1.3 PG Poster Competition SFS Annual Conference, 27-29 June 2022, Queen’s University Belfast.
1.4 Call for Papers: Global Labor Histories in the Francophone World.
1.5 CFP: DDFC – RESISTANCE A Two-day Virtual Conference (Nov. 4-5, 2022).
1.7 Abstracts due by 3 April for SFS Postgraduate Conference 2022 – ‘After Work/Après le travail’.
1.10 Journal of Amazigh Studies: Call for Papers.
2.1 Job Posting: Maynooth University.
2.2 Post of Lecturer in Translation at the University of Portsmouth.
2.3 NUAcT PhD Studentship: Diasporic Memory Practices.
2.4 Newcastle University “Futures” appointments.
2.6 Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies, University of Sydney.
2.7 Stipendiary Lecturer in French (from 01/10/22), New College, Oxford and Merton College, Oxford.
2.9 Lecturer in French (0.5 FTE), University of Essex.
2.10 Visiting faculty in French and Francophone studies. Xavier University.
2.11 IMLR Funded and non-Funded Visiting Fellowships 2022-23.
3.1 ASMCF Initiative Fund April 2022: First Call.
3.3 Call for Submissions: The Coordinating Council for Women in History Annual Awards 2022.
3.5 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund: 1st Call.
3.6 CU Maison Française – Upcoming Events.
3.7 New date: Online-WS Embodied Interculturality in the Language Class. Tue, 24 May 2022, 1-2.30pm.
3.8 The Society of Dix-Neuviémistes (SDN) Publication Prize 2022 – call for submissions.
3.10 Literary Encyclopedia Book Prize.
3.11 On the Eve of the French Presidential Elections // April 5 and April 6 @ CU Maison Française.
3.13 Modern Language Review Article Prize, 2023.
3.14 ‘Grad for a Day’ Scholarship Opportunity – Applications Due 5/2.
3.16 IMLR Conference Grant Scheme.
3.17 FCHS Early Career Scholars Event: How to Write Academic Book Proposals.
3.19 Symposium on Édouard Glissant: “Poetics of Relation” (April 8-9).
1. Calls for Papers/Contributions
1.1 SFPS Annual Conference 2022: (Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration, Preservation, and Erasure / Les archives (post)coloniales francophones: commémoration, préservation et censure
(Version en français ci-dessous)
Call for Papers
(Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration,
Preservation, and Erasure
Friday 18th – Saturday 19th November 2022
Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Colonial archives often reflect the biases and interests of their creators – powerful individuals, and the imperial state. They are sites of complicated and contested meanings, with many collections existing directly or indirectly as a result of colonisation. Rather than ‘objective’, trustworthy repositories of historical records, archives often assemble the voices of the privileged few. Those with authority over an archive can determine what is documented, remembered, and what is forgotten. They appraise what is worthy of preservation, how collections are organised, catalogued, used, and interpreted. Although people see archives as holding valuable public knowledge, consulting them is not a straightforward process, as acquisition and access are often limited. While some archives can be consulted with prior permission, many ‘sensitive’ or highly confidential documents are subject to limited access or are completely restricted. For these reasons, archives can advertently and inadvertently become sites of concealment and suppression.
In the case of France, the debate over the use of archives, accessibility and declassification hit fever pitch on 15 January 2020, when the secretary-general of Defence and National Security, Claire Landais, imposed a new policy stating that every document from 1940 to 1970 classified as ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ – even those more than 50 years old – must be formally declassified by the agency that had produced it before it can be communicated to the public. This decision has had profound consequences for access to and use of archival materials related to, inter alia, military divisions of World War II (1940-1945), the First Indochina War (1940-1956), and the Algerian War of Independence (1940-1964). The implementation of this measure has caused widespread opposition in France and around the world, as researchers are now required to make a prior reservation and obtain permission from the Defence Historical Service (DHS) to consult historical documents. More than a year later, in March 2021, Emmanuel Macron announced that he would speed up declassification of archives more than 50 years old, a move that will allegedly help France come to terms with its colonial past. The ramifications of this announcement are yet to be realised and the question of unrestricted archival access remains uncertain.
This conference, which will be held on the 18-19 November 2022, seeks to explore contemporary and historical debates surrounding Francophone colonial archives. We welcome theoretical and critical reflections (papers or panels) on archives in Francophone Postcolonial Studies,* including but not limited to the following topics and questions:
- Archives & Public Memory Production: What is the role of archives in constructing social memory and dominant historical narratives? Can museums or libraries replace archives?
- Reading Archives: How does researcher positionality influence archival interpretation and selection? How have new ways of thinking about the past challenged more traditional views of ‘the archive’?
- Archival Access: Who gets to access archives? What are the barriers to access? Do digital archives have a role in facilitating archival access?
- Censorship/Erasure in Archives: Why do archive files from the colonial past keep going missing? What can researchers do to mediate lost or hidden material? What can we learn from ‘silences’ in the colonial archive?
- The Politicisation of Archives: How have archives around the Francophone world been constructed, manipulated, or politicised? In what ways have archives been used to legitimise (or delegitimize) political systems?
- Decolonising Archives: Is it possible to decolonise archive sources? What are the possibilities of using various ‘anti-colonial’ archives? What can a critical praxis of decolonisation of the archive look like?
- ‘Alternative’ Archives: In what ways can ‘alternative’ archives (e.g. literature, cultural art works, oral histories, newspapers, paintings, postcards, intangible heritage, etc.) challenge dominant archived histories? Does the concealment of colonial archives present an opportunity for ‘alternative’ archives to construct new historical narratives?
- Repatriating Archives: Should colonial archives be returned home? Why has it taken so long to consider the repatriation of historical documents?
Please send abstracts, in English or French of 200 to 250 words as well as a short biography of no more than 100 words to Sara Mechkarini and Dega Sian Rutherford (SFPSconference2022@gmail.com). Although this year’s conference will be held in person, we are also exploring hybrid options to enable Associate Members who are unable to travel to present online.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 May 2022.
*Please note that while the focus of this conference is the Francophone colonial world, we also welcome papers that explore the key themes from a comparative perspective
Appel à Contribution
Les archives (post)coloniales francophones: commémoration, préservation et censure
Vendredi 18 et samedi 19 novembre 2022
Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Les archives coloniales sont souvent le reflet des préjugés et des intérêts de ceux qui les ont créées: des individus puissants, des collectionneurs, et l’État impérial. Elles sont des lieux de savoir complexes et controversés puisque l’existence de nombreuses collections est le résultat direct ou indirect de la colonisation. Loin d’être des répertoires « objectifs » et fiables des événements historiques, les archives sont souvent l’agrégat des voix de quelques individus privilégiés. Les individus dont l’autorité s’étend sur les archives ont le pouvoir de déterminer les événements à répertorier, ceux à commémorer et ceux à ignorer. Ils sont les juges de ce qui a le mérite d’être préservé, de comment les collections sont organisées, cataloguées, utilisées et interprétées. Quoi qu’aux yeux du public les archives contiennent un important savoir public, leur consultation n’est pas un processus sans entraves car les droits d’accès y sont souvent limités. Bien que l’on puisse consulter certaines archives en obtenant une permission préalable, la plupart des documents
« sensibles » ou hautement confidentiels n’admettent qu’un accès limité ou sont complètement scellés. Ainsi, les archives peuvent, à dessein ou involontairement, devenir des lieux de dissimulation ou de suppression.
Dans le cas de la France, le débat sur l’utilisation, l’accessibilité et la déclassification des archives a atteint son point culminant le 15 janvier 2020 lorsque la secrétaire générale de la défense et de la sécurité nationale, Claire Landais, a instauré une nouvelle politique selon laquelle tout document classifié « secret » ou « top secret » entre 1940 et 1970 doit être formellement déclassifié par l’agence qui l’a produit avant qu’il ne soit communiqué au public. Cette décision a des conséquences profondes sur l’accès et l’utilisation des archives ayant trait à, entre autres, les divisions militaires pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale (1940-1945), la première guerre d’Indochine (1940-1956), la guerre d’indépendance d’Algérie (1940-1964). La mise en place de cette mesure, qui oblige désormais les chercheurs à faire une réservation et obtenir une autorisation au préalable auprès du Service Historique de la Défense, a été largement décriée en France et à travers le monde. Plus d’un an plus tard, en mars 2021, Emmanuel Macron a annoncé qu’il accélérerait la déclassification des archives de plus de 50 ans, une action qui devrait aider la France à assumer son passé colonial. Les ramifications de cette annonce sont encore à venir et la question de l’accès sans entraves aux archives demeure incertain
Cette conférence, qui aura lieu les 18 et 19 novembre 2022, vise à explorer les débats contemporains et historiques entourant les archives coloniales francophones. Nous accueillons avec plaisir les réflexions théoriques et critiques sur la question des archives en lien avec les études francophones ainsi que les propositions d’interventions ou de panels sur des sujets* tels que les suivants:
- Les archives et la production de la mémoire publique: quels rôles les archives jouent-elles dans la construction de la mémoire sociale et des discours historiques hégémoniques? Les musées et bibliothèques peuvent-ils remplacer les archives?
- La lecture des archives: dans quelles mesures la subjectivité des se.s influence-t- elle leur sélection et interprétation des archives?
- L’accès aux archives: qui a accès aux archives? Qu’est-ce qui en entrave l’accès? Quels rôles les archives digitales peuvent-elles jouer dans la facilitation de l’accès aux archives?
- La censure/l’affichage des archives: qu’est-ce qui explique la disparition récurrente des archives ayant trait au passé colonial? Quels recours les chercheur.se.s peuvent-ils/elles adopter pour atténuer la perte ou la dissimulation des ressources? Quels enseignements tirer des « silences » dans les archives coloniales?
- La politisation des archives: comment les archives dans le monde francophone ont-elles été construites, manipulées ou politisées? Comment les archives ont-elles été utilisées pour légitimer (ou délégitimer) des systèmes politiques?
- La décolonisation des archives: la décolonisation des archives est-elle possible? Quelles possibilités l’utilisation de certaines archives « anti-coloniales » offrent-elles?
- Les archives alternatives: dans quelles mesures les archives « alternatives » (tels que la littérature, les œuvres d’art culturelles, les histoires orales, la presse, les tableaux, les cartes postales, l’héritage intangible, ) peuvent-elles contester les histoires hégémoniques archivées? La dissimulation des archives coloniales offre-t-elle une opportunité de construction de discours historiques nouveaux par le biais des archives « alternatives »?
- Le rapatriement des archives: les archives coloniales doivent-elles être rapatriées dans leur pays d’origine? Pourquoi a-t-il fallu attendre si longtemps pour envisager le rapatriement des documents historiques?
Veuillez soumettre vos propositions de communication, entre 200 et 250 mots en anglais ou en français, ainsi qu’une petite note biographique de 100 mots à Sara Mechkarini et Dega Sian Rutherford (SFPSconference2022@gmail.com). Veuillez noter que bien que la conférence de cette année se tienne en personne, nous explorons également des options hybrides pour permettre aux membres associés qui ne peuvent pas se déplacer de présenter en ligne.
La date butoir pour soumettre vos propositions est le 31 mai 2022.
*Veuillez noter que bien que cette conférence se focalise sur le monde francophone, nous acceptons volontiers toute proposition qui aborde les thématiques clés avec une approche comparative.
1.2 Call for Papers: Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression (DL Abstracts: 15 June 2022)
Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation,
Criminalisation, and Oppression
Edited by Grace O’Brien, Pey-Chun Pan, and Simon Prideaux as part of the
(In)Justice International Collective
Deadline for Abstracts: 15 June 2022 /| /Deadline for Articles: 15
November 2022
Social Inclusion, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 1.333) and Scopus (CiteScore: 2.4), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its upcoming issue “Indigenous Emancipation: The Fight Against Marginalisation, Criminalisation, and Oppression,” edited by Grace O’Brien (Queensland University of Technology), Pey-Chun Pan (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology), and Simon Prideaux ((In)Justice International) as part of the (In)Justice International Collective.
This call for papers is asking for transnational and transdisciplinary studies/expressions of lived experiences facing Indigenous peoples across the globe. Accounts may range from the results of deforestation, (environmental) destruction, and denial of “homelands,” renouncement of human rights, neoliberal exploitation, or indiscriminate impoverishment. Similarly, analysis of the social harms caused by discriminatory incarceration of Indigenous peoples, prejudicial attitudes toward Indigenous women, lack of care or respect for disabled Indigenous people, access to healthcare, and/or the inequity levelled against Indigenous LGBTI+ groups/individuals are also welcome.
Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged
to read the full call for papers here
Abstracts welcome by 15 June 2022.
