calls for papers, job opportunities, new titles

SFPS Monthly Mailing: March 2017

30th March 2017

1. Calls for Papers

1.1 Trespassing Time and Space: The Postcolonial Encounter in the Francophone World (SFPS PG Conference 2017)

1.2 Regional, National and Global Identities in the Francophone World (SFPS Annual Conference 2017)

1.3 Imagining the Body in France & the Francophone World

1.4 Australian Society for French Studies Conference: Truth and Representation


2. Job Opportunities

2.1 Programme Coordinator/Lecturer in French, German or Spanish

2.2 Lecturer in Modern Languages, Culture and Society

2.3 The Kathleen Bourne Junior Research Fellowship in French

2.4 Languages, Cultures and Societies Work and the Workplace in France PhD Studentship


3. Announcements

3.1 Francospheres of Resistance and Revolution (Conference)

3.2 Language, Communities and Moving Borders (Seminar)


4. New Titles

4.1 Thiaroye 1944: Histoire et mémoire d’un massacre colonial

4.2 The Black Jacobins Reader

4.3 Algeria Revisited: History, Culture and Identity

4.4 Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect?


1. Calls for Papers/Contributions

1.1 Trespassing Time and Space: The Postcolonial Encounter in the Francophone World

SFPS PG Study Day

Lancaster University

16 June 2017

Keynote Speaker: Dr Berny Sèbe (University of Birmingham)

Professional Development Workshop: Dr Nicola Frith (University of Edinburgh)

Roundtable: Dr Charlotte Baker, Dr Delphine Grass, Dr Lindsey Moore, Dr John Strachan

(Lancaster University)

The Yves Hervouet Research Fund at Lancaster University is generously providing a limited number of travel bursaries for postgraduate presenters. See below for details on how to apply. 

The Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies Postgraduate Study Day will explore issues that result from the encounter of people and cultures across the francophone world in colonial/postcolonial contexts. The study day aims to bring together postgraduate researchers, both at MA and PhD level, and to showcase their current research in a supportive and friendly environment. Its purpose is to stimulate reflection, discussion and debate among postgraduate students working on francophone postcolonial studies and related fields.

The word ‘encounter’ begins with uncertainty, but opens up a host of possibilities, collaborations, discourses, meanings and expressions. In this sense, an encounter is a synonym of change, radical power shifts, and cultural convergence that moves beyond/ transgresses the strict limits of time and space, facilitating dialogue not only between the past and the present but also across geographical boundaries. Francophone postcolonial studies have always favoured this dialogue sans frontières as the colonial enterprise was a form of encounter with far-reaching consequences. These colonial encounters were not only marked by violent confrontations but also by hybrid romantic unions (by ‘tense and tender ties’, to take up Ann Laura Stoler’s phrase) and often included effervescent reaffirmations of cultural difference and identity. The contemporary processes of globalization have necessitated a renewal of the forms and terms of this encounter that translates as an ethics of alterity and non-universalist conceptions of political activism.

Possible topics might include, but are not limited to: identity – social, political, religious, and other forms; historical encounters; gender and sexuality; migration and mobility; exilic encounters; borderlands ; transnational and transcultural formations; encounters in digital/online space; urban encounters; revolutionary encounters; artistic expression – literature, film, media.

Please send abstracts of up to 300 words, with paper title, name, and university affiliation to: by 16 April 2017

Confirmation of acceptance by 3 May 2017 

Travel bursaries: We have a limited number of bursaries available to cover transport costs for presenters. This funding is generously provided by the Yves Hervouet fund at Lancaster University.  If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please send us the following documents with your abstract by 16 April 2017:

  • A brief application letter stating why you would like to apply for the bursary (this can be a paragraph).  Please also include specific details of travel costs and state the website you used to find the prices.
  • A short statement of support from your supervisor.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Organising committee: Foara Adhikari (Lancaster), Kirsty Bennett (Lancaster), Nicola Pearson (Bristol)

Twitter: @sfpspg2017


1.2 SFPS Annual Conference 2017: Regional, National and Global Identities in the Francophone World

In association with Liverpool University Press

Friday 17–Saturday 18 November 2017

Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London,

Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Confirmed keynote speakers: Ayo Coly (Dartmouth College) and Xavier Garnier (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)

In recent years, identity has become ‘a prism through which other topical aspects of contemporary life are spotted, grasped and examined’ (Bauman, 2000, 121). The rise of extraterritorial power structures and the privatization of life struggles has led to an intensification of the debate about the meaning of identity at local, national and global levels. While globalisation constitutes an uncontested challenge to the linear narratives promoted by nation states (Balibar, 1988, 86), it also triggers resurgences of nationalism and xenophobia.

