are preferable. 

Your Remuneration, Benefits and Support 

The successful candidate will be offered a five-year contract that may be extended by mutual agreement. We are committed to providing competitive employment packages while supporting the wellbeing of our staff to help them reach their full potential. We offer international highly competitive salary package, and you will have a range of benefits and entitlements, including accommodation allowance, insurances, schooling support, home flight, relocation  repatriation support, and paid annual leave. You will be offered a wider range of Chinese talent schemes application opportunities based on the eligibility of application. 

How to Apply 

Applicants are invited to submit their applications, by clicking the ‘Apply’ button with the following:

  1. a cover letter
  2. an up-to-date CV

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr. Celia Lam, Associate Professor in media and cultural studies; Interim Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, email:

Please note that applications sent directly to this address will not be accepted.

If you are unable to apply on-line please contact the Human Resources Office, Tel: 86 574 8818 0000  8024.

To learn more about working and living in China, please visit:

2.11 Assistant professor Food, Health inequalities and Climate Change, Utrecht University


36 to 40


Faculty of Geosciences




3 April 2023

Job description

The Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University is interested in attracting an early career academic in the fields of international development studies, food and food systems, geography, health systems research and linked social science disciplines.

The candidate will join the International Development Studies (IDS) group at the department. Embedded in the Urban Futures programme, IDS has specialised in understanding local development in a context of rapidly changing flows of capital and of people. We look at the world as an interconnected place. Therefore, an important starting point for our approach is that rather than depending essentially on ‘local resources’, livelihood opportunities are to a large extent determined by translocal relations, development corridors and development chains. What occurs in one locality will to a large degree depend on what is occurring in other places or, more precisely, on how local agencies interact with external (e.g. global, regional) forces. We focus on the crossroads of migration and investments flows when we analyse the consequences of new flows and circulations (of people, goods, capital and knowledge) for inclusive and sustainable development in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The implications for sustainable livelihoods and human wellbeing are central to this. Against this backdrop, we are looking for a new colleague who is familiar with and has an ambition to develop our research agenda in critical development geography, geographies of food, agrarian or urban foodscapes and related study fields.

In this position we would like the candidate to explore the links between food, food systems (production, trade, processing, consumption, etc.) and link it to the emerging field of ‘Planetary Health’ and the discussion on ‘Fair transitions’. We are especially interested to explore the effects of changing food systems and the concomitant linkages to biodiversity loss, climate change and deforestation at the macro level and changing consumption and nutrition patterns at the individual level.

The position involves 60% teaching and 40% research time. Core tasks include:

  • teaching in our Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses;
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis supervision;
  • PhD supervision;
  • research, project acquisition and publishing and generating societal impact;

Building and strengthening research and education networks in the field of International Development.


Our preferred candidate should have demonstrated experience in research acquisition, publications and teaching in an international classroom. We are looking for candidates with an innovative research line that can complement the strengths in the group and the department. We specially encourage candidates with experience in Middle East and North Africa region.

Affinity to teaching quantitative and mixed methods is desired. We also expect the candidate to co-develop and coordinate courses in the bachelor programme in Human Geography and Spatial Planning.

Candidate profile:

  • You have a PhD in Human Geography, Planning or International Development Studies (or related disciplines);
  • You have experience of teaching at bachelor and master levels, preferably in an international classroom;
  • You have a clearly defined research line and publication strategy;
  • You have demonstrated ability and potential to acquire external funding;
  • You are proficient in both English and Dutch, or are willing to learn Dutch in the next years. We believe that understanding and speaking Dutch makes it easier to connect with colleagues. Therefore, we offer free language courses;
  • You have good social skills and are able and motivated to collaborate with colleagues from different disciplines;
  • You have a  University Teaching Qualification  (Dutch or foreign equivalent) or willing to acquire this certificate within two years.


We offer a temporary position (1.0 FTE) for 18 months in an international working environment. After positive evaluation, this can be turned into a permanent position. The gross salary – depending on previous qualifications and experience – ranges between €3,974 and €5,439 (scale 11 according to the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities) per month for a full-time employment. Salaries are supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end bonus of 8.3% per year.

In addition, Utrecht University offers excellent secondary conditions 

external link

, including an attractive retirement scheme, (partly paid) parental leave and flexible employment conditions (multiple choice model). For more information, please visit working at Utrecht University 

external link


About the organisation

A better future for everyone. This ambition motivates our scientists in executing their leading research and inspiring teaching. At Utrecht University 

external link

, the various disciplines collaborate intensively towards major strategic themes 

external link

. Our focus is on Dynamics of Youth, Institutions for Open Societies, Life Sciences and Sustainability.

Utrecht University’s Faculty of Geosciences 

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 studies the Earth: from the Earth’s core to its surface, including man’s spatial and material utilisation of the Earth – always with a focus on sustainability and innovation. With 3,400 students (BSc and MSc) and 720 staff, the faculty is a strong and challenging organisation. The Faculty of Geosciences is organised in four Departments: Earth Sciences, Human Geography & Spatial Planning, Physical Geography, and Sustainable Development.

The Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning 

external link

 has its focus on the enhancement of long-term economic developments of cities, how to cope with social inequalities, and how to accelerate sustainability transitions of cities and infrastructures. Research on these topics takes place within our research programme “Urban Futures: Transitions Towards Economic and Social Sustainability for Cities”.

Our research programme is the basis for our two year Research Master’s programme Human Geography, the two-year Geographical Information Management and Applications Programme, and the one-year Master’s programmes in Spatial Planning, Human Geography and International Development Studies. The Department also runs a large and highly appreciated Bachelor’s programme and is part of the Netherlands Graduate School of Urban and Regional Research for PhD candidates. Unique characteristic of the department are the attention for innovations within teaching methods and its strong involvement in the transdisciplinary sustainability research theme. 

Additional information

For more information about this position, please Ajay Bailey 

external link

 (Professor), via


Everyone deserves to feel at home at our university. We welcome employees with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives. 