1.3 PG Poster Competition SFS Annual Conference, 27-29 June 2022, Queen’s University Belfast
To showcase postgraduate research projects at Master’s and PhD level, we are pleased to invite expressions of interest from postgraduate students in creating project posters for the Society for French Studies’ 63rd Annual Conference at Queen’s University Belfast.
We are seeking expressions of interest for entry to our postgraduate poster competition, with prizes awarded for the best poster (£150) and the runner-up (£50).
The postgraduate poster sessions will take place on Tuesday 28 June and Wednesday 29 June of the Annual Conference. Participants are welcome to present at either one or both sessions, doing so in either French or English.
These sessions allow students to discuss their research informally with colleagues, using a poster as a visual aid for highlighting a project’s central argument or ideas. The sessions also provide the opportunity to receive feedback and meet leading and emerging scholars in a wide range of fields.
Participants may create their posters using, for example, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. We highly recommend the free online design software, Canva, which offers templates for posters and infographics. Posters must be submitted in PDF format and will be printed by the conference organisers on A2 paper. Further information, including suggested poster layouts, will be provided in due course.
Due to the ongoing challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, we also welcome expressions of interest in creating a virtual poster, should presenters not be able to travel to Belfast. These posters would be displayed as part of an online gallery, available on the SFS website and advertised via social media.
Remote participants will have the opportunity to have their posters printed and displayed at the conference, just as in-person attendees will be able to upload their posters to the online gallery.
Expressions of Interest
To express your interest, please send a short email that outlines the general topic or argument of your proposed poster by 15 April 2022 to Elly Walters (Conference Assistant) and David Ewing (Postgraduate Officer) at the following address: sfsbelfast2022@gmail.com (subject line: ‘SFS poster’).
After this date, we will contact participants with more information, including example posters, file formatting, and layout suggestions. The final poster should then be submitted by 29 May 2022.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch at sfsbelfast2022@gmail.com.
Elly Walters and David Ewing,
Society for French Studies
1.4 Call for Papers: Global Labor Histories in the Francophone World
The editors of French Historical Studies seek articles for a special issue on labor in France and the francophone world in global perspective, to appear in 2024.
Since the turn of new millennium, a new global history of labor has emerged that focuses on the relationship between structures and practices of labor from at least medieval times to the present day. However, most French historians of labor continue to focus on the Hexagon and to underestimate wider European and global connections and comparisons. Similarly, specialists of slavery and post-slavery in the French colonies rarely extend their analyses to other empires or to labor history in France. This special issue seeks to bridge these gaps by inviting submissions relating labor in mainland France to labor in its colonies and/or other areas, from the early modern to the present day.
Potential themes that lend themselves to comparative or global approaches include:
- Economic and social structures of labor and bondage
- Labor structures and practices in imperial metropoles and colonies
- Gender, race and age profiles in labor structures and practices
- Labor protest and revolt
- Worker migration and mobility
Queries about submission and other matters should be addressed to the guest editors, Alessandro Stanziani (alessandro.stanziani@ehess.fr) and Gwyn Campbell (gwyn.campbell@mcgill.ca)
To submit an article, visit www.editorialmanager.com/fhs/default.aspx. After registering, follow the submission instructions under “Instructions for Authors” on the website. Articles may be either in English or in French but must in either case conform to French Historical Studies style and must be accompanied by 150-word abstracts in both French and English. Manuscripts may be between 8,000 words and 12,000 words. For illustrations, stills, or film clips, authors must obtain written permission for both print and online publication from the relevant persons or institutions.
Deadline for submission of papers to FHS is August 20, 2022.
Appel à contributions : Histoires croisées du travail dans le monde francophone
Les éditrices de French Historical Studies lancent un appel à articles pour un numéro spécial de la revue sur le travail en France et dans le monde francophone à la lumière de l’histoire globale, à paraître en 2024.
Depuis le tournant du nouveau millénaire, l’histoire globale du travail a donné vie à une énorme quantité de travaux reliant les formes et les pratiques du travail de régions différentes, depuis le Moyen-Âge et jusqu’à nos jours. Cependant, dans les mondes francophones, cette tendance est encore incertaine ; les historiens du travail en France se limitent le plus souvent à l’Hexagone et ignorent les connexions et les comparaisons avec d’autres régions d’Europe et du monde. Pour leur part, les spécialistes de l’esclavage et du post-esclavage dans les colonies françaises difficilement relient leurs investigations aux dynamiques dans d’autres Empires ou même à l’évolution du travail en France. Cet appel vise à dépasser ces barrières et invite des soumissions reliant le travail en France à celui d’autres pays et/ou de ses colonies. La période couverte s’étale de l’époque moderne jusqu’à nos jours.
Thématiques envisagées (liste non exclusive), toutes dans une perspective d’histoire connectée, globale ou comparée :
- Les structures économiques et sociales du travail et de la coercition
- Structures et pratiques du travail dans les métropoles impériales et dans les colonies
- Le genre dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
- La race dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
- L’âge dans les structures et les pratiques du travail
- La résistance au travail
- Migrations et mobilité
Toute question est à adresser à nos deux directeurs du numéro spécial : Alessandro Stanziani (alessandro.stanziani@ehess.fr) et Gwyn Campbell (gwyn.campbell@mcgill.ca).
Pour soumettre un article, veuillez consulter www.editorialmanager.com/fhs/default.aspx. Après vous être enregistré(e), suivez les instructions de la section « Instructions for Authors ». Les articles peuvent être soumis en anglais ou en français, mais, dans les deux cas, ils doivent être conformes au style de FHS, et doivent être accompagnés d’un résumé ou abstract de 150 mots, dans les deux langues. Les manuscrits doivent comporter entre 8000 et 12000 mots. Concernant les illustrations, prises de vue, ou extraits de film, les auteurs doivent obtenir la permission écrite de les publier sous forme papier et digitale de la part des personnes dépositaires des droits sur ces images ou extraits audiovisuels, ou de la part des responsables des institutions d’où les images sont originaires.
La date limite pour soumettre les articles est fixée au 20 août 2022.
1.5 CFP: DDFC – RESISTANCE A Two-day Virtual Conference (Nov. 4-5, 2022)
A Two-day Virtual Conference (Zoom)
Date: November 4-5, 2022
The Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum Steering Committee (DDFC)
Since our inaugural conference in 2020, “Diversity, Decolonization, and the French Curriculum”, DDFC has become an organized collective with a steering committee, action groups, and regular events to work towards our mission of fostering conversations in French & Francophone studies that center social justice and empower scholars and practitioners. Following our first conference, a number of participants joined Dr. Siham Bouamer and Dr. Loic Bourdeau (DDFC founding members) to put together Diversity and Decolonization in French: New Approaches to Teaching (April 2022). This volume reconceptualizes the French classroom through a more inclusive lens and is grounded in “complaint as a feminist pedagogy” (Ahmed 2021, 7). The chapters “provide testimonies of instructors’ experiences in the classroom and point out the shortcomings and inequity they have encountered, contested, and untangled” and ultimately call for different forms of resistance, whether against the canon, assessment, textbooks, socio-historical frameworks, etc.
Our goal as a collective is also to bring together scholars, teachers, and practitioners on a biannual basis to share new resources and ideas around a specific theme. In a time of rising authoritarianism across many global contexts, which includes but is not limited to legislative attempts in the United States to control curricula and thwart social justice (e.g., attacks on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and trans people), RESISTANCE, the 2022 DDFC conference theme, is as urgent as ever. We invite proposals for 15-min presentations, complete panels (of 3 or 4), or other formats such as roundtable discussions, book club, etc. We ask that all proposals offer concrete examples and practical tools to benefit all attendees. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Complaint as resistance
- Forms of resistance in the profession: collectives, organizations, unions, mentoring programs, etc.
- Graduate education and power dynamics: how to resist?
- Learning from past traditions of resistance
- Resistance and positionality: who resists? Who can resist?
- Resistance and tokenism
- Resisting “la francophonie”
- Resisting and defending one’s (language) program
- Resisting authorities: legislatures, parents, school leaders, etc.
- Resisting outside the classroom
- Resisting textbooks and traditional curricula/resisting traditional pedagogies and assessments
- Resisting the (literary) canon
- Surmounting internalized resistance to change
Abstracts of 250 words (single papers) – 600 words (other formats) should be sent to ddfcemail@gmail.com by August 1, 2022. Selected contributors will be notified in September. In addition to your proposal, we ask that you submit the name of 3 to 5 references of your choice that resonate with our theme, Resistance. These may but do not have to relate directly to your proposals. We will build a database to share with all participants during the conference.
This event is free and open to all. In lieu of conference fees, we encourage you to donate directly to local organizations and mutual aid networks that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. We will provide a list of organizations/networks once conference registration opens.
1.6 CLP-NCFS 2022-Reminder
This is a friendly reminder that submissions are due on April 1 for NCFS 2022, which will take place at the Marriott Downtown in New York City. The theme of the conference is Transatlantics/ Transatlantiques, and the CFP can be found here.
We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker will be Professor Marlene Daut. Her talk is scheduled to take place on the Friday of the conference, Nov. 4, 2022.
Please send your abstract of 250–300 words as an attachment in Word to ncfs2022@gmail.com. We would appreciate it if you would remove your name from the attachment, while including all relevant details in the email.
Thanks to all who have already submitted. We look forward to reading your submissions!
Best wishes,
the NCFS 2022 Organizers
Rachel Corkle
Susan Hiner
Bettina Lerner
Rachel Mesch
1.7 Abstracts due by 3 April for SFS Postgraduate Conference 2022 – ‘After Work/Après le travail’
UK Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2022
Friday 27 May – King’s College London
Keynote speaker: Dr Elliot Evans (University of Birmingham)
This year’s Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference is an invitation to imaginative and critical reflection on the theme of ‘after work’.
Inspired by Henri Lefebvre’s insight that experiences of non-work can provide a vantage point from which to evaluate workaday life, the topic aims to focus on the far side of work, the better to think its place in the lives of individuals and collectives.
The conference invites reflection on distributions of daily time in French and Francophone histories and cultures. What can be accomplished after work? Is it possible to conceive such accomplishments as forms of after-work? How has the boundary between work and non-work been constructed? What forms of time-managing practices can be found in French and Francophone cultural and intellectual histories, and what might such practices tell us about ways of relating to work, to the self, to the world, and to others?
The topic also opens onto literary-critical questions: what comes after the work of reading and of textual analysis? How is it that some texts seem to do their work after we close a book? Is the critic or reader ‘back at work’ in such cases? And how can we think the task of literary research from the standpoint of what happens ‘after work’?
Criticisms of the very notion of an ‘after’ to work are encouraged. These might be taken from the point of view of reproductive labour, night work, overwork, or burnout; or from philosophical perspectives that would trouble a clear distinction between before and after. The conference also invites engagement with horizons of a world after work, from political and theoretical debates over automation and basic income to utopian imaginings of idleness, creativity, or play.
As a work-in-progress seminar, the conference is a challenge to the suggestion of completed work in its title. Indeed, the theme is inspired by the idea that, as researchers, we can have generative conversations about ongoing work when we are no longer at our desks (a notion that has been all the more apparent since the onset of the pandemic). Postgraduate students are therefore invited to share, discuss, and reflect on their research-in-progress with a collaborative audience. Contributions are invited from across the fields, periods, and geographies that make up French and Francophone studies.
Topics that might be addressed include, but are not limited to:
- Valuations of work and of not working
- Leisure, rest, creativity, and play
- Distributions of work in time and space
- The politics of time
- Temporalities of unwaged work
- Reproduction and futurity
- Scheduling practices
- The workdays and nights of cultural producers
- ‘After work’ in literary and cultural forms
- Reading as work and/or ‘after work’ activity
- Revising and coming back to work
- Retroactivity
- Xenofeminism
- Temporalities of scholarly work
- Evenings, nights, mornings, breaks
- Métro-boulot-dodo
- Retirement
To apply, please send an abstract of maximum 300 words including your name, institution (if applicable), level of study, and dissertation/thesis working title to sfspostgradconf2022@gmail.com by 3 April 2022. Please note that presentations will be 15 minutes in length and can be given in English or French.
The conference will be held in-person at King’s College London. Registration and catering are free of charge. Students who are members of the Society for French Studies are eligible to apply for funding to help with transport costs. Speakers who are non-members are kindly asked to seek financial help from their own institutions to cover travel costs.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact the organisers at sfspostgradconf2022@gmail.com.