This conference aims to examine how the increasing interconnectedness of the world affects the Francosphere. How do authors and producers of francophone postcolonial cultural responses perceive globalisation and its effects on identity construction? Is it perceived as a homogenising process which threatens the French language and the identities it carries or, on the contrary, as a new opportunity for localisation and, as Appadurai suggests, ’translocal solidarities, cross-border mobilisations and post-national identities’ (1997, 21)? Through discussion of recent cultural production from the postcolonial francophone world, we hope to map out what makes the specificity of the local, regional and national identities and examine the multiple cultural responses to globalisation within the francophone postcolonial context.

We welcome theoretical reflections on globalization and identity as well as proposals for papers and panels on topics including:

  • The effects of globalisation on the francophone postcolonial world
  • The role of history in defining national regional and identities in the francophone postcolonial world
  • Emerging new identities in the 21stcentury
  • Imagined communities and their expressions in 21st-century francophone cultural production
  • The role of French in an increasingly interconnected world
  • New conceptions of the nation
  • Migration and transnationalism
  • Francophonie and globalisation
  • Francophone Postcolonial Studies in a global context
  • Gender and regional, national, and global identities

Please send abstracts of 200-250 words plus 50-100 words of biography in a Word document to Conference Secretaries, Dr Christina Horvath and Antonia Wimbush ( Papers can be in English or French. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 June 2017.

Le colloque annuel de la Société d’Études Francophones Postcoloniales

en collaboration avec les Presses Universitaires de Liverpool

Identités régionales, nationales et globales dans le monde francophone

Vendredi 17 et samedi 18 novembre 2017

Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London,

Senate House, Malet Street, Londres WC1E 7HU

Conférenciers principaux : Ayo Coly (Dartmouth College) et Xavier Garnier (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)

Dans les années récentes, l’identité est devenue ‘un prisme à travers lequel d’autres aspects de la vie contemporaines sont perçus, saisis et examinés’ (Bauman, 2000, 121). L’émergence des structures de pouvoir extraterritoriales et la privatisation des luttes de vie ont mené aujourd’hui à une intensification du débat au sujet de l’identité aux niveaux local, national et global. Tandis que la globalisation constitue un défi incontestable aux récits linéaires promus par les États-nations (Balibar, 1988, 86), il provoque également la résurgence du nationalisme et de la xénophobie, de même que les débats et les réflexions concernant l’essence de la nation (Noiriel, 2015, 29).

Ce colloque vise à examiner comment la nature de plus en plus interconnectée du monde francophone affecte la Franco-sphère. Comment les auteurs et les producteurs des réponses culturelles francophones perçoivent-ils la mondialisation et ses effets sur la construction identitaire ? La mondialisation, est-elle perçue comme un processus d’homogénéisation qui menace la langue française et les identités dont celle-ci est porteuse ou, au contraire, comme une nouvelle opportunité pour la localisation et, comme Appadurai le suggère, pour ‘les solidarités trans-locales, les mobilisations transfrontalières et les identités post-nationales’ (1997, 21) ? A travers l’examen d’une production culturelle récente et l’exploration des réponses culturelles suscitées par la mondialisation dans le contexte francophone, nous espérons de mieux comprendre ce qui fait la spécificité des identités locales, régionales et nationales dans le monde francophone postcolonial.

Les principaux axes de réflexion théoriques sur la mondialisation et l’identité que nous proposons (à titre indicatif) sont les suivants :

  • Les effets de la mondialisation dans le monde postcolonial francophone ;
  • Le rôle de l’histoire dans la définition des identités nationales, régionales et globales dans le contexte postcolonial francophone ;
  • Nouvelles identités émergentes au 21ème siècle ;
  • Communautés imaginaires et leurs expressions dans la production culturelle francophone du 21ème siècle ;
  • Le rôle de l’identité française et la nature de plus en plus interconnectée du monde
  • Nouvelles conceptions de la nation ;
  • Migration et trans-nationalisme ;
  • Francophonie et mondialisation ;
  • Les études francophones postcoloniales dans un contexte global ;
  • Genre et identités régionales, nationales et globales.

Les propositions de séances et de communications de 200-250 mots, accompagnées de notices biographiques de 50-100 mots sont à envoyer, au format Word, à Christina Horvath et à Antonia Wimbush ( Nous invitons des propositions en langues française et anglaise.