To apply, please send application via the ‘apply’ button. Your application should include (and be limited to) the following:

  • motivation letter (no more than one page);
  • one-page summary of your research, including future research plans;
  • your curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;
  • names and contact details of two people who can provide references.

Interviews will take place in early April.

The application deadline is 3 April 2023.

2.12 Lecturer in French, University of Bath

Location: Bath
Salary: £36,333 to £43,155 Grade 7
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 14th March 2023
Closes: 16th April 2023
Job Ref: CH10412

The Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies (PoLIS) is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in French. 

About the role 

You will contribute primarily to the teaching of our French language programme. This will involve the teaching of modules on advanced as well as ab initio French written and spoken language including for students of business. 

Experience of teaching spoken language skills is particularly welcome. You may be asked in future to contribute to other parts of the French undergraduate degree programme. 

You will be expected to participate fully in the life of the Department including engaging in personal tutoring and recruitment activities. 

This role is offered on a full time (36.5 hours per week) permanent basis.

About you 

You will:

  • Have a qualification in teaching French.
  • Be able to demonstrate depth and breadth of understanding of subject matters at a level appropriate to the teaching to be delivered.
  • Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ideally have experience of teaching students of French in UK higher education. 

For informal discussions about the role please contact Dr Sandrine Alegre (French Section Coordinator) on or Dr Steve Wharton (Senior Lecturer) on

2.13 2-Year Powys Roberts Postdoctoral Fellowship in French or Italian, University of Oxford

Applications are invited for the Powys Roberts Postdoctoral Fellowship in Modern Languages at St Hugh’s College, Oxford.

Contract type: Full-time, fixed-term (2 years)

We intend to appoint a candidate with research interests and expertise in French and/or Francophone literatures and cultures or Italian literatures and cultures. A comparative or interdisciplinary approach to work in these fields is also welcomed. The Fellow will be required to undertake some teaching for the College. They will be a member of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages and of an appropriate Sub-Faculty in the University of Oxford.

Please see the Job Description and Selection Criteria for further details Powys-Roberts.FPs.2yr.FINAL

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.

Only applications received before noon on Friday 14th April 2023 can be considered. The anticipated start date is 1st October 2023.

Please send a completed cover sheet Powys-Roberts.Application-Cover-Sheet and the application materials specified in the Job Description to the Academic Registrar,

Candidates are encouraged to complete a Recruitment Monitoring Form St-Hughs-Equal-Opportunities-Monitoring-Form UPDATED MAR22

Enquiries about the post should be addressed to the Senior Tutor of St Hugh’s College, Robert Vilain (

2.14 MA Studentships at the University of Nottingham (UK)

Applications are currently accepted for Routes into Masters Scholarships at the University of Nottingham. These financial awards are for students wanting to do an on-site Masters. The course can be done either full-time (one year) or part-time (two years). Deadline for applications is 12pm on Monday 24th April 2023.

All the relevant information and application form can be found here: Routes into Masters Scholarships – The University of Nottingham

What the awards cover

The equivalent of home tuition fees for the Faculty of Arts.

A stipend of £9600.


These awards are available to outstanding students from the UK who wish to do a Masters degree (MA or MRes) at the University of Nottingham in:

any area of the arts and humanities

areas eligible for AHRC funding in Law and Social Sciences

Start date

The Scholarships start in September 2023.


Further study

These studentships are intended to provide a route in to the AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. It is crucial that applicants make a clear case for how the Masters will lead to an intended PhD programme.

The Masters studentships do not guarantee subsequent doctoral funding, for which a separate application must be made.

2.15 Call for Expressions of Interest: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships, based at ILCS

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships: round eight

The Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, together with other Member Institutes and the Digital Humanities Research Hub at the School of Advanced Study, invites proposals from suitably qualified applicants for the eighth round of the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships scheme.

The deadline for sending expressions of interest to the ILCS Director ( is Friday 14 April 2023.

This scheme is for early career researchers and innovators who are transitioning to or establishing independence, or who may be developing their own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting.

You do not need to hold a PhD and there are no eligibility rules based on the number of years since your PhD. However, if you do not hold a PhD, you should be able to demonstrate equivalent research or innovation experience or training. You can apply whether or not you currently hold a permanent or open-ended academic position or job role. There is no minimum or maximum award value. Your project can last for up to four years, with the option to apply to renew for a further three years.

Further details can be found here.

The deadline to submit the application to UKRI (after confirmation of institutional support) is 4th July 2023.

The School of Advanced Study, University of London welcomes all qualified applicants to submit an expression of interest to apply through the School, which can support a maximum of two applications in this round.

Application Process

Process: Expressions of interest must be submitted by the end of 14 April 2023 to the director of the chosen institute, copying Descriptions of our institutes can be found here. The expression of interest should include:

  •  A narrative CV based on this document (link to template to follow) (or another document outlining your qualifications and experience, if you prefer).
    •    Up to 250 words, outlining your research idea and what benefits you see in working at the University of London.
    •    Confirmation of your eligibility under the scheme (please refer to the scheme guidance).

All EoIs will be then reviewed by an internal panel. Applicants who are to be supported in the fellowship competition by the School of Advanced Study will be notified by 1st May 2023, and will have two months to work with the School on their application.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We prioritise creating an inclusive culture that promotes equality and diversity in all aspects of our practices and activities. We acknowledge that diversity and difference are fundamental to the success and growth of our university. We recognise that in higher education, there are underrepresented groups in the academic community. Therefore, we actively encourage applications from individuals who identify as part of an underrepresented group, including, but not limited to, women, ethnic minorities, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and individuals from low-income backgrounds. We value and appreciate the diverse perspectives and experiences that these individuals bring to the academic community and are committed to promoting a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

2.16 Advertisement for French Lecturer or Teaching Assistant Professor of French

NC State welcomes applications for a French lecturer or Assistant Teaching Professor position with a 3/3 teaching load starting in August 2023. This position comes with an annual salary and benefits. The successful candidate will primarily teach beginning- and intermediate-level language classes, but may also be asked to teach a French culture/advanced conversation course and/or French for specific purposes. There is an additional stipend to serve as the faculty advisor for our French Club, as well as opportunities to teach during the summer for additional pay. 