Organisers: David Ewing and Elly Walters
Appel à contributions
Après le travail
UK Society for French Studies Postgraduate Conference 2022
Le vendredi 27 mai, King’s College London
Conférencier.e invité.e: Dr Elliot Evans (University of Birmingham)
Nous invitons des propositions de communication de la part d’étudiant.e.s en master ou en thèse dans le champ interdisciplinaire des études françaises et francophones pour notre Postgraduate Conference 2022, intitulé « Après le travail ».
Le colloque est une invitation à réfléchir de manière critique et créative au thème de « l’après-travail ». Suivant une idée avancée par Henri Lefebvre, à savoir que les expériences du non-travail fournissent un point de vue permettant de critiquer nos travaux quotidiens, nous proposons d’assumer la perspective de l’après-travail, afin de mieux réfléchir aux sens que nous conférons au travail dans la vie privée et dans nos vies communes.
Nous invitons des interventions sur les distributions du temps quotidien dans les histoires et les cultures de la France et du monde francophone. Que peut-on accomplir après le travail ? Est-il possible de concevoir de tels accomplissements comme des formes propres de « l’après-travail » ? Comment a-t-on construit des frontières entre le travail et le non-travail ? Quels modes de gestion temporelle peut-on discerner dans les histoires culturelles et intellectuelles de la France et du monde francophone, et que peuvent-ils nous dire sur nos relations au travail et au monde, à soi et à autrui ?
Le thème porte également sur des questions littéraires : qu’est-ce qui se passe après le travail de la lecture ou de l’analyse textuelle ? Comment est-ce que le texte littéraire « fait son travail » une fois le livre fermé ? Dans de tels cas, la critique est-elle de retour au travail ? Et comment peut-on penser le processus de la recherche littéraire du point de vue de ce qui advient après le travail ?
Nous encourageons des contributions qui contesteraient l’idée que le travail soit forcément suivi d’un « après », que l’on parte du point du vue du travail reproductif ou du travail nocturne, du surmenage ou de l’épuisement. Le colloque invite également des perspectives philosophiques qui troublerait une distinction nette entre un avant et un après, tout comme des réflexions sur un monde après le travail, qu’il s’agisse de débats théoriques et politiques autour de l’allocation universelle ou d’imaginaires utopiques de l’oisiveté, de la créativité, ou du jeu.
L’idée d’un travail achevé est justement remise en question par l’organisation de la journée sous forme de séminaire de travail. En effet, le colloque est inspiré par le sentiment – d’autant plus saillant depuis l’avènement de la pandémie – que nous pouvons discuter de nos recherches en cours d’une manière à la fois plus créative et réflexive une fois que nous avons quitté le bureau. Ainsi, nous invitons des étudiant.e.s en master ou en thèse à partager leur travail en cours avec une audience collaborative et diverse. Nous encourageons l’envoi de contributions couvrant toutes les périodes et des disciplines aussi variées que la littérature, le théâtre, le cinéma, les études queer, les études postcoloniales, la sociologie, la performance, l’écriture d’invention, la traduction, la philosophie, ou les études culturelles. Les intervenant.e.s sont libres de présenter en anglais ou en français.
Les domaines de présentation peuvent inclure, sans s’y limiter :
- La valeur du travail et du non-travail
- Le loisir, le repos, la créativité, et le jeu
- Distributions du travail dans le temps et dans l’espace
- Temps et politique
- Temporalités du travail non rémunéré
- Reproduction et futurité
- Pratiques de gestion temporelle
- Jours et nuits de travail des producteurs culturels
- « Après le travail » comme thème littéraire ou culturel
- La lecture comme activité de travail ou d’après-travail
- Révision du travail
- La rétroactivité
- Le xénoféminisme
- Temporalités du travail intellectuel
- Les soirs, les nuits et les pauses
- Métro-boulot-dodo
- La retraite
Pour candidater, veuillez envoyer votre proposition (max. 300 mots) pour une présentation de 15 minutes, accompagnée de votre nom, affiliation institutionnelle (si applicable), et niveau d’études à sfspostgradconf2022@gmail.com avant le 3 avril 2022.
Le colloque aura lieu à King’s College London et la participation sera gratuite, y compris le déjeuner. Les étudiant.e.s membres de la SFS peuvent postuler à une « Research Support Grant » pour les aider à couvrir leurs frais de déplacement. Il est demandé aux participant.e.s et intervenant.e.s non-membres de recourir à l’aide de leur institution de rattachement pour couvrir les frais de déplacement.
Si vous avez des questions au sujet de l’accessibilité, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à sfspostgradconf2022@gmail.com.
Organisation: David Ewing and Elly Walters
1.8 Call for Papers: 20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, April 13-15, 2023, University of Arizona
20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium
Plenary Speakers:
Marie Darrieussecq
Abdellah Taïa
April 13-15, 2023
University of Arizona
Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson, AZ
Organizing Committee: Denis M. Provencher and Alain-Philippe Durand
Disassembling and Reassembling Cultures in the Desert
“Desert: luminous, fossilized networks of an inhuman intelligence, of a radical indifference—the indifference not merely of the sky, but of the geological undulations, where the metaphysical passions of space and time alone crystallize. Here the terms of desire are turned upside down each day, and night annihilates them. But wait for the dawn to rise, with the awakening of fossil sounds, the animal silence.” Baudrillard, “Vanishing Point” in America.
In the 1980s, Baudrillard’s philosophical travel guide to America detailed the desert very much as an “astral” site and a contemplative place. For Baudrillard, the desert was a place stripped of culture or an “un-culture” where life was radically subsumed by the verticality of the sky and the geology of the land. With Tucson, Arizona being the site of the next 20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium and having been named in 2016 the first UNESCO city of gastronomy in the United States, it seems an appropriate time to re-evaluate the desert as a space supposedly apart from culture and to re-examine Baudrillard’s vision, among others.
How can we see the desert as a new site of culture, life, sustainability and sustenance? How does the desert engage historically with cultures, people, and power? Does the desert allow us the space and time to strip away old theoretical paradigms and to see the world’s cultures and future differently? How are these visions, horizons, and futures represented in literature, contemporary art, film, dance, music, and other contemporary cultural productions of French expression? How do these themes factor into postmodern and postcolonial theories, gender theories, cultural studies, and sexuality studies? Do new cultural phenomena and new technologies change our view of the desert and of life? Of these visions, horizons, and futures?
With our profession now two decades into the twenty-first century, it also seems timely to assess where we are headed in 20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies. As we move further along into the 21st century, how can the desert as a paradigm help us to disassemble the theories of the 20th century and to reassemble them to find new visions for the future of our profession?
We invite paper proposals in the following fields: literatures of French expression, literary theory, cultural studies, anthropology, history, gender and postcolonial studies, sexuality studies, translation, and art, including music, dance, film and media studies, photography, and the graphic novel.
In addition to individual proposals, we encourage the submission of complete panel proposals. The organizing committee will welcome particularly, but not exclusively, proposals addressing the following themes:
– Time/space upheaval and reorganization
– Artificial trans-plants
– Oasis and desert
– Empire and desert
– Indigeneity and desert
– Artificial and authentic paradises
– Mirage and simulacra
– New emerging cultures
– New horizons and the living
– Humans, non-humans, cyborgs, mutants, and endangered species
– Solitude
– Migrations and trans-plants in the desert
– Pathways and self-inquiries
– Zoopoetics
– Anthropocene
– Ecology
– Adaptation, climate change, and survival
– Water and sustainability
– Baudrillard, Virilio, and the speed of the image
– Modernity and utopia
– Place and food
– Gastronomy
– Places and non-places
– Fertility, reproduction, and regeneration
– Queer futures and non-reproduction
– Two decades into the 21st century
– The state of the field of 20th/21st century French and Francophone Studies
– Our place in the Academy and the evolving Humanities
– Global and local heritage sites (UNESCO, etc.)
We also welcome proposals for papers and panels on the works of our plenary speakers Marie Darrieussecq and Abdellah Taïa (subject open).
Paper proposals (250 words maximum, in French or English, along with a brief bio-bibliography) and proposals for complete panels (strongly encouraged) should be sent by email to the following address 2023-colloque@email.arizona.edu before September 15, 2022. For complete panels, please submit contact information for all participants.
Colloque International des Etudes françaises et francophones du 20ème et 21èmes siècles
Conférenciers invités:
Marie Darrieussecq
Abdellah Taïa
13-15 avril 2023
University of Arizona
Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson, AZ
Organisateurs: Denis M. Provencher et Alain-Philippe Durand
Défaire et refaire les cultures dans le désert
“Désert : réseau lumineux et fossile d’une intelligence inhumaine, d’une indifférence radicale—non seulement celle du ciel, mais celle des ondulations géologiques où seules cristallisent les passions métaphysiques de l’espace et du temps. Ici se renversent les termes du désir, chaque jour, et la nuit les anéantit. Mais attendez que le matin se lève, avec l’éveil des bruits fossiles, du silence animal.” Baudrillard, “Vanishing Point” dans Amérique.
Dans les années 80, le guide de voyage philosophique de Baudrillard, Amérique, décrivait le désert à la fois comme un site astral et comme un lieu contemplatif. Pour Baudrillard, le désert représentait un lieu dépouillé de la culture ou une « non-culture » où la verticalité du ciel et la géologie de la terre subsument la vie. La ville de Tucson, Arizona – site du prochain colloque des études françaises et francophones des vingtième et vingt-et-unième siècles – étant la première ville américaine inscrite en 2016 au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO en tant que « capitale gastronomique », il nous semble donc opportun de réévaluer le désert en tant qu’espace soi-disant hors culture et de réexaminer la vision de Baudrillard, parmi d’autres.
Comment pouvons-nous voir le désert en tant que nouveau site de culture, de vie et de durabilité ? Comment est-ce que le désert interagit historiquement avec les cultures, les peuples, le pouvoir ? Le désert nous donne-t-il l’espace et le temps pour dépouiller de vieux paradigmes théoriques et envisager les cultures mondiales et l’avenir différemment ? Comment est-ce que ces visions, horizons et l’avenir sont représentés dans la littérature, l’art contemporain, le cinéma, la danse, la musique, et les autres productions culturelles d’expression française et francophone ? Comment ces thèmes prennent-ils en compte les théories postmodernes, postcoloniales, culturelles, d’études de genre et sexualité ? Les nouveaux phénomènes culturels et les nouvelles technologies changent-elles notre point de vue sur le désert et sur la vie ?
Après les deux premières décennies du vingt-et-unième siècle, il nous semble opportun de faire un bilan des études françaises et francophones des 20ème et 21ème siècles. Le paradigme du désert peut-il nous aider à nous débarrasser des théories du 20ème siècle afin de proposer de nouvelles visions pour l’avenir de/dans notre profession ?
Nous invitons des propositions de communication dans les domaines suivants : littératures d’expression française, théorie littéraire, études culturelles et/ou postcoloniales, anthropologie, histoire, études de genre et sexualité, traduction, arts tels que la musique, la danse, le cinéma, les médias, la photographie, et la bande dessinée.
En plus de propositions individuelles, nous encourageons vivement les propositions de séances complètes. Le comité scientifique accueillera avec intérêt des propositions portant sur les thèmes suivants, sans que ceux-ci soient restrictifs :
– Bouleversement et réorganisation du temps et de l’espace
– Greffes artificielles
– Oasis et désert
– Empire et désert
– Indigénéité et désert
– Paradis artificiels et authentiques
– Mirage et simulacre
– Nouvelles cultures émergentes
– Nouveaux horizons et modes de vies
– Humains, non-humains, mutants, cyborgs et espèces menacées
– Solitude
– Migrations et transplantations dans le désert
– Cheminements et quête de soi
– Zoopoétique
– Anthropocène
– Ecologie
– Adaptation, changement climatique et survie
– Eau et durabilité
– Baudrillard, Virilio et la vitesse de l’image
– Modernité et utopie
– Gastronomie
– Lieux et non-lieux
– Fertilité, reproduction et régénération
– L’avenir queer et la non-reproduction
– Deux décennies du 21e siècle
– Etat des lieux des études françaises et francophones des 20ème/21ème siècles
– Notre place dans le monde universitaire et l’évolution des Humanités
– Sites du patrimoine mondial et local (UNESCO, etc.)
Des propositions individuelles ou des sessions complètes portant sur les œuvres de nos conférencier(ères) en séance plénière Marie Darrieussecq et Abdellah Taïa (sujet ouvert) sont aussi les bienvenues.
Les propositions de communication (250 mots maximum, en français ou en anglais, accompagnées d’une brève notice bio-bibliographique) et de séances complètes (celles-ci vivement encouragées) sont à envoyer par e-mail à l’adresse
2023-colloque@email.arizona.edu avant le 15 septembre, 2022. Pour les sessions complètes, merci d’envoyer les coordonnées de tous les participants.