La date limite de l’envoi des propositions est le 1er juin 2017.


1.3 Imagining the Body in France & the Francophone World

Date: 19th and 20th January 2018

Venue: University of Birmingham

Confirmed keynote speakers: Dr. Kate Averis & Professor Lisa Downing
Invited artists: Fiorenza Menini & Dr. Jacqueline Taylor
Organisers: Antonia Wimbush, Polly Galis and Maria Tomlinson

The notion of ‘imagining the body’ problematises the possibility of representing the body as it is en soi – whether it be depicted textually, visually or orally –, which has remained a matter of conjecture amongst scholars within creative and theoretical fields alike. Interpretations of bodily identity and development have proved equally conflicted, and the vision of a shared bodily experience has generated both comfort and controversy, particularly amongst feminists and within the queer community. What exactly do we mean by the body and how do we represent it? Is there a commonality of bodily experience?

The body in all its complexity has fascinated and inspired artists, writers, filmmakers, journalists and philosophers for centuries, and is foundational to the French and Francophone aesthetic regime. This two-day bilingual, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together academics and postgraduate researchers working on representations of the body from both French and Francophone studies, in a wide range of disciplines, historical periods, and critical approaches. The purpose of the conference is to facilitate dialogue, debate, and exchange about why it is important to study the body in French and Francophone studies. This conference seeks to question how portrayals and conceptions of the body are influenced by and come to influence global, social phenomena (such as culture, politics, geography, socio-economics, law and medicine), and above all, how French and Francophone creative practice and theory shapes our understanding of the body.

The following is an indicative, but by no means exhaustive, list of the kinds of issues we hope to address:

  • Gender and/or sexuality and the body (the female body, the male body, the transgender body etc.)
  • The maternal body
  • The ageing body
  • Violence and abuse of the body
  • The body in movement/stasis or in situ
  • The body in exile
  • The body and society
  • Animal bodies
  • More ‘abstract’ definitions of the body (such as a body of water or a body of literature) will also be considered

Please send abstracts of no more than 300 words, with your name, institutional affiliation, short biography and contact details (excluded from word count), by 1st June 2017 to Antonia, Polly, and Maria using the email address Papers in both English and French will be welcome and should be no longer than 20 minutes.


1.4  CfP: Cahiers d’études africaines – Contestatory/Contested Images, deadline 15 June 2017

(English below)

Nous vous invitons à répondre en grand nombre à cet appel à contributions pour le numéro thématique bilingue « Images contestataires, images contestées » que nous coordonnons pour les Cahiers d’études africaines. Ce numéro à paraître en juin 2018 est le prolongement de débats commencés lors de l’European Conference of African Studies (ECAS) en 2015.


Si, au cours des vingt dernières années, beaucoup a été écrit sur l’image photographique (et ses dérivés) comme instrument de coercition (colonial, scientifique), qu’en est-il d’une image qui conteste, « résiste » et émancipe ? Pensons à la photographie du jeune Hector Pieterson agonisant dans les bras de son ami, prise par Sam Nzima à Soweto, le 16 juin 1976, devenue une icône de la lutte contre l’apartheid ou encore aux portraits iconiques des acteurs des indépendances africaines que l’on retrouve aujourd’hui en abondance sur divers supports numériques ou physiques (des timbres aux graffiti ou sculptures, en passant par les autocollants, t-shirts, pochettes de disques)Si des portraits le plus souvent « officiels » sont détruits en tant que symboles d’un pouvoir contesté (par exemple, les portraits photographiques d’universitaires blancs qui ornaient les murs de l’Université du Cap en Afrique du Sud, épicentre du mouvement étudiant Rhodes Must Fall en 2015) d’autres, au contraire, relatant les moments-clés de ces mêmes mouvements de contestation, entreprennent des parcours inédits, virtuels ou matériels, un phénomène qui s’est amplifié à l’ère numérique avec la vague de « printemps » qui ont récemment secoué le continent africain, du Nord au Sud.

Seront ainsi abordées dans ce dossier les histoires et les trajectoires particulières d’une image, d’un corpus d’images, d’une (ou plusieurs) archive(s) visuelles « contestataires » ou « contestées » produites sur le continent africain et dans ses diasporas, au cours de différents moments de leur vie sociale : de leur production à leur diffusion, jusqu’à leur disparition ou « résurrection » sur tout type de support. Dans chaque contexte spécifique (historique, géographique, culturel, social, politique) et d’un bout à l’autre de la chaîne (de leur production à leur réception), quels sont leurs impacts et leurs filiations ? Quels réseaux les redistribuent et les rendent accessibles ou, à l’inverse, les rendent invisibles ? Quels sont les zones d’ombres, les ambiguïtés, voire les écueils qui peuvent, à un moment donné de leur trajectoire, entourer ou façonner ces images symbolisant la contestation ?

