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SFPS Annual Conference: November 2017

19th November 2017

Regional, National and Global Identities in the Francophone World

Friday 17 & Saturday 18 November 2017

Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies

In association with Liverpool University Press

Click here for PDF version: Final Programme – SFPS Annual Conference 2017

*The featured image is a painting by Michel Haddad. Read about the artist here.*



Institute of Modern Languages Research, University of London,

Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU


Keynote speakers: Ayo Coly and Xavier Garnier



Friday 17 November 2017


9.30-10:15         Registration, Coffee/Tea


10.15-10.30       Welcome Address: Charlotte Baker (SFPS President)


10.30-12.00       Panel 1: Parallel Sessions


Panel 1a: Memory and Identity Nicki Hitchcott (University of St Andrews)

Rebekah Vince (University of Warwick), ‘Mediterranean Memory and Franco-Maghrebi Jewish Identity in Une enfance juive en Méditerranée (2012)’

Itay Lotem (University of Westminster), ‘Beyond the Guerres des mémoires? Anti-Racism, the Memory of Colonialism and Anti-Semitism after 2005’

Dima Samaha (Université d’Aix-Marseille 1), ‘De l’enquête policière à la quête identitaire et mémorielle dans Anima de Wajdi Mouawad’


Panel 1b: The Transnational Caribbean Julia Waters (University of Reading)

Charlotte Hammond (Cardiff University), ‘Global Assembly Zones and Cross-Border Mobilization’

Vanessa Lee (University of Oxford), ‘Errant Isles: Local, Regional and Global Identities through the Lens of French Caribbean Women Playwrights’

Chelsea Stieber (Catholic University of America), ‘Paper War: Postcolonial Haitian Writing, Civil War, and the Myth of the Republic’


12.00-2.00         Lunch/AGM


2.00-3.30           Panel 2: Parallel Sessions


Panel 2a: Globalisation Claire Griffiths (University of Chester)

Alexandra Reza (University of Oxford), ‘Anti-colonial Visions of the World in Présence Africaine, 1947-68’

Nanar Khamo (UCLA), ‘Identity, History, and Narrative in Le Clézio’s Révolutions


Panel 2b: Glissantian Identity Antonia Wimbush (University of Birmingham)

Angelos Triantafyllou (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), ‘L’identité-relation dans le Tout-Monde d’Edouard Glissant’

Kathleen Gyssels (University of Antwerp), ‘Entangled multidirectional memories? Still a long way to go with Glissant’s Tout-monde (1993)’

Valentine Meydit-Giannoni (l’Université Paris IV Sorbonne), ‘Mémoire de voiles: Glissant, ou l’opacité comme poétique de l’écrivain francophone’


3.30-4.00           Coffee/Tea


4.00-5.00            Panel 3: Parallel Sessions


Panel 3a: Contesting Models of Identity Khalid Lyamlahy (University of Oxford)

Philippe Panizzon (University of Oxford), ‘Ces rencontres qui voient à peine le jour’ (Rachid O.): Identity, Mobility, and Homosexual Encounters in Abdellah Taïa’s and Rachid O.’s Work’

Erin Twohig (Georgetown University), ‘Local, Global, Otherworldly: Science Fiction, Dystopia, and Virtual Reality in Maghrebi Literature’


Panel 3b: New Conceptions of the French Nation Ed Still (University of Oxford)

Margarita Garcia Casado (University of Cantabria), ‘Problématiques identitaires et histoires de l’immigration maghrébine: de l’immigré, au « beur » des banlieues, au français-musulman?’

Andrew McGregor (University of Melbourne), ‘Transcending French Integration: The Multicultural Classroom as a Global Space in Laurent Cantet’s Entre les murs (2008)’


5.00-6.00            Keynote Lecture, Ayo Coly (Dartmouth College), ‘Can Globalisation un-doom the category of Francophone Literatures? Lessons from Alain Mabanckou’ Charlotte Baker (University of Lancaster)


6.00-7.00           Vin d’Honneur

7.30                    Conference dinner (at own expense)

Saturday 18 November 2017


9.30-11.30         Panel 4: Parallel Sessions


Panel 4a: Transnationalism Sarah Arens (University of St Andrews)

Jennifer Boum Make (University of Pittsburgh), ‘Revisiting the Transnational: Tales of a Recipe-Breaker in Maryse Condé’s Mets et Merveilles

Jill Jarvis (Yale University), ‘Signs in the Desert: Toward an Aesthetic Cartography of the Sahara’


Panel 4b: Francophone African Identities Rebecca Infield (Warwick University)

Eric E. Tsimi (University of Virginia), ‘Migrants writers’ selves: le syndrome de l’enfant multiple chez les écrivains migrants africains’

Parfait Kouacou (Catholic University of New York), ‘African Childhood: Between Heritage and Modernity, Shackled or Cradled by Traditions?’


11.30-12.00       Coffee/Tea


12.00-1.00         Panel 5: Parallel Sessions


Panel 5a: Multicultural Paris Itay Lotem (University of Westminster)

Mame-Fatou Niang (Carnegie Mellon University), ‘La Blogosphère Afro-Parisienne: Entre Nouvelles Identités Françaises et Conscience Diasporique’

Sura Qadiri (University of Cambridge), ‘Policing Postcolonial Paris: Multiculturalism and the Decline of the Detective in Karim Miské’s Arab Jazz and Sabri Louatah’s Les Sauvages I-IV


Panel 5b:  Exchanges and Proximities Jordan Phillips (University College London)

Elizabeth M. Collins (UCLA), ‘Cooks and Books: Dynamics of Identity and Cuisine in Contemporary Francophone Vietnamese Literature’

Sami Everett (Cambridge University), ‘Retro reinterpretations of North Africa: postcolonial Jewish-Muslim relations in a Parisian telecoms company’


1.00-2.30            Lunch/ECR Session: ‘Publication Strategies and the REF’, led by Sarah Arens and Kate Marsh






2.30-4.00           Panel 6: Parallel Sessions


Panel 6a: Migration and Mobility Kate Marsh (University of Liverpool)

Anna-Leena Toivanen (Université de Liège), ‘Mobility, Labour, and Globalisation in Alain Mabanckou’s Tais-toi et meurs and Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique

Jonathan Lewis (University of Liverpool), ‘Towards Transcolonial Francophone Connections: Representations of Mobility and Immobility in Bel-Avenir by Akli Tadjer’

Khalid Lyamlahy (University of Oxford), ‘The Goncourt Prize and the Invisible: Figures of the Stranger in Leïla Slimani’s Chanson douce




Panel 6b: Francophone Algerian Identities Rebekah Vince (Warwick University)

Karima Zerouali (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), ‘History, Ideology and Identity: The Case of Algeria

Joe Ford (Durham University), ‘Francophone Algerian Literature Goes Global? Form and Aesthetics between the Regional, the National and the Global’

Neil Doshi (University of Pittsburgh), ‘Dis-placing Françalgerie: Performance, History, and Empire on the Global Stage’


4.00-4.30           Coffee/Tea


4.30-5.30           Dorothy Blair Memorial Lecture, Xavier Garnier (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle), ‘Des expériences locales aux poétiques mondiales. Quelles conditions pour un cosmopolitisme francophone?’ Christina Horvath (University of Bath)


5.30                     Close of Conference

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