1.9 CALL FOR PAPERS: Carceral Policy, Policing and Race Conference, 7-8 September, SOAS University of London. DEADLINE 2nd MAY
SOAS is pleased to announce the inaugural conference of “Carceral Policy, Policing and Race” to mark the launch of a new Project, headed by the Rt Hon David Lammy MP.
In the wake of a resurgent Black Lives Matter movement, we have witnessed a renewed dialogue about the salience of race in systems of policing and prisons. However, this has not been translated into a sustained conversation about the global reality of Black, brown and Indigenous internment. Recalibrating a discussion that has been dominated by perspectives from the Global North, the Carceral Policy, Policing and Race Project explores the varying realities – and meanings – of carcerality around the world, and asks how these realities have been shaped by histories of colonialism and slavery. We will adopt a truly comparative framework to connect the carceral experiences of those across the traditional African, Asian and Middle Eastern remit of SOAS to those in Europe, the Americas and Oceania. Grounded in this understanding, the Project will also discuss solutions, forms of resistance and alternative futures. Identifying action that is already being taken, as well as exploring new paths that remain uncharted, the Project will ask what it would mean to “decolonise” systems of criminal justice around the world.
We are launching this Project with an inaugural conference on the 7-8 September 2022, bringing together a wide network of academics, activists and professionals, united by their concerns over the salience of race in systems of prisons, policing and detention.
We are now welcoming the following submissions:
1. Academic/research abstracts. Space will be made for submissions from graduate students and early year academics.
2. Proposals from activists, public servants, practitioners, professionals, lawmakers and those willing to share their experience of incarceration, detention and police repression.
3. Abstracts from authors of recently published or forthcoming books, to be discussed with selected respondents.
Please email your submissions (max. 500 words) to Oly Durose at od8@soas.ac.uk or carceralpolicy@soas.ac.uk. The conference will take place on a hybrid basis, so please detail whether you wish to attend in person or online. We hope to have bursaries available for those who would otherwise not be able to attend. Please provide an additional short statement (max. 200 words) if you would like to apply for this funding. If you would like to discuss any proposals before submitting, or require any further information, please get in touch. The deadline for submissions is Monday 2nd May.
We would be so grateful if you were able to circulate this CfP to anybody who you think may be interested. You can find more information about the Project and Conference here: https://www.soas.ac.uk/law/research/projects/carceral-policy-policing-and-race/
1.10 Journal of Amazigh Studies: Call for Papers
Algeria and Imazighen: After 60 years of Independence a Retrospective and Assessment
The first volume of the Journal of Amazigh Studies is dedicated to a broad reflection on the situation of Imazighen in Algeria since the country’s independence. 2022 marks Algeria’s 60th anniversary of independence from France. In 1962, after seven years of one of the bloodiest de-colonial wars in history, Algeria celebrated a remarked victory. However, it was bittersweet for most Algerians who had lost so much. Yet, freedom has a price Algerians have been told, as “liberation and sacrifice” has been the Algerian governments’ mantra since independence. Algeria, they proclaim, is a country of valiant martyrs and proud people.
But of course, the story does not end nor start there. The clichéd image of a country of proud and strong Algerians unified in their just fight against colonialism is shadowed by another reality. The war was multifaceted and fraught with internal dissension, confusion, compromises, duplicity, and preventable losses. Moreover, because the war was not between armies but a war of the French army on the Algerian people, the population was often caught between different and sometimes divergent demands and expectations, especially in rural areas. Also, Algerians did not suffer equally during the war, whether in urban or rural areas. Some regions were targeted more than others. Some parts of the population were subjected to greater violence than others, such as the calculated violence against Kabyle (Amazigh from Kabylia) women in the mountains.
The Amazigh people, also known as Imazighen (plural of Amazigh) and formally called Berbers are the indigenous people of North Africa. They were at the forefront of the long struggle for national liberation in Algeria. Still, this history has been cut from the official narrative. Claims of cultural and linguistic specificities raised before and during the war were evacuated after the liberation. All protests from the Amazigh regions were answered with charges of sedition and a counter-revolutionary intention to divide the country and, worse, collaborate with the enemy (France or Israel generally). For any Algerian who follows the official narrative of liberation and the ideological construction of Algeria as exclusively Arab and Muslim as defined by its constitution and institutional supports (education, media, etc.), these allegations make Imazighen enemies of the nation.
Sixty years into independence, it is time to examine and assess the situation of Imazighen in Algeria from a political, cultural, linguistic, historical, artistic, economic, environmental, and gender standpoint. For its inaugural issue, the Journal of Amazigh Studies invites scholars from diverse fields, including linguistics, cultural studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, visual and performing arts, literature, political studies and other relevant research fields to send a proposal that addresses the situation of Imazighen after 60 years of Algerian independence. All work should be original and previously unpublished.
Please submit a working title, a 300-word abstract, and a 150-word biographical statement via email to Fazia Aïtel ( faitel@cmc.edu ) by April 15, 2022. Paper proposals should be submitted in English, French, or Tamazight.
Suggested areas of focus may include, but are not limited to, the following:
-Imazighen and the Algerian war
The consequences of the Algerian war on Imazighen
-The Amazigh Spring, the Black Spring, the Hirak
-Amazigh women
-Amazigh film, literature, art, song
-The Amazigh language
-Environment, the ecosystem
-Human rights
-Amazigh studies
The Journal of Amazigh Studies is an interdisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal.
Key dates
Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2022
Full article submission (max 6000 words): November 1, 2022
Publication: December 2022
Appel à contribution pour le premier volume de la revue Journal of Amazigh Studies
Imazighen en Algérie : 60 ans après l’’indépendance, rétrospective et bilan
Le premier volume de la revue Journal of Amazigh Studies sera consacré à une vaste réflexion sur la situation des Imazighen en Algérie depuis l’indépendance du pays. L’année 2022 marque le 60ème anniversaire de l’indépendance de l’Algérie. En 1962, après sept ans d’une des guerres coloniales les plus sanglantes de l’histoire, l’Algérie célébrait une victoire remarquée. Cependant, cette victoire avait un goût amer pour de nombreux Algériens qui avaient tant perdu. Mais le sacrifice est le prix à payer pour être libre, comme l’ont assené tous les gouvernements algériens depuis l’indépendance. L’Algérie, ont-ils martelé, est un grand pays libéré par de valeureux martyrs et doté d’un peuple libre et fier.
Pourtant, l’image d’un pays libéré par des Algériens fiers et unis dans leur juste combat contre le colonialisme est contrariée par une réalité plus nuancée. La guerre était aussi faite de dissensions internes, de malentendus, de compromissions, et de pertes évitables. De plus, parce que ce n’était pas une guerre entre armées mais une guerre de l’armée française contre le peuple algérien, la population était souvent prise en étau entre des attentes différentes et parfois divergentes, notamment dans les zones rurales. De plus, les Algériens n’ont pas souffert de la même manière pendant la guerre selon qu’ils habitaient des zones urbaines ou rurales. Certaines régions ont été plus ciblées que d’autres ; certaines parties de la population ont subi des violences plus graves que d’autres, comme la violence calculée contre les femmes kabyles (amazighes de Kabylie) dans les montagnes.
Imazighen (pluriel d’Amazigh), connus auparavant sous le terme de Berbères, sont les autochtones de l’Afrique du Nord. En Algérie, ils furent à l’avant-garde de la longue lutte pour la libération nationale, un rôle qui a été effacé du récit officiel. Les revendications culturelles et linguistiques exprimées avant et pendant la guerre ont été bannies après la libération. Toute manifestation ou protestation venant des régions amazighes était considérée comme des actes de sédition, une intention contre-révolutionnaire pour diviser le pays ou, pire , de collaboration avec l’ennemi (la France ou Israël en général). Pour tout Algérien qui accepte le récit officiel de la libération et la construction idéologique d’une Algérie exclusivement arabe et musulmane telle que définie par sa constitution et ses supports institutionnels (éducation, médias, etc.), ces allégations font des Imazighen des ennemis de la nation.
Soixante ans après l’indépendance, où en sont les Imazighen ? Cet anniversaire nous donne l’occasion d’évaluer leur situation en Algérie du point de vue politique, culturel, linguistique, historique, artistique, économique, environnemental et de genre. Pour son premier volume, Journal of Amazigh Studies invite des chercheuses et chercheurs de diverses spécialisations, notamment dans le domaine linguistique, les études culturelles, les études de genre, les études postcoloniales, les arts visuels et du spectacle, la littérature, les études politiques et d’autres domaines de recherche pertinents, à envoyer une proposition d’article qui aborde la situation des Imazighen après 60 ans d’indépendance algérienne. Tous les travaux doivent être originaux et inédits.
Veuillez soumettre un titre de travail, un résumé de 300 mots et une brève notice biographique par courrier électronique à Fazia Aïtel (faitel@cmc.edu) avant le 15 avril 2022. Les propositions de communication doivent être soumises en anglais, en français ou en tamazight.
Quelques-unes des pistes et thématiques envisagées (liste non limitative) pourraient être les suivantes :
-Imazighen et la guerre d’Algérie
-Les conséquences de la guerre d’Algérie sur les populations amazighes
-Le Printemps Amazigh, le Printemps Noir, le Hirak
-Femmes amazighes
-Cinéma, littérature, art, chanson amazigh
-La langue amazighe
-L’environnement, l’écosystème
-Droits humains
-Études amazighes
Journal of Amazigh Studies est une revue universitaire interdisciplinaire avec comité de lecture.
Date limite de l’envoi des propositions : 15 avril 2022
Notification d’acceptation : 20 avril 2022
Envoi de l’article complet (max 6000 mots) : 1er novembre 2022
Parution : décembre 2022
2. Job and Scholarship Opportunities
2.1 Job Posting: Maynooth University
We are seeking an excellent academic to join our staff on a temporary basis as an Assistant Lecturer in French Studies with a specialism in Applied Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, or Foreign/Second-Language Pedagogy. The person appointed will have a proven record of teaching, research, and publication, appropriate to career stage. He/she/they will be expected to make a strong contribution to the teaching programme in French Studies and Applied Linguistics and undertake teaching duties on the School’s undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. This is a fixed-term contract post of 6 months and it is for on-campus teaching. The closing date for applications is 3rd April 2022. Full details of the post can be found on the Maynooth University website. If you have any queries, please contact julie.rodgers@mu.ie.
2.2 Post of Lecturer in Translation at the University of Portsmouth
The University of Portsmouth is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in Translation Studies to teach in the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics. This work will be at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Teaching will be both face-to-face and online.
Applicants must be able to contribute to a range of translation modules, and also the research profile of the School. Expertise in translation technologies is essential. An ability to contribute to the teaching of translation in the one of the following combinations is an advantage:
· Arabic/English
· French into English
· English into Japanese
We are looking for a talented individual with a strong commitment to high quality teaching. The successful candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, be student-centred, and have experience of teaching, preferably across a range of levels. A knowledge of online/blended learning is essential, as is having experience of teaching CAT tools, MT post-editing and subtitling.
For more information and to apply, use this link.
2.3 NUAcT PhD Studentship: Diasporic Memory Practices
The School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University invites applications for a fully funded doctoral studentship in the area of cultural memory studies, diaspora and remembrance. Supervised by Dr Catherine Gilbert, the successful candidate will have the opportunity to design their own research project, which coheres with Dr Gilbert’s broad interest in Memory Studies and resonates with her current project on ‘Genocide Commemoration and Education in the Rwandan diaspora’.
The successful candidate should have experience working in the field of cultural memory studies, with a disciplinary background in e.g. anthropology, modern languages, history, education or a related area. The person appointed will develop their own programme of research in relation to the broad themes of diaspora, commemoration, education and cultural responses to conflict and violence.
The award will cover 100% of home (UK) tuition fees and an annual stipend (living expenses) of £15,609. International fees may be awarded in exceptional cases.
The deadline for applications is Friday 29 April 2022.
Full details of the position and how to apply are available here: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/postgraduate/fees-funding/search-funding/?code=H0000016
Please send any enquiries to catherine.gilbert@newcastle.ac.uk
2.4 Newcastle University “Futures” appointments
Newcastle University has opened a call for applications to its “Futures” initiative. Multidisciplinary posts are available in areas including Digital Modern Languages.
Through NU Futures, the university is looking to make senior level appointments (Senior Lecturers and Professors). Deadline 26 April.
For further details and a candidate pack, go to https://www.ncl.ac.uk/futures/
2.5 College Assistant Professor (College Lecturer) in French, University of Cambridge, St Catharine’s College
Location: | Cambridge | |
Salary: | £42,149 to £53,348 p.a. Grade 9 | |
Hours: | Full Time | |
Contract Type: | Permanent | |
Placed On: | 23rd March 2022 | |
Closes: | 18th April 2022 |
St Catharine’s College in the University of Cambridge invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointment as a College Assistant Professor (College Lecturer) in Modern Languages (French). The post is tenable to the retiring age subject to a probationary period of five years. It is expected that the post-holder will start on 1 September 2022.