The search committee consists of Dr. Valerie Lambert (chair), Dr. Ruth Gross and Dr. Tatiana Kozhanova. We plan to conduct Zoom interviews with the top candidates in April 2023. Please note that the link below provides a generic listing for all positions currently open in World Languages and Cultures at NC State. 

Open Rank Lecturer or Assistant Teaching Professor vacancy has been posted on the NC State University website and can be viewed at:

2.17 Funded PhD Opportunities in The role of heritages, legacies and mobilities in understanding socio-economic transitions in space and time, University of Stirling

Awareness is growing of the long term legacies of profound socio-economic transition such as decolonialisation and mass migration in the aftermath of conflict. This theme will explore how we can deploy knowledge about these transitions to support present and future communities.

The Institute for Advanced Studies studentship initiative provides funding for postgraduate researchers interested in the role of heritages, legacies and mobilities in understanding socio-economic transitions in space and time. There are several research clusters in this theme, and summaries of each can be found below. We have provided example projects to inspire thought and provide context, but you are expected to submit an original project proposal that aligns with the research cluster. 

Recommendations for the offer of a studentship will be made by a panel of senior members of the University that will consider all applications from qualified candidates, supported by an adviser on equality, diversity and inclusion. The panel will consider a range of criteria, focusing on candidates’ academic excellence, evidence of advanced methodological skills and capacity to undertake a major piece of independent research at doctoral level.  

For more details about the studentships and the funding available please read our guide for applicants.

2.18 Job Posting: Acting Assistant Professor of French at the University of Washington

Acting Assistant Professor of French (without tenure) 


Position Description 

The Department of French and Italian Studies at The University of Washington seeks a full-time Acting Assistant Professor of French (without tenure) for the 2023-2024 academic year. This position will have an anticipated start date of September 2023, and is a full-time, 9-month position (with possible annual re-appointment for a further two years). 

The successful candidate will be prepared to teach intermediate/advanced language courses as well as advanced courses in literary and cultural studies in French and English. The teaching load is five courses per year. 

The base salary range for this position will be $6,200 – 6,570 per month, commensurate with experience and qualifications, or as mandated by a U.S. Department of Labor prevailing wage determination. 

French and Italians Studies does not intend to sponsor this position for nonimmigrant visas or permanent residence.


Ph.D. (or foreign equivalent) in French studies, native or near-native fluency in French and English, and a record of excellence in teaching at the college/university level. 

To be eligible for an offer for Autumn Quarter 2023, applicants must have received their terminal degree by the end of Summer Quarter 2023. Priority for full year offers will be given to those who have completed their Ph.D. by the end of Spring Quarter 2023. Applicants with satisfactory progress toward the degree and demonstrated teaching excellence will be given preference. Applicants completing their degree during Summer Quarter may receive an offer contingent on completion of the degree during summer quarter.

Application Instructions: 

To apply, please submit through Interfolio ( 

Application materials should include: 

  • A letter of interest 
  • Curriculum vitae 
  • DEI statement 
  • A sample syllabus 
  • Three confidential letters of recommendation (dated within the last 12 months) 

Review of applications will begin on April 24th, 2023. Preliminary interviews will be conducted by Zoom. 

Please direct inquiries about the application process to  

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement  

University of Washington is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status. 

Benefits Information 

A summary of benefits associated with this title/rank can be found at Appointees solely employed and paid directly by a non-UW entity are not UW employees and are not eligible for UW or Washington State employee benefits. 

Commitment to Diversity  

The University of Washington is committed to building diversity among its faculty, librarian, staff, and student communities, and articulates that commitment in the UW Diversity Blueprint ( Additionally, the University’s Faculty Code recognizes faculty efforts in research, teaching and/or service that address diversity and equal opportunity as important contributions to a faculty member’s academic profile and responsibilities ( 

Privacy Notice 

Review the University of Washington Privacy Notice for Demographic Data of Job Applicants and University Personnel to learn how your demographic data are protected, when the data may be used, and your rights. 

Disability Services 

To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206-543-6450 or 

COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements and Information 

Under University of Washington (UW) Policy, University-compensated personnel must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof thereof, or receive a UW-approved medical or religious exemption. This requirement will be a condition of any offer associated with this recruitment. For more information, please visit

3. Announcements

3.1 Call for applications: ILCS Conference Grant Scheme (deadline 14 April)


School of Advanced Study • University of London

ILCS Conference Grant Scheme

The ILCS Conference Grant Scheme aims to support the study of languages, cultures and societies, and/or Latin American/Caribbean studies, outside London, to promote inter-institutional collaborations, and bring together scholars from the wider area as participants or attendees.

Applicants can apply for a maximum of £2,000.

The closing date for the call for applications in respect of events to be held between 1 September 2023 and 30 June 2024 is 14 April 2023.

For full details and application process please visit the website:

3.2 Maryse Conde lecture 19th APRIL, Harvard Univ, LIVESTREAM

Maryse Condé will deliver the  inaugural Rajat Neogy Memorial Lecture at Harvard, *19th April 2023, 6:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (23:00 British Summer Time)*. The link below will take you to the livestream on YouTube. Please do attend if you can, and please share this announcement across your channels, including with students. Thank you.
Thomas Glave


3.3 EOI – General Editor of French Studies Bulletin

We are looking for expressions of interest in the role of General Editor of French Studies Bulletin. The French Studies Bulletin is the sister journal of French Studies. It publishes short often polemical pieces on any area of French studies scholarship, reports of conferences funded by the Society for French Studies (SFS), a list of any recent PhDs in the field, and SFS news. It also commissions special issues, notably a now annual issue devoted to the proceedings of the SFS postgraduate conference. The deadlines for submitting the journal for typesetting and publication normally fall in October, February, April, and August. Submissions to the journal occur on an ongoing basis. The successful candidate will have some experience of editorial work and will be keen to build on the existing profile of the journal as well to take it forward in potentially new directions.   