Dans le sillage de nombreux travaux portant sur les usages sociaux et politiques de la photographie en Afrique (Geary 2002 ; Peffer 2012 ; Sohier 2012), l’enjeu principal de ce dossier est de mettre en lumière les différents contextes dans lesquels ces images, leurs usages et les circulations de leurs supports, ont pu, à un moment donné, contester les discours dominants de leur temps, afin de produire un changement significatif dans la vie de différentes communautés d’hommes et de femmes. Face au besoin grandissant de se réapproprier ces images historiques et contemporaines à l’ère du numérique, ce numéro thématique tentera d’étudier comment ces images « en résistance » sont réinvesties et actualisées afin de servir les luttes passées ou présentes.

Modalités de soumission : Les articles inédits (d’une longueur maximale de 50 000 signes) écrits en français ou en anglais doivent être envoyés à Marian Nur Goni ( et Érika Nimis ( pour le 15 juin 2017. Les images proposées pour publication doivent être libres de droit et autorisées pour reproduction (à insérer dans le texte et à envoyer en fichier à part en résolution 300 dpi).

Pour en savoir plus:


If, over the last twenty years, scholars have extensively written on the photographic image (and its derivatives) as a tool of (colonial, scientific) coercion in Africa, what about an image, which contests, resists, and emancipates? Think, for instance, of the photograph of young Hector Pieterson dying in the arms of his friend, taken by Sam Nzima in Soweto on June 16th, 1976, which became an icon of the struggle against apartheid or the iconic portraits of the fathers of African independence movements which today abundantly move along very diverse digital or physical formats and media (stamps, graffiti, sculptures, stickers, T-shirts, album covers). While official portraits can be destroyed as symbols of controversial powers (as happened to some white academics’ photographic portraits on the walls of the University of Cape Town in South Africa, epicentre of the students’ protest movement Rhodes Must Fall in 2015), others, documenting key moments of these very same protest movements, undertake unexpected virtual or material journeys, a phenomenon which has burgeoned in the digital era with the Springs wave which recently shook up the African continent, from North to South.

This special issue will address the particular histories and trajectories of contestatory or contested image(s), visual bodies of works and archive(s) produced on the African continent and by its diasporas, during various moments of their social life: from their production to their distribution, including the very moments of their disappearance or resurrection. In each specific (historical, geographical, cultural, social, political) context and throughout the whole chain of production and reception of these images, what are their impacts and filiations? What networks distribute them, making them largely accessible or, inversely, totally invisible? What are the grey areas, the ambiguities or pitfalls, which can, at some point in their trajectories, surround or shape these images?

Following in the path of a growing number of works analyzing the social and political life of photographic images produced on the African continent (Geary 2002; Peffer 2012; Sohier 2012), this issue aims to bring to light the various contexts in which images, their uses and circulation, have been able, at specific moments, to dispute the dominant discourse(s) of their times. Facing an increasing need to reconnect with and (re)gain control of historical images, this special issue will try to grasp how these resistance images may be borrowed and updated today to serve present and past fights and stakes.

Submissions are welcome from interdisciplinary authors and from different disciplines in French or English.

Images should be included embedded in the text and in separate .jpeg files (300 dpi resolution minimum), named with captions including photographer’s name and date. Proof of right to use will be requested, either permission from photographer for print and online or copyright free. All manuscripts should be previously unpublished material.

Please send your submission by email to: Marian Nur Goni ( and Érika Nimis (, coordinators.

The deadline for receipt of articles is 15th June 2017.

For more information see:


1.5 Australian Society for French Studies Conference: Truth and Representation

The Australian National University, 13-15 December

Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Nicki Hitchcott, University of St Andrews, and Dr Chris Watkin, Monash University

What is truth and how do we represent it? For centuries philosophers, artists, theologians, and political thinkers have reflected on the nature of truth, each exploring the various rhetorical and visual strategies with which we might render its universality and its relativity. When we talk about truth, we call upon objectivity, authenticity, and verifiability. But we also inevitably evoke subjectivity, artifice, and mendacity. Indeed, to talk about truth is to recognise its intimate connection to lies.