The post-holder will be required to undertake 12 hours of small-group College teaching per week during Terms, and to assume the role of Director of Studies in MML. The post-holder will also be research-active in their chosen specialism. It is expected that the successful applicant will hold a doctoral degree at the time of taking up the post. Teaching and research expertise in the field of Francophone literary and cultural studies would be an advantage.
The post-holder will normally be elected to an Official Fellowship of the College, which carries a range of benefits and responsibilities. Remuneration for the post will be at a point within Grade 9 of the University of Cambridge pay spine (currently £42,149 – £53,348). There may also be opportunities to contribute to teaching programmes in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, which would be separately remunerated.
Please visit our website here: https://www.caths.cam.ac.uk/about-us/vacancies/college-assistant-professor-college-lecturer-french for full details including further particulars and a link to the online application system.
The closing date (for the receipt of both applications and references) is noon on Monday 18 April 2022 with in-person interviews to be held on Tuesday 3 May 2022.
Information on St Catharine’s College can be found on the College website (www.caths.cam.ac.uk). Information on the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics can be found on its website (www.mmll.cam.ac.uk). Informal enquiries concerning this post may be directed to Prof. Geoffrey Kantaris (egk10@cam.ac.uk).
2.6 Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies, University of Sydney
Location: | Sydney – Australia | |
Salary: | AU$110,856 to AU$131,639 or £62,843.27 to £74,624.96 (converted salary*) +17% superannuation, Academic Level B | |
Hours: | Full Time | |
Contract Type: | Permanent | |
Placed On: | 24th March 2022 | |
Closes: | 24th April 2022 | |
Job Ref: | 0091253 |
- Full time, continuing
- Join a collegial and supportive School
- Academic Level B, Salary $110,856 – $131,639 + 17% superannuation
About the opportunity
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers one of the most comprehensive and diverse ranges of humanities and social science studies in the Asia Pacific region and is regularly ranked in the top 20 arts faculties in the world. The School of Languages and Cultures (SLC) offers the widest range of undergraduate and postgraduate language studies in Australia and is a centre for European, Latin American, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
The Department of French and Francophone Studies within the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Sydney is the largest French department in Australia and has been teaching French since 1853. We offer the opportunity to join a dynamic group of scholars committed to theoretical innovation and intellectual excellence in French and Francophone St! udies. We are seeking to appoint a scholar who will complement and enhance the department’s reputation in teaching and in research.
The Department is seeking to appoint a Lecturer at level B, with expertise preferably in the field of French and Francophone Cultural Studies (cultural, historical or literary studies) or socio-linguistics but other areas relevant to French and Francophone Studies will be considered.
Your key responsibilities will be to:
- maintain a research profile compatible with the Department’s research programmes through publication and research grant application
- coordinate and teach language units in the French and Francophone major including at all levels from Beginner to Advanced
- coordinate and teach culture units at all levels and adapt to Departmental needs with regard to curriculum development
- participate in teaching collaboration including team-teaching of undergraduate cultural units in the Department and School
- supervise honours and postgraduate research students in French and Francophone Studies
- work flexibly and collaboratively in a team environment and assume roles in administration and planning in the Department and School
- coordinate and help promote French and Francophone Studies within the university and to the community.
About you
We are seeking a Lecturer who has:
- a PhD in French or Francophone Studies
- native or near native competency in French and English
- a strong record of peer-reviewed publications relative to opportunity
- demonstrated experience and commitment to innovative teaching and course development in French and Francophone Studies, including language and culture courses
- experience in designing and teaching French-language modules at different levels with demonstrated success in promoting student retention and achieving high levels of language competency
- demonstrated ability, relative to opportunity, to develop and maintain an active research program including research grant applications
- evidence of their capacity to work flexibly and collaboratively in a team environment and to assume roles in administration and planning in the Department and School.
- excellent time management and interpersonal skills.
Desirable for appointment is your:
- experience of interdisciplinary teaching and research
- experience in developing and implementing innovative teaching including but not limited to digital teaching methodologies
- experience in research-led teaching
- ability to undertake collaborative research
- record of successful honours and research student supervision relative to opportunity
- demonstrated academic administration skills.
2.7 Stipendiary Lecturer in French (from 01/10/22), New College, Oxford and Merton College, Oxford
New College, Oxford and Merton College, Oxford invite applications for this post, which is tenable for a period of 2 years from 1 October 2022, and will be based equally in New College and Merton. The person appointed will be expected to teach French language to undergraduates at all levels, as part of degree courses involving French in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford.
- New College
Founded in 1379, New College is one of the oldest and largest of the colleges of Oxford University. The colleges are independent, self-governing establishments which function both as academic institutions and as social and residential centres for students and academics. New College currently has approximately 420 undergraduate and 350 graduate students, studying most of the subjects offered by the University of Oxford.
Undergraduate teaching at New College is organised and provided by around 35 Tutorial Fellows (nearly all of whom also hold University posts), assisted by about 23 Stipendiary Lecturers (college tutors employed on a fixed-term basis). There are also 15 Professorial Fellows and, at any one time, about 20 Junior Research Fellows. All these categories are members of the Senior Common Room, which provides dining and social benefits. Governing Body, which has overall responsibility for all aspects of the running of the College, comprises the Warden (the Head of the College) together with the Official Fellows.
- Merton College
Merton College was founded in 1264 by Walter de Merton and was the first fully self-governing college in the University of Oxford. It was originally founded for twenty fellows, with undergraduates being formally admitted in the early 1380s. Over the centuries, many eminent scholars and cultural leaders have called Merton home including four Nobel Prize winners and an Abel Prize winner. Merton College has a strong commitment to excellence in research and teaching across a range of subjects in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the Sciences. The College community currently comprises around 580 students (310 undergraduates and 265 postgraduates), some 70 Fellows, 40 other academic staff and over 100 members of support staff. The college strives to create a diverse, welcoming, inclusive and supportive community in which its students can thrive.
- French at New College and Merton College
New College and Merton College both have a strong reputation in the field of Modern Languages and French in particular. The Tutorial Fellows in this area are Dr Andrew Counter (New College) and Prof. Ian Maclachlan (Merton). In addition, New College has a Career Development Fellow in French, and both Colleges have a French lecteur / lectrice. There are approximately 35 undergraduates studying for degrees in French at New College and 23 at Merton College; in any given year the Stipendiary Lecturer will teach approximately 45 students between the two Colleges (with the remainder on their Year Abroad).
- Details of the Advertised Post
- Duties
The Stipendiary Lecturer in French has primary responsibility for the teaching of French language in New College and Merton College to students enrolled on undergraduate courses including French in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford, as well as to international Visiting Students studying French or participating in exchange schemes from France. Primary duties will be as follows:
- To prepare and deliver 10 weighted hours[1] per week of French language instruction (5 for each college), including but not limited to: first-year French grammar; first-year translation into French; first-year summary; second-year and final-year translation into French; and second-year and final-year dissertation;
- To ensure that students taught receive timely feedback on their work during term, both week by week and in termly reports on the reporting database;
- To set and mark internal examinations (‘collections);
- To work closely with the Tutorial Fellows in French and colleagues in other modern languages and joint degrees to monitor student progress and identify student needs;
- To work closely with the French lecteur / lectrice to ensure coherence in the delivery of French language teaching in the Colleges;
- To undertake pastoral responsibilities in liaison with the Director of Studies / Organizing Tutor and the welfare teams of each college, as appropriate;
- To contribute to academic administration of degrees involving French (e.g. writing references, selecting books for the library);
- To provide study skills and examination preparation for undergraduates being taught.
- To participate in admissions procedures for undergraduates including marking the Modern Languages Aptitude Test in French, reading application material and interviewing, if asked.
- Selection Criteria
To be successful, candidates will need to show that they meet the following selection criteria:
- A first (Bachelors) degree (essential) and a relevant teaching qualification (desirable);
- Fluency in spoken and written French, equivalent to native-speaker level;
- The ability to effectively teach French Language to students of high ability in a tutorial (small group) system;
- Experience of university-level language teaching of French in an Anglophone setting;
- Excellent communication skills, including in written and spoken English, and the ability to deal effectively with pastoral matters that may arise;
- Excellent organisational skills.
- Salary and Conditions
The post carries a stipend of £26,172 p,a., (current rate, subject to review). The appointment will be pensionable under the Universities Superannuation Scheme, the lecturer currently contributing 9.8% of the stipend and the College 21.4%.
The Lecturer is entitled to free lunch and dinner at the Common Table at New College when this is available, and to 4 meals per week (lunch or dinner) at the Common Table of Merton College without charge. The Lecturer will be a member of the Senior Common Room of both Colleges, for which a charge may be payable. In addition, the Lecturer will receive a research and book allowance (currently £960 p.a.) and an entertainment allowance (currently £160 p.a.).
The appointment will be for a fixed period of 2 years, subject to satisfactory completion of a probationary period of 1 year.
- Right to work in the UK
The prospective employee must be eligible to work in the UK and the appointment will be conditional on satisfactory provision of the right to work in the UK before employment commences.
- Equality and Diversity
New College and Merton College are committed to increasing diversity across all parts of the institution and to welcoming under-represented groups. It aims to provide an inclusive environment which promotes equality and maintains a working, learning and social context in which the rights and dignity of all its members are respected to assist them in reaching their full potential. The College is an equal opportunities employer and adheres to the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Code of Practice, a copy of which is available on request.
- Application Procedure
Applicants should please:
- Complete the online application form via the link below.
- upload a curriculum vitae and statement of teaching range and experience as this relates to the selection criteria and needs of the role, as indicated above.
- ask two referees to write directly to the Academic Registrar at tuition@new.ox.ac.uk, and should supply each referee with a copy of these further particulars. The College wishes to take this opportunity to thank in advance those referees who write on behalf of applicants. All references are now subject to GDPR legislation.
The closing date for applications and the last date for receipt of references is Wednesday 13 April 2022. It is the responsibility of each applicant to ensure that their application arrives in full by the deadline. Interviews will be held during the week commencing 2 May 2022.
[1] The weighting system means that hours spent teaching larger groups than one person count for more than one hour.
2.8 Lecturer/Assistant Professor in French and Francophone Studies (Permanent), National University of Ireland Maynooth
Location: Maynooth – Ireland
Salary: Not Specified
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 25th March 2022
Closes: 17th April 2022
Job Ref: 014581
The Role
We are seeking an excellent academic to join our staff as an Assistant Professor / Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies. The person appointed will have a proven record of teaching, research and publication, appropriate to career stage. He/she/they will be expected to make a strong contribution to the teaching programme of the French and Francophone studies section and the School and undertake teaching duties on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as well as the supervision of Master’s and PhD students.
The appointee will be expected to build a strong research profile that supports the University’s research strategy, including affiliating to the Research Institutes, where appropriate, and working with colleagues on national and international research. Whilst we are open to applicants with a specialism in any area of French or Francophone literary/cultural studies, we would be particularly interested in receiving applications from candidates with a strong research profile in Francophone studies, pre-twentieth century literature and culture, or screen studies. The appointee will be expected to sustain and conduct research, engage in scholarship of quality and substance, and generate publications of international standard.
The ideal candidate will have:
- A PhD in a relevant discipline;
- Native or near-native language competence (CEFR C2 level) in French and English;
- A strong academic record in teaching and research;
- A record of scholarly work and publication of international quality, demonstrating potential to become a significant contributor in her/his/their field;
- Experience of and a demonstrated commitment to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, programme development and academic innovation;
- Experience of supervising or potential to supervise graduate research students;
- Experience of, and commitment to, working in an interdisciplinary setting;
- Good administrative, organisational, teamwork and communication skills.
For further details including full comprehensive job description please see reference number 014581 on the Maynooth University vacancies page at:
The position is subject to the Statutes of the University
2.9 Lecturer in French (0.5 FTE), University of Essex
Location: | Colchester | |
Salary: | £31,406 to £34,304 per annum, pro-rata | |
Hours: | Part Time | |
Contract Type: | Permanent | |
Placed On: | 29th March 2022 | |
Closes: | 24th May 2022 | |
Job Ref: | REQ05818 |
The Department of Language and Linguistics (DLL) has 37 full-time academic members of staff and provides a broad spectrum of expertise in the study of language and in the practical teaching of modern foreign languages. Its core ambition is to offer students a transformative educational experience in these areas underpinned by high quality research. The majority of research conducted in the department is rated ‘world leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’, placing us 8th among departments in the UK for research quality (REF 2014). Languages for All offers a portfolio of language courses to non-specialist language learners at the University of Essex. Courses are currently delivered by a mixture of permanent core teaching staff and part-time teachers.