The main duties of the General Editor include:

  • Overseeing the content and editing of the quarterly issues of FSBto ensure their timely delivery for production and publication. 
  • Acting as the first point of contact for authors and the publisher.  
  • Undertaking the initial review of any submitted articles before sending them out to the advisory panel for further review. 
  • Liaising with authors about the outcome of the review process. 
  • Working with the Deputy Editor of the journal to ensure the timely receipt of regular features.
  • Preparing and compiling the Issues ready for copy-editing. 
  • Liaising with the Production Editor to oversee the different stages of production including copy-editing, typesetting, and proof-reading.
  • Working with the Publisher and the Production Team to establish and meet publication deadlines.
  • Ghost editing any special issues
  • Attending meetings of the Society for French Studies 

For general enquiries about the role, please contact Dr Kevin Inston

Please send expressions of interest, together with a brief account of your qualifications for the role, to Professor Siobhan McIlvanney (Secretary of SFS) at before April 7th 2023. 

3.4 SFS Annual Conference 2023: registration now live!

The Society for French Studies 

64th Annual Conference

Newcastle University 

26th–28th June 2023


Registration now open

This three-day conference includes five parallel panel sessions, a roundtable on ‘The Future of French Studies’, a gala dinner, and four keynote lectures:

– Michèle Roberts, ‘Colette’s Chéri, and the bad enough mother’

– Lydie Moudileno, ‘Longing for royalty in decolonial times’

– Alexandre Gefen, ‘Littérature et injustice’

– Helen Swift, ‘“Je vous tiens pour ma guide”: Beating about the bush in medieval dits’

The registration platform, as well as the provisional programme and details as to available funding, can be found here: >><<

The deadlines for registration are as follows:

  • Deadline for discounted ‘early bird’rates: Friday 31st March 2023
  • Final deadline for registration: Friday 21st April 2023

Please note: registration for the conference will not be possible after Friday 14th April.

For all enquiries related to the conference, please contact the Society’s Conference Officer, Dr Richard Mason, at


3.5 Call for Submissions for The 12th Annual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award: July 1, 2023 deadline

Our colleague Larry Schehr was strongly committed to the mentoring of junior faculty in the field of Contemporary French Studies.  At Contemporary French Civilization (CFC), we are proud to continue honoring him and his good work with the 12thAnnual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award.  This competition is open to all untenured junior colleagues who have received the PhD within the last seven years and who are engaged in research in contemporary French civilization and cultural studies (1870 – present). Scholars who are working on literary topics from a clearly articulated cultural approach are also encouraged to apply. 

Junior scholars who have presented conference papers in the preceding 12 months (either at virtual or in-person events and conferences such as for Nineteenth Century French Studies, the 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, the Society for French Historical Studies, Western Society for French History, Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, as well as other organizations in the US, UK, France, Australia, etc.) are encouraged to submit their work. The researcher who submits the best conference paper will receive the Award and will be invited to publish an expanded version in Contemporary French Civilization.  

In the spirit of Larry Schehr, the editorial process of moving from conference paper to publishable article will involve close mentoring by the Editors of CFC.  All submissions will be peer reviewed by members of the Editorial Board of CFC. Junior colleagues should submit their conference paper in Word Doc (10-page maximum excluding figures, images, tables, bibliography, etc) in English or French along with a separate file of their curriculum vitae to the Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary French Civilization ( by July 1, 2023 for consideration for this year’s award. 

Recent winners and their paper titles are listed below in order to offer examples of the scholarship we’re interested in publishing at Contemporary French Civilization:

2022: Dr. Abigail Celis (Université de Montréal), “Rehearsing the Future: Visualizing Resistance in Omar Victor Diop’s Liberty Series”

2021: Dr. Daniel N. Maroun (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Do Black Lives Matter in France? Agency, Culpability, and Police Brutality”

2020: Dr. Hannah Scott (University of Nottingham), ““The Singing Linguist: Popular Songs on Fin-de-siècle Language Learning

We look forward to receiving your submissions for this year’s award competition. Should you have any questions about whether or not your paper is eligible, please email

3.6 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund 2023

Please find below details of the ASMCF’s Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund. The deadline for applications is 1 May 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website:

In support of its commitment to fostering collaboration between francophone and UK academics in its fields of interest, the Association offers one grant of up to the value of £2500 to networks of members to support an annual seminar series of three or more thematically-related events, tenable in any UK or Irish university, or institution of higher education in the UK or Ireland, each of which will include a different francophone academic based in a francophone country alongside a member of the hosting department. The award is to cover the costs of the francophone scholars and where applicable, professionals / practitioners and organisation costs of the events.The Association will also consider proposals which include professionals and practitioners working in fields relevant to the academic project. The scheme is designed to support the invitation of early-career and established scholars. The deadline is 1 May 2023, for activity taking place in the following academic session. 

Applications must be completed by a network of academic members of staff who are members of the ASMCF in at least three institutions in the UK or Ireland. The UK or Irish host applicants are expected to organise, direct and take academic and organisational responsibility for the seminar series. Within this network a Main Applicant should be identified as the principal organiser with whom the Association will correspond. Full details of the criteria applying to the scheme and guidance on how to apply are available at, under ‘Funding and Prizes’. 

Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Fiona Barclay, at

Applicants will normally be notified of the outcome of their application within one month of the closing date.

3.7 ASMCF Initiative Fund

Please find below details of the ASMCF Initiative Fund. The deadline for applications is 28 April 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website:

The Association’s Initiative Fund provides small grants to individuals who are members of the Association to help defray the costs of research events intended to benefit a wide public, such as conferences, study days, workshops and support for postgraduate activities that engage with themes related to the field of French Studies. The Association is particularly keen to encourage and support regionally-based collaborative initiatives on the part of its members; again, these should be intended to benefit a wide public. The Initiative Fund does not support costs associated with individual travel, participation and registration for events or conferences. 

More details about the prize can be found on the ASMCF website:

3.8 ASMCF-SSFH Schools’ Liaison and Outreach Fund for French and French History

Please find below details of the ASMCF-SSFH’s Schools Liaison and Outreach Fund for French and French History . The deadline for applications is 31st May 2023. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website:

This prize is jointly funded by the Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France and the Society for the Study of French History.