In our current political climate, terms such as ‘post-truth’ and ‘fake news’ have become ubiquitous. In the wake of Brexit and the American presidential election, and leading up to the 2017 French election, politicians and the media continually call the status of truth and representation into question. How are we to determine what truth is when facts are manipulated to reflect and reinforce the opinions we already hold? How are we to retain our grasp on reality when we see our world increasingly through the mediation of the screen? Such questions bring to mind a much broader problematic surrounding our understanding of social, cultural, and political reality in the light of myriad and ever-evolving ideologies and theoretical orientations.

This conference seeks to reflect on these questions within French and Francophone Studies. What role can our interdisciplinary research play in negotiating the problems of truth and representation in the 21st century, from cultural studies and politics to literature and film? Our aim is to address these problems from a multiplicity of methodological approaches and areas of focus.

We invite proposals for individual papers (20 minutes) and for panels (3-4 papers of 20 minutes each) related to the theme of truth and representation. We will also consider proposals that do not conform directly to this theme. Possible topics for discussion may include, but are not limited to:

• Philosophical, theoretical, and historical/historiographical understandings of truth-making
• Representations of Otherness
• Reflections on language and the shaping of political discourse
• The role of truth in education, including plagiarism and academic dishonesty in the language classroom
• Film and the fluid boundaries of audio-visual representation
• Embodied truths, psychic truths, lived realities
• National myths and the politics of migration
• Life-writing/ Representing the truth of the self
• Truth and religious pluralism
• Postmodernism and post-truth
• Representation in (applied) linguistics and second language acquisition
• Imagination, or the truth of fiction

Please send your proposal of 250 words for papers in English or French to by 3 July 2017.

Organising committee: Leslie Barnes, Ashok Collins, Solène Inceoglu, and Gemma King, ANU.

For more information see:


2. Job Opportunities

2.1 Programme Coordinator/Lecturer in French, German or Spanish

University of Essex – Department of Language and Linguistics

Location: Colchester
Salary: £32,004 to £38,183 per annum.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
 Placed on: 15th March 2017
Closes: 10th April 2017
Job Ref: REQ00506

The Department of Language and Linguistics is looking to appoint a full-time Lecturer to teach on and manage all aspects of the ‘Languages for All’ programme and to organise its successful delivery as part of a continued approach to international student mobility and employability. The programme will provide students with access to a variety of language learning activities during their career at the University.

The successful candidate will have a post-graduate qualification in a relevant area, substantial experience in Language Teaching in the UK Higher Education sector and successful performance of a range of managerial and administrative tasks. You will also have experience of syllabus, materials and assessment development and competence in French, German or Spanish equivalent to a native speaker. Extensive IT skills and experience in using e-learning platforms is essential.

If you are an external applicant, applications are accepted as Languages for All Coordinator/Lecturer in Spanish only. Applications as Languages for All Coordinator/Lecturer in French, German or Spanish are welcome from internal candidates.

This post starts as soon as possible after 1 August 2017, but no later than 1 October 2017.

At the University of Essex internationalism is central to who we are and what we do. We are committed to being a cosmopolitan, internationally-oriented university that is welcoming to staff and students from all countries and a university where you can find the world in one place.

Please use the link below to make an application and for further details about this job (Ref. REQ00506). Visit our website: for information about the University of Essex. If you have a disability and would like information in a different format, please telephone (01206) 874693/873521.

For more information see:


2.2 Lecturer in Modern Languages, Culture and Society

King’s College London – Departments of French and/or German and/or Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (SPLAS)

Location: London
Salary: £32,958 to £39,324
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
 Placed on: 15th March 2017
Closes: 12th April 2017
Job Ref: A6/AAY/0561/17-JR

The salary will be paid at Grade 6, £32,958-£39,324 per annum, plus £2,623 per annum London Allowance. This post will be indefinite. This is a full-time 100% full-time equivalent post.

King’s College London wishes to appoint a Lecturer in Modern Languages with expertise in the politics and cultures of work in Europe. The post-holder will be based in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities but will be responsible for leading on the institutional development of links with the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy (SSPP) and the School of Management and Business. The post-holder will also develop innovative and interdisciplinary cross-Modern Languages and pan-European teaching which articulates the interface between culture, history, politics and economics from the perspective of the Modern Languages and Cultural Studies. This teaching will appeal not only to students of the Modern Languages but also to students in SSPP and the School of Management and Business. Research conducted by the appointee should be interdisciplinary and cut across the fields of Modern Languages, Social Science and Management, with an area specialism in either French-, German-, Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking Europe.