Duties of the Role
The Department of Language and Linguistics is seeking to appoint a part-time Lecturer in French to contribute to all aspects of the provision of French within the Languages for All programme. Duties will include the development of courses and modules, evening class teaching, coordination of part-time teachers, the supervision of online courses, as well as some organisational and administrative duties within the Department.
A full list of duties and responsibilities can be found within the job pack.
Qualifications and Skills required
The successful candidate will have a relevant Bachelor’s degree and/or professional experience and/or practice in the field of French language teaching, competence in French equivalent to a native speaker and experience in language teaching in the Higher or Further Education sector, or demonstrable potential to achieve this. Previous coordination experience and relevant Postgraduate qualifications are desirable.
This is a permanent, part time role on an ASE (teaching only) contract, starting the 1 September 2022, or as soon as possible thereafter. Appointment will be made as Lecturer.
At the University of Essex, internationalism and diversity is central to who we are and what we do. We are committed to being a cosmopolitan, internationally oriented university that is welcoming to staff and students from all countries, faiths and backgrounds, where you can find the world in one place.
Please use the ‘Apply’ button to read further information about this role including the full job description and person specification which outlines the full duties, skills, qualifications and experience needed for this role. You will also find details of how to make your application here.
Our website http://www.essex.ac.uk contains more information about the University of Essex. If you have a disability and would like information in a different format, please email resourcing@essex.ac.uk.
2.10 Visiting faculty in French and Francophone studies. Xavier University
Xavier University is part of the 500-year-old Jesuit Catholic tradition of academic excellence in the liberal arts and is strongly committed to enhancing equity, inclusion, and diversity. These values are central to our mission. We strive for a climate of respect and inclusiveness that welcomes and supports members from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, is committed unreservedly to open and free inquiry, and deliberately seeks out multiple perspectives.
The Department of Classics and Modern Languages at Xavier University invites applications for a Visiting Faculty of French and Francophone Studies for AY 2022/2023. The position carries a 4/4 load.
All areas of specialization are welcome. We especially encourage scholars with expertise in one or more of the following areas: transnational and multicultural France with a focus on the Middle Eastern and North African diaspora; Francophone literatures and cultures of the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, and/or the Caribbean; Critical European Cultural Studies.
Candidates should demonstrate the interest and ability to collaborate effectively with other departmental and interdisciplinary programs as we continue to grow our burgeoning program. The department expects to hire a tenure-track position to begin Fall 2023.
Enthusiasm for teaching language and culture at all levels of the curriculum is essential. The successful candidate will combine the basic qualifications of a generalist with their research specialization. Ph.D. in French, Francophone Studies, Comparative Literature, or a closely related field; ABD candidates will be considered, but all requirements for the Ph.D. must be completed before start of employment. All candidates must have native or near-native fluency in both French and English, and should demonstrate promise for outstanding teaching and mentoring in the areas of language, literature, and culture.
Xavier is committed to a diverse and inclusive environment; we welcome a broad spectrum of candidates, and particularly invite applications from women, ethnic and racial minorities, and other individuals who are under-represented in the work force. Candidates who have worked with a diverse range of faculty, staff, and students and who can contribute to our mission of inclusivity are encouraged to identify their experiences and interests.
Xavier’s urban location in Cincinnati allows faculty to work with community partners to develop engaged learning and internship opportunities. Xavier is a member of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities as well as the Big East. U.S. News and World Report has ranked the University 20 years in a row among the top 10 Midwest colleges and universities.
Please submit a letter of application, c.v., graduate transcripts, and a statement of teaching philosophy to https://jobs.silkroad.com/Xavier/apply/jobs/2557. Three, confidential letters of recommendation should be submitted under separate cover to cmlsearch@xavier.edu. Review of applications will begin April 8, 2022, and continue until position is filled.
Please direct requests for additional information to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Jamie H. Trnka, trnkaj@xavier.edu.
2.11 IMLR Funded and non-Funded Visiting Fellowships 2022-23
The Institute is pleased to invite applications for Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Scholarships tenable for 2022-23, to conduct research into any field relevant to the work of the Institute. The deadline for applications is 9 May 2022 (please click on the respective link for further details and information on how to apply).
1 Non-Stipendiary Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships
Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Scholarships are available annually on a non-stipendiary basis, tenable at the Institute or hosted within one of the IMLR’s research centres:
Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing
Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory
Ingeborg Bachmann Centre for Austrian Literature and Culture
Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies
Centre for Ernst Bloch Studies
Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
2 CLACS Early Career Fellowship in Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The purpose of this scheme is to provide support to early career scholars in Latin American and Caribbean Studies with relevant subject expertise to pursue innovative and interdisciplinary research in an environment tailored to such work, free from the competitive institutional constraints of other UK university institutions. The scheme enables the Fellow to engage a broad range of UK and international scholars in their research through the formation of networks and through collaboration in research projects, publications and dissemination events such as workshops, conferences and public engagement activities.
The 2022-23 CLACS Early Career Fellowship scheme will provide for one position with funding for six months during the 2022-23 academic year (between 1 October 2022 and 30 June 2023).
3 School of Advanced Study Fellowships
Visiting Fellowships and Scholarships are open to applicants from the UK and overseas. Candidates applying for Fellowships should have completed their doctorate and have a strong publications record. Doctoral students may apply for Visiting Scholarships. Different deadlines apply.
3. Announcements
3.1 ASMCF Initiative Fund April 2022: First Call
Please find below details of the ASMCF Initiative Fund. The deadline for applications is 29th April 2022. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/
The Association’s Initiative Fund provides small grants (up to £500) to individuals who are members of the Association to help defray the costs of research events (conferences, study days, workshops etc.), including postgraduate-led initiatives. The Association is particularly keen to encourage and support regionally-based collaborative initiatives on the part of its members, which should be intended to benefit a wide public. More details about the prize can be found on the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funds-prizes-awards/initiative-fund/
Best wishes,
ASMCF Prizes Officer
Have you considered becoming a member of the ASMCF? Here are some of the compelling reasons to do so!
- Access to a quarterly journal Modern & Contemporary France containing research articles, items of topical interest, book reviews, a list of recent publications and an index of periodical articles.
- Access to the online version of the journal via the members’ area of the Association’s website.
- Reduced rates for attendance at the annual ASMCF conference and other events.
- Eligibility for Association funding for approved activities, including conferences, seminars and outreach events.
- Preferential rates at Liverpool University Press, Studies in Modern and Contemporary France and Routledge Books in French Studies.
- Eligibility for Association postgraduate and ECR prizes and awards.
Founded in 1979, the ASMCF offers an unrivalled interdisciplinary forum for those involved in teaching and research on all aspects of France since 1989. The Association’s worldwide membership brings together scholars, researchers and graduate students in disciplines ranging from history and the social sciences to philosophy, education, language, literature, media and the arts.
3.2 Call for Book Proposals for New Routledge Research Series: Routledge Research on Educational Equity in Developing Nations
This series is the first of its kind to offer a platform for scholars from developing and emerging nations to showcase their research on topics that influence the equity in education agenda. This series will examine how Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like those within the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, other Micro-States and Africa will achieve equity in education. The contexts for these conversations recognise the unique reality that many of these countries are past colonies that remain vulnerable to the external vagaries of globalization, macroeconomic policies, high external and internal debt. In this new book series, we invite influential and in situ scholars from the Global South to author books and produce edited volumes that discuss the issues that influence the achievement of equity in education in Developing Nations.
All proposals that fit within the scope of the series are welcomed. Dr Stacey Blackman is the series editor and can be contacted by prospective authors or volume editors at stacey.blackman.cavehill.uwi.edu. Please circulate to all your contacts and any academic or professional organisations.
3.3 Call for Submissions: The Coordinating Council for Women in History Annual Awards 2022
The Coordinating Council for Women in History offers 6 annual prizes. Details and application instructions may be found at https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards. The prize deadline is May 15, 2022.
Awards are open only to CCWH members. To join, visit https://theccwh.org/membership. Applicants may apply for one CCWH award per year. Please contact Elizabeth Everton (execdir@theccwh.org) with any questions.
- The Catherine Prelinger Memorial Award is a $20,000 award given to a scholar who has not followed a traditional academic path of uninterrupted study. The award is open to applicants with a PhD and graduate students advanced to candidacy. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/catherine-prelinger-award/.
- The CCWH/Berks Graduate Student Fellowship is a $1000 award to a graduate student completing a dissertation in history. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/ccwhberks-graduate-student-fellowship/.
- The Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship is a $1000 award to a graduate student completing a historical dissertation, not necessarily in a history department, that interrogates race and gender. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/wells-graduate-student-fellowship/.
- The Nupur Chaudhuri First Article Prize is a $1000 award that recognizes a superlative first article published in any field of history. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/chaudhuri-first-article-prize/.
- The Carol Gold Article Prize is a $500 award given to a scholar of any rank for a superlative article published in any field of history. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/carol-gold-article-award/
- The Rachel Fuchs Award is a $500 award that recognizes extraordinary mentorship and service to women and the LGBTQI community in the historical profession. For more information, visit https://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/rachel-fuchs-memorial-award/.
3.4 Appel à candidatures pour la Bourse doctorale de l’ADEFFI / Call for applications for the ADEFFI Postgraduate Bourse
L’ADEFFI (L’Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d’Irlande) offre une bourse doctorale, parrainée en 2022 par L’AMOPA Irlande (Association des Membres de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques en Irlande). Cette bourse, d’un montant de €500, est destinée à un(e) doctorant(e) méritant(e) inscrit(e) dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur de l’île d’Irlande.
Votre dossier de candidature (rédigé soit en français soit en anglais) doit comprendre les documents suivants :
- une courte description de votre projet de recherche (moins de 1.000 mots).
- une brève justification du soutien financier (dépenses envisagées, importance pour votre projet de thèse, etc.) (moins de 200 mots).
- un bref CV de 2 pages maximum (coordonnées personnelles, informations sur votre affiliation universitaire, communications lors de conférences, vos publications éventuelles, etc.).
- une confirmation d’adhésion à l’ADEFFI.
Veuillez également demander à votre directeur/directrice de thèse de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir une lettre de recommandation confidentielle.
Le dossier de candidature, ainsi que la lettre de recommandation, sont à envoyer par courrier électronique à la Présidente de l’ADEFFI, Dr Derval Conroy (derval.conroy@ucd.ie) avant le 29 avril 2022.
ADEFFI (The Association for French and Francophone Studies in Ireland) offers a Postgraduate bourse, sponsored in 2022 by AMOPA Irlande (Association des Membres de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques en Irlande). The bourse is valued at €500 and is open to postgraduate students studying at a higher education institution on the island of Ireland.
Your application, which can be written in English or French, should be comprised of the following documents:
- a description of your research project (no longer than 1,000 words).
- a brief justification for support (proposed spending, importance of funding for your research project, etc) (no longer than 200 words).
- a brief CV of maximum 2 pages, listing your personal details, information on university affiliation, details of any conference papers, possible publications resulting from your research, etc.
- confirmation that you are a member of ADEFFI.
Please also ask your thesis supervisor to forward a confidential letter of recommendation.
The application, together with the letter of recommendation, should be emailed to the President of ADEFFI, Dr Derval Conroy (derval.conroy@ucd.ie) by 29th April 2022.
3.5 ASMCF Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund: 1st Call
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below details of the ASMCF’s Visiting Scholar Seminar Series Fund. The deadline for applications is 1st May 2022. For more details about awards/prizes, please visit the ASMCF website: https://asmcf.org/funding-prizes/
In support of its commitment to fostering collaboration between francophone and UK academics in its fields of interest, the Association offers one grant of up to the value of £2500 to networks of members to support an annual seminar series of three or more thematically-related events, tenable in any UK or Irish university, or institution of higher education in the UK or Ireland, each of which will include a different francophone academic based in a francophone country alongside a member of the hosting department. The award is to cover the costs of the francophone scholars and where applicable, professionals / practitioners and organisation costs of the events.The Association will also consider proposals which include professionals and practitioners working in fields relevant to the academic project. The scheme is designed to support the invitation of early-career and established scholars. The deadline is 1st May 2022, for activity taking place in the following academic session.