It aims to support outreach activities that promote the learning of French and the histories and cultures of the French-speaking world.

Funds from £500-£1500 are available for projects up to 36 months in duration. The fund aims to support projects that:

  • Support outreach events in schools or connecting schools with universities
  • Create learning resources that promote the learning of French and/or histories of the French-speaking world
  • Assist teachers in secondary education
  • Promote the learning of marginalised histories, cultures, and societies in the French-speaking world.

To apply, please visit the above link and website. If you have any questions, please feel free to email.

3.6 Society for Caribbean Studies 8th Postgraduate Conference: registration

Please find below the registration form for the 8th Postgraduate
Conference taking place online on Friday 21st -Saturday 22nd April 2023:

Deadline for registration: Tuesday 18th April 2023.

Any queries or issues filling out the form, please email with ‘PG Conference 2023’ as your

3.7 AUPHF+ Funding for Undergraduate Projects – extended deadline

Dear Colleagues, 
Given the industrial action, we are pleased to extend the deadline of this exciting funding opportunity for your undergraduate students until April 30th, 2023. 

Please share with students by email and on module pages! 

The scheme will allow undergraduates to create their own project for the promotion of French and Francophone Studies. 

Last year, the successful teams from Queen’s University Belfast and University of Oxford created exciting projects: the ‘Save Language Learning Northern Ireland’ campaign (QUB) and the ‘French Studies Outreach’ project (Oxford).


Let’s Study French at Uni! 
Student-Led Project Grants to Promote French and Francophone Studies  

The Association of University Professors and Heads of French+ (AUPHF+) is offering two project grants, worth £500 each, for student-led projects that will promote the study of French and Francophone Studies at University.  

The projects will be entirely student-led and could for instance include outreach activities in secondary schools, taster workshops, film screenings, a performance, a creative writing event, etc. Students will shape and conduct their project collaboratively in a group. The projects should be principally aimed at widening participation through activities engaging prospective students from disadvantaged and under-represented backgrounds as well as supporting their access to Higher Education and engagement with the study of French and Francophone studies. We encourage you to be creative!  

The competition is open to all undergraduate students of French or French and Francophone Studies enrolled at a UK University.  

Please submit a proposal of maximum 2 pages outlining your planned activities, who will participate in the project, your target audience, the aims of your project and how you would spend the grant to Prof. Marion Schmid ( 

The deadline for receipt of applications is 30 April 2023. Successful applicants will be notified in May. All projects must be completed by 31 December 2023. The winning teams will be required to provide an update about their activities during the project and to submit a brief report after its completion. 

3.8 French Presse: meet the editors April 2 6 pm!

French Presse is delighted to host a conversation with a guest group of our best editors on April 2, 2022.
It’s a good time: 6 pm: happy hour.

We have a wonderful line-up:

Jennifer Boittin, incoming Editor, French Colonial History
Liz Fink, Editor, French Politics, Culture and Society
Christine Haynes, Co-Editor, French Historical Studies
Caroline Herbelin, outgoing Editor, French Colonial History
Jennifer Ngaire Heuer, Co-Editor, French Historical Studies
Roxanne Panchasi, Co-Editor, Journal of the Western Society for French History

An inside look at publishing articles on French history in (predominantly) Anglo-phone journals! A conversation about nuts-and-bolts issues, from how to submit articles, to the different formats and timetables of our various journals and some special issues in the pipeline.  

And more, including topics and features you’d like to see – or see more of — in these journals. Questions and ideas welcome!

Register here.

3.9 Call for expressions of interest: French Studies Editorial Board

Expressions of interest are invited for membership of the Editorial Board of French Studies. In particular, we invite expressions of interest from specialists in the following areas: postcolonial and decolonial studies; linguistics; literary and cultural studies of the sixteenth, eighteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries CE. These areas are understood expansively and with reference to any part of the world within which French is spoken. Potential Board members must be active researchers in the field of French studies, broadly defined, but there is no restriction as to the disciplinary definition of their home department or equivalent.

In addition, expressions of interest are encouraged from early career researchers in any area of the discipline. (Defined as within five years of the award of the PhD, not including any periods of maternity leave, sick leave, or similar.) Two positions on the Board are reserved for members from this constituency, who will receive mentoring from more senior members.

Early career researchers serve a single term of five years; for other members, this initial five-year term may be renewed once by mutual agreement. It is normally expected that Editorial Board members will be members of the Society for French Studies (, or that they will join the Society on becoming members of the Board.

Members of the Board support the work of the journal’s editors, in particular by participating in the peer review process, suggesting areas of interest, acting as an ambassador for the journal, and advising on questions of policy and strategy. The Board meets once a year, in London or online. The cost of travel to in-person meetings from within the UK and Ireland is reimbursed by the Society for French Studies.

In addition to ensuring sub-disciplinary coverage (including awareness of new and emerging areas), the Board is committed to maintaining and developing the diversity of its membership, in terms of (a) protected characteristics as defined in UK law under the Equality Act 2010; (b) career stage; (c) type of institution; (d) geographical location.

Expressions of interest will be considered as a gathered field by the current members of the Board. With the exception of early career researchers, potential members of the Board should be able to demonstrate a level of research activity that equips them to fulfil the role. This will be interpreted in terms of the following: quality of published research; previous editorial or research management experience; disciplinary profile. These factors will be evaluated relative to academic age. Decisions will be guided by the full range of criteria and commitments specified in this call. In the event that the expressions of interest received do not allow the Board to fulfil these, the Board reserves the right to invite expressions of interest from particular individuals. This right will be exercised only in such a scenario, if at all.

Expressions of interest should be addressed to the General Editor, Professor Martin Crowley (, to whom informal enquiries may also be addressed. Expressions of interest should take the form of a short CV (max. 2 pages, to include the date of the award of the PhD) and a short statement of motivation (max. 500 words), and should be received by Monday 17 April 2023.

