Friday 18th – Saturday 19th November 2022
Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Professor Lia Brozgal (UCLA) and Dr Sarah Arens (University of Liverpool)
Film Screening: The Flesh of History, directed by Fabienne Kanor.
Conference registration form available here.
Provisional programme available here.
Register for online panels here.
DAY 1 – Friday 18 November 2022
9.30 – 10.15: Registration
10.15 – 10.30: Welcome
10.30 – 12.00: Panel 1
Panel 1A: Archives & Public Memory Production |
1 |
Rebekah Vince Leïla Sebbar and Albert Dichy: Recollecting Nœuds de mémoire and the Archivist as Archive |
Bachir Tamsir Niane Patrimoine privé, patrimoine public : la difficile gestion des archives personnelles à intérêt national |
2 |
Siham Bouamer Beyond French Women’s Colonial Travel Narratives: Unpacking Lyautey’s Moroccan ‘World’ Archive |
Hadley Galbraith Performing Memory, Forming the Anarchive: Bigidi and the Memory Quest in Sylvaine Dampierre’s Le pays à l’envers |
12.00 – 13.30: Lunch / SPFS Annual General Meeting
13.30 – 15.00: Panel 2
Panel 2A: Negotiating Access to Public Archives |
Panel 2B: Alternative Archives: Discourses & Disruptions |
1 |
Jean-Charles Bédague & Isabelle Dion Facilitating access, dissemination and understanding of colonial archives in France: methods, assessment and perspectives
1 |
Don Joseph Assembling an Archive of Resistance in Péyi an nou: Accommodation, Hospitality and the BUMIDOM |
2 |
Sonia Lamrani Dialogue de sourds across the Mediterranean: The Misery of Franco-Algerian Archival Dynamics and its Influence on the Historical Debates |
2 |
Antonia Wimbush An Alternative Archive of the BUMIDOM |
3 |
Claudiane Solange Ngwikem Manfo Réflexion théorique et pratique sur les usages des archives coloniales au Cameroun |
3 |
Perwana Nazif The Sound of Saharan Cellphones: Sonic Material as an Alternative Archive |
15.00 – 15.30: Coffee / Tea
15.30 – 17.00: Panel 3
Panel 3A: The Politicisation of Archives |
Panel 3B: Archives & Representation |
1 |
Jackqueline Frost Unearthing anti-nuclear ecologies in the image-text archive: Wifredo Lam’s apocalyptics |
1 |
Christopher Hogarth The Francophone African Literary Archive Inherited |
2 |
Melissa Mengue Politisation ou manipulation des archives coloniales : le cas du Congo |
2 |
Julia Duclos Resistance and Memory: How the Algerian war of decolonisation is represented in French schools
3 |
Miriam Gordon Voices from the margins of the slave narrative: the literary feminisation of the archive in Gisèle Pineau’s Femmes des Antilles and Fabienne Kanor’s Humus |
3 |
John Gleeson Archiving French History through Crime Fiction: The representation of colonial archives in the works of Didier Daeninckx |
17.00 – 18.00: Dorothy Blair Keynote – Archive Stories: Narrative, Knowledge, and Archival Politics (Dr Lia Brozgal)
18.00 – 19.00: Vin d’honneur
19.30: Conference Dinner (own expense)
DAY 2 – Saturday 19 November 2022
8.50 – 9.00: Welcome
9.00 – 10.30: Panel 4
Panel 4A: Archival Absence, Loss, and Destruction |
Panel 4B: Disrupting ‘Traditional’ Archives (Online) |
1 |
Jennifer Boum Make Le potentiel de la fiction face à l’absence archivistique des expériences d’esclavisé.e.s : entre prise de conscience de la violence de l’esclavage et nécessité du prendre soin |
1 |
Houria Djilali L’importance des archives locales et familiales, peut-on-travailler une biographie en se basant sur des archives personnelles? |
2 |
Fabienne Chamelot (Online) Loss and destruction in the French colonial archives, 1894-1960 |
2 |
Anjali Prabhu Disrupting Comparison in the Archive of French India |
3 |
Marie Rodet & Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye Writing the history of a ghost archive in Mali: the salvaging and loss of the Kayes Cercle archives (2008-2019)
Mamadou Hady Le roi de Kahel de Tierno Monénembo : une relecture postcoloniale des archives coloniales |
10.30 – 11.00: Coffee / Tea
11.00 – 12.30: Panel 5
Panel 5A: Contesting ‘Erasure’ in Archives |
Panel 5B: Navigating Alternative Archives (Online) |
1 |
H. Adlai Murdoch May 1967: The Guadeloupean Truth Buried in the French Archives |
1 |
Charlotte Mackay Colouring in the archive: visual memory, violence and resistance in the graphic novel series Rwanda 1994 |
2 |
Nadège Veldwachter The Forgotten Archives: West Indian Resistance and World War II |
2 |
Kai Krienke Mending the archive
3 |
Felisa Vergara Reynolds Assia Djebar and Benjamin Stora vs. Algerian Colonial Archives: Undermining the Dominant Historical Narrative |
3 |
Pierre-Elliot Caswell “All history becomes clear in this land”: Tracing environmental archives of French nuclear imperialism |
4 |
Khalid Chaouch French Archives of Moroccan-English Relations: An Interdisciplinary Approach |
4 |
Dominique Ranaivoson L’archive répond-elle à Ponce Pilate? de l’usage non exclusif de l’archive pour construire l’histoire littéraire francophone postcoloniale |
12.30 – 14.00: Lunch / PGR Forum
14.00 – 15.00: Film Screening – ‘The Flesh of History’ by Fabienne Kanor
15.00 – 15.15: Coffee / Tea
15:15 – 16.45: Panel 6
Panel 6A: Alternative Archives & Performance/Film |
Panel 6B: Silences and Alternative Archives |
1 |
Renato Rodriguez-Lefebvre A “transnational” archive? On The Conquest of Mexico by Yves Sioui Durand |
1 |
Sophie Fuggle Papertrails to nowhere: Locating alternative print cultures in French Guiana’s colonial and territorial archives
2 |
Meryem Belkaid Politique des archives dans les documentaires algériens après 1962
2 |
Clare Finburgh Delijani Contesting the Colonial Archive: The Performance Art of Latifa Laâbissi and Bintou Dembélé
3 |
Sheila Petty & Estrella Sendra Fernandez Decolonising Film Festival Research: Africa in the World |
3 |
Christophe Lafaye L’emploi de l’arme chimique pendant la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (1954-1962) : une histoire impossible ? |
16.45 – 17.45: Kate Marsh Keynote – Troubling Archives: Belgian Colonialism and Its Legacies (Dr Sarah Arens)
17.45: Conference Close