The selection process will include a presentation, sample teaching and an interview panel. Interviews are planned to be held the week commencing: 24 April or 2 May 2017

For an informal discussion to find out more about the role please contact (French Department) and/or (German Department) and/or (Department of SPLAS)

To apply for this role, please go to the King’s College London HireWire Job Board and register to download and submit the specified application form. The deadline for applications is 12 April 2017

For more information see:


2.3 The Kathleen Bourne Junior Research Fellowship in French

St. Anne’s College, Oxford – St Anne’s College

Location: Oxford
Salary: £25,878 plus housing allowances, please see advert text
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Contract / Temporary
Placed on: 21st March 2017
Closes: 20th April 2017

Closing date: Noon on Thursday 20th April 2017

The Governing Body of St Anne’s College invites applications for the Kathleen Bourne Junior Research Fellowship, tenable from 1 October 2017, for two years in the first instance, with a possibility of a third and final year. The JRF is open to those intending to pursue research in Modern Languages who are at an early stage of their academic career, typically at post-doctoral level. The Fellowship is offered for research in any French subject, primarily (i) French language and literature; or (ii) French architecture, art, history, music or philosophy.

Main duties
The candidate will carry out research, teaching and will contribute to the intellectual life of the College.

Selection Criteria
Applications will be judged primarily on the basis of the candidate’s potential to undertake a significant and exciting programme of research in some area of French language or literature, or French architecture, art, history, music, music, philosophy, as evidenced by their research proposal, publication record and academic references.

Essential Criteria

  1. Possess a high level of research ability in their chosen area of French.
  2. Possess a strong educational record.
  3. Candidates will be expected to be have, or to be very near to completion of their doctorate before taking up the fellowship.
  4. Have a coherent proposed research programme for the duration of the Fellowship, of a standard which will contribute to and enhance the profile of Modern Languages in the University.
  5. Have a record of publications and other output demonstrating research expertise in French, both published and forthcoming, appropriate to the career stage of the applicant.
  6. Be able to communicate well about her/his subject.

Salary and Benefits

  • Stipend, including 4 hours of teaching per week, will be £25,878 (this figure may be reduced to take account of any award or grant already held by or promised to the successful applicant).
  • Free accommodation (bed-sitting room) if available and required; otherwise a living-out allowance of £4,297 pa will be paid.
  • The Fellow will be a member of the Senior Common Room, and will be entitled to all meals free during term, and breakfast and one main meal a day during vacation, except when the hall is closed.
  • Research Allowance up to £1,000 per annum.
  • You will become a member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS). Details of the pension scheme are available via the University of Oxford’s USS webpage.

How to Apply
For a full job description and details of how to apply please see our website

Electronic applications only. The following documents should be sent, in Word format, or as a pdf, attached to an email, to

  • A completed Appointing Committee’s Form (page 5 of the Further Particulars).
  • A Curriculum Vitae.
  • A Research statement (not more than 500 words) setting out your research interests.
  • Two academic references. Referees should be asked to write (in English please) to the Executive Assistant (email above), without waiting for a request from the College.
  • Candidates are invited to complete the voluntary equal opportunities form and return it by email to These forms are used for monitoring purposes and will not be seen by the selection committee.

Interviews are expected to take place on 2nd May.

For more information see:


2.4 Languages, Cultures and Societies Work and the Workplace in France PhD Studentship

University of Leeds ‒ School of Languages, Cultures and Societies

Qualification type: PhD
Location: Leeds
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: £14,553
Hours: Full Time, Part Time
 Placed on: 2nd February 2017
Expires: 2nd May 2017

Qualification type: PhD Studentship

Funding for: UK/EU students (PhD project will be linked to an AHRC Fellowship on the contemporary French workplace)

Funding amount: maintenance grant (£14,553) and fees at Home/EU rate

Deadline: 30 June 2017, 23:59 (UK time)

The School of Languages, Cultures and Societies at the University of Leeds is pleased to advertise a scholarship (full fees and maintenance) for a PhD on ‘Work and the Workplace in France’ commencing in October 2017. The PhD project will be linked to an AHRC Fellowship led by Dr Sarah Waters on the contemporary French workplace.

The research proposal can be linked to any disciplinary perspective on work in the French context e.g. history, theory, literature, cinema, cultural studies, sociology. Interdisciplinary proposals are welcomed.

The scholarship will be funded by the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies and provide fees (Home/EU £tbc) and maintenance of £14,553 pa (2017/18)

Candidates are required to apply for all the University of Leeds and Research Council funding opportunities which they are eligible for. If successful in obtaining one of these awards then the School award will be waived.