3.10 Launch of the Modern & Contemporary France podcast

On behalf of the Editors and Editorial Board of Modern & Contemporary France, I am delighted to be able to share with colleagues news of our journal’s first ever podcast. To accompany our current issue, a special issue reflecting on the sixtieth anniversary of the end of the Algerian War, the guest-editor Professor Mimi Mortimer (Francophone Literature, University of Colorado Boulder) joins host and Editorial Board member Dr Benjamin Dalton to present the issue and discuss different approaches to the memory of the conflict with three other contributors, Professor Susan Slyomovics (Anthropology, UCLA), Professor Robert Mortimer (Political Science, Haverford College) and Dr Paul Max Morin (Political Science, Nice). This fifty-minute conversation provides a uniquely accessible way in to the topic and will be of interest to experienced researchers, students and the general public alike.

You can find the podcast here.

3.11 AUPHF+ Conference and Research Fund

AUPHF+ Conference and Research Fund 

We are pleased to be able to offer small grants to individuals who are AUPHF+ members and who are unable to claim support or have limited access to research funds from their home institution to help defray the costs of research events (conferences, study days, workshops etc.).  

Applications should take the form of a brief description of the activities to be undertaken (maximum 500 words) and rationale for the activities. They must also be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation such as a call for papers and, where possible, an outline programme. APPLICATIONS MUST INCLUDE DETAILS OF FUNDING RECEIVED FROM AN EMPLOYING INSTITUTION OR FUNDER IN RELATION TO THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY EXPLAINING WHY SUPPLEMENTARY FUNDS ARE NEEDED. Priority will be given to those applicants who can demonstrate that they have no access to such funds. All applicants must provide FULL financial details of the event and not just the cost for which AUPHF+ funding is being sought.  

Maximum contribution that can be applied for: £250

There are two rounds of funding per calendar year. A maximum of eight awards will be made in a year. All activities must take place within the calendar year. 

Round 1: applications received by 27 February 2023 (decision by 13 March 2023) 

Round 2: applications received by 8 May 2023 (decision by 22 May 2023) 

Terms and Conditions  

Applicants must be members of the Association. 

Applications should be made electronically to the Association’s president: The subject line of your email submission must be AUPHF+ Conference and Research Fund. 

A subcommittee of the AUPHF+ Executive Committee will be convened to award funding. Funds will be awarded according to the project’s ability to: enhance the career of the individual applicant; make an original contribution to the field of French and Francophone Studies; offer value for money.  

Successful applicants will receive funding FOLLOWING the event and AFTER SUBMISSION of a report to the Media and Communications Director. The report must be submitted by 1 December 2023. Details of activities funded by the Association will then be posted on the AUPHF+ website. 

3.12 Haiti: Politics, society and development

CLS Meeting 2nd April at 2pm London time

Speakers: Shodona Kettle and Tamlynn Torchon

Free to attend, but you must register in advance
also livestreamed on YouTube

This conversation explores the complex current political landscape of
Haiti, examines the societal challenges faced by the Haitian people,
and discusses how these challenges have affected the country’s
development. In this conversation we aim to present Haiti’s realities
on the ground from the voices of Haitians.

Shodona is Chair of the Haiti Support Group and is earning her
doctoral degree at the Institute of the Americas, University College
London. The focus of her thesis is on reparative and transformative
justice for Afro-descendants in Ecuador and Jamaica. Shodona has an
MSc in Globalisation and Latin American Development and a Bachelors in
Modern Languages. She has lectured in Human Rights at the University
San Francisco de Quito and environmental racism as a guest lecturer at
The Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar in Ecuador.

Tamlynn Torchon is a UNF graduate who’s obtained her B.A. in
International Studies with a concentration in International Relations
and Politics.
She has previously discussed Haiti’s socio-economic reality throughout
her many guest appearances on various mediums.
Her main interests are in politics, post-colonialism, cultural
anthropology, secular analysis of religions, and development. She
currently resides in Haiti.

3.13 Reminder: creative writing contest in French

A gentle reminder that the deadline for the creative writing contest in French “L’Autre” organised by Durham University’s School of Modern Languages and Centre for Foreign Language is 8 May 2023. The contest is open to specialist and non-specialist learners of French who are studying in a UK or Irish university at the following levels of the CEFR: elementary (A2), intermediate (B1-B2) and advanced (C1-C2). Students are invited to submit a text in the genre of their choice (prose, drama, poetry, song, etc.).

For more information (word length, criteria, format, registration form, etc.), please consult the following link: Creative Writing Contest in French – L’autre – Durham University 

Kind regards,

Dominique Carlini Versini, Géraldine Crahay, Anna Johnston and Cynthia Tavars


Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Nous vous rappelons que la date-butoir du concours d’écriture créative en français « L’Autre» organisé par le département de français et le centre de langues de l’université de Durham est le 8 mai 2023. Ce concours est ouvert aux étudiant·es qui apprennent le français comme matière principale ou en option dans un institut d’enseignement supérieur britannique ou irlandais. Il vise différents niveaux d’apprentissage du CECR : élémentaire (A2), intermédiaire (B1-B2) et avancé (C1-C2). Le genre du texte créatif est libre (récit, scène de théâtre, poème, chanson, etc.).  

Pour plus d’informations quant au règlement du concours (longueur, critères, format, formulaire d’inscription, etc.), veuillez consulter le lien suivant (en anglais): Creative Writing Contest in French – L’autre – Durham University 

Bien à vous,

Dominique Carlini Versini, Géraldine Crahay, Anna Johnston et Cynthia Tavars

4. New Publications

4.1 Mani Sharpe, Late-colonial French Cinema: Filming the Algerian War of Independence (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023)

Offers a sustained analysis of a cluster of French films made during, and in response to, the Algerian War of Independence

  • Identifies and analyses a previously unidentified trend in modern French cinema
  • Addresses a ‘late-colonial’ gap in scholarship on cultural histories of de-colonisation, between the colonial and the post-colonial
  • Defines late-colonial cinema as trans-generic ‘body’ of films, bound up with various cinematic traditions and tendencies, including the French New Wave, film noir, the World War Two combat film, observational documentaries, Soviet Montage cinema, parallel cinema, and settler cinema
  • Combines textual analysis of fifteen case studies with contextual analysis of late-colonial French culture, politics and society
  • Deploys a different critical approach in each chapter. These include star studies, documentary studies, gender studies and space studies, among others

Deploying the term ‘late-colonial’ to describe a body of largely French films made during, and in response to, the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962), this book revolves around one question – what is late-colonial French cinema? – generating two answers.