Applications must be completed by a network of academic members of staff who are members of the ASMCF in at least three institutions in the UK or Ireland. The UK or Irish host applicants are expected to organise, direct and take academic and organisational responsibility for the seminar series. Within this network a Main Applicant should be identified as the principal organiser with whom the Association will correspond. Full details of the criteria applying to the scheme and guidance on how to apply are available at http://www.asmcf.org, under ‘Funding and Prizes’. Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Fiona Barclay, at fiona.barclay@stir.ac.uk
Applicants will normally be notified of the outcome of their application within one month of the closing date.
3.6 CU Maison Française – Upcoming Events
3.7 New date: Online-WS Embodied Interculturality in the Language Class. Tue, 24 May 2022, 1-2.30pm
In support of the ongoing industrial action at many universities, we decided to postpone the Language Teaching Forum workshop scheduled tomorrow, Tue 22 March 2022. Please find the new date/time below. If you have signed up for the workshop and wish to attend you do not have to do anything. If you would like to cancel your registration, please let us know via: language-teaching-forum@york.ac.uk.
Embodied Interculturality in the Language Class
Donata Puntil, King’s College, London
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 1-2.30pm
Online workshop on Zoom
The workshop is free but registration using this form is essential. Deadline for registration: Thursday, 19 May 2022
Languages are learned, acquired, but above all, they are ‘lived’ (Pennycook, 2017). In Second Language Acquisition theory and practice, it is more and more recognized that language learning is not only linked to cognitive, social, and linguistic skills, but that it is an activity very much grounded in our daily practices, in our bodies, places and in objects surrounding us, as well as in our relationship to cultural practices. Our language learning trajectory is made up of linguistic and non-linguistic repertoires that we carry with us and that enable us to interact in linguistic and embodied cultural interchanges. This workshop will focus on how to make sense of our linguistic and cultural identities and on how to support our students in navigating through their language learning journey.
Information on the Language Teaching Forum, as well as video recordings, PowerPoints, and handouts from previous workshops are available on the LTF webpage. Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested. If you have any questions please contact: language-teaching-forum@york.ac.uk. Many thanks
3.8 The Society of Dix-Neuviémistes (SDN) Publication Prize 2022 – call for submissions
The Society of Dix-Neuviémistes is delighted to announce that the competition for the SDN Publication Prize 2022 is now open.
One of the chief aims of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes is to promote and disseminate new linguistic, literary, historical, cultural, philosophical, and comparative perspectives on nineteenth-century French and Francophone studies. The Society awards an annual prize for the best journal article published by a postgraduate student, or an early-career researcher who has not yet entered her or his first permanent full-time post.
The competition is open to postgraduates and early-career members of the Society of any nationality. It includes a cash prize of £300 and mentions on the SDN website and social media. The winner will be invited to receive the award at a reception during the Society’s annual conference.
Eligible candidates are invited to submit peer-reviewed journal articles published during the year 2021. To be eligible to submit an article for the prize, candidates must be either postgraduate students or early-career researchers who have not yet entered her or his first permanent full-time post at the point of submission and be members of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes.
Submissions may be on any topic related to French and Francophone nineteenth-century studies. They must be in English or in French and may have been published anywhere in the world. After submission, essays will be reviewed and ranked by members of the SDN committee.
Submissions should be sent by email before the 15 April 2022 to SDN secretary, Dr Vladimir Kapor (vladimir.kapor@manchester.ac.uk), together with an accompanying statement which includes complete publication details of the published article and an explanation of where and when the candidate’s PhD was awarded or will be awarded.
Candidates must attach to this email a copy of the published article in PDF form.
3.9 Albert Memmi: The Politics and Poetics of Resistance (Loyola University Chicago, April 12 on Zoom)
All are welcome to attend the following event organized by the Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures at Loyola University Chicago:
“Albert Memmi: The Politics and Poetics of Resistance”: A discussion with Lia Brozgal (UCLA) and Jonathan Judaken (Rhodes College)
The event will be held on Zoom on April 12, 2022, from 4-5pm CT (5-6pm ET). More information and the link to register for Zoom are available at this website.
3.10 Literary Encyclopedia Book Prize
We have recently launched this year’s Book Prize award, which is now open for submissions, with a deadline of June 30th 2022. The Literary Encyclopedia will award two prizes, each worth £2000, one for scholarly contributions to our understanding of literature originally in the English language, the other for scholarly contributions to our understanding of literature originally in another language. Works eligible for these prizes will be biographies, editions, or critical studies of literary writers, groups, works or periods. Volumes of essays by various hands will not be eligible.
The works submitted for consideration by the assessors for the 2022 prizes should have been published in 2019 or 2020.
For full details of eligibility and submission procedures, please consult our dedicated page at https://www.litencyc.com/php/prizes_and_grants.php
We would be grateful if you could share news of this Book Prize with any interested colleagues – we attach a pdf announcement for this purpose.
***Please direct any correspondence about the prize to Dr Cristina Sandru, Managing Editor***
3.11 On the Eve of the French Presidential Elections // April 5 and April 6 @ CU Maison Française
*Please share with students, faculty, colleagues, and members of your listserv.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Join us next week for two events about France and the upcoming Presidential Elections: on Tuesday at 7 PM meet Jérémie Foa, Mame-Fatou Niang, Nicolas Delalande, Nadia Urbanati, and Thomas Dodman to talk about The Politics of History in Politics; and on Wednesday at 5 PM join Sarah Mazouz for a talk about The Republic and her others: Race and Nation in France in the years 2000.
TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
The Politics of History in Politics: On the Eve of the French Presidential Elections
A panel discussion with Jérémie Foa, Mame-Fatou Niang, Nicolas Delalande, and Nadia Urbanati, introduced and moderated by Thomas Dodman
East Gallery, Maison Française, Buell Hall
History has long been a very French passion. Like elsewhere, it has also become a political battleground, flaring up at each election cycle. In 2022, as in 2017, historians have felt compelled to enter the political arena and respond directly to political (ab)uses of the past. Collective editorial efforts have sought to both correct mistakes and offer alternative visions of the country’s history, reaching far back in time and widening the scope of analysis. Today, what France will be seems to hinge more than ever on what we think it was.
This event is organized by the French Cultural Society, Columbia Maison Française, European Institute and Alliance Program.
The Republic and her others: Race and Nation in France in the years 2000
A Talk by Sarah Mazouz, introduced by Thomas Dodman
East Gallery, Maison Française, Buell Hall
Drawing from ethnographic research on the naturalization process, Sarah Mazouz examines the non-recognition of racial questions and discriminations in contemporary France.
This event is co-sponsored by the Maison Française, Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, and Institute for Comparative Literature and Society.
These events are free and open to the public. Proof of vaccination is required and masks are to be worn over the mouth and nose at all times.
You can also follow the discussion live on Facebook. It will also be recorded and made accessible on our website after the event.
We hope you’re able to join us!
3.12 Call for Submissions for The 11th Annual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award: July 1, 2022 deadline
Our colleague Larry Schehr was strongly committed to the mentoring of junior faculty in the field of Contemporary French Studies. At Contemporary French Civilization (CFC), we are proud to continue honoring him and his good work with the 11thAnnual Lawrence R. Schehr Memorial Award. This competition is open to all untenured junior colleagues who have received the PhD within the last seven years and who are engaged in research in contemporary French civilization and cultural studies (1870 – present). Scholars who are working on literary topics from a clearly articulated cultural approach are also encouraged to apply.
Junior scholars who have presented conference papers in the preceding 12 months (either at virtual or in-person events and conferences such as for Nineteenth Century French Studies, the 20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Studies International Colloquium, the Society for French Historical Studies, Western Society for French History, Association for the Study of Modern and Contemporary France, as well as other organizations in the US, UK, France, Australia, etc.) are encouraged to submit their work. We will also accept submissions of conference papers that have been delayed or cancelled due to COVID-19. The researcher who submits the best conference paper will receive the Award and will be invited to publish an expanded version in Contemporary French Civilization.
In the spirit of Larry Schehr, the editorial process of moving from conference paper to publishable article will involve close mentoring by the Editors of CFC. All submissions will be peer reviewed by members of the Editorial Board of CFC. Junior colleagues should submit their conference paper in Word Doc (10-page maximum excluding figures, images, tables, bibliography, etc) in English or French along with a separate file of their curriculum vitae to the Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary French Civilization (denisprovencher@arizona.edu) by July 1, 2022 for consideration for this year’s award.
Recent winners and their paper titles are listed below in order to offer examples of the scholarship we’re interested in publishing at Contemporary French Civilization:
2021: Dr. Daniel N. Maroun (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Do Black Lives Matter in France? Agency, Culpability, and Police Brutality”
2020: Dr. Hannah Scott (University of Nottingham), ““The Singing Linguist: Popular Songs on Fin-de-siècle Language Learning”
2019: Dr. Elise Bouhet (Union College), “‘Les Bosquets: Danser les émeutes de 2005 sur scène, dans la cité et à l’écran”
2018: Dr. Katelyn Knox (University of Central Arkansas), “‘Sampling’ African-American Popular Music in Afropean Literature: Archive, Genealogy, and Intermedial Form”
We look forward to receiving your submissions for this year’s award competition. Should you have any questions about whether or not your paper is eligible, please send us an email to inquire.
3.13 Modern Language Review Article Prize, 2023
The Modern Language Review (MLR), established 1905, is one of the best-known modern language journals in the world and has a reputation for scholarly distinction and critical excellence. The editors, on behalf of the Modern Humanities Research Association, are pleased to announce the inaugural Modern Language Review prize, to be awarded for an outstanding article published in volume 118 of the journal, which will appear in four issues in 2023. Submissions can be on any topic appropriate to the journal’s remit: we publish articles on any aspect of English, American, French, Germanic (including Dutch and Scandinavian languages), Hispanic, Italian, Slavonic and Eastern European languages, literatures and cultures, from the medieval period to the present, and including visual culture and cinema. We also publish comparative and general pieces, but we do not publish material on language pedagogy or on linguistics.
The competition is open to all researchers. Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of the journal’s editors. Any piece accepted for publication in volume 118 will be considered for this prize.
The winner will receive a prize of £700 and be interviewed for the Modern Humanities Research Association website. At the judges’ discretion, an Editorial Commendation prize of £300 may also be awarded.
Articles must be written in English and conform to MLR guidelines. Articles are typically about 8000 words in length, including footnotes. Articles should conform to MHRA style and be accompanied by an abstract of maximum 100 words. See full submission guidance at http://www.mhra.org.uk/pdf/mlr-submission-guidelines.pdf
For queries, contact the General Editor of MLR, Dr Lucy O’Meara: leo@kent.ac.uk
3.14 ‘Grad for a Day’ Scholarship Opportunity – Applications Due 5/2
The University of Minnesota – Twin Cities is offering a $1,000 scholarship to French majors (juniors or seniors) to spend a day as a student in our French graduate program on Friday, September 30th, 2022. We would like to invite you to share this call with your undergraduates. To apply, students should submit a copy of their unofficial transcript and one page on why they would like to be a ‘Grad for a Day’ to fritgrad@umn.edu by Monday, May 2nd, 2022. Please contact walla292@umn.edu, or fritgrad@umn.edu, with questions.
3.15 Winthrop-King/Liverpool University Press new translation series: submission period 1-30 April 2022
World Writing in French: New Archipelagoes
Series editors:
Charles Forsdick and Martin Munro
The Winthrop-King Institute and Liverpool University Press are excited to launch this new series, the aim of which is to publish cutting-edge contemporary French-language fiction, travel writing, essays and other prose works translated for an English-speaking audience. Works selected will reflect the diversity, dynamism, originality, and relevance of new and recent writing in French from throughout the French-speaking world. We aim to build the series as a vital reference point in the area of contemporary French-language prose in English translation. There is a growing interest among Anglophone readers in literature in translation and a clear appetite for the richness and diversity of contemporary writing in French. The series will draw on the expertise of its editors and advisory board to seek out and make available for English-language readers a broad range of exciting new work in French. The series aims to publish the best of contemporary French prose, works that not only display high aesthetic and intellectual qualities, but which are likely to be of interest to a broad English-speaking readership. Beginning in 2022, we aim initially to publish two titles per year. The first titles are confirmed, as follows:
- Michaël Ferrier, Scrabble(Mercure de France 2019), translated by Martin Munro.
- Patrick Chamoiseau, La Matière de l’absence(Seuil, 2016), translated by Carrie Noland.
- Leïla Slimani, Le Diable est dans les détails/Comment j’écris/Simone Veil, mon heroine (L’Aube, 2016/2018/2018), translated by Helen Vassallo.
- Gérard Genette, Bardadrac(Seuil, 2006), translated by Nicholas Levett.
We welcome proposals from translators for works that conform to the series’ criteria. Initially, we will accept proposals during a submission period from 1-30 April, 2022. All submissions must be sent during this period, using the proposal form, which can be found here. Completed proposals should be sent to Racha Sattati at the Winthrop-King Institute (rsattati@fsu.edu).