The Scholarship is open to full-time and part-time candidates. Part-time candidates will be paid pro rata.

Applicants should first apply for a place to study and then apply for the scholarship.

For more information see:


3. Announcements

3.1 Francospheres of Resistance and Revolution (Conference)

03 Apr 2017, 09:30 to 04 Apr 2017, 17:30
Institute of Modern Languages Research

Woburn Room, G22, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Monday 3 April

9:30      Registration and Welcome
10:00    Panel 1 – Foundations
Bill Marshall (Stirling): Victor Serge Now
Mason Norton (Edge Hill):  Resistance in France, 1940-44: Politics or the Political?
Fabrice Usman (Regis): The Very First New Left: Claude Bourdet and The Emergence of the Nouvelle Gauche
11:30    Coffee
11:45    PLENARY  Siobhan Shilton (Bristol): “Art, Resistance and the Tunisian Revolution: Aesthetics of Contingency”
13:15    Lunch (own arrangements)
14:30    PLENARY Louise Michel The Commune and New Caldeonia
Paul Mason: On Divine Chaos of Starry Things
16:00    Tea
16:15    Mary and Bryan Talbot on The Red Virgin in conversation with Charles Forsdick
17:30    Vin d’honneur

Tuesday 4 April

9:00       Panel 2 – Postcolonial Resistance and Revolution
Alison Smith (Liverpool): Georges Didi-Huberman: forms of resistance in the space of images
Ralph Heyndels (Miami): Revolutionary Engagement From Within Emotional, Sexual and Imaginary Subjectivity: “Ecrire Et s’engager Aujourd’hui”1 as Abdellah Taia would conceives it
Nadhim Chaouché (Oran): La Résistance identitaire à travers le roman algérien d’expression française 1900-1950
10:30     Coffee
10:45     Howard Caygill (Kingston) ‘On Resistance’
12:00     Lunch (own arrangements)
13:00     Panel 3 – 68 revisited
Ben Partridge (Newcastle): May ’68, Photography and Memory: Beyond the Iconic
Angelos Triantafyllou (Versailles-Saint-Quentin-Yvelines): Gérard Fromanger: Painter and Actor of Mai 68
Ludivine Bantigny (Rouen- France Culture): « Rêve général » Alternatives et projets imaginés en 1968
14:30     PLENARY: Anna-Louise Milne (ULIP): ‘Sylvain George and lyric documentary in the age of late capitalism, or When cinema burns in revolt…’
15:30     Tea
Panel 4: Contemporary Resistance
Amanda Crawley Jackson (Sheffield): Re-making the City? The recent work of activist collectives in France
Jean-Frédéric Hennuy (Chester): L’insurrection qui vient…ou pas…!
Sarah Waters (Leeds): Work, Resistance and Suicide in the 21st century French Workplace
17:30     Conference closes

Advance registration required

Conference fees:
Both days: £40 (standard); £35 (Friends of Germanic Studies/Italian at the IMLR); £20 (Students & Other Concessions)

1 day only: £25 (standard); £20 (Friends of Germanic Studies/Italian at the IMLR); £15 (Students & Other Concessions)

To claim the student rate, proof of student status will need to be shown at registration on the day

For more information see:


3.2 Language, Communities and Moving Borders (Seminar)

Institute of Modern Languages Research
Date: 29 Jun 2017, 10:00 to 29 Jun 2017, 17:00

Venue: Bloomsbury Room, G35, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Increasingly volatile global political and economic contexts call the issues of mobility and globalisation in question. Consequently, terms such as communities and moving borders recur in Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics research. This one day seminar aims at creating a space where colleagues from Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics exchange their latest research findings about language, communities and moving borders, learn from each other’s theoretical and methodological perspectives, and explore new and further areas of collaboration. Three principle investigators leading AHRC funded projects from Translating Cultures programme and Open World Research Initiative will give their responses to the key themes, drawing insights from their research, career trajectories, and disciplinary affinity. The participants will have opportunities to talk about their work and to take part in the discussion. The seminar will finish with a panel discussion which considers the key issues and challenges for Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics research.