Firstly, Sharpe argues that late-colonial cinema represents a formally and thematically important, yet unappreciated tendency in French cinema; one that has largely been overshadowed by a scholarly focus on the French New Wave. Secondly, Sharpe contends that whilst late-colonial French cinema cannot be seen as a coherent cinematic movement, school of filmmaking, or genre, it can be seen as a coherent ethical trend, with many of the fifteen central case studies explored in Late-colonial French Cinema filtering the Algerian War of Independence through a discourse of ‘redemptive pacifism’.

Use the code NEW30 for a 30% launch discount when pre-ordering from

The introduction to the book can be downloaded here

4.2 Darcie Fontaine, Modern France and the World (London: Routledge, 2023)

Book Description

Modern France and the World provides an engaging global history of the key events of modern France and its empire. It moves beyond the traditional political narrative of the development of the French Republican nation-state to offer both national and international perspectives of its evolution.

The volume illustrates the integral exchanges that have taken place between France and the modern world, from global trade in the eighteenth century to the impact of postcolonial immigration and globalization on French identity and on France’s diverse population. It includes the voices of women, colonized populations, and those who both embraced and challenged the spread of French ideas and values around the globe. Drawing on methodologies of social, cultural, and gender history, this textbook integrates a wide range of analytical tools to entice readers to engage more deeply in France’s dynamic global history.

By presenting the history of France and its global engagements from the mid-seventeenth century to the present, this volume is an essential resource for all students who study the history, politics, and culture of modern France.

Table of Contents

  1. Globalizing France in the Era of Enlightenment  2. Radical Revolutions and Rights of Man  3. The Napoleonic Empire  4. Restoration and the Liberal Order  5. Social and Political Revolutions  6. New Imperial Designs: The Second Empire  7. The Imperial Third Republic  8. The Fin de Siècle and its Discontents  9. Global France at War, 1914-1919  10. Illusions of Peace, 1920-1939  11. War and Occupation, 1939-1944  12. Postwar Reconstruction and Imperial Deconstruction, 1944-1962  13. The Politics of Grandeur: The Fifth Republic in a New Europe  14. Globalized France  15. The Legacy of Empire in Twenty-First Century France

Routledge is currently offering a 20% discount on both the physical book and ebook, with the code AFL01 if you order through the press website: You can also order inspection copies here.

4.3 David A. Pettersen, French B Movies: Suburban Spaces, Universalism, and the Challenge of Hollywood (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2023)

In the impoverished outskirts of French cities, known as the banlieues, minority communities are turning to American culture, history, and theory to make their own voices, cultures, and histories visible. Filmmakers have followed suit, turning to Hollywood genre conventions to challenge notions of identity, belonging, and marginalization in mainstream French film.

French B Movies proposes that French banlieue films, far from being a fringe genre, offer a privileged site from which to understand the current state of the French film industry in an age of globalization. This gritty style appears in popular arthouse films such as Mathieu Kassovitz’s La Haine and Bande de filles (Girlhood) along with the major Netflix hit series Lupin. David Pettersen traces how, in these works and others, directors fuse features of banlieue cinema with genre formulas associated with both Hollywood and Black cultural models, as well as how transnational genre hybridizations, such as B movies, have become part of the ecosystem of the French film industry.

By combining film analysis, cultural history, critical theory, and industry studies, French B Movies reveals how featuring banlieues is as much about trying to imagine new identities and production models for French cinema as it is about representation.

1. Suburban Cinema Between Art and Genre
2. Luc Besson’s EuropaCorp and Parkour in the Suburbs
3. Suburban Gangsters: Screen Violence and the Banlieues
4. Suburbanoia and French Banlieue Horror Films
5. Omar Sy: Black Superstardom in Contemporary France
6. Beyond the Art/Genre Divide: Céline Sciamma’s Girlhood
Conclusion: Genre, Inclusive Casting, and the Suburbs in the Age of SVoD


French B Movies is available in hardback, paperback, and e-book.


4.4 Ali Kassem, Islamophobia and Lebanon: Visibly Muslim Women and Global Coloniality (London: Bloomsbury, 2023)

Thinking through anti, post, and decolonial theories, this book examines, analyses, and conceptualises ‘visibly Muslim’ Lebanese women’s lived experiences of discrimination, assault, wounding, and erasure. Based on in-depth research alongside over 100 Sunni and Shia participant between 2017 and 2019 it situates these experiences at the intersection of the local and the global and argues for their conceptualisation as a form of structural and lived anti-Muslim racism. In doing this, it discusses the convergences and divergences of anti-Muslim racism in Lebanon with anti-Muslim racism in other parts of both the global north and the global south. It examines the production of this racialisation as well as its workings across spheres of public, private, work, and state – including an analysis of internalised self-hate. It further explores various forms of resistance and negotiation and the contemporary possibilities and impossibilities of working beyond the epistemic framework of Eurocentric modernity. As the first in-depth and extensive study of anti-Muslim racism within Muslim-majority and Arab-majority spaces, it offers an urgent and timely redress to multiple gaps and biases in the study of the Muslim-majority and Arab-majority worlds as well as racialisation broadly and Islamophobia specifically.