Advisory Board Members:
Jennifer Boum Make (Georgetown University)
Michelle Bumatay (Florida State University)
William Cloonan (Florida State University)
Michaël Ferrier (Chuo University)
Michaela Hulstyn
Khalid Lyamlahy (University of Chicago)
Helen Vassallo (University of Exeter)
3.16 IMLR Conference Grant Scheme
The IMLR Conference Grant Scheme aims to support the study of modern languages and/or Latin American studies outside London, to promote inter-institutional collaborations, and bring together scholars from the wider area as participants or attendees.
Applicants can apply for a maximum of £2,000.
The call for applications is now open, for events to be held between 1 September 2022 and 30 June 2023. The deadline for applications is 11 April 2022.
Further details / how to apply (PDF)
3.17 FCHS Early Career Scholars Event: How to Write Academic Book Proposals
The French Colonial Historical Society is pleased to host two virtual sessions for early career scholars, titled “How to Write Academic Book Proposals,” on Friday April 22nd and Friday April 29th. These informational sessions will bring together early career scholars working on French colonial history topics with publishers and recently published scholars in the field. On April 22nd, publishers from University of Pennsylvania Press, Manchester University Press, and University of Nebraska Press will share advice on how to craft academic book proposals, and on April 29th, faculty with recently published books on various topics in French colonial history will share their experiences writing proposals and working with editors on their projects.
Sessions will be held virtually, from 12:00-1:30 PM EDT. Please contact one of the event organizers to register, or if you have any questions: Larissa Kopytoff (kopytoff@usf.edu) or Deirdre Lyons (dtl412@uchicago.edu).
3.18 Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving: Engaging Concealed Pasts: a Transnational symposium (University of Chicago Center in Paris, Wednesday 20 April 2022)
Decolonial and Queer of Color Archiving: Engaging Concealed Pasts
Transnational symposium organized by
Sandeep Bakshi (LARCA, Université Paris Cité) and Paola Bacchetta (University of California, Berkeley)
Wednesday 20 April 2022
Relaying and relying upon the work of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network in the last decade that has now become the living queer of color archive, the symposium extends the meaning inherent in working with the archive of queer of color worldmaking beyond the network’s living archive. It aims to invite prominent decolonial and queer of color archives scholars and place them in conversation with queer of color archivists/activists in the global North (US, France).
The key question that underpins the symposium is: How do queer of color and decolonial queer archiving alter the way in which we think of archiving as a practice of preservation of history?
All participants will incorporate the crux of the question in their presentation/conversation.
The symposium comprises one section of the larger project on decolonizing queer knowledge that is co-run by Professor Paola Bacchetta and Dr Sandeep Bakshi under the aegis of the Decolonizing Sexualities Network.
Register here to attend in person
(6 rue Thomas Mann, Paris 13e)
Register here to attend online
3.19 Symposium on Édouard Glissant: “Poetics of Relation” (April 8-9)
The Center of Excellence of the French Embassy at Indiana University-Bloomington extends a warm invitation to all interested attendees to its
Symposium on Édouard Glissant: Poetics of Relation
Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9, 2022 (all times EDT)
(all events can be accessed freely via Zoom)
Presented in-person at the Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center, Bridgwaters’ Lounge (IUB) and via Zoom.
Conveners: Anke Birkenmaier (Department of Spanish & Portuguese) and
Oana Panaïté (Department of French & Italian)
Friday, April 8
9 am: Welcome and Refreshments
9:30 am: Silvio Torres-Saillant (Syracuse University),“The West as a Project and History as Poesis”
1 pm: H. Adlai Murdoch (Tufts University), “From Antillanité to the Archipelic: Édouard Glissant’s Linked Insularities of Non-Continental Thought”
2:45-3:15 pm Coffee break
3:15 pm: Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (University of Miami), “Caribbean Confederations as Relationalities: Politics and Erotics of Archipelagic Thinking”
Saturday, April 9
9 am: Refreshments
9:30 am: John E. Drabinski (University of Maryland), “Shoreline, Auction Block: Origin Stories and the Afterlife of Violence”
10:45-11:15 am: Coffee break
11:15 am: Roundtable with IU Faculty, Constance Furey (Religious Studies), Edgar Illas (Spanish and Portuguese), Paul Losensky (Comparative Literature), and Ilana Gershon (Anthropology)
Presented by the Center for Theoretical Inquiry in the Humanities at Indiana University – Bloomington.
Co-sponsored by the College Arts & Humanities Institute and the Center of Excellence of the French Embassy at IU
4. New Publications
4.1 Andil Gosine, Nature’s Wild: Love, Sex, and Law in the Caribbean (Durham: Duke University Press, 2021)
In Nature’s Wild, Andil Gosine engages with questions of humanism, queer theory, and animality to examine and revise understandings of queer desire in the Caribbean. Surveying colonial law, visual art practices, and contemporary activism, Gosine shows how the very concept of homosexuality in the Caribbean (and in the Americas more broadly) has been overdetermined by a colonially influenced human/animal divide. Gosine refutes this presupposed binary and embraces animality through a series of case studies: a homoerotic game called puhngah, the institution of gender-based dress codes in Guyana, and efforts toward the decriminalization of sodomy in Trinidad and Tobago—including the work of famed activist Colin Robinson, paintings of human animality by Guadeloupean artist Kelly Sinnapah Mary, and Gosine’s own artistic practice. In so doing, he troubles the ways in which individual and collective anxieties about “wild natures” have shaped the existence of Caribbean people while calling for a reassessment of what political liberation might look like.
Duke University Press Scholars of Color First Book Award recipient
Receive a 20% discount online*:
*Valid until 11:59 GMT, 30th June 2022. Discount only applies to the CAP website.
4.2 Mireille Rebeiz, Gendering Civil War: Francophone Women’s Writing in Lebanon (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022)
Provides a new and original analysis on how Lebanese francophone women authors wrote about the Lebanese civil war
The first book to study the intersection between narrative studies or narratology, trauma and gender in the context of non-western literature
Examines Lebanese francophone novels by first- and second-generation women writers from the 1970s to today
Explores novels that have never been studied before or received very little attention
Offers in-depth analysis of theories and literary analysis
Advances new theories on the body, narratology, and trauma
Writers in contemporary Lebanon stand at the crossroads of challenging and often violent dynamics in a multi-ethnic postcolonial society where competing cultural and political forces present specific and pressing problems for women. This book examines French-language narratives published between the 1970s and the present day by Lebanese women writers focusing on the civil war of 1975-1991. Drawing on a corpus of writings by Vénus Khoury-Ghata, Etel Adnan, Evelyne Accad, Andrée Chedid, Hyam Yared, and Georgia Makhlouf, some of which has previously received little or no scholarly attention, the book examines in innovative ways the use of distinctive narrative forms to address inter-linked questions of violence, war trauma, and gender relations.
The book is now available for pre order on EUP’s website with the discount code NEW30 for 30% off: https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-gendering-civil-war.html
4.3 Adama Togola, Christiane Ndiaye et Karen Ferreira-Meyers (eds.,), Études littéraires, 50:3 (2022): Moussa Konaté : une écriture de l’Afrique plurielle
L’oeuvre de Moussa Konaté s’inscrit, au tournant des années 1980, dans une littérature africaine qui se redéfinit par des innovations linguistiques, épistémologiques, idéologiques, esthétiques et thématiques. Son travail présente une Afrique plurielle dans laquelle prennent place des enjeux culturels, politiques et sociaux : son oeuvre est tout à la fois réflexive, didactique et engagée. En explorant la problématisation du réel social que propose l’auteur, le présent numéro d’Études littéraires vise donc d’abord à rendre hommage à ce romancier dont l’œuvre a souvent été oubliée par la critique francophone.
Les articles de ce dossier abordent avant tout la cohérence qui sous-tend les écrits de Moussa Konaté. Bien que dans son œuvre les genres foisonnent et que les structures narratives diffèrent, ils forment néanmoins un univers cohérent qui articule le politique et le culturel. Que ce soit par l’étude d’une double dimension (dissensuelle et transculturelle) qui file les romans de Konaté, par la reconnaissance des limites de la démarche hypothético-déductive dans certains milieux culturels, ou encore par l’analyse des différents types de personnages féminins, ce dossier met en lumière une esthétique transculturelle où les communautés s’affrontent et qui témoigne des multiples visions du monde.
En ayant recours à différentes formes littéraires pour aborder une même problématique, Moussa Konaté rend poreuses les frontières entre la littérature populaire et la littérature dite lettrée. Ainsi, il entreprend d’abolir les hiérarchies de genres, et cela traduit les nouvelles voies de l’écriture romanesque africaine.
4.4 Nick Nesbitt, The Price of Slavery: Capitalism and Revolution in the Caribbean (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022)
The Price of Slavery analyzes Marx’s critique of capitalist slavery and its implications for the Caribbean thought of Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, C. L. R. James, Aimé Césaire, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Suzanne Césaire. Nick Nesbitt assesses the limitations of the literature on capitalism and slavery since Eric Williams in light of Marx’s key concept of the social forms of labor, wealth, and value. To do so, Nesbitt systematically reconstructs for the first time Marx’s analysis of capitalist slavery across the three volumes of Capital. The book then follows the legacy of Caribbean critique in its reflections on the social forms of labor, servitude, and freedom, as they culminate in the vehement call for the revolutionary transformation of an unjust colonial order into one of universal justice and equality.
“Ranging from plantation slavery via the Haitian Revolution to the neocolonial present, Nesbitt analyzes both Marx and the Marxist Caribbean critique of social structure and enslavement in meticulously argued and highly suggestive ways. Nesbitt’s innovative and thought-provoking scholarship, combined with the genuine originality of his argument, means that The Price of Slavery is eagerly awaited by readers in Caribbean studies, slavery studies, and Marxism studies more generally.”
– Charles Forsdick, University of Liverpool, coeditor of The Black Jacobins Reader
“This is a brilliant study of how Black Jacobin Marxist thinkers tropicalize and transform Karl Marx. With forensic attention to detail in the examination of Marx’s writings, Nesbitt proposes an original theory of the relation of slavery and capitalism. A must-read for anyone who works in Caribbean studies.” –Rachel Douglas, University of Glasgow, author of Making the Black Jacobins: C.L.R. James and the Drama of History.
“The Price of Slavery” is a long-awaited book. Nick Nesbitt masterfully combines Marx’s theory with the history of Caribbean critique of social structure, from plantation slavery and the Haitian Revolution to the neocolonial present. The Price of Slavery is also a timely intervention in the debate on slavery. Nesbitt creates a fascinating dialogue between Marx’s critique of slavery and Toussaint Louverture, Henry Christophe, C.L.R. James, Aimé Césaire, Jacques Stephen Alexis, and Suzanne Césaire. This book is a must-read for everyone who aims to investigate the complex historical entanglement of slavery within global capitalism and interrogate the deep implications of the revolutionary destruction of colonial plantation slavery.” –Massimiliano Tomba, University of California, Santa Cruz, author of Insurgent Universality: An Alternative Legacy of Modernity
Further information on the book can be found at the publisher’s site here.
A presentation of the book at Virginia’s “Author’s Corner” can be found here.
4.5 Megan Brown, The Seventh Member State: Algeria, France, and the European Community (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2022)
The surprising story of how Algeria joined and then left the postwar European Economic Community and what its past inclusion means for extracontinental membership in today’s European Union.
On their face, the mid-1950s negotiations over European integration were aimed at securing unity in order to prevent violent conflict and boost economies emerging from the disaster of World War II. But French diplomats had other motives, too. From Africa to Southeast Asia, France’s empire was unraveling. France insisted that Algeria—the crown jewel of the empire and home to a nationalist movement then pleading its case to the United Nations—be included in the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community. The French hoped that Algeria’s involvement in the EEC would quell colonial unrest and confirm international agreement that Algeria was indeed French.
French authorities harnessed Algeria’s legal status as an official département within the empire to claim that European trade regulations and labor rights should traverse the Mediterranean. Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany conceded in order to move forward with the treaty, and Algeria entered a rights regime that allowed free movement of labor and guaranteed security for the families of migrant workers. Even after independence in 1962, Algeria remained part of the community, although its ongoing inclusion was a matter of debate. Still, Algeria’s membership continued until 1976, when a formal treaty removed it from the European community.
The Seventh Member State combats understandings of Europe’s “natural” borders by emphasizing the extracontinental contours of the early union. The unification vision was never spatially limited, suggesting that contemporary arguments for geographic boundaries excluding Turkey and areas of Eastern Europe from the European Union must be seen as ahistorical.