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SFPS Annual Conference 2022 – (Post)Colonial Francophone Archives: Commemoration, Preservation, and Erasure / Les Archives (post)coloniales francophones: commémoration, préservation, et censure

30th September 2022

Friday 18th – Saturday 19th November 2022

Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Professor Lia Brozgal (UCLA) and Dr Sarah Arens (University of Liverpool)

Film Screening: The Flesh of History, directed by Fabienne Kanor. 

Conference registration form available here.

Provisional programme available here.

Register for online panels here.


DAY 1 – Friday 18 November 2022

9.30 – 10.15: Registration            

10.15 – 10.30: Welcome

10.30 – 12.00: Panel 1     


Panel 1A: Archives & Public Memory Production


Rebekah Vince

Leïla Sebbar and Albert Dichy: Recollecting Nœuds de mémoire and the Archivist as Archive



Bachir Tamsir Niane

Patrimoine privé, patrimoine public : la difficile gestion des archives personnelles à intérêt national


Siham Bouamer

Beyond French Women’s Colonial Travel Narratives: Unpacking Lyautey’s Moroccan ‘World’ Archive



Hadley Galbraith

Performing Memory, Forming the Anarchive: Bigidi and the Memory Quest in Sylvaine Dampierre’s Le pays à l’envers

12.00 – 13.30: Lunch / SPFS Annual General Meeting

13.30 – 15.00: Panel 2     


Panel 2A: Negotiating Access to Public Archives

Panel 2B: Alternative Archives: Discourses & Disruptions


Jean-Charles Bédague & Isabelle Dion

Facilitating access, dissemination and understanding of colonial archives in France: methods, assessment and perspectives



Don Joseph

Assembling an Archive of Resistance in Péyi an nou: Accommodation, Hospitality and the BUMIDOM


Sonia Lamrani

Dialogue de sourds across the Mediterranean: The Misery of Franco-Algerian Archival Dynamics and its Influence on the Historical Debates


Antonia Wimbush

An Alternative Archive of the BUMIDOM


Claudiane Solange Ngwikem Manfo

Réflexion théorique et pratique sur les usages des archives coloniales au Cameroun


Perwana Nazif

The Sound of Saharan Cellphones: Sonic Material as an Alternative Archive



15.00 – 15.30: Coffee / Tea

15.30 – 17.00: Panel 3  


Panel 3A: The Politicisation of Archives

Panel 3B: Archives & Representation


Jackqueline Frost

Unearthing anti-nuclear ecologies in the image-text archive: Wifredo Lam’s apocalyptics


Christopher Hogarth

The Francophone African Literary Archive Inherited


Melissa Mengue

Politisation ou manipulation des archives coloniales : le cas du Congo


Julia Duclos

Resistance and Memory: How the Algerian war of decolonisation is represented in French schools



Miriam Gordon

Voices from the margins of the slave narrative: the literary feminisation of the archive in Gisèle Pineau’s Femmes des Antilles and Fabienne Kanor’s Humus


John Gleeson

Archiving French History through Crime Fiction: The representation of colonial archives in the works of Didier Daeninckx

17.00 – 18.00: Dorothy Blair Keynote – Archive Stories: Narrative, Knowledge, and Archival Politics (Dr Lia Brozgal)


18.00 – 19.00: Vin d’honneur


19.30: Conference Dinner (own expense)


DAY 2 – Saturday 19 November 2022


8.50 – 9.00: Welcome

9.00 – 10.30: Panel 4    


Panel 4A: Archival Absence, Loss, and Destruction

Panel 4B: Disrupting ‘Traditional’ Archives (Online)


Jennifer Boum Make

Le potentiel de la fiction face à l’absence archivistique des expériences d’esclavisé.e.s : entre prise de conscience de la violence de l’esclavage et nécessité du prendre soin


Houria Djilali

L’importance des archives locales et familiales, peut-on-travailler une biographie en se basant sur des archives personnelles?


Fabienne Chamelot (Online)

Loss and destruction in the French colonial archives, 1894-1960


Anjali Prabhu

Disrupting Comparison in the Archive of French India


Marie Rodet & Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye

Writing the history of a ghost archive in Mali: the salvaging and loss of the Kayes Cercle archives (2008-2019)




Mamadou Hady

Le roi de Kahel de Tierno Monénembo : une relecture postcoloniale des archives coloniales

10.30 – 11.00: Coffee / Tea

11.00 – 12.30: Panel 5   


Panel 5A: Contesting ‘Erasure’ in Archives

Panel 5B: Navigating Alternative Archives (Online)


H. Adlai Murdoch

May 1967: The Guadeloupean Truth Buried in the French Archives


Charlotte Mackay

Colouring in the archive: visual memory, violence and resistance in the graphic novel series Rwanda 1994


Nadège Veldwachter

The Forgotten Archives: West Indian Resistance and World War II


Kai Krienke

Mending the archive



Felisa Vergara Reynolds

Assia Djebar and Benjamin Stora vs. Algerian Colonial Archives: Undermining the Dominant Historical Narrative


Pierre-Elliot Caswell

“All history becomes clear in this land”: Tracing environmental archives of French nuclear imperialism


Khalid Chaouch

French Archives of Moroccan-English Relations: An Interdisciplinary Approach


Dominique Ranaivoson

L’archive répond-elle à Ponce Pilate? de l’usage non exclusif de l’archive pour construire l’histoire littéraire francophone postcoloniale




12.30 – 14.00: Lunch / PGR Forum

14.00 – 15.00: Film Screening – ‘The Flesh of History’ by Fabienne Kanor

15.00 – 15.15: Coffee / Tea

15:15 – 16.45: Panel 6


Panel 6A: Alternative Archives & Performance/Film

Panel 6B: Silences and Alternative Archives



Renato Rodriguez-Lefebvre

A “transnational” archive? On The Conquest of Mexico by Yves Sioui Durand


Sophie Fuggle

Papertrails to nowhere: Locating alternative print cultures in French Guiana’s colonial and territorial archives




Meryem Belkaid

Politique des archives dans les documentaires algériens après 1962



Clare Finburgh Delijani

Contesting the Colonial Archive: The Performance Art of Latifa Laâbissi and Bintou Dembélé




Sheila Petty & Estrella Sendra Fernandez

Decolonising Film Festival Research: Africa in the World


Christophe Lafaye

L’emploi de l’arme chimique pendant la guerre d’indépendance algérienne (1954-1962) : une histoire impossible ?


16.45 – 17.45: Kate Marsh Keynote – Troubling Archives: Belgian Colonialism and Its Legacies (Dr Sarah Arens)

17.45: Conference Close

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