Use the following discount codes to save 35% on this book when purchasing on

UK and rest of world customers: GLR CA4UK

Americas customers (excluding Canada): GLR CA4US

Canada customers: GLR CA4CA

Australia and New Zealand customers: GLR CA4AU

4.5 Joseph Peterson, Sacred Rivals: Catholic Missions and the Making of Islam in Nineteenth-Century France and Algeria (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022)

In 1839, the Abbé Jacques Suchet was sent to the Algerian city of Constantine, recently conquered by French forces, to minister to the new French colonial population there. He commented favorably on the Arabs’ Muslim religiosity, perhaps seeing them as fertile ground for missionary work. In the mid-1870s, when the Abbé Edmond Lambert toured another colonial Algerian city, he recorded that Arabs were inherently “liars, thieves, lazy in body and spirit” and that even their seeming piety was insincere. In the space of less than forty years, some French Catholics went from viewing Muslims in Algeria as fellow religious devotees, potential converts, and allies against French secularism to viewing them as enemies of civilization.

Sacred Rivals focuses on French Catholic ideas about Islam and Arab-ness-“Catholic orientalism”-in the context of religious culture wars in France and of missionary work in colonial Algeria. It examines the way the stereotype of “Islam” was used and abused in religious and political debates in French society, as well as actual missionary encounters with Muslims in Algeria, where missionaries and their potential converts came into intimate, daily contact. It reveals that, counter-intuitively, it was sometimes the most conservative Catholics who spoke most sympathetically of Muslim religiosity. “Liberal,” mainstream Catholics were often quicker to denigrate Islam as backward, fanatical, and dangerously theocratic. As Catholics increasingly came to identify with France’s more secular “civilizing mission,” any admiration for Islam would be eclipsed by a more racialized, colonialist view of Islam. Disillusioned with the possibility of Muslim conversion and seeking an explanation for their failure, even missionaries in Algeria joined in with racially-coded attacks on “Arab” Islam.

Through stories of personal encounters, Sacred Rivals exposes the ways in which religious prejudices against Muslims transformed into racial ones, as well as the ways in which Algerian Muslims adapted, used, and resisted French culture and imperialism.

Open access link:

Print version:

4.6 Modern and Contemporary France, 31 (1): Special issue reflecting on the sixtieth anniversary of the end of the Algerian War

The Editors of Modern & Contemporary France are delighted to announce the online publication of issue 31.1: a special issue, guest-edited by Mildred Mortimer, reflecting on the memory and after-effects of the Algerian War, on both sides of the Mediterranean, some sixty years after it ended.

This issue contains the following articles:

A new short story by Leïla Sebbar, written specially for this issue: ‘Il était une fois… le Hirak au pays natal’ (free to view)

And twelve book reviews.

4.7 Béchir Khraïef, Barg Ellil, trans. (Arabic-French) by Samia Kassab-Charfi (Tunis: Sud Éditions, 2023)

« Là où la vie emmure, l’intelligence perce une issue », écrit Marcel Proust dans Le Temps retrouvé. Si vous recherchez dans la littérature tunisienne un conte qui illustre magistralement cet aphorisme, c’est Barg Ellil qu’il vous faut lire. Roman où le rire se mêle aux larmes, l’amour à la guerre, la violence à l’émotion, où l’ingéniosité créatrice finit par triompher de l’adversité, Barg Ellil est l’histoire d’un esclave noir arrivé à Tunis au début du XVIe siècle. Ce héros facétieux et espiègle, porteur d’une profonde humanité, assiste à l’invasion de la ville par l’armada de Charles Quint, participe aux combats et inverse le cours de sa destinée. Apprenti alchimiste, il se découvre musicien et danseur ; marginal dans une société de privilèges, voilà que le hasard le jette dans les bras d’une femme qui ne lui est pas destinée et à laquelle il devra d’advenir à l’âge d’homme. Roman d’amour et de conquête de la liberté, parabole sur la puissance résiliente de l’art, Barg Ellil est à savourer comme le conte philosophique le plus réussi de l’immense écrivain Béchir Khraïef.

Mots-clés : Littérature tunisienne – Histoire – Esclavage – Invasions – XVIème siècle – Musique 

Béchir KHRAÏEF (1917-1983) est un romancier et un nouvelliste célèbre pour ses scènes de la vie quotidienne dans les quartiers populaires et ses portraits de marginaux dans la société tunisienne. Ironiste et très fin observateur des inégalités et conformismes sociaux, il est l’auteur de Eddegla Fi’arâjinhaMechmoum el fell, et bien d’autres récits où triomphe l’intelligence et l’art de la ruse.

Samia KASSAB-CHARFI est professeure de littératures française et francophones à l’Université de Tunis. Auteure de plusieurs essais, elle a notamment publié en 2019 avec Adel Khedher Un Siècle de Littérature en Tunisie (1900-2017) chez Honoré Champion.

“Where life is imprisoning, intelligence finds a way out”, wrote Marcel Proust in Le Temps retrouvé. If you are looking for a tale in Tunisian literature that masterfully illustrates this aphorism, Barg Ellil is the one to read. A novel where laughter mingles with tears, love with war, violence with emotion, where creative ingenuity finally triumphs over adversity, Barg Ellil is the story of a black slave who arrived in Tunis at the beginning of the 16th century. This mischievous hero, with a deep humanity, witnesses the invasion of the city by Charles V’s armada, takes part in the fighting and reverses the course of his destiny. As an apprentice alchemist, he discovers himself to be a musician and a dancer; on the margins of a privileged society, he is thrown by chance into the arms of a woman who was not meant for him and to whom he will have to become a man. A novel of love and the conquest of freedom, a parable on the resilient power of art, Barg Ellil is to be savored as the most successful philosophical tale of the great writer Béchir Khraïef.

Keywords : Tunisian literature – History – Slavery – Invasions – 16th century – Music

Béchir KHRAÏEF (1917-1983) is a novelist and short story writer famous for his scenes of daily life in working class neighborhoods and his portraits of marginalized people in Tunisian society. As an ironist and keen observer of inequality and social conformity, he is the author of Eddegla Fi’arâjinhaMechmoum el fell, and many other stories where intelligence and the art of cunning triumph.

Samia KASSAB-CHARFI is a professor of French and Francophone literature at the University of Tunis. Author of several essays, she has published in 2019 with Adel Khedher A Century of Literature in Tunisia (1900-2017) in Honoré Champion.

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