Confirmed speakers:
  • Professor Angela Creese (University of Birmingham, PI for Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating Linguistic and Cultural Transformations in Superdiverse Wards in Four UK Cities project)
  • Professor Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow, PI for Borders of Language: The Body, Law and the State project)
  • Professor Catherine Boyle (King’s College London, PI for the Language Acts and Worldmaking project)

Confirmed panel discussants:

  • Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool, AHRC Theme Leadership Fellow, ‘Translating Cultures’)
  • Janice Carruthers (Queen’s University Belfast, AHRC Theme Leadership Fellow, Modern Languages)
  • Li Wei (UCL Institute of Education)
  • Bernard McGuirk (University of Nottingham)

Organisers: Professor Zhu Hua (Birkbeck, University of London) and Professor Catherine Davies (Institute of Modern Language Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London)

With funding support from AHRCTranslating Cultures’ and ‘Open World Research Initiative’ projects.

Registration: £10

For more information see:


4. New Titles

4.1. Thiaroye 1944: Histoire et mémoire d’un massacre colonial (Presse universitaire de Rennes)

Longtemps été considéré par l’armée française comme une mutinerie, Thiaroye, où des dizaines de tirailleurs sénégalais furent tués, apparaît plutôt comme une tuerie organisée par les officiers coloniaux présents à Dakar. Fruit d’un long et patient travail sur les archives de ce drame, cet ouvrage retrace les réappropriations passées et actuelles de cet événement au Sénégal, à travers diverses temporalités permettant de lire la trajectoire de la nation sénégalaise postcoloniale en suivant la mobilisation d’imaginaires historiques.

Avec une préface d’Elika M’Bokolo et une postface de Bob W. White.

Avec le soutien du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) ‒ Laboratoire IMAF.

Pour en savoir plus:


4.2 The Black Jacobins Reader (Duke University Press, 2017)

Ed. by Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg

Containing a wealth of new scholarship and rare primary documents, The Black Jacobins Reader provides a comprehensive analysis of C. L. R. James’s classic history of the Haitian Revolution. In addition to considering the book’s literary qualities and its role in James’s emergence as a writer and thinker, the contributors discuss its production, context, and enduring importance in relation to debates about decolonization, globalization, postcolonialism, and the emergence of neocolonial modernity. The Reader also includes the reflections of activists and novelists on the book’s influence and a transcript of James’s 1970 interview with Studs Terkel.

Contributors. Mumia Abu-Jamal, David Austin, Madison Smartt Bell, Anthony Bogues, John H. Bracey Jr., Rachel Douglas, Laurent Dubois, Claudius K. Fergus, Carolyn E. Fick, Charles Forsdick, Dan Georgakas, Robert A. Hill, Christian Høgsbjerg, Selma James, Pierre Naville, Nick Nesbitt, Aldon Lynn Nielsen, Matthew Quest, David M. Rudder, Bill Schwarz, David Scott, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Matthew J. Smith, Studs Terkel
For more information see:


4.3 Algeria Revisited: History, Culture and Identity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2017)

Edited by Rabah Aissaoui and Claire Eldridge

On 5 July 1962, Algeria became an independent nation, bringing to an end 132 years of French colonial rule. Algeria Revisited provides an opportunity to critically re-examine the colonial period, the iconic war of decolonisation that brought it to an end and the enduring legacies of these years.

Given the apparent centrality of violence in this history, this volume asks how we might re-imagine conflict so as to better understand its forms and functions in both the colonial and postcolonial eras. It considers the constantly shifting balance of power between different groups in Algeria and how these have been used to re-fashion colonial relationships. Turning to the postcolonial period, the book explores the challenges Algerians have faced as they have sought to forge an identity as an independent postcolonial nation and how has this process been represented. The roles played by memory and forgetting are highlighted as part of the ongoing efforts by both Algeria and France to grapple with the complex legacies of their prolonged and tumultuous relationship.

This interdisciplinary volume sheds light on these and other issues, offering new insights into the history, politics, society and culture of modern Algeria and its historical relationship with France.

See more at:


4.4 Britain, France and the Decolonization of Africa: Future Imperfect? (UCL Press, 2017)

Edited by Andrew W.M. Smith and Chris Jeppesen

Looking at decolonization in the conditional tense, this volume teases out the complex and uncertain ends of British and French empire in Africa during the period of ‘late colonial shift’ after 1945. Rather than view decolonization as an inevitable process, the contributors together explore the crucial historical moments in which change was negotiated, compromises were made, and debates were staged.

Three core themes guide the analysis: development, contingency and entanglement. The chapters consider the ways in which decolonization was governed and moderated by concerns about development and profit. A complementary focus on contingency allows deeper consideration of how colonial powers planned for ‘colonial futures’, and how divergent voices greeted the end of empire. Thinking about entanglements likewise stresses both the connections that existed between the British and French empires in Africa, and those that endured beyond the formal transfer of power.

For more information see:

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