SFPS Mailing: March 2023
Calls for Papers/Contributions 1.1 CFP/Appel – Sites of Coercion/Lieux de coercition – Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 1.2 Call…
31st March 2023Calls for Papers/Contributions 1.1 CFP/Appel – Sites of Coercion/Lieux de coercition – Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 1.2 Call…
31st March 20231. Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 Appel à contributions: Nina Bouraoui, comment écrire sa place dans le monde 1.2 Colorisation,…
28th February 2023Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 CFP: “Déserts expérimentaux : esthétique et théorisation des espaces désertiques au Maghreb” (Expressions maghrébines 23.1).…
27th January 2023Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 CfP: 8th Postgraduate conference for Society for Caribbean Studies- 21st-22nd April 2022. 1.2 2023 ASMCF-SSFH…
23rd December 2022Call for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 African Theatre Association Conference CALL FOR PROPOSALS. 1.2 Society for Caribbean Studies (UK) 2023 Conference…
23rd November 2022We are delighted to inform you that registration is now open for this year’s SFPS annual conference, which will…
20th October 2022Friday 18th – Saturday 19th November 2022 Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London…
30th September 2022Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 Seventh Annual Meeting of the Memory Studies Association (MSA) – “Communities and Change” (Newcastle, United…
26th August 2022Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 SFPS Annual Conference 2022 – (Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration, Preservation, and Erasure. 1.2 Banlieue Cinema…
28th May 2022Call for Paper/Contribution 1.1. Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies In association with Liverpool University Press, Call for Papers, “(Post)Colonial Francophone…
3rd May 2022Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 SFPS Annual Conference 2022: (Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration, Preservation, and Erasure / Les archives (post)coloniales…
4th April 2022(Version française ci-dessous) Call for Papers (Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration, Preservation, and Erasure Friday 18th – Saturday 19th November…
28th March 2022Call for Paper/Contribution 1.1. CFP Edited Volume, Sea Change: Representations of Transformation in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. 1.2. Perspectives…
10th March 2022Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 Appel à communications: Colloque annuel CARACOL, Observatoire des littératures caribéennes, en association avec le Yesu…
28th January 2022Calls for Papers/Contributions. 1.1 CFP French Presse, 2021-2022. 1.2 Book proposals invited: open access French Studies series. 1.3 Borders…
29th October 2021